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《Applied Geochemistry》2000,15(2):245-263
Since the 80's, studies have shown that Au is mobile in supergene lateritic surficial conditions. They are based either on petrological, thermodynamic studies, or experimental works. In contrast, few studies have been done on the mobility of the Pt group elements (PGE). Moreover, at the present time, no study has addressed the differential mobility of Au, Ag and Pd from natural alloys in the supergene environment. The aim of this study is to understand the supergene behavior, in lateritic conditions, of Au–Ag–Pd alloys of the Au ore locally called Jacutinga at the Maquiné Mine, Iron Quadrangle, Minas Gerais state, Brazil.The field work shows that the host rock is a “Lake Superior type” banded iron formation (BIF) and that the Au mineralization originates from sulfide-barren hydrothermal processes. Primary Ag–Pd-bearing Au has developed as xenomorphous particles between hematite and quartz grains. The petrological study indicates that the most weathered primary Au particles with rounded shapes and pitted surfaces were found, under the duricrust, within the upper friable saprolite. This layer, however is not the most weathered part of the lateritic mantle, but it is where the quartz dissolution resulting porosity is the most developed. The distribution of Au contents in the weathered rocks are controlled by the initial hydrothermal primary pattern. No physical dispersion has been found. Most of the particles are residual and very weakly weathered. This characterizes early stages of Au particle weathering in agreement with the relatively low weathering gradient of the host itabiritic formations that leads essentially to the development of isostructural saprolite lateritic mantle. Limited dissolution of primary Au particles issued from the friable saprolite induces Pd–Ag depleted rims compared to primary Au particle Pd–Ag contents.In addition, limited very short distance in situ dissolution/reprecipitation processes have been found at depth within the primary mineralization, as illustrated by tiny supergene, almost pure, Au particles. The supergene mobility order Pd>Ag>Au as reflecting early weathering stages of Au–Ag–Pd alloys under lateritic conditions is proposed.  相似文献   

Dissolution cavities in weathered pebbly quartzite of the ~2.5-Ga Moeda Formation at Capanema, Quadrilátero Ferrífero of Minas Gerais, Brazil, are decorated with suspended filaments of opaline silica. The filaments sustain xenotime–hematite aggregates in the open space. Xenotime occurs as inclusions in buds and botryoidal aggregates of hematite. The filamentous structures consist of strand-forming buds, hypha-like extensions, and thin strands that compose mat-like arrangements. They resemble microbial filaments that were replaced by opaline silica and fossilized. The occurrence of spherical hematite as protuberances on hematite-free opaline hyphae is interpreted as accretion of dissolved iron onto extracellular polymers. Phosphate sites in polymeric substances expelled from the microbial filaments might have adsorbed yttrium and heavy rare-earth elements from groundwater to the iron-accreting polymers. These would have resulted in botryoidal aggregates of hematite with xenotime inclusions. The presence of authigenic xenotime in the weathering zone opens a new possibility to constrain the evolution of lateritic profiles by xenotime geochronology.  相似文献   

Significant and widespread enrichment of platinum, palladium, and gold has been found within the Nkenja mafic–ultramafic body located in southern Tanzania in the central part of the Ubendian metamorphic belt. This body is dominated by partly serpentinized chromitiferous dunite, wehrlite and olivine clinopyroxenite, which are tectonically intercalated with amphibolitized metagabbro. The dunites contain both disseminated and seam-type chrome spinel with an Al-rich composition. The seams are thin, impersistent and, together with enclosing dunite, often show deformation at granulite facies conditions. Forsterite contents of olivine in the dunite range from 87 to 92?mol%. Clinopyroxene in wehrlite and clinopyroxenite is diopsidic with significant contents of Al and Na. Clinopyroxene forms irregular bands and crosscutting veins in the dunite, as well as occurring as weakly dispersed isolated grains in the dunite. Elevated levels of Pt, Pd and Au occur in all ultramafic rocks, but not amphibolitized metagabbro, and there is a weak correlation between high abundances of platinum-group element (PGE) and chromitites. PGE values are erratically distributed and are associated with trace to minor amounts of disseminated sulphides (pyrrhotite, pentlandite, heazlewoodite, chalcopyrite and bornite). The abundances of all PGE are consistently anomalous, suggesting a primary igneous control by sulphides in ultramafic rock. However, there has evidently been a strong metamorphic and/or hydrothermal overprint on what was probably an original magmatic concentration of PGE-bearing sulphides. Geological mapping and petrological evidence, as well as the style of PGE sulphide mineralization, are consistent with the Nkenja ultramafic body being part of the crustal section of a dismembered Palaeoproterozoic ophiolite.  相似文献   

The Palaeo-Mesoproterozoic metasiliciclastic rocks of the southern Serra do Espinhaço, Minas Gerais, Brazil, are host to historically important alluvial deposits of diamonds and gold. Detrital gold grains often comprise Au–Pd–Pt intermetallic compounds, with low Ag contents, which contain inclusions of tourmaline and titaniferous hematite (up to ~ 6 wt.% TiO2). The latter minerals connect the alluvial mineralisation to the rutile–hematite–quartz veins and tourmalinisation observed in the quartzitic country rocks of the alluvial gravel. The quartzite (Sopa-Brumadinho Formation of lacustrine to fan-deltaic origin) is affected by pervasive B metasomatism with F-bearing tourmaline replacing the recrystallised quartz fabric. The tourmaline belongs to the alkali group, with Mg/(Mg + Fe) and X/(X + Na) ratios in the ranges from 0.5 to 0.7 and 0.18 to 0.29, respectively, where X represents vacancies in the X site. Boron-isotopic values of tourmaline vary from ~ 1 to − 10.4‰ δ11B. The B-isotope range, in conjunction with the Na–Mg-rich tourmaline composition, and the widespread occurrence of tourmalinite in the Sopa-Brumadinho Formation suggest a derivation from non-marine evaporitic brines. Brines are capable of transporting otherwise immobile Ti and explain, under oxidising conditions, the fractionation of Ag from Pd to precipitate palladiferous gold with extremely high Pd/Ag ratios. Zirconium-in-rutile and Ti-in-quartz temperatures for a variety of hematite-rich veins suggest episodic vein emplacement over a temperature range from around 500 °C to ~ 350 °C. Cross-cutting relationships and episodic vein emplacement indicate a late-Brasiliano age.  相似文献   

The auriferous lode of Passagem de Mariana is characterised by abundant tourmaline, which is intergrown with arsenopyrite. Spot measurements using laser ablation–inductively coupled plasma–mass spectrometry show that Co and Ni are the most abundant trace elements in the arsenopyrite (45–538?ppm Co, 246–828?ppm Ni), with Co/Ni ratios consistently <1. The coexisting tourmaline also has Co/Ni <1, with Co and Ni contents that are ~2 orders of magnitude lower than those in the arsenopyrite. The Co/Ni ratios of tourmaline and arsenopyrite are tightly distributed along a positive linear trend, the angular coefficient of which represents the Co/Ni of the hydrothermal fluid from which these minerals precipitated. The fluid Co/Ni ratio is close to the average Co/Ni value for the upper continental crust. In conjunction with the abundance of lode tourmaline and its B-isotope data (from the literature), the Co/Ni ratios of tourmaline and arsenopyrite fingerprint a continental evaporitic source of B.  相似文献   

The distribution of mineral deposits, characterised as barite deposits, hematite-rich auriferous deposits and auriferous tourmaline–sulfide deposits, displays a regional sulfate–hematite–sulfide zoning along the thrust-delineated limbs of the Mariana anticline, in the south-eastern part of the Quadrilátero Ferrífero of Minas Gerais, Brazil. Cross-cut relationships of barite veins and sulfide lodes indicate that sulfidation occurred in a late-tectonic context, which is here attributed to the collapse of the ~0.6-Ga Brasiliano thrust front. Reconnaissance S-isotopic data from barite and pyrite (Antônio Pereira barite deposit and its adjacent gold deposit, respectively), and arsenopyrite (Passagem de Mariana gold deposit), suggest a new interpretation for the hydrothermal fluid overprint in the Mariana anticline. The Antônio Pereira barite has Δ33S values that are near zero, constraining the sulfate source to rocks younger than 2.45 Ga. The barite-δ34S values are between +19.6 and +20.8?‰. The Passagem arsenopyrite and tourmaline have Co/Ni ratios that define a positive linear trend with the Antônio Pereira pyrite. The latter has homogenous δ34S values, between +8.8 and +8.9?‰, which are compatible with thermochemical reduction of aqueous sulfate with the S-isotopic composition of the Antônio Pereira barite.  相似文献   

The black shale-hosted selenide vein-type deposit at Tilkerode, eastern Harz, Germany, has specular hematite enclosed in clausthalite (PbSe). The specular hematite has Ti and V in amounts of up to ~1 wt.% TiO2 and ~3 wt.% V2O5, and subordinate, but important, contents of Mo (22–372 ppm) and B (up to 68 ppm). The Tilkerode hematite serves as a reference for hydrothermal hematite formed at relatively low temperatures (<150 °C). The composition of the Tilkerode hematite is compared with that of two generations of specular hematite from itabirite-hosted iron-ore deposits in the Quadrilátero Ferrífero of Minas Gerais, Brazil. The first generation of specular hematite represents an early tectonic hematitisation of dolomitic itabirite at Águas Claras and occurs as fine-grained crystals. Reconnaissance data indicate that the Águas Claras hematite is poorer in Ti and V, relative to the Tilkerode hematite, but has ~5–10 ppm B and ~7–11 ppm Li. The second generation of specular hematite defines the pervasive tectonic foliation of the Gongo Soco iron ore. This hematite has Ti contents of up to ~2 wt.% TiO2 and subordinate amounts of V (62–367 ppm); its B and Li concentrations are mostly below <2 ppm B and <1 ppm Li. The presence of Ti and B in the Tilkerode hematite can be explained by highly saline, B-bearing fluids that were capable of mobilising otherwise immobile Ti. The Mo signature of the Tilkerode hematite suggests that Mo was derived from the host black shale. In Minas Gerais, B and Li were incorporated into the early tectonic hematite from saline fluids at relatively low temperatures (Águas Claras) and then released during metamorphic hematite growth at higher temperatures, as suggested by the foliation-defining hematite without B–Li signature (Gongo Soco).  相似文献   

Mississippi Valley type (MVT) Pb–Zn deposits can occur in orogenic thrust belts. However, the relationship between MVT ore-forming processes and thrusting is unclear. The 1500-km-long Sanjiang Metallogenic Belt in Tibetan Plateau is an important thrust-controlled MVT ore province with 860 Mt at 0.76–2.3% Pb, 0.3–6.1% Zn. The Zhaofayong MVT ore cluster in the Changdu area is a typical sample. The orebodies in this ore cluster are hosted in limestone, controlled by secondary faults to regional thrusts and forming along these faults. Two Pb–Zn mineralization stages in this cluster are recognized. Stage I is characterized by coarse and euhedral galena + sphalerite + calcite + fluorite + barite and Stage II by fine grained sphalerite + galena + pyrite + calcite. Sm–Nd isotopic dating of calcite forming in Stage I yields isochron ages of 41.1–38.1 Ma, suggesting the mineralization formed during extension following the first regional compression in the Changdu area. The connection between Stage I mineralization and the regional thrusting in the Changdu area can extend to the whole Sanjiang belt. Two stages of regional Pb–Zn mineralization are recognized between 65 Ma and 30 Ma and between 30 Ma and 16 Ma in the belt. The two Pb–Zn mineralization stages are consistent with those regional episodic thrusting activities and both of them immediately occurred after the episodic thrusting. An interpretation of the regional Pb–Zn mineralization is that regional compression forced the movement of hydrothermal fluids along regional thrust-nappe detachment faults and subsequent post-thrust extension caused the migration of hydrothermal fluids to the ore forming locations. The two mineralization stages in the Sanjiang Belt indicate complex processes related to India–Eurasia collision and the gradually younger mineralization ages from southeast to northwest indicate the collision follows the same direction.  相似文献   

Pseudo–coprolites are inorganic structures often confused with fossil faeces. The absence of some diagnostic features, such as inclusions, coprofabrics, grain adhesion, and defined shape, suffices to disregard these structures as coprolites. Herein we revise the so–called “coprolites” from the Serra da Galga Member of the Marília Formation (Maastrichtian of Bauru Group, Paraná Basin), at “Ponto 1 do Price” locality near the town of Peirópolis (Uberaba municipality, Minas Gerais State, Brazil) and conclude that they are, in fact, pseudo–coprolites related to calcretes. These data also agree with the geological setting of “Ponto 1 do Price”, composed mainly of coarse sandstones and conglomerates, in which these pseudo–coprolites were found. In addition, some of these specimens exhibit superficial traces, here described as a new boring ichnospecies, Asthenopodichnium fallax isp. nov., produced by invertebrates in Late Cretaceous fresh–water settings of Brazil.  相似文献   

In this study, we have investigated the formation of quartz–kyanite veins of the Alpe Sponda, Central Alps, Switzerland. We have integrated field observations, fluid inclusion and stable isotope data and combined this with numerical geochemical modeling to constrain the chemical processes of aluminum transport and deposition. The estimated P–T conditions of the quartz–kyanite veins, based on conventional geothermometry (garnet–biotite, white mica solvus and quartz–kyanite oxygen isotope thermometry) and fluid inclusion data, are 550 ± 30°C at 5.0 ± 0.5 kbar. Geochemical modeling involved construction of aqueous species predominance diagrams, calculation of kyanite and quartz solubility, and reaction–path simulations. The results of the modeling demonstrate that (1) for the given chemical composition of the vein-forming fluids mixed Al–Si aqueous species are dominant in transporting Al, and that (2) fluid cooling along a small temperature gradient coupled with a pH decrease is able to explain the precipitation of the quartz–kyanite assemblages in the proportions that are observed in the Alpe Sponda veins. We conclude that sufficient amounts of Al can be transported in typical medium- to high-grade regional metamorphic fluids and that immobile behavior of Al is not very likely in advection–dominanted fluid–rock systems in the upper and middle crust.  相似文献   

On December 9, 2007, a 4.9 mb earthquake occurred in the middle of the São Francisco Craton, in a region with no known previous activity larger than 4 mb. This event reached intensity VII MM (Modified Mercalli) causing the first fatal victim in Brazil. The activity had started in May 25, 2007 with a 3.5 magnitude event and continued for several months, motivating the deployment of a local 6-station network. A three week seismic quiescence was observed before the mainshock. Initial absolute hypocenters were calculated with best fitting velocity models and then relative locations were determined with hypoDD. The aftershock distribution indicates a 3 km long rupture for the mainshock. The fault plane solution, based on P-wave polarities and hypocentral trend, indicates a reverse faulting mechanism on a N30°Ε striking plane dipping about 40° to the SE. The rupture depth extends from about 0.3 to 1.2 km only. Despite the shallow depth of the mainshock, no surface feature could be correlated with the fault plane. Aeromagnetic data in the epicentral area show short-wavelength lineaments trending NNE–SSW to NE–SW which we interpret as faults and fractures in the craton basement beneath the surface limestone layer. We propose that the Caraíbas–Itacarambi seismicity is probably associated with reactivation of these basement fractures and faults under the present E–W compressional stress field in this region of the South American Plate.  相似文献   

 Mafic and ultramafic rocks sampled in the Garrett transform fault at 13°28′S on the East Pacific Rise (EPR) provide insight on magmatic processes occurring under a fast-spreading ridge system. Serpentinized harzburgite from Garrett have modal, mineral and bulk chemical compositions consistent with being mantle residue of a high degree of partial melting. Along with other EPR localities (Terevaka transform fault and Hess Deep), these harzburgites are among the most residual and depleted in magmatophile elements of the entire mid-ocean ridge system. Geothermometric calculations using olivine-spinel pairs indicate a mean temperature of 759 ± 25 °C for Garrett residual harzburgite similar to the average of 755 °C for tectonite peridotites from slow-spreading ridges. Results of this study show that mid-ocean ridge peridotites are subject to both fractional melting and metasomatic processes. Evidence for mantle metasomatism is ubiquitous in harzburgite and is likely widespread in the entire Garrett peridotite massif. Magma-harzburgite interactions are very well preserved as pyroxenite lenses, plagioclase dunite pockets or dunitic wall rock to intrusive gabbros. Abundant gabbroic rocks are found as intrusive pockets and dikes in harzburgite and have been injected in the following sequence: olivine-gabbro, gabbro, gabbronorite, and ferrogabbro. The wide variety of magmas that crystallized into gabbros contrast sharply with present-day intratransform basalts, which have a highly primitive composition. Ferrogabbro dikes have been intruded at the ridge-transform intersection and as they represent the last event of a succession of gabbros intrusive into the peridotite, they likely constrain the origin of the entire peridotite massif to the same location. In peridotite massifs from Pacific transform faults (Garrett and Terevaka), primitive to fractionated basaltic magmas have flowed and crystallized variable amounts of dunite (±plagioclase) and minor pyroxenite, followed by a succession of cumulate gabbroic dikes which have extensively intruded and modified the host harzburgitic rocks. The lithosphere and style of magmatic activity within a fast-slipping transform fault (outcrops of ultramafic massif, discontinuous gabbro pockets intrusive in peridotite, magnesian and phyric basalts) are more analogous to slow-spreading Mid-Atlantic Ridge type than the East Pacific Rise. Received: 13 October 1997 / Accepted: 5 February 1999  相似文献   

Western Ghats Belt of western Dharwar Craton is dominated by metavolcanic rocks (komatiites, high-magnesium basalts (HMBs), basalts, boninites) with occasional metagabbros. This rock-suite has undergone post-magmatic alteration processes corresponding to greenschist- to lower-amphibolite facies conditions. Komatiites are Al-depleted, characterized by lower Al2O3/TiO2 and high CaO/Al2O3. Their trace element distribution patterns suggest most of the primary geochemical compositions are preserved with minor influence of post-magmatic alteration processes and negligible crustal contamination. Chemical characteristics of Al-depleted komatiites imply their derivation from deeper upper mantle with/without garnet involvement. HMBs and basalts are differentiated based on their magnesium content. Basalts and occasionally associated gabbroic sills have similar geochemical characteristics. HMB are characterized by light rare earth element (LREE) enrichment, with significant Nb–Ta and Zr negative anomalies. Basalts and associated gabbros display tholeiitic affinity, with LREE-enriched to slightly fractionated heavy rare earth element (HREE) patterns. Boninites are distinctive in conjunction of low abundances of incompatible elements with respect to the studied komatiites. Chondrite-normalized REE patterns of boninites show relative enrichment in LREE and HREE with respect to MREE. Prominent island arc signatures are evident in HMB, basalts, boninites, and gabbros in terms of their Nb–Ta and Zr–Hf negative anomalies, LREE enrichment and HFSE depletion. It is suggested that these HMB–basalts (associated gabbros)–boninites are the products of arc magmatism. Their REE chemistry attests to a gradual transition in melting depth varying between spinel and garnet stability field in an arc regime. The close spatial association but contrasting elemental characteristics of komatiites and HMB–basalts–boninites can be explained by a plume-arc model, in which the ~3.0 Ga komatiites are considered to be the products of plume volcanism in an oceanic setting, while the HMB, basalts, boninites, and associated gabbros were emplaced in a continental margin setting around 2.8–2.7 Ga.  相似文献   

The archetypical komatiite-hosted Alexo Ni–Cu–(PGE) deposit occurs in the 2,720–2,710-Ma Kidd-Munro Assemblage of the western Abitibi greenstone belt in Dundonald Township, Ontario. Detailed mapping of a 200-m long glacially polished outcrop provides unequivocal evidence that the host komatiite flow thermomechanically eroded footwall andesites: (1) the contact between komatiite and andesite is very sharp but delicately scalloped, marked by a <1-cm-thick selvedge of black aphanitic komatiite and clearly transgresses pillow structures and interpillow breccias in the andesite without any evidence of a regolith, shearing, or folding, producing multiple nested embayments on scales from hundreds of meters to a few centimeters; (2) the andesites have been contact metamorphosed and altered along the entire length of the outcrop and the degree of metamorphism/alteration is thicker and more intense around embayments; (3) xenoliths of andesite in komatiite are more common within embayments; (4) komatiitic dikes penetrate downward into underlying andesites, primarily along the lateral margins of embayments; and (5) many of the dikes and marginal rocks exhibit geochemical evidence of contamination. This physical and geochemical evidence for thermomechanical erosion, combined with S isotopic evidence for a major component of non-magmatic country-rock S in the ores, provides additional support for the roles of thermomechanical erosion and incorporation of country-rock S in the genesis of komatiite-associated Ni–Cu–(PGE) deposits. The detailed mapping also reveals that the stratigraphy of the ore zone is considerably more complex than previously reported, indicating that the sulfides were emplaced in several stages, confirming the dynamic nature of the ore emplacement process in komatiite-associated Ni–Cu–(PGE) deposits.  相似文献   

Five Cu–Au epidote skarns are associated with the Mt. Shea intrusive complex, located in the 2.7–2.6 Ga Eastern Goldfields Province of the Archean Yilgarn craton, in greenstones bounded by the Boulder Lefroy and Golden Mile strike-slip faults, which control the Golden Mile (1,435 t Au) at Kalgoorlie and smaller “orogenic” gold deposits at Kambalda. The Cu–Au deposits studied are oxidized endoskarns replacing faulted and fractured quartz monzodiorite–granodiorite. The orebodies are up to 140 m long and 40 m thick. Typical grades are 0.5% Cu and 0.3 g/t Au although parts are richer in gold (1.5–4.5 g/t). At the Hannan South mine, the skarns consist of epidote, calcite, chlorite, magnetite (5–15%), and minor quartz, muscovite, and microcline. Gangue and magnetite are in equilibrium contact with pyrite and chalcopyrite. The As–Co–Ni-bearing pyrite contains inclusions of hematite, gold, and electrum and is intergrown with cobaltite and Cu–Pb–Bi sulfides. At the Shea prospect, massive, net-textured, and breccia skarns are composed of multistage epidote, actinolite, albite, magnetite (5%), and minor biotite, calcite, and quartz. Gangue and magnetite are in equilibrium with Co–Ni pyrite and chalcopyrite. Mineral-pair thermometry, mass-balance calculations, and stable-isotope data (pyrite δ34SCDT = 2.5‰, calcite δ13CPDB = −5.3‰, and δ18OSMOW = 12.9‰) indicate that the Cu–Au skarns formed at 500 ± 50°C by intense Ca–Fe–CO2–S metasomatism from fluids marked by an igneous isotope signature. The Mt. Shea stock–dike–sill complex postdates the regional D1 folding and metamorphism and the main phase of D2 strike-slip faulting. The suite is calc-akaline and comprises hornblende–plagioclase monzodiorite, quartz monzodiorite, granodiorite, and quartz–plagioclase tonalite porphyry. The intrusions display a wide range in silica content (53–73 wt% SiO2), in ratio (0.37–0.89), and in ratio (0.02–0.31). Chromium (62–345 ppm), Ni (23–158), Sr (311–1361 ppm), and Ba (250–2,581 ppm) contents are high, Sr/Y ratios are high (24–278, mostly >50), and the rare earth element patterns are fractionated . These features and a negative niobium anomaly relative to the normal mid-ocean ridge basalt indicate that the suite formed by hornblende fractionation from a subduction-related monzodiorite magma sourced from metasomatized peridotite in the upper mantle. The magnesian composition of many intrusions was enhanced due to hornblende crystallization under oxidizing hydrous conditions and during the subsequent destruction of igneous magnetite by subsolidus actinolite–albite alteration. At the Shea prospect, main-stage Cu–Au epidote skarn is cut by biotite–albite–dolomite schist and by red biotite–albite replacement bands. Post-skarn alteration includes 20-m-thick zones of sericite–chlorite–ankerite schist confined to two D3 reverse faults. The schists are mineralized with magnetite + pyrite + chalcopyrite (up to 0.62% Cu, 1.6 g/t Au) and are linked to skarn formation by shared Ca–Fe–CO2 metasomatism. Red sericitic alteration, marked by magnetite + hematite + pyrite, occurs in fractured porphyry. The biotite/sericite alteration and oxidized ore assemblages at the Shea prospect are mineralogically identical to magnetite–hematite-bearing gold lodes at Kambalda and in the Golden Mile. Published fluid inclusion data suggest that a “high-pressure”, oxidized magmatic fluid (2–9 wt% NaCl equivalent, , 200–400 MPa) was responsible for gold mineralization in structural sites of the Boulder Lefroy and Golden Mile faults. The sericite–alkerite lodes in the Golden Mile share the assemblages pyrite + tennantite + chalcopyrite and bornite + pyrite, and accessory high-sulfidation enargite with late-stage sericitic alteration zones developed above porphyry copper deposits.  相似文献   

The main task of this study was to reveal geochemical and distinctive features of gold–quartz vein ores of deposits in granitoid intrusive bodies and in terrigenous black-schist masses of the Yana-Kolyma folded belt. The results obtained point to the significant role of metamorphism of the enclosing terrigenous carbonaceous masses in ore formation of both types of deposits. The established facts are not contradictory to the metamorphic–magmagene model of the formation of gold deposits in the Yana–Kolyma belt. The geochemical similarity of both types of deposits shows that these are products of the same orogenic system, which confirms the validity of combining these deposits to form a unified gold–quartz formation.  相似文献   

The Águas Claras and Pico Mines are two world-class iron-ore mines hosted within the Lower- Proterozoic banded iron-formations (locally known as itabirites) of the Minas Supergroup located in the Quadrilátero Ferrífero district, Minas Gerais, Brazil. The Águas Claras orebody consists of a 2,500-m-long roughly tabular-shaped lens hosted within the dolomitic itabirite of the Cauê Formation. Dolomitic itabirite is the protore of the soft high-grade iron ore, which is the main ore type of the Águas Claras orebody, representing about 85% of the 284 Mt mined since 1973, with the remaining 15% comprising hard high-grade ore. Hematite is the main constituent of the iron ores. It occurs as martite, granular hematite and locally as specularite. Magnetite appears subordinately as relicts within martite and hematite crystals. Gangue minerals are very rare. These consist of dolomite, chlorite, talc, and apatite, and are especially common in contact with the protore. This virtual absence of gangue minerals is reflected in the chemistry of ores that are characterized by very high Fe contents (an average of 68.2% Fe).The Pico orebody is a continuous ~3,000-m-long body of a lenticular shape hosted within siliceous itabirite, which is the protore of the soft high- and low-grade ores at the Pico Mine. The soft high-grade ores, together with the low-grade ores, called iron-rich itabirite, are the main types of ore, and respectively represent approximately 51 and 29% of the reserves. The remaining 20% consists of hard high-grade ore. The iron oxide mineralogy is the same as that of the Águas Claras Mine, but in different proportions. Gangue minerals are very rare in the high-grade ores, but are slightly more common in the iron-rich itabirite. Quartz is the dominant gangue mineral, and is found with minor quantities of chlorite. The chemistry of the high-grade ores is characterized by high Fe contents (an average of 67.0%) and low P, Al2O3, and SiO2, which are concentrated in the fines. Iron-rich itabirites average 58.6% Fe and 13.5% SiO2.The genesis of the soft high-grade ores and iron-rich itabirites is related to supergene processes. Leaching of the gangue minerals by groundwater promoted the residual iron enrichment of the itabirites. This process was favored by the tropical climate and topographic situation. The original composition of the itabirites and the presence of structures controlling the circulation of the groundwater have influenced the degree of iron enrichment. The hard high-grade ores are of a hypogene origin. Their genesis is attributed to hydrothermal solutions that leached the gangue minerals and filled the spaces with hematite. This process remains a source of debate and is not yet fully understood.Editorial handling: S.G. Hagemann  相似文献   


Early–Middle Jurassic igneous rocks (190–170 Ma) are distributed in an E–W-trending band within the Nanling Tectonic Belt, and have a wide range of compositions but are only present in limited volumes. This scenario contrasts with the uniform but voluminous Middle–Late Jurassic igneous rocks (165–150 Ma) in this area. The Early–Middle Jurassic rocks include oceanic-island basalt (OIB)-type alkali basalts, tholeiitic basalts and gabbros, bimodal volcanic rocks, syenites, A-type granites, and high-K calc–alkaline granodiorites. Geochemical and isotopic data indicate that alkaline and tholeiitic basalts and syenites were derived from melting of the asthenospheric mantle, with asthenosphere-derived magmas mixing with variable amounts of magmas derived from melting of metasomatized lithospheric mantle. In comparison, A-type granites in the study area were probably generated by shallow dehydration-related melting of hornblende-bearing continental crustal rocks that were heated by contemporaneous intrusion of mantle-derived basaltic magmas, and high-K calc-alkaline granodiorites resulted from the interaction between melts from upwelling asthenospheric mantle and the lower crust. The Early–Middle Jurassic magmatic event is spatially variable in terms of lithology, geochemistry, and isotopic systematics. This indicates that the deep mantle sources of the magmas that formed these igneous rocks were significantly heterogeneous, and magmatism had a gradual decrease in the involvement of the asthenospheric mantle from west to east. These variations in composition and sourcing of magmas, in addition to the spatial distribution and the thermal structure of the crust–mantle boundary during this magmatic event, indicates that these igneous rocks formed during a period of rifting after the Indosinian Orogeny rather than during subduction of the paleo-Pacific oceanic crust.  相似文献   

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