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Recent spectropolarimetric observations of Ap and Bp stars with improved sensitivity have suggested that most Ap and Bp stars are magnetic with dipolar fields of at least a few hundred gauss. These new estimates suggest that the range of magnetic fluxes found for the majority of magnetic white dwarfs is similar to that of main-sequence Ap–Bp stars, thus strengthening the empirical evidence for an evolutionary link between magnetism on the main sequence and magnetism in white dwarfs. We draw parallels between the magnetic white dwarfs and the magnetic neutron stars and argue that the observed range of magnetic fields in isolated neutron stars  ( Bp ∼ 1011–1015 G)  could also be explained if their mainly O-type progenitors have effective dipolar fields in the range of a few gauss to a few kilogauss, assuming approximate magnetic flux conservation with the upper limit being consistent with the recent measurement of a field of   Bp ∼ 1100 G  for θ Orion C.
In the magnetic field–rotation diagram, the magnetic white dwarfs can be divided into three groups of different origin: a significant group of strongly magnetized slow rotators  ( P rot∼ 50 –100 yr)  that have originated from single-star evolution, a group of strongly magnetized fast rotators  ( P rot∼ 700 s)  , typified by EUVE J0317–853, that have originated from a merger, and a group of modest rotators ( P rot∼ hours–days) of mixed origin (single-star and CV-type binary evolution). We propose that the neutron stars may similarly divide into distinct classes at birth , and suggest that the magnetars may be the counterparts of the slowly rotating high-field magnetic white dwarfs.  相似文献   

White dwarf stars are the final evolutionary stage of the vast majority of stars, including our Sun. Since the coolest white dwarfs are very old objects, the present population of white dwarfs contains a wealth of information on the evolution of stars from birth to death, and on the star formation rate throughout the history of our Galaxy. Thus, the study of white dwarfs has potential applications in different fields of astrophysics. In particular, white dwarfs can be used as independent reliable cosmic clocks, and can also provide valuable information about the fundamental parameters of a wide variety of stellar populations, such as our Galaxy and open and globular clusters. In addition, the high densities and temperatures characterizing white dwarfs allow these stars to be used as cosmic laboratories for studying physical processes under extreme conditions that cannot be achieved in terrestrial laboratories. Last but not least, since many white dwarf stars undergo pulsational instabilities, the study of their properties constitutes a powerful tool for applications beyond stellar astrophysics. In particular, white dwarfs can be used to constrain fundamental properties of elementary particles such as axions and neutrinos and to study problems related to the variation of fundamental constants. These potential applications of white dwarfs have led to renewed interest in the calculation of very detailed evolutionary and pulsational models for these stars. In this work, we review the essentials of the physics of white dwarf stars. We enumerate the reasons that make these stars excellent chronometers, and we describe why white dwarfs provide tools for a wide variety of applications. Special emphasis is placed on the physical processes that lead to the formation of white dwarfs as well as on the different energy sources and processes responsible for chemical abundance changes that occur along their evolution. Moreover, in the course of their lives, white dwarfs cross different pulsational instability strips. The existence of these instability strips provides astronomers with a unique opportunity to peer into their internal structure that would otherwise remain hidden from observers. We will show that this allows one to measure stellar masses with unprecedented precision and to infer their envelope thicknesses, to probe the core chemical stratification, and to detect rotation rates and magnetic fields. Consequently, in this work, we also review the pulsational properties of white dwarfs and the most recent applications of white dwarf asteroseismology.  相似文献   

We have analyzed more than 90 papers in the area “Magnetic fields and physical parameters of chemically peculiar and related stars,” published mainly in 2016. The main results of the period under survey are as follows. The search for new magnetic stars continued.Many measurements weremade at the 6-m BTA telescope of the SAO RAS, new data on stellar magnetism in the OrionOB1 association were obtained. A systematic study ofmagnetic fields of stars with large anomalies in the energy distribution in the continuum was started. New data on ultra-slowmagnetic rotators—chemically peculiar stars with rotation periods of years and decades are obtained. Successful observations on the search for new magnetic stars are performed among the objects of the southern sky in Chile at the FORS2 VLT spectropolarimeter. A new direction was developed, namely, the study of binarymagnetic stars. Depending on the mass–distance ratio between the components, interaction with the magnetosphere and, possibly, magnetic braking may occur. The study of the details of this process is important for the theory of formation of stellar magnetic fields. The search for large-scale, but weak magnetic fields (magnitude of unities and tens of G) in non-CP stars is ongoing. Such fields are found in Am stars. No fields were found in the classical Be stars. Cool stars of various types were studied in detail. They manifested magnetic fields of a complex structure. Their mapping was performed, changes in the topology of the field were found at timescales of several years. Spectral and photometric variability was studied. Dozens of new potentially magnetic stars are discovered as a result of the ASAS-3, SuperWASP, Stereo and Kepler surveys. High-accuracy observations of rapidly oscillating stars were performed with the BRITE nanosatellite.Work continued on the studies of magnetic and photometric variability of white dwarfs. Finally, an overview of several papers on exoplanets, related with the subject of our study is presented.  相似文献   

I briefly review the method of population synthesis of binary stars and discuss the preliminary results of a study of the Galactic population of subdwarf B stars. In particular I focus on the formation of (apparently) single sdB stars and their relation to (apparently) single helium-core white dwarfs. I discuss the merits of mergers of two helium white dwarfs and interactions with sub-stellar companions for explaining these single objects. A preliminary conclusion is that the current observations suggest both mechanisms may contribute, but that the helium white dwarfs are likely formed in majority from interactions with sub-stellar companions.  相似文献   

The development of far-UV astronomy has been particularly important for the study of hot white dwarf stars. A significant fraction of their emergent flux appears in the far-UV and traces of elements heavier than hydrogen or helium are, in general, only detected in this waveband or at shorter wavelengths that are also only accessible from space. Although white dwarfs have been studied in the far-UV throughout the past ∼25 years, since the launch of IUE, only a few tens of objects have been studied in great detail and a much larger sample is required to gain a detailed understanding of the evolution of hot white dwarfs and the physical processes that determine their appearance. We review here the current knowledge regarding hot white dwarfs and outline what work needs to be carried out by future far-UV observatories.  相似文献   

We analyse the angular momentum evolution from the red giant branch (RGB) to the horizontal branch (HB) and along the HB. Using rotation velocities for stars in the globular cluster M13, we find that the required angular momentum for the fast rotators is up to 1–3 orders of magnitude (depending on some assumptions) larger than that of the Sun. Planets of masses up to 5 times Jupiter's mass and up to an initial orbital separation of ~2 au are sufficient to spin-up the RGB progenitors of most of these fast rotators. Other stars have been spun-up by brown dwarfs or low-mass main-sequence stars. Our results show that the fast rotating HB stars have been probably spun-up by planets, brown dwarfs or low-mass main-sequence stars while they evolved on the RGB. We argue that the angular momentum considerations presented in this paper further support the 'planet second parameter' model. In this model, the 'second parameter' process, which determines the distribution of stars on the HB, is interaction with low-mass companions, in most cases with gas-giant planets, and in a minority of cases with brown dwarfs or low-mass main-sequence stars. The masses and initial orbital separations of the planets (or brown dwarfs or low-mass main-sequence stars) form a rich spectrum of different physical parameters, which manifests itself in the rich varieties of HB morphologies observed in the different globular clusters.  相似文献   

This paper is a discussion of some results from papers by followers of V. A. Ambartsumyan, whose fundamental articles serve as the beginning of research on superdense stars: white dwarfs and neutron stars. Solutions of the Einstein equations are given for the case of axial symmetry and are used to determine the integral parameters of rotating neutron stars and white dwarfs. A theory of magnetic field generation in neutron stars has been developed and is consistent with the existence of high, nonuniform magnetic fields on the order of 1014 G in pulsars. A theory has been proposed for the dynamics of neutron vortices and used to explain the observed relaxation of the angular velocity of pulsars following glitches.  相似文献   

White dwarfs are the evolutionary endpoint of the low-and-medium mass stars. In the studies of white dwarfs, the mass of white dwarf is an important physical parameter. In this paper, we give an analysis about the velocity distribution of DA white dwarfs in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS), and hope to find the relation between mass and velocity distribution of white dwarfs. We get the radial velocity and tangential velocity of every DA white dwarf according to their proper motion and spectral shift. Through analyzing the velocity distribution of DA white dwarfs, we find that the small-mass white dwarfs, which are produced from the single-star evolution channel, have a relatively large velocity dispersion.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the first all-sky surveys of cosmic extreme ultra-violet and soft X-ray sources, discovered by ROSAT. Details of the surveys are presented, with comparisons made to previous selected surveys in the X-ray regime. The subsequent optical identification programs are described, and the major results summarized. We then discuss the main classes of EUV emitters: active chromosphere stars and hot white dwarfs, and describe the importance of EUV observations in understanding the astrophysics of these objects. Many bright, and relatively nearby, sources have been identified as hitherto unrecognized active stars, representing the extremes in chromospheric and coronal activity, be it binary or age related. Many new hot DA white dwarfs have also been indentified, and the most exciting result in this area is the discovery that significant traces of heavier elements (e.g. C, N, O, Si, Fe and Al) exist in their atmospheres, substantially increasing their EUV opacities. The importance of hot white dwarfs as standard candles in probing the local interstellar medium is also discussed. Miscellaneous counterparts (AGN, PNN, O-B stars and CVs) that make up the rest of the sample of EUV sources are also briefly mentioned. We finish with a discussion of the on-going ROSAT Galactic Plane Survey (RGPS) identification program.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the first all-sky suvey of cosmic extreme ultra-violet sources, discovered by theROSAT Wide Field Camera. Details of the instrument and the survey are presented, with comparisons made to previous selected surveys in the X-ray regime. The subsequent optical identification program is described, and the major results summarized. I then discuss the main classes of EUV emitters: active chromosphere stars and hot white dwarfs, and describe the importance of EUV obserevations in understanding the astrophysics of these objects. Many bright, and relatively nearby, sources have been identified with hitherto unrecognized active stars, representing the extremes in chromospheric and coronal activity, be it binary or age related. Many new hot DA white dwarfs have also been indentified, and the most exciting result in this area is the discovery that significant traces of heavier elements (e.g. C, N, O, Si, Fe & Al) exist in their atmospheres, substantially increasing their EUV opacities. The importance of hot white dwarfs as standard candles in probing the local interstellar medium is also discussed. Miscellaneous counterparts (AGN, PNN, O-B stars and CVs) that make up the rest of the sample of EUV sources are also briefly mentioned. I conclude the paper with a discussion of the new magnetic cataclysmic variables discovered at SAAO, which have been the subject of intensive follow-up observations.  相似文献   

We present an analytical survey of key publications concerned with the study of stellar magnetism published in 2015. We considered about 80 publications, the most significant from our point of view, presented brief reviews of them, and made generalizations. The paper considers: instruments, techniques of observations and analysis; large-scale magnetic fields of OBA stars on the Main Sequence (MS) (formation and evolution, field topology, search for new magnetic stars including the projects MiMeS, BOB, and BinaMIcS and observations with the Russian 6-m telescope, rotation and chemical abundance analysis of magnetic CP stars); magnetic fields, chemical abundance and variability of stars related to peculiar, primarily, active cool stars, solar-type stars and white dwarfs; multiple magnetic stars including interferometry data, exoplanets in a system of magnetic stars. We make a conclusion that the accuracy of magnetic field measurements has grown due to universal application of the multilinear method of observations especially with high-resolution spectropolarimeters. Usage of Zeeman-Doppler imaging technique (ZDI) when analyzing the obtained data allows us to confidently search and measure fields of complex topology of the order of 10 Gs. For the first time, a magnetic field has been detected for post-AGB stars and some other types of objects.  相似文献   

We present a literature survey of about a hundred papers concerned with “Magnetic fields and physical parameters of chemically peculiar and related stars” published mainly in 2017. We considered instrumental and methodical issues, gave first results obtained with the high-resolution PEPSI spectropolarimeter, described new programs for data reduction and analysis. New magnetic chemically peculiar stars in the Orion association were discovered, weak (of the order of one Gauss) magnetic fields were found in stars of other types. The first attempt was made to detect extragalactic magnetic stars.Magnetic fieldmaps and maps of element distribution over the surfaces of stars of different types were constructed, evolution of spots on cool stars was found. New magnetic, spectroscopic, and photometric data have been obtained for magnetic white dwarfs and degenerate stars of other types.  相似文献   

Brown dwarfs are the coolest class of stellar objects known to date. Our present perception is that brown dwarfs follow the principles of star formation, and that brown dwarfs share many characteristics with planets. Being the darkest and lowest mass stars known makes brown dwarfs also the coolest stars known. This has profound implication for their spectral fingerprints. Brown dwarfs cover a range of effective temperatures which cause brown dwarfs atmospheres to be a sequence that gradually changes from a M-dwarf-like spectrum into a planet-like spectrum. This further implies that below an effective temperature of \(\lesssim \)2,800 K, clouds form already in atmospheres of objects marking the boundary between M-Dwarfs and brown dwarfs. Recent developments have sparked the interest in plasma processes in such very cool atmospheres: sporadic and quiescent radio emission has been observed in combination with decaying X-ray activity indicators across the fully convective boundary.  相似文献   

Magnetic white dwarfs with fields in excess of ∼106 G (the high field magnetic white dwarfs; HFMWDs) constitute about ∼10 per cent of all white dwarfs and show a mass distribution with a mean mass of  ∼0.93 M  compared to  ∼0.56 M  for all white dwarfs. We investigate two possible explanations for these observations. First, that the initial–final mass relationship (IFMR) is influenced by the presence of a magnetic field and that the observed HFMWDs originate from stars on the main sequence that are recognized as magnetic (the chemically peculiar A and B stars). Secondly, that the IFMR is essentially unaffected by the presence of a magnetic field, and that the observed HFMWDs have progenitors that are not restricted to these groups of stars. Our calculations argue against the former hypothesis and support the latter. The HFMWDs have a higher than average mass because on the average they have more massive progenitors and not because the IFMR is significantly affected by the magnetic field. A requirement of our model is that ∼40 per cent of main-sequence stars more massive than  ∼4.5 M  must either have magnetic fields in the range of ∼10–100 G, which is below the current level of detection, or generate fields during subsequent stellar evolution towards the white dwarf phase. In the former case, the magnetic fields of the HFMWDs could be fossil remnants from the main-sequence phase consistent with the approximate magnetic flux conservation.  相似文献   

A number of models have been proposed for the observed cosmic gamma-ray bursts. A class of such models involves the use of magnetic energy as the principal source of energy required for the bursts. In this case, arguments are presented to show that degenerate stars are favored. Mechanisms for magnetohydrodynamic instabilities in white dwarfs and neutron stars are discussed. Preliminary work indicates that magnetic white dwarfs can (but neutron stars probably cannot) account for many of the observed features of the bursts.Paper presented at the COSPAR Symposium on Fast Transients in X- and Gamma-Rays, held at Varna, Bulgaria, 29–31 May, 1975.  相似文献   

The first part of this paper discusses how planet formation proceeds in the disks orbiting M dwarf stars. These environments are different from those associated with solar‐type stars in several ways: The planet forming clock (set by orbits) runs slower, the disks are more prone to evaporation, the supply of raw material is lower, the snowline is closer in, and planetary systems are more easily disrupted. Because of these considerations, red dwarfs are less likely to harbor giant planets, but can readily produce smaller planets. The second part of this paper describes stellar evolution calculations for M dwarfs, which live far longer than the current age of the universe. These diminutive stellar objects remain convective over most of their lives, continue to burn hydrogen for trillions of years, and do not experience red giant phases in their old age. Instead, red dwarfs turn into blue dwarfs and finally white dwarfs. This work also shows (in part) why larger stars become red giants. (© 2005 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

The applications of the spectral analysis methods discovered by Kirchhoff for the investigation of stellar magnetic fields are considered. The statistical properties of the mean magnetic fields for OBA stars have been investigated by analyzing data from two catalogs of magnetic fields. It is shown that the mean effective magnetic field ℬ of a star can be used as a statistically significant characteristic of its magnetic field. The magnetic field distribution functions F(ℬ) have been constructed for B-type and chemically peculiar (CP) stars, which exhibit a power-law dependence on ℬ. A sharp decrease in F(ℬ) in the range of weak magnetic fields has been found. The statistical properties of the magnetic fluxes for main-sequence stars, white dwarfs, and neutron stars are analyzed.  相似文献   

We present observations and an analysis of the X-ray source 1RXS J0832.6–2525 which shows it to be a low field magnetic white dwarf with an unusual high mass. This is the second magnetic white dwarf for which a determination of a spectroscopic mass has been possible, and both stars belong to the growing class of ultramassive white dwarfs ( M  ≥ 1.1 M⊙).  相似文献   

Using the numerical code (`Scenario Machine') we study of number and physical properties of binary Be stars. Evolutionary tracks leading to a formation of the observational binary systems are presented. We conclude that synchronization must be taken into account when calculating binary Be star evolution and calculate the minimal orbital period for Be/evolved companion binary. The obtained distributions over orbital parameters are in good agreement with the observational lack of short-period Be/X-ray binaries. According to our calculations 70% of all Be stars must have a white dwarf. The white dwarfs in these systems should be hot enough with the surface temperature distribution peaking at 10000–20000 K. Their detection is possible during the period of the lack of Be star envelope by the detection of white dwarf extremely UV and soft X-ray emission. This method of registration appears to be particularly promising for `single' early-type Be stars because in these systems the white dwarfs must have a very high surface temperature. However, the loss of the Be disc-like envelope does not often occur and it is a rather rare event for many Be stars. The best possibility of white dwarf detection is given by the study of helium spectral lines found in emission from several Be stars. The ultraviolet continuum energy of these Be stars is found to be not enough to produce the observed helium emission. Besides, we also discuss the orbital properties of binary Be star systems with other evolved companions such as helium stars and neutron stars and give a possible explanation for the lack of Be/black hole binaries. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

ULTRACAM: an ultrafast, triple-beam CCD camera for high-speed astrophysics   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
ULTRACAM is a portable, high-speed imaging photometer designed to study faint astronomical objects at high temporal resolutions. ULTRACAM employs two dichroic beamsplitters and three frame-transfer CCD cameras to provide three-colour optical imaging at frame rates of up to 500 Hz. The instrument has been mounted on both the 4.2-m William Herschel Telescope on La Palma and the 8.2-m Very Large Telescope in Chile, and has been used to study white dwarfs, brown dwarfs, pulsars, black hole/neutron star X-ray binaries, gamma-ray bursts, cataclysmic variables, eclipsing binary stars, extrasolar planets, flare stars, ultracompact binaries, active galactic nuclei, asteroseismology and occultations by Solar System objects (Titan, Pluto and Kuiper Belt objects). In this paper we describe the scientific motivation behind ULTRACAM, present an outline of its design and report on its measured performance.  相似文献   

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