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Petrology of the Upper Border Series of the Skaergaard Intrusion   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3  
The Upper Border Series of the Skaergaard intrusion consistsof a 960 m thick sequence of rocks that crystallized againstthe roof of the magma chamber. The texture and composition ofthe unit vary systematically from top to bottom as a resultof changes that occurred in the magma during the solidificationof the intrusion. The order of crystallization of primocrystminerals in the Upper Border Series was: olivine; + plagioclase;+ apatite; + ilmenite; + magnetite; + Ca-rich pyroxene;—olivine;+ olivine; + ferrobustamite. The major silicate phases varyfrom high-temperature compositions to low-temperature compositionswith increasing distance from the upper contact. Post-crystallizationre-equilibration has affected the compositions of the oxideminerals and to a lesser extent the compositions of olivineand Ca-rich pyroxene. The Upper Border Series differentiationsequence differs from the Layered Series sequence, in that:(1) apatite appears much earlier; (2) magnetite precipitatedbefore Ca-rich pyroxene rather than after it; (3) orthopyroxeneis much less common; (4) the plagioclase is systematically poorerin K2O; and (5) the rocks are systematically richer in K2O andSiO2. The upper part of the Skaergaard magma appears to havebeen enriched in H2O, K2O, SiO2, and P2O5 relative to the partthat was parental to the Layered Series.  相似文献   

Petrology of the Marginal Border Series of the Skaergaard Intrusion   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3  
The Marginal Border Series (MBS) of the Skaergaard intrusionconsists of rocks formed by in situ crystallization againstthe walls of the intrusion. Most of these rocks are productsof fractional crystallization, though samples believed to representchilled liquid occur locally at the intrusive contact. The MBScomprises only 5% of the exposed volume of the intrusion, butwithin its thickness, the order of crystallization and the compositionsof fractionated rocks and minerals vary systematically withdistance inward from the intrusive contact in largely the samemanner as rocks and minerals upward through the Layered Series(LS). Earliest differentiates are cumulates of olivine and plagioclase.The most basic compositions of cumulus plagioclase (An72) andolivine (Fo84) in these rocks indicate that the amount of fractionationpreceding formation of the exposed LS was substantially lessthat previously believed. Field and compositional data indicatethat picritic blocks are xenoliths rather than cumulates ofthe Skaergaard magma. Xenoliths of gneiss in all stages of reactionare locally abundant; however, there is no evidence that uppercrustal material contaminated the magma from which the MBS cumulatesformed. Compositions of cumulus minerals in the MBS differ fromthose in comparable LS rocks. Cumulates in the lower marginscontain more calcic plagioclase, more magnesian augite in allbut the late differentiates, and more iron-rich olivine. Thecompositions of cumulus olivine and to a lesser degree thoseof other mafic silicates, were modified to more iron-rich compositionsby re-equilibration with relatively large amounts of interstitialliquid. The lower MBS and LS crystallized from the same magma, but fractionationoccurred at different rates on the walls and floor of the intrusion.The upper margin may have crystallized from a magma of modifiedcomposition and fractionated at rates different from that inthe lower margin and Upper Border Series (UBS). Crystals onthe floor and roof of the intrusion accumulated faster or moreefficiently than on the walls. At any given stage of fractionation,crystals also accumulated against all sides of the magma chamberat about the same rate. Either the rates of cooling, crystallization,and crystal retention affected accumulation rates locally asfunctions of rock type and geometry of the walls, or these rateswere largely independent of wall rock owing to buffering ofconductive heat loss possibly to an envelope of hydrothermalfluid circulating around the crystallizing magma. The appearanceor disappearance of cumulus minerals in the lower MBS occursat higher structural levels than in the LS and at lower structurallevels than in the UBS. These relationships together with cumulusmineral compositions indicate that magma at the margins wasalways somewhat less fractionated than that at the floor androof of the chamber. It is proposed that these relationshipsreflect the combined effects of liquid and crystal fractionationof the magma within largely independent convection systems inthe lower and upper parts of the chamber.  相似文献   

Crystallization and Layering of the Skaergaard Intrusion   总被引:12,自引:5,他引:12  
Solidification of large slowly cooled intrusions is a complexprocess entailing progressive changes of rheological propertiesas the crystallizing magma passes through successive stagesbetween a viscous Newtonian fluid and a brittle solid rock.Studies of this transition in the Skaergaard intrusion indicatethat most crystallization took place in an advancing front ofsolidification against the floor, walls, and roof where crystalsnucleated and grew in a static boundary layer, much in the mannerproposed by Jackson in 1961. The non-Newtonian properties ofthe crystallizing magma account for the fact that plagioclase,which was lighter than the liquid, is a major component of rockson the floor, while mafic minerals that were heavier than theliquid accumulated under the roof. Crystals that nucleated andgrew in these zones were trapped by an increasingly rigid zonethat advanced more rapidly than the crystals sank or floated.If any crystals escaped entrapment, they were those of the largestsize and density contrast. The rates of accumulation in different parts of the intrusionwere not governed by rates of gravitational accumulation somuch as by the nature of convection and heat transfer. Cumulatetextures, preferred orientations of crystals, and layering,all of which have been taken as evidence of sedimentation, canbe explained in terms of in situ crystallization. Layering cannothave been caused by density currents sweeping across the floor;it is well developed on the walls and under the roof, lacksthe size and density grading and mineralogical compositionsthat would be expected, and shows no evidence of having beenaffected by obstructions in the paths of the currents. We propose an alternative origin of layering that is based onprocesses governed by the relative rates of chemical and thermaldiffusion during cooling. Intermittent layering resulted fromgravitational stratification of the liquid, and cyclic layeringwas produced by an oscillatory process of nucleation and crystalgrowth. The effects of differentiation during in situ crystallizationare strongly dependent on relative rates of diffusion of individualcomponents, and some of the compositional variations in differentparts of the intrusion can be explained in terms of these differences.  相似文献   

Metapelitic country rocks were contact- and pyro-metamorphosed by the Tertiary Skaergaard Intrusion, East Greenland. In an initial stage of heating, while they were probably still in place within the host rock contact aureole, they overstepped a range of equilibrium and disequilibrium melting reactions and produced both a granitic melt and very refractory spinel+cordierite+plagioclase±corundum residuals. Parts of these refractory rocks were then subjected to another melting event after being entrained as xenoliths into the Skaergaard Marginal Border Group, where they experienced a temperature of about 1,000°C at a pressure of about 650 bars and at an oxygen fugacity about 0.2–0.5 log units below the FMQ buffer. Here, they underwent bulk melting, but did not mix with the Skaergaard magma, presumably because of the high viscosity contrast. The Al-rich melts crystallized to an assemblage of corundum+mullite+sillimanite+ plagioclase+spinel+rutile±tridymite±cordierite and they reacted with the surrounding basalt producing a strongly cryptically zoned rim of plagioclase (An55 close to the basalt to An90 close to the Al-rich melt). The assemblage in the inner parts of the xenoliths provides textural evidence for disequilibrium growth due to slow diffusivities in the highly viscous, probably water-free Al-rich melt. Later interaction of lower temperature ferrobasaltic to granophyric melts with the xenoliths along their margins and along cracks led to consumption of corundum and mullite and to the stable assemblage of spinel+cordierite+plagioclase+quartz+K-feldspar +magnetite+ilmenite at about 800°C.  相似文献   

 We have determined the quenched cation ordering states of five orthopyroxene crystals collected from the marginal border group and the lower zone a and b of the Skaergaard intrusion, and modeled these data to retrieve their closure temperatures (T c) of Fe–Mg ordering and cooling rates. According to existing thermal models for the Skaergaard pluton, conductive cooling dominated the high and low temperature regimes, which were separated by an intermediate temperature regime in which the cooling was controlled primarily by convective fluid circulation. The cooling rates retrieved from the quenched cation ordering states of the orthopyroxene crystals strictly apply to temperatures around the closure temperatures of the ordering states, ∼340–400° C, which fall at the transition from convective to the lower temperature conductive cooling. The cooling rates obtained from the cation ordering states of orthopyroxene vary from ∼1 to 270 K/ka. These results agree well with a thermal model calculated using an assumed average permeability of 10-12 cm2 for the pluton, but not completely with a model calculated on the basis of an average permeability of 10-13 cm2, although both values produced shifts of δ18O that are comparable to those observed in the pluton. Received: 27 February 1995/Accepted: 20 July 1995  相似文献   

《Chemical Geology》2003,193(1-2):109-125
Ilmenite separates from the floor (LS), roof (UBS), and wall (MBS) sequences of the Skaergaard Intrusion were analyzed for major and trace elements using DCP-AES and ICP-MS techniques. In all three sequences, FeO progressively increases, and MgO and Al2O3 progressively decrease with differentiation. Although trace element abundances are, in general, higher in UBS ilmenite than in MBS and LS ilmenite, all three sequences have similar trends for trace element abundance vs. crystallization. Ba, Cs, Rb, Sr, Th, U, Y, and the REEs are excluded elements in ilmenite, and remained at low abundances during differentiation. Cr, Ni, Sc, and V are included elements in ilmenite and other mafic phases, and decreased during differentiation. V contents in ilmenite, however, do not decrease significantly until the upper part of the middle zone, suggesting that magnetite did not begin to affect the magma differentiation trend until much later than when it first appears in the intrusion. Hf, Nb, Ta, and Zr, which are strongly excluded elements in silicates, are included elements in ilmenite. The element ratios Zr/Hf, Y/Ho, Nb/Ta, and U/Th are relatively constant in Skaergaard ilmenite from different parts of the intrusion, suggesting that fluid transport did not significantly effect these elements during differentiation or post-solidification cooling. Calculated partition coefficients for ilmenite in the Skaergaard Intrusion are similar to those reported from previous studies of lunar and terrestrial basalts and kimberlites, and for most elements are significantly lower than those reported for ilmenite in rhyolitic magma. Similar Di's for Zr, Hf, Nb, and Ta suggest that ilmenite crystallization did not significantly affect Zr/Nb or Hf/Ta in the Skaergaard magma, but the ratios of Zr, Hf, Nb, or Ta to other high field strength elements, such as Th, U, Y, or the REEs, may have been altered by ilmenite fractionation.  相似文献   

Isotopic ratios of Nd and Sr have been measured in a suite of samples spanning most of the exposed stratigraphy of the Skaergaard intrusion in order to detect and quantify input (such as assimilated wallrock and fresh magma) into the magma chamber during crystallization. Unlike 18O and D, Nd and Sr isotope ratios do not appear to have been significantly affected by circulation of meteoric waters in the upper part of the intrusion. Variations in initial 87Sr/86Sr and Nd suggest that the Skaergaard magma chamber was affected during its crystallization by a small amount (2%–4%) of assimilation of Precambrian gneiss wallrock (high 87Sr/86Sr, low Nd) and possibly recharge of uncontaminated magma. Decreases in Nd and increases in 87Sr/86Sr during the early stages (0%–30%) of crystallization give way to approximately unchanging isotopic ratios through crystallization of the latest-deposited cumulates. Modelling of assimilation-fractional crystallization-recharge processes using these data as constraints shows that the assimilation rate must have been decreasing throughout crystallization. In addition, the isotope data allow replenishment by an amount of uncontaminated magma equal to 20%–30% of the total intrusion mass, occurring either continuously or in pulses over the first 75% of crystallization. Comparison of the recharge models with published Mg/(Mg+Fe2+) data from Skaergaard cumulates shows that the modelled replenishment rates are not inconsistent with available major element data, although significant recharge during the final 25% of crystallization can be ruled out. The isotope data show that the Skaergaard magma could have incorporated only a small amount of the gneiss that it displaced from the floor of the chamber; assimilation appears to have taken place primarily across a partially molten zone that formed at the roof from the wallrock that was dislodged during emplacement. In the latest stages of crystallization (>75% crystallized), the Skaergaard magma may have become stratified into two separately-convecting layers, effectively insulating Layered Series cumulates from further contamination.  相似文献   

New evidence shows that the picrite blocks in the margins of the Skaergaard intrusion, East Greenland are gabbro-contaminated xenoliths of ultramafic rock. Earlier studies suggested that the picrite blocks were cumulates formed in the Marginal Border Group or in the Hidden Zone. However, there are no known occurrences of undisturbed picrite or ultramafic rocks in the Skaergaard intrusion, and an extensive Hidden Zone is not supported by geophysical data. The picrite blocks are most abundant near a body of wehrlite in Precambrian rocks near Watkins Fjord. The wehrlite, which has a composition and mineralogy similar to the most mafic of the picrite blocks, lies structurally below the northern margin of the intrusion. It is possible that the refractory precursors of picrite in the Skaergaard intrusion may have been ultramafic xenoliths and are not representative of the earliest differentiated pan of the intrusion.  相似文献   

The coarse-grained Upper Border Series rocks of the Skaergaard intrusion contain abundant skeletal crystals of magnetite and ilmenite, skeletal and hopper crystals of apatite, and less abundant sector-zoned augite crystals and hopper zircon crystals. In addition, the melanogranophyres which occur as pods and lenses in the lower part of the Upper Border Series and the upper part of the Layered Series are characterized by very coarse-grained dendritic ferrohedenbergite crystals. Skeletal, hopper, and sectorzoned crystals are not present in the Layered Series gabbros. The development of these unusual crystal morphologies in the Upper Border Series requires that the roof-zone magma was intermittently supersaturated and indicates that the Skaergaard magma chamber was compositionally zoned and that heat loss through the roof maintained a temperature gradient in the magma that was greater than the adiabatic gradient. It is suggested that supersaturation developed in the roof-zone of the intrusion as a result of convective overturn and magma mixing during the early stages of crystallization, and as a result of sudden volatile loss during the later stages of crystallization when the Upper Border Series rocks became rigid enough to fracture.  相似文献   

The Fongen–Hyllingen Intrusion (FHI) is considered to have crystallised from stratified magma residing in a bowl-shaped magma chamber. Seven olivine-rich units, representing the most primitive cumulates in the central part of the intrusion, are associated with compositional reversals and are interpreted as having formed at the lowest part of the magma chamber floor. Based on phase-relationships, the crystallisation order is explained in terms of magma mixing and fractional crystallisation. Repeated influxes of small volumes of dense, primitive magma at the base of the chamber had a major impact on the crystallising assemblage on the local floor and a decreasing effect towards the flanks of the chamber. This was due to the small volume of replenishing magma, the geometry of the chamber and the consequent restriction of magma mixing to the deepest part of the chamber where the new magma was emplaced. It is estimated that the chamber floor sloped as little as 1–2°, but this was sufficient to give widely different cumulate sequences near the bottom of the chamber and on the flanks.  相似文献   

Depending on the orientation of thermal and compositional gradientsat the margins of a cooling intrusion, double-diffusive convectionmay take one of two principal forms. If the body is coolingat a steep wall, so that both gradients are horizontal, theresult can be boundary layer flow up or down the wall and segregationof the fractionated liquid under the roof or on the floor. Ifcooling is through the roof or floor of a broad sheet-like body,the gradients will be vertical and if the physical propertiesof the liquid are appropriate, they could lead to broad horizontallystratified convection. The first case has been analysed by Nilsonet al. (1985) and shown to be a physically plausible explanationfor certain types of zoned magmas, but the second case, in whichboth gradients are vertical, appears to be less likely, especiallyin slowly cooled intrusions in which temperatures are controlledby crystal-liquid equilibrium. Depending on whether the magma is losing heat through its roofor floor and on whether its density increases or decreases withcooling and differentiation, four possible conditions are possible.A linear stability analysis based on the experimental and theoreticalcriteria of Baines & Gill (1969) and Shirtcliffe (1969)indicates that neither calc-alkaline liquids that accumulateunder their roof nor tholeiitic liquids ponded on their floorare likely to convect in stratified layers. Even though thegradients and relative diffusivities of heat and compositionmay be in a direction that tends to destabilize the magma, themagnitude of the compositional effect on density is so greatthat the temperature gradient would have to diverge widely fromthe liquidus, and convection would be possible only with largeamounts of under-cooling or superheat. A similar mechanism, based on opposed gradients of two chemicalcomponents of differing diffusivities, may provide an alternativeexplanation for certain types of stratification, but field relationsin the Skaergaard Intrusion do not support any origin that isprimarily dependent on gravity.  相似文献   

Rocks in the outer selvage of the Skaergaard intrusion havea range of textures and compositions, and among these are materialsrepresenting quenched Skaergaard magma. Pristine chilled marginalgabbro (CMG), however, is not ubiquitous at the intrusive contact,because many of the "contact" rocks have been hydrothermallyor metasomatically altered, contaminated with gneiss or olivinexenocrysts, while others contain accumulated minerals. Materialrepresenting quenched magma appears to be restricted to contactrocks that are texturally and mineralogically similar to diabase,and free of accumulated minerals. Where it exists, the CMG isfound within one to three meters of the exposed intrusive contactexcept at the roof of the intrusion where its thickness is greater.CMG was distinguished from the diverse group of contact rocksby petrographic and geochemical screening of over 80 specimens.Samples of CMG from the eastern and western margins and fromthe roof of the intrusion have relatively uniform compositionsimilar to that of ferrobasalt, and are noticeably richer iniron (mg-number=0?51-0?54), TiO2 K2O, and P2O5 than other unmodifiedcontact rocks. CMG's also have trace element compositions distinctfrom most other rocks in the outer Marginal Border Series (MBS).They have incompatible element contents up to 3–6 timesgreater than in LZa-type cumulates, negligible Eu anomalies,and Ni and Cr contents and Ni/Cr ratios that are among the lowestof rocks in the outer MBS. The results of melting experiments corroborate selection ofthis material as CMG. The composition of glasses obtained frompartial melting experiments of LZa-type cumulates are essentiallyidentical to those of the CMG. The 1-atm. liquidus phase relationsfor one of the CMG samples (KT-39) is largely consistent withthe sequence and composition of cumulus minerals observed withdistance inward through the MBS and upward through the LayeredSeries. Solidification of magma at the outer margin of the intrusionis interpreted to have involved locally efficient quench crystallizationfollowed by initial primocryst growth in an undercooled transitionzone a short distance inward that finally extended into regionsof near equilibrium crystallization. The similarity in composition between samples of chilled marginalgabbro from the exposed roof and sides of the intrusion, andthose of reconstituted trapped liquid from early cumulates inthe outer MBS suggests that a single magma, similar in compositionto ferrobasalt, was parental to the Skaergaard intrusion. Thisinterpretation corroborates geophysical evidence of a significantlysmaller mass for the intrusion than that estimated by Wager,and provides a basis for revision of models of its chemicalevolution. Samples chosen by Wager as chilled marginal gabbrobelong spatially, texturally, and compositionally to the groupof LZa-type cumulates in the MBS, and should no longer be regardedas chilled marginal gabbro.  相似文献   

Plagioclase separates from the Layered Series (LS), Upper Border Series (UBS), and Marginal Border Series (MBS) of the Skaergaard intrusion were analyzed to examine major and trace element variations. In general, plagioclase from the LS, UBS, and MBS show similar trends in major elements vs. crystallization: SiO2, Na2O, and K2O progressively increase, and CaO and MgO progressively decrease with fractionation. No abrupt changes in the trends of major components of Skaergaard plagioclase during the differentiation of the intrusion are observed. Trace elements in plagioclase reflect changes in the Skaergaard magma and changes in plagioclase distribution coefficients with differentiation. Sr, Ga, and probably Ba are included elements in Skaergaard plagioclase, but were excluded from the other cumulus phases, and as a result systematically increased in the magma and plagioclase during differentiation. Be, Cs, Hf, Rb, Ta, U, and Zr, and the transition metals Co, Cr, Cu, Ni, Sc, V, and Zn were excluded elements in Skaergaard plagioclase, and remained low in plagioclase during differentiation. Changes in the abundances of these elements in plagioclase during differentiation reflect changes in their abundance in the magma. With the exception of the lower zone, which is enriched in the light rare earth elements, rare earth elements in LS plagioclase, in general, increase with differentiation of the Skaergaard intrusion, but decrease dramatically at the UZa/UZb boundary where abundant apatite first appears. Rare earth elements in UBS plagioclase followed a similar trend to LS plagioclase, except during the initial and final stages of differentiation. UBS plagioclase is much more enriched in rare earth elements during the final 20% of crystallization, except for Eu, which is similar in plagioclase from the two series. The observed trends suggest that the floor and roof sequences became isolated from each other and that the floor sequence may have been more reducing and the roof sequence more oxidizing during the final 20% of crystallization. As the Skaergaard magma ceased convection, or convected as isolated cells, during the final stages of differentiation, volatile elements may have accumulated in the UBS magma, resulting in an increase in ƒO2, and a decrease in Eu/Sm in UBS plagioclase. The observed trends of rare earth elements in plagioclase from the LS and UBS fit well with theoretical calculations that assume closed-system crystallization, and would be difficult to reconcile with any model requiring significant discharge of magma from the chamber during the final 20% of crystallization. The enrichment of light rare earth elements in plagioclase, suggests that the lower part of the intrusion re-equilibrated with a late, light rare earth element-rich fluid or melt. The recharge model proposed by earlier workers to explain anomalous Sr and Nd isotopes appears unlikely in light of the two to fourfold enrichment of light rare earth elements in these samples. Received: 1 October 1999 / Accepted: 14 May 2000  相似文献   

Re-examination of the Skaergaard intrusion in the context ofits regional setting, combined with new data from explorationdrilling, has resulted in a revised structural model for theintrusion. It is modelled as an irregular box, c. 11 km fromnorth to south, up to 8 km from east to west, and 3·4–4km from the lower to the upper contact. The walls of the intrusionare inferred to follow pre-existing and penecontemporaneoussteep faults, and the floor and roof seem largely controlledby bedding planes in the host sediments and lavas, similar toregional sills. The suggested shape and volume are in agreementwith published gravimetric modelling. Crystallization alongall margins of the intrusion concentrated the evolving meltin the upper, central part of the intrusion, best visualizedas an ‘onion-skin’ structure inside the box. Thetotal volume is estimated to c. 280 ± 23 km3, of which13·7% are referred to the Upper Border Series (UBS),16·4% to the Marginal Border Series (MBS) and 69·9%to the Layered Series (LS). In the LS, the Lower Zone (LZ) isestimated to constitute 66·8%, the Middle Zone (MZ) 13·5%and the Upper Zone (UZ) 19·7%. The new volume relationshipsprovide a mass balance estimate of the major and trace elementbulk composition of the intrusion. The parental magma to theSkaergaard intrusion is similar to high-Ti East Greenland tholeiiticplateau basalts with Mg number c. 0.45. The intrusion representsthe solidification of contemporary plateau basalt magma trappedand crystallized under closed-system conditions in a crustalreservoir at the developing East Greenland continental margin. KEY WORDS: bulk composition; emplacement; mass proportions; Skaergaard intrusion; structure  相似文献   

WAGER  L. R. 《Journal of Petrology》1960,1(3):364-398
Using variation diagrams for the major elements in the layeredrocks, estimates are made of the average amounts of the variouselements in the total rock separating at successive stages.From the analyses of the chilled marginal gabbro, taken to representthe composition of the initial magma, and with the further likelyassumption that the Skaergaard intrusion is a closed system,at any rate for most of the elements, various hypotheses onthe relative volumes of the different parts of the intrusionare tested to find the one best fitting the known distributionof the elements in the observable rocks. Estimates are thenmade of (1) the overall composition of the hidden part of theintrusion by subtracting the amounts of an element in the observedrocks from the total in the initial magma, and (2) the compositionof the successive residual magmas formed as a result of thecrystal fractionation.  相似文献   

Cr-poor and Cr-rich megacryst suites, both comprising of varying proportions of megacrysts of orthopyroxene, clinopyroxene, garnet, olivine, ilmenite and a number of subordinate phases, coexist in many kimberlites, with wide geographic distribution. In rare instances, the two suites occur together on the scale of individual megacryst hand specimens. Deformation textures are common to both suites, suggesting an origin related to the formation of the sheared peridotites that also occur in kimberlites. Textures and compositions of the latter are interpreted to reflect deformation and metasomatism within the thermal aureole surrounding the kimberlite magma in the mantle. The megacrysts crystallized in this thermal aureole in pegmatitic veins representing small volumes of liquids derived from the host kimberlite magma, which were injected into a surrounding fracture network prior to kimberlite eruption. Close similarities between compositions of Cr-rich megacryst phases and those in granular lherzolites are consistent with early crystallization from a primitive kimberlite liquid. The low-Cr megacryst suite subsequently crystallized from residual Cr-depleted liquids. However, the Cr-poor suite also reflects the imprint of contamination by liquids formed by melting of inhomogeneously distributed mantle phases with low melting temperatures, such as calcite and phlogopite, present within the thermal aureole surrounding the kimberlite magma reservoir. Such carbonate-rich melts migrated into, and mixed with some, but not all, of the kimberlite liquids injected into the mantle fracture network. Contamination by the carbonate-rich melts changed the Ca–Mg and Mg–Fe crystal–liquid distribution coefficient, resulting in the crystallization of relatively Fe-rich and Ca-poor phases. The implied higher crystal-melt Mg–Fe distribution coefficient for carbonate-rich magmas accounts for the generation of small volumes of Mg-rich liquids that are highly enriched in incompatible elements (i.e. primary kimberlite magmas). The inferred metasomatic origin for the sheared peridotites implies that this suite provides little or no information regarding vertical changes in the thermal, chemical and mechanical characteristics of the mantle.  相似文献   

WAGER  L. R. 《Journal of Petrology》1960,1(1):364-398
Using variation diagrams for the major elements in the layeredrocks, estimates are made of the average amounts of the variouselements in the total rock separating at successive stages.From the analyses of the chilled marginal gabbro, taken to representthe composition of the initial magma, and with the further likelyassumption that the Skaergaard intrusion is a closed system,at any rate for most of the elements, various hypotheses onthe relative volumes of the different parts of the intrusionare tested to find the one best fitting the known distributionof the elements in the observable rocks. Estimates are thenmade of (1) the overall composition of the hidden part of theintrusion by subtracting the amounts of an element in the observedrocks from the total in the initial magma, and (2) the compositionof the successive residual magmas formed as a result of thecrystal fractionation.  相似文献   

In the Karakoram Shear Zone, Ladakh, NW India, Miocene leucogranitic dykes form an extensive, varied and complex network, linking an anatectic terrane exposed in the Pangong Range, with leucogranites of the Karakoram Batholith. Mineral paragenesis of the heterogeneous anatectic source rocks suggests melting has resulted from water influx into rocks at upper amphibolite facies conditions, and microstructures suggest anatexis was contemporaneous with shearing. The network is characterized by continuous and interconnected dykes, with only rare cross‐cutting relationships, forming swarms and chaotic injection complexes where magmatic rocks cover up to 50% of the outcrop area. Despite this volume of magma, the system did not lose continuity, suggesting that it did not flow en masse and that the magma network was not all liquid simultaneously. Leucogranites in this network, including leucosomes in migmatites, carry an isotopic signature intermediate between the two main anatectic rocks in the source, suggesting efficient homogenization of the magmatic products. Here, we describe a number of microscopic features of these magmatic rocks which suggests that several pulses of magma used the same pathways giving rise to textural and chemical disequilibrium features. These include: (i) narrow, tortuous corridors of fine‐grained minerals cutting across or lining the boundaries of larger grains, interpreted to be remnants of magma‐filled cracks cutting across a pre‐existing magmatic rock; (ii) corrosion of early formed grains at the contact with fine‐grained material; (iii) compositional zoning of early formed plagioclase and K‐feldspar grains and quartz overgrowths documented by cathodoluminescence imaging; (iv) incipient development of rapakivi and anti‐rapakivi textures, and (iv) different crystallographic preferred orientation of early formed quartz and fine‐grained quartz. Mapping of the fine‐grained corridors interpreted to represent late melt channels reveal an interlinked network broadly following the S‐C fabric defined by pre‐existing magmatic grains. We conclude that early formed dykes provided a pathway exploited intermittently or continuously by new magma batches. New influxes of magma opened narrow channels and migrated through a microscopic network following predominantly grain boundaries along an S‐C fabric related to syn‐magmatic shearing. A mixed isotopic signature resulted not from the mixing of magmas, but from the micro‐scale interaction between new magma batches and previously crystallized magmatic rocks, through local equilibration.  相似文献   

The clinopyroxene–plagioclase–plagioclase dihedralangle, cpp, in gabbroic cumulates records the time-integratedthermal history in the sub-solidus and provides a measure oftextural maturity. Variations in cpp through the Layered Seriesof the Skaergaard intrusion, East Greenland, demonstrate thatthe onset of crystallization of clinopyroxene (within LZa),Fe–Ti oxides (at the base of LZc) and apatite (at thebase of UZb) as liquidus phases in the bulk magma is recordedby a stepwise increase in textural maturity, related to an increasein the contribution of latent heat to the total heat loss tothe surroundings and a reduction in the specific cooling rateat the crystallization front of the intrusion. The onset ofboth liquidus Fe–Ti oxide and apatite crystallizationis marked by a transient increase in textural maturity, probablylinked to overstepping before nucleation. Textural maturationat pyroxene–plagioclase–plagioclase triple junctionseffectively ceases in the uppermost parts of the Layered Seriesas a result of the entire pluton cooling below the closure temperaturefor dihedral angle change, which is 1075°C. Solidificationof the Layered Series of the Skaergaard intrusion occurred viathe upwards propagation of a mush zone only a few metres thick. KEY WORDS: magma; partial melting; asthenosphere; olivine; mantle  相似文献   

Troctolite blocks with compositions akin to the Hidden Zone are exposed in a tholeiitic dyke cutting across the Skaergaard intrusion, East Greenland. Plagioclase in these blocks contains finely crystallised melt inclusions that we have homogenised to constrain the parental magma to 47.4–49.0 wt.% SiO2, 13.4–14.9 wt.% Al2O3 and 10.7–14.1 wt.% FeOT. These compositions are lower in FeOT and higher in SiO2 than previous estimates and have distinct La/SmN and Dy/YbN ratios that link them to the lowermost volcanic succession (Milne Land Formation) of the regional East Greenland flood basalt province. New major- and trace element compositions for the FG-1 dyke swarm, previously taken to represent Skaergaard magmas, overlap with the entire range of the regional flood basalt succession and do not form a coherent suite of Skaergaard like melts. These dykes are therefore re-interpreted as feeder dykes throughout the main phase of flood basalt volcanism.  相似文献   

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