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Using the 1949-2007 western North Pacific tropical cyclones (TCs) best-track data archived at the Shanghai Typhoon Institute of China Meteorological Administration for the western North Pacific from 1949 to 2007,both the characteristics of binary and multiple TCs and samples of interactions among TCs and multi-TCs are identified and statistically analyzed.According to the various features of individual TC tracks and interacting tracks,seven distinct types are proposed to describe the binary system of TCs and their interaction samples.The mean trajectories of the west and east component of binary TCs in each type are obtained using a new cluster analysis technique.These types are then analyzed in terms of landfall process,occurrence seasonality,coexistent lifetime,especially the large-scale patterns of atmospheric circulation.Finally,typical steering flows and conceptual models of the binary TCs at different phases are established based on six-hourly flow maps of the binary system and the averages are determined of the mean steering flow of ten representative binary TCs.Then,typical steering flows and conceptual models at the beginning,middle and final phase in each type are established to describe the large-scale circulation patterns of the binary system interaction types.  相似文献   

东亚副热带西风急流季节变化特征及其热力影响机制探讨   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
况雪源  张耀存 《气象学报》2006,64(5):564-575
利用1961-2000年NCEP/NCAR月平均再分析资料对东亚副热带西风急流强度和位置的季节变化进行了分析,指出急流位置季节变化不仅有明显的南北向移动,6-7月还存在东西方向的突变特征,同时急流轴在北进过程中具有东西向的不一致性,急流中心强度的变化超前于位置的南北移动.在此基础上,采用动态追随急流中心移动的方法,探讨东亚副热带西风急流季节变化的热力影响机制,发现东亚副热带西风急流强度变化及位置移动与对流层中上层气温南北差异的分布结构有很好的对应关系,这说明急流的季节演变是对辐射季节变化及由于东亚特殊的海陆分布和青藏高原大地形影响而造成纬向不均匀加热的响应.从各热量输送项与急流的关系来看,从冬半年到夏半年的增暖时段,急流中心南北温差减小,急流减弱北进;从夏半年到冬半年的降温时段,急流中心南北温差增大,急流加强南退.热量平流输送的经向差异是造成急流中心南北温差的主要原因,急流跟随热量平流输送最大经向梯度中心位置南北移动.非绝热加热对急流中心的东西移动有引导作用,青藏高原春夏季对对流层中上层强大的加热作用是导致6-7月急流中心位置西移突变的原因.  相似文献   

Using National Centers for Environmental Prediction/Department of Energy (NCEP/DOE) monthly reanalysis data and an extended reconstruction of the sea surface temperature data provided by National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the basic characteristics of the interannual variation in the wintertime Middle East subtropical westerly jet stream (MEJ) and its possible physical factors are studied. The results show that the climatological mean MEJ axis extends southwestward-northeastward and that its center lies in the northwest part of the Arabian Peninsula. The south-north shift of the MEJ axis and its intensity show obvious interannual variations that are closely related to the El Ni?o-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and the mid-high latitude atmospheric circulation. The zonal symmetric response of the Asian jet to the ENSO-related tropical convective forcing causes the MEJ axis shift, and the Arctic Oscillation (AO) causes the middle-western MEJ axis shift. Due to the influences of both the zonal symmetric response of the Asian jet to the ENSO-related tropical convective forcing and the dynamical role of the AO, an east-west out-of-phase MEJ axis shift is observed. Furthermore, the zonal asymmetric response to the ENSO-related tropical convective forcing can lead to an anomalous Mediterranean convergence (MC) in the high troposphere. The MC anomaly excites a zonal wave train along the Afro-Asian jet, which causes the middle-western MEJ axis shift. Under the effects of both the zonal symmetric response to the ENSO-related tropical convective forcing and the wave train along the Afro-Asian jet excited by the MC anomaly, an east-west in-phase MEJ axis shift pattern is expressed. Finally, the AO affects the MEJ intensity, whereas the East Atlantic (EA) teleconnection influences the middle-western MEJ intensity. Under the dynamical roles of the AO and EA, the change in the MEJ intensity is demonstrated.  相似文献   

Summer precipitation patterns of Shandong Province are relatively independent with regard to the whole eastern China region.To study the rules and causes of precipitation variations,three main climate modes-on the annual,seasonal,and climatic intra-seasonal oscillation(CISO) scales-are extracted using a harmonic analysis method based on daily precipitation of Shandong during 1965-2009 and multi-year averaged pentad precipitation at 722 stations in China during 1971-2000.Among the three precipitation climate modes,the annual mode is closely related to the annual cycle of Earth-Atmosphere thermal system,which is characterized by the periodic dry and wet seasons.The seasonal mode reflects the monsoon effect on precipitation and the main flood season’s contribution to annual precipitation variations.As an important climatic signal,the CISO mode is more evident during summer monsoon.The gradual modulations of the CISO mode,seasonal mode,and annual mode control the annual variation of precipitation.To study the relationship between precipitation climate modes and atmospheric circulations,an East Asian Westerly Jet Index(EAWJI) is defined in this paper.It is revealed that precipitation of Shandong is closely related to EAWJI in all climate modes.A wet or dry phase of each climate mode corresponds to a specific atmospheric circulation pattern.The phase of the annual mode is reverse to that of EAWJI.During the wet phase of the seasonal mode(weak phase of EAWJI),the atmospheric circulation in and around Shandong is characterized by upper-level divergence and low-level convergence.A reversed atmospheric circulation exists for the dry phase(strong phase for EAWJI).In the summer wet phase of CISO mode(strong phase of EAWJI),Shandong is controlled by upper-level divergence and low-level convergence.Again,the dry phase is corresponding to a reversed circulation structure.The methodology employed in this research,i.e.studying the precipitation climatic variations in terms of independent components of different temporal scales,provides a new approach for annual and seasonal precipitation prediction.  相似文献   

Based on the satellite data from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and the NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data, the variation of the intensity of convection over the Intertropical Convergence Zone(ITCZ) in summer and its impacts on tropical cyclones are studied. In this paper, an intensity index of the ITCZ is proposed according to Outgoing Longwave Radiation(OLR) in the region of(5°–20°N, 120°–150°E) in the western North Pacific(WNP). Then strong and weak ITCZ years are classified and different variables during the strong/weak ITCZ years are analyzed. The composite results show that the ITCZ anomaly is connected to the general atmospheric circulation and SST distribution. In the strong ITCZ years, the subtropical anticyclone weakens and shifts northward. Besides, there is salient cyclonic anomaly at the low level and anticyclonic anomaly at the high level. SST patterns in the preceding winter resemble to those of La Nina. It could persist into the succeeding summer. However, it is opposite in the weak ITCZ years. The impact of the ITCZ anomaly on the tropical cyclone(TC) formation and track is also discussed. There are more TCs over the WNP(5°–20°N, 120°–150°E) in the strong ITCZ years and there is a significant increase in the northward recurving TCs. In the weak ITCZ years, fewer TCs occur and the frequency of the northwestward track is higher.  相似文献   

西北太平洋双热带气旋相互作用统计分类及其特征分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用中国气象局与上海台风研究所提供的1949-2007年西北太平洋热带气旋最佳路径资料,统计分析了西北太平洋上的双(多)热带气旋相互作用现象.针对统计出的双热带气旋样本,根据相互作用两气旋的单独移动路径和它们相互作用的路径特征,归纳得到7种相互作用类型( A~G),并用聚类分析方法拟合得到每种类型的平均回归路径.分析讨...  相似文献   

东亚夏季风雨带和西太平洋副高季节变化的耦合特征   总被引:9,自引:6,他引:9  
利用NCEP/NCAR数据集中1950~1999年4~9月500hPa位势高度和逐日降水率(PRATE)资料,通过奇异值分解,主要探讨了东亚夏季风雨带与西太平洋副高季节移动的耦合关系。分析发现,模态方差的大小只反映模态对整个分析时段和整个分析区域贡献的大小,但对某些时段、某些区域来说,方差较小模态的贡献很大;因而仅以模态方差贡献的大小来判定模态的重要性是不完全的,只有多个模态的配合才能比较全面地揭示两个场的耦合特征。结果表明:东亚夏季风雨带在不同地区的跳跃对应着西太平洋副高的三次突变,不同模态对三次突变有不同的贡献。  相似文献   

Comparative analysis is carried out by using finite-domain power spectrum and lagged regression methods for the propagating characteristics and air-sea interaction processes of intraseasonal oscillations (ISOs) in the Asia to western Pacific (AWP) region during the boreal summer between the active and inactive tropical cyclone (TC) years from 1979 to 2004.The results show as follows.(1) There exist more significant eastward propagating characteristics of the ISO in the active TC years over the whole AWP region.The ISOs of convection propagate zonally with more eastward extension in the years with active tropical cyclone activities,during which the 20-60-day period is strengthened,western Pacific becomes an area with evident characteristics of the propagation that is closely related to TC activities.(2) The air-sea interaction processes are the same in both active and inactive TC years,and the energy exchanges between the air and the sea play a role in maintaining the northwestward propagation of ISOs.(3) The air-sea interaction is more intensive in the active TC years than in the inactive ones.It is particularly true for the latent heat release by condensation as the result of convection,which may be one of the reasons resulting in significant differences in characteristics of ISOs between the active and inactive TC years.  相似文献   

Based on the National Centers for Environmental Prediction and National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCEP/NCAR) daily reanalysis data and the upper-level objective analysis data provided by the Meteorological Information Comprehensive Analysis and Process System (MICAPS), the feature of the spatio-temporal variation of the East Asian jet stream (EAJS) in persistent snowstorm and freezing rain processes over southern China in January 2008 have been investigated. Each of the storm events was closely linked with the extraordinarily abnormal variations of East Asian subtropical jet (EASJ) and East Asian polar front jet (EAPJ) at that time. The stronger EASJ with abnormally northward position of the jet axis corresponded to the more intense storm event with broader ranges and longer duration time. The heavy freezing-rain-and-snow event occurred over the region where a strong southerly wind of EASJ prevailed. Meanwhile, the westerly and northerly winds of the EAPJ were significantly intensified, which were also closely related to the beginning, enhancement, and ending of the heavy snowfall. The meridional component of the EAPJ was dominated by the northerly wind during the snowstorm. Thus, the intensification of the snowstorm was attributed to both the strengthening of the meridional wind of EAPJ and the southerly wind of EASJ. Further analysis indicated that wind speed and the zonal wind of the two jets exhibited precursory signals about half a month prior to this extreme event, and the precursory signals were found in the meridional components of the two jets about 20 days preceding the event. The sudden weakening of the meridional component of EASJ and the zonal component of EAPJ signified the ending of this persistent snowstorm.  相似文献   

利用ERA-Interim再分析资料,采用滤波和合成分析等统计方法,分析了冬季东亚高空急流的季节内协同变化以及对我国东部降水的影响,结果表明:在季节内尺度(10~90天)中,东亚地区冬季300 hPa逐日纬向风主要表现为准双周振荡(10~30天)。300 hPa低频纬向风异常整体向东传播,高纬的低频纬向风异常向南传播,低纬低频纬向风没有明显经向传播特征。伴随低频纬向西风从里海附近开始向东移动至西北太平洋上空,温带急流向东再向东南移动并且强度先增强再减弱,副热带急流位置没有明显变化,强度演变特征与温带急流变化相反。降水异常对300 hPa风场低频振荡有显著响应,低频降水主要出现在我国东部,随时间向东移动,移至西太平洋附近消失;受低频风场影响,温带急流偏强,副热带急流偏弱时,我国东部高空辐合,地面表现为低频高压,整层有较强下沉气流,地面为东北风控制,不易产生降水;温带急流偏弱,副热带急流偏强时,青藏高原北侧整层一致东风异常,南侧整层一致西风异常,使我国东部高空辐散,地面受低频低压控制,我国东部产生整层上升运动,并且有西南风水汽输送,水汽辐合,我国东部出现低频降水正异常。   相似文献   

国内东亚热带-副热带季风的研究进展   总被引:3,自引:4,他引:3  
简要回顾了近年来国内在东亚热带-副热带季风方面的研究进展。涉及亚洲热带季风爆发特征、爆发机制、季风指数设计、东亚季风环流系统、低频振荡活动以及东亚季风年际和年代际变化等问题,并讨论了东亚热带-副热带季风研究中存在的问题及未来的研究前景。  相似文献   

Identification of key SST zones is essential in predicting the weather / climate systems in East Asia. With the SST data by the U.K. Meteorological Office and 40-year geopotential height and wind fields by NCAR / NCEP, the relationship between the East Asian summer monsoon and north Pacific SSTA is studied, which reveals their interactions are of interdecadal variation. Before mid-1970's, the north Pacific SSTA acts upon the summer monsoon in East Asia through a great circle wavetrain and results in more rainfall in the summer of the northern part of China. After 1976, the SSTA weakens the wavetrain and no longer influences the precipitation in North China due to loosened links with the East Asian summer monsoon. It can be drawn that the key SST zones having potential effects on the weather / climate systems in East Asia do not stay in one particular area of the ocean but rather shift elsewhere as governed by the interdecadal variations of the air-sea interactions. It is hoped that the study would help shed light on the prediction of drought / flood spans in China.  相似文献   

基于1948—2018年美国国家海洋和大气管理局(NOAA)重建海面温度(ERSSTv5)资料集,采用经验正交函数(EOF)分解和交叉小波分析等统计学方法,对北太平洋地区近70 a海表温度(SST)、西太平洋副热带高压(WPSH)的变化特征及其相关性进行分析。第一模态体现了SST显著的年际变化厄尔尼诺-南方涛动(ENSO)现象和显著的年代际变化北太平洋年代际振荡(PDO)现象。将WPSH强度距平指数和面积距平指数的均值定义为WPSH综合指数。WPSH综合指数总体呈上升趋势;1977年之前,WPSH强度逐渐减小且振幅较小;1977年之后,WPSH强度逐渐增大且振幅强度较大。通过合成分析发现,WPSH异常偏强年份对应西北太平洋大部分地区的SST显著偏暖,WPSH异常偏弱年份对应西北太平洋大部分地区的SST显著偏冷。将其与NOAA的月气候指标的Ni?o3.4和PDO指数分别进行交叉小波谱分析,得出:北太平洋SST的年际信号、年代际信号均与WPSH的变化有很明显的相关,WPSH强度和太平洋中部SST存在显著的4~5 a的年际正相关,且随着时间的后移,SST的变化超前于WPSH的变化。  相似文献   

利用ECMWF再分析资料ERA40中的逐月风场和温度场资料,对冬季位于东亚-西太平洋上空的西风急流(WJS)基本结构和异常特征进行了分析.结果表明,一年当中最为强盛的冬季200 hPa WJS主体稳定地分布于东亚至西太平洋上空,向上向下均迅速减小.在对流层中高层,从东亚沿海到太平洋上空的西风系统较为深厚,低层对应着显著的大气斜压区.通过对东亚-西太平洋地区冬季200 hPa纬向风异常的EOF分解得到三种异常空间分布型,第一模态的中纬度西风异常主要发生于日界线以东的中东太平洋上空,第二、三模态则分别对应WJS主体发生增强/减弱和位置的北/南移动.WJS的这三种空间异常形态与中纬度低层大气斜压性的三种异常分布型相对应.通过对冬季WJS长期趋势的初步分析发现,近二十年来,洋面上空西风急流有增强趋势,这是由于急流轴南侧洋面上空大气存在显著增暖趋势、而急流轴北侧洋面上空却有变冷的趋势所造成的.  相似文献   

Based on the adaptive network fuzzy inference system (ANFIS), methods to filter out the noise of impact factors from the main signal are discussed. Focusing on the abnormal weather conditions in 2010, we use the delay-relevant method to analyze the five members of the summer monsoon system that had the largest effect on the subtropical high anomalies from the observational data. ANFIS is suitable for research and simulation of subtropical highs that are difficult to describe accurately with dynamics, allowing the effect of five factors on the subtropical high anomalies to be examined. Our results show that the Mascarene cold high, the Indian monsoon latent heat flux, and the South China Sea monsoon trough had the largest effect on the subtropical high anomalies. Diagnostic analysis, with genetic algorithms (GA) and dynamical reconstruction theory, reconstructed the nonlinear dynamical model of the subtropical high and its main factors objectively and accurately from the sequence of observations in 2010. Furthermore, a dynamically extended forecast experiment is performed. The forecasts for the subtropical high area index, the Mascarene cold high index, the Indian monsoon latent heat flux, and the South China Sea monsoon trough index all show a strong short-term effect over less than 25 days. The forecasting trend is accurate, and the error rate is no more than 7%. Our results provide new insight and methods for research on the association between the western Pacific subtropical high and the East Asian summer monsoon system, and for the prediction of the western Pacific subtropical high index.  相似文献   

The influence of the interannual variation of cross-equatorial flow(CEF) on tropical cyclogenesis over the western North Pacific(WNP) is examined in this paper by using the tropical cyclone(TC) best track data from the Joint Typhoon Warning Center and the JRA-25 reanalysis dataset. The results showed that the number of TCs forming to the east of 140°E over the southeastern part of the western North Pacific(WNP) is in highly positive correlation with the variation of the CEF near 125° E and 150° E, i.e., the number of tropical cyclogeneses increases when the cross-equatorial flows are strong. Composite analyses showed that during the years of strong CEF, the variations of OLR, vertical wind shear between 200-850 h Pa, 850 h Pa relative vorticity and 200 h Pa divergence are favorable for tropical cyclogenesis to the east of 140°E over the tropical WNP, and vice versa. Moreover, it is also discussed from the view of barotropic energy conversion that during the years of strong CEF, an eastward-extended monsoon trough leads to the rapid growth of eddy kinetic energy over the eastern part of WNP, which is favorable for tropical cyclogenesis;but during the years of weak CEF, the monsoon trough is located westward in the western part of the WNP, consistent with the growth area of eddy kinetic energy. As a result, there are fewer TC geneses over the eastern part of WNP.Besides, the abrupt strengthening of a close-by CEF 2-4 days before tropical cyclogenesis may be the one of its triggers.  相似文献   

A new East Asian subtropical summer monsoon circulation index is defined, where the barotropic and baroclinic components of circulation are included. Results show that this index can well indicate the interannual variability of summer precipitation and temperature anomalies in China. A strong monsoon is characterized by more rainfall in the Yellow River basin and northern China, less rainfall in the Yangtze River basin, and more rainfall in south and southeast China, in association with higher temperature in most areas of China. Furthermore, comparison is made between the index proposed in this paper and other monsoon indexes in representing climate anomalies in China.  相似文献   

东亚副热带夏季风环流指数及其与中国气候的关系   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
采用大气环流正、斜压分解方法,从东亚副热带夏季风为正、斜压混合型季风观点出发,定义并计算了1958-1997年东亚副热带夏季风环流指数。该环流指数与1961-1995年中国160站夏季降水、气温的相关分析表明,它与中国东部夏季降水和气温的关系密切:强季风年,以河套地区为中心的黄河流域及华北地区多雨,长江流域少雨,华南和东南沿海多雨,以长江流域为中心的全国绝大部分地区气温偏高。弱季风年情况相反。此外,还将该环流指数与目前常用的4种东亚夏季风指数进行了对比分析。  相似文献   

In this paper, we summarized the characteristics of tropical cyclones (TC) activity over the western North Pacific in 2004 and analyzed their causation. Compared with the normal, the annual frequency of TC in 2004 was slightly higher, tropical cyclones in 2004 had a longer life span and occurred in a concentrated period, the source of TC were situated eastward; in all tracks of TC, the recurvature tracks took up larger proportion, the landfall regions of TC were located northward, which concentrated from East China to Japan. The primary causes were revealed as follows. Firstly, the intensity and area of the western North Pacific subtropical high was stronger and larger than usual respectively, and its ridge was frequently in the form of cells and stretched northwestward. Secondly, the convergence of intertropical convergence zone (ITCZ) was reinforced and the convergence zone moved more eastward than average. Thirdly, the meridionality of the westerlies was larger than average and the cell-shaped ridge formed a saddle region, which is in favor of TC northward motion and recurature.  相似文献   

比较分析中国气象局(CMA)、美国台风联合警报中心(JTWC)和日本RSMC Tokyo台风中心(JMA)台风资料频次的年际、年代际变化和周期变化特征,结果表明,不同资料中心的热带气旋(TC)、台风(TS强度及以上的TC)生成数的气候值存在一定的差异,热带气旋生成数的差异较为明显,台风生成数的差异相对要小,CMA资料中热带气旋、台风生成数相对偏多;CMA与JTWC间热带气旋生成数年际间变化差异显著而难以忽略,其差异主要来自TD生成数的明显不同;三个中心关于台风生成数的一致性比较好,其中JMA台风资料与另外两个中心资料间的一致更好;CMA与JTWC西北太平洋热带气旋生成数的周期变化间无明显差异,但年代际间变化有明显差异,主要表现为1990年代的反位相;台风生成数资料可能在1960年代后期存在非均一性。  相似文献   

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