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A spectroscopic analysis of Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) J160043.6+074802.9, a binary system containing a pulsating subdwarf-O (sdO) star with a late-type companion, yields   T eff= 70 000 ± 5000 K  and  log  g = 5.25 ± 0.30  , together with a most likely type of K3 V for the secondary star. We compare our results with atmospheric parameters derived by Fontaine et al. and in the context of existing evolution models for sdO stars. New and more extensive photometry is also presented which recovers most, but not all, frequencies found in an earlier paper. Therefore, it seems probable that some pulsation modes have variable amplitudes. A non-adiabatic pulsation analysis of uniform metallicity sdO models show those having  log  g > 5.3  to be more likely to be unstable and capable of driving pulsation in the observed frequency range.  相似文献   

SDSS J160043.6+074802.9 appears to be a binary consisting of a subwarf-O (sdO) star and a late-type Main Sequence companion; the sdO is the only known pulsator in this class of stars and some modes have pulsation amplitude and frequency variations. Surface gravity and helium abundance determinations in the literature do not agree within quoted error limits; these appear to have unidentified systematic errors which, once accounted for, should show that surface gravity and helium abundance determinations to date are not as discordant as is currently supposed. Non-linear pulsation effects are proposed as a possible interpretation of pulsation amplitude and frequency variations observed in some modes.  相似文献   

We started a program to construct several grids of suitable model atmospheres and synthetic spectra for hot subdwarf O stars computed, for comparative purposes, in LTE, NLTE, with and without metals. For the moment, we use our grids to perform fits on our spectrum of SDSS J160043.6+074802.9 (J1600+0748 for short), this unique pulsating sdO star. Our best fit is currently obtained with NLTE model atmospheres including carbon, nitrogen and oxygen in solar abundances, which leads to the following parameters for SDSS J1600+0748 : T eff=69060±2080 K, log?g=6.00±0.09 and log?N(He)/N(H)=?0.61±0.06. Improvements are needed, however, particularly for fitting the available He ii lines. It is hoped that the inclusion of Fe will help remedy the situation.  相似文献   

We present results from a two-week, single-site photometric campaign on the slowly pulsating sdB star, EC 21324−1346. Nine frequencies are detected between about 333 and 125 μHz (periods between 3000 and 8000 s) with amplitudes ranging from 0.003 to 0.001 mag; large for this class of star. Comparison with sparser, earlier data indicates that some of these oscillations are persistent, though at least one shows clear evidence of substantial amplitude variation.  相似文献   

HR 1217 is a prototypical rapidly oscillating Ap star that has presented a test to the theory of non-radial stellar pulsation. Prior observations showed a clear pattern of five modes with alternating frequency spacings of 33.3 and 34.6 μHz, with a sixth mode at a problematic spacing of 50.0 μHz (which equals  1.5×33.3 μHz)  to the high-frequency side. Asymptotic pulsation theory allowed for a frequency spacing of 34 μHz, but Hipparcos observations rule out such a spacing. Theoretical calculations of magnetoacoustic modes in Ap stars by Cunha predicted that there should be a previously undetected mode 34 μHz higher than the main group, with a smaller spacing between it and the highest one. In this Letter, we present preliminary results from a multisite photometric campaign on the rapidly oscillating Ap star HR 1217 using the 'Whole Earth Telescope'. While a complete analysis of the data will appear in a later paper, one outstanding result from this run is the discovery of a newly detected frequency in the pulsation spectrum of this star, at the frequency predicted by Cunha.  相似文献   

We report the discovery of very rapid pulsations in two hot subdwarf stars from the Edinburgh-Cape blue object survey. The short periods, small amplitudes and multiperiodicity establish these stars as members of the class of rapidly-pulsating sdB stars. The spectrograms of both stars, however, show relatively strong He  ii 4686 and they are therefore more properly classified as sdOB. The light curve of EC 01541−1409 is dominated by two strong (∼1 per cent) variations with frequencies near 7114 and 7870 μHz (periods near 140.6 and 127.1 s), though at least five frequencies are present with amplitudes above about 0.002 mag. The light curve of EC 22221−3152 appears to be generated by at least 10 frequencies in the range 5670–11850 μHz (about 175–85 s) with amplitudes between about 0.01 and 0.001 mag, including the first overtone of the strongest variation. Somewhat surprisingly, this number of frequencies is detectable in observing runs as short as 3 h, probably due to the fact that the detected frequencies are well-separated.  相似文献   

We present the results of extensive time-series photometry of the pulsating subdwarf B star KPD 2109 + 4401. Our data set consists of 29 data runs with a total length of 182.6 h over 31 d, collected at five observatories in 2004. These data comprised high signal-to-noise ratio observations acquired with larger telescopes and wider time-coverage observations obtained with smaller telescopes. They are sufficient to resolve the pulsation structure to 0.4 μHz and are the most extensive data set for this star to date. With these data, we identify eight pulsation frequencies extending from 4701 to 5481 μHz, corresponding to periods of 182–213 s. The pulsation frequencies and their amplitudes are examined over several time-scales with some frequencies showing amplitude variability.  相似文献   

We report the discovery of pulsations in two DB stars found in the Edinburgh–Cape blue object survey. The light curve of EC 04207−4748 appears to be dominated by a strong variation at  2235 μHz  (447 s) and its first overtone near 4475 μHz (223 s). Two other peaks appear in the periodograms of all three data sets for this star; near  2370 μHz  (∼420 s) and  3000 μHz  (∼333 s), though these are less accurately defined. EC 05221−4725 is less easy to specify with the currently available data; it appears to have one coherent frequency near  1114 μHz  (898 s), but is obviously multiperiodic and probably has several more frequencies near the one clearly observed.  相似文献   

The halo structure at high Galactic latitudes near both the north and south poles is studied using Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) and SuperCOSMOS data. For the south cap halo, the archive of the SuperCOSMOS photographic photometry sky survey is used. The coincident source rate between SuperCOSMOS data in B J band from 16.5 to 20.5 mag and SDSS data is about 92 per cent, in a common sky area in the south. While that in the R F band is about 85 per cent from 16.5 to 19.5 mag. Transformed to the SuperCOSMOS system and downgraded to the limiting magnitudes of SuperCOSMOS, the star counts in the North Galactic Cap from SDSS show up to an  16.9 ± 6.3  per cent  asymmetric ratio (defined as relative fluctuations over the rotational symmetry structure) in the B J band, and up to  13.5 ± 6.7  per cent  asymmetric ratio in the R F band. From SuperCOSMOS B J and R F bands, the structure of the Southern Galactic hemisphere does not show the same obvious asymmetric structures as the northern sky does in both the original and downgraded SDSS star counts. An axisymmetric halo model with n = 2.8 and q = 0.7 can fit the projected number density from SuperCOSMOS fairly well, with an average error of about 9.17 per cent. By careful analysis of the difference of star counts between the downgraded SDSS northern halo data and SuperCOSMOS southern halo data, it is shown that no asymmetry can be detected in the South Galactic Cap at the accuracy of SuperCOSMOS, and the Virgo overdensity is likely a foreign component in the Galactic halo.  相似文献   

We present new high-speed, multisite photometric observations of the rapidly oscillating Ap star HD 119027 acquired over seven nights during 1996. A frequency analysis of these observations reveals the presence of oscillations at 1835, 1875, 1888, 1913, 1940, 1942 and (possibly) 1953 μHz. These frequencies are consistent with a spacing of either 13 or 26 μHz, depending on the reality of the oscillations at 1875 and 1953 μHz. The data in hand do not permit us to discriminate between the two possible spacings. If the smaller value of the spacing is correct, it suggests that HD 119027 is outside the main-sequence band. Two of the frequencies listed above are separated by only 1.95 μHz, suggesting that they are modes of ( n ,ℓ) and ( n  − 1, ℓ + 2), which in roAp stars is a quantity governed by the internal magnetic field.  相似文献   

We present a detailed, extensive investigation of the photometric and spectroscopic behaviour of WR 30a. This star is definitely a binary system with a period around 4.6 d. We propose the value         . The identification of the components as WO4+O5((f)) indicates a massive evolved binary system; the O5 component is a main-sequence or, more likely, a giant star. The radial velocities of the O star yield a circular orbit with an amplitude         and a mass function of 0.013     . The spectrum of WR 30a exhibits strong profile variations of the broad emission lines that are phase-locked with the orbital period. We report the detection of the orbital motion of the WO component with     , but this should be confirmed by further observations. If correct, it implies a mass ratio     . The star exhibits sinusoidal light variations of amplitude 0.024 mag peak-to-peak with the minimum of light occurring slightly after the conjunction with the O star in front. On the basis of the phase-locked profile variations of the C  iv λ 4658 blend in the spectrum of the WO, we conclude that a wind–wind collision phenomenon is present in the system. We discuss some possibilities for the geometry of the interaction region.  相似文献   

We present simultaneous UV , G , R and I monitoring of 19 M dwarfs that reveal a huge flare on the M9 dwarf with an amplitude in the UV of at least 6 mag. This is one of the strongest detections ever of an optical flare in an M star and one of the first in an ultracool dwarf (spectral types later than about M7). Four intermediate-strength flares  (Δ m UV < 4 mag)  were found in this and three other targets. For the whole sample we deduce a flare probability of 0.013 (rate of  0.022 h−1  ), and  0.049 (0.090 h−1)  for 2M1707+64 alone. Deviations of the flare emission from a blackbody is consistent with strong  Hα  line emission. We also confirm our previously found rotation period for 2M1707+64 and determine it more precisely to be  3.619 ± 0.015 h  .  相似文献   

We present medium-resolution VLT/FORS2 spectroscopy of six cataclysmic variables (CVs) discovered by the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS). We determine orbital periods for  SDSS J023322.61+005059.5 (96.08 ± 0.09 min), SDSS J091127.36+084140.7 (295.74 ± 0.22 min), SDSS J103533.02+055158.3 (82.10 ± 0.09 min)  and SDSS J121607.03+052013.9 (most likely 98.82 ± 0.16 min, but the one-day aliases at 92 and 107 min are also possible) using radial velocities measured from their Hα and Hβ emission lines. Three of the four orbital periods measured here are close to the observed 75–80 min minimum period for CVs, indicating that the properties of the population of these objects discovered by the SDSS are substantially different to those of the CVs found by other means. Additional photometry of SDSS J023322.61+005059.5 reveals a periodicity of approximately 60 min which we interpret as the spin period of the white dwarf, suggesting that this system is an intermediate polar with a low accretion rate. SDSS J103533.02+055158.3 has a period right at the observed minimum value, a spectrum dominated by the cool white dwarf primary star and exhibits deep eclipses, so is an excellent candidate for an accurate determination of the parameters of the system. The spectroscopic orbit of SDSS J121607.03+052013.9 has a velocity amplitude of only  13.8 ± 1.6 km s−1  , implying that this system has an extreme mass ratio. From several physical constraints we find that this object must contain either a high-mass white dwarf or a brown-dwarf-mass secondary component or both.  相似文献   

We present time-resolved spectroscopy and photometry of the cataclysmic variable (CV) SDSS J133941.11+484727.5 (SDSS 1339) which has been discovered in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) Data Release 4. The orbital period determined from radial velocity studies is 82.524(24) min, close to the observed period minimum. The optical spectrum of SDSS 1339 is dominated to 90 per cent by emission from the white dwarf (WD). The spectrum can be successfully reproduced by a three-component model (white dwarf, disc, secondary) with   T WD=12 500 K  for a fixed  log   g = 8.0, d = 170 pc  , and a spectral type of the secondary later than M8. The mass-transfer rate corresponding to the optical luminosity of the accretion disc is very low,  ≃ 1.7 × 10−13 M yr−1  . Optical photometry reveals a coherent variability at 641 s with an amplitude of 0.025 mag, which we interpret as non-radial pulsations of the white dwarf. In addition, a long-period photometric variation with a period of either 320 or 344 min and an amplitude of 0.025 mag is detected, which bears no apparent relation with the orbital period of the system. Similar long-period photometric signals have been found in the CVs SDSS J123813.73−033933.0, SDSS J204817.85−061044.8, GW Lib and FS Aur, but so far no working model for this behaviour is available.  相似文献   

Do some Wolf–Rayet stars owe their strong winds to something else besides radiation pressure? The answer to this question is still not entirely obvious, especially in certain Wolf–Rayet subclasses, mainly WN8 and WC9. Both of these types of Wolf–Rayet stars are thought to be highly variable, as suggested by observations, possibly due to pulsations. However, only the WN8 stars have so far been vigorously and systematically investigated for variability. We present here the results of a systematic survey during three consecutive weeks of 19 Galactic WC9 stars and one WC8 star for photometric variability in two optical bands, V and I . Of particular interest are the correlated variations in brightness and colour index in the context of carbon dust formation, which occurs frequently in WC9 and some WC8 stars. In the most variable case, WR76, we used this information to derive a typical dust grain size of  ∼ 0.1 μm  . However, most photometric variations occur at surprisingly low levels, and in fact almost half of our sample shows no significant variability at all above the instrumental level (  σ∼ 0.005– 0.01  mag).  相似文献   

We present near-infrared polarimetric images of the dusty circumstellar envelope (CSE) of IRAS 19306+1407, acquired at the United Kingdom Infrared Telescope (UKIRT) using the UKIRT 1–5 μm Imager Spectrometer (UIST) in conjunction with the half-waveplate module IRPOL2. We present additional 450- and 850-μm photometry data obtained with the Submillimetre Common-User Bolometer Array (SCUBA) at the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope (JCMT), as well as archived Hubble Space Telescope ( HST ) F606W - and F814W -filter images. The CSE structure in polarized flux at J and K bands shows an elongation north of north-east and south of south-west with two bright scattering shoulders north-west and south-east. These features are not perpendicular to each other and could signify a recent 'twist' in the outflow axis. We model the CSE using an axisymmetric light scattering ( als ) code to investigate the polarization produced by the CSE, and an axisymmetric radiation transport ( dart ) code to fit the spectral energy distribution. A good fit was achieved with the als and dart models using silicate grains, 0.1–0.4 μm with a power-law size distribution of a −3.5, and an axisymmetric shell geometry with an equator-to-pole ratio of 7:1. The spectral type of the central star is determined to be B1 i supporting previous suggestions that the object is an early planetary nebula. We have constrained the CSE and interstellar extinction as 2.0 and 4.2 mag, respectively, and have estimated a distance of 2.7 kpc. At this distance, the stellar luminosity is ∼4500 L and the mass of the CSE is ∼0.2 M. We also determine that the mass loss lasted for ∼5300 yr with a mass-loss rate of ∼3.4 × 10−5 M yr−1.  相似文献   

We present the results of our monitoring of the halo black hole soft X-ray transient (SXT) XTE J1118+480 during its decline to quiescence. The system has decayed 0.5 mag from 2000 December to its present near-quiescent level at   R ≃18.65  (2001 June). The ellipsoidal light curve is distorted by an additional modulation that we interpret as a superhump of   P sh=0.17049(1) d  i.e. 0.3 per cent longer than the orbital period. This implies a disc precession period   P prec∼52 d  . After correcting the average phase-folded light curve for veiling, the amplitude difference between the minima suggests that the binary inclination angle lies in the range   i =71–82°  . However, we urge caution in the interpretation of these values because of residual systematic contamination of the ellipsoidal light curve by the complex form of the superhump modulation. The orbital-mean H α profiles exhibit clear velocity variations with ∼500 km s−1 amplitude. We interpret this as the first spectroscopic evidence of an eccentric precessing disc.  相似文献   

A new photometric and spectroscopic survey of the star formation region (SFR) CMa R1 is described. In a sample of 165 stars brighter than 13th mag, 88 stars were found to be probable members of the SFR. They are defined as early-type stars with E ( B − V )0.16 mag, which corresponds to a distance of about 1 kpc. 74 of the probable members are B stars. 19 stars are possibly associated with an IRAS point source. We derive a most probable distance of 1050±150 pc to the association. It appears that about 80 candidate members are pre-main-sequence stars with ages lower than 6 million years, while the main sequence extends over 6.0–7.6 mag, which is consistent with star formation starting about 8 million years ago and continuing until at least half a million years ago. Two bright B stars in the association (GU CMa and FZ CMa) seem to be much older and probably do not originate from the same star formation episode. The star formation efficiency appears to increase roughly monotonically with time up to half a million years ago. From our data, we conclude that only a minor fraction of the stars has been created through the scenario suggested by Herbst & Assousa, in which the members of CMa R1 form by compression of ambient material by a supernova shock wave. An extensive search for candidate members with H α emission did not reveal new Herbig Ae/Be candidates, so that the number of stars in this class seems to be limited to four: Z CMa, LkH α 218, LkH α 220 and possibly HD 53367.  相似文献   

We report on the long-term variability of the Be/X-ray binary LS I +61° 235/RX J0146.9+6121. New optical spectroscopic and infrared photometric observations confirm the presence of global one-armed oscillations in the circumstellar disc of the Be star, and allow us to derive a V R band quasi-period of 1240±30 d. Pronounced shell events, reminiscent of the spectacular variations in Be stars, are also seen. We have found that the J , H and K infrared photometric bands vary in correlation with the spectroscopic V R variations, implying that the one-armed disc oscillations are prograde. The effect of the oscillations is not only seen in the H α line but is also seen in the He  i λ 6678 and Paschen lines. As these lines are formed at different radii in the equatorial disc of the Be star, such effects confirm the global nature of the perturbation. The Keplerian disc has been found to be denser than the average for a sample of isolated Be stars, which may be indicative of some kind of interaction with the compact companion. Finally, from a Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer observation we derive a spin period of the neutron star of 1404.5±0.5 s.  相似文献   

We undertook a time-series photometric multisite campaign for the rapidly oscillating Ap (roAp) star HD 99563 and also acquired mean light observations over four seasons. The pulsations of the star, which show flatter light maxima than minima, can be described with a frequency quintuplet centred on 1557.653 μHz and some first harmonics of it. The amplitude of the pulsation is modulated with the rotation period of the star that we determine with 2.91179 ± 0.00007 d from the analysis of the stellar pulsation spectrum and of the mean light data. We break up the distorted oscillation mode into its pure spherical harmonic components and find it is dominated by the ℓ= 1 pulsation, and also has a notable ℓ= 3 contribution, with weak ℓ= 0 and 2 components. The geometrical configuration of the star allows us to see both pulsation poles for about the same amount of time; HD 99563 is only the fourth roAp star for which both pulsation poles are seen and only the third where the distortion of the pulsation modes has been modelled. We point out that HD 99563 is very similar to the well-studied roAp star HR 3831. Finally, we note that the visual companion of HD 99563 is located in the δ Scuti instability strip and may thus show pulsation. We show that if the companion was physical, the roAp star would be a 2.03-M, object, seen at a rotational inclination of 44°, which then predicts a magnetic obliquity     .  相似文献   

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