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Massive and well-crystallized Sulfides of Fe, Pb, As, Tl, Ag, Cu and Zn occur in the Lengenbach mineral deposit (Valais, Swiss Alps), located in a low- to medium-grade metamorphosed Triassic dolomite. Inclusions arranged along healed fractures in quartz consist of complex intergrowths of Tl-rich sartorite+tennantite+orpiment and are interpreted as relics of a sulfide melt generated during metamorphism and trapped in a similar way to associated aqueous fluid inclusions. Microprobe analyses of melt inclusions homogenized at 500°C demonstrate a strong enrichment of Tl in the melt phase, consistent with the observed late-stage Tl-enrichment in the deposit. The presence of a sulfide melt is compatible with Alpine metamorphism of the Lengenbach deposit under relatively closed conditions. The unique sulfide mineral assemblage of the Lengenbach deposit can be ascribed to fractional crystallization in a slowly cooling melt-aqueous fluid system during Alpine uplift.  相似文献   

陕西二台子金矿地球化学特征及其成因   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在前人矿床地质和找矿勘探研究基础上,结合较新工程地质揭露认识以及较新分析测试资料,二台子金矿床显示Au-As-Cu-Sb-Mn-Ba的成矿元素与示踪元素组合;矿石中S同位素组成富集重S,不出现塔式效应,具多种混合S的来源特征;H、O同位素组成显示大气降水的强烈参予;矿化蚀变矿物稀土元素配分模式显示出矿床形成对容矿岩石组分的明显继承;矿床地质地球化学特征与美国卡林金矿床存在许多可类比之处。二台子金矿属于具有沉积-改造成因特征的“秦岭式”卡林型金矿床。  相似文献   

广东长坑大型-超大型金银矿床的地球化学与成因带   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
张生  李统锦  王联魁 《矿床地质》1998,17(2):125-134
对长坑金银矿床的化学组成、同位素特征、流体性质、成矿物理化学条件和机理的系统研究表明,与矿化最密切的硅质岩应主要为热液交代成因;金、银矿体的稀土和微量元素特征既有共性又有异性;矿床的硫、铅、碳、锶同位素组成特征反映它们均为壳源物质或沉积成因;成矿流体相对富Ca、K,主要来自演化了的加热大气水或建造水;矿床形成于中低温的热液条件,矿化机制包括热液沸腾、流体混合与水岩反应。总之,长坑矿床为微细浸染型金矿与碳酸盐岩交代型银矿构成的新颖矿床组合,金、银矿体是统一的热液作用在不同的成矿环境和控矿条件下的产物,它们与区域内的铅锌(银)矿床应属于一个成矿系列。  相似文献   

湖南水口山花岗闪长岩的地球化学特征及成因   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中生代花岗质岩石在华南分布广泛,且常与W-Sn、Pb-Zn等金属矿床具有紧密的时空联系,而湖南水口山花岗闪长岩是与Pb-Zn成矿作用有关的典型代表。与华南改造型花岗岩相比,水口山花岗闪长岩及其成矿作用的研究程度较低。本文系统研究了该花岗闪长岩的岩相学特征、主元素、微量元素和Sr-Nd同位素组成,重点讨论了其岩石成因类型、物质来源及形成的构造环境。研究结果表明,水口山花岗闪长岩为贫Si O2、富碱、富铁镁、准铝质-弱过铝质的高钾钙碱性岩;表现出轻稀土元素富集,轻重稀土分馏强烈,弱负Eu异常;不相容元素Ba、Ta、Nb、Sr、Ti亏损,而Rb、Th、U、K、LREE相对富集的特征。岩体的(87Sr/86Sr)i比值为0.707364~0.711380,εNd(t)值为–6.61~–2.40,具明显的亏损地幔和华南上地壳混合特征。水口山花岗闪长岩的矿物组成、元素地球化学和同位素地球化学特征均表明,该岩体为同熔型花岗岩。该岩体是在晚中生代由太平洋板块向欧亚大陆板块俯冲诱发的华南板块伸展-减薄构造环境下,玄武质岩浆上涌,底侵中下地壳,与中上地壳混合形成的燕山早期高钾钙碱性花岗岩。  相似文献   

青藏高原安多岛弧型蛇绿岩地球化学及成因   总被引:7,自引:9,他引:7  
赖绍聪  刘池阳 《岩石学报》2003,19(4):675-682
安多蛇绿岩位于西藏安多县城北侧、班公错-怒江缝合带中段.该蛇绿岩块呈近东西向展布,长约25km,宽约5km,主要由低钾拉斑玄武岩和辉长岩组成.高精度ICP-MS分析结果表明,玄武岩和辉长岩稀土总量较低,均具有亏损型稀土配分型式,∑REE =29×10-6~44×10-6, ∑LREE/∑HREE=0.90~1.06, (La/Yb)N=0.29~0.41, (Ce/Yb)N=0.42~0.60, 表明其源于N-MORB型亏损地幔源区.然而,相对于典型的大洋中脊玄武岩(N-MORB)而言,其Nb和Ta,尤其是Nb含量明显偏低(Nb=0.6×10-6~3.13×10-6, 平均1.19×10-6 ; Ta=0.072×10-6~0.253×10-6, 平均0.105×10-6), 在N-MORB标准化痕量元素配分图上具显著的Nb谷.表明安多玄武岩+辉长岩组合既非典型的洋中脊成因,又与岛弧型火山岩有一定区别,它们很可能形成于边缘海(弧后)盆地环境,由于消减带之上的地幔对流导致新洋壳的产生而形成,是特提斯大洋岩石圈在俯冲过程中引发弧后次级扩张的产物.  相似文献   

1Introduction StudyonheavyoilintheErlianBasin,NorthChi na,hasbeenreportedbysomescholars(DouLironget al.,1995;TangJietingetal.,1992),butthegene sisandformingmechanismofheavyoilneedtobefur therstudied.Thepapersyntheticallydiscussedthege ochemistry,genesisandinspissationseriesofheavyoil intheErlianBasinbaseduponalargenumberofsta tisticsdataonthephysicalpropertiesofdifferenttypes ofheavyoil,theGCanalysesofsaturatedandaromatic hydrocarbons,andtheGC MSanalysesofsteranesand terpanes. T…  相似文献   

青海泽多桌肉地区花岗闪长岩中发育大量暗色闪长质包体。通过对花岗闪长岩(寄主岩石)与暗色包体的地球化学研究发现,花岗闪长岩(寄主岩石)的SiO_2含量为w(SiO_2)=61.61%~68.80%,A/CNK=0.91~0.99,属于偏铝质钙碱性花岗岩特征;暗色包体中发育针状磷灰石,暗色包体的SiO_2含量为w(SiO_2)=52.66%~66.99%,碱度率AR=2.08~2.26(大于1),里特曼指数σ=1.89~8.67,固结指数SI=16~24.74,属过铝质钙碱性花岗岩。稀土元素分析显示,花岗闪长岩稀土总量w(ΣREE)=117.44×10~(-6)~265.68×10~(-6);暗色包体稀土总量w(ΣREE)=184.05×10~(-6)~342.11×10~(-6),总量高于寄主岩石;暗色包体和寄主花岗岩有着相似的稀土元素配分模式,显示轻稀土富集,重稀土亏损,轻重稀土元素分馏明显的特征。微量元素分析显示,暗色包体微量元素的分布型式与寄主岩微量元素特征基本一致,大离子亲石元素K、Rb、Ba相对富集,高场强元素Nb、Ta、Zr、Hf相对亏损,反映了岩浆混合作用的特征。在花岗闪长岩中获得LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb年龄为202.49 Ma±0.63 Ma,属晚三叠世。表明泽多桌肉花岗闪长岩属于晚三叠世以来的造山带伸展崩塌造成岩石圈较快速减薄以及幔源岩浆底侵作用的发生,并导致地壳岩石接近熔融温度产生壳源岩浆而成岩。  相似文献   

The Elk Valley coalfield of British Columbia is one of the major coal producing areas in Canada. The coals are of Cretaceous and Jurassic–Cretaceous age and range in rank from high-volatile to low-volatile bituminous (%Romax: 0.8–1.6). Coal seams from outcrops and active mines in this coalfield were analysed for rank and maceral composition using reflected light microscopy, for geochemistry using AAS, INAA, and ICPES, and also by proximate and ultimate analyses. The Elk Valley coal seams contain low average concentrations of hazardous elements such as As, Mo, Pb, and Se. However, there are seams that contain relatively high concentrations of some of these elements, such as 8 mg/kg and 108 mg/kg of arsenic. When the geochemistry of coal seams is compared within the different parts of the coalfield, the elemental composition amongst the seams from various sections located in the central area of the coalfield is similar. Coal seams in the northern area of the coalfield have different geochemistry than coal seams in other areas of the coalfield; seams in the northern area have much higher As, Br, Cr, Cu, Fe, K, and Na content, but contain less Ca.  相似文献   

Geochemistry of High-silica Peralkaline Rhyolites, Naivasha, Kenya Rift Valley   总被引:17,自引:3,他引:17  
The Recent (<15000 y) volcanic complex of southwest Naivasha,Kenya, consists of mildly peralkaline (comenditic) rhyolitedomes, lava flows, air fall pumices, and lake sediments, withminor, peripheral, basalts and hawaiites. The comendites areeither aphyric or sparsely porphyritic, few samples containing>5 per cent phenocrysts. Phenocryst minerals are quartz-sanidine-ferrohedenbergite-fayalite-titanomagnetite-ilmenite-riebeckite-arfvedsonite-aenigmatite-biotite-zircon.Ferrohedenbergite and zircon are restricted to less peralkaline,and amphibole, aenigmatite, and biotite to more peralkaline,rocks. The comendites show unusually strong enrichment in Cs, F, Hf,Nb, Rb, REE, Ta, Th, U, Y, Zn, and Zr, and extreme depletionin Mg, Ca, Ba, Co, and Sr. REE patterns are moderately LREE-enriched,with large, negative Eu anomalies. Values of LIL/HFS elementratios, such as Th/Ta and Rb/Zr, are unusually high for peralkalinerhyolites, and are consistent with a substantial crustal componentin the comendites. Parameters such as LREE/HREE and Zr/Nb ratiosindicate that the Naivasha rhyolites represent several pulsesof closely related, but subtly different, magmas. Sanidine/glasspartition coefficients for Ba, Pb, Rb, Sr, U, and the REE arepresented for one specimen. Major and trace element modelling, and feldspar-rock relationships,show that closed system crystal fractionation cannot alone accountfor the overall compositional variations in the comendites.A model involving partial melting of variable crustal sourcerocks and migration of dissolved volatile-metal complexes maybe appropriate at Naivasha.  相似文献   

有关内蒙安家营子金矿田赋矿岩体似斑状二长花岗岩的岩石学、岩石化学、微量元素、稀土元素及Sr、O、Pb同位素的研究表明:安家营子似斑状二长花岗岩与中国花岗岩平均化学成分对比,介于花岗岩与石英二长岩之间,属正常系列钙碱性岩石,成岩年龄为(132±5)Ma,属燕山晚期产物;岩体为岩浆成因,与国外Ⅰ型和国内同熔型花岗岩特征一致,侵位深度大于13km,结晶温度在750~800℃范围内;源岩来自上地幔和部分下地壳成分,形成于造山带挤压构造环境;岩体中的岩石-脉岩-矿石成矿元素具有明显的相关性,属同源产物。  相似文献   

 The most appropriate and widely used source of drinking water for the populations of the upper regions of Ghana is groundwater. In general, groundwater quality is acceptable except for some parts of the Bolgatanga and Bongo Districts, where there are occurrences of elevated levels of natural groundwater fluoride. Concentrations of groundwater fluoride in excess of the World Health Organization (WHO) maximum guideline value (1.5 mg/l) in the Bongo area have been known since 1978. However, the effect of fluoride on people ingesting the water did not receive public and medical attention until October 1993, when health personnel were asked to investigate the cause of stained teeth in school children. The investigation established that 62% of the total population of school children in the Bongo area had dental fluorosis. Against this background, a study was initiated to understand the geochemistry, genesis, and distribution of fluoride in relation to the geology of the area. Groundwater fluoride in the upper regions ranges from 0.11 to 4.60 ppm, with the highest concentrations associated with the fluorine-enriched Bongo coarse-grained hornblende granite and syenite suite. The source of groundwater fluoride within the Bongo granitoids is dissolution of the mineral fluorite and dissolution of and anion exchange with micaceous minerals and their clay products. Applying the WHO recommended guideline values for fluoride in drinking water reveals that 49% of wells in the area deliver water below the optimum level of 0.5 mg/l F; these populations are thus prone to dental caries. Twenty-eight percent of the wells fall within the optimum interval for good dental health (0.5–1.5 mg/l F). Twenty-three percent of the wells have concentrations above the recommended maximum guideline limit of 1.5 mg/l F; this population is susceptible to dental and possibly skeletal fluorosis. Climatic conditions of the area suggest that the individual water consumption is in the order of 3 to 4 l which is higher than the WHO estimate of 2 l/adult/day. In addition, dietary intake for the upper region population is probably higher than WHO baseline values (0.2–0.5 mg/day). This implies that a much higher population is susceptible to developing dental and skeletal fluorosis than originally suspected. Geochemical symbol plot maps help geochemists understand factors controlling the distribution and uptake of fluoride in the upper regions, but they are of minimal value to health officials responsible for planning epidemiological studies and dental health education programs in the region. By casting fluoride data into contoured 'geochemical health-risk maps' using intake interval guidelines more closely aligned to regional climatic and dietary conditions, health officals can better judge the impacts (regional and population based) of fluoride on segments of the population, such as various sex and age groups. Received: 11 March 1997 · Accepted: 17 June 1997  相似文献   

广东沿海地区基性岩脉地球化学及成因   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
曹建劲  胡瑞忠  谢桂青  刘燊 《岩石学报》2009,25(4):984-1000
广东沿海地区基性岩脉的成岩年龄是146~54 Ma,主要形成于白垩纪,次为侏罗纪和第三纪。可将工作区基性岩脉的形成时代分为5期:第一期146Ma,第二期138~132Ma,第三期112~105Ma,第四期99~82Ma,第五期75~54Ma。根据K2O/Na2O比值和K2O含量,以及不相容元素分配模式的“Nb-Ta”异常,可以划分出两类基性岩脉。第一类K2O/Na2O比值<0.5和K2O含量<1.3%,在微量元素MORB标准化图解中具有弱的“Nb-Ta”负异常。第二类K2O/Na2O比值>0.5和K2O含量>1.3%,在微量元素MORB标准化图解中具有显著的“Nb-Ta”负异常。在K2O-SiO2图解中,第一类基性岩脉样品落入中钾岩石范围,第二类基性岩脉样品落入高钾岩石或钾玄岩范围。基性岩脉分布的重要特点是中钾基性岩脉分布于本区北部上地幔拗陷区,而高钾基性岩脉分布于本区南部地幔隆起区或斜坡区。两类基性岩脉有着不同的岩浆来源。在本区北部,软流圈物质入侵和熔蚀Ⅰ型富集地幔混合形成中钾基性岩脉,随着时代的由老至新和熔蚀作用的不断进行,岩浆中Ⅰ型富集地幔成分增加。晚期,岩浆活动向连平、新丰一带迁移。在本区南部,软流圈物质入侵并熔蚀Ⅱ型富集地幔,形成具有软流圈物质和Ⅱ型富集地幔混合特征的高钾基性岩脉。随着熔蚀作用的不断进行,岩浆中Ⅱ型富集地幔成分增加,晚期基性岩浆活动向三水裂谷、南澳裂谷迁移。  相似文献   

黔东北地区钒矿床地球化学特征及成因研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
近年来在黔东北地区先后发现了多个中_大型沉积型钒矿床,它们均赋存在寒武系下统九门冲组(∈1jm)下部的黑色碳质泥岩中。为了从地球化学方面深入探讨该类钒矿床中含矿岩系的沉积环境以及矿床成因类别,选用电感耦合等离子体质谱(ICP_MS)法对钒矿体及其上、下地层的样品进行了主量、微量和稀土元素测试,采用层序地层学方法对典型钒矿床的含矿岩系地层进行剖析,充分利用地球化学元素对环境的敏感特性探索了含矿岩系形成的氧化还原条件和矿床成因。结果表明,含矿岩系主要为海相深(浅)水陆棚相沉积物,因沉积过程中沉积相的多次演变,形成了现在具有一定差异的岩性组合。同时,因地球化学场的不断变化,沉积物中主量、微量和稀土元素的含量呈现了特有的分布规律。文章首次从地球化学方面揭示了该区含矿岩系及钒矿层均是还原环境下的产物,钒矿床以正常海相沉积成因为主,仅与生物作用有一定关系,受热水影响并不明显。这对钒矿床的成矿预测以及实现更大找矿突破,具有一定意义。  相似文献   

西藏尼雄岩体岩石地球化学特征及其成因探讨   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
吴旭铃  陈振华 《中国地质》2005,32(1):122-127
尼雄岩体分布于西藏自治区措勤县木质顶、尼雄、沙松、日阿一带,出露面积180.14km^2,由4个深成岩体组成,平面形态呈不规则椭圆形、圆形串珠状分布,岩石类型有苏长岩、花岗闪长岩、二长花岗岩、花岗岩。根据野外地质调查资料和室内的岩石学、岩石化学等特征的综合研究成果,发现该岩体各单元之间呈脉动式侵入接触,接触界线清晰,且含有较多暗色闪长质微粒包体;稀土总量较低,K、Rb、Ba、Th元素相对富集,Cr、Ti、Nb、Sr、Zr、P元素相对亏损。研究显示尼雄岩体形成于活动陆缘火山弧,构造环境,与雅鲁藏布江大洋板块向北俯冲消减作用有关,为大陆弧花岗岩。  相似文献   

The geochemistry of 5 salt springs in the southwestern Mamfe Basin was investigated in order to infer the mineral content of their source and to relate the genesis of the springs to the local geology. Field observations revealed that, they are cold springs (23–28 °C), and are composed of secondary brines that are neutral to alkaline with pH values ranging from 7 to 8.7. Results of chemical analysis show that the springs contain major ions that form evaporite minerals, as well as chalcophile elements. The dominant cation is Na+ (>96%), and the dominant anion is Cl (>99%). Based on correlation coefficients between ions that form evaporites and field occurrence of efflorescences of halite, it is suggested that the ancient evaporites in the Mamfe Basin are composed entirely of carbonate and chloride salts. Meteoric and convective fluid flow processes are responsible for the dissolution of ancient evaporites and subsequent migration of brines to the surface from underground. The brines migrate through permeable strata with migration pathways resulting from a combination of fracture porosity created by post––Cretaceous tectonism and intergranular porosity enhanced by the chemically aggressive migrating brines.  相似文献   

文章总结了广西油麻坡钨钼矿床地质特征,将矿床的矿化类型大致划分为矽卡岩型白钨矿和石英脉型辉钼矿,两者是同一含矿热液不同阶段演化的产物,前者主要产在接触带的矽卡岩中,后者的产出不受岩性控制,多以网脉状充填在围岩裂隙中,并可见少量石英脉型辉钼矿体叠加在早期形成的矽卡岩型白钨矿体之上。本次研究对代表性钨钼矿石样品进行了C、H、O、S同位素测定,并对石英脉型辉钼矿矿石内的石英进行了包裹体的测定,结合油麻坡花岗闪长斑岩体的岩石学、矿物学及地球化学特征,认为成矿流体及矿质起初主要来源于斑岩体,在岩体上侵过程中,可能萃取了部分古生代地层中的成矿物质,热液演化后期伴随有大气降水的加入,使得成矿流体具有混源特征,流体体现为岩浆期后中高温_低盐度体系。  相似文献   

托云玄武岩主要分布于托云盆地东侧,按形成时代可分为白垩纪玄武岩和早第三纪玄武岩。白垩纪玄武岩包括早白垩世玄武岩和晚白垩世玄武岩,以碱玄岩和碱性橄榄玄武岩为主,碱性程度高;早第三纪玄武岩包括早第三纪玄武岩及脉岩,以碱性橄榄玄武岩、碱性橄榄辉绿岩为主,碱性程度低。所有岩石稀土元素(REE)、微量元素分布模式相似,REE均为向右陡倾型,富集不相容元素。白垩纪玄武岩的∑REE、Rb、Ba、Th、K、Sr、Nb和Ta等元素富集程度均高于早第三纪玄武岩,相容元素富集程度大体较低。微量元素和同位素特征显示,玄武岩起源于与洋岛玄武岩源区相似的富集地幔源。玄武岩中赋存有交代地幔捕虏体,这表明玄武岩浆可能是交代地幔经不同程度部分熔融的产物。微量元素的特征同时显示,早白垩世玄武岩部分熔融程度较低,早第三纪玄武岩部分熔融程度较高,且在不断的部分熔融过程中,形成的岩浆又有结晶分异作用发生。托云玄武岩形成于大陆板内拉伸环境,在形成过程中经历了较弱的壳幔相互作用。  相似文献   

湖南茶陵邓阜仙岩体燕山期细粒二云母花岗岩(γⅡ)中分布大量"眼球"状析出物,单个"眼球"大小约1~3 cm,其分布呈单个的"眼球"独立产出,或由大量"眼球"连成条带,延伸可达几米至数十米。"眼球"状析出物具有明显的成分分带,核部"黑眼珠"富含黑云母(大部分蚀变为绿泥石),边部"白眼仁"富含石英;"眼球"与花岗岩围岩(γⅡ)界线清楚截然,具有流动构造,可能是岩浆液态分异的结果。南岭主要钨矿成矿花岗岩具有高分异演化特征,同时发生液态分异作用。对比邓阜仙"眼球"及附近二云母花岗岩∑REE为97.83×10-6~219.37×10-6,LREE/HREE为10.41~15.29,稀土元素配分曲线呈右倾的"V"字形,不具有四分组效应,δEu负异常不明显,指示其演化程度不高,由此认为南岭岩浆液态分异作用主要发生在高分异演化的碱长花岗岩阶段,但在岩浆演化至二云母花岗岩阶段就已经开始,甚至可能发生的更早。岩浆液态分异作用使"眼球"中挥发分元素Li、F含量升高,成矿元素Cu、Pb、Zn等富集,岩浆液态分异制约着元素的迁入迁出,促进了挥发分元素以及成矿元素的富集,对矿化的形成也有一定制约作用。  相似文献   

The Mary Valley manganese deposits exhibit mineralogy and textures characteristic of at least four parageneses. The deposits consist mainly of isolated occurrences of braunite, together with a number of lower and higher valency manganese oxides, and manganese silicates, in bedded radiolarian cherts and jaspers of Permian age. The parageneses are: (a) Braunite — quartz (primary), (b) Braunite — hausmannite — spessartine — tephroite — quartz (metamorphic). (c) Hydrated manganese silicates — barite — braunite — hausmannite (hydrothermal veins), (d) Tetravalent manganese oxides (pyrolusite, cryptomelane, manjiroite, nsutite) (supergene). The primary mineralisation is interpreted as the result of the geochemical separation of Mn from Fe in a submarine exhalative system, and the precipitation of Mn as oxide within bedded radiolarian oozes and submarine lavas. During diagenesis this hydrothermal manganese oxide reacted with silica to produce primary braunite. The later geological of evolution of this volcanogenicsedimentary deposit involved metamorphism, hydrothermal veining by remobilised manganese, and supergene enrichment.  相似文献   

羌塘西北部松西地区新生代火山岩由安山岩、英安岩和晚期火山颈相流纹斑岩3种岩石类型组成,属于钙碱性-高钾钙碱性岩石系列.岩石富集大离子亲石元素和LREE,相对亏损高场强元素,Nb、Ta、Ti负异常,反映源岩具有壳源特征,基性端员的SiO2含量<53%,表明松西地区玄武安山岩不可能完全由陆壳直接局部熔融产生,应该有少量基性的地幔物质加入.岩浆Eu负异常不明显,说明岩浆来源于加厚陆壳中下部,是印度板块与欧亚板块发生长期碰撞挤压导致青藏高原北部包括羌塘地区的陆壳缩短和加厚、拉萨地块大陆岩石圈的北向俯冲作用以及羌塘陆块之下上涌的软流层物质的底侵作用,引发增厚下地壳发生部分熔融形成的.  相似文献   

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