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对六层组合墙砌体、底层框剪、底两层框剪和底三层框剪组合墙砌体四种房屋,从加速度、位移和最大基底剪力等方面进行分析比较,结论是在给定刚度比的情况下,组合墙砌体永恒的抗震性能略优于底部框剪组合墙房屋。底部多层框剪组合墙房屋的抗震性能优于底层框剪组合墙房屋。  相似文献   

为研究整体开洞墙体中发生底层窗间墙破坏模式时墙体的抗震性能,对一砌体结构缩尺开洞墙体模型展开多点同步加载拟静力试验。分析了各层墙体与整片墙的破坏特征、承载与变形能力、滞回耗能特性、刚度退化规律及延性表现,重点研究了底层窗间墙位于整体结构中时其破坏过程与变形规律。试验结果表明:破坏模式相同的开洞墙体较单独墙肢抗震性能有所不同,各工况加载峰值点的上升与下降过程更为缓慢、滞回曲线更为饱满、刚度退化过程更为缓和以及延性特征更为明显。基于底层窗间墙破坏模式,依据现行规范中开洞墙体承载力计算方法所得结果与试验结果吻合,但强弱构件失效机制无从体现。试验结果可为探求砌体结构合理设计方法与实现开洞墙体延性破坏模式提供依据。  相似文献   

砌体墙弹性计算采用的无转动假定与砌体房屋震害中所表现的墙体破坏模式不完全相符,砌体墙的转动变形是墙体受力过程中总变形的重要组成部分,转动失效也是一种典型的破坏模式。在前期试验研究基础上,进行了3片足尺门窗间砌体墙试件的低周反复荷载试验,立面形状为“凸”形和“L”形,介绍了试件的破坏过程及转动现象,分析了试件的滞回曲线和承载力差异;探讨了门窗间砌体窗间墙的转动变形机理,并分析了材料强度、竖向荷载和立面形状等因素对砌体墙转动变形的影响。研究结果表明:本文荷载及约束条件下,门窗间砌体墙试件均表现出明显的转动失效特征,属于窗间墙转动或窗间墙连带窗下墙整体转动失效的破坏模式;砌体墙发生受剪破坏或转动失效的关键在于窗间墙水平截面的受剪能力是否大于其受到的水平荷载;砌体材料强度越高、高宽比越大和立面对称性越差,砌体墙越容易出现转动变形现象以及发生转动失效,反之则容易发生受剪破坏。本文试验以及研究内容关注了门窗间砌体墙在受力全过程中实际存在而又常常被忽略的转动变形问题,试验数据及研究结论可为更加深入地了解砌体墙的变形机制提供参考。  相似文献   

对2组4片节能型砌体组合墙片进行低周反复加载试验来研究该结构的抗震变形能力,试验设计了2组不同高宽比(0.933、0.7)的1/2缩尺模型,试验结果表明:试验墙片的破坏主要为构造柱裂缝与砌体部分的裂缝相贯通并向对角方向发展,且墙体中间偏下段出现水平裂缝,伴有砌块脱落的现象;2组试件的极限位移角平均值为1/64;滞回曲线较饱满,表明节能型砌体组合墙片具有良好的抗震变形能力。  相似文献   

地震时砌体结构窗间墙易发生破坏,为了提高其抗震性能,对高宽比为1的2组共4片墙体,其中:2片为双层打包带加固墙体,2片为原墙,进行了拟静力试验,研究墙体的破坏形态、水平承载力、滞回曲线和耗能等抗震性能。试验发现原墙发生剪切破坏,加固后墙体发生摇摆破坏,加固改变了墙体破坏模式,加固后墙体滞回曲线饱满但有捏笼,破坏荷载、延性和耗能能力都有提高,破坏时未发生剥离,表明双层打包带加固法有效地提高了窗间墙体抗震性能,对承受较大竖向应力墙体效果更好,建议加固时要加强加固层与窗下和窗上墙体的连接。  相似文献   

为摸清芮城县房屋的抗震性能,开展房屋建筑抽样详查工作。分别从房屋建筑类别、数量占比和分布情况等方面展开调查,并对砖混结构房屋的抗震性能进行评估。主要对有震害统计的无圈梁、有圈梁构造柱砖混砌体结构房屋的窗间墙宽与窗上带高、窗上带跨高比和窗间墙高宽比、窗间墙与窗上带刚度比的相互关系进行研究。同时基于地震中窗上带优先出现损伤,可最大程度保护房屋抗震柱或承重墙,保持建筑物大震不倒的判断规则,对芮城县30栋砖混房屋的抗震性能做出评判。研究结果表明,芮城县城区砖混结构房屋抗震性能为一般—较差,乡镇的为较差—差。  相似文献   

钢板组合剪力墙在强震作用下受损严重,震损修复问题较为突出。现设计一片以方钢管作为边缘约束构件的竖波钢板组合剪力墙,在最大弹塑性层间位移角时的震损情况进行分析:竖波钢板组合剪力墙边缘约束方钢管刚度较大,与墙体不匹配,最终发生方钢管从地梁拔动的脆性破坏模式。对竖波钢板组合剪力墙进行震损修复,得到墙趾可更换竖波钢板组合剪力墙,然后进行拟静力试验。试验结果表明:(1)在震损后的竖波钢板组合剪力墙的墙趾处安装阻尼器,其抗震性能基本得到恢复。(2)修复后的竖波钢板组合剪力墙承载力较修复前降低了23%,但延性和耗能能力显著提升。(3)改变了竖波钢板组合剪力墙的破坏模式,由脆性破坏转化为延性破坏。借助有限元软件详细讨论了内嵌竖向波形钢板厚度和波角、轴压比、阻尼器腹板数量对修复后竖波钢板组合剪力墙抗剪承载力的影响,结果表明:改变内嵌竖向波形钢板厚度对试件抗剪承载力影响较大,而改变内嵌竖向波形钢板波角、轴压比和阻尼器腹板数量对试件抗剪承载力影响较小。结合有限元算例,提出修复后竖波钢板组合剪力墙抗剪承载力的计算公式,可为工程实际提供参考。  相似文献   

钢筋混凝土桥墩震后修复技术研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了近几次破坏性地震中钢筋混凝土桥墩的典型震害,总结了国内外利用FRP材料、钢套管、狗骨式杆等新型建筑材料对发生弯曲破坏、剪切破坏、纵筋搭接破坏以及空心截面桥墩的震后修复技术.研究表明,采用合适的修复方案,可以对地震损坏的桥墩进行成功修复,使其承载力和延性得到较好的恢复.文中提到的桥墩震后修复方案可为地震、火灾、爆炸以及腐蚀老化后遭受损坏的钢筋混凝土结构的修复提供参考.  相似文献   

An experimental study was conducted to investigate the feasibility of a proposed rapid repair technique for severely earthquake-damaged bridge piers with flexural-shear failure mode. Six circular pier specimens were first tested to severe damage in flexural-shear mode and repaired using early-strength concrete with high-fluidity and carbon fiber reinforced polymers (CFRP). After about four days, the repaired specimens were tested to failure again. The seismic behavior of the repaired specimens was evaluated and compared to the original specimens. Test results indicate that the proposed repair technique is highly effective. Both shear strength and lateral displacement of the repaired piers increased when compared to the original specimens, and the failure mechanism of the piers shifted from flexural-shear failure to ductile flexural failure. Finally, a simple design model based on the Seible formulation for post-earthquake repair design was compared to the experimental results. It is concluded that the design equation for bridge pier strengthening before an earthquake could be applicable to seismic repairs after an earthquake if the shear strength contribution of the spiral bars in the repaired piers is disregarded and 1.5 times more FRP sheets is provided.  相似文献   

应用钢丝网灌浆加固技术(SRG)修复村镇砌体结构具有施工简单、造价低廉以及性能优越等优点。先对一多层砌体结构开洞墙体模型进行抗震性能拟静力试验,后采用SRG技术加固受损墙体再次进行同条件试验。对比分析了加固前后墙体的破坏现象、滞回性能、刚度退化规律、耗能特性、延性与变形特征等抗震性能。试验结果表明:采用SRG技术加固受损砌体结构的破坏模式更为合理,墙体承载力、变形性能及耗能特性亦可显著提升。研究结果揭示了SRG技术加固受损砌体结构的实效性,为其在村镇建筑加固领域的应用提供技术支持。  相似文献   

本文以5·12汶川地震后绵竹市某砖混结构住宅为典型调查研究对象,介绍了震后多层砌体结构房屋的常见震害现象和一般震害规律,结合有关规范分析了一般受损建筑不同的抗震鉴定方法和手段,对比分析了各种抗震加固措施的加固效果与适用条件,较为全面地总结了一般多层砌体结构从震害调查到鉴定加固的方法和程序,为灾后砌体结构的抗震加固设计提...  相似文献   

The definition of adequate simplified models to assess the in‐plane load‐bearing capacity of masonry piers, in terms of both strength and displacement, plays a fundamental role in the seismic verification of masonry buildings. In this paper, a critical review of the most widespread strength criteria present in the literature and codes to interpret the failure modes of piers (rocking, crushing, bed joint sliding or diagonal cracking) are proposed. Models are usually based on an approximate evaluation of the stress state produced by the external forces in a few points/sections and on its assessment with reference to a limit strength domain. The aim of the review is to assess their reliability by discussing the hypotheses, which they are based on (assumed stress states; choice of reference points/sections on which to assess the pier strength; characteristics of the limit strength domain) and to verify the conditions for their proper use in practice, in terms of both stress fields (depending on the geometry of the pier, boundary conditions and applied loads) and types of masonry (i.e. regular brick masonry vs rubble stone masonry). In order to achieve these objectives, parametric nonlinear finite element analyses are performed and different experimental data available in the literature are analysed and compared. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

为研究竖向压应力和高宽比对砖墙体抗震性能的影响,以砖墙体抗震承载力典型试验试件为基础,利用有限元分析软件ANSYS建立适当的空间模型。根据砖墙体的破坏模式和材料性能把墙体划分成块体单元、灰缝单元以及接触单元,为各部分材料选用不同的本构关系模型与破坏准则。并将计算结果与试验结果进行对比,验证文中模型的可适用性。选用经验证后的模型,变换竖向压应力和高宽比,得出相应的结论:墙体的开裂荷载和抗侧承载力随着高宽比的增大明显呈降低的趋势;不同高宽比的墙体,竖向压应力的影响规律不尽相同。  相似文献   

In recent earthquakes, a large number of reinforced concrete (RC) bridges were severely damaged due to mixed flexure-shear failure modes of the bridge piers. An integrated experimental and finite element (FE) analysis study is described in this paper to study the seismic performance of the bridge piers that failed in flexure-shear modes. In the first part, a nonlinear cyclic loading test on six RC bridge piers with circular cross sections is carried out experimentally. The damage states, ductility and energy dissipation parameters, stiffness degradation and shear strength of the piers are studied and compared with each other. The experimental results suggest that all the piers exhibit stable flexural response at displacement ductilities up to four before exhibiting brittle shear failure. The ultimate performance of the piers is dominated by shear capacity due to significant shear cracking, and in some cases, rupturing of spiral bars. In the second part, modeling approaches describing the hysteretic behavior of the piers are investigated by using ANSYS software. A set of models with different parameters is selected and evaluated through comparison with experimental results. The influences of the shear retention coefficients between concrete cracks, the Bauschinger effect in longitudinal reinforcement, the bond-slip relationship between the longitudinal reinforcement and the concrete and the concrete failure surface on the simulated hysteretic curves are discussed. Then, a modified analysis model is presented and its accuracy is verified by comparing the simulated results with experimental ones. This research uses models available in commercial FE codes and is intended for researchers and engineers interested in using ANSYS software to predict the hysteretic behavior of reinforced concrete structures.  相似文献   

This study presents a seismic fragility analysis and ultimate spectral displacement assessment of regular low-rise masonry infilled (MI) reinforced concrete (RC) buildings using a coefficient-based method. The coefficient-based method does not require a complicated finite element analysis; instead, it is a simplified procedure for assessing the spectral acceleration and displacement of buildings subjected to earthquakes. A regression analysis was first performed to obtain the best-fitting equations for the inter-story drift ratio (IDR) and period shift factor of low-rise MI RC buildings in response to the peak ground acceleration of earthquakes using published results obtained from shaking table tests. Both spectral acceleration-and spectral displacement-based fragility curves under various damage states (in terms of IDR) were then constructed using the coefficient-based method. Finally, the spectral displacements of low-rise MI RC buildings at the ultimate (or near-collapse) state obtained from this paper and the literature were compared. The simulation results indicate that the fragility curves obtained from this study and other previous work correspond well. Furthermore, most of the spectral displacements of low-rise MI RC buildings at the ultimate state from the literature fall within the bounded spectral displacements predicted by the coefficient-based method.  相似文献   

杨耀鑫    杨永强    杨游  公茂盛   《世界地震工程》2023,39(1):049-58
为了利用结构地震响应观测数据在震后对结构进行损伤快速评估,本文提出了基于BP传播神经网络多参数预测震后结构损伤程度的方法。本文设计了9个不同设防烈度和层数的钢筋混凝土框架结构,利用OpenSees有限元软件进行了非线性时程分析,并用损伤指数量化了结构损伤程度。利用有限元模拟结果,创建了神经网络的数据集,训练神经网络建立了结构参数与结构损伤指数之间的映射,对比了不同参数组合预测结构损伤水平的能力,提出了最优参数组合。结果表明:此方法预测结构损伤指数准确度高,耗时短,可为建筑工程震后损伤快速评估提供支撑。  相似文献   

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