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Groundwater resources assessment of the Koyna River basin,India   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
The Western Ghats (hills) region of the Indian peninsula in western India receives heavy precipitation (4,000–6,000 mm/year), but the headwater basins that coalesce runoff from these hills retain very small quantities of water due to the steep topography. However, the narrow valleys in these hills support agriculture based on surface water irrigation, and several medium to large irrigation projects have already been constructed with well-defined canal networks. These developments have boosted agricultural productivity in the region, but at the same time they are causing an economic disparity between the command areas (irrigated by these canals) and non-command areas. Water-logging problems are also occurring in low-lying areas. While these problems are mainly due to poor groundwater management strategies in the region, the groundwater resources in these headwater basins should be properly assessed and suitable measures taken for uniform groundwater development. As a first step in this direction, groundwater resources have been assessed as a case study for the lower Koyna River basin, a head water basin on the east of the main ridge of the Western Ghats.Regional specific yield (0.012) and groundwater recharge have been estimated on the basis of water table fluctuation method. Groundwater recharge amounting to 57 MCM (million m3) in a year takes place in the region through vertical percolation of rainwater (31 MCM), return flow of water applied for irrigation (23 MCM), and recharge due to surface water tanks (3 MCM). Recharge to deeper aquifers has been estimated at 1 MCM during dry seasons (November–May). Safe yield has been estimated at 58 MCM annually which includes the present groundwater draft by wells for domestic, stock, and irrigational needs estimated at 16.50 MCM per year and the natural losses from the groundwater system which are mostly baseflow and spring discharges amounting to 38 MCM (35 MCM baseflow + 3 MCM spring flow) per year, out of which 7 MCM is already being directly pumped from the tributaries of the Koyna River for irrigational needs. Thus, there remains a balance of only 3.5 MCM of groundwater for further groundwater development. Assuming that at least 25% (7 MCM) of the unutilized baseflow (28 MCM) can be brought to fruitful use, about 10.5 MCM (7+3.5 MCM) of groundwater can be used in the existing hydrogeological environment through about 500 additional wells.
Resumen La región de las montañas de Western Ghats, al Oeste de la Península India, registra elevados valores de precipitación (de 4.000 a 6.000 mm/a), pero las condiciones topográficas de dichas montañas no permiten la existencia de acuíferos de entidad suficiente para albergar volúmenes grandes de aguas subterráneas. Los valles estrechos de las montañas sí permiten el desarrollo de las aguas superficiales, de manea que se ha realizado varios proyectos medianos y grandes de riego mediante redes de canales bien definidas. Estos desarrollos han propiciado un aumento de la producción agrícola en la región, pero, a la vez, se ha agudizado las diferencias económicas entre las zonas regadas y las no regadas. Además, las depresiones topográficas están padeciendo problemas de inundación. Como estos problemas son principalmente debidos a estrategias deficientes de gestión de las aguas subterráneas, se recomienda que los recursos subterráneas de las cuencas de cabecera sean adecuadamente determinados, y que se adopte medidas apropiadas para desarrollarlos uniformemente. El primer paso ha consistido en determinar los recursos subterráneos de la cabecera del río Koynam, situada al Este de la Sierra principal de los Western Ghats. Se ha estimado todos los parámetros de recarga y descarga, así como los recursos renovables, en la cuenca del río Koyna ubicada aguas debajo de la presa de Koyna.

Résumé La région des Collines occidentales (Western Ghats) de la péninsule indienne en Inde occidentale reçoit de fortes précipitations (4.000–6.000 mm/an); mais les bassins situés en tête qui convergent dans ces collines retiennent très peu d'eaux souterraines du fait des mauvaises conditions de pente en surface. Les vallées étroites dans ces collines offrent de larges espaces pour la mise en valeur des eaux de surface, en sorte que plusieurs projets d'irrigation moyens ou importants ont déjà été réalisés dans ces régions avec un réseau bien défini de canaux. Cette mise en valeur a réellement poussé la productivité agricole de la région, mais en même temps elle produit aussi une disparité économique entre les régions desservies (zones irriguées par ces canaux) et non desservies. Des problèmes relatifs à l'eau se posent également dans les zones basses. Alors que ces problèmes sont surtout dus à de médiocres stratégies de gestion dans la région, il est recommandé que les ressources en eaux souterraines dans ces bassins en tête soient correctement évaluées et que des mesures adéquates soient prises en vue d'une mise en valeur uniforme des eaux souterraines. À titre de première étape dans cette direction, les ressources en eaux souterraines ont été évaluées lors d'une étude de cas du bassin de la rivière Koyna, un bassin de tête situé à l'est de la chaîne principale des Collines Occidentales. Tous les paramètres d'entrée et de sortie ont été estimés et un bilan a été réalisé entre ces deux composantes. Les ressources statiques et dynamiques en eaux souterraines ont été estimées et un rendement sûr a été déterminé pour le bassin de la rivière Koyna en aval du barrage de Koyna.


Since the establishment of new China, great attention has been paid by the government to the investigation of groundwater resources. On the basis of regional hydrogeological mapping covering most parts of the territory, an overall evaluation of groundwater resources in China is about 872 billion m3/a, in which the amounts of pore water, fissure water, and karst water are calculated separately, and the consumption of groundwater is also accounted for. Much prospecting work has been carried out for the development of well irrigation as well as the urban water supply of industrial cities. This extensive work has provided a scientific basis for the rational development and utilization of groundwater resources. According to statistics, 11.3 million ha of arable land are irrigated with water from wells, and the annual exploitation of underground water has reached 40 billion m3. In 27 cities of North China, the output of groundwater reached 6.86 million m3/d, which amounted to 87% of the total water consumed. The distribution and different hydrogeological characteristics of groundwater resources in various regions are discussed in this article, including some environmental hydrogeological problems related to the exploitation and utilization of groundwater. In short, it is evident that groundwater resources play a significant role in both urban and rural water supply, and promote the development of agriculture and industries in China.  相似文献   

Groundwater resources in the North China Plain   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Shallow groundwater is a major object of exploitation in the North China Plain. About 20 billion m3/yr of fresh groundwater and about 20 billion m3/yr of surface water are available. Present water demand is about equal to or exceeds the utilizable water resources in the North China Plain. Strict economy of water use is needed along with strengthened water control, a restructured development plan, and artificial recharge.  相似文献   

天津市地下水资源与可持续利用   总被引:17,自引:3,他引:17  
天津市是我国主要缺水城市之一.1990~2000年地表水年平均用水量16.33×108m3,地下水年平均用水量7.11×108m3,地下水的供水比例约占30%左右.1990~2002年,按全国统一部署,对天津市地下水资源进行了新一轮评价,评价结果是天津市地下水天然资源为18.13×108m3/a,矿化度小于5g/L的天然资源为15.75×108m3/a,可开采资源为8.27×108m3/a,其中浅层水2.58×108m3/a,深层水3.56×108m3/a,隐伏岩溶水1.24×108m3/a,山区1.10×108m3/a.天津市地下水开采程度已达90.45%,除蓟县、宝坻、宁河、静海略有盈余,其余各区、县已超采.要解决天津市规划需水量(2010年)56.76×108m3/a的要求,必须采取外调水源、工农业节水和污水回收利用、海水淡化利用、利用坑、塘、洼、淀尽可能拦蓄汛期弃水等措施.天津市每年7×108~8×108m3的地下水资源为多年稳定补给的地下水资源,属可持续利用的水资源,但必须调整开采布局,压缩深层水的开采量,以遏制地面沉降继续发展.在连续干旱年份,为解决城镇生产及生活用水的燃眉之急,保证城市供水安全,建立一种非常规的并有一定开采周期的应急供水水源地,可缓解一部分供水压力.经初步论证,蓟县平原区和宝坻中北部第四系全淡水区及邻近的咸水分布区,有望建成大型集中供水水源地.经勘查,蓟县城关、西龙虎峪、宝坻石化、宁河县北部岩溶水等4个蓄水构造,也具备建设集中供水水源地的条件.用于应急供水的水源地总可开采量约100.57×104m3/d(3.67×108m3/a),可供市区水量为64.5×104m3/d(2.35×108m3/a).对于类似天津市这种特大型城市,建立供水水源储备机制,具有重要的战略意义.  相似文献   

Groundwater resources protection and aquifer recovery in China   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The groundwater resources in China and especially the northern part represent a vital water resource. Both the shallow and deep aquifers are highly overexploited in a large area of north China. The heavy overexploitation of groundwater resources is causing major environmental damage. To protect groundwater resources, several technical feasibility studies were performed. Artificial recharge using floodwater and wastewater was tried. Surface spreading systems are applicable in many areas of the Yellow River basin and Hai River basin. Deep aquifer injections were undertaken in the urban area. A far better strategy is to reduce the extraction of groundwater, especially to stop or slow down land subsidence and seawater intrusion. To address the problem of falling groundwater levels and aquifer recovery, there is a need reduce groundwater extraction and artificial recharge.  相似文献   

海河流域地下水资源保护   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8  
地下水资源在海河流域至关重要的资源。海河平原的浅层和深层含水层大面积处于严重超采状态。地下水资源的的过量开采造成了严重环境问题。为了保护地下水资源,评价了可行的技术。利用洪水和废水进行人工回灌已进行了试验。在很多地区可以应用地表回灌系统,城市地区实施深层含水层的回灌。更好地策略是减少地下水的抽取量,特别是为了减缓地面沉降和海水入侵。应该联合运用减少地下水抽水量和人工回灌,以解决地下水位持续下降和含水层恢复的问题。  相似文献   

淮河流域人均水资源量为475 m3,不足全国人均水资源量(2100 m3)的1/4,且地下水质量较差,水资源供需矛盾突出,严重制约区域社会经济高质量发展.本研究以水循环理论为指导,利用多期地下水资源调查数据,分析了淮河流域地下水资源量、影响因素及可持续开发利用潜力.分析结果显示:淮河流域水循环过程主要受人工开采影响,导...  相似文献   

Groundwater arsenic contamination and its health effects in India   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
During a 28-year field survey in India (1988–2016), groundwater arsenic contamination and its health effects were registered in the states of West Bengal, Jharkhand, Bihar and Uttar Pradesh in the Ganga River flood plain, and the states of Assam and Manipur in the flood plain of Brahamaputra and Imphal rivers. Groundwater of Rajnandgaon village in Chhattisgarh state, which is not in a flood plain, is also arsenic contaminated. More than 170,000 tubewell water samples from the affected states were analyzed and half of the samples had arsenic >10 μg/L (maximum concentration 3,700 μg/L). Chronic exposure to arsenic through drinking water causes various health problems, like dermal, neurological, reproductive and pregnancy effects, cardiovascular effects, diabetes mellitus, diseases of the respiratory and gastrointestinal systems, and cancers, typically involving the skin, lungs, liver, bladder, etc. About 4.5% of the 8,000 children from arsenic-affected villages of affected states were registered with mild to moderate arsenical skin lesions. In the preliminary survey, more than 10,000 patients were registered with different types of arsenic-related signs and symptoms, out of more than 100,000 people screened from affected states. Elevated levels of arsenic were also found in biological samples (urine, hair, nails) of the people living in affected states. The study reveals that the population who had severe arsenical skin lesions may suffer from multiple Bowens/cancers in the long term. Some unusual symptoms, such as burning sensation, skin itching and watering of eyes in the presence of sun light, were also noticed in arsenicosis patients.  相似文献   

As a result of the massive irrigation development during the Soviet Union era and intensive chemization of agriculture, the surface runoff quality has been degraded in this arid and endorheic region. Moreover hydraulically related groundwater has also been affected. Excessive irrigation has lead to land salinization, which now threatens the soil quality of significant areas where crop yields would be at risk in the future. Since the collapse of the Soviet Union, institutional changes have been undertaken for the management of natural resources and water infrastructure. At present, underdeveloped and inadequate systems have been practiced with respect to groundwater use and management. This paper analyzes the present extent of groundwater resources with consideration to their reserves, quality evolution, and to technical, institutional and transboundary management practices in Uzbekistan.  相似文献   

Groundwater quality in parts of Central Ganga Basin, India   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 This paper deals with the drinking water quality of the Ganga-Kali sub-basin which occupies 1300 km2 over parts of Aligarh and Etah districts. Water samples were collected from shallow and deep aquifers and were analyzed for major ions and trace elements. The analytical data were interpreted according to published guidelines. Chemical analysis shows that the groundwater in the basin is alkali bicarbonate type. Trace element studies of water from the shallow aquifer show that the concentration of toxic metals Fe, Mn, Cd, Pb, and Cr+6 are above permissible limits which may present a health hazard. The water from the deep aquifer is comparatively free from contamination. The aquifers are subject to contamination due to sewage effluents and excessive use of fertilizers and pesticides in agriculture. Received: 7 December 1998 · Accepted: 2 March 1999  相似文献   

西南岩溶石山地区地下水资源   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3  
中国西南地区碳酸盐岩大面积连片分布,地下水资源总量丰富,但分布极不均一,存在大片干旱缺水区和石漠化地带。目前开展的可有效利用的地下水资源调查评价将该区划分为隆起带裸露岩溶分布区,沉降带边缘褶皱构造控制岩溶分布区和断陷盆地隐伏岩溶分布区,区内岩溶发育和地下水赋存除受岩性,地质构造的控制外,还受新构造运动和古溶蚀的影响,岩溶地下水赋存于地表以下浅部岩溶带,构造控制的中部岩溶带和深部古溶蚀带,特殊岩性和古溶蚀形成的似层状岩溶含水层具有重要的开发价值。  相似文献   

As an important component of water resources, groundwater plays a crucial role in water utilization in China and an irreplaceable role in supporting economic and social development, especially in the northern arid and semi-arid plains and basin areas, which are densely populated and relatively short of surface-water resources. This paper comprehensively reviews and discusses the regional hydrogeological conditions, the temporal and spatial distribution of groundwater, the groundwater quality, and the actuality of groundwater exploitation and utilization in China. Meanwhile, aiming at the environmental problems induced by overexploitation to meet the sharply increasing water demand, this paper puts forward the major tasks for the next few years in terms of groundwater exploitation control, conservation and management.  相似文献   

鄂尔多斯盆地地下水系统及水资源潜力   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
鄂尔多斯盆地是我国西北地区的大型构造沉积盆地,以前寒武系变质岩为基底,依次沉积了下古生界碳酸盐岩、上古生界-中生界碎屑岩和第四系沉积物,总厚度达6000m。根据盆地的地质构造特征和水文地质条件,将含水岩系划为周边寒武-奥陶系碳酸盐岩裂隙岩溶含水层系统、白垩系碎屑岩裂隙孔隙含水层系统和盆地东部基岩裂隙水与上覆第四系松散层孔隙含水层系统。然后系统论述了各含水层系统特征,区域地下水形成与演化规律,对鄂尔多斯盆地地下水资源与开发潜力进行了评价。  相似文献   

The Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) is preparing to upgrade State Route 260 between Payson and Heber. It is estimated that a total of about one million cubic meters of water will be required for embankment construction during a period of about 84 months to upgrade the first 33.8 km of the highway. ADOT is investigating various sources of construction water for use in the highway improvement project, including groundwater resources along the highway corridor. A region known as the RV site, underlain by fractured granite, is located 12.9 km east of Payson. The site includes three springs, a creek and several wells. Several boreholes and observation wells were made to a maximum depth of 157 m to obtain fracture data and to conduct pumping tests with monitoring. Fracture data recorded by acoustic televiewer logs were used to build a fracture network model for the rock mass. Results of a 24-hour and a 7-day pumping tests were used to calibrate hydraulic parameters of a finite element discrete fracture fluid flow model considering the region as a heterogeneous, anisotropic, fractured medium. A 38-day multi-well pumping test was used to validate the calibrated numerical model. The calibrated model showed the capability to provide reasonably accurate predictions for new pumping tests conducted in the same well field. The validated model was then used to simulate pumping exceeding a 7 year period under different scenarios incorporating different sets of boundary conditions and different pumping rates at multi-wells, with and without recharge, to evaluate the yield of the aquifer and to assess the effect of long-term pumping on the environment. The results indicated that (a) the combined yield of the wells in the RV site is sufficient to meet the water demand for the ADOT highway project and (b) the water levels in the well field would decline between 3.0 and 7.6 m after one year of pumping and by 12.2 to over 30.5 m during the life of the project.  相似文献   

提要:本文在梳理流域地下水资源评价现状及历史的基础上,讨论了水资源评价方法和分区原则,将珠江流域划分为129个四级地下水系统,以地下水系统为评价单元,在充分考虑不同水文地质参数的基础上,分析评价地下水资源量及存在的问题,讨论珠江流域三级阶地不同水流运动特征,阐述了评价的精度以及水利工程对地下水循环的影响.通过本次评价,...  相似文献   

松花江—辽河流域(简称松辽流域)是中国重要的商品粮基地,地下水资源对维护中国粮食安全具有重要作用.2019年松辽流域地下水资源量为797.31×108 m3/a,地下水开发利用量为276.4×108 m3.松辽流域地下水面临着水资源局部短缺,局部水位持续下降,"三氮"污染加剧,以及湿地萎缩、土地荒漠化、盐渍化等资源、环...  相似文献   

雄安新区地下水资源概况、特征及可开采潜力   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
地下水资源在中国社会经济发展中发挥重要作用,特别是在地表水资源相对匮乏的北方地区。掌握一个地区地下水资源状况、动态变化特征及可开采潜力,对该地区的供水安全保障至关重要。本文选择雄安新区,在近年来开展的区域水文地质调查、监测及综合研究等成果基础上,结合前人研究,对雄安新区区域水文地质条件、地下水动态变化特征等进行分析总结;以恢复地下水降落漏斗为地下水可持续开采利用方案的目标,从白洋淀流域平原区尺度,设置现状开采条件、河流补水、工农业节水及地下水禁(限)采等不同情景方案,采用地下水数值模拟技术,综合分析不同情景30年后的预测结果,提出白洋淀流域平原区地下水可持续开采利用方案;在流域地下水可持续开采利用方案基础上,分析雄安新区地下水可开采的最大资源量,进而评价雄安新区地下水可开采潜力。结果显示,雄安新区区域水文地质条件相对简单,浅层富水性中等,深层富水性较强;地下水位为多年下降状态,近年来,浅、深层地下水整体呈企稳或回升状态,局部地区仍有所下降;地下水质量总体良好,且较为稳定。根据评价结果,雄安新区地下水可开采潜力约为1.80×10~8m~3/a,其中,浅层地下水可开采潜力约为1.50×10~8m~3/a,深层地下水可开采潜力约为0.30×10~8m~3/a。  相似文献   

The groundwater resources of the Kan Gimi drainage basin were evaluated to aid in their planning, development and management. The principal sources of groundwater in this basin are the fractured crystalline and unconsolidated overburden aquifers. The overburden unit has an average thickness of about 50 m. Groundwater occurs at shallow depths under unconfined to semi-confined conditions. Water levels in wells dropped to about 19 m below the ground surface at the peak of the dry season. Well yields for the fractured crystalline aquifer may be up to 2.7 m3 h-1 whereas those of the unconsolidated overburden unit may average about 2.0 m3 h-1 or more. These values are higher than the 0.72 m3 h-1 (0.2 l s-1) yield required for successful operation of hand pumps for lifts (depths) of less than 25 m. Sodium and bicarbonate are the dominant ions in the groundwater in this basin. Concentrations of the major cations and anions are very low compared with their permissible levels in potable water. The total dissolved solids is 230 mg l-1 and below, which indicates fresh water. The water is soft, has a low electrical conductivity (20-329 µS Cm-1) and a pH below 7. The concentration of total iron exceeds the recommended optimum limit for drinking water and some industrial usage, but falls below the maximum permissible limit of 1 mg l-1. The low sodium adsorption ratio (0.08-2.3), coupled with low electrical conductivity, make the water have very low sodicity and salinity hazards. Thus, the groundwater is generally of suitable chemical quality for domestic, agricultural and most industrial uses.  相似文献   

海河流域水资源严重短缺,地下水长期超采是制约社会经济可持续发展的主要瓶颈.开展流域地下水资源及开发利用潜力研究,对支撑服务地下水超采治理、地下水资源可持续利用和生态环境保护都具有重要意义.经系统评价,海河流域天然资源量252.99×108 m3,生态水位约束条件下的浅层地下水开采资源量172.98×108 m3,可更新...  相似文献   

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