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This paper focuses on the frequency property analysis of near-fault ground motions with and without distinct pulses, separately from the Chi-Chi and Northridge earthquakes. Ten scalar period parameters of ground motions, especially several nonlocal period parameters, are considered. Two new nonlocal parameters, namely the mean period of Hilbert marginal spectrum (Tmh) and the improved characteristic period (Tgi), are suggested. Moreover, comprehensive comparison and analysis indicate that Tmh, Tgi and Tavg (average spectral period) can distinguish the low-frequency components of near-fault ground motions; Tm (mean period of Fourier amplitude spectrum) and To (smoothed spectral predominant period) represent the moderate- and high-frequency components, respectively. The variance coefficient of predominant instantaneous frequency of Hilbert spectrum (Hcov) can be regarded as an alternative index to measure the non-stationary degree of near-fault ground motions. Finally, the velocity pulses and earthquake magnitude remarkably affect the frequency parameters of near-fault ground motions. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

分析地震动的频谱周期参数和频率非平稳特征,是地震危险性分析和结构抗震设计的重要内容.本文对近断层地震动记录按照不同的运动特征分组,进行了Hilbert-Huang变换分析.结合相关的定义得到了表征地震动频谱特性的7个周期参数,包括:Fourier幅值谱平均周期Tm、Hilbert边际谱平均周期Tmh、特征周期Tc、卓越周期等,并计算了地震动的Hilbert谱瞬时频率时程变异系数.计算结果表明,从整体上把握地震动频谱特性的三个周期参数Tm 、Tmh 和Tc适合于表征近断层地震动的频谱成份.近断层地震动的频率非平稳特征显著,Hilbert谱瞬时频率变异系数良好地反映了地震动的频率非平稳性质和程度.而且,考察了近断层地震动运动特征对地震动频谱周期参数和频率非平稳性的影响.  相似文献   

Near-fault ground motions containing high energy and large amplitude velocity pulses may cause severe damage to structures. The most widely used intensity measure (IM) is the elastic spectral acceleration at the fundamental period of the structure (Sa(T1)); however, Sa(T1) is not a sufficient IM with respect to the effects of the pulse-like ground motions on structural response. For near-fault ground motions, including pulse-like and non–pulse-like time histories, we propose a vector-valued IM consisting of a new IM called instantaneous power (IP(T1)) and the Sa(T1). The IP(T1) is defined as the maximum power of the bandpass-filtered velocity time series over a time interval of 0.5T1. The IP(T1) is period-dependent because the velocity time series is filtered over a period range (0.2T1-3T1). This allows the IP(T1) to represent the power of the near-fault ground motions relevant to the response of the structure. Using two-dimensional models of the 2- and 9-story steel-frame buildings, we show that the proposed [Sa(T1), IP(T1)] vector IM gives more accurate estimates of the maximum inter-story drift and collapse capacity responses from near-fault ground motions than using the vector IM consisting of the Sa(T1), the presence of the velocity pulse, and the period of the velocity pulse. Moreover, for the structures considered, for a given Sa(T1), the IP(T1) is more strongly correlated with structural damage from near-fault ground motions than the combination of the velocity pulse and pulse period.  相似文献   

近年来的强震地震观测资料研究显示,近断层地面运动具有区别于远场地震动的显著特征。在收集世界范围内近断层观测记录的基础上,按场地和震级进行分类,采用统计分析的方法研究了近断层地震动的峰值、反应谱谱值和持时特征。研究结果表明,由于方向性效应的影响,两个水平分量的峰值存在显著差异,反应谱的谱值更显著,震级对地震动持时的影响比断层距的影响要大得多,在此基础上,建立了近断层地震动水平向和竖向分量持时的回归关系式,并与其他研究者进行对比,说明了其合理性,为进一步研究提供参考。  相似文献   

近断层脉冲型地震动作用下隔震结构地震反应分析   总被引:17,自引:5,他引:17  
隔震结构在远震场地减震效果良好,但是近断层地震动的明显的长周期速度和位移脉冲运动可能对隔震建筑等长周期结构的抗震性能和设计带来不利影响,需要深入探讨。本文首先讨论近断层地震动的长周期脉冲运动特征,然后以台湾集集地震8条典型近震记录和其它4条常用近震记录以及4条远震记录作为地震动输入,对两幢安装铅芯橡胶隔震支座的钢筋混凝土框架隔震结构进行非线性地震反应时程分析,通过比较探讨了算例计算结果,定量说明隔震结构的近震脉冲效应显著,是隔震设计不容忽视的问题。  相似文献   

近断层地震动作用下钢筋混凝土桥墩的抗震性能   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:9  
通过对满足规范延性要求的12根典型钢筋混凝土桥墩试件的线性和非线性地震反应分析,指出在近断层地震动作用下满足延性需求与延性能力比小于1.0的桥墩仍可能发生严重破坏和倒塌,若考虑桥墩的地震损伤性能,允许的延性需求与延性能力比不宜超过0.6-0.8。讨论了桥墩延性抗震设计中强度折减系数Rμ和设计基底剪力系数BSC取值问题。  相似文献   

首先讨论了近断层脉冲型地震动的特点,并以台湾集集地震实际脉冲型近震记录为地震动输入,应用含潜在约束策略的序列二次规划算法,对安装铅芯橡胶隔震支座的钢筋混凝土框架隔震结构的隔震器参数和上部结构构件截面几何尺寸进行一体化优化设计,然后输入E l Centro(1940)、Taft(1952)地震波对优化后的隔震结构进行地震反应分析。计算结果表明,对考虑脉冲型近断层地震动作用的隔震结构进行参数优化设计后,该隔震结构能同时满足脉冲型和普通非脉冲型近震作用的结构设计需求。  相似文献   

Representation of near-fault pulse-type ground motions   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:4  
Near-fault ground motions with long-period pulses have been identified as critical in the design of structures. To aid in the representation of this special type of motion, eight simple pulses that characterize the effects of either the fling-step or forward-directivity are considered. Relationships between pulse amplitudes and velocity pulse period for different pulses are discussed. Representative ratios and peak acceleration amplification can exhibit distinctive features depending on variations in pulse duration, amplitude and the selected acceleration pulse shape. Additionally, response spectral characteristics for the equivalent pulses are identified and compared in terms of fixed PGA and PGV, respectively. Response spectra are strongly affected by the duration of pulses and the shape of the basic pulses. Finally, dynamic time history response features of a damped SDOF system subjected to pulse excitations are examined. These special aspects of pulse waveforms and their response spectra should be taken into account in the estimation of ground motions for a project site close to a fault.  相似文献   

This study aims to reveal the multi-scaling behavior and quantify the irregularity of near-fault earthquake ground motions from a new perspective of multifractal theory. Based on multifractal detrended fluctuation analysis, the multifractal characteristic parameters of acceleration time series for typical near-fault ground motions are calculated, and their correlations with two period parameters (i.e., mean period Tm and characteristic period Tc) and box-counting fractal dimensions are analyzed. Numerical results of strong nonlinear dependence of generalized Hurst exponents h(q) upon the fluctuation orders q indicate that near-fault ground motions present the multifractal properties and long-range correlation obviously. Furthermore, the scaling exponent h(2) of near-fault records has a strong correlation with their periods Tm and Tc, and strongly negative correlation with their box dimension. Moreover, h(2) can be regarded as a measure of frequency content and irregularity degree of strong earthquake ground motions. Finally, it is pointed out that the long-range correlation of small and large fluctuation is the major source of multifractality of near-fault ground motions.  相似文献   

选取161条速度脉冲型近断层地震动记录,采用最小二乘法拟合得到近断层地震动抗震设计Newmark三联谱,研究了震级、场地和断层类型对近断层设计谱的影响。结果表明:大震(级)相比小震(级)的影响较为显著,大震(级)下设计谱具有更宽的加速度敏感区段,中长周期段内的反应谱谱值更高;在3类断层类型中,大震(级)下逆斜断层的反应谱加速度敏感区段最宽,谱值最大。对于近断层区域的结构在大震(级)下应该考虑增大特征周期并提高设计谱谱值,还应充分考虑逆斜断层等断层类型的影响。  相似文献   

采用Bouc-Wen模型模拟铅芯橡胶支座(LRB)非线性力学性能,建立LRB基础隔震储罐地震反应的数值模型.利用叠加原理得到人工合成近断层脉冲型地震动,从实际典型近断层地震动和人工近断层脉冲地震动输入两个角度出发,以远场地震反应为参照,系统探讨了近断层地震动作用下LRB隔震储罐地震反应特点以及近断层地震动运动特征的影响规律.研究发现,近断层地震动作用下LRB隔震储罐地震反应明显大于远场地震反应值,显著的近断层脉冲效应是隔震储罐设计不容忽视的问题.近断层地震动的PGV/PGA值是决定隔震储罐地震反应的综合指标,PGV/PGA值较大时,隔震储罐地震反应脉冲效应突出.另外,脉冲周期、脉冲参与系数以及脉冲类型也是影响LRB隔震储罐地震反应的重要因素.在脉冲参与系数越大、含有脉冲数量越多的近断层地震动作用下,隔震储罐地震反应越强烈.当脉冲周期接近储罐晃动周期时,晃动波高会出现峰值.  相似文献   

现阶段基于性能的抗震设计思想不仅关注结构自身体系的安全,而且保护非结构构件在地震作用下使用功能完好.对于工业建筑结构,生产设备在地震作用下受损会影响震后功能恢复.加速度敏感型非结构构件一般采用楼层加速度指标来量化其地震损伤程度.以三个不同高度的钢抗弯框架规则结构体系为研究对象,采用与竖向目标谱匹配的近断层非脉冲和脉冲地...  相似文献   

在近断层地震动下桥梁结构将发生较大反应,减隔震设计是减轻地震损伤的重要手段。提出了在桥梁双柱墩横桥向设置防屈曲支撑(BRB),在纵桥向设置铅芯橡胶支座(LRB)的双向减隔震体系。利用Midas Civil软件建立3种不同减隔震方式的桥梁结构模型:LRB仅单向,LRB双向与LRB联合BRB,运用非线性时程分析方法计算了桥墩反应(墩顶侧移角、残余位移角和曲率延性)、LRB支座变形和BRB的耗能特性等。结果表明:在近断层地震动输入下联合设置LRB和BRB的双向减隔震桥梁减震效果明显,相比其它2种方式,能有效降低墩柱的塑性变形及起到保护桥墩的作用。在横桥向,桥墩最大侧移角、残余位移角和最大曲率延性系数都显著降低。  相似文献   

Accelerograms recorded near active faults have some important characteristics that make them different from those recorded in far-fault regions. High-frequency components in acceleration records and long-period velocity pulses are among notable specifications of such ground motions. In this paper, a moving average filtering with appropriate cut-off frequency has been used to decompose the near-fault ground motions into two components having different frequency contents: first, Pulse-Type Record (PTR) that possesses long-period pulses; second, the relatively high-frequency BackGround Record (BGR), which does not include large velocity pulses. Comparing the results with those extracted through wavelet analysis shows that moving average filter is an appropriate and efficient tool for near-fault records decomposition. The method is applied to decompose a suite of 91 selected near-fault records and the elastic response of structures is examined through their response to the decomposed parts. The results emphasizes that in contrast with ordinary far-fault earthquake records, response spectra of near-fault ground motions typically have two distinct local peaks, which are representatives of the high- and low-frequency components, i.e., BGR and PTR, respectively. Moreover, a threshold period is identified below which the response of structures is dominated by BGR while PTR controls the response of structures with periods longer than this period.  相似文献   

Introduction The dynamic response of structural systems subjected to earthquake ground shaking is sig-nificantly affected by the frequency content of input ground motions. When the frequency content of a predominant earthquake ground motion closely matches the natural period of a structural sys-tem, the dynamic response is significantly enhanced and thus may cause severe damage (Chopra, 1995). Therefore, it is of great importance to evaluate the frequency content of ground motions. In recent …  相似文献   

Major earthquakes of last 15 years (e.g., Northridge 1994, Kobe 1995 and Chi-Chi 1999) have shown that many near-fault ground motions possess prominent acceleration pulses. Some of the prominent ground acceleration pulses are related to large ground velocity pulses, others are caused by mechanisms that are totally different from those causing the velocity pulses or fling steps. Various efforts to model acceleration pulses have been reported in the literature. In this paper, research results from a recent study of acceleration pulse prominent ground motions and an analysis of structural damage induced by acceleration pulses are summarized. The main results of the study include: (1) temporal characteristics of acceleration pulses; (2) ductility demand spectrum of simple acceleration pulses with respect to equivalent classes of dynamic systems and pulse characteristic parameters; and (3) estimation of fundamental period change under the excitation of strong acceleration pulses. By using the acceleration pulse induced linear acceleration spectrum and the ductility demand spectrum, a simple procedure has been developed to estimate the ductility demand and the fundamental period change of a reinforced concrete (RC) structure under the impact of a strong acceleration pulse.  相似文献   

In displacement-based seismic design, inelastic displacement ratio spectra (IDRS) are particularly useful for estimating the maximum lateral inelastic displacement demand of a nonlinear SDOF system from the maximum elastic displacement demand of its counterpart linear elastic SDOF system. In this study, the characteristics of IDRS for near-fault pulse-type ground motions are investigated based on a great number of earthquake ground motions. The in? uence of site conditions, ratio of peak ground velocity (PGV) to peak ground acceleration (PGA), the PGV, and the maximum incremental velocity (MIV) on IDRS are also evaluated. The results indicate that the effect of near-fault ground motions on IDRS are signifi cant only at periods between 0.2 s - 1.5 s, where the amplifi cation can approach 20%. The PGV/PGA ratio has the most signifi cant in? uence on IDRS among the parameters considered. It is also found that site conditions only slightly affect the IDRS.  相似文献   

Ground motions close to a ruptured fault resulting from forward-directivity are significantly different than other ground motions. These pulse-type motions can place severe demands on structures in the near-fault region. To aid in the characterization of these special type of ground motions, a simplified parameterization is proposed based on a representative amplitude, pulse period, and number of significant pulses in the velocity–time history. Empirical relationships were developed for estimating the peak ground velocity (PGV) and period of the velocity pulse (Tv) of available forward-directivity motions. PGV in the near-fault region varies significantly with magnitude and distance. Additionally, the PGV for soil sites are systematically larger than those at rocks sites. Tv is a function of moment magnitude and site conditions with most of the energy being concentrated within a narrow-period band centered on the pulse period. Hence, lower magnitude events, which produce lower pulse periods, might produce more damaging ground motions for the stiff structures more common in urban areas.  相似文献   

近断层地震动具有独特的上盘效应、破裂方向性效应和速度脉冲特征。本文分组考察具有这些运动特征的地震动对短肢剪力墙高层建筑结构地震反应的影响。选择台湾集集近断层地震动记录作为地震动输入,利用ANSYS软件对一幢12层短肢剪力墙结构建立空间杆件一壳元组合有限元模型,进行弹塑性时程分析。计算结果表明,近断层地震动上盘效应和破裂方向性效应明显增大短肢剪力墙结构体系的地震反应,短肢剪力墙高层结构的最大层间位移角发生在中部第5层,为0.98%,说明该结构已经达到中等破坏状态;脉冲型地震动效应与结构周期长短密切相关,对长周期结构脉冲效应显著。  相似文献   

The design provisions of current seismic codes are generally not very accurate for assessing effects of near-fault ground motions on reinforced concrete(r.c.)spatial frames,because only far-fault ground motions are considered in the seismic codes.Strong near-fault earthquakes are characterized by long-duration(horizontal)pulses and high values of the ratio α_(PGA)of the peak value of the vertical acceleration,PGA_V,to the analogous value of the horizontal acceleration,PGA_H,which can become critical for girders and columns.In this work,six- and twelve-storey r.c.spatial frames are designed according to the provisions of the Italian seismic code,considering the horizontal seismic loads acting(besides the gravity loads)alone or in combination with the vertical ones.The nonlinear seismic analysis of the test structures is performed using a step-by-step procedure based on a two-parameter implicit integration scheme and an initial stress-like iterative procedure.A lumped plasticity model based on the Haar-Karman principle is adopted to model the inelastic behaviour of the frame members.For the numerical investigation,five near-fault ground motions with high values of the acceleration ratio α_(PGA) are considered.Moreover,following recent seismological studies,which allow the extraction of the largest(horizontal) pulse from a near-fault ground motion,five pulse-type(horizontal)ground motions are selected by comparing the original ground motion with the residual motion after the pulse has been extracted.The results of the nonlinear dynamic analysis carried out on the test structures highlighted that horizontal and vertical components of near-fault ground motions may require additional consideration in the seismic codes.  相似文献   

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