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The Neogene stratigraphic series is characterized by predominant clayey facies alternated by other sand layers. The outcrop and subsurface studies show varied and complex styles of deformations and lead to relate the structures to paleoseismic events. The seismicity of eastern onshore and offshore Tunisian margin follows the master fault corridors oriented globally N–S, E–W, and NW–SE that correspond to the bordering faults of grabens and syncline corridors and associated faulted drag fold structures oriented NE–SW. Epicenters of magnitudes between 3 and 5 are located along these border fault corridors. The Neogene strata record brittle structures, including numerous and deep faults and fractures with straight and high-angle dipping planes. The structuring of NE–SW en echelon folds and synclines inside and outside NW–SE and E–W right lateral and N–S and NE–SW left lateral tectonic corridors indicates the strike-slip type of bordering faults and their seismogenic nature. Wrench fault movements that induce mud and salt diapirs, mud volcanoes, and intrusive ascensions are related to seismic shocks. Seismic waves caused by activity along one, or most likely, several tectonic structures would have propagated throughout the Quaternary cover producing seismites. The similarity of deposits, structuring, and seismites between the Tunis-Bizerte to the North and Hammamet-Mahdia to the South accredits the hypothesis that the seismic episodes might have affected sedimentation patterns along the Sahalian large geographic area. The paleoseismic events in northeastern Tunisia might be related to tectonic fault reactivations through time. This hypothesis is consistent with the geomorphologic context of the study area, characterized by several morphostructural lineaments with strong control on the sediment distribution, as well as uplifted and subsiding terrains. The estimated magnitude of the seismic events and the great regional tectonically affected areas demonstrate that the northeastern Tunisia experienced stress through the last geological episodes of its evolution. This Neogene kinematic reconstruction highlights the neotectonic system inducing the actual seismicity on this margin. Therefore, there is a straight relationship between deepseated faults and seismicity.  相似文献   

The Saouaf syncline is located in Tunisia Centre north-east, south-east of the Tunisian dorsal. The sedimentary series, starting with limestone and marlstone, is essentially an alternation of three terms, sandstone, clay and lignite. It is in this basin that the Saouaf Formation was defined as a siliciclastic and lignite series dating back to the Serravallian-Tortonian age. The pollen associations identified in this series allowed for the organization of the vegetation in the era in altitudinal levels (coastal environment, rivers edges, plains, high zones). The evolution of vertical micro-floristic associations through the detailed analysis of the palynological diagram reflects the fluctuation of climatic and ecological parameters during this period. Moreover, the facies associations reflect an evolutionary curve in the depositional environment, showing its fluctuation over time. Accordingly, the synthesis of palynological data, correlated with lithosedimentological ones, suggests the type of environment prevailing at that time. This is a coast-lagoon fluvio-deltaic environment with a significant detrital influence in a subsiding context controlled by a fluctuating but generally warm climate.  相似文献   

张忠义 《地学前缘》2019,26(2):1-15
在大巴山西北侧镇巴县简池地区开展1∶10 000的地质填图和构造解析工作,重点研究露头和区域尺度上叠加褶皱变形的时空变化、成因,确定褶皱的构造属性及变形时限。研究表明未拆离的中上三叠统-中侏罗统沉积岩系中发育两组褶皱:(1)北东近东西向褶皱(F1),成组、分区断续相连,线性展布发育,代表了区域米仓山主背斜较陡倾南翼上的次级大型褶皱的枢纽带;(2)北西北北西向褶皱(F2),区域呈弧形展布,发育隔挡式褶皱组合型式,构成大巴山前陆坳陷带东部边缘的复式向斜。北西北北西向褶皱向西横跨在北东近东西向褶皱之上,形成露头尺度上的2类4种基本样式,发育大角度叠加交切的两组褶皱弯滑擦痕。北东近东西向褶皱减弱消失在同造山的上三叠统-中侏罗统(Ts1Ts4岩性段)中,上被中侏罗世晚期Ts5与Ts6岩性段包络覆盖,属中生代南秦岭碰撞造山相关的前陆生长褶皱,时限约为213~178 Ma,与米仓山构造形成晚期阶段的指向南的非共轴剪切变形有关。北西北北西向褶皱将研究区的中生代及之前岩系普遍卷入了变形,属晚中生代大巴山陆内造山带的前陆构造褶皱,时限约为160~120 Ma,区域褶皱变形长期保持稳定的总体近似纯剪的应变状态。尽管两期挤压收缩褶皱事件的时间间隔不长,但两组褶皱的样式、形成时间、构造属性与形成机制都存在巨大差异,表明区域构造环境和地壳变形机制的重大变动和转换。  相似文献   

内蒙古东南部西拉木伦断裂两侧二叠纪地层中发育有一系列叠加褶皱,它们与侏罗纪地层内部褶皱及断裂变形记录了该区晚古生代以来的多期构造事件。研究这些变形对探索华北北部及邻区所经历的从古亚洲构造域到古太平洋构造域转换的动力学过程具有重要意义。二叠纪、侏罗纪地层变形的详细地质填图及叠加褶皱构造样式与区域演化序列的研究,揭示出:二叠纪地层褶皱形迹具S型展布特征,总体走向NEE,轴面倾向NW;中生代地层褶皱走向NE,轴面倾向SE,伴生逆冲断层多向SE倾斜并且上盘向NW逆冲。研究厘定区内经历三期构造变形:(D1)二叠纪末-中三叠世NNW-SSE向区域性挤压,二叠纪地层形成NEE向褶皱;(D2)晚三叠世区域性剪切作用将先期形成的NEE向褶皱改造成平面弧形褶皱,表现为Simón(2004)划分的Type2a与Type1d型叠加褶皱样式;(D3)晚侏罗世NW-SE向挤压导致中侏罗世地层中倒向NW的褶皱构造,并使得二叠纪地层褶皱更加紧闭。研究认为这三期变形可能分别代表:(1)古亚洲洋闭合和伴生的碰撞造山作用;(2)介于西拉木伦右行走滑断裂与蒙古东南部东戈壁左行走滑断裂之间块体的NEE向挤出构造;(3)古太平洋板块向欧亚大陆之下的俯冲作用。  相似文献   

Most of hydrocarbon accumulations within the Gulf of Hammamet foreland basins in eastern Tunisia are reservoired within the Upper Miocene Birsa and Saouaf sandstones. It is the case of Birsa, Tazarka, Oudna, Baraka, Maamoura, Cosmos and Yasmine fields. These sandstones constitute oil and gas fields located on folded and faulted horst anticline highs and described as varying from shoreface to shallow marine and typically exhibit excellent reservoir quality of 30 to 35% porosity and good permeability from 500 to 1100 md. In addition, the fracturing of faults enhanced their reservoir quality potential. However, due to the lack of seismic stratigraphic studies to highlight depositional environment reservoir characterization and distribution, petroleum exploration faces structural and stratigraphic trap types and remains on targeting only high fold closures with limited reserve volumes of hydrocarbons. As an example of the Birsa concession case, syn-sedimentary tectonic structuring and geodynamic evolution during Middle to Upper Miocene Birsa reservoir sequences have guided the distribution of depositional environment of sandstone channel systems around horst and grabens by E-W, NE-SW and N-S strike slip flower faults controlling the subsidence distribution combined with the eustatic sea level variations. Seismic sequence stratigraphy study of Miocene Birsa reservoir horizons, based on the analysis and interpretations of E-W and N-S 3D selected regional lines that were compared and correlated to outcrops and calibrated by well data, permitted to highlight the basin configuration and sequence deposit nature and distribution. Sedimentary infilling of the basin from Langhian Ain Ghrab carbonate to Serravallian Tortonian Birsa and Saouaf sandstone and shale formations is organized in four third-order seismic sequences, limited by regional erosional toplap, onlap and downlap unconformity surfaces and by remarkable chronostratigraphic horizons of forced and normal erosive lowstand and highstand system tracts separated by transgressive and maximum flooding surfaces. Reconstructed sedimentary paleo-environment distribution vary from deltaic fluvial proximal deposits in the northern part of the high central Birsa horst to a delta front and prodelta coastal and shelf shore face and shore line channelized deposits in the surrounding borders of grabens. Distal deposits seem to be distributed from upper to lower slope fans and probably to the basin floor on the flanks of the subsiding grabens. Synthetic predictive paleogeographic depositional reservoir fairway map distribution of Lower, Middle and Upper Birsa sandstone reservoirs highlights four main domains of channelized superposed and shifted reservoirs to explore.  相似文献   

Neogene (N 1 2 -N 2 1 ?) K-Na alkaline rocks were found in western Kamchatka as a subvolcanic basanite body at Mount Khukhch. The basanites have a microphyric texture with olivine phenocrysts in a fine-grained doleritic groundmass. The olivine contains inclusions of Al-Cr spinel. The microlites consist of clinopyroxene, plagioclase, magnetite, and apatite, and the interstitial phases are leucite, nepheline, and analcime. The Mount Khukhch basanites are characterized by elevated concentrations of MgO, TiO2, Na2O, and K2O, high concentrations of Co, Ni, Cr, Nb, Ta, Th, U, LREE (LaN/YbN = 10.8?12.6, DyN/YbN = 1.4?1.6) at moderate concentrations of Zr, Hf, Rb, Ba, Sr, Pb, and Cu. The values of indicator trace-element ratios suggest that basanites in western Kamchatka affiliate with the group of basaltoids of the within-plate geochemical type: Ba/Nb = 10?12, Sr/Nb = 17?18, Ta/Yb = 1.3?1.6. The basanites of western Kamchatka show many compositional similarities with the Miocene basanites of eastern Kamchatka, basanites of some continental rifts, and basalts of oceanic islands (OIB). The geochemistry of these rocks suggests that the basanite magma was derived via the ~6% partial melting of garnet-bearing peridotite source material. The crystallization temperatures of the first liquidus phases (olivine and spinel) in the parental basanite melt (1372–1369°C) and pressures determined for the conditions of the “mantle” equilibrium of the melt (25–26 kbar) are consistent with the model for the derivation of basanite magma at the garnet depth facies in the mantle. The geodynamic environment in which Neogene alkaline basaltic magmas occur in western Kamchatka was controlled by the termination of the Oligocene—Early Miocene subduction of the Kula oceanic plate beneath the continental margin of Kamchatka and the development of rifting processes in its rear zone. The deep faulting of the lithosphere and decompression-induced magma generation simultaneous with mantle heating at that time could be favorable for the derivation of mantle basite magmas.  相似文献   

 This paper describes the origins and distribution of saline groundwaters in the coastal area of Rhodope, Greece. The aquifer system includes two aquifers within coarse-grained alluvial sediments in the coastal part of the study area. Two major water-quality groups occur in the study area, namely Ca2+-rich saline groundwater and Ca2+-poor, almost fresh groundwater. The main process controlling the groundwater chemistry is the exchange of calcium and sodium between the aquifer matrix and intruding seawater. The natural salt water in the study area is probably residual water that infiltrated the aquifer system during repeated marine transgressions in late Pleistocene time. Seawater intrusion into the coastal aquifer system occurs as a result of overpumping in two seawater wedges separated vertically by a low-permeability layer. The rate of intrusion averages 0.8 m/d and is less than expected due to a decline of the aquifer's permeability at the interface with the seawater. The application of several hydrochemical techniques (Piper and Durov diagrams; Na+/Cl, Ca2+/Cl, Mg2+/Cl, and Br/Cl molar ratios; Ca2+/Mg2+ weight ratio; and chloride concentrations), combined with field observations, may lead to a better explanation of the origin of the saline groundwater. Received, May 1997 / Revised, May 1998, December 1998 / Accepted, February 1999  相似文献   

The Cap Bon Peninsula, belonging to northeastern Tunisia, is located in the Maghrebian Alpine foreland and in the North of the Pelagian block. By its paleoposition, during the Cenozoic, in the edge of the southern Tethyan margin, this peninsula constitutes a geological entity that fossilized the eustatic, tectonic and climatic interactions. Surface and subsurface study carried out in the Cap Bon onshore area and surrounding offshore of Hammamet interests the Miocene deposits from the Langhian-to-Messinian interval time. Related to the basin and the platform positions, sequence and seismic stratigraphy studies have been conducted to identify seven third-order seismic sequences in subsurface (SM1-SM7), six depositional sequences on the Zinnia-1 petroleum well (SDM1-SDM6), and five depositional sequences on the El Oudiane section of the Jebel Abderrahmane (SDM1–SDM5). Each sequence shows a succession of high-frequency systems tract and parasequences. These sequences are separated by remarkable sequence boundaries and maximum flooding surfaces (SB and MFS) that have been correlated to the eustatic cycles and supercycles of the Global Sea Level Chart of Haq et al. (1987). The sequences have been also correlated with Sequence Chronostratigraphic Chart of Hardenbol et al. (1998), related to European basins, allows us to arise some major differences in number and in size. The major discontinuities, which limit the sequences resulted from the interplay between tectonic and climatic phenomena. It thus appears very judicious to bring back these chronological surfaces to eustatic and/or local tectonic activity and global eustatic and climatic controls.  相似文献   

《Geodinamica Acta》2002,15(2):141-157
Volcaniclastic debris-rich formations, characterising the Troina–Tusa Unit in the Sicilian Maghrebian Chain, are examined. The Troina–Tusa Unit terrains sedimented in the Maghrebian Flysch Basin, which, from Jurassic to Early Miocene, constituted the southernmost branch of the Western Tethys, located between Africa and the Mesomediterranean Terrane margins. New field, biostratigraphic and petrographic data enable a reconstruction of the palaeogeographic and structural evolution of the Flysch Basin immediately before its deformation. All the studied formations transpired to be Burdigalian in age. The sandstone compositions, showing different source areas (magmatic arc, recycled orogen and continental block), indicate a provenance for the clastic material from a crystalline basement with an active volcanic arc, replaced by a remnant volcanic arc, which was rapidly completely eroded. The source area that has been considered is Sardinia, where Upper Oligocene–Aquitanian calc-alkaline volcanites are widespread, but the sedimentological characteristics and the Burdigalian age do not fit with this provenance. The Burdigalian calc-alkaline arc should be located on the internal side of the Troina–Tusa Basin, above the already stacked Peloritanian units. A migration of the volcanic activity, connected with the subduction plain roll-back, can be envisaged from the Sardinia Block to the Peloritanian Chain, this latter still docked to the Sardinia–Corsica massif.  相似文献   


Volcaniclastic debris-rich formations, characterising the Troina-Tusa Unit in the Sicilian Maghrebian Chain, are examined. The Troina-Tusa Unit terrains sedimented in the Maghrebian Flysch Basin, which, from Jurassic to Early Miocene, constituted the southernmost branch of the Western Tethys, located between Africa and the Mesomediterranean Terrane margins. New field, biostratigraphic and pétrographie data enable a reconstruction of the palaeogeographic and structural evolution of the Flysch Basin immediately before its deformation. All the studied formations transpired to be Burdigalian in age. The sandstone compositions, showing different source areas (magmatic arc, recycled orogen and continental block), indicate a provenance for the clastic material from a crystalline basement with an active volcanic arc, replaced by a remnant volcanic arc, which was rapidly completely eroded. The source area that has been considered is Sardinia, where Upper Oligocene -Aquitanian calc-alkaline volcanites are widespread, but the sedimentological characteristics and the Burdigalian age do not fit with this provenance. The Burdigalian calc-alkaline arc should be located on the internal side of the Troina-Tusa Basin, above the already stacked Peloritanian units. A migration of the volcanic activity, connected with the subduction plain roll-back, can be envisaged from the Sardinia Block to the Peloritanian Chain, this latter still docked to the Sardinia-Corsica massif. © 2002 Editions scientifiques et médicales Elsevier SAS. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

Kajan subvolcanic rocks in the Urumieh–Dokhtar magmatic arc (UDMA), Central Iran, form a Late Miocene-Pliocene shallow-level intrusion. These subvolcanics correspond to a variety of intermediate and felsic rocks, comprising quartz diorite, quartz monzodiorite, tonalite and granite. These lithologies are medium-K calc-alkaline, with SiO2 (wt.%) varying from 52% (wt.%) to 75 (wt.%). The major element chemical data also show that MgO, CaO, TiO2, P2O5, MnO, Al2O3 and Fe2O3 define linear trends with negative slopes against SiO2, whilst Na2O and K2O are positively correlated with silica. Contents of incompatible trace elements (e.g. Ba, Rb, Nb, La and Zr) become higher with increasing SiO2, whereas Sr shows an opposite behaviour. Chondrite-normalized multi-element patterns show enrichment in LILE relative to HFSE and troughs in Nb, P and Ti. These observations are typical of subduction related magmas that formed in an active continental margin. The Kajan rocks show a strong affinity with calc-alkaline arc magmas, confirmed by REE fractionation (LaN/YbN = 4.5–6.4) with moderate HREE fractionation (SmN/YbN = 1.08–1.57). The negative Eu anomaly (Eu/Eu* <1), the low to moderate Sr content (< 400 ppm) and the Dy/Yb values reflect plagioclase and hornblende (+- clinopyroxene) fractionation from a calc-alkaline melt Whole–rock Sr and Nd isotope analyses show that the 87Sr/86Sr initial ratios vary from 0.704432 to 0.705989, and the 143Nd/144Nd initial ratios go from 0.512722 to 0.512813. All the studied samples have similar Sr-Nd isotopes, indicating an origin from a similar source, with granite samples that has more radiogenic Sr and low radiogenic Nd isotopes, suggesting a minor interaction with upper crust during magma ascent. The Kajan subvolcanic rocks plot within the depleted mantle quadrant of the conventional Sr-Nd isotope diagram, a compositional region corresponding to mantle-derived igneous rocks.  相似文献   

The Aluchin ophiolites represent a tectonomagmatic complex, the upper crustal part of which is made up of two dike series. One series includes diabases and gabbrodiabases, which are exposed in the Late Triassic Atamanov Massif (226 Ma) and subdivided into low-potassium, low and moderate-titanium varieties. In terms of rare-earth element (REE) distribution pattern, these rocks correspond to the mid-ocean ridge basalts (N-MORB). At the same time, trace element composition of some samples indicates the enrichment in subduction component (Ba, Th), as well as variable depletion in Ta, Nb and other high-field strength elements (HFSE), which leads us to conclude that these rocks were formed from melts similar to back-arc basin basalts (BABB) at a sufficiently mature stage of back-arc spreading. The diabases of other series form separate dike bodies (dike swarms) that cut across a mantle ultrabasic body in the northern part of the Aluchin Massif. The most part of these rocks reveal prominent island-arc signatures, primarily, REE and trace-element distribution patterns. At the same time, they are characterized by slightly elevated contents of titanium, nickel, and chromium, and low content of aluminum. On the basis of these data, the diabases of the Aluchin Massif can be regarded as BABB basalts with distinct island-arc characteristics, which are usually termed as arc-like member. The joint geochemical evolution of the two diabase series is well consistent with that of the rocks from different structures of the Mariana trough, which, together with compositional data, indicate that the studied dike series mark the initial and mature stages of the opening of the Late Triassic suprasubduction basin.  相似文献   

渤海海域新近纪断层成因与动力学状态   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
新近纪是渤海海域新构造运动的重要阶段,具有不同于第四纪以来的构造活动特征和盆地格局。大量的盆地勘探资料显示,海域新近系内发育了大量张性、张扭性断层,主要为近东西向断层,其次为北北东向的郯庐断裂带和局部的大型北西向断层。这一断层格局与下伏古近系相似,但断层活动强度明显较弱,属于坳陷型盆地内的断层活动。断层的平、剖面特征表明,近东西向者为正断层,北北东与北西向断层分别为右行、左行平移正断层。各类断层的运动学特征指示,海域古近纪处于南北向的弱伸展环境。近东西向断层小型者多为新生正断层,大型者常是早期断层的复活,皆为区域拉张作用的直接结果。北北东向的郯庐断裂带与北西向断层皆为继承性活动,其走滑是斜向拉张的结果。郯庐断裂带较强的张扭性活动一方面使旁侧派生了一系列北东-北东东向的小型正断层,另一方面使其旁侧各类断层密度明显增大。海域新近纪的弱伸展环境结束于新近纪末一次区域性挤压事件。  相似文献   

The volcano Savalan, located in Eastern Azerbaijan, is a big structure with andesitic to rhyodacitic products long considered to be Quaternary. Four K/Ar whole-rock age determinations on vulcanites point, however, to a long volcanic history, starting at least in the Upper Miocene. Three K/Ar absolute ages of volcanites erupted from other centers in the same province also provide evidence of calc-alkaline activity since Middle Miocene.Calc-alkaline activity of Miocene and later periods is well known in other parts of central-western Iran. It can be chronologically correlated with the rifting and oceanfloor spreading in the Red Sea, which began in the Miocene, and with attendant oceanic-crust subduction of the Arabian plate underneath the Iranian plate. The present-day halt in calc-alkaline magmatism may be explained by collision of the Arabian and Iranian continental masses, with limited underthrusting of Arabian continental crust. It is also suggested that the recent onset of alkali basalt volcanism in several districts of central and western Iran is related to the relaxation of compressional stresses following migration of deformation to the south-western part of the continental-crust prism below the Zagros belt facing the Persian Gulf and Mesopotamian trough edge.
Zusammenfassung Vier K/Ar Altersbestimmungen von Vulkaniten verschiedener Bildungen des Savalan Vulkans (Ost-Azerbaijan, Iran), der eine große Struktur mit andesitischen bis riodazitischen Produkten ist, und der für lange Zeit als Quaternär betrachtet worden ist, lassen auf eine lange vulkanische Geschichte schließen, die mindestens im oberen Miozän begann. K/Ar Altersbestimmungen von drei Vulkanit-Proben aus anderen Orten derselben Provinz weisen auch kalk-alkaline Aktivität ab Mittel-Miozän auf. Die Aktivität von diesem und späteren Alter, die in anderen Teilen Zentral- und WestIrans bekannt ist, kann kronologisch mit dem Rifting und Ocean-floor spreading im Roten Meer, die im Miozän begannen, und mit der zusammenhängenden ozeanischen Krust-Subduktion der Arabischen Platte unter die Iranische Platte, verbunden werden. Die Kollision der Arabischen und Iranischen Kontinentalmassen mit beschränkter Unterschiebung der Arabischen Kontinentalkruste kann die gegenwärtige Unterbrechung im kalk-alkalinen Magmatismus erklären. Es wird auch vorgeschlagen, daß der jüngste Ansatz vom alkali-basaltischen Vulkanismus in vielen Gebieten Zentral- und WestIrans auf die Entspannung von Stressen zurückzuführen ist, nach Verschiebung der Deformationen zum südwestlichen Teil des kontinentalen Krust-blocks unter die ZagrosKette gegenüber des Persischen Golfs und der Mesopotamischen Tiefebene.

Résumé Quatre échatillons de coulées laviques appartenant à différentes unités du cortège magmatique du volcan Savalan (Azerbaijan oriental, Iran) ont été daté par la méthode K/Ar sur roche totale. Ces nouvelles données radiochronologiques permettent de définir pour le Savalan (depuis longtemps estimé Quaternaire) une activité volcanique calealcaline qui a commencé au moins pendant le Miocène supérieur. Les âges (K/Ar) de trois échatillons de volcanites d'autres zones dans le même district montrent aussi la présence d'une activité cale-alcaline à partir du Miocène moyen. Ce volcanism, comme le suivant, remarqué dans les autres régions de l'Iran central et occidental, permet d'établir des relations chronologiques avec l'ouverture du rift de la Mer Rouge (qui l'on fait remonter au Miocène) et avec la subduction concomittante du fond océanique de la plaque arabique sous la plaque iranienne. La collision du bloc arabique avec le bloc iranien, suivie du sous-charriage, à un degré limité, de la croûte continentale arabique, pourrait expliquer l'actual arrêt du magmatisme cale-alcalin.De plus, le récent début du volcanisme basique alcalin dans beaucoup de zones centrales et occidentales de l'Iran, permettrait des corrélations avec le relâchement des forces de compression à la suite du déplacement de la déformation vers la partie sud-occidentale du prisme de croûte continentale sous la chaîne du Zagros qui donne sur les Golfe Persique et la dépression mésopotamienne.

4- - ( , ), , , , , , - . - . , , , . - . - , , .. , - .

Extended deep plutons of the Chilean Coast-Range can, according to their composition, age and spatial distribution, be assigned to the following three Superunits, each of which represents a closed magmatic cycle. Albayay-Superunit approximately 300-200 m. a. Cifuncho-Superunit approximately 190-130 m. a. Esmeralda-Superunit less than 130 m. a.Structurally we distinguished five large batholithic complexes, which are tectonically displaced along vertical fault-planes. The petrographie composition ranges from gabbronoritic through dioritic up to granitic rocks with predominance of granitoids.Methodical investigation led beyond the explanation of the origin of the magma, and opened the way for new geogynamic interpretations. We postulate a model of repeated crustal thickening caused by continental collision, which is opposed to the schematic plate-tectonics model.
Zusammenfassung In der Küstenkordillere Nordchiles lassen sich ausgedehnte Tiefengesteinskörper nach Stoffbestand, Alter und rÄumlicher Verteilung folgenden drei Superunits zuordnen, die jeweils einem abgeschlossenen magmatischen Zyklus entsprechen. Albayay-Superunit ca. 300-200 m. a. Cifuncho-Superunit ca. 190-130 m. a. Esmeralda-Superunit jünger als 130 m. a.Strukturell haben wir fünf grö\ere, durch Tektonik entlang vertikaler Brüche zerlegte Baholith-Komplexe ausgeschieden. Die petrologische Zusammensetzung reicht von gabbro-noritischen über dioritische bis zu granitischen Gesteinen, wobei der Schwerpunkt bei den Granitoiden liegt.Die methodische Untersuchung führte über die KlÄrung der Magmengenese hinaus und eröffnete den Zugang zu neuen geodynamischen Vorstellungen. Wir postulieren ein Modell einer mehrphasigen Krustenverdickung durch kontinentale Kollision, das im Gegensatz zu dem schematischen Modell der Plattentektonik steht.

Resumen En la Cordillera de la Costa del Norte de Chile existen extensos cuerpos intrusivos que se queden asignar, sobre la base de su composición, edad y distribución espacial, a las tres Superunidades siguientes, las que a su vez corresponden a ciclos magmáticos completos. Superunidad-Albayay approximadamente 300-200 m.a. Superunidad-Cifuncho approximadamente 190-130 m.a. Superunidad-Esmeralda más jóvenque 130 m.a.Estructuralmente hemos distinguido cinco complejos batoliticos mayores recortados por una tectónica de fallas verticales. La compositión petrográfica va desde rocas gabronoríticas hasta graníticas pasando por las dioríticas, con predominio de granitoides.El análisis metódico de los datos obtenidos orientado a la petrogénesis de estos cuerpos dió lugar a nuevas interpretaciones geodinámicas. Postulamos un modelo de fases sucesivas de acumulación cortical mediante colisión continental, el cual se opone al esquemático modelo de la Tectónica de Placas.

, , : Albayay-Superunit ... 300-200 Cifuncho-Superunit ... 190-130 Esmeralda-Superunit ... 130 . 5 . - , , . y ; .

盛海洋 《地质科学》2008,43(3):445-470
通过野外地质填图和系统取样,以岩石地层特征为基础,以新构造运动为背景,按照多重地层划分观点,本文首次对若尔盖盆地晚新近纪岩石地层的对比和划分做了深入的研究。对黄河干流、白河支流和黑河支流水系的河道堆积岩石的典型剖面的研究,表明更新-全新世的不同发展阶段具有不同的特征;相同时期不同水系的沉积物也不尽相同,反映出盆地晚新近纪地层的发育过程及空间上的差异。对冰川堆积终碛垄测年等研究反映出末次盛冰期和全新世中几次较强的寒冷事件,并划分出4套冰碛层。综合前人的古脊椎动物化石和14C、TL、OSL和ESR等同位素测年资料,将为进一步提出研究区晚新近纪年代地层的划分奠定基础。  相似文献   

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