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The Northern Marche coastal belt is characterised by a series of NW-SE trending, NE verging folds forming the easternmost edge of the Apennines thrust front. Several geomorphic features suggest that the folds are still growing and hence that the thrust front is active. The occurrence of several historical and instrumental earthquakes (e.g. 1672, 1690, 1786, 1875, 1916, 1930, 1972, all having Me 5.2) suggests that the thrust faults are also seismogenic.We performed a geomorphological analysis to identify and characterise the faults driving the active folds. Our approach assumes that anomalous drainage patterns and deformed Middle-Late Pleistocene alluvial and coastal terraces are indicators of the vertical component of tectonic strain. We identified, mapped and correlated with sea-level fluctuations a sequence of alluvial and coastal terraces. Longitudinal profiles of six rivers (Conca, Foglia, Metauro, Cesano, Misa, and Esino) show that terraces (1) consistently converge downstream, suggesting that they result from regional uplift that dies out near the coast, and (2) some are slightly warped where they cross anticline axes. We interpreted as coastal terraces several land-surface remnants arranged parallel to the present coastline. Lower remnants clearly top off gently landward-tilted coastal deposits. Reconstructed coastal terraces also seem to be tectonically warped.Our results help characterise the geometry and segmentation of a system that generated the largest earthquakes of the region and suggest the loci of potential seismic gaps. We conclude that the earthquake potential of the densely populated northern Marche coastal belt may be substantially higher than currently estimated.  相似文献   

龙门山逆冲推覆构造带中段山前断裂的存在和最新活动时代一直是个争论的问题.石油地震探测资料和浅层地震剖面揭示该断裂的存在,并断错了第四系;野外调查表明,龙门山中段山前存在明显的线性地貌特征,山前断裂断错晚了更新世晚期的洪积台地;探槽剖面揭示距今约1500 a之前在山前断裂上曾发生过一次地表破裂型事件,而该断裂未来具备发生强震的潜势.断错地貌的差分GPS测量和年代学分析显示山前断裂晚第四纪垂直滑动速率大于0.36 mm/a,其与龙门山中段主干断裂活动强度相当,说明龙门山山前断裂在龙门山逆冲推覆构造带的变形中也承担着重要的作用.该研究不仅能为成都平原的地震危险性评价提供基础资料,也有助于全面理解青藏高原东缘的隆升机制.  相似文献   

Abstract   The Nishikubiki Mountains, which are located on the northwestern margin of the northern Fossa Magna region, central Japan, and the area offshore to the north of the mountains are underlain by folded and faulted Neogene and Quaternary sequences. The folds are composed of open, symmetric anticlines or tight, asymmetric anticlines trending north 20–70° east. On the basis of the geometry of the anticlines and growth strata, the symmetric and asymmetric anticlines are interpreted as fault-bend folds and fault-propagation folds, respectively. The formation of the anticlines is attributed to the growth of an imbricate thrust system composed of three thrust sheets that developed, from southeast to northwest, mainly in the late Pliocene, early Pleistocene, and middle Pleistocene–Holocene. The horizontal component of the northwestern-most sheet was estimated to be approximately 1.2 km on the basis of the width of the growth triangle, and the thickness of the sheet at its southeast margin was estimated to be 8.5 km on the basis of area balancing along one of the seismic profiles. The thrust is inferred to extend to a depth of more than 10 km toward the southwest. The three thrust sheets are probably connected by a detachment zone along the boundary between the upper and lower crusts. The anticlines are bounded by the Itoigawa–Shizuoka Tectonic Line (ISTL) to the west and by lateral ramps or tip lines to the northeast. The ISTL possibly continues northward offshore into the Toyama Trough. The structural model proposed in this paper suggests that similar thrust systems are wide spread in the northern Fossa Magna region and that active deformation zones have migrated and switched during the past 2–3 million years along the fold belt.  相似文献   

Introduction Haiyuan fault is a major seismogenic fault in north-central China. One of the most devastat-ing great earthquake in the 20th century occurred near Haiyuan in northwestern China on Decem-ber 16, 1920. More than 220 000 people were killed and thousands of towns and villages weredestroyed during the devastating earthquake. A 230 km long left-lateral surface rupture zone wasformed along the Haiyuan fault during the earthquake with maximum left-lateral displacement of10 m. Pale…  相似文献   

In recent years, some researchers have studied the paleoearthquake along the Haiyuan fault and revealed a lot of paleoearthquake events. All available information allows more reliable analysis of earthquake recurrence interval and earthquake rupture patterns along the Haiyuan fault. Based on this paleoseismological information, the recurrence probability and magnitude distribution for M≥6.7 earthquakes in future 100 years along the Haiyuan fault can be obtained through weighted computation by using Poisson and Brownian passage time models and considering different rupture patterns. The result shows that the recurrence probability of M S≥6.7 earthquakes is about 0.035 in future 100 years along the Haiyuan fault. Foundation item: Joint Seismological Science Foundation of China (103034) and Major Research “Research on Assessment of Seismic Safety” from China Earthquake Administration during the tenth Five-year Plan.  相似文献   

The Anninghe fault is one of the significant earthquake-generating fault zones in the Southwest China. Local his-torical record shows that a M≥7 strong earthquake occurred in the year of 1536. On the basis of the detailed air-photographic interpretation and field investigation, we have acquired the following knowledge: 1 The average sinistral strike-slip rate since the Late Pleistocene is about 3~7 mm/a; 2 There is important reverse faulting along the fault zone besides the main left-lateral strike-slip motion, and the shortening rate across the Anninghe fault zone due to the reverse faulting is about 1.7~4.0 mm/a. If the Xianshuihe fault zone is simply partitioned into the Anninghe and Daliangshan faults, we can also get a slip rate of 3~7 mm/a along the Daliangshan fault zone, which is the same as that on the Anninghe fault zone. Moreover, on the basis of our field investigation and the latest knowledge concerning the active tectonics of Tibetan crust, we create a dynamic model for the Anninghe fault zone.  相似文献   

Since 1996 paleoseismological investigations have been used to develop the surface- rupturing history of the Bree fault scarp, the morphologically best-defined segment of the southwestern border fault of the Roer Valley graben in northeastern Belgium. The first studies determined that the escarpment is associated with a surface fault, and they exposed evidence for three surface displacements since about 40 ka BP. The most recent eventprobably occurred between 1000 and 1350 yr cal BP. Geophysical and trenching studies at a new site near the southeastern end of the fault scarp reconfirmed the coincidence of the frontal escarpment with a shallow normal fault, which displaces the Middle Pleistocene `Main Terrace' of the Maas River, as well as overlying coversands of Saalian to late Weichselian age. Different amounts of displacement shown by the two youngest coversand units indicate two discrete faulting events, but primary evidence for the coseismic nature of these events is sparse. Radiocarbon and optically stimulated luminescence dating constrainthe age of these events to the Holocene and between 14.0 ± 2.3 ka BP and 15.8 ± 2.9 ka BP, respectively. In addition, four older surface-rupturing events are inferred from the presence of four wedge-shaped units of reworked Main Terrace deposits that are interbedded with coversand units in the hanging wall of the trench and in shallow boreholes. These wedges are interpreted as colluvial wedges, produced by accelerated slope processes in response torejuvenation of the fault scarp, most probably in a periglacial environment. Luminescence dating indicates that five out of a total of six identified faulting events are younger than 136.6 ± 17.6 ka. The antepenultimate event was the largest faulting event, associated with a total fault displacement in excess of 1 m. Thus, the newly investigated trench site represents the longest and most complete record of surface rupturing recovered so far along the Bree fault scarp. This study also demonstrates the viability of the paleoseismological approach to identify past large earthquakes in areas of present-day moderate to low seismic activity.  相似文献   

2 Conclusion Fenghuangshan-Tianshui fault is a Holocene active fault. It laterally slips at the average rate of 1.1 mm/a during 6.4 ka and vertically slips at the average rate of 0.37 mm/a and 0.16 mm/a since the time 16.6 ka and 6.4 ka before respectively. Diaogoumeng-Dongjiawan segment has occurred an abrupt event in the period of 6.4 ka BP, which is assumed to be related to the 734 Tianshui M=7 earthquake, but further work is still necessary. Foundation item: Chinese Joint Seismological Science Foundation (198023).  相似文献   

The NE-trending Hinagu fault zone, length 81 km, is one of the major active faults in Kyushu, Japan. From north to south, it is divided into three segments based on geomorphic features and paleoseismic behavior: the Takano-Shirahata, Hinagu, and Yatsushiro Sea segments. The 2016 Kumamoto earthquake produced a 6-km-long surface rupture with a dextral strike-slip displacement on the northern part of the Takano-Shirahata segment. Surface rupture, a faint east-side-up flexure with a vertical offset of less than 8 cm, was observed near the middle of the Takano-Shirahata segment. To examine past surface-rupturing earthquakes on the Takano-Shirahata segment, including rupture frequency and timing, we conducted a paleoseismic study with boring and trenching at Yamaide. A trench across the surface rupture exposed multiple fault strands associated with multiple surface-rupturing events that deformed several strata of fine-grained sediments. By structural and stratigraphic interpretation, high-density radiocarbon dating and tephra analysis, and Bayesian modeling, we constrained the timing of seven events, Events 1–7, to 0.84–1.25, 1.31–7.06, 9.99–11.0, 10.8–12.1, 12.0–13.0, 14.2–15.1, and before 14.8 kcal BP. Slip during Events 1–6 was obviously larger than the 2016 slip. The estimated average recurrence interval was about 2596–2860 years, but the interval between Events 2 and 3 was much longer than other intervals. Moreover, the vertical throw associated with Event 2 was larger than that of other events. This implies that the Takano-Shirahata segment has a period with rare larger earthquakes and a period with frequent smaller earthquakes. Some events might have produced ruptures on both the Takano-Shirahata and the northern part of the Hinagu segments simultaneously or in a short time. The variety of recurrence intervals suggests that the seismic activity has been affected by one or both activities of the Futagawa fault zone and the Hinagu segment.  相似文献   


2013年芦山MS7.0地震发生后,鲜水河断裂北西段的侏倭、虚墟等跨断层测点基线测项均出现不同程度的异常变化,异常核实结果认为基线异常属实.该异常变化是否与芦山地震的发生存在一定关联性,值得深入研究.本文首先分析芦山地震发生前后鲜水河断裂北西段不同基线长度的变化特征.基于鲜水河断裂带及邻区三维非线性黏弹性有限元模型,以GPS观测资料、同震静态滑移量作为约束,通过开展多组数值模拟实验,探讨下地壳不同流变特征下,芦山地震发生前后不同阶段,不同跨断层基线长度的时序动态变化特征.初步研究结果表明,1)侏倭、虚墟基线测点原始观测资料均表现出地震发生时基线长度减小,发生后短时间内反向快速恢复及增加的协同变化;2)在以GPS观测数据为约束的块体间差异性运动的动力学边界条件下,鲜水河断裂表现为左旋走滑运动;3)模拟结果显示,地震发生时测点间距离迅速减小,表现为断层右旋的特征,这与实际观测资料反映的结果一致;4)鲜水河断裂带两侧地块的下地壳黏滞系数分别取1018Pa·s、1019 Pa·s时,由于黏弹性松弛效应的影响,造成基线长度在地震发生后短时间尺度内快速增加.对比分析认为,地震后短时间内实测资料反映的基线长度快速增加的特征可能是黏弹性松弛效应与构造作用共同作用的结果.


The regional geologic and geomorphic observations show that an active arcuate normal fault constitutes the main boundary fault of the Haba-Yulong Snow Mountains (HYSM). This fault is called eastern piedmont fault of Haba-Yulong Snow Mountains (HYPF). The fault consists of two segments with differential trend; the northern segment is NW-trending and NE-dipping and the southern section is S-N trending and E-dipping. Three sets of fault scarps cutting late Quaternary landforms and their dating results indicate...  相似文献   

根据前人对西秦岭北缘断裂带上历史地震及古地震复发周期和离逝时间等的综合研究,得出该断裂存在发生强震的较大潜在风险,因此加强对该断裂现今构造活动的定点监测和地震预测预报具有重要现实意义.据此,根据断裂逸出气体测项剖面浓度分布(变化)特征,在西秦岭北缘断裂带(天水段)上新建3个断层土壤气连续观测站,开展断层气(H2、CO2...  相似文献   

福建漳州盆地岱山岩—珩坑北西向断裂带第四纪活动特征   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过对岱山岩-珩坑北西向断裂两侧第四纪地层的分布、构造地貌的发育等资料的分析,着重研究了该断裂带第四纪的活动特征,并探讨了活动断裂与地震活动的关系,研究结果表明:该断裂带是一条第四纪以来垂直正断兼具左旋水平走滑的活动断裂,在时间上断裂活动具有多期性;在空间上断裂活动具有迁移性;并在断裂的延伸方向存在差异活动而具有分段性,该断裂带第四纪以来宏观活动性和现今垂直形变活动性明显,1445年在该断裂最具活动的地段发生61/4级地震,表明该断裂现今仍在继续活动,今后仍有发生中强破坏性地震的可能。  相似文献   

易桂喜  范军  闻学泽 《地震》2005,25(1):58-66
利用最近25年的区域台网地震资料, 基于沿鲜水河断裂带中-南段的b值分布以及多个地震活动参数值的不同组合, 结合震源深度分布、 历史强震背景等, 分析了不同断裂段落的现今活动习性, 进而初步判别该断裂带潜在的强震危险地段。 结果表明, 鲜水河断裂带中-南段目前存在6个不同活动习性的段落。 其中, 道孚段自1981年强震后已再次趋于闭锁, 原因可能与断层面存在“凹凸体”有关, 但应变可能还会进一步积累; 八美段目前处于中偏高应力下的相对静止状态, 推测其断面正处于新的应力积累阶段; 塔公段已有255~300年的无强震期, 目前正处于高应力下的相对闭锁状态, 震源深度剖面上的小震空白区显示出闭锁断层面的轮廓, 应属于未来最可能发生强震的危险地段; 康定、 磨西二个段落表现出中偏低应力下的稀疏小震滑动及较频繁小震滑动的状态, 意味着最晚的一次大地震破裂后断层面尚未重新耦合; 石棉段表现出偏高应力下的频繁中-小地震活动与该段的多条断裂交汇有关。  相似文献   

Toshikazu  Yoshioka 《Island Arc》1996,5(4):407-419
Abstract Although the origins of pull-apart basins and push-up bulges have been discussed by numerous geologists, no discussion has been held on the development process of the basins based on recent active traces and Quaternary chronology. The author has investigated recent fault-active traces and fault topography in the Havza-Ladik, Erbaa-Niksar, Susehri-Golova and Erzincan sedimentary basins along the North Anatolian fault in northern Turkey and the Suwa basin along the Itoigawa-Shizuoka tectonic line (fault system) in central Japan. As a result of this investigation, the locations and sense of deformation of recent active traces seldom coincide with topographic scarps along basin margins in the studied basins. The fault traces have migrated from the basin margins to the center of the basins and become straight. Because of this migration, jogs are extinguished and basins stop subsiding as time passes. Fault topography formed by a strike-slip fault has a certain life span, and the life span is in proportion to the size of the topography. Fault topography formed by various sizes of jogs of a strike-slip fault is formed and extinguished in the corresponding time range, and this extinction is repeated in the course of migration of fault traces.  相似文献   

We evaluated fault activity in northeast–central Japan based on fault orientation, regional stress field, and slip tendency analysis for active and non‐active faults (i.e. faults for which Quaternary activity has not been identified). Slip tendency is generally higher along active faults than non‐active faults, although a high slip tendency was observed along some non‐active faults, indicating their potential to become active. The potential for fault activity along non‐active faults can be modeled using the temporal evolution from non‐active to active during long‐term crustal deformation. The density of potentially active faults varies spatially across the study areas and reflects the temporal evolution of crustal deformation in northeast–central Japan.  相似文献   

Abstract Drilling was carried out to penetrate the Nojima Fault where the surface rupture occurred associated with the 1995 Hyogo-ken Nanbu earthquake. Two 500 m boreholes were successfully drilled through the fault zone at a depth of 389.4 m. The drilling data show that the relative uplift of the south-east side of the Nojima Fault (south-west segment) was approximately 230 m. The Nojima branch fault, which branches from the Nojima Fault, is inferred to extend to the Asano Fault. From the structural contour map of basal unconformity of the Kobe Group, the vertical component of displacement of the Nojima branch–Asano Fault is estimated to be 260–310 m. Because the vertical component of displacement on the Nojima Fault of the north-east segment is a total of those of the Nojima Fault of the south-west segment and of the Nojima branch–Asano Fault, it is estimated to total to 490–540 m. From this, the average vertical component of the slip rate on the Nojima Fault is estimated to be 0.4–0.45 m/103 years for the past 1.2 million years.  相似文献   

The thickness of the mechanical layer that hosts a group of faults can be estimated from the spacing of saturated faults (i.e. the constant spacing between faults when the fault system is fully developed and has attained its final fault density). We measured fault spacing for a group of saturated active normal faults on Miyako‐jima Island (southern Ryukyu Arc, Japan) and estimated the thickness of the faulted mechanical layer. The measured fault spacing is 1.30 ±0.14 km, and the thickness of the mechanical layer is < 3 km, which is the upper limit of the seismogenic zone. This faulted mechanical layer corresponds to a sedimentary layer in which earthquakes cannot occur. Results indicate that the shallow (< 3 km depth) normal faults on Miyako‐jima Island do not have the potential to cause medium‐size earthquakes as individual faults. The origin of the shallow normal faults might be related to the presence of a larger‐scale, deeper fault. The results indicate that fault spacing provides important information on the potential magnitude of earthquakes associated with active faults.  相似文献   

Illite crystallinity, K–Ar dating of illite, and fission‐track dating of zircon are analyzed in the hanging wall (Sampodake unit) and footwall (Mikado unit) of a seismogenic out‐of‐sequence thrust (Nobeoka thrust) within the Shimanto accretionary complex of central Kyushu, southwest Japan. The obtained metamorphic temperatures, and timing of metamorphism and cooling, reveal the tectono‐metamorphic evolution of the complex, and related development of the Nobeoka thrust. Illite crystallinity data indicate that the Late Cretaceous Sampodake unit was metamorphosed at temperatures of around 300 to 310°C, while the Middle Eocene Mikado unit was metamorphosed at 260 to 300°C. Illite K–Ar ages and zircon fission‐track ages constrain the timing of metamorphism of the Sampodake unit to the early Middle Eocene (46 to 50 Ma, mean = 48 Ma). Metamorphism of the Mikado unit occurred no earlier than 40 Ma, which is the youngest depositional age of the unit. The Nobeoka thrust is inferred to have been active during about 40 to 48 Ma, as the Sampodake unit started its post metamorphic cooling after 48 Ma and was thrust over the Mikado unit at about 40 Ma along the Nobeoka thrust. These results indicate that the Nobeoka thrust was active for more than 10 million years.  相似文献   

The mid‐ to high‐boreal forest in Canada occupies the discontinuous permafrost zone, and is often underlain by glaciolacustrine sediments mantled by a highly porous organic mat. The result is a poorly drained landscape dominated by wetlands. Frost‐table dynamics and surface storage conditions help to control runoff contributions from various landscape elements, hydrological linkages between these elements, and basin streamflow during spring snowmelt. Runoff components and pathways in a forested peatland basin were assessed during two spring snowmelts with contrasting input and basin conditions. Runoff from relatively intense melt (up to 16 mm day?1) on slopes with limited soil thawing combined with large pre‐melt storage in surface depressions to produce high flows composed primarily of meltwater (78% of the 0·29 m3 s?1 peak discharge) routed over wetland surfaces and through permeable upper peat layers. Melt intensity was less in the subsequent year (maximum of 10 mm day?1) and active layer development was relatively greater (0·2 m deeper at the end of spring melt), resulting in less slope runoff. Coupling of reduced slope contributions with lower storage levels in basin wetlands led to relatively subdued streamflows dominated by older water (73% of the 0·09 m3 s?1 peak discharge) routed through less‐permeable deeper peat layers and mineral soil. Interannual differences in runoff conditions provide important insight for the development of distributed hydrological models for boreal forest basins and into potential influences on biogeochemical cycling in this landscape under a warming climate. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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