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In southern Florida, a vast network of canals and water control structures mediate freshwater discharge into the coastal zone. Management protocol for one such canal network (C-111) is being modified in part to try to improve habitat for estuarine fish and wading birds in northeastern Florida Bay, an estuarine part of Everglades National Park. Changes in canal management could alter the spatial and temporal salinity regime in the estuary. To better predict the effect of such changes on estuarine habitat, abundances of submersed vegetation and benthic animals were sampled repeatedly at 12 stations that differed in salinity. A variety of other parameters were also measured (nutrients, light, temperature, oxygen, sediment characteristics, and others). Mean salinity among stations ranged from 11.4‰ to 33.1‰. Densities of benthic plants and animals differed among stations by several orders of magnitude. The standard deviation of salinity was the best environmental correlate with mean plant biomass and benthic animal density: less biota occurred at stations with greater fluctuations in salinity. The two stations with the least plant biomass also had the highest mean water temperatures. In a stepwise multiple regression analysis, standard deviation of salinity accounted for 59% of the variation in the logarithm of mean plant biomass among stations. For every 3‰ increase in the standard deviation, total benthic plant biomass decreased by an order of magnitude. Mean water temperature accounted for only 14% of the variation, and mean salinity was not included for lack of significance. At stations with widely fluctuating salinities, not only was biomass low, but species dominance also frequently changed. Severe fluctuation in salinity may have prevented abundant benthos by causing physiological stress that reduced growth and survival. Salinity may not have remained within the range of tolerance of any one plant species for long enough to allow the development of a substantially vegetated benthic community. Hence, gaining control over salinity fluctuation may be the key to estuarine habitat improvement through canal management in southern Florida.  相似文献   

The fish community of Swartvlei, a southern African coastal lake, was sampled using gill and lift nets. A primary aim of the research was to determine the fish biomass of the lake shelf region as well as the distribution patterns of marine species which utilize this estuarine system as a nursery and/or foraging area. The catch per unit effort of fishes was more than three times higher in the littoral zone when compared to the pelagic, slope, or profundal zones. Both habitat diversity and available food resources were maximal in the shelf region. The biomass of the littoral fish community during 1980 was estimated at 12.4 g m2 wet weight, with detritivorous species contributing 3.2 g m?2, zoobenthos consumers 2.8 gm2, piscivorous species 2.3 g m2, herbivorous/epifaunal consumers 2.7 g m?2, and zooplanktivorous species 1.4 g m2. Published information on fish atanding stock estimates from various estuaries and coastal habitats around the world is collated and compared. It is concluded that estuarine fish biomasses do not excced those of productive freshwater or marine environments and that further research is necessary to determine the size and variability of estuarine fish stocks in relation to other ecosystems.  相似文献   

The metabolism and carbon flux in the western sector of the highly dynamic coastal lagoon Ria Formosa (south Portugal) were assessed to elucidate the relative importance of the contribution of the main communities, the treated sewage inputs from the adjacent city of Faro, and the exchange with the adjacent coastal waters to the ecosystem metabolism. The results depict the Ria Formosa as being a highly productive ecosystem dominated by the seagrassZostera noltii. The community dominated by the seagrassCymodocea nodosa had half of the gross production ofZ. noltii, followed by bare sediments and phytoplankton. The net contribution of seagrasses to community metabolism was negligible, as bothZ. noltii andC. nodosa showed a production: respiration ratio close to 1. Benthic microalgae emerge as the most important components of the net metabolism. The western sector of Ria Formosa was in metabolic balance during the summer when the study was done. Even though the total net ecosystem production was 7.22 Kmol C d−1, the error associated with this estimate was 8.38 Kmol C d−1, so ecosystem net production was not significantly different from zero. The Ria Formosa ecosystem is shallow and rapidly flushed by the tides, which force an important exchange of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and particulate organic carbon (POC) with the adjacent coastal waters. The daily net export rate to the adjacent coastal waters, 0.98 Kmol d−1, represented 7.6% of the net ecosystem production, suggesting that the bulk of the net ecosystem production accumulates within the ecosystem. The organic carbon retention in the western sector of the Ria Formosa is higher than net production, because the allochthonous carbon inputs from urban sewage enter the carbon mass balance with about 40% of the autochthonous processes, at about 1.6 Kmol d−1 of DOC and 2.8 Kmol d−1 of POC. The western sector of Ria Formosa has an organic carbon sink of about 46.4 tons per year. Most of this is harvested in the form of molluscs (clams, cuttlefish, etc.) and fish (sea bream, sea bass, etc.). The total carbon harvested every year in the form of bivalves is about 40 tons, rendering the Ria Formosa the most productive seafood area in Portugal.  相似文献   

The aquatic macrofauna of the Guadalquivir estuary were sampled (1 mm mesh persiana net) at 5 sampling sites located along the entire (except the tidal freshwater region) estuarine gradient of salinity (outer 50 km). A total of 134 fish and macroinvertebrate species was collected but only 62 were considered common or regularly present in the estuary. Univariate measures of the community structure showed statistically significant differences among sampling sites: species richness, abundance, and biomass decreased in the upstream direction, being positively correlated with the salinity. Temporal differences of these three variables were also statistically significant. While a clear seasonal pattern (minimum densities in winter and maximum in spring-summer) was observed for abundance and biomass, no such pattern existed for the number of species. Mysids was the most dominant group throughout the estuary (96% to 99% of abundance; 49% to 85% of biomass), although fish biomass was also important at the outer estuary (36% to 38%). Multivariate analyses indicated highly significant spatial variation in the macrofaunal communities observed along the salinity gradient. These analyses suggest that the underlying structure was a continuum with more or less overlapping distributions of the species dependent on their ability to tolerate different physicochemical conditions. There were also significant temporal (intermonthly + interannual) variation of the estuarine community; the relative multivariate dispersion indicated that monthly variation was more considerable (relative multivariate dispersion >1) at the outer part of the estuary during the wet year (last 20 km) and was higher in the inner stations during the dry year (32 to 50 km from the river mouth). Since a clear negative exponential relationship was observed between the freshwater input (from a dam located 110 km upstream) and water salinity at all sampling stations, it is concluded that the human freshwater management is probably affecting the studied estuarine communities. While the higher seasonal (long-term) stability of the salinity gradient, due to the human control of the freshwater input, may facilitate the recruitment of marine species juveniles during the meteorologically unstable early-spring, the additional (short-term) salinity fluctuations during the warm period may negatively affect species that complete their lifecycle within the estuary.  相似文献   

Meteorological impacts of El Niño events of 1982–1983 and 1997–1998 were observed in locations throughout the world. In southern Brazil, El Niño events are associated with increased rainfall and higher freshwater discharge into Patos Lagoon, a large coastal lagoon that empties into the Atlantic Ocean. Based on interdecadal meteorological and biological data sets encompassing the two strongest El Niño events of the last 50 yr, we evaluated the hypothesis that El Niño-induced hydrological changes are a major driving force controlling the interannual variation in the structure and dynamics of fishes in the Patos Lagoon estuary. High rainfall in the drainage basin of the lagoon coincided with low salinity in the estuarine area during both El Niño episodes. Total rainfall in the drainage basin was higher (767 versus 711 mm) and near-zero salinity conditions in the estuarine area lasted about 3 mo longer during the 1997–1998 El Niño event compared with the 1982–1983 event. Hydrological changes triggered by both El Niño events had similar relationships to fish species composition and diversity patterns, but the 1997–1998 event appeared to have stronger effects on the species assemblage. Although shifts in species composition were qualitatively similar during the two El Niño events, distance between El Niño and non-El Niño assemblage multivariate centroids was greater during the 1996–2000 sampling period compared with the 1979–1983 period. We provide a conceptual model of the principal mechanisms and processes connecting the atmospheric-oceanographic interactions triggered by the El Niño phenomena and their effect on the estuarine fish assemblage.  相似文献   

A survey was carried out to investigate the relationship of phytoplankton biovolume, structure, and species life strategies with major abiotic factors in a subtropical choked coastal lagoon (34°33′S, 54°22′W) naturally connecting with the Atlantic Ocean several times a year. Marine and limnetic influence areas were sampled on a monthly basis during two periods, one of low rainfall and high conductivity (August 1996 to February 1998) and a second period with the opposite tendency (December 1998 to March 2000). Photosynthetically active radiation availability was high and reached the bottom (>1% of the incident light), while dissolved inorganic nitrogen (0.6–18.4 μM), soluble reactive phosphorus (<0.3–2.7 μM), and reactive silica (5–386 μM) were highly variable. Life strategies were identified in the phytoplankton as a function of morphology. C-strategists, invasive planktonic and epipelic species of small size, and R-strategists, mixing-dependent species of medium size, characterized this permanently mixed system. High frequency of exchange with the ocean prevented high biomass accumulation. Phytoplankton biomass was lower in the second period of high rainfall (2.3 and 1.1 mm3 1−1 for period 1 and 2 respectively). A canonical correspondence analysis showed that conductivity, nitrogen, phosphorus, and silica were the main environmental variables explaining phytoplankton species composition patterns. During the first period, Bacillariophyceae (mostly pennate species) and the potentially toxicPrococentrum minimum were dominant; during the second period a higher contribution of flagellates (Cryptophyceae, Euglenophyceae, Prasinophyceae, and flagellates <7 μm) was found. Differences of phytoplankton biomass, main taxonomic groups, and strategies were found between periods but not between limnic and marine areas, suggesting that hydrological dynamic is more relevant than seasonal and spatial differences.  相似文献   

Seasonal patterns of aboveground and belowground biomass, leaf chlorophyll (chl) content, and in situ differences in photosynthetic parameters were examined in the shoal grass Halodule wrightii along an estuarine gradient in the western Gulf of Mexico. Continuous measurements of biomass were collected over a 5-yr period (1989–1994) with respect to several abiotic factors in three estuarine systems that were characterized by significant differences in salinity and ambient dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN; NO2 ?+NO3 ?) regimes that ranged from 5–25‰ (0–80 μM DIN) in the Guadalupe estuary to 35–55‰ (0–9 μM DIN) in the upper Laguna Madre, Photosynthesis versus irradiance (P vs. I) parameters, measured from December 1989 to April 1991, showed no significant differences among the three sites, and there were no significant differences in leaf chlorophyll content and chl a:b ratios among sites over the entire 5-yr period. Saturation irradiance in Halodule wrightii is estimated at 319 μmoles photons m?2 s?1 based on measurements collected at the three sites over a 2-yr period. No strong seasonal variations were observed in total plant biomass, but root:shoot ratios (RSR) showed a clear pattern of maximum RSR values in winter and minimum values in summer. There were no significant differences in RSR among sites, and no consistent correlations could be established between plant parameters and sediment porewater NH4 +, salinity, or temperature. Sediment porewater NH4 + values generally ranged from 50 μM to 400 μM (average 130–150 μM) but could not be correlated with significant differences in sediment composition between the sites. The high productivity of Halodule wrightii under a variety of light, nutrient, and salinity conditions explains its ubiquitous distribution and opportunistic strategy as a colonizing species. However, the persistence of a dense algal bloom in Laguna Madre coincident with low DIN levels (<5 μM) contradicts previously accepted relationships on nutrient stimulation of algal growth, and provides strong evidence that water quality parameters for estuarine seagrasses are decidedly estuarine-specific. Consequently, a knowledge of the long-term history of estuarine systems is critical to habitat managers, who are required to establish minimum water quality criteria for the protection of submerged aquatic vegetation in estuarine systems. *** DIRECT SUPPORT *** A01BY074 00028  相似文献   

Aquatic primary productivity, mangrove ecology, and fish community dynamics were investigated in the Teacapán-Agua Brava lagoon-estuarine system, the most extensive mangrove ecosystem on the Pacific coast of Mexico with three species of mangroves distributed heterogeneously (Laguncularia racemosa, Rhizophora mangle, andAvicennia germinans). Tree density was 3,203 trees ha?1 and basal area was 14.0 m2 ha?1. Litterfall was 1,417 g m?2 yr?1, characteristic of a productive riverine forest. The degradation constant forLaguncularia racemosa leaves varied from 1.71 to 4.7 yr?1 and mean annual net aquatic productivity was 0.41 g C m?3 d?1. There were high concentrations of humic substances (up to 150 mg l?1) early in the wet season. Seasonal variations of the above parameters seemed closely related to the ecology of fish populations. There were 75 fish species distributed in two principal assemblages associated with wet and dry seasons. Diversity and biomass analysis indicated 18 dominant species. Total biomass of the community in this coastal system was estimated at 10 g wet wt m?2. The highest biomass occurred in the wet season. The most common fish species wereMugil curema, Achirus mazatlanus, Galeichthys caerulescens, Arius liropus, Diapterus peruvianus, Lile stolifera, Centropomus robalito, andEucinostomus sp., all of which have fishery importance. Primary productivity and fish community ecology are controlled by habitat characteristics, river discharge, and climatic seasonality.  相似文献   

Seasonal succession and composition of both attached and free-living bacterial communities were studied in subtropical estuarine and coastal waters with contrasting hydrographic conditions. A higher abundance of attached bacteria was recovered in the estuarine waters containing high concentrations of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) resulting from the freshwater discharge in the adjacent Pearl River, and Proteobacteria, including ??-, ??-, and ??-groups, predominated the attached community at both stations. Free-living bacterial communities at both stations showed higher diversity and lower seasonality than their attached counterparts, and ??-Proteobacteria accounted for the highest proportion at both stations. Redundancy analysis (RDA) demonstrated that, in addition to the obvious temperature effects, DOC and microphytoplankton (>20???m Chl a) drive the temporal variation of attached bacteria at the estuarine and coastal stations, respectively. On the other hand, picophytoplankton (<2???m Chl a) and dissolved oxygen concentration explained most of the free-living bacterial community succession at the estuarine station, while those at the coastal station were associated with micro- and picoplankton (Chl a fractions of <2 and >20???m). These findings suggest that temperature and bottom?Cup effects play a more important role for the spatial?Ctemporal variations of both attached and free-living bacterial communities in the subtropical estuarine and coastal waters.  相似文献   

Trawl collections indicate that the fish community of the Belize barrier reef lagoon is dominated numerically and in biomass by grunts (Haemulidae), especiallyHaemulon sciurus andHaemulon flavolineatum. Although the gear selected for small sizes, length frequency analysis indicated seasonality in recruitment of the dominant species of grunts. Apogonids and tetraodontiform fishes were also dominant components of the community. Most fishes collected were juveniles of species that occur as adults on the main reef, or were small species that are resident in the lagoon. Of three habitats sampled, the mangrove creek had the greatest relative abundance and biomass of fishes, followed by the seagrass bed and the sand-rubble zone. There were no significant seasonal differences in fish relative abundance or biomass. Community structure analysis indicated a uniqueness in the mangrove fish community. Diversity (H′) was high, and was due to high species richness and evenness of distribution of individuals among species. The Belize barrier reef lagoon serves as an important nursery habitat for juvenile fishes.  相似文献   

This paper describes a sediment survey undertaken to unravel patterns of distribution and dispersion of trace metals in an Iberian Peninsula northwestern coastal lagoon (Ria de Aveiro). Cadmium, lead, chromium, copper and zinc were analyzed in bottom sediments. Geochemical normalization is performed and two different regression models for each metal versus aluminum are tested and compared using the respective enrichment factors (EF), an estimation of the relative importance of anthropogenic contributions to the studied sediments. Mean sediment quality guideline quotients (mSQGQ) are used to evaluate sediment quality and associated potential risk to biota with effects range low as empirical sediment quality guideline (SQG) in the basis for mSQGQ calculation. Additionally, the geoaccumulation index is calculated to compare studied sediment levels to global baseline levels. The application of SQGs revealed insufficient characterization capability, especially when contrasted to EF calculated from the regression methods. These pointed a mildly enriched system with localized ??hot spot?? areas. Therefore, it can be considered that bottom sediments in the Ria de Aveiro system are in their majority unpolluted, zinc being the only metal of concern, presenting enrichment in all four main channels. The major rivers outlets (Caster, Antu?, and Vouga) constitute point sources, thus presenting potential risk for biota. Yet, the strong tidal influence creates a damping effect by efficiently redistributing sediment bound metals.  相似文献   

The macrobenthic fauna in the large, hypersaline, shallow Keta lagoon in Ghana was sampled at 20 stations in the wet (September 2002) and dry seasons (March 2003) to elucidate the effects of abiotic factors on community patterns. The macrobenthic fauna was low in density and species diversity and numerically dominated by bivalves and capitellid polychaetes. These organisms appear able to withstand physical disturbance (when lagoon water levels become extremely low) and osmotic stress (when salinities are extremely high) and tend to redistribute along environmental gradients. Parallel seasonal differences in several environmental variables and the macrobenthic fauna indicate a highly dynamic system. Species richness and diversity were higher in the wet season than the dry season. Salinity, percent clay, pH, and turbidity in that order were the major significant variables structuring the macrobenthic faunal assemblage in Keta lagoon. The strong effect of seasonal salinity changes on macrobenthic faunal assemblages may have trophic consequences for higher organisms of commercial importance, such as fishes and shorebirds, in the Keta lagoon.  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Geoscience》2014,346(1-2):28-36
There is a lack of studies devoted to coarse particulate matter (CPM) in estuaries, although this fraction can disturb activities that filter large volumes of water, such as industrial or fishery activities. In the macrotidal and highly-turbid Gironde Estuary, a monthly sampling of CPM was performed in 2011 and 2013 at two stations in the Turbidity Maximum Zone (TMZ) to understand its seasonal, tidal and hydrological dynamics. Regardless of the season and station, low quantities of CPM (few g m−3) were observed in comparison with suspended particulate matter (several 103 g m−3). The highest concentrations were consistently recorded in bottom waters and at the upstream station. Whereas there is no clear link between the CPM present in the column water and spring or neap tides, an increase in the CPM size has been identified at the two stations after a flood event, fact potentially critical regarding filtering functioning of estuarine activities.  相似文献   

Biodeposition rates were studied for a fouling community with a biomass of 6–10 kg per m2 dry wt including shells in which the barnacle Balanus eburneus was a dominant species. The fouling community filtered Indian River lagoon water containing 2–15 mg per 1 mud-size particles and deposited them as sand-size fecal pellets. Measurements of the fecal pellet flux by sediment traps indicated seasonal variations between 16.7 and 74.8 g per m2 per day. A significant correlation was found between fecal pellet flux and temperature (r=0.90; p<0.001). The average flux of fecal pellet deposition was four times greater than the average flux of suspended particle settling without biological influence. Suspended sediment concentration did not significantly affect the rate of biodeposition. Annual biodeposition was 18 kg per m2.  相似文献   

Rice cultivation in the Ebro Delta (Catalonia, Spain) has inverted the natural hydrological cycles of coastal lagoons and decreased water salinities for over 150 years. Adjustments in the water management practices—in terms of source and amount of freshwater inputs—have resulted in changes in the diversity, distribution and productivity of submerged angiosperms. Between the 1970s and late 1980s, a massive decline of the aquatic vegetation occurred in the Encanyissada–Clot and Tancada lagoons, but little information on the status is available after the recovery of macrophytes in the 1990s. Here, we evaluate the influence of salinity regimes resulting from current water management practices on the composition, distribution, seasonal abundance and flowering rates of submersed macrophytes, as well as on the occurrence of epiphyte and drift macroalgae blooms in three coastal lagoons. Our results show that Ruppia cirrhosa is the dominant species in the Encanyissada lagoon (185.97?±?29.74 g?DW?m?2?year?1; 12–27?‰ salinity) and the only plant species found in the Tancada lagoon (53.26?±?10.94 g?DW?m2?year?1; 16–28?‰ salinity). Flowering of R. cirrhosa (up to 1,011?±?121 flowers?m?2) was only observed within the Encanyissada and suggests that mesohaline summer conditions may favor these events. In contrast, low salinities in Clot lagoon (~3–12?‰) favor the development of Potamogeton pectinatus (130.53?±?13.79 g?DW?m2?year?1) with intersperse R. cirrhosa (8.58?±?1.71 g?DW?m?2) and mixed stands of P. pectinatus and Najas marina (up to ~57 g?DW?m?2?year?1) in some reduced areas. The peak biomasses observed during the study are 88 to 95 % lower than maximum values reported in the literature at similar salinities, and there is also little or no recovery in some areas compared to last reports more than 20 years ago. The main management actions to restore the natural diversity and productivity of submersed angiosperms, such as the recovering of the seagrass Zostera noltii, should be the increase of salinity during the period of rice cultivation, by reducing freshwater inputs and increasing flushing connections with the bays.  相似文献   

The flow of organic matter along the main navigation channel of Ria Formosa, Portugal, was assessed using determinations of suspended particulate matter (SPM), particulate organic matter (POM), and chlorophyll a (chla) concentrations in conjunction with stable isotope values of primary producers, particulate matter, and two filter feeders. SPM in the lagoon is dominated by inorganic particles comprising 80% of total weight with organic matter averaging about 20%. The algal component of the POM averaged about 5% with the remainder comprised of detritus. The δ13C values of primary producers ranged from ?9.1‰ in the intertidal seagrassZostera noltii to ?30.7‰ in the red seaweedBostrychia scorpioides revealing underlying differences in the mechanisms of carbon uptake. The δ13C value ofB. scorpioides, which develops entangled on the salt marsh speciesSpartina maritima, suggests that its main source of inorganic carbon is atmospheric CO2. The δ13C values of the high marsh macrophyteSarcocornia perennis significantly increased with distance from the ocean while δ13C values ofZ. noltii decreased, probably because higher decomposition of organic matter at inner stations lowers the δ13CO2 value in the water. The δ15N values of Ulvales, seagrasses, and marsh plants significantly increased from outer stations to inner stations. This increase may be due either to recycling of nitrogen (N) within the marsh (with loss of light N2 or NH4) or to inputs of isotopically heavy N from sewage. The δ15N values of particulate matter showed an opposite trend, which indicates higher microbial degradation of organic matter at the inner lagoon. The data demonstrate that the seston in the lagoon is a mixture of detritus from lagoon primary producers with a minor contribution of microalgae. The filter feeders are most likely assimilating a mixture of phytoplankton and microphytobenthos. Digestion of lagoon seston is selective. The δ15N values of both muscle and digestive gland of filter feeders showed the opposite gradient of particulate matter indicating that the depleted δ15N of SPM at inner stations was not assimilated or even ingested. Stable isotopes values did not differ between the filter-feeders—the musselMytilus galloprovincialis collected on buoys and the clamTapes decussatus collected in the sediment—suggesting a considerable mixture of benthic-pelagic organic matter throughout the water column. Assessment of the changes in isotopic decomposition of detritus as it decays is required to refine our understanding of organic matter transfers in detrital food webs.  相似文献   

This study was designed to investigate seasonal changes on food available for benthic consumers in relation to tidal levels and sediment depth in an estuarine beach. The relationships between the biochemical characteristics of sedimentary organic matter and benthic macrofauna were analyzed quarterly over 2 years (from January 1997 to January 1999), in an estuarine soft intertidal zone from the NW coast of Spain (42°64′04″N, 8°88′36″W). Sediment samples were collected to provide a two-dimensional view of macroinfauna distribution in the intertidal zone and its relationship with the quantity and quality of the organic matter. The nutritional value of organic matter (i.e., lipid, protein, and carbohydrate) and the content of chlorophyll a of the sediment were measured. Macrofaunal assemblages and food availability in the sediment were studied at three tidal levels on the shore: two intertidal and one supratidal. Macroinfauna and biochemical compounds showed a clear vertical stratification with the highest macrofaunal abundance at the superficial layer of the sediment, where redox potential discontinuity was also observed. Crustaceans were found mainly inhabiting the supratidal level of the estuarine beach, while polychaetes and mollusks occupied the intertidal level. Food availability, measured as biopolymeric carbon, and also chlorophyll a from the sediment were better related to macroinfauna abundance, biomass, and abundance of main taxonomic groups. Macrofauna assemblages showed particular distribution in both vertical and horizontal ranges suggesting specific preferences to several abiotic factors. No clear seasonal pattern was found in macrofauna and sedimentary organic characteristics suggesting that macrofaunal assemblages are controlled by complex and unpredictable factors, including small-scale changes in substrate and hydrological characteristics.  相似文献   

We examined the community structure of fish and selected decapod crustaceans and tested for within estuary differences among habitats at depths of 0.6 m to 7.9 m, in Great Bay and Little Egg Harbor in southern New Jersey. Several habitat types were identified a priori (e.g., eelgrass, sea lettuce, and marsh creeks) and sampled by trawl (4.9 m headrope, 19-mm mesh wings, 6.3-mm mesh liner), monthly, from June 1988 through October 1989. Repetitive (n=4) 2-min trawl tows were taken at each habitat type from 13 locations. The fishes and decapod crustaceans collected were typical of other Mid-Atlantic Bight estuaries but varied greatly inseasonal abundance and species. In the years sampled, bay anchovy (Anchoa mitchilli) was the dominant species (50.5% of the total number), followed by spot (Leiostomus xanthurus) (10.7%), Atlantic silverside (Menidia menidia) (9.7%), fourspine stickleback (Apeltes quadracus) (5.9%), blue crab (Callinectes sapidus) (4.6%), and northern pipefish (Syngnathus fuscus) (4.2%). The biota were examined by multi-dimensional scaling (MDS) for habitat associations and “best abiotic predictor” of community structure. Percent silt combined with salinity was the most important abiotic determinant of the faunal distributions among habitats. Temperature was a major factor influencing seasonal occurrence of the biota but had less effect on habitat comparisons. The analysis confirmed the distinct nature of the assemblages associated with the habitats, that is, eelgrass, upper estuary subtidal creeks, channels, and open bay areas. Several species were associated with specific habitats: for example,A. quadracus andS. fuscus with eelgrass, clupeids with subtidal creek stations,L. xanthurus with marsh channels, and black sea bass (Centropristis striata) and spotted hake (Urophycis regia) with sponge-peat habitat. Species richness appeared to be positively related to habitat structural heterogeneity. Thus, the best predictors for these estuarine fish and decapod crustacean assemblages were seasonal temperature, percent silt and salinity combined, and the physical heterogeneity of the habitat.  相似文献   

Fish distribution in relation to environmental variables was investigated in the Matla River of Sundarban estuarine system. A total of 64 brackish water species belonging to 38 families showing tropical and subtropical affinities were obtained upon monthly sampling of 1 year. The most abundant species were Harpadon nehereus, Gudusia chapra, Coilia neglecta, Coilia ramcarati and Liza parsia. Fish assemblages showed significant seasonal variation as was revealed from MANOVA. MDS ordination plot based on similarity in the fish assemblages revealed that premonsoonal season was distinguishable from the monsoonal and postmonsoonal seasons. Notable differences were also evident between monsoon and postmonsoon. Canonical correspondence analysis indicated that salinity, acidity, inorganic phosphate concentration and dissolved oxygen were the most important environmental variables in determining the observed variation in fish assemblages. Seasonal succession of fish populations may be related to differences in life cycle and adaptation to prevalent ecological conditions. The study therefore suggests that environmental variations in terms of changing salinity and dissolved oxygen have significant influence in structuring estuarine piscine community in this region.  相似文献   

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