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地下水-陆生植被系统研究评述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
周仰效 《地学前缘》2010,17(6):21-30
依赖于地下水的生态系统广泛分布,潜水含水层本身是个生态系统,地下水不仅维持许多水生生态系统,而且是干旱-半干旱地区陆生植被生存的重要水源。研究地下水与植被的相互联系是生态水文地质学的主要组成部分,重点介绍地下水-植被系统的研究方法。植被吸收的地下水量占总蒸腾量的比例是评价植被依赖地下水程度的一个定量指标,蒸腾量比例呈季节性与区域性变化,取决于植被类型、地下水位埋深与动态变化、土壤岩性与气候条件。植被总蒸腾量可以用涡流相关系统测量。地下水的蒸腾量可以用植物茎流计测量,或者用地下水位昼夜变化估算。用同位素混合模型也能估算地下水占总蒸腾量的比例。植被对地下水位下降的响应可能有两种形式,一种是线性比例响应,另一种是临界突变响应,只有通过长期系统观测植被长势与地下水位的变化才能利用统计分析建立两者响应关系。目前,植被-水文模型只能模拟植被冠层截流与蒸腾对土壤水与地下水的影响,或者模拟土壤水-地下水对植被生长的影响,地下水与植被相互作用与反馈的耦合模型还是个空白。  相似文献   

针对煤炭国家规划矿区与煤炭矿区易混淆不清问题,基于相关标准和通知,详细解读了煤炭国家规划矿区和煤炭矿区的定义,梳理了第一、二批煤炭国家规划矿区和《全国矿产资源规划(2016-2020年)》划定的煤炭国家规划矿区基本情况,并从划定目的、划定依据和形成时段等方面详细阐述了二者的区别。指明煤炭国家规划矿区划定主管部门是自然资源部,划定主要目的是控制矿权设置,规范矿业权管理;煤炭矿区划定主管部门是国家发展改革委,划定目的主要是为生产开发做准备。在未来煤炭国家规划矿区管理工作中,建议加强煤炭规划矿区基本理论、划定标准及规划矿区内矿产资源与环境影响等方面的研究。   相似文献   

预警等级及阈值的科学确定对地下水污染风险预警系统的建立起着至关重要的作用。当前我国地下水污染风险预警相关研究尚处在探索阶段,未形成科学完备的理论与方法体系。文章基于国内外已有研究报道,较系统地梳理了地下水污染风险预警相关研究,归纳总结了预警等级及阈值确定方法的研究现状,并对进一步研究做了展望。目前阈值主要的划定方法有相关标准法、临界值法、综合评判法等。相关标准法适用于大尺度宏观区域,临界值法在基础资料较完善的研究区域具有较强的针对性和准确性,而综合评判法能够处理多个变量因素,能对定性因素做出量化评价,适用于变量、定性因素较多的研究区域,为不同条件研究区地下水污染风险预警等级划分及阈值划定方法的选择提供了理论依据。最后指出在完善我国地下水污染风险预警体系理论方法的工作中,应当进一步关注:(1)多学科研究成果的交叉渗透,借助多方法交互应用;(2)加强与地下水污染相关的水文地质调查与监测工作,不断提高地下水污染调查研究程度;(3)综合分析地质、污染源、地下水价值及动态等地下水污染影响因素,以提高预警结果科学性。  相似文献   

2011年元月,中共中央国务院发布了一号文件:"关于加快水利改革发展的决定",强调要实行最严格的水资源管理制度。地下水是公共生活供水和工农业用水的最佳水资源,是防旱抗旱最为可靠的后备水资源,尤其值得注意的是地下水是保证国家安全的战略水资源。根据目前我国地下水遭遇日益严重的过量超采和水质污染,并引发一系列地质灾害。要加强对全国地下水资源的科学管理,提出6点建议:1)开展水文地质补充勘察和调查;2)强化地下水综合监测网的建设;3)把监测和水质保护作为新时期加强地下水管理的重要内容;4)加强地下水的科学研究;5)要建立和完善保障地下水安全和合理开发的法规体系;6)理顺地下水专业人才培养渠道,培养高级专业人才。  相似文献   

陈伟涛  孙自永  王焰新  马瑞 《地球科学》2014,39(9):1340-1348
地下水资源在内陆干旱区具有重要的植被生态功能, 依赖地下水的植被生态系统的需水量是目前流域水资源综合管理的重要组成部分.在分析地下水资源生态功能研究进展的同时, 系统阐述了内陆干旱区依赖地下水的植被生态需水量研究的几个关键科学问题: ①依赖地下水的植被生态系统的识别方法; ②地下水对植被生态系统作用机制的分析; ③地下水关键属性安全界限的确定; ④地下水系统结构分析; ⑤生态用水配置方案的确定; ⑥区域尺度地下水-天然植被系统关系的概念模型.并逐一提出了这些问题的解决方案, 能够为干旱区植被生态系统保护和恢复提供思路, 也能够为水资源开发利用与以植被生态系统保护为中心的干旱区生态文明建设提供地学支撑.   相似文献   

全国砂岩型铀矿资源潜力评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章在充分借鉴和应用国内外砂岩型铀矿的成矿理论、成果认识的基础上,通过对中国构造地质背景分析和成矿规律总结,厘定出8条砂岩型铀矿的成矿要素和12种预测类型(矿床式)。同时,采用固体矿产矿床模型综合地质信息预测技术,全过程在GIS平台上圈定了预测区88片、预测靶区709片;采用修正体积法估算资源量,对全国砂岩型铀矿作出全面、客观评价,为今后找矿战略部署和战略选区提供科学依据。  相似文献   

东北地区地下水资源可持续利用的主要问题和对策浅析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在概述东北地区自然地理和水文地质条件的基础上,从地下水供需矛盾、地下水超采及其环境效应、地下水污染等方面阐述了影响地下水资源可持续利用的主要问题,并从社会发展、科学技术、开采历史、水资源管理、立法与执法等5个层面进行了分析。针对东北地区国民经济发展对水资源的需求、目前存在的影响地下水资源可持续利用的主要问题,提出了不同地区的地下水资源勘查开发、节约用水、地下水理论研究等地下水资源的可持续利用对策,对区域宏观水资源管理具有参考价值。  相似文献   

Healthy aquifers deliver important ecosystem services, e.g. the purification of infiltrating water and the storage of high-quality water over decades in significant quantities. The functioning of terrestrial and surface aquatic ecosystems directly depends on groundwater and vice versa. Nowadays, legislation has started to consider groundwater not only as a resource but as a living ecosystem. The assessment of ecosystems requires consideration of ecological criteria, which, so far, are not available for groundwater systems. In the framework of a project supported by the German Federal Environment Agency (UBA), a first concept for the ecological assessment of groundwater ecosystems is developed. Steps to be taken are introduced, with a strong focus on microbes as potential bioindicators. These include (1) the typology of groundwater ecosystems, (2) the derivation of natural background values, (3) the identification of potential bioindicators, and (4) the development of an assessment model. First successes and difficulties associated with these challenges, e.g. the lack of simple correlations between abiotic and biotic variables, are discussed on the basis of a data set from a local and regional aquifer in NE Germany. The need for collaboration between ecologists, hydrogeologists and geochemists, as well as the application of modern approaches such as multivariate statistics, is emphasized.  相似文献   

何守阳  雷琨  吴攀  杨应增  韩志伟 《地球科学》2019,44(9):2839-2850
地下水是岩溶山区现代城镇化发展的战略性基础资源,为了解城镇化进程中地下水资源功能的支撑作用,通过构建地下水资源功能评价指标体系,对贵州省9个市(州)岩溶区域城镇化进程中地下水的资源功能进行定量评价.评价结果表明:地下水的资源功能在城镇化进程中呈现明显的差异性特征,城镇化水平较高的贵阳市对地下水的依存性高达79.08%,地下水的资源功能较强;城镇化水平较低的地区对地下水的依存性较小,地下水的资源功能相对较弱.随着城镇化水平的提升,地下水资源的可持续性受地下水污染和超采等因素制约,其资源功能存在弱化甚至丧失的风险.   相似文献   

为服务生态文明建设和自然资源管理,促进山水林田湖草沙生命共同体健康协调,中国地质调查局组织开展以流域为单元的全国水文地质与水资源调查,重点部署了国家地下水监测工程运行维护、全国地下水位统测、全国地下水资源评价、重点地区水平衡研究、水文地质与水资源智慧服务系统建设、服务脱贫攻坚与乡村振兴等工作任务。2019年以来主要取得七方面进展,包括研究编制了基于生态优先理念涵盖大气水、地表水、地下水、海洋水的《地质调查支撑服务水资源管理总体设计》,引领了地质调查转型发展;高效运行国家地下水监测工程,数据对外实现全面共享服务,有力支撑了自然资源、水利、生态环境和科研等领域地下水管理与研究研究;建立了较完善的全国地下水位统测网络,统测点达5.6万个,准确掌握区域地下水流场年度变化;建立了全国地下水年度调查监测评价工作机制,实现地下水资源量、储存量及变化量年度出数;探索开展海河流域等重点地区水平衡研究,掌握了区域水平衡状况、人类活动影响下的水资源变化过程及其互馈机制;搭建全国水文地质与水资源智慧服务平台,初步建立多要素的全国水文地质与水资源数据库,研发了地下水资源在线评价系统;高质量完成扶贫找水任务,有力支撑服务了脱贫攻坚与乡村振兴。  相似文献   

Karst systems are particularly vulnerable to overexploitation and pollution due to their high hydraulic conductivity and points of rapid infiltration that allow quick influx of runoff and pollutants into the aquifer. The sustainability of non-contaminated groundwater in these systems is imperative for both humans and groundwater-dependent ecosystems. An important practice in managing groundwater sustainability involves assessing aquifer vulnerability. This study created the first groundwater vulnerability map (GVM) for a sub-catchment of the Rio La Venta watershed in Chiapas, Mexico, using an adaptation of the hazard–pathway–target method. This project also conducted the first tracer study in the Rio la Venta watershed to establish connectivity between the catchment and the Rio La Venta Canyon. Finally, this study evaluated the results of the GVM through a sensitivity analysis. Results of the GVM clearly demarcate areas of very high, high, moderate, and low vulnerability within the study area most of which being classified as low vulnerability. The zones of high vulnerability were successfully validated through two dye tracer tests that measured rapid groundwater flow velocities. With the limited resources available to land managers in this area, a problem common in many developing countries, tools that quickly and inexpensively highlight areas that require special protection to help maintain or improve water quality in their watersheds have great utility. Conveying this information to land managers and policymakers can lead to potential changes in current land use practices and allow for the reallocation of resources in support of reducing future negative human–landscape interactions.  相似文献   

地下水资源承载本底与自然属性密切相关,地下水资源分区是评价地下水资源承载本底的重要基础工作。文章以新一轮地下水资源评价成果和主要平原盆地、部分省(区市)地下水资源最新调查评价成果为基础,综合地形地貌、构造单元、气候分带、地表水流域、含水层介质等多项指标,把地表水和地下水看作一个整体,将全国划分为26个一级区、143个二级区、412个三级区。通过将地下水资源分区与县级行政区划耦合确定了4 942个计算单元,利用地下水可开采模数指标,实现了地下水资源承载本底评价由以自然单元的评价到县级行政单元的成果表达,从而建立了地下水资源承载本底评价空间数据基础,可服务于地下水资源承载能力动态评价和地下水合理开发利用与管理。地下水资源承载本底结果显示:我国地下水资源承载本底总体表现出平原盆地区为中-高水平,北方干旱区为低水平,区域差异性较大。承载本底等级为高、较高、中、较低、低的县(区、市)分别为774,332,798,387,573个,面积占比分别为11.15%、5.87%、19.56%、12.09%、52.34%,基本反映出我国地下水资源禀赋条件和区域分布规律。  相似文献   

Assessment of groundwater resources in India is guided by National Water Policy (1987, 2002) which states that groundwater resources can be exploited only up to its recharge limit. The methodology for groundwater resources assessment in India is broadly based on Ground Water Resources Estimation Methodology, 1997 and it involves assessment of annual replenishable groundwater resources (recharge), annual groundwater draft (utilization) and the percentage of utilization with respect to recharge (stage of development). The assessment units (blocks/watersheds) are categorized based on stage of groundwater development (utilization) and the long term water level trend. The present methodology though useful in identification and prioritization of areas for groundwater management, falls short of addressing several critical issues like spatial and temporal variation of groundwater availability within the aquifer, accessibility of groundwater resources and quality of groundwater. This paper introduces a new categorisation scheme considering the above issues. The proposed scheme takes into account four criteria, viz. (i) stage of exploitation, (ii) extractability factor, (iii) temporal availability factor and (iv) quality factor. In comparison to the existing method used for categorisation, the proposed approach is more inclusive. The methodology is also equally suitable for both alluvial and hard rock terrain since it takes into consideration the variable characteristics of different types of aquifers and convergence of quantitative and qualitative assessment. The categorisation proposed here involves GIS based integration of different parameters/ themes. This allows better representation of spatial variability. The proposed methodology is demonstrated in this paper taking a case study from a hard rock terrain in central India.  相似文献   

Lithuania, in the Baltic region of northern Europe, is heavily dependent on groundwater resources for its public water supply, with a large proportion, especially in rural areas, derived from shallow Quaternary aquifers. A national groundwater-vulnerability methodology, based upon the UK approach, has been developed on behalf of the Lithuanian Ministry of Environmental Protection as a possible basis for the future protection of shallow groundwater resources for the rural inhabitants. Some modifications to the UK methodology were required to enable archive data to be used. The four aquifer classes depicted on the final groundwater vulnerability map are based upon the assessed relative permeabilities of the uppermost Quaternary deposits. The derivation of the classification of soil-leaching potential required a reassessment of Soviet-based soil wetness and particle-size classes and a calculation of subsoil-saturated hydraulic conductivity. A preliminary validation of the final maps against available shallow groundwater samples suggests that the methodology satisfactorily predicts the intrinsic groundwater vulnerability. The final methodology, based upon its low-cost approach using archive data, is relevant to the current needs of Lithuania and can be applied in other regions of similar geology and climate. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

With an arid climate and shortage of water resources, the groundwater dependent ecosystems in the oasis–desert ecotone of the Shiyang River Watershed has been extremely damaged, and the water crisis in the oasis has become a major concern in the social and the scientific community. In this study, the degeneration characteristics of the groundwater ecological function was identified and comprehensive evaluated, based on groundwater depth data, vegetation quadrat and normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) from Landsat program. The results showed that (1) the suitable groundwater depth for sustainable ecology in the Shiyang River Watershed is about 2-4 m; (2) the terms of degenerative, qualitative and disastrous stages of the groundwater ecological function are defined with the groundwater depths of about 5 m, 7 m and 10 m; (3) generally, the groundwater ecological function in the oasis-desert ecotone of the lower reaches of Shiyang River Watershed is weak with an area of 1 397.9 km2 identified as the severe deterioration region, which accounted 74.7% of the total area. In the meantime, the percentages of the good, mild and moderate deterioration areas of groundwater ecological function are 3.5%, 5.5% and 16.3%, respectively, which were mainly distributed in the Qingtu lake area and the southeastern area of the Shoucheng town; (4) the degradation and shrinkage of natural oasis could be attributed to the dramatic groundwater decline, which is generally caused by irrational use of water and soil resources. This study could provide theoretical basis and scientific support for the decision-making in environmental management and ecological restoration of the Shiyang River Watershed.  相似文献   

Climate change has become a major global concern and threatens the security of natural environmental resources, including groundwater, especially for Cambodia. In this study, literature reviews related to climate change and groundwater resources in Cambodia were evaluated to address the impact of climate change on the groundwater environment. In Cambodia, global climate change will likely affect available water resources by driving changes in the groundwater recharge and usage pattern. Despite a general increase in the mean annual rainfall, a reduction in rainfall is anticipated during the dry season, which could lead to shortages of fresh water during the dry season. The impact of climate change on water resource environments can significantly affect national economic development. Thus, strategic management plansfor groundwater in response to climate change should be established to ensure the security of water resources in Cambodia.  相似文献   

当今世界主要国家在新一轮矿产资源战略实施中,都将重点指向事关国家经济安全、产业安全、国防安全和科技安全的战略性矿产资源.2016年,我国政府首次发布战略性矿产目录.本文从矿产资源储量、开发利用布局结构、矿产资源管理改革、矿业国际合作等4个方面总结了我国战略性矿产资源开发利用现状,分析了我国战略性矿产资源开发利用中存在的5方面主要问题:后备资源基础不牢、国内资源供应压力大、部分矿产竞争力减弱、科技创新能力有待提高、国际竞争力和话语权不足.在此基础上,提出了促进战略性矿产资源高质量开发利用的思路建议:(1)加强战略性矿产资源勘查开发力度,夯实资源基础;(2)加快构建由"战略性矿种、战略性矿区、战略性企业""三位一体"的战略性矿产资源规划和开发保护体系;(3)加快战略性矿产资源开发利用技术创新,提高绿色发展水平;(4)坚持矿业金融融合战略,积极发挥金融对战略性矿产资源高质量开发利用的精准支撑作用.  相似文献   

地下水资源评价模型与GIS的集成及其应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
地下水资源评价模型能够模拟地下水系统的时空变化特征,GIS具有强大的空间数据处理及数据可视化能力,将地下水资源评价模型与GIS集成,可以提高地下水资源评价模型的可用性。分析了地下水资源评价模型与GIS集成模型发展的历程,并针对传统集成方法存在的问题,设计了基于C/S结构的地下水资源评价模型与GIS集成框架,并详细介绍了在该集成框架内地下水资源评价的具体步骤,将该系统结构应用于哈尔滨市水资源管理,极大地提高了地下水资源评价的效率。  相似文献   

The use of indices, describing aquifer vulnerability and the risk of groundwater pollution, is a basic tool for the implementation of a sound water management plan, especially in densely populated and intensely cultivated areas. In this study, the groundwater contamination risk of the Caserta Plain (Southern Italy) was assessed through the integration of hazards defined on the basis of the different land uses, of the intrinsic vulnerability calculated by applying the SINTACS model and of the groundwater value evaluated by considering water wells density. In order to evaluate the evolution of the risk of groundwater pollution, the proposed methods were applied in the study area for both 2001 and 2009. The resulting specific vulnerability (SINTACS-L) and the risk (GRA) maps, created in a GIS environment, were validated by the comparison with the nitrate concentration distribution. The application of the proposed approach to the study area highlighted the strengths and weaknesses of each method and, at the same time, showed that their combination can provide an overall view of the threats posed to groundwater resources by the human activities affecting the territory. Considering both the benefits and the issues of the proposed approach, overall, the groundwater risk map is thought to be a robust tool to support water managers in defining future plans for water resources exploitation and land use.  相似文献   

以国家扶贫攻坚重点地区——贵州乌蒙山七星关区为例,参考"全国地质资源环境承载能力评价与监测预警"形成的评价理论和方法,结合岩溶石山区地下水资源水文地质条件及开发利用实际,探索构建岩溶石山区县域范围内地下水资源承载能力评价方法。通过系统评价七星关区地下水资源承载能力,认为该区地下水资源承载能力较大,但资源、开采强度、劣质水分布不均,降低了部分区域地下水资源承载能力。评价结果为区域国土空间规划及"三区三线"划定提供了依据。同时,该评价方法亦为岩溶地区地下水资源承载能力评价提供了借鉴。  相似文献   

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