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侯德封 《地质论评》1949,14(Z1):30-30
I 原生河流 CONSEQUENT RIVER SYSTEM1.顺向河Transv?rse Consequent River河流与岩层倾向一致。  相似文献   

根据河道形态和沉积物特征的河流新分类   总被引:21,自引:5,他引:21  
王随继  任明达 《沉积学报》1999,17(2):240-246
目前河流分类方案较多,各有所长和不足,不同学科间的河型表述也有一定的差异,不便于相互沟通。在讨论了分别以侵蚀阶段、沉积物搬运方向、河道和河间地的相对沉积速率以及河道平面形态等为标准的代表性河流分类方案的不足之处后,提出一个新的河型分类,把冲积河流分为辫状河、曲流河、分汊河、网状河和直流河五类,以便于沉积学界、地貌学界和水利学界等能够在统一的河型分类的格架中相互借鉴各自的研究成果。  相似文献   

河流生态健康评价研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
何兴军  李琦  宋令勇 《地下水》2011,33(2):63-66
随着河流污染日益严重,人们开始关注河流的生存,河流健康由此而生.在全面总结国内外研究的基础上,对河流健康的概念进行了阐释,分析了评价河流健康的指标体系,及其标准和权重,列举了几种常用的评价模型,并指出了现阶段河流健康评价工作的不足及其未来的发展方向.  相似文献   

中国河流沉积学研究20年   总被引:15,自引:4,他引:15  
从河型及其分类研究、现代河流沉积调查、河流沉积相与相模式研究、河流相地层的层序地层学研究、河流沉积砂体建筑结构精细解剖、河流沉积模拟研究等六个方面回顾了自《沉积学报》创刊以来20年中国河流沉积学研究的主要进展,指出我国的河流沉积学取得了许多富有特色的研究成果,主要表现在网状河概念的引入与普及、建筑结构要素分析法的推广、界面层次的划分和及其概念的扩张、岩石相类型和岩石相组合概念的应用、河流砂体露头调查的方法与技术、沉积构造的沉积动力学解释、层序地层学在河流沉积研究中的应用、河流沉积过程的模拟实验、河流相储层的建模技术等方面。但是20年来,中国河流沉积学研究并没有出现国际公认的理论首创,应当加强河流沉积学的研究组织,吸收地理地貌和水利学的研究成果,结合社会经济建设需要不断扩大河流沉积学的研究领域,积极进行国际学术交流,使我国的河流沉积学研究走在国际河流沉积学研究的前列。  相似文献   

贵州省诸河流枯水规律初步分析   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
王继辉  郭履维 《水文》1995,(5):54-58
贵州省诸河流枯水规律初步分析王继辉,郭履维(贵州省水文总站)1概述贵州省位于云贵高原向湖南低山丘陵过渡的梯级状大斜坡地带,也是崛起于四川盆地和广西丘陵之间的亚热带岩溶化山原。西部地区海拔2000m以上,中部地区降至海拔1000m上下,东部则在海拔50...  相似文献   

面积、平均水深相同的断面,形态不同,输水、输沙能力有较大差异。导得了断面特征值,包括表称流量、表称输沙率、表称含沙量、宽深比等的计算式。讨论了断面形态的变化及其表达方法。提出了几种平均水深的算法。讨论了常用的√B/H关系,认为用它来表达断面形态、判断变化性质是不合理的。  相似文献   

基于环境扩散条件的河流宽度分类判别准则   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
在河流排污引起的污染物扩散计算中,不同河流宽度类别对应不同的移流扩散解析解算式,但缺少具体的河流宽度分类判别准则,给实际应用带来很大困难。按照河流污染物扩散受边界反射影响程度的不同,从移流扩散解析解算式的简化条件出发,提出了宽阔、中宽、窄小的分类方法和定义;根据二维可忽略边界反射的条件和达到全断面均匀混合距离小于等于河流宽度的条件,分别求解了河流宽阔与中宽窄小的分区临界关系线和中宽与窄小的分区临界关系线,提出了相应判据的数学表达式;给出了河流宽阔、中宽、窄小的分类判别准则以及各类别河流移流扩散解析解算式的对应关系。最后指出基于环境扩散条件的河流宽阔、中宽、窄小分区是相对的,对于同一河流在不同水力要素、扩散系数、排污强度和允许浓度升高值等条件下,可以得到不同的分区结果。  相似文献   

利用SWOT方法对浐灞生态区的房地产开发进行优势、劣势、机遇和挑战的分析,并进行了SO、ST、WO和WT的策略研究.得出了拥有河流的区域在城市化初期的房地产开发中,应结合生态城市建设的理念进行多业态的开发和经营.  相似文献   

河流环境流量法研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
回顾了20世纪80年代以来,国内外在河流环境流量法方面的研究进展,包括研究现状、方法类别及发展趋势。在国外,从考虑单一水文要素的水文学法,到考虑多学科交叉的整体分析法,逐步建立起一套完整的方法研究体系,今后发展趋势是通过国际间的合作研究,开发满足不同国家国情和水情特点的综合环境流量法。在国内,研究尚处于起步阶段,大多停留在定性分析水平上,定量分析,计算比较简单,主要采用的是水文学法,如Tennant法、7Q10法等,今后的研究方向一方面要加强基础研究工作,另一方面要根据本国(或流域、或地区)特点开发出适合于国情和水情的环境流量法,研究地区也应从干旱半干旱的北方地区转移到水资源较为丰富的南方地区。  相似文献   

蔡建元 《水文》1994,(2):11-17
本文论述大中河流流量站网规划的经济原则。从内插年径流的精度及其经济效益这一目标入手,通过布站密度与影响年径流量精度之间的关系,运用经济学的基本原理,建立了精度-经济函数之间的关系。并以黄河上游干流水文站和泾河流域代表站为例,验证精度-经济函数结构的合理性。为以经济原则约束下,确定布站密度及其精度指标,提供一种思路与方法。  相似文献   

Bottom mud was collected from the upper and lower reaches of 92 rivers in Japan to determine the distribution of 0.5N-HCI-soluble heavy metals. The average concentrations of Cu, Zn, Pb, and Cd in the mud from the lower reaches were from two to three times higher than those in the upper reaches. Japanese rivers were classified according to the degree of heavy metal pollution by using the values of 0.5N-HCI-soluble metals in the lower reaches of rivers. The content of 0.5N-HCI-soluble heavy metals in the mud of the upper reaches was used as the standard value. The classification of rivers was made by a cluster analysis according to Euclidian distance. As a result, rivers in Japan could be classified into three groups based on the degree of metal pollution, and the classification was in agreement with the pollution index.  相似文献   

为了更好地进行地热开发利用,该文在前人研究基础上,将地热系统定义为一个相对独立的地质单元,以热源为中心,包含热生成—运移—聚集所需要的地质要素和地质作用,这些要素和作用组成了能形成热能聚集的功能单元。根据地质构造背景,地热系统可分为隆起山地型地热系统(Ⅰ型)和沉积盆地型地热系统(Ⅱ型)两大类。根据热源类型,地热系统可细分为隆起山地岩浆型地热系统(Ⅰ1型)、隆起山地非岩浆型地热系统(Ⅰ2型)、沉积盆地岩浆型地热系统(Ⅱ1型)、沉积盆地非岩浆型地热系统(Ⅱ2型)4亚类。根据热的赋存方式,上述4亚类地热系统可进一步细分为隆起山地岩浆水热型地热系统、隆起山地岩浆干热型地热系统等8种类型。充足的热源是一切地热系统形成的基础。充足的水源补给和断裂发育是隆起山地水热型地热系统形成的主控因素,一定埋深的大规模优质储层是沉积盆地水热型地热系统形成的主控因素。埋藏较浅的高渗透性储层及较好的盖层,是干热型地热系统形成的主控因素。  相似文献   

A method for river classification based on water quality assessment (WQA) was introduced using factor analysis (FA) in this paper. Sixty-nine sampling sites and 20 water quality parameters in Taizi River basin were selected for monitoring and analysis. Five factors were determined in FA, denoted as general, hardness, trophic, nitrogen pollution, and physical factors. The total factor scores (TFSs) of the WQA results from all sampling sites were calculated by the eigenvalue and factor score of each factor. The TFSs of 69 sites were interpolated with the measure of inverse distance weighted in the river buffer zone generated by ArcGIS 9.2 software to form a continuous spatial distribution along river channels. All streams were divided into five classes marked “excellent”, “good”, “fair”, “poor”, and “seriously polluted”. The classification result showed that the water quality of Taizi River basin deteriorated gradually from the mountain area to the plain area. Sewage and intensive human activities contributed to the deterioration of water quality since towns and farmland were dotted densely along the river basin.  相似文献   

方维萱 《地质通报》2020,39(11):1692-1714
沉积盆地内成岩作用和成岩相系划分研究,不仅有助于提升对沉积盆地内金属矿产、非金属矿产、能源矿产(石油、天然气、煤和铀矿)等同盆共存富集与协同成岩成矿成藏作用等方面的研究水平,也有助于提升对沉积盆地形成演化历史、盆山和盆山原耦合转换等大陆动力学过程的深入研究。将沉积盆地内成岩作用和成岩相系划分与地球化学岩相学识别技术紧密结合,采用构造岩相学与地球化学岩相学研究思路和方法,以成岩事件序列为主线,将沉积盆地内成岩相系划分为:①成盆期埋深压实物理-化学成岩作用和成岩相系;②盆地改造期构造-热事件成岩作用与构造热事件改造成岩相系;③盆内岩浆叠加期构造-岩浆-热事件成岩作用和岩浆叠加成岩相系;④盆地表生变化期表生成岩作用和表生成岩相系。从地球化学岩相学成岩机理上,对成岩相系的成岩环境和成岩机理进行识别,促进非金属矿产、金属矿产-油气资源-煤-铀等同盆共存与协同富集成矿成藏机理研究和深部矿产资源预测。  相似文献   

Classification of paraglacial barrier systems: coastal New England, USA   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The New England coast harbours a wide variety of barrier forms, which we organize into six barrier-coastline types. The barriers develop in response to the relative importance of several spatially and temporally variable parameters, particularly antecedent topography and geology, sediment abundance and size, exposure to wave and tidal energy and sea-level history. The six coastline types can also be identified in other paraglacial regions. Existing barrier-coastline classification schemes do not allow consistent subdivision of paraglacial barrier coasts. This paper presents a new scheme that is applicable to paraglacial and non-paraglacial barrier coasts alike. Aside from hydrodynamic regime, which forms the basis of the barrier classification most commonly used to date, it includes a compartmentalization factor. Sediment-starved ‘isolated’ (‘type 1’) barrier coastlines are characterized by short, widely spaced barriers. Small, localized updrift and offshore sources have provided sediment for short barriers along ‘clustered headland-separated’ (‘type 2’) barrier coastlines. Various amounts of sediment from larger updrift and offshore glaciofluvial deposits or directly from rivers have formed the longer barriers along ‘wave-dominated mainland-segmented’ (‘type 3a’), ‘mixed-energy mainland-segmented’ (‘type 3b’), ‘wave-dominated inlet-segmented’ (‘type 4a’) and ‘mixed-energy inlet-segmented’ (‘type 4b’) barrier coastlines. Geomorphic form, grain size and stratigraphy can be used to characterize individual barriers along barrier coastlines. Most paraglacial barriers form as spits, but many are transformed subsequently. Welded barriers are common along ‘type 1’ and ‘type 2’ coasts. Baymouth barriers are characteristic of ‘type 3’ coasts, and barrier islands occur exclusively along ‘type 4’ coasts. The coarsest grained barriers are located along ‘type 1’ and ‘type 2’ coasts. Progradational barrier sections are concentrated along ‘type 3’ and ‘type 4’ coasts with abundant sediment supply, but are also present along ‘type 2’ coasts. Temporary increases in sediment supply, common in paraglacial regions, result in transitions between retrogradational and progradational barrier behaviour, which may be recognized on shore-perpendicular stratigraphic cross-sections.  相似文献   

河流健康的定义与内涵   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25       下载免费PDF全文
近年来,河流健康一词在学术论文、规划文件、媒体论坛、领导讲话中频繁出现,河流健康已成为当前学术界、领导者和公众共同关心的热门话题。这一现象表明,人们的可持续发展观念、人与自然和谐相处的认识和环境意识正在逐渐提高,是十分可喜的。然而,当我们对有关的论文、文件、领导讲话等关于河流健康的论述进行深入学习和分析时发现,人们对河流健康的理解还不深刻、不全面,甚至存在一些偏颇。什么是河流健康?它的内涵是什么?怎样描述河流的健康状况?怎样诊断一条河流是否健康?怎样保护、预警与修复河流的健康?对于这些问题,人们各抒己见,莫衷一是,显得较为混乱。显然,这是由于人们对河流健康概念的理解深度和差异造成的,这样的知识状况不利于我们正确指导和有效进行河流健康的评价与保护实践。基于上述,本刊邀请了部分专家、学者,举办本期笔谈,以期推动关于河流健康的研究和实践。  相似文献   

综合糙率是采用曼宁公式确定河道水位和流量关系的关键参数。在河道冰封期,冰盖的出现增加了流动的阻力,明流条件下确定的综合糙率不再适用,需要重新估算。基于Einstein阻力划分过流断面的原理,冰盖下矩形河道的过水断面可划分为冰盖区、河床区和边壁区。根据总流的连续性方程,在确定各分区糙率系数、水力半径和断面面积的基础上,提出了冰盖下矩形河道综合糙率的计算公式。采用已有的试验水槽测量数据和天然河道实测资料对公式进行了验证,结果表明:公式计算的综合糙率与实测值吻合较好,与Einstein公式和Sabaneev公式相比,计算精度更高;对于冰封水流,宽浅河道采用分区水深代替水力半径进行简化计算的条件有别于明渠水流,在宽深比大于20时,计算结果才满足精度要求。  相似文献   

Water samples have been collected from a part of Surma River along different points and analyzed for various water quality parameters during dry and monsoon periods. Effects of industrial wastes, municipal sewage, and agricultural runoff on river water quality have been investigated. The study was conducted within the Chattak to Sunamganj portion of Surma River, which is significant due to the presence of two major industries-a paper mill and a cement factory. The other significant feature is the conveyors that travel from India to Chattak. This study involves determination of physical, biological and chemical parameters of surface water at different points. The river was found to be highly turbid in the monsoon season. But BOD and fecal coliform concentration was found higher in the dry season. The water was found slightly acidic. The mean values of parameters were Conductivity 84–805μs; DO: dry- 5.52 mg/L, monsoon-5.72 mg/L; BOD: dry-1 mg/L, monsoon-0.878 mg/L; Total Solid: dry-149.4 mg/L, monsoon- 145.7 mg/L. A model study was also conducted and values of different model parameters were estimated.  相似文献   

王宇 《中国地质》2003,30(2):220-224
笔者根据岩溶区水文地质条件及特征的差异,以地下水循环的特征为纲,应用系统分析方法,将岩溶水系统分为三级,对各级系统进行了分类。第一级为岩溶水系统,第二级分为浅循环和深循环岩溶水系统、第三级分别进一步分为裸露型、裸露-覆盖型、裸露-埋藏型、滞水型及层控型和断裂带型6类基本的岩溶水文地质单元。并论述了各类型的水文地质特征,指出了各类系统的供水意义,对断陷盆地岩溶水资源的勘查和开发有较大的参考价值。  相似文献   

Mountain rivers and lowland rivers differ in many ways. Some of the many elements that distinguish both river systems apart are the rivers’ geomorphological appearances, hydraulic geometry, pollution transport, sediment transport, and its own roughness and coarseness. In this particular study, the element of sediment transport is given distinctive attention too. This study employs the deterministic approach for bed load prediction entailing the use of the parameterization concept where particle size and flow variation is taken into full consideration. Apart from that, the classical approach of Shields number is also used to determine the transport rates at the fluvial system. However, due to some limitation and range of applicability, the Shields number approach was re-modified to suit the range of applicability. Changes were made to the alleviating critical stress term and formulating exponential approach. For this research, it was important to deduce the underlying principles which are universal and common to all river systems, due to obvious and distinct differences between the mountain and lowland rivers. A special attribute was given to the Malaysian natural rivers because of the limited recorded data available. All datasets were compiled and tested with the bed load predictors to observe the commonality pattern between the lowland and mountain river systems. Most of the bed load transport equations limit the range of applicability by isolating the flow regime or bed roughness individually. Thus, it was vital for researchers to find the commonality pattern between these two river systems which needed to be statistically sound in its form. It was postulated that the particle densimetric Froude number is graphically and statistically fit for both river systems. Hence, this predictor is used as it has a high potential to be included in the sediment transport parameterization for Malaysian natural rivers.  相似文献   

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