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Soil types, humus types and vegetation as well as their hypsometric variation were analysed in terms of sequences in the northern part of the high mountains of the Pirin National Park at altitudes between looo and 2400 m a.s.1. The study area is characterised by a large variety of natural parameters like petrology (mainly marble and granite), morphology (different slope deposits, exposition) and the orographic climate gradient. Statistical analyses using these parameters provided a basis for the soil group classification of the sites. Based on a Digital Terrain Model (DTM) and a geological map of the Pirin National Park, the results of these statistical analyses were used to generate a "map of potential soil groups" (regionalisation using GIS). Six potential soil groups could be determined. The resulting map exhibits a confidence level of 68 % on 74.4 % of the covered area. Rendzic Leptosols, in combination with Folic Histosols and Histi-lithic Leptosols occur in the alpine and subalpine regions on calcareous substrates. With decreasing altitude they are replaced by a mosaic of Rendzic Leptosols, Phaeozems and an increasing occurrence of Cambic Umbrisols. Umbrisols found on silicatic substrates in the alpine region are replaced by Cambic Umbrisols with decreasing altitude as well. Hence, pedogenesis is characterised by increasing browning and depth of the soil profiles with decreasing altitude. The pH-level is slightly acidic to neutral in lower zones and on calcareous rocky bases. Acidification increases in the subalpine zone. Soil pH decreases down to 4 on silicate subtrates. Typical humic values in mineral topsoils are 10 to 12 %, and in organic layers of the soils above 2000 m a.s.1, they are even more. The C:N ratio closely ranges around 20 (median).  相似文献   

近年来,我国各类自然灾害和突发事件频发,在应急指挥中往往需要提供第一手的模拟图件资料。本文分析了应急处置中对测绘应急保障的时间要求,结合测绘部门已有的测绘资料和技术手段,阐述了应急快速图件提供的总体思路和工作内容,形成了较完整的测绘应急保障快速出图服务体系。  相似文献   

The Mesta-Nestos river basin in Bulgaria and Greece is a case study for transboundary decision-making support in south-eastern Europe and a show-case for the development of methodologies and information-gathering for the integrated regional planning of water resources. Land-use conflicts in this water-scarce region cover a wide spectrum of activities like agricultural irrigation,drinking water production,diversions for industrial water,and risk of pollution from mining,to name a few examples. Measurements of the water quality were carried out in the upper basin. Results will be illustrated by the example of the environmental situation in the alpine region of the Pirin National Park as well as in the Razlog Basin with a stronger anthropogenic impact and pollution around a former uranium mine near the village of Ele?nica. The social and economic development of this transboundary region is a recently established priority for the future. It will mean an increase in water usage and more stress for the water resources if regional impacts of global climate change are verified. Problem-focused management of the catchment area as a whole on the basis of proved geo-data sets is needed for the future.  相似文献   

This research reveals relationships between climate variables and inter-annual dynamics in the area of the glacieret located in the cirque Golemiya Kazan in the Pirin Mountains. The study period is 1993–2017. The correlations are identified using statistical methods. Also, a statistical model is constructed, including some climate variables as predictors. Despite the evident decrease of the glacieret's size in the period from the 1950 s onwards, the long-term trends for the last decades have been insignificant. The main climatic factors influencing the inter-annual dynamics in the area of the glacieret are air temperature, precipitation, zonal and meridional winds and relative humidity. With respect to the dynamics in the area of the glacieret, the important trends in the different climate variables are those of the warm period air temperatures and zonal(u) wind. They also determine to a great extent its future development by acting in two opposite directions – rising temperatures in the warm period will lead to a rapid decrease of its area by the end of the melting season, while the change of wind directionfrom west to east in the warm period will increase its area. The influence of the zonal wind in the warm period is explained mainly by the location of the glacieret in the cirque. Generally, the glacieret is tilted downwards from west to east. Thus, westerly winds facilitate blowing away the snow from the surface of the glacieret, assisting its melting in the warm period. Easterly winds do not have such an effect. The combination of the opposite effects of these two most important climate variables leads to the most likely scenario for the future development of the glacieret, according to which by the middle of this century it is expected to turn into a semi-permanent snow patch, which disappears after some summers, and by the end of the century to completely melt every year before the end of the melting season.  相似文献   

因子分析模型是用少数不可观测的变量来解释原始变量问相互关系的一种数学模型.本文采用因子分析模型,对我国各地区大量工业及生活排放污染物数据进行了计算分析,得到了各地区单项污染和整体污染分析结果,最终在全国环境污染专题地图中得以应用.实验证明,因子分析模型能简化数据结构,减少信息冗余,发现环境污染的主要因素,为各地区环境整治提供了科学、准确的量化指标.  相似文献   

关于测绘信息化发展有关问题的探讨   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
走信息化测绘发展道路,推进测绘信息化发展,是信息社会对测绘发展的基本要求。当前,对于测绘信息化发展有关问题的研究探讨方兴未艾。本文在概要分析了测绘信息化的概念和特征、我国测绘信息化发展进程的基础上,提出了测绘信息化建设的主要任务、信息化测绘体系和数字中国地理空间框架建设的重点任务等。文中所述观点,希望能与广大同行共同商榷。  相似文献   

Daily meteorological data are the critical inputs for distributed hydrological and ecological models. This study modified mountain microclimate simulation model (MTCLIM) with the data from 19 weather stations, and compared and validated two methods (the MTCLIM and the modified MTCLIM) in the Qilian Mountains of Northwest China to estimate daily temperature (i.e., maximum temperature, minimum temperature) and precipitation at six weather stations from i January 2000 to 31December 2009. The algorithm of temperature in modified MTCLIM was improved by constructing the daily linear regression relationship between temperature and elevation, aspect and location information. There are two steps to modify the MTCLIM to predict daily precipitation: firstly, the linear regression relationship was built between annual average precipitation and elevation, location, and vegetation index; secondly, the distance weight for measuring the contribution of each weather station on target point was improved by average wind direction during the rainy season. Several regression analysis and goodness-of-fit indices (i.e., Pearson's correlation coefficient, coefficient of determination, mean absolute error, root-mean-square error and modelingefficiency) were used to validate these estimated values. The result showed that the modified MTCLIM had a better performance than the MTCLIM. Therefore, the modified MTCLIM was used to map daily meteorological data in the study area from 2000 to 2009. These results were validated using weather stations with short time data and the predicted accuracy was acceptable. The meteorological data mapped could become inputs for distributed hydrological and ecological models applied in the Qilian Mountains.  相似文献   

我国测绘卫星现状与发展思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
测绘是卫星遥感应用的重要领域,纵观国内外测绘卫星事业,我国还与国际先进水平存在一定差距,整个卫星测绘产业体系有待发展和提高。资源三号卫星作为我国首颗民用立体测绘卫星对我国卫星测绘事业发展具有重大意义,国家测绘局编制的《测绘部门十二五航天规划(草案)》,详细论述了我国民用测绘卫星的发展规划。我国正处于测绘卫星及其应用发展的黄金机遇期,国家测绘局经多年研究开发,正在积极推动我国测绘卫星遥感事业的飞速发展,努力探索适合我国国情的自主研发道路,推动卫星测绘事业不断前进,为国民经济发展提供精确、及时、可靠的地理信息和测绘高新技术服务。  相似文献   

数字化地图制图要素分类编码   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
数字化地图是地理信息系统建设的主要数据来源之一。数字化地图数据与地理信息数据的一致化,是地理信息系统建设,也是数字地图数据规范化的一项重要任务。实施地理信息系统数据工程时,人们往往在数字地图上对"地理信息要素"分类与代码进行工艺性扩展,没有有效区分数字地图制图要素与地理信息要素,从而导致不同的地理信息系统,形成不同的地理信息要素分类编码体系。本文认为,在本体论意义上,地图制图要素与地理信息要素是不同层面的概念。因此,本文根据功能特征,把数字地图制图要素划分为两类,一类是纯粹的地图制图要素,一类是G IS要素,并引入虚要素概念,把要素代码划分为G IS码、伪码、虚码三种类别,以此解决数字地图要素与地理信息要素的概念冲突,实现数字地图制图要素分类编码的可操作性,达到数字地图数据与地理信息数据一致化的目的。本文同时举例说明了符合地理空间信息要素分类代码标准要求的数字地图制图要素的分类编码方法。  相似文献   

针对传统战场环境分析模型缺乏将军事特征同用户认知与任务需求相结合的服务问题,构建了一种基于任务驱动的战场环境分析模型数据自动映射与匹配方法。通过分析作战任务的特点,建立任务形式化描述规范,构造了基于xml的基本战斗任务的需求描述模板,以战场环境分析模型为基础获取作战任务对环境数据需求的要素,建立了基于规则的战场环境分析数据映射模型,完成从任务需求到环境数据自动匹配的过程。最后通过基于该模型的战场环境分析系统数据服务平台应用,任务模板与战场环境分析数据自动映射方法得到了有效的解析,并通过工作流模式构建了可视化的数据推送,可为战场环境分析按需服务提供理论参考与方法借鉴。  相似文献   

干旱区生态景观制图的谱型特性与模式方法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
生态景观制图是专题制图学的重要发展方向之一。其主要特点表现在可以揭示自然要素和人为作用的特点,反映各景观要素的相关性和数量关系。本文选择以新疆和田为代表的干旱区生态景观制图,通过遥感与GIS相结合的方法,对生态景观制图的信息识别、信息挖掘、综合分析应用等研究,探讨了地图信息认知、表达、反演等专题制图中的生态景观分类、动态变化问题。  相似文献   

随着技术的不断进步,我国测绘在实现了从传统模拟测绘技术体系、解析测绘技术体系向数字化测绘技术体系的跨越之后,信息化测绘体系建设也取得了较大进展。该文介绍了信息化测绘体系建设的背景和信息化测绘体系建设的具体内容,阐述了山东省信息化测绘体系建设已经取得的初步成果,分析了信息化体系建设中的一些问题,探讨了山东省进一步推进信息化测绘体系建设的一些想法。  相似文献   

我国测绘和基础地理信息技术标准现状综述   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
主要介绍了我国测绘和基础地理信息技术标准的现状,包括已发布的国家标准和行业标准,1:10000基础地理信息数据生产与建库和国家基础地理信息系统1:50000数据库工程系列暂行技术规定,以及国家测绘局测绘标准化“十五”计划的标准化方面的情况。  相似文献   

中国1∶100万景观生态制图设计   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
中国1∶100万景观生态图系借鉴国内外传统景观制图方法和制图规范,在遥感、地理信息系统先进技术的支持下,设计研制其制图方法、制图内容、样图和技术流程,同时提出初步的景观分类系统,为今后编制中国1∶100万景观生态图奠定基础。  相似文献   

激光雷达技术(Light Detection and Ranging,LiDAR)是近十年来快速发展并得到广泛应用的测量手段.美国地质调查局(USGS)、美国国家宇航局(NASA)以及美国地质学会(AAsc)已经开始讨论建设伞美高分辨率激光雷达数据库.我国正处于东都城市化、土地利用巨变、两部无图而经济高速发展的时期,国家、地方、企业生产单位迫切需要现实性强、精确度高、比例尺大的地形数据产品.满足这些要求的主要途径是采用激光雷达这一先进的测绘技术.我们建议同家、地方与企业统筹规划,各司其职,努力建设我国的激光雷达基础数据库.本文通过Stoker等(2008)介绍的第二届全美激光雷达战略研讨会上论述的激光雷达技术特点、激光雷达数据的科学需求与应用以及商业化运作问题,结合我国目前的激光雷达发展趋势、测绘数据需求以及土地利用变化监测等科学问题,简析激光雷达技术在我国的应用前景.  相似文献   

为了满足目前地质图件在立体制图方面的需求,采用SRTM DEM为数据源,通过SRTM DEM地质制图应用与要素分析制图等处理,进行了等高线与坡度、坡向的快速提取,并以湖南省与安徽省的地质图为例,做了MapGIS平台下的地质图可视化分析.证明将SRTM DEM作为地质图的一个图层要素加以显示,增强图件的立体感的可行性,同...  相似文献   

基础测绘工作有着广泛的社会需求,其需求量与国民经济建设发展密切相关,某些基础测绘产品已进入衰退期,应采取及时推出新产品策略。  相似文献   

实践教学既是测绘专业人才培养中重要的一环,也是培养具有创新思维和能力的测绘专业学生的有效途径。本文通过分析当前测绘专业实践教学评价中存在的问题,基于其重实践、重创新的特点,提出了测绘专业实践教学评价体系,在此基础上通过对测绘专业实践教学反馈机制内涵及构建方法进行研究,最终形成一套与测绘专业实践教学模式相匹配的的评价体系和反馈机制。  相似文献   

当今世界,随着计算机网络和数据采集技术的不断发展,各行各业以及个人用户获取专题数据变得越来越简单,因此,他们对于专题地图的需要也越来越大。这从很大程度上促进了网络专题地图的发展,可是一切事物的出现都是具有两面性的,计算机科学、网络技术的发展,促进了专题地图学发展的同时,也随之而来涌现出了一系列亟待解决的新矛盾。传统制图周期长,对制图者要求高,地图的制作都是由专业制图人员完成,制图过程需要较高的专业知识,制作成本昂贵,地图制作完成后只能静态使用,这与地图需求者期盼信息动态更新、形式自由组合、使用便捷和制作简单等需要产生了明显冲突。本文基于以上用户需求,提出了一个引导式的在线专题制图模式。通过对传统专题地图制作流程进行分析,建立一个在线分步制图流程模式。与此同时,考虑到在线制图的用户层次多种多样,我们需要在每一步制图过程中添加进专家制图引导,协助用户在线快速制作专题地图,从而解决以往用户由专题数据到专题地图过程中遇到的各种问题。  相似文献   

莱芜地处山东省中部,区位优势明显,产业基础良好。经济发展战略的实施,迫切需要基础地理信息数据提供包括地理环境、生态体系以及战略布局等全方位的科学分析和辅助决策。该文分析了莱芜市基础测绘发展现状,找出了基础测绘工作中的差距,认为今后应建立完善稳定的基础测绘经费投入机制,加快成果的开发与应用。  相似文献   

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