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The catchment of South Luohe River in Central China is an important region for investigating modern pollen-environment relationship, because it is located in the transitional zone between south and north China, an environment which is sensitive to climate changes. In this study, 40 surface samples under ten vegetation types were collected to reveal the relationship between pollen assemblages and vegetation. The results show that the surface pollen assemblages reflect the vegetation quite well. In forest topsoils, the average of arboreal pollen content is greater than 40%, and the Selaginella sinensis spore is high. As to sparse forest grassland and shrub community, the average arboreal pollen is 13.2% and 16.6% respectively, and the shrub pollen is relatively higher than that of grassland samples. The grassland and farmland are characterized by low percentage of tree and shrub pollen(<10% and <1%), and high percentage of herbs(>80%). Pinus, Quercus and some other arboreal pollen can indicate the regional vegetation because of their dispersal ability. Quercus pollen is under-representative and so is Pinus. Artemisia pollen is significantly over-represented, has poor correlation with the plant coverage, and may reflect human disturbance. Gramineae can indicate plant quite well, but with low representation. High content of Chenopodiaceae probably suggests human impact. Predominant Selaginella sinensis can be used as an indicator of forest environment. Cluster analysis and principal components analysis of pollen assemblages can distinguish forest and non-forest vegetation well. The former method is better at separating pine and mixed forests, while the latter is more stable and could better differentiate farmland and other non-forest area. The first axis of PCA mainly reflects the humidity. 相似文献
喀斯特石漠化地区6个不同植被类型的25个表土和苔藓样品的孢粉分析表明:(1)研究区植物孢粉共由47科属组成,以草本和蕨类植物占据优势,含量为23.62%~76.47%,其次是乔木[主要为马尾松(Pinus masso-niana)],含量为17.73%~74.05%,灌木植物花粉含量最低,为0~12.50%,显示该区植被退化严重;(2)研究区不同植被类型的表土孢粉组合差别明显,与其相应的实际植被情况大致相同,基本反映了石漠化地区现代植被的基本状况,表明孢粉可以为该区恢复和重建自然生态环境提供参考性依据。 相似文献
天山南坡表土孢粉分析及其与植被的数量关系 总被引:32,自引:4,他引:32
本文通过对天山南坡各植被带的表土孢粉分析,研究了主要植物花粉的百分含量与其相应樾物盖度之间的数量关系,计算出不同植被带中主要植物的R值之比的比值。 相似文献
新疆夏尔希里自然保护区保持着较为原始的生态环境,是研究植被与环境变化的理想区域。通过在保护区内从海拔1 042~2 426 m的山地草原化荒漠带、山地干草原带和山地森林带采集的33个表土孢粉样品,结合对每个样点做的植被样方调查,根据孢粉数据进行有序聚类分析和冗余分析,探讨了表土孢粉组合特征与植被之间的对应关系。结果表明:3个孢粉组合带的特征与各垂直带植被总体上有较好的对应;藜科和麻黄属花粉含量与样方植物盖度无明显相关性,这两类孢粉呈现超代表性分布特征,应该是随气流从低海拔地带传播到山地高海拔地带的区域外花粉;桦属花粉和豆科花粉与对应的桦木林及锦鸡儿灌丛植被群落有较好的对应;A/C比值和孢粉总浓度大小在区分森林带与草原化荒漠植被带时有明显的指示意义;蕨类植物孢子与降水量和海拔高度正相关,豆科植物花粉与温度正相关。由于山地地形因素引起的土壤、水分及光照度差异,在相同海拔高度的阳坡与阴坡形成的森林植被和中山草甸植被交替的过渡植被,因此孢粉组合中出现较多的花粉混合,进而降低了云杉和桦属花粉与植被盖度的相关性,这类木本花粉与植被之间的数量关系较为复杂。该现象在植物生态学分析中具有普遍性,但对表土孢粉数据在植被与气候定量重建中的应用具有较大的影响。在运用山地表土孢粉数据进行植被与气候定量重建时,需要结合植被样方资料和沉积环境特征对表土孢粉数据进行校正和筛选。 相似文献
新疆地区表土孢粉分布规律及其与植被关系研究 总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2
对中国新疆地区218个样点进行植被调查及表土孢粉分析的研究结果表明,新疆地区温带山地针叶林、高寒草甸及盐生草甸、温带草原、荒漠以及荒漠-沙漠过渡带均具有相对特殊的孢粉组合,新疆南北向样带的孢粉图式揭示出表土孢粉从北到南随地形、纬度和植被的改变而发生的空间变化。针叶林区表土孢粉浓度平均值为22 602粒/g、草原为3 834粒/g、荒漠为1 762粒/g、沙漠为0-10粒/g。但在同一植被类型中,特别是在草原和荒漠中,孢粉浓度与植被盖度之间并不呈现线性相关关系。根据大空间尺度样品的A/C(蒿Artemisia/藜Chenopodiaceae)值的中位数统计,草原为1.264、荒漠为0.565、沙漠为0.243。Ep/C(麻黄Ephedra/藜Chenopodiaceae)比值的中位数在荒漠为0.098、草原为0.063。 相似文献
博尔塔拉河流域位于中哈边境,其植被和土壤具有十分明显的垂直分布和区域性差异,根据该流域一条自西向东沿着海拔高度从210 m 到3 235 m 长约200多km的样带上所采集的人为干扰较少的49 个表土花粉样品的孢粉组合图式和现代植被样方调查资料,探讨了博尔塔拉河流域植被与表土花粉之间的关系。该区孢粉谱从上至下可划分为6个带,分别对应高山草甸带、亚高山草甸草原带、森林灌丛带、灌丛草原带、荒漠草原带、荒漠植被带。值得注意的是第6个孢粉带因含有具湿地特征的隐域性植被类型花粉组分,故又分成2个亚带,即荒漠植被亚带Ⅵ1和荒漠植被亚带Ⅵ2。森林灌丛植被带上限的云杉花粉含量明显比该带下限的含量高,表明云杉花粉的传播在沟谷地区受山谷风的影响较大。与此同时,将孢粉数据与气象数据相结合,分析结果得出比较有代表性的云杉属(Picea)、桦属(Betula)、藜科(Chenopodiaceae)、麻黄属(Ephedra)等花粉,与降水量和温度的关系较为密切。 相似文献
对尼洋河流域5个不同植被带下18个表土样品的孢粉分析结果显示:不同植被带下表土花粉组合差异显著,表土花粉组合与现代植被带在空间分布、建群种和优势种属方面基本一致,两者对应结果分别为:高山草甸为莎草科组合带;亚高山灌丛为沙棘属-蒿属组合带;高山栎林为栎属-蔷薇科-蒿属组合带;高山松林为松属组合带;针阔混交林为松属-冷杉属-蒿属组合带。年均降水量(MAP)是影响尼洋河流域表土孢粉组合的重要因素。草本、乔木花粉百分含量与研究区MAP值呈显著相关,草本花粉的百分含量与MAP值呈明显负相关,而乔木花粉则相反。研究区孢子和花粉浓度不一定随MAP增加而显著增加。 相似文献
孢粉学分析是古生态与古气候定量重建的重要指标之一,建立现代表土孢粉与植被之间的定量关系是利用地层孢粉准确解释古生态与古气候变化的前提条件。基于华南亚热带中部山地垂直植被带采集的113个现代表土和苔藓孢粉样品,采用典型对应分析方法(Canonical Correspondence Analysis, CCA),探讨研究区不同海拔表土孢粉种类散布规律与气候因子之间的关系。主要得出以下结论:1)华南亚热带中部地区现代表土孢粉组合中乔木类以壳斗科栲属、常绿栎属、松属、杉木属和大戟科等种类占绝对优势,草本植物花粉以禾本科、蒿属、菊科和莎草科为主,蕨类孢子以三缝孢子、芒萁属、水龙骨科和单缝孢子为主。2)研究区低海拔至高海拔的孢粉组合呈现以下变化规律:低海拔地区(0~702 m)孢粉组合以栲属、常绿栎属、松属、野桐属、枫香属、茜草科以及禾本科花粉为主;中海拔(703~1 299 m)山坡的优势孢粉为栲属、杉木属、松属和常绿栎属;高海拔地区(1 300~1 600 m)以栲属、常绿栎属、水青冈属、杜鹃花科以及松属花粉最为丰富,表土孢粉组合变化过程与现代植被群落优势种类有较好的一致性。3)CCA分析结果显示,控制研究区域主要表土孢粉分布的气候因子为年均降雨量(MAP)、最热月降水(Mpwa)和最热月温度(Mtwa);松属、杉木属、栲属、常绿栎属、山茶科、水青冈属和落叶栎属等高百分比含量的花粉所对应的气候特征较为明显。4)低海拔地区的优势种属栲属、常绿栎属等以及相对高海拔的松属、杉木属和水青冈属等能较好地反映气候因子对植被空间分布的影响。因此,文章揭示了华南亚热带中部地区表土孢粉在垂直植被带上具有明显差异,孢粉散布规律可能与研究区植被组成、生境、花粉形态与传播媒介等因素有关,能为利用化石孢粉数据进行古生态与古气候定量重建提供参考资料。 相似文献
对青海地区63个样点进行植被调查及表土样点分析结果显示:青海地区山地针叶林、针阔混交林、高山灌丛-灌丛草甸、温带草原、灌木-半灌木荒漠及高寒荒漠植被区均有相对独特的花粉组合特征。乔木类中桦呈超代表性,云杉、柏、杨属呈低代表性;灌木、草本中白刺、沙拐枣、柽柳呈低代表性,蒿、藜、麻黄呈超代表性,蔷薇科金露梅、银露梅在自身为优势种的落叶灌丛群落中呈低代表性,在针阔叶林、灌丛草甸过渡带中呈适中代表性。禾本科、莎草科、菊科、豆科、十字花科呈低代表性。A/C值在不同生态环境下的变化幅度较大,但数据组显示A/C值中位数值由半干旱向干旱植被区逐次降低,如草甸和草原为4.14,高山灌丛为2.93,荒漠草原为1.22,荒漠灌丛为0.13,荒漠戈壁为0.05。可见,A/C值能很好地反映环境干湿程度,是环境干旱程度的良好指标。 相似文献
ZHANG Wenchao LI Chunhai LU Huayu TIAN Xianhua ZHANG Hongyan LEI Fang TANG Lingyu 《地理学报》2014,24(3):427-445
The catchment of South Luohe River in Central China is an important region for investigating modern pollen-environment relationship, because it is located in the transitional zone between south and north China, an environment which is sensitive to climate changes. In this study, 40 surface samples under ten vegetation types were collected to reveal the relationship between pollen assemblages and vegetation. The results show that the surface pollen assemblages reflect the vegetation quite well. In forest topsoils, the average of arboreal pollen content is greater than 40%, and the Selaginella sinensis spore is high. As to sparse forest grassland and shrub community, the average arboreal pollen is 13.2% and 16.6% respectively, and the shrub pollen is relatively higher than that of grassland samples. The grassland and farmland are characterized by low percentage of tree and shrub pollen (<10% and <1%), and high percentage of herbs (>80%). Pinus, Quercus and some other arboreal pollen can indicate the regional vegetation because of their dispersal ability. Quercus pollen is under-representative and so is Pinus. Artemisia pollen is significantly over-represented, has poor correlation with the plant coverage, and may reflect human disturbance. Gramineae can indicate plant quite well, but with low representation. High content of Chenopodiaceae probably suggests human impact. Predominant Selaginella sinensis can be used as an indicator of forest environment. Cluster analysis and principal components analysis of pollen assemblages can distinguish forest and non-forest vegetation well. The former method is better at separating pine and mixed forests, while the latter is more stable and could better differentiate farmland and other non-forest area. The first axis of PCA mainly reflects the humidity. 相似文献
The Luonan Basin is a key region of early human settlement in Central China with more than 300 discovered Paleolithic sites. Artifact layer 1 of the Liuwan site was dated to approximately 0.6 million years(Ma) based on correlation with the well-dated loess–paleosol sequence of the central Chinese Loess Plateau. This study reassessed the age of the Liuwan artifact layer via an absolute dating method, namely, 26Al/10Be burial dating. We determined the burial age of artifact layer 1, which was most likely at least 0.60 ± 0.12 Ma(1?), using three simple burial ages. The new burial age confirmed the previous estimated age and provided a considerably accurate age range. Therefore, we suggest the use of the 26Al/10Be burial dating method in thin loess-covered Paleolithic sites around the Qinling Mountain Range is helpful to understand the early human behavior. 相似文献
Wang Kexin Xu Xinghua Sun Xuefeng Tu Hua Zeng Qiongxuan Lu Yiming Lu Huayu Wang Shejiang 《地理学报(英文版)》2019,29(3):406-416
Journal of Geographical Sciences - The Luonan Basin is a key region of early human settlement in Central China with more than 300 discovered Paleolithic sites. Artifact layer 1 of the Liuwan site... 相似文献
东祁连山南坡现代花粉雨与植被 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
1 Introduction A significant problem in the analysis of pollen spectra is the incomplete comprehension of the relationship between modern pollen spectra and the vegetation that produces them. Pollen precipitation reflects many factors: pollen production,… 相似文献
The objective of this study is to investigate pollen-vegetation relationship in the Qilian Mountains. The eastern Qilian Mountains are located in the transitional zone of the Tibetan Plateau, the Loess Plateau and the arid region of Northwest China, which is one of the key areas of global environmental change. A total of 13 surface pollen samples from main vegetation have been collected. Pollen percentages were calculated in all samples. In order to reveal the relationship between pollen composition and the vegetation types from which the soil samples have been collected, Detrended Correspondence Analysis (DCA) ordination method was employed on the pollen data. The results show that dominating vegetation types can be recognized by their pollen spectra: Picea crassifolia forest, alpine shrub and alpine meadow as well. Altitude and temperature determine the distribution of the surface pollen and the vegetation. The good agreement between modern vegetation and surface samples across this area provides a measure of the reliability of using pollen data to reconstruct paleoenvironment and paleovegetation patterns in this or other similar regions. However the loss of Betula pollen in forest needs further investigation. Pollen oxidation is the most important factor contributing to the damage of modern pollen in the study area. Pollen concentrations decrease with the increase of pH values of soils, and decrease sharply when the pH exceeds 7.6. 相似文献
太白山北坡花粉通量与表土花粉研究 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
太白山北坡各森林植被带乔木花粉百分比多高于45%,与植被组成类似。高山草甸带捕捉器样品乔木花粉百分比低于15%,与植被组成一致,但表土花粉组合中乔木花粉百分比高于50%,外来花粉数量较多,进行高山带古环境研究应予注意。太白红杉林花粉通量最低,高山灌丛草甸最高。落叶栎林带表土花粉浓度最低,红桦林带最高。表土中松、冷杉属花粉百分比远高于花粉捕捉器,表明其在表土中有较好的保存能力。落叶松属和杜鹃花科花粉在表土及捕捉器中百分比均较低,表明对植被指示性良好。栎属与桦属花粉通量类似,但桦属花粉浓度大于栎属,表明栎属较桦属易于保存。 相似文献
53 pollen traps and surface samples were collected in order to detect the characteristics of pollen assemblages and their
relationships with vegetation and climate in 16 forest communities located in 10 mountains in northern China. The results
show that 72% of the pollen taxa (80 taxa) are the same between the traps and the surface samples. The dominant taxa in the
plant communities are consistent with the main pollen taxa in the pollen assemblages at the same sites. In Pinus plant communities, both Pinus pollen influx and concentration are higher, indicating the high pollen productivity and good pollen preservation ability
of Pinus. In Picea and Abies plant communities, Picea and Abies have lower pollen influxes but higher concentrations, suggesting their low pollen productivities but better pollen preservation
abilities. In Betula and Quercus plant communities, Betula and Quercus have higher pollen influxes but lower concentrations, revealing their high pollen productivities but poor pollen preservation
abilities. The study of relationships between pollen and vegetation with discriminant analysis shows that pollen assemblages
from both trap and surface samples can reflect the characteristics of different communities and distinguish different ecological
areas, but surface samples can reflect the dominant components of communities much better than the traps. The study on correlations
between pollen assemblages and climate with DCCA reveals that significant correlations exist between pollen assemblages and
mean temperature of the coldest month (r = 0.84 for trap samples, r = 0.72 for surface samples), and then annual mean precipitation
(r = 0.73 for trap samples, r = 0.71 for surface samples). 相似文献
53 pollen traps and surface samples were collected in order to detect the characteristics of pollen assemblages and their relationships with vegetation and climate in 16 forest communities located in 10 mountains in northern China. The results show that 72% of the pollen taxa (80 taxa) are the same between the traps and the surface samples. The dominant taxa in the plant communities are consistent with the main pollen taxa in the pollen assemblages at the same sites. In Pinus plant communities, both Pinus pollen influx and concentration are higher, indicating the high pollen productivity and good pollen preservation ability of Pinus. In Picea and Abies plant communities, Picea and Abies have lower pollen influxes but higher concentrations, suggesting their low pollen productivities but better pollen preservation abilities. In Betula and Quercus plant communities, Betula and Quercus have higher pollen influxes but lower concentrations, revealing their high pollen productivities but poor pollen preservation abilities. The study of relationships between pollen and vegetation with discriminant analysis shows that pollen assemblages from both trap and surface samples can reflect the characteristics of different communities and distinguish different ecological areas, but surface samples can reflect the dominant components of communities much better than the traps. The study on correlations between pollen assemblages and climate with DCCA reveals that significant correlations exist between pollen assemblages and mean temperature of the coldest month (r = 0.84 for trap samples, r = 0.72 for surface samples), and then annual mean precipitation (r = 0.73 for trap samples, r = 0.71 for surface samples). 相似文献