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众所周知,铁路是国民经济的大动脉,类似的,可以把输电线路(包括电气化铁路接触网)看成是城市、国民经济各行各业(包括电气化铁路)的大动脉。人的动脉断血,意味着一个人死亡;输电线路断电,意味着城市瘫痪、企业停产、电气化铁路中断。秋冬多雾季节里,雾对输电线路的影响不像狂风、暴雨、暴雪、雷电那么直接,那么猛烈,那么显见,  相似文献   

奥博 《气象知识》2013,(5):38-39
我国风能、太阳能资源十分丰富,但分布极不平衡。在河北省张家口市张北县和环渤海岸线具备丰富的风能、太阳能等可再生能源。  相似文献   

晓渝 《气象知识》2013,(6):20-23
“白水如棉,不用弓弹花自散;虹霞似锦,何须梭织天生成。”游历贵州山山水水,感受贵州风土人情,品味贵州名产小吃,除了熠熠发光的“一栋房”(遵义会议会址)、名贯古今的“一瓶酒”(茅台酒)、多彩迷人的“一方布”(蜡染)、振聋发聩的“一首歌”(侗族大歌)之外,更有那驰名中外的“一棵树”——世界的“黄果树”瀑布格外引人注目。许多人都在说,到贵州旅游首先就得去看看黄果树大瀑布!  相似文献   

走进贵州的山山水水,错落有致的石板房、鳞次栉比的吊脚木屋、多姿多彩的风雨桥,会依次映入你的眼帘。远离城市喧嚣,在群山万壑闾与鸟语花香、潺潺流水为伴,你的心境会立刻静化。  相似文献   

当我们还为雾霾遮住北京国庆美丽的容颜而遗憾、为美国歌手佩蒂·奥斯汀(曾获得格莱美奖)因哮喘发作取消10月18日北京演唱会而惋惜、为北京马拉松选手佩戴口罩出战而纠结之时,一场被网友戏称“史上最严重”的雾霾天转瞬席卷整个东北,大范围雾霾围城持续成为舆论关注焦点。  相似文献   

在贵州,每当冬天来临,人们都会禁不住谈到有关凝冻的话题,有的甚至感觉有些神秘,为什么只有贵州等少数省份有?为何又叫低温雨雪冰冻天气?其实,凝冻作为一种天气现象并不神秘,它是贵州冬季常见的天气现象。  相似文献   

张蕾 《气象知识》2013,(6):28-29
每个人的味蕾上,都“驻扎”着一群敏感而固执的神经,舌尖上无疑保留着那些最鲜活和最永久的记忆。我曾去过很多地方旅行,也曾品尝过无数美食,那些美食尽管甘甜异香,却始终无法替代家乡的味道。记得在外地求学的时候,最让我魂牵梦萦的,不是家乡的山山水水,亦不是那些熟悉的街道,甚至不是父母的怀抱,  相似文献   

"赤橙黄绿青蓝紫,谁持彩练当空舞?雨后复斜阳,关山阵阵苍。当年鏖战急,弹洞前村壁。装点此关山,今朝更好看。”  相似文献   

从人类第一次仰望天际、惊见极光的那一刻开始,极光就一直是一个谜。极光来自于拉丁文“伊欧斯”一词,传说伊欧斯是希腊神话中黎明的化身,是希腊神泰坦的女儿,是太阳神和月亮女神的妹妹。长久以来,世界各地的人们都各自演绎着自己的传说,中国的漠河也流传着关于极光的传说。它如梦如幻,带着让人无法抗拒的魅力,将漠河——这个中国唯一能有机会一睹极光风采的地方装扮得神奇而绚丽。  相似文献   

半夏 《气象知识》2013,(5):32-33
古语有云.“橘生淮南则为橘,生于淮北则为枳,叶徒相似,其实味不同。”一方水土养一方人,每个地区的气候、区位环境不同,人的生活方式、品格性情、思想观念也就随之而改变。  相似文献   

The computational cost required by the Ensemble Kalman Filter (EnKF) is much larger than that of some simpler assimilation schemes, such as Optimal Interpolation (OI) or three-dimension variational assimilation (3DVAR). Ensemble optimal interpolation (EnOI), a crudely simplified implementation of EnKF, is sometimes used as a substitute in some oceanic applications and requires much less computational time than EnKF. In this paper, to compromise between computational cost and dynamic covariance, we use the idea of ``dressing' a small size dynamical ensemble with a larger number of static ensembles in order to form an approximate dynamic covariance. The term ``dressing' means that a dynamical ensemble seed from model runs is perturbed by adding the anomalies of some static ensembles. This dressing EnKF (DrEnKF for short) scheme is tested in assimilation of real altimetry data in the Pacific using the HYbrid Coordinate Ocean Model (HYCOM) over a four-year period. Ten dynamical ensemble seeds are each dressed by 10 static ensemble members selected from a 100-member static ensemble. Results are compared to two EnKF assimilation runs that use 10 and 100 dynamical ensemble members. Both temperature and salinity fields from the DrEnKF and the EnKF are compared to observations from Argo floats and an OI SST dataset. The results show that the DrEnKF and the 100-member EnKF yield similar root mean square errors (RMSE) at every model level. Error covariance matrices from the DrEnKF and the 100-member EnKF are also compared and show good agreement.  相似文献   

In this study, using the Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory Climate Model version 2pl (GFDL CM2pl) coupled model, the winter predictability barrier (WPB) is found to exist in the model not only in the growing phase but also the Indian Ocean dipole (IOD) decaying phase of positive events due to the effect of initial errors. In particular, the WPB is stronger in the growing phase than in the decaying phase. These results indicate that initial errors can cause the WPB. The domi- nant patterns of the initial errors that cause the occurrence of the WPB often present an eastern-western dipole both in the surface and subsurface temperature components. These initial errors tend to concentrate in a few areas, and these areas may represent the sensitive areas of the predictions of positive IOD events. By increasing observations over these areas and eliminating initial errors here, the WPB phenomenon may be largely weakened and the forecast skill greatly improved.  相似文献   

In an effort to assess the impact of the individual component of meteorological observations (ground-based GPS precipitable water vapor,automatic and conventional meteorological observations) on the torrential rain event in 4-5 July 2000 in Beijing (with the 24-h accumulated precipitation reaching 240 mm),24-h observation system experiments are conducted numerically by using the MM5/WRF 3DVAR system and the nonhydrostatic MM5 model.Results indicate that,because the non-conventional GPS observations are directly assimilated into the initial analyses by 3DVAR system,better initial fields and 24-h simulation for the severe precipitation event are achieved than those under the MM5/Litter_R objective analysis scheme. Further analysis also shows that the individual component of meteorological observation network plays their special positive role in the improvement of initial field analysis and forecasting skills.3DVAR scheme with or without radiosonde and pilot observation has the most significant influence on numerical simulation,and automatic and conventional surface meteorological observations rank second.After acquiring the supplement information from the other meteorological observations,the ground-based GPS precipitable water vapor data can more obviously reflect initial field assimilation and precipitation forecast.By incorporating the ground- based GPS precipitable water vapor data into the 3DVAR analyses at the initial time,the threat scores (TS) with thresholds of 1,5,10,and 20 mm are increased by 1%-8% for 6- and 24-h accumulated precipitation observations,respectively.This work gives one helpful example that assesses the impact of individual component of the existing meteorological observation network on the high influence weather event using 3DVAR numerical system.  相似文献   

本文主要阐述了湖南省气象局对重大气象灾害防御的应急机制的摸索。管理机制能使气象防灾应急有章可循,预警机制能使气象防灾应急快速反应,联动机制能使气象防灾应急形成合力,评估机制能使气象防灾应急定位准确。还针对存在的不足,提出了加强和改进气象应急管理的三点建议。  相似文献   

1 自制热键启动应用程序“Ctrl+Alt+B”热键启动Windows里的“画笔”程序为例 :①右击任务栏的“开始”按钮 ,在弹出的菜单里选取“打开” ,在打开的窗口里双击“Programs”文件夹 ,再双击被打开的窗口里的“附件”文件夹 ,这时在附件窗口里可以看到有“画面”的图标。②右击“画面”图标 ,在弹出的菜单里选取“属性” ,再选择属性窗口的“快捷方式”标签。③使光标移至“快捷键”的文本框里 (这时文本框里有个”无“字 ) ,然后按下键盘的“B”按键 ,这时文本框里显示有“Ctrl+Alt+B”。单击〔确定〕推出…  相似文献   

1自制热键启动应用程序 "Ctrl+Alt+B"热键启动Windows里的"画笔"程序为例:①右击任务栏的"开始"按钮,在弹出的菜单里选取"打开",在打开的窗口里双击"Programs"文件夹,再双击被打开的窗口里的"附件"文件夹,这时在附件窗口里可以看到有"画面"的图标.②右击"画面"图标,在弹出的菜单里选取"属性",再选择属性窗口的"快捷方式"标签.③使光标移至"快捷键"的文本框里(这时文本框里有个"无"字),然后按下键盘的"B"按键,这时文本框里显示有"Ctrl+Alt+B".单击[确定]推出即可.  相似文献   

我是徜徉在天空的一片云,是蓝色天际里最华彩的衣裳,我变化多端、形态万千,因季节因地域的更替和变化而身着多彩的盛装。李白在《清平调》里把绝代佳人杨贵妃华丽的盛装比作了我,赞叹道:云想衣裳花想容。无数的诗人把我写进诗里,歌手们把我唱进歌里,情人们让我驻进他们的心里。  相似文献   

自动站正点数据卸载后,在Z文件和B文件里查看不到数据,但在其他文件里将数据查找回,针对这一情况分析产生的原因,并提出解决方法.  相似文献   

气象站矗立在平原、高山,把警觉的衬经仲向浩渺九天:雷达纵览千里追云迹,气球奔驰长空探风源,风向标上系着风雨雷电,百叶箱里装着春夏秋冬变迁.天海茫茫,银河灿灿,气象科技人员理想飞驰宇宙间,不断探索大气奥密的峰巅里气象站@张建斌$凤翔县陈村公社气象哨~~  相似文献   

早期扩散模式都假定平均风是单向的、均一的,因而可以应用高斯分布。不过,高烟囱的出现使愈来愈多的污染源处在地面边界层之上。在行星边界层里风向和风速都随高度改变,污染物的输送和扩散与均匀流场里的情况大大不同。本文给出烟囱高度和大气热力层结对行星边界层里污染物浓度分布的影响。一、方程和扩散模式行星边界层里的平均风和温度在水平方向可认为是均一的,水平尺度比垂直尺度大得多,扩散方程、运动方程和热力方程分别为  相似文献   

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