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Recent observations support an emerging paradigm that climate variability dominates nutrient enrichment in costal eco-systems, which can explain seasonal and inter-annual variability of phytoplankton community composition, biomass (Chl-a), and primary production (PP). In this paper, we combined observation and modeling to investigate the regulation of phytoplankton dynamics in Chesapeake Bay. The year we chose is 1996 that has high river runoff and is usually called a ’wet year’. A 3-D physical-biogeochemical model based on ROMS was developed to simulate the seasonal cycle and the regional distributions of phytoplankton biomass and primary production in Chesapeake Bay. Based on the model results, NO3 presents a strong contrast to the river nitrate load during spring and the highest concentration in the bay reaches around 80 mmol Nm-3 . Compared with the normal year, phytoplankton bloom in spring of 1996 appears in lower latitudes with a higher concentration. Quantitative comparison between the modeled and observed seasonal averaged dissolved inorganic nitrogen concentrations shows that the model produces reliable results. The correlation coefficient r2 for all quantities exceeds 0.95, and the skill parameter for the four seasons is all above 0.95.  相似文献   

Variations in physical-chemical factors, species composition, abundance and biomass of nano-and micro-phytoplankton assemblages, as well as their responses to environmental factors, were investigated over a complete cycle (6 months) in a semi-enclosed shrimp-farming pond near Qingdao, northern China. The aim was to establish the temporal patterns of phytoplankton communities and to evaluate protists as suitable bioindicators to water quality in mariculture systems. A total of 34 taxa with nine dominant species were identified, belonging to six taxonomic groups (dinoflagellates, diatoms, cryptophyceans, chlorophyceans, euglenophyceans and chrysophyceans). A single peak of protist abundance occurred in October, mainly due to chlorophyceans, diatoms and chrysophyceans. Two biomass peaks in July and October were primarily due to dinoflagellates and diatoms. Temporal patterns of the phytoplankton communities significantly correlated with the changes in nutrients, temperature and pH, especially phosphate, either alone or in combination with NO3-N and NH3-N. Species diversity, evenness and richness indices were clearly correlated with water temperature and/or salinity, whereas the biomass/abundance ratio showed a significant correlation with NO3-N. The results suggest that phytoplankton are potentially useful bioindicators to water quality in semi-enclosed mariculture systems.  相似文献   

Variations in physical-chemical factors, species composition, abundance and biomass of nano- and micro-phytoplankton assemblages, as well as their responses to environmental factors, were investigated over a complete cycle (6 months) in a semi-enclosed shrimp-farming pond near Qingdao, northern China. The aim was to establish the temporal patterns of phytoplankton communities and to evaluate protists as suitable bioindicators to water quality in mariculture systems. A total of 34 taxa with nine dominant species were identified, belonging to six taxonomic groups (dinoflagellates, diatoms, cryptophyceans, chlorophyceans, euglenophyceans and chrysophyceans). A single peak of protist abundance occurred in October, mainly due to chlorophyceans, diatoms and chrysophyceans. Two biomass peaks in July and October were primarily due to dinoflagellates and diatoms. Temporal patterns of the phytoplankton communities significantly correlated with the changes in nutrients, temperature and pH, especially phosphate, either alone or in combination with NO3-N and NH3-N. Species diversity, evenness and richness indices were clearly correlated with water temperature and/or salinity, whereas the biomass/abundance ratio showed a significant correlation with NO3-N. The results suggest that phytoplankton are potentially useful bioindicators to water quality in semi-enclosed mariculture systems.  相似文献   

Prediction and sensitivity models,to elucidate the response of phytoplankton biomass to environmental factors in Quanzhou Bay,Fujian,China,were developed using a back propagation(BP) network.The environmental indicators of coastal phytoplankton biomass were determined and monitoring data for the bay from 2008 was used to train,test and build a three-layer BP artificial neural network with multi-input and single-output.Ten water quality parameters were used to forecast phytoplankton biomass(measured as chlorophyll-a concentration).Correlation coefficient between biomass values predicted by the model and those observed was 0.964,whilst the average relative error of the network was-3.46% and average absolute error was 10.53%.The model thus has high level of accuracy and is suitable for analysis of the influence of aquatic environmental factors on phytoplankton biomass.A global sensitivity analysis was performed to determine the influence of different environmental indicators on phytoplankton biomass.Indicators were classified according to the sensitivity of response and its risk degree.The results indicate that the parameters most relevant to phytoplankton biomass are estuary-related and include pH,sea surface temperature,sea surface salinity,chemical oxygen demand and ammonium.  相似文献   

A total of 348 species belonging to 8 phyla and 125 genera were observed in seasonally sampled phytoplankton of tidal rivers from 13 sampling sites around Luoyuan Bay, and all field samplings were carried out in productive period(March/June/August/December) at ebb tide. Bacillariophyta species were the most abundant species, followed by Chlorophyta, Cyanophytes, Euglenophyta, Cryptophyta, Dinophyta, Xanthophyta and Chrysophytas. Seasonal distribution index(SDI) value ranged from 0.63 to 0.86, which meant that species found at those sites in 4 seasons tended to be largely different. Phytoplankton individuals ranged from 5.939×10~4 ind L~(-1) in winter to 75.31×10~4 ind L~(-1) in autumn. Phytoplankton biomass ranged from 0.620 mg L~(-1) in summer to 2.373 mg L~(-1) in autumn. The grey correlation analysis(GCA) showed that the nutrient variables played an important role in the influence on phytoplankton community in every season. The canonical correspondence analysis(CCA) revealed impact of environmental variables on the different species, most of Bacillariophyta species were negative correlation with nutrients(TP and NH_3-N) in the four seasons, Chlorophyta species and Cyanophyta species did not show obvious correlation with environment variables in every season. The combination of GRA analysis and CCA analysis provided a method to quantitatively reveal the correlation between phytoplankton community and environmental variables in water body of tidal rivers at this region.  相似文献   

The seasonal dynamics of a crustacean zooplankton community in Erhai Lake was investigated from May 2010 to April 2011. In total, 11 species were recorded, including six (6 genera) cladoceran and five (5 genera) copepod species. The crustacean zooplankton densities ranged from 24.3 to 155.4 ind./L. In winter and spring, the large-bodied cladoceran Daphnia galeata dominated the crustacean plankton community. In summer and autumn, when the colonial or filamentous algae dominated the phytoplankton communities, the small-bodied species (e.g. Bosminafatalis, Ceriodaphnia quadrangular, and Mesocyclops leuckarti) replaced the large-bodied ones. One-way ANOVA and redundancy analysis revealed that community structure was dependent upon total nitrogen, total phosphorus, water temperature, transparency, and the biomass of small algae. The variation in both phytoplankton structure and environmental variables were important factors in the seasonal succession of crustacean zooplankton structure in Erhai Lake.  相似文献   

Diatom data of 192 surface sediment samples from the marginal seas in the western Pacific together with modern summer and winter sea surface temperature and salinity data were analyzed.The results of canonical correspondence analysis show that summer sea-surface salinity(SSS) is highly positively correlated with winter SSS and so is summer sea-surface temperature(SST) with winter SST.The correlations between SSSs and SSTs are less positively correlated,which may be due to interactions of regional current pa...  相似文献   

Diatoms are widely used to study past and present changes in the marine environment. Unimodal models are appropriate for exploring the relationship between environmental properties in Chinese inshore waters and fossil diatom species derived from modem surface sediments. The best-fit relationships between two multivariate datasets (diatom species and environmental variables) were identified using canonical correspondence analysis (CCA), which is a constrained ordination technique. The absolute abundance of diatoms in the Chinese inshore waters ranged from 500 to 48 000 valves/g, and the average absolute abundance of all the 29 sites was l l 300 valves/g. 153 species and varieties of diatoms belonging to 42 genera in all were identified in the Chinese inshore waters. There were 28 dominant diatom species in all. According to the absolute abundance of the dominant species and the spatial distribution of the currents from the Chinese inshore waters, 12 diatom assemblages were distinguished from north to south, which reflected the different oceanographic conditions at the regional scale. Of the eight environmental variables considered, the most important environmental variable is winter sea surface salinity (WSS), which was also the only environmental variable with statistical significance. Therefore, it may be used to establish a transfer functions for the Chinese inshore waters in future paleoclimate studies.  相似文献   

The increasing riverine pollutants have resulted in nutrient enrichment and deterioration of water quality in the coastal water of Guangxi Province, China. However, the quantitative relationship between nutrient loads and water quality responses, which is crucial for developing eutrophication control strategies, is not well studied. In this study, the riverine fluxes of nutrients were quantified and integrated with nutrient cycling and phytoplankton dynamics by using box models for Guangxi coastal bays. The model concepts and biogeochemical equations were the same; while most model parameters were specific for each bay. The parameters were calibrated with seasonal observations during 2006–2007, and validated with yearly averaged measurements in 2009. The general features of nutrient and phytoplankton dynamics were reproduced, and the models were proved feasible under a wide range of bay conditions. Dissolved inorganic nitrogen was depleted during the spring algal bloom in Zhenzhu Bay and Fangcheng Bay with relatively less nutrient inputs. Phosphorus concentration was high in spring, which decreased then due to continuous phytoplankton consumption. Chlorophyll-a concentration reached its annual maximum in summer, but was the minimum in winter. Eutrophication was characterized by both an increase in nutrient concentrations and phytoplankton biomass in Lianzhou Bay. Either about 80% reduction of nitrogen or 70% reduction of phosphorus was required to control the algal bloom in Lianzhou Bay. Defects of the models were discussed and suggestions to the environmental protection of Guangxi coastal bays were proposed.  相似文献   

Phytoplankton and environmental variables were measured monthly from July 2009 to August 2011 in the Maixi River from the estuary to Baihua Reservoir in the Maotiao River catchment,southwestern China,to understand phytoplankton community structure and environmental factors.The relationship between phytoplankton community structure and environmental factors including hydrological,meteorological,physical,and chemical variables were explored using multivariate analysis.A total of 81 taxa of phytoplankton were identified,which were mainly composed of chlorophyta,bacillariophyta,and cyanobacteria.The phytoplankton community was dominated by Pseudanabaena limnetica during summer and fall and by Cyclotella meneghiniana during winter and spring.The abundance of phytoplankton ranged from 0.24×104 cells/L to 33.45×106 cells/L,with the minimum occurring during February 2010 and the maximum during July 2009.The phytoplankton community was dominated mainly by cyanobacteria from April to September,and by bacillariophyta and pyrrophyta from October to March.Canonical correspondence analysis showed that temperature,pH values,and orthophosphate were the most important driving factors regulating the composition and dynamics of the phytoplankton community in the estuary.Cyanobacteria and euglenophyta abundance and biomass were affected mainly by temperature and pH values,while most chlorophyta and bacillariophyta were influenced by the concentrations of nutrients.  相似文献   

工程建设改变地下水流场危及建筑物的安全。以济南经十路沿线大型地下综合体为例,通过数值模拟计算工程建设对地下水渗流场的影响,并建立了地下水流场修复模型。结果表明:地下空间结构会阻挡地下水运移,地下水水位壅高造成地基承载力降低;将地下工程设置导流措施后,其迎水面水位随时间呈现衰减趋势,且越接近天然状态水位衰减速率越慢;因地层结构差异,壅高水位基本回落的时间存在较大差异;不同地质条件下流场修复所需导流井数量与导流几何体结构参数呈负相关关系,所需导流井数量的预测方程反映了地质条件的复杂性和多变性。除导流几何体自身结构外,围岩水力梯度与渗透系数对导水能力产生影响,其中渗透系数大小制约导水速率的快慢,水力梯度则控制导水行为的发生。导流措施的实施可减小工程建设对地下水环境的影响,确保地下工程建设对水环境影响可控。  相似文献   

The SCENTO-System was used to study the carbon dynamics between phytoplankton primary production and heterotrophic bacterial secondary production. Most of the methods used nowadays in situ for limnological synecology studies were applied. Primary production measurement showed an increasing tendency with increasing content of chlorophylla. It provided a true photosynthetic rate lying within the range of eutrophic lakes. Net EOC released from the algae ranged from 8.5 to 27.5 μg C l−1(6h)−1. Accompanying the algal products the number of bacteria increased from 1.475 ×109 to 8.074×109 cells l−1. The bacterial mean cell volume was small, between 0.0315 and 0.0548μm3. Bacterial carbon production from direct growth estimates was compared with independent calculations of bacterial growth from EOC uptake and3H-thymidine incorporation. Direct estimates were 2.97–10.0 μg Cl−1 (24h)−1 with the exception of a zero-growth on the third day. EOC uptake was 123.5–191.0 μg Cl−1 (6h)−1. That calculated from3H-thymidine incorporation was 0.2–0.5 μg Cl−1 (6h)−1.14C-glucose dark uptake ran parallel to the increasing bacterial biomass. The respiration of glucose was 6.5% (avg.) of the gross uptake. Since the system operated without grazing pressure, a real carbon flow from primary production to bacterial secondary production could be observed.  相似文献   

The study provides one of the first lines of evidence showing linkages between Antarctic phytoplankton abundance and composition in response to ENSO, based on historical reconstruction of sediment biomarkers. In addition to sediment biomarkers, field measured and remote sensing data of phytoplankton abundance were also recorded from Prydz Bay, Eastern Antarctica. Com-munity structure of field measured phytoplankton showed significant El Ni?o/La Ni?a-related succession during 1990 to 2002. In general, the number of algae species decreased during El Ni?o and La Ni?a years compared to normal years. Austral summer monthly variation of remotely sensed chlorophyll-a (Chl-a), particulate organic carbon (POC), and sea surface temperature (SST) indicated that ENSO impacted the timing of phytoplankton blooms during 2007 to 2011. Phytoplankton blooms (indicated by Chl-a and POC) preceded the increases in SST during El Ni?o years, and lagged behind the SST increases during La Ni?a years. Stratigraphic record of marine sedimentary lipid (brassicasterol, dinosterol and alkenones) biomarkers inferred that the proportions of different algae (diatoms, dinoflagellates and haptophytes) changed significantly between El Ni?o and La Ni?a events. The relative proportion of diatoms increased, with that of dinoflagellates being decreased during El Ni?o years, while it was reversed during La Ni?a years.  相似文献   

To examine the phytoplankton assemblages and the effect of diluted waters on them,a re search cruise was conducted from July 19 to August 7,2015 in the Zhujiang(Pearl) River estuary in the northern South China Sea(21°N-23.5°N,111°E-117°E).Samples were collected from 65 stations including one for time-series sampling.A total of 212 phytoplankton taxa were identified from 61 genera belonging to4 phyla.Among them,122 species identified from 42 genera of Bacillariophyta and 83 species from 15 genera of Pyrrophyta.Chain-forming diatoms dominated the phytoplankton community where Pseudonitzschia delicatissima,Guinardia striata,Thalassionema nitzschioides,and P.pungens comprised about52% of the total abundance.However,higher cell abundances concentrated on both sides of the estuary,because of low salinity and high nutrients brought by diluted water.In addition,Canonical Correspondence Analysis revealed that salinity and dissolved inorganic nitrogen shaped the species composition in the study area.Furthermore,the Jaccard similarity index showed prevailing high similarity in the distribution of species in low-salinity diluted waters,and the Bray-Curtis similarity depicted distinguished grouping for phytoplankton assemblages along the salinity gradient.However,phytoplankton diel vertical cycles showed maximum abundance occurred at 2:00 am,which was mainly contributed by benthic phytoplankton species Pseudo-nitzschia spp.and T.nitzschioides.  相似文献   

Topographic and edaphic variables are the main ecological factor determining species spatial variability on mountainous forests. A field study was performed in central Alborz to investigate how the edaphic and topographic parameters can affect the tree and shrub communities. Initially, 27 forest stands were identified and the homogeneous units were separated regarding physiognomy. In each single homogeneous unit, one random sample plot (1000 m2) and totally 43 plots were established. In each plot, the presence and abundance of all trees and shrubs were recorded and four soil samples were taken from depths of 0-5 and 5-20 cm. Concerning classification results, eight different forest communities were identified. The lowest and highest soil pH values were observed in Malus orientalis and pistacia-Amygdalus communities, respectively. The water saturation percent of pure- and mixed Juniperus excelsa and Rhus coriaria was the highest amongst communities. The clay content was the highest in pure J. excelsa. The 0-5 organic matter and Nitrogen content in mixed J. excelsa were significantly higher than pure J. excelsa and other communities. The CCA (Canonical Correspondence Analysis) results indicated that the altitude, precipitation, pH, EC, SP, clay and CaCO3 are the most important factors determine the distribution of trees and shrub in central Alborz  相似文献   

1 IntroductionForthepast 1 5years,muchattentionofoceanographershasbeenfocusedontheroleofironinlimiting phytoplankton productivityinthehigh nutrient ,low chlorophyll(HNLC)regions.OnboardshipironenrichmentincubationshavebeencarriedoutinthethreewellknownHNLCregions :notablyequatorialPacificOcean ,subarcticPacificO ceanandSouthernOcean (seereferencesinTable 1 ) .Theinsituironenrichmentexper imentshavebeenaccomplishedintheequatorialPacific (IronEx1in 1 993 (Wells 1 994)andIronEx2in 1 996(…  相似文献   

Energy utilization in the aquifers is a new technology closely related to development of heat pump technique. It is significant for the flow distribution to be predicted in the aquifer surrounding the Groundwater Source Heat Pump System (GSHPS). The authors presented a new concept of "flow transfixion" by analyzing general features of aquifers, and then discussed interaction of the flow transfixion with the beat transfixion, which has practical significance to projects. A numerical model of groundwater flow was established based on the basic tenets of water-heat transferring in the aquifer. On this basis the flow field and the temperature field of GSHPS for a site in Shenyang City were numerically simulated. The basis of the flow transfixion was obtained; it was discussed for the influence of the flow transfixion on the heat transfixion. To a certain extent, the study offers some reference for the projects' design of GSHP in the studied area.  相似文献   

Energy utilization in the aquifers is a new technology closely related to development of heat pump technique. It is significant for the flow distribution to be predicted in the aquifer surrounding the Groundwater Source Heat Pump System (GSHPS). The authors presented a new concept of "flow transfixion" by analyzing general features of aquifers, and then discussed interaction of the flow transfixion with the heat transfixion, which has practical significance to projects. A numerical model of groundwater flow was established based on the basic tenets of water-heat transferring in the aquifer. On this basis the flow field and the temperature field of GSHPS for a site in Shenyang City were numerically simulated. The basis of the flow transfixion was obtained; it was discussed for the influence of the flow transfixion on the heat transfixion. To a certain extent, the study offers some reference for the projects' design of GSHP in the studied area.  相似文献   

TheMicrocystis bloom that once disappeared from Donghu Lake, a shallow, eutrophic Chinese lake, was successfully resumed with the use of the enclosure method. Seston and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) dynamics during theMicrocystis bloom were investigated with particular emphasis on the effect of three Chinese domestic fishes (silver carp, bighead carp and grass carp). The results showed that the change of chlorophyll a obviously related to the fish species and its stocking density. Due to the release of extracellular ogranic carbon and increased bacterial activity, DOC increased apparently after silver and bighead carps were introduced. POC/DOC dropped considerably in the enclosures containing silver and bighead carps and in the surrounding lake water, which implied that the bacterial activity was more pronounced in such ecosystems. Statistical analysis indicated that the linear relationship between POC and chlorophyll a could reflect the state of algal growth and nutrient metabolism. It was expected that this study would provide some information on biomanipulation in the shallow, eutrophic lakes. This work was supported in part by a Grant-In-Aid from the Chinese Academy of Sciences, State Key Laboratory of Freshwater Ecology and Biotechnology (FEBL) affiliated to the Institute of Hydrobiology for the project “Control Ecosystem: An Approach to Lake Restoration”.  相似文献   

Carbon biomass,carbon-to-chlorophyll a ratio(C:Chl a),and the growth rate of phytoplankton cells were studied during four seasonal cruises in 2017 and 2018 in Jiaozhou B ay,China.Water samples were collected from 12 stations,and phytoplankton carbon biomass(phyto-C) was estimated from microscopemeasured cell volumes.The phyto-C ranged from 5.05 to 78.52 μg C/L in the bay,and it constituted a mean of 38.16% of the total particulate organic carbon in the bay.High phyto-C values appeared mostly in the northern or northeastern bay.Diatom carbon was predominant during all four cruises.Dinoflagellate carbon contributed much less(30%) to the total phyto-C,and high values appeared often in the outer bay.The C:Chl a of phytoplankton cells varied from 11.50 to 61.45(mean 3 1.66),and high values appeared in the outer bay during all four seasons.The phyto-C was also used to calculate the intrinsic growth rates of phytoplankton cells in the bay,and phytoplankton growth rates ranged from 0.56 to 1.96/d;the rate was highest in summer(mean 1.79/d),followed by that in fall(mean 1.24/d) and spring(mean 1.17/d),and the rate was lowest in winter(mean 0.77/d).Temperature and silicate concentration were found to be the determining factors of phytoplankton growth rates in the bay.To our knowledge,this study is the first report on phytoplankton carbon biomass and C:Chl a based on water samples in Jiaozhou B ay,and it will provide useful information for studies on carbon-based food web calculations and carbon-based ecosystem models in the bay.  相似文献   

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