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A new varve diagram from the river Ångermanälven could be correlated to the postglacial varve chronology to between 4903 and 4415 varve years BP. An AMS 14C measurement on terrestrial macrofossils obtained between 4715 and 4706 varve years BP gave a calibrated age of between 5730 and 5040 calendar years BP. The discrepancy between varve and calender-year age indicates that an error or part of an error in the Swedish varve chronology may be situated between 2000 and 5000 varve years BP.  相似文献   

The laminated sediments at Pudozh in eastern Karelia are generally assumed to have been deposited between 13 000 and 16 000 14C yr BP and have been used to date the recession of the active ice margin. However, 17 AMS 14C measurements performed on terrestrial plant macrofossils contained in these sediments show that deposition began during the late Allerφd, when the ice margin had already receded to the northern part of Lake Onega. Based on an age model, we assume that the 1933-year-long varved sequence covers the time period between c. 12 900 and 11 000 calendar years BP. During this period, which comprises the later part of the Late Weichselian and the early Holocene, the local vegetation consisted of open, tree-less dwarf shrub heaths. Increased soil erosion may have occurred before 12 550 calendar years BP.  相似文献   

Varved lake sediments can be used to set multiple environmental proxies within a calendar year time scale. We undertook a systematic survey of lakes in the Province of Värmland, west central Sweden, with the aim of finding continuous varved lake sediment sequences covering the majority of the Holocene. In Fennoscandia, such sediments have previously only been recorded in northern Sweden and in southern and central Finland. By following a selective process and fieldwork we discovered three new varved sites (i.e. Furskogstjärnet, Mötterudstjärnet and Kälksjön). We found that lakes with varved sediments have several common lake morphometry properties and lake catchment characteristics such as maximum water depth, maximum water depth/lake surface area ratio, catchment soil types, altitude and number of inflows. Varve chronologies, supported by AMS-14C dating and tephrochronology were established for two of the sediment profiles. These varve chronologies are the longest geological records with an annual resolution known to exist in Sweden. In Furskogstjärnet, the AMS- 14C dates based on terrestrial plant macrofossils at several levels deviate significantly from the varve based time-depth curve. In Motterudstjarnet, a fully reasonable time-depth model based on the 14C dates gives older ages in the lower part of the sequence compared to the varve chronology. These results highlight that seemingly acceptable AMS radiocarbon dates may be erroneous. They also point to the fact that varved lake sediments are reliable geological archives with respect to chronological control and accuracy. Thus, these archives should be of prime interest for studies of climate and environmental change undertaken with the aim of providing sub-decadal resolution proxy data sets.  相似文献   

A clay-varve chronology based on 14 cross-correlated varve graphs from the Baltic Sea and a mean varve thickness curve has been constructed. This chronology is correlated with the Swedish Time Scale and covers the time span 11530 to 10250 varve years BP. Two cores have been analysed for grain size, chemistry, content of diatoms and changes in colour by digital colour analysis. The final drainage of the Baltic Ice Lake is dated to c . 10800 varve years BP and registered in the cores analysed as a decrease in the content of clay. This event can be correlated with atmospheric Δ14 C content and might have resulted in an increase in these values recorded between 11565 and 11545 years BP. The results of the correlation between the varve chronology from the Baltic Sea, the Greenland GRIP ice core and the atmospheric Δ14 C record indicate that c . 760 years are missing in the Swedish Time Scale in the part younger than c. 10250 varve years BP. A change in colour from a brownish to grey varved glacial clay recorded c . 10770 varve years BP is found to be the result of oxygen deficiency due to an increase in the rate of sedimentation in the early Preboreal. The first brackish influence is recorded c . 10540 varve years BP in the northwestern Baltic Sea and some 90 years later in the eastern Gotland Basin.  相似文献   

An exhaustive 14C dating programme of molluscs from the Fossvogur sediments in Reykjavik. Iceland is presented. For the first time all the fossiliferous units of the sediments are dated. The results confirm earlier conclusions of a widespread occurrence of marine sediments of Allerød age in Reykjavik. The set of dates from the Fossvogur sediments shows a narrow 14C age distribution (standard deviation of ±235 years) of molluscs from all localities and from successive marine units in vertical sections. The weighted mean conventional 14C age is 11,400 BP. Assuming a reservoir effect of 400 years. this corresponds to a reservoir-corrected age of I1,000 BP. i.e. the Allerød- Younger Dryas transition for the sampled units, These new 14C dates from Fossvogur confirm the need for a revision of the Upper Pleistocene chronology of the Reykjavik region. They also have a bearing on the Late Weichselian record of glacier readvances and sea-level changes in the area. The dates suggest that the marine units in Fossvogur accumulated within a restricted time-span of a few hundred years. The sediments in Fossvogur are of volcaniclastic origin and are extremely lithified, indicating local geothermal activity soon after their deposition. This may explain anomalously high D/L amino acid ratios measured in molluscs from the Fossvogur sediments. δ13C and δ18O results suggest that temperatures may have ranged up to 60°C.  相似文献   

Values of δ13C obtained from conventional bulk sediment radiocarbon dates encompassing the Pleistocene Holocene boundary have been compiled and plotted against 14C age. In all. 286 lake sediment dates from southern Sweden in the range 8.000 to 13.000 BP have been evaluated. A significant decrease in δ13C values, initiated shortly before 10.000 RP and amounting to 5%, is distinguished. This change is accompanied by increased limnic productivity. decreased erosive input and increased organic carbon content of the sediments. A probable explanation for the δ13C decline in organic material is decreased importance of dissolution of silicates at the transition to the Holocene. During the Late Weichselian. extensive weathering of exposed minerogenic material with subsequent input of bicarbonate to the lake water may have caused a relative enrichment of 13C in dissolved inorganic carbon. Furthermore, the early Holocene increase in terrestrial vegetation cover probably led to an increased supply of 13C depleted carbon dioxide to the lake water by root respiration. Altered limnic vegetation, presumably towards increased production of phytoplankton. could also have contributed to the observed decreasing δ13C trend. The importance of these processes compared to other possible influencing factors. mainly endogenic carbonate production and changes in the global carbon cycle. is discussed.  相似文献   

The mandible of a polar bear (Ursus maritimus Phipps) found in about 1920 at Kjul Å, North Jutland, and described by Nordmann & Degerbol in 1930. has been l4C dated to 11.100 ± 160 B.P. It is so far the only find of polar bear in Denmark. Comparison with recent 14C datings of Swedish and Norwegian polar bears shows that the Danish specimen was a member of a southern Scandinavian Late Weichselian population. The contemporaneous Zirphaeu sea deposits can be regarded as the boreal-arctic shallow water equivalent of the arctic Upper Saxicava sand deposits from northern Jutland. The polar bear mandible, however, was deposited on land, as was the metacarpal bone of a brown bear ( Ursus arctos ) from the nearby Nr. Lyngby locality of Allerød age. The overall picture of the Late Weichselian mammal fauna in Denmark shows a mixed composition of different ecotypes. Their sympatric occurrence points at a unique environment not comparable to any now existing, and probably related to the very low latitude of the Weichselian ice sheet.  相似文献   

More than 50 varve-thickness diagrams, which were established from glacial varved clays in south-eastern Sweden were correlated with each other to form an 800-year long floating varve chronology. AMS |214|0C measurements on terrestrial macrofossils from the varved clays enabled synchronization of the record with other high-resolution archives. The synchronization indicates that the chronology spans between c. 13 150 and c. 12 350 calendar years BP and covers the later part of the Allerørd and the early part of the Younger Dryas. Calibrated radiocarbon dates, which were obtained on varved clays south of the floating chronology, indicate that the ice recession in south-eastern Sweden may have started during late Bølling. Our results indicate a longer time-span in varve years for the deglaciation than has been previously estimated  相似文献   

Mineral magnetic measurements were carried out on twelve sediment cores from the northwestern part of the Baltic Proper. The purpose was to use magnetic properties to correlate sediment sequences and to investigate changes in depositional conditions (e.g. rate of sedimentation and redox conditions). A general lithostratigraphy consisting of five units was established based mainly on mineral magnetic properties. Sediment has been deposited from the time of the Baltic Ice Lake (before 10 300 14C years BP) to the present, i.e. since the Late Weichselian deglaciation. Five of the cores were also investigated by means of biostratigraphical methods and three by 14C dates. Based on the general stratigraphy and hiatuses, variations in sedimentation rate were identified. The occurrence of authigenically formed ferrimagnetic greigite (Fe3S4), mainly in sediments deposited during the brackish Yoldia Sea and Litorina Sea stages, is implied. These sequences are characterized by low S-ratios and high SIRM/z ratios. Glacial clay, deposited in freshwater during the Baltic Ice Lake stage and the early freshwater phase of the Yoldia Sea stage, seems to be unaffected by diagenetic processes. Gyttja clay, deposited in the Litorina Sea, has significantly lower susceptibility and SIRM than in the underlying clay. Dissolution of magnetic iron oxides (e.g. magnetite and hematite) in an anoxic environment was suggested as an explanation.  相似文献   

The deglaciation pattern at Mt. Billingen, within the Middle Swedish end moraine zone, and its relationship with dramatic water level changes in the Baltic Ice Lake is a classic topic of Swedish Quaternary Geology. Based on data west of Mt. Billingen, the authors (in two earlier papers) presented a stratigraphic model associated with this subject. This study is an attempt to test the model east of Mt. Billingen, i.e. inside the Baltic Ice Lake itself. Lake Mullsjon is situated 30 km southeast of the drainage area of the Baltic Ice Lake and within the final drainage zone. About 8 m of Late Weichselian sediments (mostly varved clay) were recovered from the lake and analysed from different stratigraphic viewpoints, including lithology, grainsize, varve chronology, and pollen. These analyses show that the site was deglaciated in the later part of the Allerød Chronozone. Shortly thereafter the first drainage of the Baltice Ice Lake took place but without isolating Lake Mullsjon. After a short period of disturbed sedimentation varved clay continued to form as the glacier receded for another 120 varve years until the onset of the Younger Dryas cooling, as registered both in the pollen and in the varve stratigraphies. After c. another 120 varve years our analyses suggest that the Baltic Ice Lake was dammed once again. About 230 varve years of further ice readvance followed west of Mt. Billingen, while the ice margin in the east was more or less stationary. Rapid melting set in, at first producing coarse varves, but soon the clay was thin-varved and fine. This continued for 140 varve years until suddenly the lake became isolated. At this isolation thick beds of silty-sandy deposits were deposited on the lake floor. The isolation is dated to 10,400–10,500 14C years B.P., which corresponds to the assumed age of the final drainage of the Baltic Ice Lake. It was also isolated at the same time as lakes (on the same isobase) situated 20 m lower, but west of Mt. Billingen, were raised above sea level. This strongly suggests that Lake Mullsjön was isolated as an effect of the drainage of the Baltic Ice Lake. Significant differences between the clay-varve and the 14C chronologies are also presented.  相似文献   

Ten cores consisting of varved clay from the northern part of Lake Peipsi in eastern Estonia have been correlated using varve thickness variations and specific marker varves into a 375-year floating varve chronology. Continuous sedimentation during gradual ice recession is concluded from a clear transition from proximal to distal varves. Cyclic variations in varve thickness are caused mainly by thickness changes of clayey winter layers. This is interpreted to indicate increased influx of finer material due to faster melting of the glacier. The cyclic pattern of thickness change is explained by alternating periods of increased and decreased melting of the ice. Simultaneous accumulation of varved clay in glacial Lake Peipsi and in the Luga and Neva basins of Russia is concluded from the good visual correlation between the mean varve thickness diagrams for the three chronologies. Because the varve chronologies from northwestern Russia have been tentatively correlated to the Swedish varve chronology, the timing of the clay accumulation in glacial Lake Peipsi is placed between c . 13 500 and 13 100 varve years BP.  相似文献   

Mineral magnetic and carbon analyses of a continuous varved lake sediment sequence in west-central Sweden (Lake Mötterudstjärnet) complement similar palaeoclimate proxies obtained from two varved lake sediment sequences in northern Sweden and one in central Finland. The varve chronology is supported by tephrochronology, palaeomagnetic secular variations and 14C AMS dating of terrestrial macrofossils. We apply a simple model in which the transport and deposition of catchment mineral matter reflect the amount of winter snow accumulation, spring snow-melt and stream discharge. Our data show that winter snow accumulation was generally enhanced in Sweden between 8100 and 7750 cal. yr BP. If dating errors are taken into account, the 350-year period of increased erosion is the geomorphic response to a multi-centennial scale climatic cooling that occurred some time between 8500 and 7500 cal. yr BP. The most significant erosion event in central Sweden was centred at 8050 cal. yr BP. It lasted 150 years (between 8100 and 7950 cal. yr BP) and is equivalent to the most extreme Holocene climate anomaly in the northern hemisphere, known as the 8 ka or 8200 cal. yr BP climate event. Our high-resolution paramagnetic susceptibility and ferrimagnetic grain-size parameters suggest that snowpack accumulation increased most significantly in northern Sweden between 7900 and 7750 cal. yr BP. We suggest that this north–south difference was a response to the re-establishment of moisture-laden westerly air masses, as meridional Atlantic overturning circulation was re-established at the beginning of the Holocene thermal maximum.  相似文献   

A survey of the revised lateglacial varve chronology is given. Almost all revisions are based on new, independent measurements not yet finished. Compared with the old time scale, the preliminary datings (calendar years ± a margin of error) of the ice margin retreat are 'older', mainly due to the fact that the postglacial varve chronology has been extended by 365 years. This implies that the so-called zero year ( sensu De Geer 1940: limit of late glacial and beginning of postglacial varve sedimentation). earlier estimated at 6,923 B.C. (Nilsson 1964), is now dated 7,288 B.C. According to the new time scale, deglaciation from Stockholm to the area of zero-year formation in Indalsälven's valley lasted about 1,190 ± 40 years, compared with 1,073 years in De Geer's (1940) time scale or 1,092 in Jarnefors' (1963). Preliminary varve graph correlations, which are still very weak concerning the Fennoscandian moraine zone, indicate that the ice receded from Högsby, northwest of Kalmar at approximately 10,700+200−300 B.C. At localities just to the north of the Fennoscandian moraines, deglaciation started about 8,750+50−150 years B.C. according to the new varve measurements, and the ice front receded in southern Stockholm 8,470+40−140 B.C. Varve dating now gives older ages (calendar years) than 14C-dating; about 200–400 years older regarding some ice margin positions in south Sweden.  相似文献   

The proposal for Quaternary stratigraphy of Norden published 1974 by Mangerud, Andersen, Berglund & Donner was discussed at a Nordie meeting 1978. On the basis of this discussion some recommendations are proposed here which deviate slightly from the 1974 proposal: (1) the term Flandrian should not be used in Norden until it is properly defined in the type area, (2) the Middle/Late Weichselian boundary should provisionally be defined as 25,000 14C years B. P. In addition it was stated that there is an urgent need for complete subdivision of the Weichselian into a continuous chronozone sequence.  相似文献   

A clay varve chronology has been established for the Late Weichselian ice recession east of Mt. Billingen in Västergötland, Sweden. In this area the Middle-Swedish end moraine zone was built up as a consequence of cold climate during the Younger Dryas stadial. A change-over from rapid to slow retreat as a result of climatic deterioration at the Alleröd/Younger Dryas transition cannot be traced with certainty in the varve sequences, but it seems to have taken place just before 11,600 varve years BP. The following deglaciation was very slow for about 700 years — within the Middle-Swedish end moraine zone the annual ice-front retreat was only c . 10 m on average. A considerable time-lag is to be expected between the Younger Dryas climatic event and this period of slow retreat. The 700 years of slow retreat were succeeded by 200 years of more rapid recession, about 50–75 m annually, and then by a mainly rapid and uncomplicated retreat of the ice-front by 100–200 m/year or more, characterizing the next 1500 years of deglaciation in south and central Sweden. The change from about 50–75 m to 100–200 m of annual ice-front retreat may reflect the Younger Dryas/Preboreal transition. Clay-stratigraph-ically defined, the transition is dated at c . 10,740 varve years BP, with an error of +100 to -250 years. In the countings of ice layers in Greenland ice cores (GRIP and GISP-2) the end of the Younger Dryas climatic event is 800–900 years older. However, a climatic amelioration after the cold part of the Younger Dryas and in early Preboreal should rapidly be reflected by for example chemical components and dust in Greenland ice cores, and by increasing δ13C content in tree rings. On the other hand, the start of a rapid retreat of the inland ice margin can be delayed by several centuries. This can explain at least a part of the discrepancy between the time-scales.  相似文献   

While working with the revision of the Swedish Time Scale, based on clay-varve chronology, mollusc shells of Portlandia (Yoldia) arctica were found in the clay at Ekensberg, Stockholm, Sweden, deposited at the beginning of the Finiglacial epoch. The clay-varves have been connected with the revised Swedish Time Scale and the time for deposition is 10,370 clay-varve years cal BP. Shells of bivalves, shell fragments and periostracum have been AMS radiocarbon-dated at the The Svedberg Laboratory in Uppsala. The 11 radiometric datings are grouped in two assemblages, one between 10,500 and 11,600 BP (shell carbonate) and one between 8200 and 9100 BP (periostracum). These results are compared with the radiocarbon age obtained for a fish skeleton ( Salmo alpinus ) found in varved clay close to Ekensberg during the geological mapping of the area. The age of the fish is 8600 BP, which is in agreement with the periostracum datings. Reservoir effects and calibration of the radiocarbon ages (BP) to sidereal years (cal BP) are discussed.  相似文献   

The distribution of the remains of mites in the Lateglacial (Late Weichselian) type section at Usselo (The Netherlands) is presented. The division of the sequence into (sub-)zones, based upon combined palaeo-botanical and palaeoentomological studies, is shown, as well as the approximate age based on 14C determinations. The present habitats of the species are in agreement with the reconstruction of the local vegetational succession Four species of mites, three oribatids and one uropodid, have not previously been recorded as subfossils.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The carbon-isotope signature of terrestrial organic matter (OM) offers a valuable tool to develop stratigraphic correlations for near-shore deposits. A mid-Cretaceous coastal succession of the western Algarve Basin, Portugal, displays a marked negative δ13C excursion ranging from − 21.2‰ to − 27.8‰ in the Early Aptian followed by two shifts towards higher values (up to − 19.3‰) during the Early and Late Aptian, respectively. The dominance of cuticle and leaf debris in the bulk OM fraction is confirmed by optical studies, Rock-Eval pyrolysis and by comparison with the δ13C signature of four different types of fossilized land-plant particles. Correlation of two terrestrial δ13Cbulk OM records from different study sites leads to a significant enhancement of the intrabasinal stratigraphic correlation within the Algarve Basin. Three prominent excursions in the Portuguese records can be correlated with existing δ13C curves from pelagic and terrestrial environments. The general carbon-isotope pattern is superimposed by small-scale fluctuations which can be explained by compositional variations within the OM.  相似文献   

Lacustrine sediments, 13 m thick, have been discovered under a Late Valdaian (Late Weichselian) moraine complex in a palaeokarst depression at Biržai, northern Lithuania. Wood fragments from silty layers in the basal part of the section were 14C dated at 34,440 ± 1500 (Vs-412) and 33,460 ± 1060 BP (LU-1633). Pollen analytical results suggest that taiga landscapes similar to the present-day environments in the Pechora Basin and eastern Urals occurred on the southern cryogenic grounds. Evidently, the ice sheet did not penetrate into the eastern Baltic region during the Middle Valdaian interval.  相似文献   

Late-Glacial radiocarbon- and palynostratigraphy on the Swiss Plateau   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
A detailed late-glacial radiocarbon stratigraphy for the Swiss Plateau has been established on the basis of over 90 accelerator 14C dates on terrestrial plant macrofossils. Two plateaux of constant.,14C age were observed, occurring at 12,700 B.P. and at 10,000 B.P. The consequences of these plateaux for palaeo-ecological investigations are threefold: (1) a more refined 14C dating within the plateaux is not possible, (2) in teleconnections between different sites (if based on 14C dating and concerning the periods around 12,700 B.P. and 10,000 B.P.) events are considered synchronous which are only synchronous within a plateau of constant age, and (3) exact time-depth relationship and therefore influx calculations are made impossible during these plateau periods. A comparison of the radiocarbon ages derived from terrestrial, telmatic and limnic material at different sites on the Swiss Plateau yields a proposal for modifying the zonation system of Welten for the Late-Glacial. By retaining the limits of chronozones (at 13, 12, 11 and 10ka B.P.) and by refining the palynostratigraphic criteria for the limits of biozones, a separation between chrono- and biozonation at the beginning of the Belling and at the beginning of the Younger Dryas becomes obvious.  相似文献   

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