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The results of the geological characterization of an old stone building in southern Italy, are presented here. The Mondragone marble is a slightly metamorphosed carbonate rock, which was widely employed as monumental stone in the 18th century Royal Palaces of Naples and Caserta. In this paper, for the first time, this rock has been investigated with a thorough laboratory testing program, aimed at defining its mineralogical, physical and mechanical parameters. The two most important varieties of Mondragone marble were separately tested: the yellow and grey marbles (hereafter, YM and GM, respectively). The results obtained from physical tests (open porosity, dry density, specific gravity, water absorption coefficients, ultrasonic velocity) did not show marked differences between the two materials; in contrast, the mechanical strength tests (uniaxial compressive strength, point load strength, flexural strength) showed better behaviour of YM than for GM. After a tentative comparison with other well known carbonate rocks from Italy, some considerations on the response of Mondragone marble to local weathering were conducted. In particular, the weathering typologies were related to the particular texture of the brecciated marble and the different strength resistances displayed by the various constituents of the rock.  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》2000,15(4):455-474
Between 1987 and 1995 more than 100 chemical and isotopic analyses were carried out on the thermal fluids discharged at surface from wells and springs of the Euganean and Berician thermal district. Results for δD and δ18O in waters, δ13C in CO2 and in C1–C4 n-alkanes, δD in CH4, 3He/4He and 40Ar/36Ar ratios in natural gases were coupled with chemical analyses in an attempt to determine the main characteristics and evolutionary trends of thermal fluids emerging in the region. The isotopic and chemical composition of thermal waters has led to the postulation of a meteoric origin of discharged thermal fluids and of a “maturation” trend as water moves from the peripheral manifestations of the Berici Hills towards those of the Battaglia, Montegrotto and Abano springs in the inner part of the geothermal field. Numerical simulation suggested that the observed evolutionary path is consistent with differentiation due to processes of water–rock interaction.The results of bulk analyses have shown that the gases are made up mainly of N2 (65–95 vol%), CO2 (0.5–20.5 vol%) and CH4 (up to 10 vol%), with relatively high Ar and He contents (up to 1.5 vol% and 0.16 vol%, respectively) and detectable amounts of C2–C6 saturated hydrocarbons. The chemical and isotopic composition of the gases suggests that both the meteoric and crustal contributions to the natural discharges are significant, while any significant magmatic contribution, possibly related to vestiges of the volcanic activity that occurred in the Abano area during the Tertiary age, can be ruled out.  相似文献   

Focal mechanisms of earthquakes and fault‐slip data have been collected to constrain the strain regime acting in the hydrothermal zone and surrounding areas of the Campanian Plain (southern Italy), a NW–SE elongated structural depression. The NW–SE striking faults bounding the depression move in response to a NE–SW striking regional extension. Within the depression, an extended hydrothermal circulation occurs related to the Vesuvius, Campi Flegrei and Ischia active volcanoes. In this zone, the strike of the extension is N–S. Results from a finite element model constrained by the collected data show that the presence of a lower rigidity zone due to the hydrothermal circulation may explain (a) the observed deflection of the direction of regional extension, and (b) why large magnitude earthquakes occur at the boundaries of the hydrothermal zone and not along the faults delimiting the structural depression.  相似文献   

In interpreting the inception and demise of different carbonate depositional systems, climatic-oceanographic variations together with sea-level oscillations are commonly considered key elements. However, local tectonic controls cannot be ruled out. In attempts to discriminate among the main factors controlling the evolution of the southern Apennine mid-Cretaceous carbonate system, detailed facies analyses have been performed on Aptian–Albian carbonate successions in the Matese Group (southern Apennines). Since the mid Aptian, the analysed successions testify to a tectonically-driven topography, replacing the previous large tropical shallow-water domain with subdomains characterised by diversified sedimentological trends. Nevertheless, around the middle part of the Aptian, the studied successions register palaeoecological signals that cannot be linked exclusively with tectonic disturbance because of the coeval appearance of analogous signals at a global scale, including a significant change in biological assemblages and an outbreak of organisms indicative of stressful conditions in the water mass.Upper Bedoulian strata clearly record open marine settings characterised by a significant richness of the benthic communities. The biota included rudists, gastropods and echinoids plus many different benthic foraminifers and green algae. Rudists considered to be typically “tropical” forms (the caprinid Offneria nicolinae (Mainelli) and Offneria murgensis Masse, the requieniid Lovetchenia Masse and the monopleurid Agriopleura Kühn) characterise thick subtidally deposited strata in which large coral colonies and mollusc shells contributed to occasional storm-related skeletal concentrations.The analysed Gargasian strata show impoverished biota: caprinids totally disappear, both as in situ and storm-related layer components, and hermatypic corals are drastically reduced. Muddy lithofacies prevail in intertidal metric cycles in which cyanobacterial consortia, both in the form of dense laminae and coalescent oncoids, orbitolinids and small gastropods (cerithiids) suggest restricted, nutrient-rich water. Large oncoids of Bacinella irregularis/Lithocodium aggregatum and mollusc (mostly chondrodontids and gastropods) shell fragments significantly contribute to storm-related coarse skeletal intercalations, in which oligotrophic condition-adapted forms (e.g., hermatypic corals) are reduced or absent. This pattern suggests generalised conditions of stress in the water mass and in more marginal open areas.During the mid-Aptian interval, characterised by the flourishing of assemblages adapted to mesotrophic–eutrophic conditions, the southern Apennines shallow-water domain shows a progressive reduction of the previous mainly aragonite-dominated chlorozoan assemblages and an increase of calcite-dominated skeletal components, including rudists with thickened calcitic outer shell layers. Cyanobacteria and polychaetes characteristically marked the first phases of recovery in the shallow-water domains, rapidly evolving into more complex and differentiated assemblages. The outbreak of nerineid and acteonid gastropods seems to be related to a flourishing of cyanobacterial mats and related microphytae and also to the presence of polychaetes tubes (Thartarella cocumeriformis (Wahlman)). Moreover, the grazing activity of the nerineids favoured the flourishing of oyster-like bivalves. Among the rudists, the persistence and radiation of species adapted to a wide range of temperatures, such as Requieniidae and Monopleuridae as well as the first elevator Radiolitidae suggests some kind of oceanographic change (e.g., seawater chemistry and/or temperature).On the basis of the features described above, we propose the existence of a complex environmental scenario in which cooler conditions, presumably coupled with meso/eutrophic and locally oligophotic conditions, related to climatic/oceanographic global changes, cooperated in modifying the carbonate factory characterisation in a tectonically controlled setting.  相似文献   

In the accompanying paper, Part I, hydrothermal mineralising systems are considered as open chemical reactors that operate far from equilibrium to develop an exothermal alteration system with veining and brecciation, followed by competition between endothermic mineralisation and exothermic mineral reactions. In this sequel paper, we examine the interplay of these processes with fluid transport and the impact upon mineral deposition. Chemical reaction and flow in porous media admit two distinct mechanisms which result in significantly accelerated mixing. First, gradients in physical parameters such as chemical potential, fluid density and surface tension generate flow instabilities which form fluid/chemical mixing machines that propagate with the reaction front. Second, so-called chaotic advection, a behaviour in which fluid particles follow chaotic trajectories, arises inherently from Stokes flow in open porous networks as a result of the complexity of the pore geometry. For pore length-scales greater than ~ 1 mm, these mechanisms significantly enhance mixing and hence metal/sulphide deposition. Furthermore, chaotic advection can also alter qualitative characteristics such as stability or speciation of non-equilibrium chemical reactions, with significant implications for enhanced mineralisation rates. Such interactions between chemical reaction and fluid advection generate mineral deposits with multifractal spatial signatures similar to those observed in the field. Such multifractal signatures render the spatial distributions non-ergodic, a fact which process based geostatistics must take into account.  相似文献   

《International Geology Review》2012,54(12):1541-1552
The Mt Vulture carbonatites are the only carbonatite occurrence in the southern Apennines. We present new trace element data for these rocks in order to evaluate the factors influencing rare earth element (REE) and other trace element fractionations and their REE grade. This study focuses on massive hyalo-alvikites from two lava flows and one dike, which have different relative abundances of silicate and carbonate (i.e. Si/Ca). These differences are also evident from CaO/(CaO + MgO + FeO(T) + MnO) and Sr/Ba ratios. The REE grade of the Mt Vulture carbonatites is very similar to that of the global average for calcio-carbonatites. R-mode factor analysis shows that most of the trace element variance reflects the relative roles of carbonate and silicate minerals in influencing trace element distributions. Silicates largely control heavy rare earth element (HREE), transition metal, Zr, and Th abundances, whereas carbonate minerals control light rare earth element (LREE), Ba, and Pb abundances. In addition, apatite influences LREE concentrations. Increasing silica contents are accompanied by decreases in (La/Yb)N and (La/Sm)N ratios and less marked LREE enrichment. In contrast, higher carbonate contents are associated with increases in (La/Yb)N and (La/Sm)N. The Si/Ca ratio has little influence on Eu anomalies and middle rare earth element (MREE) to HREE fractionations. Apatite has a negligible effect on inter-REE fractionations amongst the carbonatites.  相似文献   

Studies of hot springs have focused mainly on the properties of fluids and solids. Fewer studies focus on the relationship between the hot springs and groundwater/surface-water environments. The differences in temperature and dissolved solids between hot-spring water and typical surface water and groundwater allow interactions to be traced. Electromagnetic terrain (EMT) conductivity is a nonintrusive technique capable of mapping mixing zones between distinct subsurface waters. These interactions include zones of groundwater/surface-water exchange and groundwater mixing. Herein, hydrogeological techniques are compared with EMT conductivity to trace hot-spring discharge interactions with shallow groundwater and surface water. Potentiometric-surface and water-quality data determined the hydrogeochemistry of two thermally influenced areas in Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming (USA). Data from the sites revealed EMT conductivity contrasts that reflected the infiltration of conductive hot-spring discharge to local groundwater systems. The anomalies reflect higher temperatures and conductivity for Na+–Cl?-rich hydrothermal fluids compared to the receiving groundwater. EMT conductivity results suggested hot springs are fed by conduits largely isolated from shallow groundwater; mixing of waters occurs after hot-spring discharge infiltrates groundwater from the surface and, generally, not by leakage in the subsurface. A model was proposed to explain the growth of sinter mounds.  相似文献   

The Tibetan plateau is characterized by intense hydrothermal activity and abnormal enrichment of trace elements in geothermal waters. Hydrochemistry and B isotope samples from geothermal waters in Tibet were systematically measured to describe the fractionation mechanisms and provide constraints on potential B reservoirs. B concentrations range from 0.35 to 171.90 mg/L, and isotopic values vary between −16.57 ‰ and +0.52 ‰. Geothermal fields along the Indus-Yarlung Zangbo suture zone and N–S rifts are observed with high B concentrations and temperatures. The similar hydrochemical compositions of high-B geothermal waters with magmatic fluid and consistent modeling of B isotopic compositions with present δ11B values imply that the B in high-B geothermal waters is mainly contributed by magmatic sources, probably through magma degassing. In contrast, geothermal fields in other regions of the Lhasa block have relatively low B concentrations and temperatures. After considering the small fractionation factor and representative indicators of Na/Ca, Cl/HCO3, Na + K and Si, the conformity between modeling results and the isotopic compositions of host rocks suggests that the B in low-temperature geothermal fields is mainly sourced from host rocks. According to simulated results, the B in some shallow geothermal waters not only originated from mixing of cold groundwater with deep thermal waters, but it was also contributed by equilibration with marine sedimentary rocks with an estimated proportion of 10%. It was anticipated that this study would provide useful insight into the sources and fractionation of B as well as further understanding of the relationships between B-rich salt lakes and geothermal activities in the Tibetan plateau.  相似文献   

A geochemical survey of thermal waters collected from submarine vents at Panarea Island (Aeolian Islands, southern Italy) was carried out from December 2002 to March 2007, in order to investigate (i) the geochemical processes controlling the chemical composition of the hydrothermal fluids and (ii) the possible relations between the chemical features of the hydrothermal reservoir and the activity of the magmatic system. Compositional data of the thermal water samples were integrated in a hydrological conceptual model, which describes the formation of the vent fluid by mixing of seawater, seawater concentrated by boiling, and a deep, highly-saline end-member, whose composition is regulated by water-rock interactions at relatively high temperature and shows clear clues of magmatic-related inputs. The chemical composition of concentrated seawater was assumed to be represented by that of the water sample having the highest Mg content. The composition of the deep end-member was instead calculated by extrapolation assuming a zero-Mg end-member. The Na–K–Ca geothermometer, when applied to the thermal end-member composition, indicated an equilibrium temperature of approximately 300 °C, a temperature in agreement with the results obtained by gas-geothermometry.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper was to provide a significant case‐history concerning the evolution of a segmented system of extensional faults and related basins, investigated by a set of seismic reflection profiles. We investigated two kinematically linked semi‐grabens, developed at the hangingwall of two opposite‐dipping normal faults: the Vallo di Diano and Auletta basins, located in the southern Apennines, one of the most seismically active regions of the Italian peninsula. Our interpretation suggests that the Pliocene–Quaternary tectonic history consists of a single extensional phase, where the major NW–SE trending normal faults, generating the basins, and the strike‐slip and transtensional faults connecting adjacent normal fault segments, simultaneously act, being part of the same extensional system. We also conclude that major normal faults, bordering the basins, should be considered as potential seismogenic sources in the seismic hazard evaluation.  相似文献   

 Curuksu is a low temperature hydrothermal system located within the upper sector of the B. Menderes Graben. The hydrologic structure of the Curuksu hydrothermal system is largely controlled by major graben faults where it is characterized by the presence of two thermal reservoirs. One is formed by Paleozoic quartzite, schist and marble units, and the second consists of Pliocene limestone-travertine units. The thermal conditions in the Curuksu region indicate that the regional tectonics and resulting local stress field control low temperatures activity. Temperatures of 30 springs emerging in the study area range between 15 and 55  °C. These springs are classified as cold fresh, warm mineral and thermal waters. Pamukkale, Karahayıt and Honaz springs are steam condensate waters, whereas Curuksu springs are commonly steam-heated waters with respect to the major anion concentrations. The reservoir temperatures have been estimated from chemical compositions by utilizing simultaneously, geothermometers and mixing models. According to these thermometric methods, the most probable subsurface temperature is in the range of 62–90  °C. However, the mixing models suggest a temperature level of 80  °C for the parent water. The system has low total dissolved solid (TDS) of ∼1000–1500 mg/l, which indicate that these waters undergo conductive cooling within the reservoir. Received: 9 September 1999 · Accepted: 14 February 2000  相似文献   

为了深入探讨黔南地区早石炭世黑色岩系沉积-构造环境,笔者对页岩气钻孔CY1井打屋坝组黑色岩系进行了详细采样测试,并重点分析了页岩稀土元素地球化学特征。分析结果表明,该区早石炭世页岩稀土元素总量(ΣREE)为(213.08~308.1)×10-6,平均值为251.43×10-6,大于北美页岩的平均值(173. 21×10-6);w(ΣLREE)/w(ΣHREE)及w(Ce)N/w(Yb)N等地球化学参数表明,轻、重稀土元素分异明显;REE分布模式呈平坦状,表现出轻稀土富集、重稀土元素亏损;δEu值为0.53~0.67 < 1,显示中等程度的负Eu异常,Ce异常表现不明显。根据δCe和Ce异常值的变化,反映研究区早石炭世为缺氧还原环境。根据稀土元素组合特征、δEu值的变化及w(La)N/w(Yb)N-ΣREE的图解特征,结合区域地质背景,认为黔南地区打屋坝组黑色页岩的物源来自黔中隆起和雪峰山隆起,母岩为沉积岩和花岗岩的混合,沉积区构造环境为被动大陆边缘构造背景。  相似文献   

The groundwater system of the Eva Verda basin (Saint Marcel Valley, southern side of the middle Aosta Valley, Italy) has many springs that can be used as sources for drinking water. This area is near the disused Servette mine, which can be a pollutant source (metals and sulfides) for the springs located downhill. Aquifer characterization was done using a multidisciplinary approach: geostructural, lithological, hydrogeological and geochemical. In particular, the geostructural analysis showed that the preferential water-flow direction is controlled by tectonics and that it has a trend along the slope toward the downhill springs. The mine drainage flow direction is in agreement with this trend and can pollute the springs. Chemical analysis revealed three water groups: (1) SO 4 2- –Ca2+–Mg2+ rich water (mine drainage), (2) HCO 3 - –SO 4 2- –Ca2+ rich water and (3) HCO 3 - –Ca2+ rich water (freshwater). The second group of water results from the different percentage mix between the first and the third waters. The low percentage of mine polluted water demonstrates that there is a high dilution and low pollution of waters that can be exploited for drinking.  相似文献   

In post-Variscan times the Dolomites underwent a number of tectonic events, which may be summarized as follows: Permian and Triassic rifting phases broke the area into NS trending basins with different degrees of subsidence. A Middle Triassic transpressive event then deformed the region along a N70°E axis, generating flower structures within the basement. Volcano-tectonic domal uplift and subsequent caldera formation occurred at the same time as the Late Ladinian magmatism. Early Jurassic rifting also controlled the subsidence which increased eastward. This long period of deformation was followed by a pre-Neogene (Late Cretaceous-Palaeogene ?) EW (ENE-WSW) compression which generated a W-vergent belt, possibly equivalent to the folded foreland of the Dinaric chain. A 70 km EW section of the Dolomites indicates shortening of at least 10 km. During the Neogene the Dolomites, as far north as the Insubric Lineament, were the innermost part of a S-vergent thrust belt: the basement of the Dolomites was thrust southwards along the Valsugana Line onto the sedimentary cover of the Venetian Prealps for at least 10 km. This caused a regional uplift of 3–5 km. The Valsugana Line and its backthrusts on the northern side of the central Dolomites generated a 60 km wide pop-up in the form of a synclinorium within which the sedimentary cover adapted itself mainly by flexural-slip often forming triangle zones. The shortening linked to this folding is about 5 km with Neogene thrusts faulting and folding pre-existing thrust-planes. On the north-eastern side of the Dolomites, Neogene deformation is apparently more strictly controlled by the transpressive effects of the Insubric Lineament and shortening of the sedimentary cover may be greater than in the central Dolomites. Minor deformation linked to the Giudicarie belt is present in the western Dolomites. The present structure of the Dolomites is thus the result of a number of tectonic events of different significance and different strike. Only a 3-dimensional restoration can unravel the true structure of the Dolomites.  相似文献   

Petrographic and geochemical analyses of three Cretaceous lithostratigraphic sandstone units were undertaken to constrain their provenance and tectonic setting. Petrographic analysis showed that there are differences in composition between the three sandstone bodies, which can be attributed to differences in provenance relief, transport distance and geology of the terrain. Composition of the three lithostratigraphic sandstone bodies fall within the craton interior field.
Framework mode and chemical features indicated their derivation from basaltic volcanics, source rocks during the early rifting stage, and felsic, intermediate and mafic igneous source rocks located at the southeast basement complex terrain, with minor sedimentary components from the uplifted and folded older Cretaceous strata.
The chemical composition of the sandstones is mainly related to source rocks, chemical weathering conditions and transport agents. The source rocks were derived mainly from the southeastern Precambrian basement of Nigeria. Through examination of the sandstones, the tectonic setting was modeled. The Benue Trough belongs to a continental sedimentary basin of the passive margin type.
The tectonic evolution from Albian to Maastrichtain of the trough is contributed to the difference in framework mode and chemical composition of the sandstones. The evolution of the basin was reconstructed in terms of sandstone petrology and geochemistry. The tectonic evolution can be subdivided into three stages from the petrology and geochemistry data. The first stage covers Albian; the second stage the Turonian-Coniacian, and the third stage the Campanian-Maastrichtain. These are the three mega discontinuities in the sandstone composition among these three stages. These three discontinuities signify the influence of tectonism.  相似文献   

赣南淘锡坑钨矿床流体包裹体地球化学研究   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
赣南崇义县淘锡坑钨矿位于南岭东西向构造带东段与武夷山北东-北北东向构造带南段的复合部位,属于以石英脉型黑钨矿为主的钨多金属矿床.对该矿床主成矿期与黑钨矿共生的石英和黑钨矿的流体包裹体进行了系统研究,结果显示,与黑钨矿共生石英中流体包裹体均一温度主要集中在160-260℃之间,盐度为1.64%~6.67%;黑钨矿中流体包...  相似文献   

A hydrogeological conceptual model has been developed that describes the hydrothermal system of Suio Terme (central Italy). The studied area is located along the peri-Tyrrhenian zone of the central Apennines, between the Mesozoic and Cenozoic carbonate platform sequences of the Aurunci Mountains and the volcanic sequences of the Roccamonfina. A multi-disciplinary approach was followed, using new hydrogeological surveys, the interpretation of stratigraphic logs of boreholes and water wells, and geophysical data—seismic sections, shear-wave velocity (Vs) crustal model and gravimetric model. The collected information allowed for construction of a conceptual hydrogeological model and characterization of the hydrothermal system. The Suio hydrothermal system is strongly influenced by the Eastern Aurunci hydrostructure. Along the southeastern side, the top of the hydrostructure sinks to ?1,000 m relative to sea level via a series of normal faults which give origin to the Garigliano graben. Geological and hydrogeological data strongly suggest the propagation and mixing of hot fluids, with cold waters coming from the shallow karst circuit. The aquitard distribution, the normal tectonic displacements and the fracturing of the karst hydrostructure strongly influence the hydrothermal basin. Carbon dioxide and other gasses play a key role in the whole circuit, facilitating the development of the hydrothermal system. The current level of knowledge suggests that the origin of the Suio hydrothermalism is the result of interaction between the carbonate reservoir of the Eastern Aurunci Mountains and the hot and deep crust of this peri-Tyrrhenian sector, where the Roccamonfina volcano represents the shallowest expression.  相似文献   

Samples from a barite vein deposit, located in the Catanzaro Fiumarella (Calabria) were examined by fluid inclusion and ore minerographic techniques. The barite vein occur in plutonic rocks of the Stilo Unit, where some Mo mineralizations were reported. The purpose of the study was to determine the characteristics of the fluid inclusions and to compare them to those of typical porphyry Cu/Mo systems. The ore minerographic study shows that the sulfides, associated to the barite, are clearly post-barite. The fluid inclusion results indicate that the average minimum temperature of the barite formation can be assumed to be about 210°C, with a range of 190–235°C. The salinity of the barite forming solutions is in the range 0–19.5 wt% NaCl and the average minimum pressure on the system was of 18.04 bars equivalent to a minimum depth of 201 m of barite formation below the paleowatertable. No genetic link is suggested to exist between the fluid inclusions of the Fiumarella barite deposit and those characteristic of typical porphyry Cu/Mo systems, whereas a close relation with epithermal precious metal (with base metals) vein deposits or with their distant cousins, the Kuroko deposits, is suggested to exist.Work carried out with the financial assistance of the "Progetto Finalizzato Geodinamica" (no 79.00597.89.115.6291). Publ. no 353  相似文献   

In central Italy Mesozoic carbonates represent the principal reservoir of freshwater of the region. The hydrogeological setting is linked to the geological evolution of the Apennine chain and is generally characterised by a lower aquifer and one or more shallower aquifers separated by thin aquicludes. In these systems, groundwater composition is the result of a complex array of regional and local geochemical processes. The main geochemical processes are the dissolution of calcite, the influx of deeply derived CO2 related to a regional process of mantle degassing, dedolomitization and mixing with deep saline fluids. The occurrence of saline fluids, characterised by a Na–Cl(HCO3) composition, is related to the presence of a deep regional aquifer at the base of Mesozoic carbonates. The extremely high pCO2 values computed for the saline waters suggest that the deep aquifer is also a structural trap for the mantle derived CO2 during its ascent towards the surface. In central Italy, geological and geophysical data highlight the presence of two different crustal sectors: the eastern sector, where the geometry of the Apennine thrust belt is still preserved, and the western sector, where the compressive structures are dislocated by important extensional deformations. In the western sector, the normal faults disrupting the compressive structures allow the mixing of the deep Na–Cl(HCO3) fluids with the shallow groundwater causing a salinity increase and the natural deterioration of groundwater quality.  相似文献   

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