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A typical small-scale epikarst ecosystem usually consists of an epikarst zone, soil and vegetation. In this study, to determine the hydro-eco-geochemical effects of an epikarst ecosystem in subtropical humid area, the samples of vegetation, soil, soil microbes, rainfall, throughfall, stem flow, soil water and epikarst springs of Nongla Village, Mashan County, Guangxi in China were collected and analyzed. The research results have shown in the epikarst ecosystem, the conductivity, temporary hardness and total carbon increased continuously in hydro-ecochemical cycle; the vegetation–soil system conducted the transformation and transference of carbon in hydro-ecochemical cycle; the vegetation layer was the major source for organic carbon, while the soil layer was of the important chemical field for the conversion of organic/inorganic carbon and HCO3 , which would affect the epikarst dynamical system; for most ions, the vegetation layer and shallow soil layer presented more leaching effect than absorption, in contrast, the deep soil layer behaved oppositely. The vegetation layer and shallow soil layer leached ions, and deep soil layer absorbed them. With the plant community presenting in a positive succession, the epikarst ecosystem trended to be stabilized gradually, which made the hydro-eco-geochemical effects to be adjusted and controlled more effectively.  相似文献   

A robust configuration of pilot points in the parameterisation step of a model is crucial to accurately obtain a satisfactory model performance. However, the recommendations provided by the majority of recent researchers on pilot-point use are considered somewhat impractical. In this study, a practical approach is proposed for using pilot-point properties (i.e. number, distance and distribution method) in the calibration step of a groundwater model. For the first time, the relative distance–area ratio (d/A) and head-zonation-based (HZB) method are introduced, to assign pilot points into the model domain by incorporating a user-friendly zone ratio. This study provides some insights into the trade-off between maximising and restricting the number of pilot points, and offers a relative basis for selecting the pilot-point properties and distribution method in the development of a physically based groundwater model. The grid-based (GB) method is found to perform comparably better than the HZB method in terms of model performance and computational time. When using the GB method, this study recommends a distance–area ratio of 0.05, a distance–x-grid length ratio (d/X grid) of 0.10, and a distance–y-grid length ratio (d/Y grid) of 0.20.  相似文献   

Karst aquifers are particularly vulnerable to bacterial contamination. Especially in developing countries, poor microbial water quality poses a threat to human health. In order to develop effective groundwater protection strategies, a profound understanding of the hydrogeological setting is crucial. The goal of this study was to elucidate the relationships between high spatio-temporal variability in microbial contamination and the hydrogeological conditions. Based on extensive field studies, including mapping, tracer tests and hydrochemical analyses, a conceptual hydrogeological model was developed for a remote and geologically complex karst area in Northern Vietnam called Dong Van. Four different physicochemical water types were identified; the most important ones correspond to the karstified Bac Son and the fractured Na Quan aquifer. Alongside comprehensive investigation of the local hydrogeology, water quality was evaluated by analysis for three types of fecal indicator bacteria (FIB): Escherichia coli, enterococci and thermotolerant coliforms. The major findings are: (1) Springs from the Bac Son formation displayed the highest microbial contamination, while (2) springs that are involved in a polje series with connections to sinking streams were distinctly more contaminated than springs with a catchment area characterized by a more diffuse infiltration. (3) FIB concentrations are dependent on the season, with higher values under wet season conditions. Furthermore, (4) the type of spring capture also affects the water quality. Nevertheless, all studied springs were faecally impacted, along with several shallow wells within the confined karst aquifer. Based on these findings, effective protection strategies can be developed to improve groundwater quality.  相似文献   

我国水土保持和石漠化防治是以小流域为单元来开展工作的,而在喀斯特地区进行小流域划分的研究还比较少。以1∶5万地形图作为工作底图,进行数字化采集并结合空间插值的方法生成贵州省金沙县DEM数据,并以GIS的水文分析模块为基础,经过自动提取微流域,微流域归并,流域边界验证等过程,最终提取金沙县小流域338个。从提取的结果来看,小流域的面积集中分布在3~10 km2范围内,占小流域总数的79.29%;在完整型、区间型和坡面型三种小流域类型中,研究区小流域类型以完整型小流域为主;绝大部分流域的分界线能够达到要求,在峰林、峰丛、洼地分布的地方会出现分界线偏离山顶点或者鞍部,这些地方水系网络复杂,自动提取的小流域与实际不相符合,需要进行手动修改。   相似文献   

济南泉域排泄区岩溶地下水水化学特征   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:10  
文章通过分析研究济南泉域排泄区地下水水化学成分特征及形成过程,结合岩溶地下水的补径排条件,揭示了不同位置、不同深度循环的水质存在差异的原因。为保护泉水、优化泉域内地下水的开采方案提供了依据。  相似文献   




The northern Adriatic coast, which forms part of the Dinaric karst system, is bordered by high mountains. Here, the occurrence of rock-slides and rock-falls in road sections with high cuttings excavated in recent times and more than one century ago has been documented. Some of these old slopes were stable for a long time before rock-slides started to occur. We propose that these mass movements are favoured by karstification processes acting along joints in the exposed rock mass. The stress changes induced by overburden removal (excavation) cause dilation in the mass joint systems reducing the rock mass strength and facilitating the circulation of aggressive water. Changes in water pressure and temperature, wetting and drying cycles, and corrosion processes along discontinuity planes entail a reduction through time of the shear strength of potential failure surfaces.  相似文献   

Ten gravity springs from the slopes of the Biokovo Mt, Adriatic coast of Croatia were investigated. Three of them are included in the regional water supply system. The aim of this study was to investigate hydrogeological and geochemical characteristics of watershed, presenting one of the most typical karstic areas in the world.Hydrogeological investigations were performed during two seasons with dye tracing, using Na-fluoresceine which was poured into two pits, observing springs at distances of 1.82–8.8 km. Apparent velocities were 0.21–0.51 cm s?1. Dye tracing was first time partially effective and second time ineffective, what could be due to immanent ore mineralization, which presents a natural barrier and was discovered by geochemical and mineralogical methods.Concentrations of 17 dissolved and total trace elements were determined first time in groundwater samples. Their concentrations were extremely low, more than 3 orders of magnitude less than allowed by the Croatian directives for the first category of groundwater and drinking water. The mass fractions of 60 elements were determined in 3 representative spring sediments. Highest concentrations of some metals in sediments (mg kg?1) are: lead 5440, chromium 118, manganese 935, zinc 116 and barium 238. Origin of some elements and mineralogy is discussed.  相似文献   

A detailed hydrogeological investigations comprising well inventory, water level monitoring, lake bathymetry, infiltration and pump tests were carried out in a few selected observation wells in order to estimate transmissivity (T) and storativity (S) in all major lakes which are highly polluted by the discharge of sewage and other chemical effluents in greater Hyderabad. The salient features of results are presented lake wise which would be of immense use in restoration of all lakes. Also, the outcome of this study along with infiltration rates may be used for modeling in future to simulate the surface water-ground water interaction.  相似文献   

The unique hydrogeology of karst makes the associated groundwater respond quickly to rainfall events and vulnerable to anthropogenic pollutions. In this study, high-frequency monitoring of spring discharge, temperature, electrical conductivity (EC) and pH, along with monthly hydrochemical and microbial analyses, was undertaken at the outlet of Laolondong karst underground river in Nanshan, southwestern China. The aim was to explore the environmental effects of the catchment’s urban area on the karst groundwater resources. The monitoring data of a tracer test and the response of discharge to rainfall events demonstrate that conduits and narrow fissures coexist in the Laolongdong karst aquifer. The EC, Na+, Cl? and SO42? values (840 μS/cm, 33.7, 38.6 and 137.2 μg/L, respectively), along with high concentrations of fecal coliform bacteria, at the outlet indicate considerable urban pollution in this area. The contaminants sulfate and nitrate showed different relationships with discharge and EC in different stages of a rainfall event. This behavior provided information about aquifer structure and the influence of transport properties. Meanwhile, the hydrological processes of groundwater flow could be modified by urbanization and result in increasing magnitude of urban floods in the underground river. In addition, sulfuric and nitric acids introduced by urbanization not only impact the karst groundwater quality, but also result in a significant perturbation to the carbon cycling system in the karst area.  相似文献   

Groundwater in karstic aquifers can be dangerously sensitive to contamination. In this paper, DRASTIC assessment was modified and applied, for the first time, to address the intrinsic vulnerability for karst aquifers. The theoretical weights of two of DRASTIC’s parameters (aquifer media and hydraulic conductivity) were modified through sensitivity analysis. Two tests of sensitivity analyses were carried out: the map removal and the single parameter sensitivity analyses. The modified assessment was applied for the karst aquifers underlying Ramallah District (Palestine) as a case study. The aquifer vulnerability map indicated that the case study area is under low, moderate and high vulnerability of groundwater to contamination. The vulnerability index can assist in the implementation of groundwater management strategies to prevent degradation of groundwater quality. The modified DRASTIC assessment has proven to be effective because it is relatively straightforward, use data that are commonly available or estimated and produces an end product that is easily interpreted.  相似文献   

本文以1974年MSS、1999年TM、2007年TM影像为基本数据源,辅以实地踏勘,考虑一个完整的峰丛洼地等,扣除其平坝部分后作为评价单元,获得了贵州省盘县3个时期的石漠化数据并计算了石漠化和无石漠化土地的演变轨迹。相应于1974年、1999年、2007年3个时段,研究区土地退化演变轨迹可分为8种,并可进一步归纳为不变型、逆转减弱型、反复型和加重型4种演变过程类型,从1974年、1999年到2007年未发生过变化的不变型轨迹面积占较高的比例。研究区的喀斯特土地可分为石漠化土地、无石漠化土地、石漠化已恢复土地和潜在可恢复石漠化土地。  相似文献   

北盘江流域沿线山高谷深,岩溶水文地质条件复杂,局部区域水资源短缺,岩溶渗漏问题成为水利水电工程建设的瓶颈。文章综合地质调查测绘、钻探及物探、水文地质试验、岩溶水系统分析、地下水均衡分析等方法,论证了PCH水库不会发生邻谷渗漏及绕坝基深部的岩溶管道型渗漏,但发生溶隙型渗漏的可能性较大。采用有限元法模拟溶隙渗漏显示:随着T1yn1-1灰岩溶蚀率的增大,坝基抗滑稳定系数稍有降低,潜在失稳模式为后缘剪断T1yn1-2岩体,前缘沿T1yn1-2层内岩屑夹泥型软弱结构面剪出;坝基渗漏量呈线性增加,T1yn1-1灰岩溶隙密集带为坝基主要渗漏区。当溶隙密集带沿T1yn1-1灰岩与T1yn1-2泥灰岩接触带水平发育且集中分布时,坝基抗滑稳定系数将明显减小,坝基渗漏量将明显增大;当溶隙密集带垂直发育、分散发育或主要分布于坝后区域时,其对坝基抗滑稳定及坝基渗漏量影响微弱。岩溶水文地质分析及数值模拟均显示,复杂岩溶水系统势汇区下游区域多以溶隙渗漏为主,其工程影响有限,具备建坝成库条件。   相似文献   

通过建立石漠化综合治理效益的评价指标体系,采集研究区治理前后环境、经济、社会等各项指标数据,运用模糊综合评价法对贵州省普定县陈家寨小流域综合治理效益进行了评价。研究结果表明:经过综合治理,研究区社会、经济得到了发展,生态环境明显改善。由于在洼地沟谷地带发展高效山地农业,种植辣椒、秋葵、何首乌、半夏、丹参等经济作物,人均收入和劳动生产率大幅提升,资金产投比和土地生产率提升明显,农产品商品率有所增加。通过对研究区山地坡面开展林分改造,林草覆盖率有所提高,土壤侵蚀模数和石漠化面积比例减少,贫困发生率、农村恩格尔系数和文盲率有所下降。研究区综合治理之后,经济效益评价等级由“差”变成了“中”,生态效益由“差”变成了“良”,社会效益仍然处于“差”,综合效益评价由“差”到“中”,其中经济效益增幅最大,这主要得益于小流域内利用道路积蓄雨水、修建集水池等抗旱设施,有效地解决了研究区的灌溉问题。   相似文献   

位于云贵高原面上宣威岩溶断陷盆地北东部的格宜镇,地貌类型为岩溶丘峰谷区,广泛分布碳酸盐岩地层,由于岩石建造和外地质应力的复杂性,在强烈的溶蚀作用下形成了多种多样的地貌形态,既有溶蚀形成的溶洞、洼地、谷地、落水洞等地表岩溶地貌,又有地下河管道等。通过水文地质学、岩溶学方法,对湖泊型串珠状湿地的构造、水文地质、岩溶发育特征进行研究,云贵高原面上串珠状岩溶湿地演化过程经历了地壳抬升期、南地壳稳定期、地壳再次抬升期三个阶段,在新构造运动作用下,由于地壳抬升,侵蚀基准下切等原因,岩溶管道在漫长的时间内垮塌、淤泥堵塞及岩溶发育的不均匀条件下了形成地表串珠状湿地。针对目前湿地面积的不断萎缩、减小问题,提出了具体的保护建议。  相似文献   

稳定碳同位素可指示岩溶动力系统无机碳循环过程及流域水文地球化形成演化。为揭示山西柳林泉域岩溶地下水循环演化规律及控制因素。本研究对泉域补给区、径流区、排泄区、深埋区29个岩溶地下水的主要离子组分和碳同位素进行测试分析。研究结果表明,流域内岩溶地下水的δ13CDIC,VPDB(DIC—溶解无机碳)具有较大的变化范围,最大值为-8.19‰,最小值为-13.35‰,平均值为-10.09‰。从补给区、到径流区、到排泄区,到深埋区δ13CDIC,VPDB值呈不断增重的变化规律。补给区来源于土壤CO2的比例最高,范围为46.22%~58.04%,平均值为51.13%,其次是径流区,范围为36.22%~58.37%,平均值为42.05%,排泄区和深埋区最小,范围分别为37.61%~41.52%和35.61%~42.26%,平均值分别为39.38%和38.28%。从补给区到径流区、到排泄区、到深埋区,随着径流途径增大和硫酸参与溶蚀的比例增加,DIC(溶解无机碳)中来源于土壤CO2的比例减小,碳酸盐岩来源的碳的比例增加。  相似文献   

Based on the long-term monitoring data of rainfall, groundwater levels, groundwater abstraction, spring flow rates and groundwater quality, an assessment has been undertaken of the sustainable yield of a karst aquifer system in Shandong Province, northern China, to maintain perennial outflow of the karst springs while meeting water demands. One of the fundamental indicators for sustainable yield of groundwater is identified as maximum allowable water-level drawdown. A regional three-dimensional finite-difference numerical model has been developed to optimize the schemes associated with well fields and their locations and sustainable yields, in the Jinan spring catchment and its adjacent karst groundwater catchments, with the aim of maintaining the water level higher than the allowable lowest water level of 27.5?m above sea level. Furthermore, measures necessary to move towards sustainable use of the karst groundwater are outlined, drawing on contingency plans of water-source replacement and artificial recharge, dual water supply (based in water quality), use of the spring waters themselves, and groundwater quality protection.  相似文献   

Xiaojiang watershed is a typical karst agricultural region of Yunan Province, China. A case study of land-use changes documents changes of soil properties from 1982 to 2003. The results are as follows: (1) The total land use transformed covers 610.12 km2, of which land use changed from unused land into cultivated land and forestland, and forestland into cultivated land during the past 20 years in Xiaojiang watershed. (2) The rapid growth of population and economic development were the main driving forces of cultivated land increase. (3) Soil properties showed modification owing to different land-use changes. The contents of the soil organic matter, total nitrogen, and total phosphorus in 2003 were significantly lower than that in 1982 after the forestland and unused land were transformed into the cultivated land, but the soil pH increased significantly in 2003. Organic matter, total nitrogen, and total phosphorus for shorter-time reforestation land declined, but the pH increased. Soil properties have improved significantly after cropland was transformed into orchard land. The organic matter, total nitrogen, total phosphorus, available nitrogen, and available phosphorus declined significantly, but pH increased significantly after rock desertification.  相似文献   

灵水泉为广西典型的构造型岩溶大泉,其泉域分布面积大,泉水具有出口多、流量大、动态较稳定等特点.近些年来,灵水泉出口流量呈现减少的趋势,而且水质也出现了轻微污染,引起当地政府的高度重视.为查明灵水泉含水介质特征与补给特性,综合采用地面调查、物探、钻探和地下水示踪等方法研究灵水泉岩溶管道分布特征,并圈定了灵水泉补给范围.研究成果表明:灵水泉上游岩溶管道结构为网络状,管道规模不大,呈带状集中分布;北部一带为该泉主要补给区,典型集中径流带长约8 km,宽200~700 m.根据同位素的高程效应,计算得出灵水泉补给高程为496 m,与圈出的补给范围高程相近,印证了调查结果.本研究可为制定灵水地下水资源的开发利用和保护方案提供依据.  相似文献   

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