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A scheme that couples a detailed building energy model, EnergyPlus, and an urban canopy model, the Town Energy Balance (TEB), is presented. Both models are well accepted and evaluated within their individual scientific communities. The coupled scheme proposes a more realistic representation of buildings and heating, ventilation and air-conditioning (HVAC) systems, which allows a broader analysis of the two-way interactions between the energy performance of buildings and the urban climate around the buildings. The scheme can be used to evaluate the building energy models that are being developed within the urban climate community. In this study, the coupled scheme is evaluated using measurements conducted over the dense urban centre of Toulouse, France. The comparison includes electricity and natural gas energy consumption of buildings, building façade temperatures, and urban canyon air temperatures. The coupled scheme is then used to analyze the effect of different building and HVAC system configurations on building energy consumption, waste heat released from HVAC systems, and outdoor air temperatures for the case study of Toulouse. Three different energy efficiency strategies are analyzed: shading devices, economizers, and heat recovery.  相似文献   

A multilayer one-dimensional canopy model was developed to analyze the relationship between urban warming and the increase in energy consumption in a big city. The canopy model, which consists of one-dimensional diffusion equations with a drag force, has three major parameters: building width, distance between buildings, and vertical floor density distribution, which is the distribution of a ratio of the number of the buildings that are taller than some level to all the buildings in the area under consideration. In addition, a simplified radiative process in the canopy is introduced. Both the drag force of the buildings and the radiative process depend on the floor density distribution. The thermal characteristics of an urban canopy including the effects of anthropogenic heat are very complicated. Therefore, the focus of this research is mainly on the basic performance of an urban canopy without anthropogenic heat. First, the basic thermal characteristics of the urban canopy alone were investigated. The canopy model was then connected with a three-dimensional mesoscale meteorological model, and on-line calculations were performed for 10 and 11 August, 2002 in Tokyo, Japan. The temperature near the ground surface at the bottom of the canopy was considerably improved by the calculation with the canopy model. However, a small difference remained between the calculation and the observation for minimum temperature. Deceleration of the wind was well reproduced for the velocity at the top of the building by the calculation with the canopy model, in which the floor density distribution was considered.  相似文献   

敖翔宇  谈建国  刘冬韡  王亚东  胡平 《气象》2017,43(8):973-986
利用一整年的上海城区常规气象和地表能量平衡观测资料,驱动和检验了局地城市地表能量(水分)平衡模式(SUEWS/LUMPS)在上海地区的模拟能力,并对模式输入参数进行了部分本地化。模拟结果表明,SUEWS模式较好地再现了各辐射通量的日变化形态,对净辐射通量(Q~*)中午日峰值低估约为25 W·m~(-2);模式对四个季节向下长波辐射通量(L_↓)的日变化幅度均被低估,对向上长波辐射通量(L_↑)的模拟明显优于L_↓。SUEWS/LUMPS模式对感热通量(Q_H)各季节(春季除外)日峰值出现时次均有准确模拟,而对Q_H量值各季节均为低估;SUEWS模式在夏、秋季对白天潜热通量(Q_E)的模拟均优于LUMPS模式,而在冬、春季的模拟情况两者接近;SUEWS模式成功再现了储热通量(△Q_S)冬、春、秋季早、晚正负值转换时间,而在夏季滞后了2 h,模拟的△Q_S量值季节差异性较大。对模式误差随气温、风速及风向变化进行分析表明,在较高气温和较大风速下,Q_H、Q_E均表现为低估误差增大,而△Q_S则相反,表现为更显著地高估;风向的影响主要表现为模式未考虑东面密集建筑群而使得Q_H较明显低估约为-50 W·m~(-2),而西侧公园绿地的存在使得Q_H高估约15 W·m~(-2)。  相似文献   

An urban canopy model is incorporated into the Nanjing University Regional Boundary Layer Model. Temperature simulated by the urban canopy model is in better agreement with the observation, especially in the night time, than that simulated by the traditional slab model. The coupled model is used to study the effects of building morphology on urban boundary layer and meteorological environment by changing urban area, building height, and building density.It is found that when the urban area is expanded, the urban boundary layer heat flux, thermal turbulence, and the turbulent momentum flux and kinetic energy all increase or enhance, causing the surface air temperature to rise up. The stability of urban atmospheric stratification is affected to different extent at different times of the day.When the building height goes up, the aerodynamic roughness height, zero plane displacement height of urban area, and ratio of building height to street width all increase. Therefore, the increase in building height results in the decrease of the surface heat flux, urban surface temperature, mean wind speed, and turbulent kinetic energy in daytime. While at night, as more heat storage is released by higher buildings, thermal turbulence is more active and surface heat flux increases, leading to a higher urban temperature.As the building density increases, the aerodynamic roughness height of urban area decreases, and the effect of urban canopy on radiation strengthens. The increase of building density results in the decrease in urban surface heat flux, momentum flux, and air temperature, the increase in mean wind speed, and the weakening of turbulence in the daytime. While at night, the urban temperature increases due to the release of more heat storage.  相似文献   

An urban canopy model is incorporated into the Nanjing University Regional Boundary Layer Model. Temperature simulated by the urban canopy model is in better agreement with the observation, especially in the night time, than that simulated by the traditional slab model. The coupled model is used to study the effects of building morphology on urban boundary layer and meteorological environment by changing urban area, building height, and building density. It is found that when the urban area is expanded, the urban boundary layer heat flux, thermal turbu- lence, and the turbulent momentum flux and kinetic energy all increase or enhance, causing the surface air temperature to rise up. The stability of urban atmospheric stratiˉcation is a?ected to diffierent extent at diffierent times of the day. When the building height goes up, the aerodynamic roughness height, zero plane displacement height of urban area, and ratio of building height to street width all increase. Therefore, the increase in building height results in the decrease of the surface heat flux, urban surface temperature, mean wind speed, and turbulent kinetic energy in daytime. While at night, as more heat storage is released by higher buildings,thermal turbulence is more active and surface heat flux increases, leading to a higher urban temperature. As the building density increases, the aerodynamic roughness height of urban area decreases, and the effect of urban canopy on radiation strengthens. The increase of building density results in the decrease in urban surface heat flux, momentum flux, and air temperature, the increase in mean wind speed, and the weakening of turbulence in the daytime. While at night, the urban temperature increases due to the release of more heat storage.  相似文献   

Accurate simulation of air quality at neighbourhood scales (on order of 1-km horizontal grid spacing) requires detailed meteorological fields inside the roughness sub-layer (RSL). Since the assumptions of the roughness approach, used by most of the mesoscale models, are unsatisfactory at this scale, a detailed urban and rural canopy parameterisation, called DA-SM2-U, is developed inside the Penn State/NCAR Mesoscale Model (MM5) to simulate the meteorological fields within and above the urban and rural canopies. DA-SM2-U uses the drag-force approach to represent the dynamic and turbulent effects of the buildings and vegetation, and a modified version of the soil model SM2-U, called SM2-U(3D), to represent the thermodynamic effects of the canopy elements. The turbulence length scale is also modified inside the canopies. SM2-U(3D) assesses the sensible and latent heat fluxes from rural and urban surfaces in each of the computational layers inside the canopies by considering the shadowing effect, the radiative trapping by the street canyons, and the storage heat flux by the artificial surfaces. DA-SM2-U is tested during one simulated day above the city of Philadelphia, U.S.A. It is shown that DA-SM2-U is capable of simulating the important features observed in the urban and rural RSL, as seen in the vertical profiles of the shear stress, turbulent kinetic energy budget components, eddy diffusivity, potential air temperature, and specific humidity. Within the canopies, DA-SM2-U simulates the decrease of the wind speed inside the dense canopies, the skirting of the flow around the canopy blocks, warmer air inside the vegetation canopy than above open areas during the night and conversely during the day, and constantly warmer air inside the urban canopy. The comparison with measurements shows that the surface air temperature above rural and urban areas is better simulated by DA-SM2-U than by the `standard version' of MM5.  相似文献   

统计2005—2006年AREM模式输出相关物理量与暴雨的关系,采用模糊逻辑方法建立暴雨潜势预报多参数组合方程,然后分别代入AREM模式预报场相关物理量24 h平均值和最大值,进行暴雨落区潜势预报。对比分析2007—2009年潜势预报情况和暴雨Ts评分,结果表明:最大值方法潜势预报强中心偏多,暴雨空报较多;平均值方法能够较好反映24 h内整体降水分布情况,其Ts评分较高,虽然对强降水中心落区预报仍有偏差,但其总体预报效果要优于最大值方法。  相似文献   

The Fifth-Generation NCAR/Penn State Mesoscale Model (MM5) has been used to investigate the extra-area effects of silver iodide (AgI) seeding on stratiform clouds performed at the supercooled layer.A bulk two-moment microphysical scheme and the new software package for silver iodide are incorporated in MM5.Extra conservation equations are applied to trace the seeding agent,which is transported along the flow field and interacts with the supercooled cloud fields.In this study,the model was run using three nested grids,with 3.3 km × 3.3 km horizontal resolution in the finest grid.The model results showed that seeding with AgI at the 5 to 15℃ levels had microphysical effects on the simulated clouds and that the simulation produced a longer-lasting seeding effect because of the transport of the seeding agent by upper-level winds.Most of the AgI particles acted as deposition nuclei,and the deposition nucleation process contributed mostly to additional cloud ice formation in this study.The results showed that more precipitation results from seeded than unseeded case,and the precipitation was redistributed downwind of the target.Augmented precipitation (varying from 5% to 25% downwind) was confined in space to within 250 km of the seeding target and in time to the 3-h period after initial seeding.  相似文献   

We propose a new approach to derive spatially-averaged momentum equations for an urban canopy model that resolves buildings vertically and not horizontally. First, in order to mathematically describe the actual momentum field as a completely continuous field, the underling concepts of the immersed boundary method are employed, where we assume that (i) the entire simulation space, including that occupied by buildings, is filled with a fluid, and (ii) an external body force field exists that reduces the wind speed to zero at all positions coinciding with the space occupied by the buildings. Then, in order to obtain the required spatially-averaged momentum equations in a self-consistent manner, a spatial-averaging operation is applied to the Navier–Stokes equations that include a term representing the external force field. The applied spatial-averaging operation is equivalent to the conventional spatial filtering operation used in large-eddy simulations. To examine the significance of the subgrid-scale (SGS) stresses of the spatially-averaged momentum equations, a numerical simulation is performed for a flow around a regular array of cubical blocks with a grid resolution that is sufficient to resolve the blocks. By estimating the individual terms in the spatially-averaged momentum equations using the simulation results, we show that the SGS stresses contribute significantly to the spatially-averaged momentum budget, and therefore they should not be neglected in urban canopy modelling.  相似文献   

Boundary-Layer Meteorology - When wind blows over the ocean, short wind-waves (of wavelength smaller than 10 m) are generated, rapidly reaching an equilibrium with the overlying turbulence (at...  相似文献   

一种单层城市冠层模式的建立及数值试验研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
本文在引进先进的城市地表能量平衡方案 (Town Energy Balance, 简称TEB) 的基础上建立了一个单层城市冠层模式, 并对南京市典型居民区1 km2范围内的局地尺度地表能量平衡各分量进行离线模拟, 将模拟结果与同期观测值作了比对, 发现: TEB方案对城市地表能量平衡各分量的模拟效果良好, 而该方案的模拟性能受建筑物表面材料反照率取值的影响较大。在离线研究的基础上, 本文又将TEB方案成功耦合到南京大学区域边界层模式 (NJU-RBLM) 中, 作为该模式的地表能量平衡参数化方案之一, 分别选取该边界层模式中原有的地表能量平衡参数化方案SVAT (Soil-Vegetation-Atmosphere-Transfer model) 和新引入的TEB方案对冬夏两季不同个例进行模拟, 以常规近地面气温观测资料和Landsat卫星观测的地表反照率资料对模拟结果进行比较, 结果表明: TEB方案对原大气边界层模式的模拟效果有明显改善, 对近地面热力场的改善效果尤为明显, 可以很好地模拟出城市冠层中的“陷阱效应”。  相似文献   

应用城市冠层模式对建筑物表面太阳辐射的分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
利用城市冠层模式对建筑物表面的太阳辐射进行模拟,并将模拟结果与部分观测作了对比,一致性较好。在此基础上重点研究由于建筑物之间的遮蔽效应和墙面间的反射作用对建筑物各墙面所接收到的太阳辐射的影响。结果表明:(1)冬季建筑物墙面之间的遮蔽效应会明显减少建筑物的太阳辐照度,而且在早晨和傍晚尤为明显,在实际对太阳能利用的过程中,应该考虑这种遮蔽效应,否则会高估壁面所获得的太阳能。墙面之间的反射会小幅增加壁面太阳辐照度10~20 W.m-2。(2)建筑物墙面间的遮蔽效应和反射辐射随建筑群的高度和密度的增加而增大,特别在冬季,高而密的城市建筑区域,由于墙面的遮蔽,会使得壁面的日照时数大大减少。(3)纬度能够影响墙面遮蔽时间和太阳辐射相对于墙面的倾斜角,冬季,纬度越高,南墙日照时数越小;夏季则反之。  相似文献   

A new approach for estimating concentration fluctuations intensity in dense built-up environments using a Lagrangian stochastic (LS) particle model is described. Following past success in modelling the dynamics of concentration variance as a diffusion-advection process, the ensemble-averaged concentration variance is represented by particles that advect and diffuse throughout the computational domain. The calculation of the concentration variance is addressed by assuming an appropriate distribution of effective variance sources for a given mean concentration field. Dissipation is treated by allowing the variance carried by every particle to decay exponentially with a locally-estimated decay time. The approach has the benefit of easily handling complex boundary conditions. It can also be easily and naturally implemented as an extension to an existing LS model, which is used for mean concentration estimations. The method differs from existing two-particle methods that demand knowledge of the structure function of the flow. It is also more computationally efficient than micro-mixing approaches that involve maintaining high population levels of particles in every grid volume. The model is compared with high frequency concentration measurements, taken as part of the JU2003 (Joint Urban 2003) experiment that was carried out in Oklahoma City. Good agreement is observed.  相似文献   

The influence of mesoscale circulations induced by urban-rural differential surface sensible heat flux and roughness on convective boundary-layer (CBL) flow statistics over an isolated urban area has been examined using large-eddy simulation (LES). Results are analyzed when the circulations influence the entire urban area under a zero background wind. For comparison, the CBL flow over an infinite urban area with identical urban surface characteristics under the same background meteorological conditions is generated as a control case (without circulations). The turbulent flow over the isolated urban area exhibits a mix of streaky structure and cellular pattern, while the cellular pattern dominates in the control case. The mixed-layer height varies significantly over the isolated urban area, and can be lower near the edge of the urban area than over the rural area. The vertical profiles of turbulence statistics over the isolated urban area vary horizontally and are dramatically different from the control case. The turbulent kinetic energy (TKE) sources include wind shear, convergence, and buoyancy productions, compared to only buoyancy production in the control case. The normalized vertical velocity variance is reduced compared to the control case except in the central urban area where it is little affected. The low-level flow convergence is mainly responsible for the enhanced horizontal velocity variance in the central urban area, while wind shear is responsible for the additional local maximum of the horizontal velocity variance near the middle of the CBL outside the central area. Parameterizations in the prognostic equation for TKE used in mesoscale models are evaluated against the LES results over the isolated urban area. We also discuss conditions under which the urban-induced circulations occur and when they may affect the entire urban area. Given that urban-induced circulations can influence the entire urban area within hours for an urban area of a realistic size, it is inappropriate to directly apply empirical relations of turbulence statistics derived under horizontally-homogenous flow conditions to an urban area.  相似文献   

Two land surface schemes, SCAM and CSIRO9, were used to model the measured energy fluxes during the OASIS (Observations At Several Interacting Scales) field program. The measurements were taken at six sites along a 100 km rainfall gradient. Two types of simulations were conducted: (1) offline simulations forced with measured atmospheric input data at each of the six sites, and (2) regional simulations with the two land surface schemes coupled to the regional climate model DARLAM.The two land surface schemes employ two different canopy modelling concepts: in SCAM the vegetation is conceptually above the ground surface, while CSIRO9 employs the more commonly used `horizontally tiled' approach in which the vegetation cover is modelled by conceptually placing it beside bare ground. Both schemes utilize the same below-ground components (soil hydrological and thermal models) to reduce the comparison to canopy processes only. However, the ground heat flux, soil evaporation and evapotranspiration are parameterised by the two canopy treatments somewhat differently.Both canopy concepts reproduce the measured energy fluxes. SCAM has a slightly higher root-mean standard error in the model-measurement comparison for the ground heat flux. The mean surface radiative temperature simulated by SCAM is approximately 1K lower than in the CSIRO9 simulations. However, the soil and vegetation temperatures (which contribute to the radiative temperature) varied more in the CSIRO9 simulations. These larger variations are due to the absence of a representation of the aerodynamic interactions between vegetation and ground.  相似文献   

李超  崔春光  王晓芳  赖安伟 《气象》2017,43(11):1326-1338
本文基于CFSR每日4个时次、水平分辨率为0.5°×0.5°全球预报场资料,美国NCEP中心每日4个时次、水平分辨率为1°×1°FNL全球再分析格点资料,以及华中地区国家基准站逐小时的加密降水资料,围绕2015年6月1日华中地区的一次中尺度对流低涡(mesoscale convective vortex,MCV)天气过程,通过WRF模拟和能量诊断的方法,重点研究了低涡增强期内的能量分布特征及其对低涡发展的影响机制。研究结果表明:此次MCV初生于湖北中部地区,低涡生成后向湖北东北部大别山地区移动且不断发展加强,MCV增强阶段的降水带分布由早期的三中心分布(分别位于宜昌、荆州、随州)演变为后期的纬向型雨带分布。降水产生的凝结潜热释放、对流有效位能的增强、低层暖湿气流的输送以及中层干冷空气的侵入等有利的环境场条件对低涡的增强起到了重要的推动作用。低涡的增强对能量演变有重要影响,具体表现为一方面MCV外围辐合气流随低涡发展而增强,引起对流层低层扰动动能的增加,另一方面MCV外围降水产生的凝结潜热,导致对流层中层扰动有效位能的增加,之后通过垂直气流作用使扰动有效位能向上输送,从而使对流层高层的扰动有效位能增加。另外,此次MCV增强阶段的能量制造项依次为:扰动有效位能向扰动动能的转换,不同高度层的基本气流黏性力作用效果,纬向平均有效位能向扰动有效位能的转换,以及来自系统外部扰动动能的输入。其中,扰动有效位能向扰动动能转换是对MCV发展增强的直接贡献项,对其空间分布特征进一步分析可知,在对流层低层和顶层,扰动有效位能向扰动动能转换,使辐合辐散气流增强;而在对流层中高层,扰动动能向扰动有效位能转换,为低涡发展成熟后的继续维持储备了必要的能量。  相似文献   

Summary In this study day by day synoptic conditions are classified over the Attica peninsula for a period of sixteen years. Eight synoptic categories which are demonstrated to be statistically distinct are selected with respect to the atmospheric circulation in the lower troposphere. Furthermore, a methodology is proposed to classify the mesoscale patterns for the same period on the basis of surface wind measurements, and this distinguishes eleven distinct mesoscale categories. In general, the frequency analysis reveals that the anticyclonic circulation dominates while the weak mesoscale flows prevail, with preference in May and June. A day by day cross tabulation of the synoptic flow patterns with the mesoscale categories is then performed in order to identify the association of the synoptic conditions with the mesoscale flow regime. It was found that the synoptic conditions at the level of 850 hPa are closely related to the observed surface local flows and therefore it is suggested that the synoptic categories can be used for the identification of the most favourable mesoscale atmospheric circulation. Received February 28, 1997 Revised May 22, 1997  相似文献   

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