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Soil moisture (SM) content is one of the most important environmental variables in relation to land surface climatology, hydrology, and ecology. Long-term SM data-sets on a regional scale provide reasonable information about climate change and global warming specific regions. The aim of this research work is to develop an integrated methodology for SM of kastanozems soils using multispectral satellite data. The study area is Tuv (48°40′30″N and 106°15′55″E) province in the forest steppe zones in Mongolia. In addition to this, land surface temperature (LST) and normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) from Landsat satellite images were integrated for the assessment. Furthermore, we used a digital elevation model (DEM) from ASTER satellite image with 30-m resolution. Aspect and slope maps were derived from this DEM. The soil moisture index (SMI) was obtained using spectral information from Landsat satellite data. We used regression analysis to develop the model. The model shows how SMI from satellite depends on LST, NDVI, DEM, Slope, and Aspect in the agricultural area. The results of the model were correlated with the ground SM data in Tuv province. The results indicate that there is a good agreement between output SM and SM of ground truth for agricultural area. Further research is focused on moisture mapping for different natural zones in Mongolia. The innovative part of this research is to estimate SM using drivers which are vegetation, land surface temperature, elevation, aspect, and slope in the forested steppe area. This integrative methodology can be applied for different regions with forest and desert steppe zones.  相似文献   

Recent studies in Amazonian tropical evergreen forests using the Multi-angle Imaging SpectroRadiometer (MISR) and the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) have highlighted the importance of considering the view-illumination geometry in satellite data analysis. However, contrary to the observed for evergreen forests, bidirectional effects have not been evaluated in Brazilian subtropical deciduous forests. In this study, we used MISR data to characterize the reflectance and vegetation index anisotropies in subtropical deciduous forest from south Brazil under large seasonal solar zenith angle (SZA) variation and decreasing leaf area index (LAI) from the summer to winter. MODIS data were used to observe seasonal changes in the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) and enhanced vegetation index (EVI). Topographic effects on their determination were inspected by dividing data from the summer to winter and projecting results over a digital elevation model (DEM). By using the PROSAIL, we investigated the relative contribution of LAI and SZA to vegetation indices (VI) of deciduous forest. We also simulated and compared the MISR NDVI and EVI response of subtropical deciduous and tropical evergreen forests as a function of the large seasonal SZA amplitude of 33°. Results showed that the MODIS-MISR NDVI and EVI presented higher values in the summer and lower ones in the winter with decreasing LAI and increasing SZA or greater amounts of canopy shadows viewed by the sensors. In the winter, NDVI reduced local topographic effects due to the red-near infrared (NIR) band normalization. However, the contrary was observed for the three-band EVI that enhanced local variations in shaded and sunlit surfaces due to its strong dependence on the NIR band response. The reflectance anisotropy of the MISR bands increased from the summer to winter and was stronger in the backscattering direction at large view zenith angles (VZA). EVI was much more anisotropic than NDVI and the anisotropy increased from the summer to winter. It also increased from the forward scatter to the backscattering direction with the predominance of sunlit canopy components viewed by MISR, especially at large VZA. Modeling PROSAIL results confirmed the stronger anisotropy of EVI than NDVI for the subtropical deciduous and tropical evergreen forests. PROSAIL showed that LAI and SZA are coupled factors to decrease seasonally the VIs of deciduous forest with the first one having greater importance than the latter. However, PROSAIL seasonal variations in VIs were much smaller than those observed with MODIS data probably because the effects of shadows in heterogeneous canopy structures or/and cast by emergent trees and from local topography were not modeled.  相似文献   

Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) imagery and a digital elevation model (DEM) of the Kananaskis Valley in southwestern Alberta have been used to separate three forest types and eight landcover classes with mapping accuracies up to 76% overall. Image transformations based on a principal components analysis (PCA) were used to distinguish vegetation type and separate surface features in visual interpretations, and to reduce the 10 channel data set (TM 1–7, elevation, slope and incidence) to a more manageable 7 channel data set (PCA 1–4, elevation, slope and incidence). The DEM was shown to be critical in providing explanation of surface cover variability even though the original model was produced from medium scale aerial photography on a relatively coarse 100 metre grid. Discrimination increased up to 50% for pure stands of Lodgepole Pine (Pinus contorta Dougl.) and Englemann Spruce (Picea englemanii Parry) based on analysis of 100 pixels in test areas. Overall increases in map accuracy were between 2 and 11%. Success at this level of classification is required prior to detailed ecological study and modelling of mountain vegetation productivity at the community level using current satellite and aerial remote sensing technology.  相似文献   

Studies integrating digital elevation models (DEMs) with multispectral digital satellite data have typically concentrated on geographic areas characterized by moderate to high topographic relief. Variables such as elevation, slope gradient and aspect contribute most significantly to the zonation of vegetation in these environments. In areas where relief is low, vegetation zonation is based not on individual form elements but rather on physical processes. The purpose of this research was to investigate the potential of integrating multispectral and ancillary process data in such a low relief environment. For this a study area was chosen in the Boreal forest of west central Alberta where the zonation of vegetation is based, to a large extent, on landscape drainage. An initial classification of forest cover based on Landsat multispectral data yielded overall classification accuracies of 58%. A DEM was developed from a digitized 1:50,000 topographic map sheet. The differential geometry of the DEM was mapped as a series of coverages: slope, aspect, and directional curvatures (down ‐ and across slope). Two additional coverages, relief and flow paths, were also developed and mapped. A data set was extracted from the DEM through which landscape drainage could be evaluated. A univariate analysis of drainage using the form variables resulted in a 45% to 47% explanation of the observed variation. Multivariate analysis combining slope gradient, across and down slope curvatures, relief, and flow paths increased the explanation to 68%. The MSS data were reinterpreted integrating the DEM ‐ based landscape drainage model. The resulting classification accuracy was increased to 73%.  相似文献   

An accurate map of forest types is important for proper usage and management of forestry resources. Medium resolution satellite images (e.g., Landsat) have been widely used for forest type mapping because they are able to cover large areas more efficiently than the traditional forest inventory. However, the results of a detailed forest type classification based on these images are still not satisfactory. To improve forest mapping accuracy, this study proposed an operational method to get detailed forest types from dense Landsat time-series incorporating with or without topographic information provided by DEM. This method integrated a feature selection and a training-sample-adding procedure into a hierarchical classification framework. The proposed method has been tested in Vinton County of southeastern Ohio. The detailed forest types include pine forest, oak forest, and mixed-mesophytic forest. The proposed method was trained and validated using ground samples from field plots. The three forest types were classified with an overall accuracy of 90.52% using dense Landsat time-series, while topographic information can only slightly improve the accuracy to 92.63%. Moreover, the comparison between results of using Landsat time-series and a single image reveals that time-series data can largely improve the accuracy of forest type mapping, indicating the importance of phenological information contained in multi-seasonal images for discriminating different forest types. Thanks to zero cost of all input remotely sensed datasets and ease of implementation, this approach has the potential to be applied to map forest types at regional or global scales.  相似文献   

Satellite remote sensing is a proven tool for mapping landuse patterns and estimating vegetation biomass/carbon. Present study aims at estimating the potential of forests of Radhanagari WLS (Western Ghats, India) to sequester the atmospheric carbon-di-oxide, using ground based observations coupled with satellite remote sensing. The study area was stratified for dominant forest types based on the structure and composition of vegetation and elevation variations. Permanent sample plots were laid down in these homogeneous vegetation strata (HVS) to make different observations during time 1 and time 2. Carbon sequestration by plantations was also studied and compared with natural forests. Species and area-specific biomass equations were used for estimating carbon pool and sequestration. Among natural forests ‘mixed moist deciduous’ forests exhibited highest sequestration rate (8%), whereas, plantation as obvious had a comparatively higher sequestration rate than natural forests (20.27%). Total carbon sequestration by forests of the Radhanagari WLS between 2004 and 2006 is 78742.09 tons. Eligible land for reforestation activity under clean development mechanism (CDM) of Kyoto Protocol was identified using satellite remote sensing using 1989 and 2005 datasets and it was observed that the potential land that can be used for reforestation activity is 10080 ha.  相似文献   

Satellite Remote Sensing data has been used for vegetation mapping, initial stratification, distribution of sample plots and for calculating the area under different vegetation types. Primary and secondary analyses of vegetation has been done using phytosociological ground data collected from sample piots to assess the ecological importance of different species. Interrelationships among different communities have been evaluated through various available indices. The spatial distribution and vegetation analysis indicate that commercial extraction of natural forests of Andaman has set in retrogression. The evergreen forests subjected to shorter rotation of commercial exploitation are being invaded with seral deciduous species. The study highlights the status of forests (spatial and community) and stresses the need to conserve germplasm present in the natural evergreen forests.  相似文献   

Remote sensing techniques have been applied to classify tour density classes within each of the forest type along with other major landuse/landcover classes in the East district, Sikkim using IRS-1A LISS II satellite data pertaining to the period of November, 1988. The shadow problem in rugged terrain and difficulty in acquiring cloud free data for different seasons pose problems to achieve considerable mapping accuracy. In the present study, the forests of the district were delineated through supervised classification techniques using maximum likelihood algorithm into five forest types as sal forests, subtropical broad-leaved forests, Himalayan wet temperate forests, Rhododendron forests and alpine forests. The alpine forests were further stratified into two categories as moist alpine scrub and dry alpine scrub. The statistical data obtained from the present study shows that 55.47 percent of the total geographical area of the East district was under forest cover. An overall accuracy of more than 85 percent in correctly delineating forest classes was achieved.  相似文献   

Present study deals with the vegetation type mapping, structure and composition analysis of the tropical forests, spread over 1,294 km2 area in South Andaman Islands. Seventeen vegetation classes spreading over 89.92% forested area of the islands were mapped with the overall accuracy of 88.89%. Evergreen, semi-evergreen and mangrove forests were reasonably well distributed forests, while moist deciduous and littoral evergreen were narrowly restricted. The stocking was quite variable across the forest types. 60.04% of forested area was under medium to high canopy density. Secondary and degraded forest types were mapped. Information on floristic composition, structure and diversity of various forest types were obtained from 84 field sample plots. An inventory of 423 species of plants from 101 families included 155 trees, 84 shrubs, 150 herbs and 84 climbers. Tree density and mean basal area ranged from 517 to 900 stems ha−1 and 36.15 to 53.58 m2 ha−1 respectively. Evergreen forests accounted for highest diversity followed almost equally by semi-evergreen and moist deciduous forests.  相似文献   

High spatial resolution mapping of natural resources is much needed for monitoring and management of species, habitats and landscapes. Generally, detailed surveillance has been conducted as fieldwork, numerical analysis of satellite images or manual interpretation of aerial images, but methods of object-based image analysis (OBIA) and machine learning have recently produced promising examples of automated classifications of aerial imagery. The spatial application potential of such models is however still questionable since the transferability has rarely been evaluated.We investigated the potential of mosaic aerial orthophoto red, green and blue (RGB)/near infrared (NIR) imagery and digital elevation model (DEM) data for mapping very fine-scale vegetation structure in semi-natural terrestrial coastal areas in Denmark. The Random Forest (RF) algorithm, with a wide range of object-derived image and DEM variables, was applied for classification of vegetation structure types using two hierarchical levels of complexity. Models were constructed and validated by cross-validation using three scenarios: (1) training and validation data without spatial separation, (2) training and validation data spatially separated within sites, and (3) training and validation data spatially separated between different sites.Without spatial separation of training and validation data, high classification accuracies of coastal structures of 92.1% and 91.8% were achieved on coarse and fine thematic levels, respectively. When models were applied to spatially separated observations within sites classification accuracies dropped to 85.8% accuracy at the coarse thematic level, and 81.9% at the fine thematic level. When the models were applied to observations from other sites than those trained upon the ability to discriminate vegetation structures was low, with 69.0% and 54.2% accuracy at the coarse and fine thematic levels, respectively.Evaluating classification models with different degrees of spatial correlation between training and validation data was shown to give highly different prediction accuracies, thereby highlighting model transferability and application potential. Aerial image and DEM-based RF models had low transferability to new areas due to lack of representation of aerial image, landscape and vegetation variation in training data. They do, however, show promise at local scale for supporting conservation and management with vegetation mappings of high spatial and thematic detail based on low-cost image data.  相似文献   

The regular and consistent measurements provided by Earth observation satellites can support the monitoring and reporting of forest indicators. Although substantial scientific literature espouses the capabilities of satellites in this area, the techniques are under-utilised in national reporting, where there is a preference for aggregating ad hoc data. In this paper, we posit that satellite information, while perhaps of low accuracy at single time steps or across small areas, can produce trends and patterns which are, in fact, more meaningful at regional and national scales. This is primarily due to data consistency over time and space. To investigate this, we use MODIS and Landsat data to explore trends associated with fire disturbance and recovery across boreal and temperate forests worldwide. Our results found that 181 million ha (9 %) of the study area (2 billion ha of forests) was burned between 2001 and 2018, as detected by MODIS satellites. World Wildlife Fund biomes were used for a detailed analysis across several countries. A significant increasing trend in area burned was observed in Mediterranean forests in Chile (8.9 % yr−1), while a significant decreasing trend was found in temperate mixed forests in China (-2.2 % yr−1). To explore trends and patterns in fire severity and forest recovery, we used Google Earth Engine to efficiently sample thousands of Landsat images from 1991 onwards. Fire severity, as measured by the change in the normalized burn ratio (NBR), was found to be generally stable over time; however, a slight increasing trend was observed in the Russian taiga. Our analysis of spectral recovery following wildfire indicated that it was largely dependent on location, with some biomes (particularly in the USA) showing signs that spectral recovery rates have shortened over time. This study demonstrates how satellite data and cloud-computing can be harnessed to establish baselines and reveal trends and patterns, and improve monitoring and reporting of forest indicators at national and global scales.  相似文献   

淤泥质潮滩通常是测绘"盲区"。本文讨论采用多时相陆地卫星提取潮滩水边线以此构建潮滩数字高程模型(DEM)的方法。探讨在不同潮情条件下,各光谱波段对淤泥质潮滩水边线判断的敏感性,分析表明沙质海岸与淤泥质海岸水边线的确定方法有较大差别。采用了GIS技术对提取的水边线赋予相应的高程值,该值采用研究区附近潮位站理论潮位推算卫星过境的瞬时潮位值,以此构建潮滩DEM,与近期实测资料进行对比:在106.2 cm-358.6 cm高程范围内,二者相对误差<0.5 m的区域占总面积约70%,0.5~1.0 m为20%,>1.0 m占10%。遥感构建DEM作为一种手段对实测资料的欠缺是一种补充,随着遥感技术的发展精度有望提高。  相似文献   

LANDSAT-TM has been evaluated for forest cover type and landuse classification in subtropical forests of Kumaon Himalaya (U.P.) Comparative evaluation of false colour composite generated by using various band combinations has been made. Digital image processing of Landsat-TM data on VIPS-32 RRSSC computer system has been carried out to stratify vegetation types. Conventional band combination in false colour composite is Bands 2, 3 and 4 in Red/Green/Blue sequence of Landsat TM for landuse classification. The present study however suggests that false colour combination using Landsat TM bands viz., 4, 5 and 3 in Red/Green/Blue sequence is the most suitable for visual interpretation of various forest cover types and landuse classes. It is felt that to extract full information from increased spatial and spectral resolution of Landsat TM, it is necessary to process the data digitally to classify land cover features like vegetation. Supervised classification using maximum likelihood algorithm has been attemped to stratify the forest vegetation. Only four bands are sufficient enough to classify vegetaton types. These bands are 2,3,4 and 5. The classification results were smoothed digitaly to increase the readiability of the map. Finally, the classification carred out using digital technique were evaluated using systematic sampling design. It is observed that forest cover type mapping can be achieved upto 80% overall mapping accuracy. Monospecies stand Chirpine can be mapped in two density classes viz., dense pine (<40%) with more than 90% accuracy. Poor accuracy (66%) was observed while mapping pine medium dense areas. The digital smoothening reduced the overall mapping accuracy. Conclusively, Landsat-TM can be used as operatonal sensor for forest cover type mapping even in complex landuse-terrain of Kumaon Himalaya (U.P.)  相似文献   

In tropical forests, the penetration ability of airborne laser scanning (ALS) may be limited because of highly dense vegetation cover. However, in the typical planning of ALS surveys, the ability of laser pulses to penetrate forests is not considered. Nine round-trip flight lines covering the area of a tropical forest on the northeast side of the Tsengwen Reservoir in Taiwan were designed in this study. Five flight lines flew at altitudes of 1.525, 1.830, 2.135, 2.440, and 2.745 km, and the other four had pulse repetition frequencies (PRFs) of 100, 150, 200, and 250 kHz. The laser penetration index (LPI) is a quantitative index measuring the penetration ability of the ALS and consists of the ratio of the number of laser pulses reaching the forest floor to the total number of laser pulses. The LPI was used to represent the laser penetration rate and investigate the influence of flying altitude and PRF on the LPI. The results showed that as the flying altitude decreased by 1 km, the average LPI increased by 10%, and as the PRF decreased by 50 kHz, the average LPI increased by 2%. The effect of the LPI on digital elevation models (DEMs) was confirmed by visual images obtained by DEMs at five altitudes. The DEM obtained at an altitude of 2.745 km was coarsely textured, whereas that obtained at an altitude of 1.525 km was finely textured. The in-situ height data obtained from the electronic Global Navigation Satellite System (eGNSS) were compared with the data of the ALS-generated DEMs. The results indicated that when the LPI ≥60%, the height difference between the in situ data and DEM data was not prominent. However, when the LPI <60%, the ALS-derived DEM could be higher or lower than the in-situ height; the largest difference between the two was 1.7 m. The LPI of a forest should be considered for ALS survey planning, especially when consistent DEM precision for large tropical forest areas is paramount.  相似文献   

研究山区地表水体信息OLI遥感数据去阴影自动提取方法,设计基于数字高程模型与指数提取的决策树分类方法,提高水体自动识别的精度。该方法选取改进的归一化水体指数、归一化植被指数、比值植被指数、主成分分析前3个分量以及波段之间的组合运算,并结合DEM构建决策树分类规则。综合采用单波段阈值、谱间关系、植被指数和水体指数阈值完成山体水体的去阴影识别研究,与计算机自动识别分类方法比较,其精度明显提高。结果表明,决策树分类方法在精度上明显高于常用的计算机自动分类方法,可以很好地被利用于OLI遥感数据水体信息的海量、大范围提取。  相似文献   

Forests in the plains of Uttar Pradesh are depleted to great extent. Existing figures on the area under forest, though contradictory, indicate a grim situation of forest cover. In the present study, supervised classification technique with maximum likelihood algorithum has been used to assess the forest in the region extending between Lucknow through Allahabad to Mirzapur city in the plains of Uttar Pradesh. It has been possible to successfully identify and map 5 different categories of forests by computer processing of Landsat-3 Multispectral Scanner data. The area under each category has also been computed. Whatever little forest exists in this area is also greatly influenced by biotic interferences. The vegetation formation in these forests is thus degraded and/or secondary. Spectral behaviour of various categories of forests have also been discussed.  相似文献   

Detecting broad scale spatial patterns across the South American rainforest biome is still a major challenge. Although several countries do possess their own, more or less detailed land-cover map, these are based on classifications that appear largely discordant from a country to another. Up to now, continental scale remote sensing studies failed to fill this gap. They mostly result in crude representations of the rainforest biome as a single, uniform vegetation class, in contrast with open vegetations. A few studies identified broad scale spatial patterns, but only when they managed to map a particular forest characteristic such as biomass. The main objective of this study is to identify, characterize and map distinct forest landscape types within the evergreen lowland rainforest at the sub-continental scale of the Guiana Shield (north-east tropical South-America 10° North-2° South; 66° West-50° West). This study is based on the analysis of a 1-year daily data set (from January 1st to December 31st, 2000) from the VEGETATION sensor onboard the SPOT-4 satellite (1-km spatial resolution). We interpreted remotely sensed landscape classes (RSLC) from field and high resolution remote sensing data of 21 sites in French Guiana. We cross-analyzed remote sensing data, field observations and environmental data using multivariate analysis. We obtained 33 remotely sensed landscape classes (RSLC) among which five forest-RSLC representing 78% of the forested area. The latter were classified as different broad forest landscape types according to a gradient of canopy openness. Their mapping revealed a new and meaningful broad-scale spatial pattern of forest landscape types. At the scale of the Guiana Shield, we observed a spatial patterns similarity between climatic and forest landscape types. The two most open forest-RSLCs were observed mainly within the north-west to south-east dry belt. The three other forest-RSLCs were observed in wetter and less anthropized areas, particularly in the newly recognized “Guianan dense forest arch”. Better management and conservation policies, as well as improvement of biological and ecological knowledge, require accurate and stable representations of the geographical components of ecosystems. Our results represent a decisive step in this way for the Guiana Shield area and contribute to fill one of the major shortfall in the knowledge of tropical forests.  相似文献   

The digital elevation model based on SRTM is very convenient for a wide range of studies but requires correction due to the influence of forest vegetation. The present study was conducted to analyse the effect of boreal forests on altitudes, aspects and slopes calculated from the SRTM. A DEM based on topographic maps at 1:100 000 scale was used as a reference. The linear regression analysis showed low data correlation in forested areas. The presence of different types of forests and felling in the woods leads to a complex distribution of deviations from the SRTM. A simple correction method was proposed, using a forest mask, built according to Landsat, and forest heights indicated on the topographic maps. After correction, the correlation coefficient between the altitudes increased by 0.05–0.14, the share of matching aspects by 1–4% and the share of matching slopes by 2–8%.  相似文献   

为了进行平地区域原基础测绘产品高程的更新,我省进行了针对平地区域的机载LiDAR测高项目,为了获取高精度的DSM和DEM成果,在实际生产中开展了机载LiDAR数据处理及DEM成果的制作方法研究。本文将利用TerraSolid软件,从LiDAR点云数据的高程精度控制、点云滤波分类要求和如何利用特征线进行无点云数据区域的DEM精度控制等关键技术方面进行研究。  相似文献   

针对海岛礁卫星影像的定位问题,提出一种利用航天飞机雷达地形测绘任务(shuttle radar topography mission,SRTM)DEM辅助的无地面控制点定位方法。该方法分为概略定位和精定位两个阶段,各阶段均包括DEM提取和DEM匹配等主要步骤,可分别对影像中的相对误差和绝对误差进行补偿。SRTM DEM被充分应用到方法各环节中,以发挥其高精度的特性:提取DEM时既用于剔除海域点,也用于确定求解陆域点高程时的高程搜索范围,从而避免海域影像的不利影响,同时保证计算效率;DEM匹配时其作为基准数据。利用多景天绘一号卫星海岛礁地区的立体影像进行验证。实验结果表明,所提出的方法对具有不同陆域比例、不同生产方式的天绘一号海岛礁影像均能得到较稳定且较高的定位精度,平面和高程精度分别优于6.2 m、5.2 m,能较好地满足1:50 000比例尺地形图的精度要求。定位精度基本不受待匹配DEM分辨率的影响,计算效率取决于陆域比例和待匹配DEM的分辨率。  相似文献   

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