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利用遥感、地形、气候等数据,采用CASA模型对研究区2000年、2010年和2018年3月、7月、11月的NPP值进行估算,结果表明:(1)相对于2000年,2010年的NPP值呈下降趋势,2010年到2018年又向较好趋势发展,且NPP值在3个时期的年内变化均为7月>3月>11月;(2)NPP低值区主要分布在下游流域...  相似文献   

气候变化问题作为人类社会可持续发展面临的重大挑战,受到国际社会越来越强烈的关注.全球气候变化深刻影响着草地生态系统,定量评估区域和不同类型草地生态系统的生产力,研究其对气候变化的敏感性可以为草地生态系统适应未来气候变化提供基础数据和理论依据.草原综合顺序分类系统(CSCS)将天然草原分为42类(其中中国包含41类),并...  相似文献   

南大洋作为全球大洋中重要的碳汇区,分析其净初级生产力(NPP)的分布及变化趋势对气候变化研究具有重要的意义。利用2003—2016年的南大洋NPP数据分析其空间分布情况、季节变化特征及近期变化,并结合海表面温度(SST)和海冰覆盖率(SIC)数据分析两者对NPP的影响。结果表明:①南大洋不同海域年均NPP的范围为64.0—2.26×10^5 mg C·m^–2·a^–1,印度洋扇区、大西洋扇区和太平洋扇区的NPP分别为0.568Gt C·a^–1、0.431 Gt C·a^–1和0.262 Gt C·a^–1;②南大洋NPP在南极大陆近岸海域及威德尔海海域较低,在低纬度岛屿附近和南极大陆部分冰架前缘海域较高;③由于太阳辐射的季节变化,南大洋NPP具有明显的季节变化规律,1月份最高(293.27 Tg C),6月份达到最低值(0.004 Tg C);④2003—2016年大西洋扇区及太平洋扇区的NPP总量变化不具有统计学上的显著性,只在印度洋扇区具有显著的上升趋势;⑤不同扇区NPP的变化趋势主要与SST和SIC的变化有关。  相似文献   

云南省自然植被净初级生产力的时空分布特征   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
何云玲  张一平 《山地学报》2006,24(2):193-201
基于气候生产力模型,利用1960~2000年127个气象站气温、降水资料以及植被信息,对云南省自然植被净初级生产力的时空分布特征进行了分析。结果表明:41a云南自然植被年均NPP为4.23×108tDM/a,约占全国自然植被年均NPP总量的11.4%;单位面积的平均NPP为10.64tDM/(hm2·a),是全国平均水平的2.8倍。云南自然植被NPP随着纬度、经度和海拔高度的增加均呈现下降趋势,变化总趋势为北部<中部<南部,东部<中部<西部。云南自然植被NPP在干季(11~4月)和雨季(5~10月)差异显著,6~8月最大;41a来云南大部分地区自然植被NPP呈现上升趋势,20世纪70、80年代比60年代有所下降,90年代有所上升。气温增加,降水增加或不变的情况下,滇西北和滇东北NPP增加幅度大于其他地区,说明这些地区气温是制约自然植被NPP的主要因素;气温增加,降水减少的情况下,几个少雨区和多雨区NPP降低幅度大于其他地区,表明在上述地区限制NPP的主要因素是水分。  相似文献   

官厅水库小流域植被净初级生产力估算   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
植被是小流域的物质基础,植被净初级生产力的稳定性关系到小流域的健康和可持续发展.以官厅水库小流域为研究区,采用改进型CASA(Carnegie-Ames-Stanford Approach)模型,利用2005年、2010年和2015年以及邻近年份的每年3~11月的LandsatTM/ETM+/OLI影像数据,估算官厅水...  相似文献   

黑河流域植被净初级生产力的遥感估算   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:13  
卢玲  李新 《中国沙漠》2005,25(6):823-830
利用光能利用率模型C-FIX,高时空分辨率的SPOT/VEGETATION遥感数据,全球格网化气象再分析资料以及黑河流域土地利用图,估算了1998—2002年黑河流域不同生态系统净初级生产力(NPP)的年总量和平均生产力,输出了黑河流域NPP年累积量空间分布格局图、NPP季节动态图,分析了近5a来黑河流域NPP时空变化特征,评价了不同土地利用类型下的生态系统生产力水平差异。其结果表明,黑河流域陆地生态系统NPP空间分布及其季相变化特征是流域自然环境、地貌、气候以及人类生产活动长期共同作用和影响的结果,其中水分条件是控制黑河流域陆地生态系统NPP空间格局的决定因子。1998—2002年黑河流域山区高覆盖度草地和下游荒漠区净初级生产力持续下降,反映出这些地区生态环境恶化严重。这些研究结果可以为黑河流域的水-生态-经济系统的合理设计与有效实施提供科学数据集。  相似文献   

Based on the GIMMS AVHRR NDVI data(8 km spatial resolution) for 1982–2000, the SPOT VEGETATION NDVI data(1 km spatial resolution) for 1998–2009, and observational plant biomass data, the CASA model was used to model changes in alpine grassland net primary production(NPP) on the Tibetan Plateau(TP). This study will help to evaluate the health conditions of the alpine grassland ecosystem, and is of great importance to the promotion of sustainable development of plateau pasture and to the understanding of the function of the national ecological security shelter on the TP. The spatio-temporal characteristics of NPP change were investigated using spatial statistical analysis, separately on the basis of physico-geographical factors(natural zone, altitude, latitude and longitude), river basin, and county-level administrative area. Data processing was carried out using an ENVI 4.8 platform, while an ArcGIS 9.3 and ANUSPLIN platform was used to conduct the spatial analysis and mapping. The primary results are as follows:(1) The NPP of alpine grassland on the TP gradually decreases from the southeast to the northwest, which corresponds to gradients in precipitation and temperature. From 1982 to 2009, the average annual total NPP in the TP alpine grassland was 177.2×1012gC yr-1(yr represents year), while the average annual NPP was 120.8 gC m-2yr-1.(2) The annual NPP in alpine grassland on the TP fluctuates from year to year but shows an overall positive trend ranging from 114.7 gC m-2yr-1in 1982 to 129.9 gC m-2yr-1in 2009, with an overall increase of 13.3%; 32.56% of the total alpine grassland on the TP showed a significant increase in NPP, while only 5.55% showed a significant decrease over this 28-year period.(3) Spatio-temporal characteristics are an important control on annual NPP in alpine grassland: a) NPP increased in most of the natural zones on the TP, only showing a slight decrease in the Ngari montane desert-steppe and desert zone. The positive trend in NPP in the high-cold shrub-meadow zone, high-cold meadow steppe zone and high-cold steppe zone is more significant than that of the high-cold desert zone; b) with increasing altitude, the percentage area with a positive trend in annual NPP follows a trend of"increasing-stable-decreasing", while the percentage area with a negative trend in annual NPP follows a trend of "decreasing-stable-increasing", with increasing altitude; c) the variation in annual NPP with latitude and longitude co-varies with the vegetation distribution; d) the variation in annual NPP within the major river basins has a generally positive trend, of which the growth in NPP in the Yellow River Basin is most significant. Results show that, based on changes in NPP trends, vegetation coverage and phonological phenomenon with time, NPP has been declining in certain places successively, while the overall health of the alpine grassland on the TP is improving.  相似文献   

青藏高原主要生态系统净初级生产力的估算   总被引:35,自引:2,他引:35  
利用青藏高原贡嘎山、海北、五道梁、拉萨等4个野外台站2000~2002年的观测数据、陆地生态系统模型与2001年MODIS遥感数据相结合的方法来估算青藏高原区域的净初级生产力。结果表明:青藏高原区域的净初级生产力空间分布趋势表现出由东南向西北逐渐递减的梯度,该趋势也与水热梯度表现基本一致;整个青藏高原的净初级生产力为302.44×1012 gC yr-1,其中森林的净初级生产力最高,120.11×1012 gC yr-1,占整个高原净初级生产力的39.7%;全年中夏季(6~8月) 的净初级生产力最高,246.7×1012 gC yr-1,约占全年总净初级生产力的80%。用实测数据验证模拟结果表明,二者非常相符。  相似文献   

青藏高原是全球气候变化最敏感的地区之一。计算青藏高原生态系统净初级生产力(Net Primary Productivity,NPP)对精确估算全球碳循环具有重要意义。基于CEVSA模型,利用M-K趋势检验法、Sen’s斜率估计法及Pearson相关系数法,分析了2000—2014年青藏高原生态系统的净初级生产力时空变化特征。结果表明:(1)青藏高原高寒生态系统净初级生产力在空间分布上表现出由东南向西北减小的趋势,在东部及东南部的森林区NPP在600~1 200 gC·m-2·a-1之间,中部草原和草甸区NPP在200~400 gC·m-2·a-1之间,西部和北部荒漠区,受水热条件的限制NPP很小,该趋势与水热分布趋势基本一致。(2)NPP年际变化与多年平均气温呈正相关,与降水量呈负相关。NPP与气温呈正相关的地区面积占研究区总面积的82.24%,与降水量呈负相关的地区面积占49.31%,表明气温是影响植被NPP空间分布的主要因子。(3)近15 a来,青藏高原NPP整体呈增加趋势,与气温趋势变化一致,...  相似文献   

中国陆地净初级生产力的季节变化研究   总被引:22,自引:1,他引:22  
了解不同季节陆地净初级生产力(NPP)的变化及与气候的相互关系以及在不同地类的差异对深刻理解我国陆地生态系统对全球气候变化的响应和陆地碳循环研究具有重要意义。本文使用1981~2000年间GLO-PEM模型模拟的我国陆地NPP数据和同期气温、降水以及土地利用数据, 研究不同季节我国陆地植被NPP的变化。结果表明,在1981~2000年期间,四个季节的NPP都呈显著增加趋势,春季是NPP增加速率最快的季节,夏季是NPP增加量最大的季节。耕地在春、夏和秋季NPP增长和增长率最高,林地冬季NPP增长最多而水域冬季NPP增长率最高。夏季NPP增长最高的区域分布于我国东部的多数地区、内蒙古东部、四川盆地、贵州东部、藏南和新疆西部;夏季NPP降低最多的区域分布于在呼伦贝尔高原、鄂尔多斯高原、黄土高原、青藏高原东部和新疆西北部。  相似文献   

Based on the GIMMS AVHRR NDVI data (8 km spatial resolution) for 1982-2000, the SPOT VEGETATION NDVI data (1 km spatial resolution) for 1998-2009, and observa- tional plant biomass data, the CASA model was used to model changes in alpine grassland net primary production (NPP) on the Tibetan Plateau (TP). This study will help to evaluate the health conditions of the alpine grassland ecosystem, and is of great importance to the pro- motion of sustainable development of plateau pasture and to the understanding of the func- tion of the national ecological security shelter on the TP. The spatio-temporal characteristics of NPP change were investigated using spatial statistical analysis, separately on the basis of physico-geographical factors (natural zone, altitude, latitude and longitude), river basin, and county-level administrative area. Data processing was carried out using an ENVI 4.8 platform, while an ArcGIS 9.3 and ANUSPLIN platform was used to conduct the spatial analysis and mapping. The primary results are as follows: (1) The NPP of alpine grassland on the TP gradually decreases from the southeast to the northwest, which corresponds to gradients in precipitation and temperature. From 1982 to 2009, the average annual total NPP in the TP alpine grassland was 177.2x1012 gC yrl(yr represents year), while the average annual NPP was 120.8 gC m^-2 yr^-1. (2) The annual NPP in alpine grassland on the TP fluctuates from year to year but shows an overall positive trend ranging from 114.7 gC m^-2 yr^-1 in 1982 to 129.9 gC m^-2 yr^-1 in 2009, with an overall increase of 13.3%; 32.56% of the total alpine grassland on the TP showed a significant increase in NPP, while only 5.55% showed a significant decrease over this 28-year period. (3) Spatio-temporal characteristics are an important control on an- nual NPP in alpine grassland: a) NPP increased in most of the natural zones on the TP, only showing a slight decrease in the Ngari montane desert-steppe and desert zone. The positive trend in NPP in the high-cold shrub-meadow zone, high-cold meadow steppe zone and high-cold steppe zone is more significant than that of the high-cold desert zone; b) with in- creasing altitude, the percentage area with a positive trend in annual NPP follows a trend of "increasing-stable-decreasing", while the percentage area with a negative trend in annual NPP follows a trend of "decreasing-stable-increasing", with increasing altitude; c) the varia- tion in annual NPP with latitude and longitude co-varies with the vegetation distribution; d) the variation in annual NPP within the major river basins has a generally positive trend, of which the growth in NPP in the Yellow River Basin is most significant. Results show that, based on changes in NPP trends, vegetation coverage and phonological phenomenon with time, NPP has been declining in certain places successively, while the overall health of the alpine grassland on the TP is improving.  相似文献   

在青藏高原选择11个代表性自然保护区,基于高寒草地植被净初级生产力(Net Primary Production,简写NPP)变化过程数据,比较分析了自然保护区与其相邻等面积区域的NPP变化差异;采用样区对比法,在自然保护区内外选取21组对比样区,比较自然保护区建立前后及其内外的生态状况,评估了自然保护区的保护成效。研究表明:1. 1982-2009年间,82%的代表性自然保护区NPP比保护区周邻区域及青藏高原的平均水平低,反映了自然保护区的生态系统状况更为脆弱;2. 在代表性自然保护区中,曼则塘自然保护区的NPP增长趋势最为明显,塔什库尔干野生动物自然保护区的NPP增长趋势最弱;除色林错自然保护区外,以草甸和湿地为主的自然保护区NPP增速明显高于以草原与荒漠草地为主的自然保护区;3. 代表性样区的研究发现:① 自然保护区内76%以上的样区和国家级保护区内82%以上的样区NPP增加幅度明显高于保护区外对应样区的增幅;② 取得明显保护效果的有中昆仑、长沙贡玛、若尔盖和色林错等自然保护区;曼则塘自然保护区的东南部边缘地区和塔什库尔干野生动物自然保护区的北部边缘地区的效果不明显,可能与保护区及其周邻地区人类扰动增强密切相关;③ 高寒草甸类型自然保护区的保护效果最为显著,高寒草原类型自然保护区的保护效果较差。本研究展示了样区对比法在评估大区域生态变化中所具有的独特优势,其关键在于科学设计样区并进行合理的空间抽样。  相似文献   

Land use/cover change(LUCC)is a major factor affecting net primary production(NPP).According to the LUCC of the Loess Plateau from 2005 to 2015,the LUCC patterns in 2025 in three scenarios were predicted by using the Future Land Use Simulation(FLUS)model.Furthermore,taking the average NPP of various land use/cover types in 16 years as the reference scale,the changes in NPP in multi-scenario simulations are predicted and an-alyzed,and the impact of different land use/cover transfers on NPP is quantified.The results are as follows:(1)The land use/cover changes greatly in the baseline and fast development scenarios,and changes relatively little in the ecological protection scenarios.(2)The changes in NPP in different scenarios reflected the significant difference in the ecological protection effect.All the three scenarios promote an NPP increase,but the ecological protection sce-nario can promote NPP increases the most.(3)The changes in NPP caused by LUCC in the three scenarios reflected the significant difference in the various land use/cover types pro-tection effect.Analyzing and predicting NPP changes in multi-scenario LUCC simulations in the future can provide a theoretical basis for decision makers to judge the future changes in ecological environments and ecological protection effects against different policy back-grounds.  相似文献   

Twenty-one typical coupled large samples were chosen from areas within and surrounding nature reserves on the Tibetan Plateau using the large sample comparison method (LSCM). To evaluate the effectiveness of the nature reserves in protecting the ecological environment, the alpine grassland net primary production (NPP) of these coupled samples were compared and the differences between them before and after their establishment as protected areas were analyzed. The results showed that: (1) With respect to the alpine grassland NPP, the ecological and environmental conditions of most nature reserves were more fragile than those of the surrounding areas and also lower than the average values for the Tibetan Plateau. (2) Of the 11 typical nature reserves selected, the positive trend in the NPP for Manzetang was the most significant, whereas there was no obvious trend in Taxkorgan. With the exception of Selincuo, the annual NPP growth rate in the nature reserves covered by alpine meadow and wetland was higher than that in nature reserves consisting of alpine steppe and alpine desert. (3) There were notable findings in 21 typical coupled samples: (a) After the establishment of the nature reserves, the annual rate of increase in the NPP in 76% of samples inside nature reserves and 82% of samples inside national nature reserves was higher than that of the corresponding samples outside nature reserves. (b) The effectiveness of ecological protection of the Mid-Kunlun, Changshagongma, Zoige and Selincuo (Selin Co) nature reserves was significant; the effectiveness of protection was relatively significant in most parts of the Sanjiangyuan and Qiangtang nature reserves, whereas in south-east Manzetang and north Taxkorgan the protection effectiveness was not obvious. (c) The ecological protection effectiveness was significant in nature reserves consisting of alpine meadow, but was weak in nature reserves covered by alpine steppe. This study also shows that the advantage of large sample comparison method in evaluating regional ecology change. Careful design of the samples used, to ensure comparability between the samples, is crucial to the success of this LSCM.  相似文献   

滑永春  萨如拉  王冰 《中国沙漠》2021,41(5):130-139
植被净初级生产力(NPP)及驱动力分析是全球变化研究的核心内容.以1982-2015年内蒙古草原为研究对象,基于GIMMS NDVI3g、ERA5气象和草原类型数据,采用CASA模型生成年草原NPP.综合运用趋势分析、偏相关、复相关及残差分析法探讨1982-2015年草原NPP变化趋势,并定量确定气候因子和人类活动对草...  相似文献   

刘丽慧  孙皓  李传华 《地理研究》2021,40(5):1253-1264
Biome-BGC模型被广泛用于估算植被净初级生产力(Net Primary Productivity, NPP),但是该模型未考虑冻土区土壤冻融水循环过程对植被生长的影响。本文基于Biome-BGC模型,改进冻土区活动层土壤冻融水循环,估算了2000—2018年青藏高原高寒草地NPP。通过比较原模型和改进后的模型,并对NPP模拟结果的时空特征进行了分析,结果表明:① 增加冻融循环提高了NPP估算精度,青藏高原草地NPP均值由114.68 gC/(m2·a)提高到128.02 gC/(m2·a)。② 原模型和改进后NPP的空间分布差异较大,时间变化趋势差异不明显。③ 青藏高原草地NPP总量为253.83 TgC/a,呈东南向西北递减的空间格局,年均增速为0.21gC/(m2·a)(P=0.023),显著增加的占17.85%,主要分布在羌塘高寒草原地带的大部分地区和藏南山地灌木草原地带的西部。④ 该冻融水循环改进方法简单可靠,具有在其他多年冻土区推广的价值。  相似文献   

基于MODIS数据的2000-2005年东北亚草地NPP模拟(英文)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The net primary production(NPP)of grasslands in northeastern Asia was estimated using improved CASA model with MODIS data distributed from 2000 and ground data as driving variables from 2000 to 2005.Average annual NPP was 146.05 g C m-2yr -1and average annual total NPP was 0.32 Pg C yr-1in all grasslands during the period.It was shown that average annual grassland NPP in the whole northeastern Asia changed dramatically from 2000 to 2005,with the highest value of 174.80 g C m-2yr-1in 2005 and the lowest valu...  相似文献   

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