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Conclusions 1. Lehman lends me statements that I have not written.2. Interesting enough, the analytical data he presents do not allow, in effect, a molybdenum geochemical province in the Colorado mineral belt to be found. However, a better differentiation of rock types would be a useful improvement.3. Neither the available results, nor the (classic) model Proposed for the large Colorado deposits, are tests of the basic theorem. Furthermore, the model implies a heritage, a logical inference tightly associated with the theorem without being in its foundation.In my opinion, it is to be desired that our journals and learned societies become, at intervals, concerned about the history of our science and concepts in order to avoid drifts, not accuse B. Lehmann. I only believe he reads (in French) too quickly.  相似文献   

The average Mo content of more than one hundred rock samples from the Precambrian basement of the Colorado Mineral Belt corresponds well to the global molybdenum content of crustal rocks of 1.0 ppm. There are no indications of a regional geochemical molybdenum anomaly in that part of the crust or upper mantle.  相似文献   

Updated aeromagnetic maps of New Mexico together with current knowledge of the basement geology in the northern part of the state (Sangre de Cristo and Sandia–Manzano Mountains)—where basement rocks were exposed in Precambrian-cored uplifts—indicate that the northeast-trending Proterozoic shear zones that controlled localization of ore deposits in the Colorado mineral belt extend laterally into New Mexico. The shear zones in New Mexico coincide spatially with known epigenetic precious- and base-metal ore deposits; thus, the mineralized belts in the two states share a common inherited basement tectonic setting. Reactivation of the basement structures in Late Cretaceous–Eocene and Mid-Tertiary times provided zones of weakness for emplacement of magmas and conduits for ore-forming solutions. Ore deposits in the Colorado mineral belt are of both Late Cretaceous–Eocene and Mid-Tertiary age; those in New Mexico are predominantly Mid-Tertiary in age, but include Late Cretaceous porphyry-copper deposits in southwestern New Mexico.The mineralized belt in New Mexico, named the New Mexico structural zone, is 250-km wide. The northwest boundary is the Jemez subzone (or the approximately equivalent Globe belt), and the southeastern boundary was approximately marked by the Santa Rita belt. Three groups (subzones) of mineral deposits characterize the structural zone: (1) Mid-Tertiary porphyry molybdenite and alkaline-precious-metal deposits, in the northeast segment of the Jemez zone; (2) Mid-Tertiary epithermal precious-metal deposits in the Tijeras (intermediate) zone; and (3) Late Cretaceous porphyry-copper deposits in the Santa Rita zone. The structural zone was inferred to extend from New Mexico into adjacent Arizona. The structural zone provides favorable sites for exploration, particularly those parts of the Jemez subzone covered by Neogene volcanic and sedimentary rocks.  相似文献   

Two sections of the anorthosite ‘complex’ were examined at Messina, South Africa and at Pikwe, Botswana. Thirty XRF whole-rock analyses of samples in stratigraphic order show that alkalies at Messina increase upwards from leuco-gabbros to anorthosites, but no such correlation was found at Pikwe. Electron probe analyses of plagioclases in 33 samples indicate extensive normal zoning and variation (An31-An80) especially at Pikwe. The highest An-contents tend to vary monotonically with stratigraphic position, whereas the lowest values are erratic. Twenty-two amphibole analyses indicate that SiO2, TiO2 and MgO/FeO increase, decrease and increase, respectively, with height at Messina, but 22 analyses from Pikwe show no such trends. Their compositions are similar to those from the Fiskenaesset complex. Aluminous chromites are Fe-rich, also like the Fiskenaesset ones.

The Limpopo anorthositic rocks belong to a layered igneous body that was recrystallized by regional metamorphism and subjected to erratic metasomatism. The original Limpopo and Fiskenaesset bodies strongly resemble gabbroic and peridotitic relics in the Peninsular Ranges Batholith in S. California.  相似文献   

A compilation of 18O analyses of minerals separated from about 400 igneous and metamorphic rocks from published investigations reveals regularity in the fractionation of 18O among associated minerals, suggesting that an approach to isotopic equilibrium may be common. However, for only a minority of terrestrial rocks are these regularities sufficiently systematic to be compatible with the actual attainment and preservation of isotopic equilibrium among three minerals. Fractionations among triplets of quartz, calcite, feldspar, muscovite, and magnetite show some correspondence to those expected on the basis of experimental calibrations; however, there are also considerable deviations. The variability of natural data is such that less than half of the rocks analyzed to date would yield concordant 18O-derived temperatures. Of the additional 52 mineral triplets studied, plagioclase-pyrox-ene-ilmenite, plagioclase-pyroxene-magnetite, plagioclase-pyroxene-olivine, quartz-amphibole-garnet, pyroxene-ilmenite-magnetite, muscovite-biotite-magnetite, and quartz-muscovite-amphibole show the most systematic oxygen isotope fractionations. For 12 other mineral triplets a defined isotope fractionation relationship may be postulated to underlie the data; however for these a close approach to isotopic equilibrium is not commonly observed. For 33 of the mineral triplets an approach to isotopic equilibrium can be noted; however, the scatter of the available data is such that a systematic influence of a factor, such as temperature, on the size of the 18O fractionation could not be detected. In the past, regularities of oxygen isotope fractionations among three minerals have been used to establish secondary isotope geothermometers. Before this can be done with any reliability, however, the effects of possible retrograde isotope exchange and spurious correlation must be accounted for.  相似文献   

The paper reports data on the distribution of REE in metasomatic rocks, including those with corundum, that were formed during the exhumation of the rocks of the Belomorian Belt at 1.9–1.75 Ga. This process is thought to have occurred concurrently with the horizontal extension and tectonic denudation of the upper crust, which, in turn, induced the massive release of fluids. The latter formed two major groups of silicic metasomatic rocks. The deepest-sitting corundum-bearing and other mafic metasomatic rocks are enriched in REE, alkalis, and alumina compared to the host rocks. The coeval acid metasomatic rocks such as orthotectites are, conversely, depleted in REE (with positive Eu anomalies), mafic elements, and HFSE but are also enriched in alumina. These complimentary rocks are thought to have been produced early during the exhumation of deep rocks under the effect of reduced fluids whose genesis was related to decompression. The silicic metasomatic rocks of the second group (with muscovite) have elevated REE concentrations (with negative Eu anomalies) and were formed by already oxidized fluids at shallower depths. The fact that the corundum-bearing metasomatic rocks are enriched in REE (in spite of the ultrabasic composition of these rocks) suggests that they were generated in an extensional environment with the participation of deep fluids, which enriched the rocks in Al, Na, K, Ba, Sr, Zr, and LREE.  相似文献   

From Casper Mountain; at its northern end, to the northwestern margin of the Laramie anorthosite—syenite complex, in its central parts, the Laramie Range is underlain by granite and granitic gneiss that has a minimum age of 2.54 ± 0.04 Ga (Rb/Sr whole-rock isochron) and by metasedimentary rocks, including marble and quartzite, that appear to overlie the granitic gneiss nonconformably (minimum age: 1.7 Ga based on several horn-blende K/Ar dates). Southward from the anorthosite—syenite complex into Colorado, the Range is underlain chiefly by the Sherman Granite (1.41 Ga; Peterman and Hedge, 1968) and scattered patches of gneiss that are not dated, but are tentatively correlated wit similar gneiss in the southern Medicine Bow Mountains and in the Colorado Front Range, where they are dated as ? 1.7 Ga (Peterman and Hedge, 1968).The Laramie anorthosite—syenite complex (minimum age: ? 1.42 Ga or ? 1.51 Ga if a hornblende K/Ar date is accepted) apparently intruded the suture separating the old (? 2.5 Ga) continental edge from younger (? 1.7 Ga) geosynclinal rocks. The suture, which manifests itself as the Mullen Creek—Nash Fork shear zone in the Medicine Bow Mountains, also is the boundary between ensialic and ensimatic geosynclinal deposition that occurred during the interval 1.7–2.5 Ga ago.K/Ar dates on biotite and muscovite from rocks north of the anorthosite—syenite complex grade from 2.5 Ga on Casper Mountain down to 1.38 Ga near the complex. Near its northern tip, the Laramie Range is crossed by a geochronologic front, separating 2.5 Ga old gneiss whose K/Ar dates were not lowered by subsequent metamorphism from 2.5 Ga old gneiss whose mica dates were reset between 1.4 and 1.6 Ga ago.  相似文献   

The efficacy of sagebrush (Artemisia) as a biogeochemical indicator of base-metal mineralization in stratabound Precambrian ore deposits in west-central Colorado was investigated by collecting new (mostly flowering) growth from several sagebrush shrubs over and near five such deposits in three different areas. These are the Sedalia mine and two mines in the Turret district near Salida, and two mines in the Cochetopa district southeast of Gunnison. Two species were used, A. tridentata and A. frigida, depending on the area. Sagebrush clippings were separated into two subsamples consisting of (1) stems, and (2) leaves and blossoms stripped from the stems. These subsamples were ashed separately and the ash analyzed with an emission spectrograph for 30 elements. There appear to be no appreciable differences in the analyses of the two subsamples, indicating that composite samples would provide adequate information for further investigations. Eight of these elements, Ag, Bi, Cu, Pb, Sn, Y, Zn, and Zr, are present in notably higher concentrations in the ash of samples growing over mineralized ground than in that of control samples growing over barren ground. Although the distribution pattern, and the number of these anomalous elements, differs at each of the five localities, three of them, silver, copper, and lead, show good contrast and close association with subjacent mineralization in all five study areas.  相似文献   

Banded iron formations (BIF) are prominent in sediments older than 2 Ga. However, little is known about the absolute abundance of BIF in Archean and Early Proterozoic sediments, and the source of the Fe is still somewhat uncertain. Also unknown is the role that Fe may have played in the maintenance of low oxygen pressures in the Archean and Early Proterozoic atmosphere. An analysis of the chemical composition of Precambrian rocks provides some insight into the role of Fe in Precambrian geochemical cycles. The Fe content of igneous rocks is well correlated with their Ti content. Plots of Fe vs. Ti in Precambrian sandstones and graywackes fall very close to the igneous rock trend. Plots of Fe vs. Ti in Precambrian shales also follow this trend but show a definite scatter toward an excess of Fe. Phanerozoic shales and sandstones lie essentially on the igneous rock trend and show surprisingly little scatter. Mn/Ti relations show a stronger indication of Precambrian Mn loss, perhaps due to weathering under a less oxidizing early atmosphere. These data show that Fe was neither substantially added to nor significantly redistributed in Archean and early Proterozoic sediments. Enough hydrothermal Fe was added to these sediments to increase the average Fe content of shales by at most a factor of 2. This enrichment would probably not have greatly affected the near-surface redox cycle or atmospheric oxygen levels. Continued redistribution of Fe and mixing with weathered igneous rocks during the recycling of Precambrian sediments account for the excellent correlation of Fe with Ti in Phanerozoic shales and for the similarity between their Fe/Ti ratio and that of igneous rocks.  相似文献   

Element interrelations, with particular emphasis on alkaline earth metals, have been studied quantitatively for three alkaline suites of the Eastern Ghats Precambrian belt. Geochemical characterisation brings the Koraput and the Kunavaram suites closer, relative to the Elchuru suite. K-Ba and K-Rb correlations vary during the fractionation process, being strongly positive for the early members and almost noncorrelatable for the late fractions. The covariant relation between Ba and Sr is not well developed in any of the suites. Significant positive correlation between Rb and the degree of differentiation has been observed for the Koraput and the Kunavaram suites but not for the Elchuru suite. Liappears to be fractionated with the early mafic phases and is negatively correlated with Na. Zr shows a significant positive correlation with differentiation in the Elchuru but not in the Koraput suite although Ti/Zr falls remarkably with advancing differentiation for both the suites. P and Ti are mutually positively correlated in all the three suites and both tend to manifest significant negative correlation with progressive fractionation. K-(P + Ti + Sr) seems to be a good indicator of the fractionation process in the suites investigated.  相似文献   

Corundum-bearing rocks are described for the first time in the Kandalaksha structure of the Lapland granulite belt. Corundum is confined to rocks of two types: metagabbro?anorthosites constituting lenses among metaanarthosites of the Kandalaksha massif and basic granulites. Corundum crystals (up to 200 μm long) occur in plagioclase and garnet and differ from each other depending on the host mineral, which serves as evidence against their xenogenic nature. Some corundum crystals exhibit an axial zone, which may indicate their crystallization from the gaseous phase. Corundum-bearing rocks are accompanied by piclogites (pyroxene?garnet varieties with olivine). Piclogites and their minerals (clinopyroxene, garnet) are characterized by a positive Eu anomaly, which implies rock reworking by fluids during corundum formation, when deep-seated complexes were subjected to exhumation.  相似文献   

朱志军  郭福生 《地质通报》2017,36(2-3):199-208
对兰坪盆地古近系59件砂岩样品进行分析,结果表明,稳定重矿物的含量平均为38.4%,较稳定矿物及不稳定矿物含量低,平均分别为2.3%和1.1%;指相矿物(赤)褐铁矿含量较高,平均为50.5%。根据稳定系数、ZTR指数、ATi指数、GZi指数及其在剖面中的变化规律,将兰坪盆地构造演化划分为构造平缓期和构造活动期。古近纪构造活动在盆地不同部位、不同时期存在一定的差异,总体上显示中南部构造活动较北部有一定的延迟。重矿物组合显示,盆地古近系的源岩存在多种岩石类型,其中以沉积岩为主,而基性岩、中酸性侵入岩和变质岩都较少。重矿物组合及特征指数揭示了云龙组物源主要来自盆地东缘;果郎组物源以东缘为主,西缘为辅。指相重矿物组合显示,兰坪盆地古近系的沉积环境为水体较浅的强氧化环境。  相似文献   

对国际地层委员会前寒武纪划分参考方案的简介及评述   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
国际地层委员会最近公布了2004年全球地质年代表,并专门讨论了2004-2008年前寒武纪划分参考方案。参考方案指出“应该根据唯一客观的物理标准——现存的岩石记录,对前寒武纪地质年表重新进行界定。前寒武纪的地层界线应标定于地层记录中的关键事件或转变点上,以突出反映地球系统演化的巨变。文中建议采用类似显生宙地层研究过程中所使用的“金钉子”法来确定前寒武纪界线。由于该文将对前寒武纪划分和整个前寒武纪研究工作带来重大影响,因此本文首先介绍了《参考方案》中有关前寒武纪划分原则和具体划分方案的新思路,对《参考方案》中值得商榷的问题进行了初步讨论,并对我国前寒武纪年代表制定中有关重点提出了建议。  相似文献   

An Archaean-Lower Proterozoic mobile belt can be recognized in the West African — Brazilian — Southern African portions of Gondwanaland extending from the Kasila Group of Sierra Leone, through the Goias Belt of Central Brasil to the Namaqua Mobile Belt of Namibia (KGN). This belt is characterised by high shear strain deformation and high grade metamorphism and may represent a transform-shear mobile belt. Shear movement and displacement along the KGN during the Precambrian has affected the older cratons and controlled major secondary tensional and shear belts which are now recognized as younger Proterozoic mobile belts.
Zusammenfassung In den westafrikanisch-brasilianischen und südafrikanischen Bereichen Gondwanalands lÄ\t sich ein archaischer — unterer protezoischer — mobiler Gürtel erkennen, der sich von der Kasila Group von Sierra Leone über den Goias Gürtel Zentral-Brasiliens bis zum Namaqua Mobile Belt von Namibia (KGN) erstreckt. Dieser Gürtel ist charakterisiert durch hohe Spannungsdeformation und hochgradige Metamorphose. Er könnte einen mobilen Gürtel mit Transformschub darstellen. Scherbewegung und Verstellung entlang der KGN wÄhrend des PrÄkambriums hatten die Älteren Kratone erfa\t und kontrollierten grö\ere sekundÄre Dehnungs- und Schergürtel, die heute als jüngere mobile Gürtel des Proterozoikums angesprochen werden.

Résumé Une zone mobile d'âge archéen-protérozoÏque inférieur peut Être reconnue dans les parties du Gondwanaland de l'Afrique occidentale-Brésil-Afrique méridionale, depuis le Groupe de la Sierra Leone, en passant par la ceinture de Goia du Brésil central, jusqu'à la ceinture mobile de Namibie (KGN). Cette ceinture est caractérisée par une déformation cisaillante fortement prononcée et par un degré de métamorphisme élevé; elle peut représenter une ceinture mobile de faille transformante. Des mouvements de cisaillement et de déplacement de la KGN durant le Précambrien ont affecté les vieux cratons et ont conditionné les ceintures secondaires principales du point de vue de leur tension et de leur cisaillement, lesquelles sont maintenant reconnues comme des ceintures mobiles du ProtérozoÏque récent.

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赵磊  张儒诚  孙伟清  邹屹  翟明国 《岩石学报》2023,39(8):2211-2237



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