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Fishes and invertebrate macrofauna (nekton) were sampled biweekly (July through October 1985) from the surface of tidal freshwater marshes. Samples were collected with flume nets at three different stream orders (orders 2, 3 and 4+) along a marsh stream order gradient. Twenty-five species of fishes (5,610 individuals, 17.072 kg preserved wet weight) representing 13 families, and three species of invertebrates (19,570 individuals, 13.026 kg preserved wet weight) were collected. The most abundant species were grass shrimp (Palaemonetes pugio), mummichogs (Fundulus heteroclitus), banded killifish (F. diaphanus), inland silversides (Menidia beryllina), and blue crabs (Callinectes sapidus). Invertebrate catches (mostly grass shrimp and blue crabs) were not significantly different among stations. Total numbers of fishes were significantly greater at both headwater (order 2) and main creek (order 3) stations than river (order 4+) stations, but catches of headwater and main creek stations were not significantly different. The relationship between marsh stream order and fish abundance may partly be related to the distribution of submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) within marsh tidal creeks. Submerged aquatic vegetation decreases in abundance with increasing stream order. Some species may use SAV as a refuge from predators or as a foraging area during low tide when the marsh surface is inaccessible. The presence of SAV in tidal creeks may enhance the habitat value of adjacent marshes.  相似文献   

Large-scale marsh restoration efforts were conducted to restore normal salt marsh structure and function to degraded marshes (i.e., former salt hay farms) in the mesohaline lower Delaware Bay. While nekton response has been previously evaluated for the marsh surface and subtidal creeks in these marshes, little effort has been focused on intertidal creeks. Nekton response in intertidal creeks was evaluated by sampling with seines to determine if restored (i.e., former salt hay farms restored in 1996) and reference (i.e., natural or relatively undisturbed) salt marshes were utilized by intertidal nekton in a similar manner. The overall nekton assemblage during June–October 2004–2005 was generally comprised of the same species in both the restored and reference marshes. Intertidal creek catches in both marsh types consisted primarily ofFundulus heteroclitus andMenidia menidia, with varying numbers of less abundant transient species present. Transient nekton were more abundant at restored marshes than reference marshes, but in insufficient numbers to cause differences in nekton assemblages. In both marsh types, low tide stages were characterized by resident nekton, dominated byF. heteroclitus, while high tide stages were characterized by a variable mix of transient and resident nekton. Assemblage level analyses indicated that intertidal creeks in restored and reference marshes were generally utilized in a similar manner by a similar nekton assemblage, so restoration efforts were deemed successful. This is in agreement with multiple comparative studies from the ame marshes examining fish, invertebrates, and vegetation in different marsh habitats.  相似文献   

Marshes are important habitats for various life history stages of many fish and invertebrates. Much effort has been directed at restoring marshes, yet it is not clear how fish and invertebrates have responded to marsh restoration. The blue crab,Callinectes sapidus, uses marsh habitats during much of its benthic life. We investigated the response of blue crabs to marsh restoration by comparing crab abundance (catch per unit effort), mean size and size frequency distribution, sex ratio, and molt stages of crabs in recently restored marshes that were former salt hay farms to that of adjacent reference marshes with similar physical characteristics in the mesohaline portion of Delaware Bay. Field sampling occurred monthly (April–November) in 1997 and 1998 using replicate daytime otter trawls in large marsh creeks and weirs in smaller intertidal marsh creeks. Blue crabs were either equal or more abundant, the incidence of molting was in most months similar, and population sex ratios were indistinguishable in restored and reference marshes, suggesting that the restored areas attract crabs and support their growth. Site location had a greater effect on the sex ratio of crabs such that marshes closer to the mouth of the bay contained a higher percentage of adult female crabs. In each annual growing season (April–July), the monthly increase in crab size and, in some months (June–July), the incidence of molting at the restored sites was greater than the reference sites, suggesting that the restored sites may provide areas for enhanced growth of crabs. These results suggest that blue crabs have responded positively to restoration of former salt hay farms in the mesohaline portion of Delaware Bay.  相似文献   


We examined fish assemblages in tidal salt marsh creeks in Delaware Bay in order to evaluate their response to treatment forPhragmites removal following initial treatment in 1996. In Alloway Crrek, a tributary to Delaware Bay, reference creeks draining marsh of untreatedPhragmites or naturally occurringSpartina were compared with creeks in marshes treated forPhragmites removal. These reference and treated creeks occur in close proximity and share many characteristics including salinity, temperature, dissolved oxygen, and turbidity, although creeks inPhragmites sites differed slightly in bathymetry. We analyzed a time series of otter trawl collections (22 monthly sample periods from 1999 to 2001) for differences in juvenile fish assemblage among creeks with different vegetation history. Periodically, young-of-the-year (YOY) and age 1+ white perch (Morone americana), YOY spot (Leiostomus xanthurus), YOY Atlantic menhaden (Brevoortia tyrannus), and other species were relatively more abundant atPhragmites sites, but other dominant species were preiodically abundant at all sites. Among-treatment differences based on principal response curves analysis accounted for about 19% of the total species variation, but differences varied widely among sample periods and there is little or no indication of a trend over the 3-yr period. Larger collections were often associated with subtidal structure, which was more common atPhragmites sites and potentially represents a sampling artifact. Assemblages of creeks with differing vegetation history differ weakly but recognizably, suggesting slow or little response to treatment, at least based on otter trawl collections in subtidal marsh creeks.


Marsh creation has come into increasing use as a measure to mitigate loss of valuable wetlands. However, few programs have addressed the functional ecological equivalence of man-made marshes and their natural counterparts. This study addresses structural and functional interactions in a man-made and two natural marshes. This was done by integrating substrate characteristics and marsh utilization by organisms of two trophic levels. Sediment properties, infaunal community composition, andFundulus heteroclitus marsh utilization were compared for a man-madeSpartina salt marsh (between ages 1 to 3 yr) in Dills Creek, North Carolina, and adjacent natural marshes to the east and west. East natural marsh and planted marsh sediment grain-size distributions were more similar to each other than to the west natural marsh due to shared drainage systems, but sediment organic content of the planted marsh was much lower than in either natural marsh. This difference was reflected in macrofaunal composition. Natural marsh sediments were inhabited primarily by subsurface, deposit-feeding oligochaetes whereas planted marsh sediments were dominated by the tube-building, surface-deposit feeding polychaetesStreblospio benedicti andManayunkia aestuarina. Infaunal differences were mirrored inFundulus diets. Natural marsh diets contained more detritus and insects, because oligochaetes, though abundant, were relatively inaccessible. Polychaetes and algae were major constituents of the planted marshFundulus diet. Though naturalmarsh fish may acquire a potentially less nutritive, detritus-based diet relative to the higher animal protein diet of the planted marsh fish,Fundulus abundances were markedly lower in the planted marsh than in the natural marshes, indicating fewer fish were being supported. LowerSpartina stem densities in the planted marsh may have provided inadequate protection from predation or insufficient spawning sites for the fundulids. After three years, the planted marsh remained functionally distinct from the adjacent natural marshes. Mitigation success at Dills Creek could have been improved by increasing tidal flushing, thereby enhancing, access to marine organisms and by mulching withSpartina wrack to increase sediment organic-matter content and porosity. Results from this study indicate that salt marshes should not be treated as a replaceable resource in the short term. The extreme spatial and temporal variability inherent to salt marshes make it virtually impossible to exactly replace a marsh by planting one on another site.  相似文献   

Three gear types were used to collect finfish species from several tributaries of the South Creek estuary near Aurora, North Carolina, to ascertain whether a man-initiated marsh and creek system resembled adjacent natural areas in finfish species composition and abundance. Project Area II was the man-initiated area constructed in 1983 as up-front mitigation by North Carolina Phosphate Corporation prior to its anticipated mining in the headwaters of nearby natural wetlands. Two creeks served as controls throughout the study: Drinkwater Creek and Jacks Creek. Otter trawls were used monthly from July 1984 through December 1988. Wegener rings were used in April, July, and October from 1984 through 1987. An experimental gill net was used monthly from June 1984 through 1985. A total of 48 finfish species was captured during the study; only 14 species (29.2%) were common among gear types. The species collected were mud sunfish, blueback herring, alewife American shad, striped anchovy, bay anchovy, inland silverside, American eel, silver perch, Atlantic menhaden, crevalle jack, common carp, spotted seatrout, weakfish, sheepshead minnow, gizzard shad, ladyfish, chain pickerel, banded killifish, mummichog, striped killifish, rainwater killifish, mosquitofish, naked goby, green goby, white catfish, brown bull-head, pinfish, longnose gar, green sunfish, pumpkinseed, bluegill, redear sunfish, spot, Atlantic croaker, largemouth bass, white perch, striped bass, striped mullet, white mullet, golden shiner, summer flounder, southern flounder, yellow perch, bluefish, Atlantic needlefish, hogchoker, andTilapia species. Abundance of finfish species was a function of gear type. Bay anchovy and spot represented about 85% of all fish in trawl samples. The remainder was comprised of 27 other species. In Wegener rings, five species—bay anchovy, menhaden, rainwater killifish, spot, and inland silverside—each represented over 10% of all fish collected. Croaker and striped mullet each comprised more than 5% of all fish collected in Wegener rings, but were present in substantial numbers only in 1985. Based on trawl samples, the total number of finfish collected from Project Area II during the period 1984–1988 was statistically similar to those collected from the control creeks; Wegener ring data analysis indicated significantly greater catches in Project Area II compared to the control creeks. Bay anchovy catches were not significantly different among the three creeks by either trawl or Wegener ring. The same result was true for Atlantic menhaden and southern flounder. The abundance of spot in trawl samples from Project Area II was significantly greater than for the control creeks; abundance in ring samples from Project Area II was statistically similar to Jacks Creek, but significantly higher than Drinkwater Creek. The number of Atlantic croaker in Project Area II trawl samples was significantly lower than for the cotnrol creeks. Wegener rings did not sample croaker effectively.  相似文献   

Studies of adult northern diamondback terrapins (Malaclemys terrapin terrapin) in the salt marshes on the Atlantic Ocean side of Cape May Peninsula reveal that from mid-November through December, terrapins gradually migrate from the open waters of the sounds into the marsh creeks. Within the creeks, hibernating diamondbacks hibernate as isolated individuals or in small groups. Three hibernating methods are used: 1) resting on the bottom under water, 2) burial atop creek banks, and 3) taking refuge beneath undercut banks. Hibernating diamondbacks apparently remain dormant all winter.  相似文献   

0-group sea bass,Dicentrarchus labrax, colonize intertidal marsh creeks of Mont Saint Michel Bay, France, on spring tides (e.g., 43% of the tides) during flood and return to coastal waters during ebb. Most arrived with empty stomachs (33%), and feed actively during their short stay in the creeks (from 1 to 2 h) where they consumed on average a minimum of 8% of their body weight. During flood tide, diet was dominated by mysids,Neomysis integer, which feed on marsh detritus. During ebb, when young sea bass left tidal marsh creeks, the majority had full stomachs (more than 98%) and diet was dominated by the most abundant marsh (including vegetated tidal flats and associated marsh creeks) resident amphipod,Orchestia gammarellus. Temporal and tidal effects on diet composition were shown to be insignificant. Foraging in vegetated flats occurs very rarely since they are only flooded by about 5% of the tides. It was shown that primary and secondary production of intertidal salt marshes play a fundamental role in the feeding of 0-group sea bass. This suggests that the well known nursery function of estuarine systems, which is usually restricted to subtidal and intertidal flats, ought to be extended to the supratidal, vegetated marshes and mainly to intertidal marsh creeks.  相似文献   

To investigate the effects of dredging and associated development pressures (i.e., shoreline armoring, developed land use) on fish, three sets of paired dredged and undredged tidal creeks were surveyed within Lynnhaven River, Virginia. Fish species diversity, community abundance, biomass, and size structure were compared among creeks and related to watershed, shoreline, and physicochemical characteristics. Mean fish community characteristics (e.g., abundance) were similar among creeks; however, species-specific analysis revealed subtle differences. Species biomass differed between dredged and undredged creeks, though species abundance was similar. Turbidity highly influenced differences in species abundance among creeks, while organic matter, dissolved oxygen, turbidity, and shoreline hardening may be influencing biomass patterns. The most recently dredged creek appeared to provide less suitable nursery habitat for some species than historically dredged creeks, suggesting initial adverse effects with eventual recovery. Protective measures, such as preservation of marshes, dredge depth, and time-of-year restrictions, may be moderating development and dredging pressures.  相似文献   

Delaware Bay is one of the largest estuaries on the U.S. eastern seaboard and is flanked by some of the most extensive salt marshes found in the northeastern U.S. While physicochemical and biotic gradients are known to occur along the long axis of the bay, no studies to date have investigated how the fish assemblage found in salt marsh creeks vary along this axis. The marshes of the lower portion of the bay, with higher salinity, are dominated bySpartina spp., while the marshes of the upper portion, with lower salinity, are currently composed primarily of common reed,Phragmites australis, S. alterniflora, or combinations of both. Extensive daytime sampling (n=815 tows) during May–November 1996 was conducted with otter trawls (4.9 m, 6 mm mesh) in six intertidal and subtidal marsh creek systems (upper and lower portions of each creek) where creek channel depths ranged from 1.4–2.8 m at high tide. The fish taxa of the marsh creeks was composed of 40 species that were dominated by demersal and pelagic forms including sciaenids (5 species), percichthyids (2), and clupeids (7), many of which are transients that spawn outside the bay but the early life history stages are abundant within the bay. The most abundant species wereMorone americana (24.3% of the total catch),Cynoscion regalis (15.4%),Micropogonias undulatus (15.3%),Anchoa mitchilli (12.0%), andTrinectes maculatus (10.8%). Non-metric Multi-Dimensional Scaling ordination of catch per unit effort (CPUE) data indicated two fish assemblages that were largely independent of the two major vegetation types, but generally corresponded with spatial variation in salinity. This relationship was more complex because some of the species for which we could discriminate different age classes by size had different patterns of distribution along the salinity gradient.  相似文献   

Structure and temporal variability in nekton communities were examined for four small brackish creeks along a major tributary (Adams Creek) of the Neuse River estuary, North Carolina during May–September 1994. An inverse salinity gradient was observed along Adams Creek with highest values in the most upstream creek due to a manmade channel connecting the creek to the Newport River estuary. The nekton communities of the four tributaries were similar with some differences in relative abundance of individual species and timing of recruitment and migrations. Bay anchovies (67%), spot (19%), and brown shrimp (6%) were the most abundant species, with the top ten species accounting for 98% of the total catch. The transport of high salinity water (and presumably nekton larvae) into the headwaters of Adams Creek via the canal appeared to have a strong influence on the nekton community; the nekton community present in the Adams Creek system resembled communities in mesohaline waters closer to the outer banks rather than those in an adjacent creek along the Neuse River estuary (South River estuary). Cluster analysis indicated nekton in the creeks could be grouped into early and late season assemblages. Canonical correspondence analysis suggested that neither the creeks nor the dominant species were strongly related to any measured environmental variables indicating habitat suitability was similar regardless of the differences in watershed activities among the four creeks.  相似文献   

We used a sequential extraction technique and 210Pb dating to determine the chemical form and amount of particulate phosphorus (PP) that is retained during burial in 1-m-long sediment cores collected along a salinity gradient from tidal freshwater to the mesohaline waters of the Patuxent River, a subestuary of the Chesapeake Bay. PP buried in the study sites with salinity values ≤3 was similar in concentration and form to PP entering the Patuxent from the watershed, suggesting efficient sequestration by the sediments at these low-salinity sites. PP extracted with citrate–dithionite–bicarbonate was the dominant form of PP at all salinities and all depths, and organic-P was the second most abundant fraction. We estimated that 81% of PP entering from the watershed is trapped in the sediments of the upper Patuxent subestuary and that the subtidal sediments retain three times as much PP as the marshes adjacent to the study sites.  相似文献   

The surface of the salt marsh is an important, but largely unrecognized, site for fish reproduction and larval growth. In an attempt to determine the composition and distribution of fishes utilizing these habitats, we sampled larval and juvenile fish with plankton nets, dip nets, and traps at a variety of microhabitats (tidal and nontidal ponds and ditches and the marsh surface) in three New Jersey high marshes. Two of the three marshes had been altered for mosquito control. During April to September 1980, we collected over 2,400 larvae and juveniles. All study sites were dominated by the larvae of the resident killifishes (Fundulus heteroclitus, Cyprinodon variegatus, F. luciae, andLucania parva) and less commonlyMenidia beryllina. However, the occurrence and abundance of each species varied with microhabitat. Larval production in all three marshes peaked during June–July, but extended from May until September. In most instances juveniles of the dominant fishes had microhabitat preferences similar to the larvae. High marshes may be more important for fish production than previously recognized because they serve as nursery areas for the resident killifishes.  相似文献   

This study investigates the influence ofPhragmites australis (common reed) invasion on the habitat of the resident marsh fish,Fundulus heteroclitus (mummichog) in the Hackensack Meadowlands, New Jersey. These abundant fish play an important role in the transfer of energy from the marsh surface to adjacent subtidal waters and thus estuarine food webs. The objectives of this 2-yr study (1999 and 2000) were to compare the distribution and abundance of the eggs, larvae, juveniles, and adults of mummichog and their invertebrate prey inhabitingSpartina alterniflora-dominated marshes withPhragmites-dominated marshes, and to experimentally investigate the influence of marsh surface microtoprography on larval fish abundance withinPhragmites-dominated marshes. In 2000, we verified that egg deposition does occur inPhragmites-dominated marshes. In both years, the abundance of larvae and small juveniles (4–20 mm TL) inS. alterniflora was significantly greater than inPhragmites-dominated marshes, while larger juveniles and adults (>20 mm TL) were similarly abundant in both habitat types. The overall abundance of larvae and small juveniles was significantly greater in experimentalPhragmites plots in which microtopography was manipulated to resemble that ofSpartina marshes than inPhragmites control plots. Major groups of invertebrate taxa differed between marsh types with potential prey for larval fish being significantly more abundant inS. alterniflora marshes.Phragmites-dominated marshes may not provide the most suitable habitat for the early life-history stages of the mummichog. The low abundance of larvae and small juveniles inPhragmites marshes is likely due to inadequate larval habitat and perhaps decreased prey availability for these early life history stages.  相似文献   

In a continuing effort to monitor the fish response to marsh restoration (resumed tidal flow, creation of creeks), we compared qualitative and quantitative data on species richness, abundance, assemblage structure and growth between pre-restoration and post-restoration conditions at two former salt hay farms relative to a reference marsh in the mesohaline portion of Delaware Bay. The most extensive comparison, during April–November 1998, sampled fish populations in large marsh creeks with otter trawls and in small marsh creeks with weirs. Species richness and abundance increased dramatically after restoration. Subsequent comparisons indicated that fish size, assemblage structure, and growth of one of the dominant species,Micropogonias undulatus, was similar between reference and restored marshes 1 and 2 yr post-restoration. Total fish abundance and abundance of the dominant species was greater, often by an order of magnitude, in one of the older restored sites (2 yr post-restoration), while the other restored site (1 yr post-restoration) had values similar to the reference marsh. The success of the restoration at the time of this study suggests that return of the tidal flow and increased marsh area and edge in intertidal and subtidal creeks relative to the former salt hay farms contributed to the quick response of resident and transient young-of-the-year fishes.  相似文献   

A bimonthly study of the spatial variations in fish assemblages in the six mangrove creeks along the western coast of Taiwan was conducted from February 1996 to February 1997. Fyke nets were used to collect fishes in each of three creeks in the north (subtropical) and south (tropical) regions. A total of 79 fish species belonging to 33 families were collected and, of these, the Gobiidae, Mugilidae, Leiognathidae, and Cichlidae were the most diverse families. The fish assemblages in each creek were dominated by a small number of small fishes, most of which are the young of commercially important species. Their life cycles occurred to some extent in estuarine environments. Analyses by classification and ordination separated the assemblages into a northern group and a southern group and showed that the assemblages were far more temporally varied in the southern creeks than in the northern creeks. Fifty fish species were recorded in the northern creeks and 49 fish species in the southern creeks, with 20 species present in both regions. No significant difference in number of species per netting was detected between the regions. The number of individuals and biomass per netting were greater in the northern creeks than in the southern creeks. Rainfall and organic content of sediments may be responsible for the difference in fish abundance between the regions. In the northern creeks the assemblages were dominated by Liza macrolepis and Liza affinis in winter and spring, but the assemblages were more diverse in summer and fall. In the southern creeks, the assemblages were always characterized by several species and their dominance varied from month to month. The differences in the assemblage structure in northern and southern mangrove creeks are likely due to the oceanic current patterns around Taiwan.  相似文献   

The dominant plant in Humboldt Bay salt marshes in Spartina densiflora, a species of cordgrass apparently introduced from South America. At several salt marshes and restoration sites around Humboldt Bay, distribution of this plant has increased significantly. We investigated the relative contributions of vegetative tiller production and seed germination to the establishment and expansion of S. densiflora. Lateral spread of plants surrounded by competitors were compared to areas without competing plant species. Plants growing in areas without competitors had significantly higher rates of vegetative expansion (p<0.0001). Viable seed production, germination rates, seedling survivorship, and growth of adult plants were measured in six salinity treatments. Approximately 1,977±80 viable seeds are produced per plant (0.25–0.5 m2). The number of germinating seeds was inversely related to increases in salinity. Salinity treatments between 19‰ and 35‰ produced significantly lower germination rates than salinities of 0–18‰ (p<0.0001). Seedling survivorship was 50% at ≤4‰ and 8–14% at ≥11‰. Lateral expansion of adult, greenhouse-grown plants occurred in all salinity treatments, with modest decreases in the highest salinity treatments (p<0.05). Our findings indicate that S. densiflora expands primarily by vegetative expansion, and lateral tillers are produced by throughout the year. Spartina densiflora produces prolific amounts of seed, but recruitment in mature salt marshes may be limited by competitors and higher salinities. At restoration sites, planting of native species such as Salicornia virginica, Distichlis spicata, or Jaumea carnosa may prevent monospecific stands of S. densiflora from developing.  相似文献   

We examined connectivity among marsh subhabitats to determine the structural limits and important components of a polyhaline salt marsh by studying the patterns of abundance, residency, and movement of a numerically and ecologically dominant nektonic fish (mummichog, Fundulus heteroclitus). We captured, tagged (n = 14,040 individuals, 30–110 mm), and recaptured from Feb 2001 to Jul 2002, although most recaptures (75–95% by tagging location) occurred within 150 days. Seasonal residency and movements were common among most subhabitats based on catch per unit effort and recapture per unit effort. Thus, these (marsh pools, intertidal and subtidal creeks, and marsh surface) should be considered natural subhabitats within New England type salt marshes. Further, all these subhabitat types should be included in studies of salt marsh nekton and marsh restoration and creation activities.  相似文献   

The use of the Tejo estuary, Portugal, salt marsh creeks by nekton was examined based on sampling surveys with a fyke net from September 1998 until August 2001. From the 20 taxa (14 fish species, 5 decapod crustacean species, and 1 cephalopod species) identified in the studied creeks, 16 were regularly caught throughout the sampling period. The shrimpPalaemonetes varians was the most numerically abundant species in the creeks, while the biomass was dominated by the mulletLiza ramada. The nekton assemblage was mainly represented by marine-estuarine opportunist species, comprising 85% of the total. A high seasonality was detected on the species abundance patterns: the most abundant species (P. varians, Crangon crangon, L. ramada, Pomatoschistus microps, Syngnathus sp., andAnguilla anguilla) occurred throughout the sampling period,Sardina pilchardus, Dicentrarchus, labrax, andAtherina boyeri were particularly abundant in spring and summer, andEngraulis encrasicholus, Liza aurata, Gambusia holbrooki, Palaemon longirostris, andPalaemon serratus were most abundant in autumn and winter.L. ramada occurred in the tidal creeks in high numbers during neap tides, while the majority of the remaining taxa were most abundant during spring tides, suggesting a differential pattern of habitat use occording to species.  相似文献   

In summer 2009, the effects of 6 years of landscape-level experimental nutrient enrichment on the eastern mudsnail, Nassarius obsoletus (formerly Ilyanassa obsoleta), were examined. The experiment was conducted in five tidal creeks (two nutrient-enriched, three reference creeks) in the Plum Island Estuary, Massachusetts, USA. (42°44′ N, 70°52′ W). After 6 years of enrichment, N. obsoletus size structure differed between treatment creeks with adult snails on average 14 % larger in enriched creeks. N. obsoletus densities (in individuals per square meter) and biomass (in grams dry weight per square meter) were four times higher in nutrient-enriched versus reference creeks. Nutrient enrichment did not significantly affect the biomass of benthic microalgae (a N. obsoletus food resource), but snail density was significantly correlated with benthic microalgal biomass, suggesting bottom–up control of snails. N. obsoletus is abundant on the east and west coast of North America; thus, N. obsoletus density and biomass may be useful variables for monitoring eutrophication effects on North American estuaries.  相似文献   

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