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冶小平  孙强  王媛媛  李厚恩  薛雷 《岩土力学》2010,31(4):1099-1102
简要地介绍了Herle和Kolymbas针对黏土建立的亚塑性本构模型的方法。结合黏土的特性以及对响应包络线的分析,详细地列出了HK模型几个尚未解决的问题,并对该模型3个参数分别进行了改进,建立了改进后的HK亚塑性公式以及参数的确定方法。改进后的模型继承了HK模型参数少、易确定以及公式简洁等特点,使HK模型不仅具有严密的数学和力学基础,而且具有较好的实际意义。  相似文献   

A hypoplastic constitutive model for clays   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This paper presents a new constitutive model for clays. The model is developed on the basis of generalized hypoplasticity principles, which are combined with traditional critical state soil mechanics. The positions of the isotropic normal compression line and the critical state line correspond to the Modified Cam clay model, the Matsuoka–Nakai failure surface is taken as the limit stress criterion and the non‐linear behaviour of soils with different overconsolidation ratios is governed by the generalized hypoplastic formulation. The model requires five constitutive parameters, which correspond to the parameters of the Modified Cam clay model and are simple to calibrate on the basis of standard laboratory experiments. This makes the model particularly suitable for practical applications. The basic model may be simply enhanced by the intergranular strain concept, which allows reproducing the behaviour at very small strains. The model is evaluated on the basis of high quality laboratory experiments on reconstituted London clay. Contrary to a reference hypoplastic relation, the proposed model may be applied to highly overconsolidated clays. Improvement of predictions in the small strain range at different stress levels is also demonstrated. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A shortcoming of the hypoplastic model for clays proposed by the first author is an incorrect prediction of the initial portion of the undrained stress path, particularly for tests on normally consolidated soils at isotropic stress states. A conceptually simple modification of this model, which overcomes this drawback, is proposed in the contribution. The modified model is applicable to both normally consolidated and overconsolidated soils and predicts the same swept-out-memory states (i.e., normal compression lines) as the original model. At anisotropic stress states and at higher overconsolidation ratios the modified model yields predictions similar to the original model.  相似文献   

正常固结黏土中平板锚基础的吸力和抗拉力   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
刘嘉  王栋 《岩土力学》2009,30(3):735-740
平板锚是新近出现的一种系泊深海浮式结构的基础型式。当黏土地基中的平板锚承受上拔力时,平板上、下表面超静孔压差形成的吸力使其抗拉承载力显著增加,对于风浪等快速加载条件尤其如此。利用有限元软件ADINA建立有效应力形式的轴对称动力有限元模型,研究圆形平板锚在缓慢加载与快速加载时的超静孔压分布与地基破坏型式。快速加载时重黏土和高岭土两组典型正常固结土样所得极限承载力系数与塑性极限分析解一致。进而通过变动参数分析,讨论加载速率和埋深对吸力和总抗拉力极限值的影响,并给出排水和不排水加载条件对应的临界加载速率。结果表明,不排水加载条件的总抗拉力可能达到排水总抗拉力的3倍。  相似文献   

徐辉  韩青锋  连晓伟  王靖涛  卫军 《岩土力学》2008,29(9):2383-2386
在工程荷载范围内,不计骨架颗粒的变形,骨架的变形实际是颗粒接触面变形的总和。当剪应力达到某个临界值时,黏性土骨架中有一部分颗粒接触面开始滑动,随着剪应力的增大,出现滑动的颗粒接触面的取向范围也会扩大。将这种颗粒接触面的滑动视为一种损伤。在损伤阶段,黏性土骨架中既有未滑动的接触面,也有已滑动的接触面,宏观剪切模量是这两种接触面的剪切模量的加权平均。在 平面中,根据应力圆与颗粒起始滑动包络线的相对位置,计算出已出现了滑动的颗粒接触面的取向范围,并定义该取向范围与其所能达到的最大值(由破坏时的应力圆计算)之比为骨架的损伤比。按损伤比进行加权平均得到骨架的整体剪切模量。模型中的参数完全可以根据常规三轴试验确定,模型的形式简单,可适用于复杂的应力路径。对试验结果的拟合表明,该模型能较好地反映黏性土在固结不排水条件下剪切变形的主要特征。  相似文献   

The performance of a new constitutive model called ‘kinematic hardening modified Cam clay’ (KHMCC) is presented. The model is described using the ‘continuous hyperplasticity’ framework. Essentially this involves an infinite number of yield surfaces, thus allowing a smooth transition between elasticity and plasticity. The framework allows soil models to be developed in a relatively succinct mathematical form, since the entire constitutive behaviour can be determined through the specification of two scalar potentials. An implementation of the continuous hyperplasticity model is also described. The model requires eight parameters plus a viscosity coefficient for rate-dependent analysis. The model is defined in terms of triaxial stress–strain variables for this study, and is used to model monotonic triaxial tests on Bangkok clay. Comparisons of the theoretical predictions with the results of cyclic undrained triaxial compression tests on Bangkok clay are also presented.  相似文献   

The theory of hypoplasticity was developed initially for non-cohesive soils. However, sand and clay have many common properties; therefore arose the idea to extend the hypoplastic model to clay. The proposed model is able to describe the behaviour of cohesive soils with the incorporation of an appropriate structure tensor into the constitutive equation. This tensor is a stress-like internal parameter, also called back stress. This enables us to describe the behaviour of cohesive soils with the same material parameters for several states of consolidation and also to model barotropy and pycnotropy of sand. Numerical simulations of element tests are performed in order to check the performance of this hypoplastic model. Experimental data obtained with normally and overconsolidated clay and sand specimens with various densities are taken for comparison, and it is shown that the model is capable of describing the material behaviour of clay and sand. The determination of the material constants, the calibration method, is also presented in this paper.  相似文献   

The paper presents a hypoplastic constitutive model for the three-dimensional non-linear stress–strain and dilatant volume change behaviour of sand. The model is developed without recourse to the concept in elastoplasticity theory such as yield surface, plastic potential and decomposition into elastic and plastic parts. Benefited from the non-linear tensorial functions available from the representation theorem the model possesses simple mathematical formulation and contains only four material parameters, which can be easily identified with triaxial compression tests. Comparison of the predictions with the experimental results shows that the model is capable of capturing the salient behaviour of sand under monotonic loading and is applicable to both drained and undrained conditions.  相似文献   

The paper deals with the anisotropic extension of an inherently isotropic hypoplastic constitutive model. Inherent transverse isotropy is incorporated into the model with the help of an operator of anisotropy which is determined by the orientation of the bedding plane and three constitutive parameters. The approach is rather general and is not connected with any specific type of constitutive model. In the present study, two possible extensions of the hypoplastic equation are considered: the application of the anisotropy operator to the nonlinear part of the equation and to the whole equation. The two modifications are exemplified by numerical calculations of simple shear.  相似文献   

A three-dimensional elastoplastic soil constitutive model capable of capturing the response of granular soils under low-frequency cyclic loading is introduced and verified. The model is piecewise linear with a hyperbolic stress-strain relationship. The size of the hysteresis loop is controlled using different scaling factors with a shift in the backbone curve at load reversal. The model introduces a new algorithm to better capture the soil’s response upon reloading for plane strain. Model verification with experimental results at different scales shows that the model has good capabilities in capturing the response of granular soils under low frequency cyclic loading.  相似文献   

The main purpose of the paper is to present a relatively simple, yet realistic, constitutive model for simulations of structured sensitive clays. The proposed constitutive model can simulate 1‐D and isotropic consolidation, and drained and undrained shear response of sensitive structured clay. The proposed sensitive bounding surface model is based on concepts from the modified Cam clay model 8 and bounding surface plasticity 27 , with the addition of a simple degradation law. The key material parameters are M, λ, κ, and ν from the modified Cam clay framework, h from the bounding surface framework to model a smoothed elasto‐plastic transition, and ωv, ωq, and Ssr to model softening associated with destructuration. The model has separate parameters to model destructuration caused by volumetric strain and deviatoric strain. The model is capable of modeling unusual behavior of strain softening during 1‐D compression (i.e., a reduction of effective stress as void ratio decreases). A good match between test results and the model simulation is demonstrated. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

基于细观分析的黏土本构模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
徐辉  王靖涛  张光永  钱勤 《岩土力学》2007,28(11):2297-2302
根据黏性土在固结排水条件下的加、卸载变形特征,分析了孔隙水,固体骨架在不同变形阶段的力学响应行为,按照细观力学分析中的自洽方法,建立了在固结排水条件下的黏土损伤本构模型。模型中考虑了孔隙水和固体骨架在加、卸载阶段的不同特性,认为在损伤阶段整体剪切模量的降低是由固体骨架颗粒接触面滑移而引起,与骨架中滑动相的体积百分比和滑动相的剪切模量有关,并给出了求解整体变形模量的解析方法,最后将模型预测与不同初始固结压力,不同应力路径的排水试验结果作了比较,证明该模型是合理的。  相似文献   

Summary The mechanical behaviour of reconstituted normally consolidated Boom clay was examined in a series of laboratory triaxial stress path tests. The aim was to establish some basic characteristics of this soil. The compressibility of the reconstituted Boom clay was found to be moderate, corresponding to the soils of the same plasticity. The results indicated also that the destructured Boom clay exhibited a brittle behaviour. The undrained secant stiffness was found to vary with strain level and also to be dependent on the consolidation pressure.  相似文献   

黏土的应力路径本构模型   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
路德春  姚仰平 《岩土力学》2007,28(4):649-654
根据黏土应力-应变曲线的特点及其应力路径的相关特性,将作者所建立的砂土应力路径本构模型扩展用于黏土,建立了黏土的应力路径本构模型,利用变换应力方法将SMP准则用于黏土的应力路径本构模型,使模型得到了合理的三维化。黏土的应力路径模型与修正剑桥模型相比,在双向加载A区和卸载D区二者完全相同;在单向加载B区和F区,两种模型均可计算塑性应变;特别是在C区和E区,黏土的应力路径模型可计算塑性应变,而修正剑桥模型的塑性应变为0。通过与修正剑桥模型比较和对藤森黏土试验结果的预测,反映了黏土应力路径本构模型描述黏土在不同应力路径条件下应力-应变特性的优越性。  相似文献   

An incremental plasticity theory has been developed to describe the mechanical behaviour of anisotropically consolidated clays. The theory removes some of the shortcomings of the existing critical state models by incorporating the effects of the initial anisotropy due to a known depositional stress history and its subsequent alteration during further plastic deformation under a general stress system. From the extensive comparisons with the reported results in the literature, it is established that the model is satisfactory in predicting the various aspects of drained as well as undrained behaviour of K0-consolidated clays.  相似文献   

黏性土非线性弹性K-G模型的一种改进方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
周葆春  汪墨  李全华  陈松  王靖涛 《岩土力学》2008,29(10):2725-2730
为解决《土工试验规程》建议的K-G模型未考虑土体剪缩性问题并保持其简单性,在其基础上增加了一个剪缩模量,建议了一个3模量7参数K-G-D模型,给出了用 和 与 和 表示的完整的增量应力应变关系式;通过正常固结黏土的各向等压固结试验和等平均正应力的三轴压缩排水试验标定了模型参数;进行了黏土的常规三轴压缩排水试验,利用模型参数预测了相应路径下土样的体积与轴向变形,经与实测值对比,预测结果较好。该模型可考虑土体压硬性、剪缩性、应变强化特性,能较完善地描述欠固结和正常固结土及松砂和中密砂在等 和增 路径下的变形特性;模型并未在规程模型的基础上增加试验工作,且概念清晰、形式简单、便于实际应用。  相似文献   

Natural soils such as clays exhibit a variety of features including anisotropy, destruction and overconsolidation. In this work, a constitutive model that is able to replicate those salient features of natural clays is presented. The model is based on the classical S-CLAY1 model, where the anisotropy of the soil is captured through the initial inclination and rotation of the yield surface. To account for overconsolidation, a parabolic Hvorslev envelope is adopted. The compression curve of the reconstituted soil is taken as the reference to describe the structural of the soil. Parameters of the proposed constitutive model all have clear physical meanings and can be conveniently determined from conventional triaixal tests. Numerical examples using the proposed model to simulate overconsolidated natural soils are presented and compared with existing experimental data, demonstrating the capability of the model.  相似文献   

祝恩阳  姚仰平 《岩土力学》2015,36(7):1915-1922
在孔隙比与应力半对数坐标中,重塑土等向压缩线通常从正常固结线(NCL)下方逐渐趋近于NCL,整个过程中压缩线切线斜率大小单调增大。而对结构性土进行等向压缩时,因结构性的存在,压缩线会首先越至NCL之上,而后再从上方逐渐趋近于NCL,整个过程中压缩线切线斜率先增大后减小。重塑土与结构性土压缩线切线斜率演化在单调性方面的差异,可通过数学上增量函数构造的方法加以实现。如果在平面直角坐标系中以一水平线作为参考线,描述一过原点的函数曲线,使其上任意一处的切线斜率由该处函数值与参考线函数值的差决定,则参考线是否移动决定了所描述函数切线斜率演化的单调性。受此启发,在孔隙比与应力半对数坐标中提出移动正常固结线(MNCL)的概念。用MNCL代替NCL作为参考线,结合统一硬化模型(UH模型)的理论框架,建立了结构性土压缩变形的本构描述。  相似文献   

A centrifuge test is performed to investigate the ultimate lateral capacity of a free-head rigid monopile foundation in normally consolidated (NC) clay. Based on the test result, an upper-bound velocity field is constructed to illustrate the evolution of the soil resisting mechanisms with the progressive rotation and the effect on reaction forces during loading. Simultaneously finite element analyses are also employed to model the centrifuge test and verify the conclusion of the upper bound analysis. Finally, an empirical expression is presented for predicting the upper-bound collapse loads of monopiles with different eccentricity/length ratios and length/diameter ratios in NC clay.  相似文献   

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