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The redox cycle of iron and manganese is a major geochemica process at the boundary layers of lake sediments.Lake Aha,which lies in the suburbs of Guiyang City,Guizhou Province,China,is a medium-sized artificial reservoir with seasonally anoxic hypolimnion,Long-term sedimentary accumulation of iron and manganese resulted in their enrichment in the upper sediments,In the anoxic season,Fe^2 and Mn^2 ,formed by diological oxidation,would diffuse up to overlying waters from sediments.However,the concentration of oxidation,would diffuse up to overlying waters from sediments,However,the concentration of Fe^2 increased later and decreased earlier than that of Mn^2 .Generally,sulfate reduction occurred at 6 cm below the sediment-water interface.Whereas,in the anoxic season.the reduction reached upper sediments,inhibiting the release of Fe^2 ,The Fe concentration of anoxic water is quickly decreased from high to low as a result of reduction of the suplhur system.  相似文献   

A quantitative study on faunal density and faunal diversity was carried out on benthic foraminifers from 15 samples of two eastern Mediterranean deep-sea cores. Samples were taken beneath, within, and above three distinctive levels well correlatable for over 1000 km: (a) Sapropel S-5, late Pleistocene in age, correlative with marine isotopic stage 5e and with the Tyrrhenian transgression, with an interpolated age of ~ 125,000 yr: (b) the “Ischia” tephra Y-5, the most widespread ash layer of the eastern Mediterranean, correlative with the transition from isotopic stages 3 to 2 and having an interpolated age of ~ 35,000 yr; and (c) Sapropel S-1, Holocene in age, correlative with the Flandrian transgression, radiometrically dated at ~8000 yr B.P. The most severe effects on benthic life were induced by stagnation (a). Deglaciation corresponding to Termination II was so rapid that the benthic assemblages could not adapt themselves to the too-rapidly decreasing oxygen levels and were entirely destroyed. More than 1000 yr after the termination of stagnant conditions no recolonization had yet started. The lesser disturbance was induced in the benthic community by the ash fall (b). The faunal destruction was ephemeral in duration and the colonizing population did not differ from that predating the ash fall. A progressive faunal change, with increasing abundance of taxa tolerant to low oxygen levels, was recorded beneath Sapropel S-1 (c). The recolonizing assemblage differs from the previously existing one, and is more similar to those recorded from the floor of the Mediterranean.  相似文献   

J.P. Brun 《Tectonophysics》1977,41(4):T7-T14
A simple mathematical model based on a well-known flow equation permits determination of progressive strains at all points within a viscous slab flowing in an inclined rectangular channel. Differences in strain patterns between central and lateral domains of the slab may aid in determining boundary effects within natural structures formed by gravity-sliding.  相似文献   

Two benthic microalgal species, Euglena proxima (Dangeard) and the diatom Hantzschia virgata var. intermedia (Grun) Round, congregated at the sediment surface of intertidal sand flats surrounding the Duke University Marine Laboratory in Beaufort, North Carolina, during low tide and migrated below the surface prior to tidal flooding. E. proxima was found down to a depth of 12 cm below the surface during high tide while H. virgata was not found below 8 cm. One potential advantage of vertical migration for benthic microalgae is avoidance of the sediment surface during high tide when the winnowing action of waves can remove cells from the intertidal habitat. This hypothesis was tested by comparing the mean depths of E. proxima and H. virgata exposed to calm water conditions with their mean depths under wave-exposed conditions in shallow outdoor tidal tanks equipped with wave generators. Two sediment treatments were tested in each tank to evaluate the effect of a subsurface layer of black sediment (subsurface sediments, presumably reduced) on vertical migration: a uniform column of light brown sand (surface sediments; presumably oxygenated), and a layered column with light brown sand overlying a layer of black sediment. One-way and two-way ANOVAs indicated that wave action increased the mean depth of both species under certain conditions related to the presence, absence, and depth of a subsurface layer of black sediment. In an experiment with a shallow black layer (5 mm), wave action did not result in a significant increase in the mean depth of H. virgata as it did in a previous experiment with a deeper black layer (3 cm). Unlike H. virgata, E. proxima exhibited a wave effect only in the absence of a subsurface black layer. A subsurface black layer seemed to reinforce downward migration in E. proxima under both calm water and wave conditions. The absence of a wave effect in the presence of a subsurface black layer suggests that the mean depth of E. proxima during high tide was more tightly controlled by the depth of the black layer than wave energy. *** DIRECT SUPPORT *** A01BY085 00009  相似文献   

对赤道东北太平洋海域表层沉积物间隙水中硅酸盐、磷酸盐和硝酸盐等营养盐的剖面分布三个航次的研究表明,研究区在采样深度内沉积物中有机质的分解以硝化作用为主.在水-沉积物界面附近硅酸盐、磷酸盐和硝酸盐都存在着极陡的浓度梯度, Fick扩散定理的计算结果表明,研究区内硅酸盐、磷酸盐和硝酸盐的海底扩散通量分别为- 886.45~ 42.62 μ mol/(m2· d)、- 3.04~ 5.83 μ mol/(m2· d)和- 189.43~ 21.05 μ mol/(m2· d),且硅酸盐和硝酸盐主要是从沉积物向底层水体扩散,是底层水体营养盐的来源之一;研究区内硅酸盐、磷酸盐和硝酸盐的海底扩散通量存在着一定的时间和空间变化, 这可能与因全球气候变化而导致的沉积环境的改变有关.  相似文献   

An attempt has been made here to study the sensitivity of the mean and the turbulence structure of the monsoon trough boundary layer to the choice of the constants in the dissipation equation for two stations Delhi and Calcutta, using one-dimensional atmospheric boundary layer model withe-ε turbulence closure. An analytical discussion of the problems associated with the constants of the dissipation equation is presented. It is shown here that the choice of the constants in the dissipation equation is quite crucial and the turbulence structure is very sensitive to these constants. The modification of the dissipation equation adopted by earlier studies, that is, approximating the Tke generation (due to shear and buoyancy production) in theε-equation by max (shear production, shear + buoyancy production), can be avoided by a suitable choice of the constants suggested here. The observed turbulence structure is better simulated with these constants. The turbulence structure simulation with the constants recommended by Aupoixet al (1989) (which are interactive in time) for the monsoon region is shown to be qualitatively similar to the simulation obtained with the constants suggested here, thus implying that no universal constants exist to regulate dissipation rate. Simulations of the mean structure show little sensitivity to the type of the closure parameterization betweene-l ande-ε closures. However the turbulence structure simulation withe-ε. closure is far better compared to thee-l model simulations. The model simulations of temperature profiles compare quite well with the observations whenever the boundary layer is well mixed (neutral) or unstable. However the models are not able to simulate the nocturnal boundary layer (stable) temperature profiles. Moisture profiles are simulated reasonably better. With one-dimensional models, capturing observed wind variations is not up to the mark.  相似文献   

The effects of damming on the materials flux in the Colorado River delta   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
During the last century, the Colorado River delta (CRD) has been dramatically altered by the diversion of river water for use in human activities. This alteration has eliminated the delivery of fresh water to the Gulf of California radically transforming the former estuary into an inverse-estuary. Under the new conditions, the new materials budget was estimated at the mouth of the Colorado River in terms of salts, total suspended sediments, organic suspended matter and nutrients. The results of this study show that, because of the asymmetry of the tidal wave, the variability of seston concentration follows a sedimentation pattern of three successive stages: re-suspension (erosion at ebb flow) > dilution (during flood flow) > sedimentation (at the end of the flood stage). The tidal asymmetry during neap tides was characterized by longer ebb (at least, 30 min longer) than flood and more intense ebb currents (as much as 43% higher), hence characterizing an ebb-dominated system. The CRD is characterized by high nutrients concentrations. Maximal levels are: nitrates (41 μM), phosphates (2.6 μM) and silicates (68 μM), nitrite (15 μM). The mass balance indicates that the system acts as a net exporter of suspended sediment with rates as high as 7 tons per tidal cycle. This behavior indicates that the CRD is in a destructive stage as a result of the lack of freshwater inflow and supply of sediment into the system.  相似文献   

Hydrogeology Journal - Faults may impact regional groundwater flow and transport, so it is important to include them during aquifer-system conceptualization and while constructing groundwater flow...  相似文献   

从裂隙的细观结构出发,分析了裂隙曲折率对流体渗流过程的影响,得出了不规则裂隙的渗流规律,并把该结果应用于有限元分析,得出了裂隙突出坡度对渗流过程的影响。  相似文献   

Most mylonitic rocks are characterized by a fine grainsize and it is now widely accepted that the grainsize reduction commonly takes place by dynamic recrystallization. This reduction in grainsize will favour a number of deformation mechanisms whose strain rate depends inversely on grainsize (e.g., diffusion flow, grain boundary sliding — GBS). We have constructed deformation maps to illustrate the effect of these mechanisms, especially GBS, on flow strength. It is shown that, if the recrystallized grainsize equilibrates with the steady state dislocation flow stress, the grainsize reduction is insufficient to cause extensive strain softening. In general, a monomineralic rock that has undergone dynamic recrystallization by dislocation creep will continue to deform by the same basic mechanism with limited strainrate acceleration (1–10 times) due to GBS. Extensive diffusion flow will only take place if the grainsize is held below the equilibrium value by some means (e.g., impurity pinning of grain boundaries).Several microstructural characteristics of mylonites are found to be consistent with flow by dislocation creep-accommodated GBS. It is suggested that the strain softening implied by the geometry of mylonite zones is the result of a variety of phenomena that are generally only indirectly related to the reduction in grainsize.  相似文献   

A combination of field studies and mathematical modeling was used to examine the role of subtidal benthic algae in the eutrophication processes in two shallow estuarine systems. Field measurements indicated uptake by benthic algae retained ammonium and phosphate in the sediments when light at the sediment surface exceeded ≈150 μE m2 s?1. The measurements were used to calibrate a newly developed model of benthic algal activity. The benthic algal model was coupled with a hydrodynamic model, a eutrophication model, and a sediment diagenesis model. In the simulated ecosystem, benthic algae had a major influence in the intra-annual cycling of nitrogen and phosphorus. When nutrients were abundant in the water column (late winter and spring) they were transferred to the sediments through algal activity. Diagenesis released these nutrients to the water column in summer when nutrients were scarce. As a result of the nutrient transfer, annual primary production in the water column, in the presence of benthic algae, exceeded production in the absence of the algae.  相似文献   

Electrode layer or electrical boundary layer is one of the charge generators in the global atmospheric electric circuit. In spite of this we find very few model studies and few measurements of it in the literature. Using a new technique it is shown that in this layer, the space charge density varies exponentially in vertical. A new experimental method based on the surface measurements is discussed to determine all the characteristic scales and an average electrical and meteorological state of an electrode layer. The results obtained are in good agreement with the previous studies. So, it is suggested that an exponential space charge density profile will no longer be an assumption in the case of electrode layer studies. The profiles of atmospheric electric field and electrical conductivity are also derived and a new term named as electrode layer constant is introduced.  相似文献   

马小林  田军  刘丰豪 《第四纪研究》2020,40(6):1397-1405

新生代以来地球气候依次经历了两极无冰、单极有冰和两极有冰的气候状态,对比研究这些不同气候背景下地球气候的演化历史可以为我们全面理解新生代气候演化的驱动机制提供新思路。为了探索偏心率长周期上(400 ka)气候变化与冰盖演化和碳循环之间的关系,汇总了新生代以来全球大洋10个站位底栖有孔虫成对的δ18O和δ13C记录,采用交叉小波、瞬时相位和滤波方法,分析了它们在偏心率长周期上的相位关系。分析结果表明,新生代大部分时段底栖有孔虫δ18O和δ13C在偏心率长周期上都具有较高的相关性,但是晚中新世到早上新世相对较弱。新生代底栖有孔虫δ18O在偏心率长周期上略领先δ13C的变化。古新世-始新世无冰期,偏心率长周期上底栖有孔虫δ18O和δ13C接近同相位,主要由轨道驱动的降水变化引起的营养盐-生物泵和陆源碳输入控制,该过程强调碳循环的低纬驱动。渐新世-中新世南极有冰的气候状态下;δ18O和δ13C的相位关系及其驱动机制与古新世-始新世类似,这表明南极冰盖对碳循环和气候变化的影响有限。此外,中新世冰盖变化引起的海平面升降导致陆架碳酸钙在冰期-间冰期旋回上的变化是促使中新世底栖有孔虫δ18O和δ13C在偏心率长周期上趋于同相位的一个重要原因。在中中新世气候适宜期,偏心率长周期上δ13C短暂领先δ18O的变化可能是由于火山除气作用导致CO2大量入侵海-气系统所致;约13.8 Ma东南极冰盖扩张之后,偏心率长周期上δ18O开始领先δ13C的变化,并且相位差逐渐增大;表明东南极冰盖扩张足以通过调节大洋环流、海平面、生产力、陆源碳输入和陆地植被进一步影响大洋碳循环和气候变化。上新世以来偏心率长周期上δ18O领先δ13C变化,并且相位差达到了新生代的最大值(约100 ka),表明两极冰盖的大幅度生长,已经深刻影响了碳循环和气候变化。


Recent evidence has shown that postlarvae and juveniles of the most dominant species of theAbra alba community of the eastern Baie de Seine are able to re-enter the water column after larval settlement and undergo active and/or passive redistribution. However, few subtidal studies have been conducted to investigate and quantify the processes controlling the abundance of drifting postlarvae and juveniles. The purpose of this study was to verify the reproducibility or the variability of this phenomenon and to assess coupling between the intensity of drifting and that of bed shear stress, which is dependent on tidal currents, wave characteristics, and sediment features. This study was conducted in June and July 1995 at two sites in the bay, one located at the center of the muddy fine-sediment community and the other at its external border with the fine clean sands of theOphelia borealis community. At each site, suprabenthic sledge samples were taken during specific tidal conditions (low tide, slack water, and flood and ebb peaks) during a neap and a spring tide. Physical data (current velocity, turbidity, and suspended matter content) and meiobenthic samples were taken at the same time. Under megatidal conditions, drifting was a quantitatively important dispersal mechanism for at least 15 of the fine-sediment dominant species belonging to various groups such as polychaetes, molluscs (gastropods and bivalves), and echinoderms. The fluctuation in abundance of drifters was related to tidal range, tidal period, location of the site, and the recruitment dynamics. However, species differed strongly in theri response to hydrodynamical parameters. Three types of drifting species were observed: species that were only present in the water column (‘undet. cardiids’ and Mytilidae); species that were both drifting and present at the seaded (Abra alba, Phaxas pellucidus, Eteone picta, Mysella bidentata, Ophiura texturata, Owenia fusiformis, Pholoe minuta, Phyllodoce lineata, Pectinaria koreni, andSpisula subtruncata); species that were present at the seabed but did not drift during the sampling period (Acrocnida brachiata, Eteone longa, Eumida sanguinea, Glycinde normanni, Magelona mirabilis, Nemertean sp1,Nephtys sp.,Spiophanes bombyx, andTubulanus polymorphus). Each drifting pattern is related to eco-ethological species characteristics and may have very different consequences on population dynamics.  相似文献   

Characteristics of aerosols in the Atmospheric Boundary Layer (ABL) obtained from a bistatic CW lidar at Trivandrum for the last one decade are used to investigate the role of ABL micro-meteorological processes in controlling the altitude distribution and size spectrum. The altitude structure of number density shows three distinct zones depending on the prevailing boundary layer feature; viz, the well-mixed region, entertainment region and upper mixing region. In the lower altitudes vertical mixing is very strong (the well-mixed region) the upper limit of which is defined as aerosol-mixing height, is closely associated with the low level inversion. The aerosol mixing height generally lies in the range 150 to 400 m showing a strong dependence on the vertical eddy mixing processes in ABL. Above this altitude, the number density decreases almost exponentially with increase in altitude with a scale height of 0.5–1.5 km. The aerosol mixing height is closely associated with the height of the Thermal Internal Boundary Layer (TIBL). Sea-spray aerosols generated as a result of the interaction of surface wind with sea surface forms an important component of mixing region aerosols at this location. This component shows a non-linear dependence on wind speed. On an average, depending on the season, the mixing region contributes about 10–30% of the columnar aerosol optical depth (AOD) at 0.5Μm wavelength. A long term increasing trend (∼ 2.8% per year) is observed in mixing region AOD from 1989 to 1997. A study on the development of the aerosols in the nocturnal mixing region shows that the convectively driven daytime altitude structure continues to persist for about 4–5 hrs. after the sunset and thereafter the altitude structure is governed by vertical structure of horizontal wind. Stratified aerosol layers associated with stratified turbulence is very common during the late night hours.  相似文献   

An experimental study using piston-cylinder, Bridgman anvil and diamond anvil cell techniques was undertaken to study the effect of pressure on the composition of Fe x O in equilibrium with Fe. At constant temperature the value of x first increases and then decreases with increasing pressure. The rate of change of x is a function of temperature. We have theoretically calculated the variation of the composition of wüstite with pressure and temperature. The initial increase of x with pressure for P<10 GPa occurs because the partial molar volume of FeO in Fe x O is smaller than the molar volume of Fe, favouring an increase in stoichiometry of Fe x O. To reproduce the experimentally observed decrease in x above 10GPA, the bulk modulus of Fe x O must vary strongly with x for x?0.96, causing a rapid increase in the partial molar volume of Fe in Fe x O. Continuation of a strong sensitivity of K to x in Fe x O for x?0.96, however, leads to absurdly low molar volumes of Fe x O at high pressure and no equilibrium between Fe and Fe x O exists. Observations therefore require a reduced sensitivity of K with x for x<0.96, achieved by a negligible variation of K 0 with x for x<0.96, or a strong variation of dK/dP with x, or perhaps both.  相似文献   

Xing  Xuguang  Ma  Xiaoyi 《Hydrogeology Journal》2018,26(4):1117-1122
Hydrogeology Journal - The maximum upward flux (Emax) is a control condition for the development of groundwater evaporation models, which can be predicted through the Gardner model. A...  相似文献   

Experiments with both iron sulphide and copper sulphide precipitates in aqueous solution show that oxygen is significant in determining the mineral phases resulting after heating up to 180 °C. Tetragonal FeS converts to FeS2 and Fe3O4 in the presence of oxygen, while in the absence of oxygen under the same conditions it converts to hexagonal FeS. Suspensions of covellite and of chalcocite under the same conditions convert to digenite in the presence of oxygen, but remain unchanged when oxygen is absent. Experimental evidence is advanced to support structure determinations that CuS contains disulphide ions.
Zusammenfassung Experimente mit in wässrigen Lösungen ausgefällten Eisen- und Kupfersulfiden dokumentieren die außerordentliche Bedeutung des Sauerstoffes auf die Bildungs- und Verhaltensweise von Mineralphasen, beobachtet nach dem Aufheizen auf 180 °C. So bildet sich aus ursprünglich tetragonalem FeS letzten Endes Pyrit und Magnetit, wenn Sauerstoff zugegen war, während bei dessen Abwesenheit, aber sonst gleichen Versuchsbedingungen, die Umwandlung in hexagonales FeS erfolgte. Suspensionen von Covellin und Chalkosin wurden, unter analogen Versuchsbedingungen und in Gegenwart von Sauerstoff, in Digenit überführt, während sonst, wenn keine Sauerstoffeinwirkung stattfand, die Mineralphasen keinerlei Veränderungen erkennen ließen. Mittels solcher experimenteller Methoden lassen sich bei der Strukturbestimmung des CuS offenbar Merkmale des Vorhandenseins von Disulfidionen erkennen.

Published by permission of the Director, Bureau of Mineral Resources, Canberra A. C. T., Australia.

Temporary Address: Mineralog.-Petrograph. Inst. Univ. Heidelberg, Berliner Str. 19, 69 Heidelberg, Germany  相似文献   

We used a numerical model of the ocean circulation with a high spatial resolution to obtain estimates of the kinematic characteristics of Antarctic Bottom Water flow through the abyssal Vema Channel in the southwestern part of the Atlantic Ocean. The results of simulations correspond to the data of direct velocity measurements made at several locations in the channel. The high horizontal and vertical resolution of the model in the bottom layer allowed us to study in detail the hydrodynamics of this flow over its entire length.  相似文献   

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