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Most populations of estuarine-dependent, early life stages of marine fishes are open. As a result, it has been difficult to apply conventional population models to most systems. In this study, a marked population of young-of-year spot (Leiostomus xanthurus) was released into a polyhaline tidal creek within the Guinea Marshes of the York River estuary, Virginia. Over a 90-day study period, 221 marked fishes were recaptured. Plots of the ratio of marked to unmarked individuals (mi/ni) in subsequent samples indicated that the population was resident in the creek for up to 162 days with the average individual present for 81 days. When this population turnover rate was compared to the total population decay rate (marked plus unmarked fish), it was determined that exchange between habitats (immigration/emigration) accounted for about 36.4% of the total decay rate, with the remainder attributed to natural mortality. By correcting the overall disappearance rate for population turnover due to emigration and using this adjusted value as a measure of instantaneous mortality (z), the estimated production (over 90 days) in this population was 23,630 cal (98,870 J) per m2. This figure agrees with a previously derived estimate for spot in the Guinea marshes and is nearly two orders of magnitude higher than other reported values for this species for all size classes over the entire growing season.  相似文献   

A 16-month study of estuarine habitats in poly-, meso-, and oligohaline salinity regimes near Charleston Harbor assessed the distribution and abundance of megalopae and early crab stages of the blue crab,Callinectes sapidus. Blue crab were sampled with a plankton net and a cylindrical drop sampler. Blue crab were most abundant in plankton collections at night, accounting for 68% of the megalopae and over 88% of the juveniles collected in day and night tows combined. At night, densities of megalopae were greatest in surface samples, whereas densities in daylight collections were greater on the bottom. Juvenile densities were greatest on the bottom in both day and night collections, although catch rates at night were more variable than those of the megalopae. This suggests that megalopae, and possibly juvenile stages, experience a diel vertical migration. Results indicate that ingress to estuarine nursery areas occurs at the megalopal stage. Megalopal densities were highest at the polyhaline site, while juvenile blue crab were most abundant in the oligohaline area. Habitat utilization by juvenile blue crab was estimated using a cylindrical drop sampler and Venturi suction pump on three bottom types in the intertidal zone. Densities were greatest over the sandy-mud substrate, although catch rates were much lower than those reported for other geographical areas. These results suggest that juvenile blue crab do not occur in abundance on the marsh surface but remain on the creek bottom, possibly because creek physiography and large tidal amplitudes may restrict accessibility to the marsh surface.  相似文献   

Salt marsh intertidal creeks are important habitats for dozens of species of nekton, but few studies have attempted to quantify patterns of tidal movement. We used the sweep flume, a new sampling device, to investigate relationships between depth and movements of nekton inside the mouths of intertidal creeks. Sweep flumes located in three creek beds were used to collect nekton at 10 cm increments (10–100 cm of water depth) during flood and ebb tides in the North Inlet, South Carolina, salt marsh. Of the 37 taxa collected, 13 comprised>99.5% of the total catch and were the focus of the analysis. A nonlinear mixed modeling procedure was used to determine, the depth at which each major taxon reached peak abundance during flood tides. With high degrees of spatial and temporal consistency, resident taxa entered early on the rpsing tide and transient taxa entered during mid to late tide. Depths of peak migrations varied among taxa and were consistent between creeks, days (within months), and years. As summer progressed, depths of peak migration increased for young-of-the-yearLeiostomus xanthurus, Lagodon rhomboides, Mugil curema, Eucinostomus argenteus, andLitopenaeus setiferus as their median sizes increased. Within tides, depths of migration increased as a function of size forL. xanthurus andM. curema. Comparisons between flood and ebb tides indicated that most taxa exited the creeks at approximately the same depths at which they entered. Relationships between major taxa pairs suggested that biotic interactions may have contributed to the structure of the migrations observed in this study. Our results are the first to demonstrate quantitatively that the migrations of nektonic taxa into intertidal creeks are structured and related to depth.  相似文献   

Quantitative suction sampling was used to characterize and compare the species composition, abundance, biomass, and secondary production of macrofauna inhabiting intertidal mud-flat and sand-flat, eelgrass meadow, and salt-marsh-pool habitats in the Nauset Marsh complex, Cape Cod, Massachusetts (USA). Species richness and abundance were often greatest in eelgrass habitat, as was macroinvertebrate biomass and production. Most striking was the five to fifteen times greater rate of annual macrofaunal production in eelgrass habitat than elsewhere, with values ranging from approximately 23–139 g AFDW m2 yr?1. The marsh pool containing widgeon grass (Ruppia maritima) supported surprisingly low numbers of macroinvertebrates, probably due to stressfully low dissolved oxygen levels at night during the summer. Two species of macroinvertebrates, blue mussels (Mytilus edulis) and to a lesser extent bay scallops (Argopecten irradians), used eelgrass as “nursery habitat.” Calculations showed that macroinvertebrate production is proportionally much greater than the amount of primary production attributable to eelgrass in the Nauset Marsh system, and that dramatic changes at all trophic levels could be expected if large changes in seagrass abundance should occur. This work further underscores the extraordinarily large impact that seagrass can have on both the structure and function of estuarine ecosystems. *** DIRECT SUPPORT *** A01BY070 00006  相似文献   

Sulfate variations during a tidal cycle were investigated at three sites in a highly polluted tidal marsh. Sulfate- chlorinity relationships were determined in the light of fluctuations in temperature, dissolved oxygen and pH. The relationships were found to be seasonal in nature, being affected by temperature and rainfall effects on biologic productivity. Both reduction of sulfate ion to a sulfide species and oxidation of sulfide species to the sulfate ion were found to occur. Consideration of the sulfide oxidation process suggests the possibility that metals precipitated as sulfides may be mobilized and redistributed in the marsh system.  相似文献   

Phragmites australis (common reed) has been increasing in brackish tidal wetlands of the eastern United States coast over the last century. Whereas several researchers have documented changes in community structure, this research explores the effects of Phragmites expansion on aboveground biomass and soil properties. We used historical aerial photography and a global positioning system (GPS) to identify and age Phragmites patches within a high marsh dominated by shortgrasses (Spartina patens and Distichlis spicata). Plots along transects were established within the vegetation types to represent a gradient of species dominance and a variety of ages of the Phragmites plots. In comparison to neighboring shortgrass communities, Phragmites communities were found to have nearly 10 times the live aboveground biomass. They also had lower soil salinity at the surface, a lower water level, less pronounced microtopographic relief, and higher redox potentials. These soil factors were correlated with the age and biomass of Phragmites communities, were increasingly different with increasing Phragmites dominance along the transects, and were increasingly altered by the ages of Phragmites communities until the factors stabilized in plots of 8 yr to 15 yr of age. We propose that Phragmites expansion plays an important role in altering these soil properties and suggest a variety of mechanisms to explain these alterations.  相似文献   

The use of the Tejo estuary, Portugal, salt marsh creeks by nekton was examined based on sampling surveys with a fyke net from September 1998 until August 2001. From the 20 taxa (14 fish species, 5 decapod crustacean species, and 1 cephalopod species) identified in the studied creeks, 16 were regularly caught throughout the sampling period. The shrimpPalaemonetes varians was the most numerically abundant species in the creeks, while the biomass was dominated by the mulletLiza ramada. The nekton assemblage was mainly represented by marine-estuarine opportunist species, comprising 85% of the total. A high seasonality was detected on the species abundance patterns: the most abundant species (P. varians, Crangon crangon, L. ramada, Pomatoschistus microps, Syngnathus sp., andAnguilla anguilla) occurred throughout the sampling period,Sardina pilchardus, Dicentrarchus, labrax, andAtherina boyeri were particularly abundant in spring and summer, andEngraulis encrasicholus, Liza aurata, Gambusia holbrooki, Palaemon longirostris, andPalaemon serratus were most abundant in autumn and winter.L. ramada occurred in the tidal creeks in high numbers during neap tides, while the majority of the remaining taxa were most abundant during spring tides, suggesting a differential pattern of habitat use occording to species.  相似文献   

The surface of the salt marsh is an important, but largely unrecognized, site for fish reproduction and larval growth. In an attempt to determine the composition and distribution of fishes utilizing these habitats, we sampled larval and juvenile fish with plankton nets, dip nets, and traps at a variety of microhabitats (tidal and nontidal ponds and ditches and the marsh surface) in three New Jersey high marshes. Two of the three marshes had been altered for mosquito control. During April to September 1980, we collected over 2,400 larvae and juveniles. All study sites were dominated by the larvae of the resident killifishes (Fundulus heteroclitus, Cyprinodon variegatus, F. luciae, andLucania parva) and less commonlyMenidia beryllina. However, the occurrence and abundance of each species varied with microhabitat. Larval production in all three marshes peaked during June–July, but extended from May until September. In most instances juveniles of the dominant fishes had microhabitat preferences similar to the larvae. High marshes may be more important for fish production than previously recognized because they serve as nursery areas for the resident killifishes.  相似文献   

The northern pipefish,Syngnathus fuscus, is an abundant component of estuarine faunas along the east coast of the United States, yet little is known of its life history. Northern pipefish were collected from several areas in southern New Jersey, particularly the Great Bay-Little Egg Harbor estuarine system, to determine aspects of its reproduction and to estimate its age and growth. A monthly gonadosomatic index for both males and females indicated a spring through summer spawning period, with a peak in reproductive activity during June. A male brood pouch-somatic index indicated a prolonged male brooding period over spring through summer, with a peak in June. The size of males with broods ranged from 119–222 mm total length (TL), and the number of eggs within a brood varied from 45 to 1380. Individual embryos within a brood were identical in development stage, suggesting each brood resulted from a single mating. Young-of-the-year occurred in samples from May through November, with peak abundance in June. Individuals in this year class were extremely variable in size by the end of the first growing season, varying from 5 mm TL to 200 mm TL in November. At approximately 1 yr of age, individuals were 70–220 mm TL and many were of sufficient size to reproduce, indicating that the events of the first year of life for this species are of central importance to an understanding of its population dynamics.  相似文献   

Adenosine triphosphate (ATP), particulate organic carbon (POC), pH, temperature, and salinity associated with the water column of several salt marsh creeks were monitored at 5 stations for 8 months. A gradient in mean salinity of 11.5‰ to 32.7‰ was observed in the creeks. No significant correlations (Pearson’s r) could be found among the variables measured at the station with the highest salinity. ATP and POC were found to be positively correlated at all other stations. Salinity was found to be negatively correlated with both ATP and POC only at a station with the second highest mean salinity (28.8‰) and could account for only 45.7‰ of the variation in ATP. The lack of significant correlations between salinity and ATP as well as the inability of salinity to account for a large portion of the variation in ATP suggested that salinity had little relationship to the level of total microbial mass.  相似文献   

Large-scale marsh restoration efforts were conducted to restore normal salt marsh structure and function to degraded marshes (i.e., former salt hay farms) in the mesohaline lower Delaware Bay. While nekton response has been previously evaluated for the marsh surface and subtidal creeks in these marshes, little effort has been focused on intertidal creeks. Nekton response in intertidal creeks was evaluated by sampling with seines to determine if restored (i.e., former salt hay farms restored in 1996) and reference (i.e., natural or relatively undisturbed) salt marshes were utilized by intertidal nekton in a similar manner. The overall nekton assemblage during June–October 2004–2005 was generally comprised of the same species in both the restored and reference marshes. Intertidal creek catches in both marsh types consisted primarily ofFundulus heteroclitus andMenidia menidia, with varying numbers of less abundant transient species present. Transient nekton were more abundant at restored marshes than reference marshes, but in insufficient numbers to cause differences in nekton assemblages. In both marsh types, low tide stages were characterized by resident nekton, dominated byF. heteroclitus, while high tide stages were characterized by a variable mix of transient and resident nekton. Assemblage level analyses indicated that intertidal creeks in restored and reference marshes were generally utilized in a similar manner by a similar nekton assemblage, so restoration efforts were deemed successful. This is in agreement with multiple comparative studies from the ame marshes examining fish, invertebrates, and vegetation in different marsh habitats.  相似文献   


We examined fish assemblages in tidal salt marsh creeks in Delaware Bay in order to evaluate their response to treatment forPhragmites removal following initial treatment in 1996. In Alloway Crrek, a tributary to Delaware Bay, reference creeks draining marsh of untreatedPhragmites or naturally occurringSpartina were compared with creeks in marshes treated forPhragmites removal. These reference and treated creeks occur in close proximity and share many characteristics including salinity, temperature, dissolved oxygen, and turbidity, although creeks inPhragmites sites differed slightly in bathymetry. We analyzed a time series of otter trawl collections (22 monthly sample periods from 1999 to 2001) for differences in juvenile fish assemblage among creeks with different vegetation history. Periodically, young-of-the-year (YOY) and age 1+ white perch (Morone americana), YOY spot (Leiostomus xanthurus), YOY Atlantic menhaden (Brevoortia tyrannus), and other species were relatively more abundant atPhragmites sites, but other dominant species were preiodically abundant at all sites. Among-treatment differences based on principal response curves analysis accounted for about 19% of the total species variation, but differences varied widely among sample periods and there is little or no indication of a trend over the 3-yr period. Larger collections were often associated with subtidal structure, which was more common atPhragmites sites and potentially represents a sampling artifact. Assemblages of creeks with differing vegetation history differ weakly but recognizably, suggesting slow or little response to treatment, at least based on otter trawl collections in subtidal marsh creeks.


In a long-term, spatially comprehensive beam trawl survey of the Navesink River-Sandy Hook Bay estuary, the blue crabCallinectes sapidus was one of the most abundant species. Seasonal changes in abundance were evident, with low abundances in summer followed by peak abundances in the fall, after juveniles recruited to the estuary. We saw no long-term trends in abundance during the 5 yr study. Location in the navesink River or Sandy Hook Bay explained most of the variance in abundance within any one survey. In diet analyses, we found evidence of cannibalism in all seasons, but in the size range of crabs caught in this study (10–180 mm), we did not find a relationship between cannibalism and juvenile crab abundance. Within surveys, crabs divided into 20 mm size categories showed no sizerelated differences in location within the estuary or among 7 habitat types examined (algae bed, amphipod bed, beach, channel, marsh edge, mid-depth, and sandbar). Channels and sandbars tended to exhibit lower crab abundance than other habitats. Shallow habitats with and without cover were equally preferred by juvenile blue crabs, implying that the presence of structure was not critical. Spatial models of crab abundance (<- 80 mm carapace width) to environmental data were fit from several seasons of intensive sampling in the Navesink River-Sandy Hook Bay estuary between summer 1996 and spring 1998. These models indicated that fine-grained sediments, tmmperature, depth, and salinity were good indicators of crab abundance in spring, summer, and fall. Using these spatial models and environmental data collected in subsequent seasons (summer 1998−fall 1999), we were able to predict blue crab abundance in the river as evidenced by significant correlations between predicted and observed abundances. For the size range of crabs examined here, physical conditions may be as important as structural habitat types or cannibalism in determining habitat use in northerly estuaries.  相似文献   

We investigated use of δ13C in bulk organic sediment to define the botanical origin of samples preserved in coastal sediment as a means to reconstruct relative sea level in New Jersey, USA. Modern transects at three sites demonstrated that low and high salt‐marsh floral zones dominated by C4 species (Spartina alterniflora and Spartina patens) were associated with sediment δ13C values between ?18.9‰ and ?15.8‰ and occurred from mean tide level (MTL) to mean higher high water (MHHW). Brackish transitional settings vegetated by Phragmites australis with Iva fructescens and Typha sp. (C3 species) and freshwater upland samples (C3 species) were characterized by bulk sediment δ13C values of ?27.0‰ to ?22.0‰ and existed above MHHW. Parallel transects at one site suggested that intra‐site variability was not discernible. The utility of δ13C values for reconstructing relative sea level in New Jersey is limited by an inability to differentiate between brackish sediments related to sea level and freshwater upland samples. To facilitate this distinction in a 4.4 m core, we used a multi‐proxy approach (δ13C values with presence or absence of agglutinated foraminifera) to recognize indicative meanings for four sample types. Sediment with δ13C values greater than ?18.9‰ was derived from a vegetated salt‐marsh and formed between MTL and MHHW. Sediment with δ13C values less than ?22.0‰ and containing agglutinated foraminifera formed in a brackish transitional zone between MHHW and highest astronomical tide (HAT). This is the narrowest elevational range of the four sample types and most precise sea‐level indicator. Sediment with δ13C values less than ?22.0‰ and lacking foraminifera can only constrain the upper bound of former sea level. Samples with intermediate values (?22.0‰ to ?18.9‰) formed between MTL and HAT. Using these indicative meanings and radiocarbon dates, we suggest that a transition from brackish to salt‐marsh δ13C values recorded in the core took approximately 350 years (from 1800 to 1450 cal. a BP). Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Patterns in seasonal abundance (no. per m2 surface area), growth and biomass (g per m2 surface area) of an annual fish, the Atlantic silverside, Menidia menidia (L.) were investigated in a marsh and more seaward bay region of Essex Bay, Massachusetts from August 1976 to May 1978 using a quantitative beach seining technique. Silverside abundance varied greatly by season and year class during the study period. Abundance was high in 1976 but winter mortality (99%) left an adult density of only .01 per m2 surface area in the marsh during spring 1977. Resultant 1977 year class density in the marsh was 1.88 per m2 by late fall 1977 but winter mortality again produced an adult density of .01 per m2 in spring 1978. Abundance was generally higher in the marsh than in the bay region especially during spring and late fall when catches in the bay were negligible. Based on catch rate comparisons, the summer and fall juvenile abundance of the 1976 year class was much higher than the juvenile abundance of the 1977 year class. Coincidentally, mean lengths and condition of the abundant 1976 year class in the late fall were significantly lower than those of the 1977 year class, suggesting density dependent population regulation. In both years, juveniles grew rapidly and reached full adult size by November when an offshore movement to deeper waters outside Essex Bay occurred. Biomass peaked in the marsh region in late fall 1977 at 7.8 g per m2 wet weight. Winter mortality was size selective, favoring larger individuals. The annual life history design of M. menidia including an offshore winter movement and high winter mortality suggests that silversides represent an important pathway of energy flow from marsh to offshore trophic systems.  相似文献   

The intertidal marsh community comprises both benthic and natant faunal components. The benthic components are primarily small invertebrates residing within or on the soft sediments of the vegetated marsh surface. The natant components include larger, fully aquatic organisms (e.g., fish and shrimp) that inhabit the shallow waters adjacent to the marsh at low tide but interact with the benthic components of the community when the marsh is tidally inundated. In this structurally complex and often expansive intertidal environment, patterns of invertebrate distribution and abundance are not apparent to the casual observer. Benthic core samples taken along an intertidal marsh transect on Sapelo Island, Georgia, USA show that many of the inconspicuous infaunal organisms, which numerically dominate the macrofaunal elements of this soft-substrate community, exhibit zonal distribution patterns along a tidal gradient. Patterns of invertebrate distribution in the intertidal salt marsh are often attributed to the activities of aquatic predators. The results of most predator exclusion experiments have left little doubt that predation/disturbance can be an important determinant of invertebrate abundance in soft-substrate communities; but a growing number of experiments, in both freshwater and marine environments, have produced results that apparently conflict with this, general tenet. Dismissed by some as “failed” experiments, these investigations have exposed our lack of knowledge about the effects of specific predators and the importance of complex interactions which involve more than two trophic levels. Although the importance of predation has been stressed in many recent experimental investigations, there are many other factors that, alone or in combination, may also influence the structure of salt marsh invertebrate assemblages. Included among these are: (1) various density-dependent processes (e.g., adult-larval interactions, agonistic behavior, interspecific competition), (2) selective larval settlement or mortality, (3) the influence of physical factors expressed through habitat preferences, and (4) unpredictable or cyclic physical disturbances. Many questions concerning the spatial and temporal patterns of invertebrate distribution and abundance in the salt marsh are unresolved and remain as challenges to our understanding of soft-substrate community dynamics.  相似文献   

本文在西藏南部吉隆盆地新生代沉积中获得丰富的介形类化石,根据介形类动物群在地层剖面上的分布规律,建立了8个介形类群落,自下而上为:Leucocytherella trinoda-Ilyocypris群落;Ilyocypris pentanada-Leucocytherella hyalina群落;Candoniella zadaensis-Leucocytherella群落;Eucypris subgyrongensis-Candoniella zadaensis群落;Leucocytherella-Cadoniella zadaensis群落;Leucocythere mirabilis-Leucocytherella hyalina群落;Leucocythere mirabilis-Leucocytherella glabra群落和Leucocythere mirabilis-Leucocytherella trinoda群落。通过对介形类群落进行详细的特征分析,并结合磁性地层年代学数据,将吉隆盆地7.2~1.67Ma的古气候划分为5个期次:①7.2~6.7Ma为暖湿期;②6.7~5.8Ma为凉湿期;③5.8~3.6Ma为暖湿期;④3.6~2.6Ma为凉湿期;⑤2.6~1.67Ma为冷干期。将研究区的7.2Ma以来的气候演化特征与全球气候演变对比认为:吉隆盆地7.2~5.8Ma间的气候以暖湿为主,可能与来自印度的东南季风加强有关;5.8~3.6Ma间吉隆盆地古气候分析显示为相对暖湿期,可能与来自印度洋的东南季风再次加强有关;3.6Ma后,由于是受全球气候变冷、冬季风加强及青藏高原强烈隆升的影响,吉隆盆地气候向更寒冷干旱的环境转变。  相似文献   

The spiders of two Mississippi marsh communities were studied from January 1982 through March 1983. Monthly collections were made in two adjacent marsh plant zones dominated bySpartina cynosuroides (L.) Roth andJuncus roemerianus Scheele respectively. A total of 38 species of spiders (36 inSpartina, 33 inJuncus) representing 13 families were collected. The dominant species in theSpartina zone includedPirata mayaca Gertsch,Lycosa watsoni Gertsch (Lycosidae),Clubiona saltitans Emerton,Scotinella formica (Banks) (Clubionidae),Floricormus sp. (Linyphiidae),Dictyna sylvania Chamberlin & Ivie (Dictynidae),Paramaevia hobbsae (Barnes) (Salticidae), andAgelenopsis barrowsi Gertsch (Agelenidae). The dominant species in theJuncus zone includedLycosa watsoni, Pirata mayaca, Clubiona saltitans andSarinda hentzi (Banks) (Salticidae). Density, biomass, species richness and equitability peaked in May in theJuncus zone and in June in theSpartina zone. Peak levels of density and biomass corresponded to the reproductive activity of the common species, while diversity patterns were attributable to the reproductive activity of the less common species. Mean values of density and biomass over the study period were 84.8 spiders per m2 and 155.6 mg per m2 in theSpartina zone and 39.4 spiders per m2 and 133.0 mg per m2 inJuncus zone. The Juncus zone was flooded more frequently, contained less litter, and supported lower overall density and diversity of spiders.  相似文献   

This study investigates the influence ofPhragmites australis (common reed) invasion on the habitat of the resident marsh fish,Fundulus heteroclitus (mummichog) in the Hackensack Meadowlands, New Jersey. These abundant fish play an important role in the transfer of energy from the marsh surface to adjacent subtidal waters and thus estuarine food webs. The objectives of this 2-yr study (1999 and 2000) were to compare the distribution and abundance of the eggs, larvae, juveniles, and adults of mummichog and their invertebrate prey inhabitingSpartina alterniflora-dominated marshes withPhragmites-dominated marshes, and to experimentally investigate the influence of marsh surface microtoprography on larval fish abundance withinPhragmites-dominated marshes. In 2000, we verified that egg deposition does occur inPhragmites-dominated marshes. In both years, the abundance of larvae and small juveniles (4–20 mm TL) inS. alterniflora was significantly greater than inPhragmites-dominated marshes, while larger juveniles and adults (>20 mm TL) were similarly abundant in both habitat types. The overall abundance of larvae and small juveniles was significantly greater in experimentalPhragmites plots in which microtopography was manipulated to resemble that ofSpartina marshes than inPhragmites control plots. Major groups of invertebrate taxa differed between marsh types with potential prey for larval fish being significantly more abundant inS. alterniflora marshes.Phragmites-dominated marshes may not provide the most suitable habitat for the early life-history stages of the mummichog. The low abundance of larvae and small juveniles inPhragmites marshes is likely due to inadequate larval habitat and perhaps decreased prey availability for these early life history stages.  相似文献   

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