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Although the partial outsourcing of state border control to non‐state actors is not a new phenomenon, Indonesia is an interesting case study. Border control in an archipelago consisting of more than 17 000 islands is particularly challenging for state authorities. In addition to contending with the exceptional geography, Indonesia's state authorities are also challenged by the political constellation with Australia in regard to irregular cross‐border movements of asylum seekers that has become a controversial issue in recent history. As an important transit country for asylum seekers and refugees en route to Australia, Indonesia's porous borders have rendered it possible to enter and exit the country relatively easily. Given Australia's political pressure and the financial incentives offered to Indonesia to act as a ‘final bulwark’ and control irregular migration flows more effectively, border control nowadays has gained more significance in Indonesia than in the past. Yet, financial constraints and, more importantly, a lack of political will to host asylum seekers in its own territories for the long term remain as obstacles. Fieldwork observations show that due to ongoing funding restrictions for state‐led border control, state‐society cooperation for border surveillance has increased. Civilians in many hotspots for irregular border crossings have been encouraged to report on ‘suspicious foreigners’. State‐society cooperation for border control, however, offers new opportunities for people smugglers to pay off civilian spies or corrupt border authorities.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the governing of subjects and objects' mobility in the context of trans‐border rice and corn trade on the China‐Laos frontier. It traces the attempts by a group of ethnic Tai Lue traders from China to assert themselves as ‘flexible subjects’ and economically triumphant actors on the Upper Mekong market in the era of economic regionalization. It illustrates how, between 2005 and mid‐2006, the traders' economic success relied on a variety of ‘border strategies’. ‘Border strategies’ include a gender‐balanced organization of trade, the instrumental deployment of trans‐border ethnicity, the appropriation of a Han style of business, the opportunistic reliance on the Chinese administration's ‘regime of graduated mobility’, and the enactment of a ‘war‐machine’ against Lao state agents. Yet, in late 2006, a new wave of state authoritarianism, enmeshed in corporate accumulation processes, inhibited the traders' success. The paper suggests that, unlike what some defenders of globalization and transnational theories maintain, in the age of economic regionalization, the alleged flexibility and increased mobility of subjects and objects across the borders of the Greater Mekong Subregion remain conditional on an unpredictable mechanism of loosening and tightening. This is part of a long‐applied governing pattern of ‘experimentation under hierarchy’ on the Sino‐Lao frontier.  相似文献   

The number of unauthorized tunnels discovered through the U.S.–Mexico border has risen dramatically since the mid‐1990s. These tunnels are problematic for the state because the subterranean border is both less visible and more difficult to monitor and control than is the surface border. In this era of heighten security, the debate on secure borders has intensified. As a result, the need to demonstrate security success at both the national and the agency level has risen. Efforts to make tunnel discoveries (and security) visible are made within border‐security agencies and within national discourse and legislation. These efforts spatially fix tunnels to the border in ways that obscure fuller a understanding of drug trafficking in general. This paper employs archival research, content analysis, and informal interviews with security‐enforcement agents to consider the material presence of tunnels within border landscapes.  相似文献   

Globalization is contributing to the blurring of borders making irrelevant the distinctions between domestic and international health problems. Cross‐border and global health spatial information systems (CBHSIS) are required to address the new global health challenges. There is a need to build and document alternatives for addressing the technological, economic, and sociocultural–political challenges encountered in the creation and deployment of these systems. This paper documents the building of a prototype Web‐based multimedia GIS system for use in a public health context using Open Source Software and Open Specifications and its deployment across the US–Mexico border. These technologies offer advantages in addressing several of the challenges previously mentioned. We highlight the technological and sociocultural–political issues important in successful collaboration across borders and cultures and in the creation of interoperable CBHSIS.  相似文献   

吴寅姗  刘云刚  周雯婷 《地理科学》2019,39(7):1072-1081
在社会建构视角下,边界并非固化的界线,各种社会力量亦在持续塑造着边界的功能与特性。采用深度访谈、实地调查和文本分析研究方法,从社会建构的视角,探讨了不同主体基于日常跨境实践对中英街边界的社会建构,以及在此基础上的边境空间管控应对策略。结果发现,在20世纪80年代改革开放背景下,中英街的边贸旅游经济发展为居民参与跨境小额贸易提供了契机,中英街居民的身份与水客的身份由此实现了高度的融合;而在20世纪90年代内地实行市场经济及香港回归的背景下,中英街边贸旅游经济衰落,中英街地区居民的身份与水客的身份逐渐分离。在此过程中,各主体响应边界管控政策变化,塑造了不同的边界生活空间。未来边界管控政策的制定与实施,需要以理解边界空间的历史和现状为前提。  相似文献   

This paper is a multi‐sited ethnography of cross‐border rubber cultivation between China and Laos. Smallholder minority rubber farmers from Xishuangbanna (China) have forged successful informal share‐cropping arrangements to grow rubber trees on the land of relatives and friends in neighbouring Laos. By becoming rich and entrepreneurial rural citizens, Akha and Tai farmers have also, in their own eyes, raised their own ‘quality’ (suzhi) and see themselves as ‘modern’. By examining various meanings of ‘modern’ in China, and contrasting the rubber farmers' experience with Jacob Eyferth's notion of rural ‘deskilling’, this paper shows how through learning to plant, cultivate and tap rubber, these farmers have taken on the discipline and technical knowledge of ‘modern’ workers and become ‘skilled’. By rising in ‘quality’, minority farmers on China's periphery challenge the entrenched binaries of urban/rural, modern/backward, prosperous/poor and Han/minority nationality. Xishuangbanna minority farmers acknowledge that they are also ‘backward’ in the Chinese social hierarchy, but their extension of rubber cultivation to kin and others in Laos has confirmed their modernity as dispensers of development, technical know‐how and ‘superior’ Chinese culture to Lao farmers who are ‘backward and poor’. In contrast to large state rubber farms that have failed to establish rubber plantations in northern Laos, minority farmers have created regionalization.  相似文献   

One major aim of the Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS) integration programme, supported by the Asian Development Bank (ADB), is to foster regional ‘community’ for sharing resources, people and financial flows. This ‘community’ is the target of both economic growth and poverty reduction. The emphasis on ‘community’ in the ADB's mushrooming quantity of documents raises important questions about what kinds of people are included, in what roles and with what kinds of support and protection. This paper explores these questions in relation to the political economy of regulating ethnic migrants from Myanmar working in Thailand. This paper argues that extra‐legal relations between migrants and state/para‐state agents constitute a crucial part of regulation. In transferring the regulation of migration to the national scale, the ADB inadvertently reinforces national differences between Thais and cross‐border people. Additionally, the complicated and fluctuating implementation of national regulations in both countries leaves migrants subject to violence and extortion from state and quasi‐state agents in Thailand. This paper shows that the dynamics of global capitalism require ‘deportable labour’ supplied by ethnic migrants who are included in the GMS community as the most invisible, vulnerable and exploited members.  相似文献   

Drawing on recent research in the Horn of Africa, emerging patterns of managing forced migration in the post-Cold War landscape are identified and analyzed. While camps continue to house refugees, the meaning and value of ‘refugee’ have changed dramatically since the Cold War. Efforts to prevent people from crossing political borders to seek safety are increasing, giving rise to a new set of safe spaces. These new spaces are expressions of a distinct geopolitical discourse and take the names ‘UN protectedarea’, ‘preventive zone’, and ‘safe haven’. Their significance as a challenge to state-centric geopolitics both within conflict zones and as refugee camps is explored in the Kenya-Somalia context.  相似文献   


Drawing on recent research in the Horn of Africa, emerging patterns of managing forced migration in the post-Cold War landscape are identified and analyzed. While camps continue to house refugees, the meaning and value of ‘refugee’ have changed dramatically since the Cold War. Efforts to prevent people from crossing political borders to seek safety are increasing, giving rise to a new set of safe spaces. These new spaces are expressions of a distinct geopolitical discourse and take the names ‘UN protectedarea’, ‘preventive zone’, and ‘safe haven’. Their significance as a challenge to state-centric geopolitics both within conflict zones and as refugee camps is explored in the Kenya-Somalia context.  相似文献   

Interpretation of long‐offset 2D depth‐imaged seismic data suggests that outer continental margins collapse and tilt basinward rapidly as rifting yields to seafloor spreading and thermal subsidence of the margin. This collapse post‐dates rifting and stretching of the crust, but occurs roughly ten times faster than thermal subsidence of young oceanic crust, and thus is tectonic and pre‐dates the ‘drift stage’. We term this middle stage of margin development ‘outer margin collapse’, and it accords with the exhumation stage of other authors. Outer continental margins, already thinned by rifting processes, become hanging walls of crustal‐scale half grabens associated with landward‐dipping shear zones and zones of low‐shear strength magma at the base of the thinned crust. The footwalls of the shear zones comprise serpentinized sub‐continental mantle that commonly becomes exhumed from beneath the embrittled continental margin. At magma‐poor margins, outer continental margins collapse and tilt basinward to depths of about 3 km subsea at the continent–ocean transition, often deeper than the adjacent oceanic crust (accreted later between 2 and 3 km). We use the term ‘collapse’ because of the apparent rapidity of deepening (<3 Myr). Rapid salt deposition, clastic sedimentation (deltaic), or magmatism (magmatic margins) may accompany collapse, with salt thicknesses reaching 5 km and volcanic piles 1525 km. This mechanism of rapid salt deposition allows mega‐salt basins to be deposited on end‐rift unconformities at global sea level, as opposed to deep, air‐filled sub‐sea depressions. Outer marginal collapse is ‘post‐rift’ from the perspective of faulting in the continental crust, but of tectonic, not of thermal, origin. Although this appears to be a global process, the Gulf of Mexico is an excellent example because regional stratigraphic and structural relations indicate that the pre‐salt rift basin was filled to sea level by syn‐rift strata, which helps to calibrate the rate and magnitude of collapse. We examine the role of outer marginal detachments in the formation of East India, southern Brazil and the Gulf of Mexico, and how outer marginal collapse can migrate diachronously along strike, much like the onset of seafloor spreading. We suggest that backstripping estimates of lithospheric thinning (beta factor) at outer continental margins may be excessive because they probably attribute marginal collapse to thermal subsidence.  相似文献   

We examine in this paper the potential for (reforming the relations of social scientific research in Aotearoa. Drawing upon our experience of undertaking historical geographical research with and for Ngati-Toa Rangatira, we argue for the need to develop responsible geographies in Aotearoa. We suggest that the metaphors of ‘crossing borders’ and ‘building structures’ might offer one route into the development of such a responsible geography.  相似文献   

Home‐based neighbourhood stores (locally known in the Philippines as sari‐sari stores) are a ubiquitous feature of most Philippine communities. They are small to medium‐size trade stores not unlike convenience stores in the West where people buy goods in small quantities. In the Philippines, these stores play a vital role in providing everyday economic sustenance to low‐income communities. But more than an economic hub, sari‐sari stores also function as a social hub that connects people and acts as eyes and ears of the community through the people who make use of their services. In a sense, sari‐sari stores are the community's ‘myopticon’ where people's day‐to‐day dealings with everyone in the community and its environs are reported and discursively brought under the gaze of the ‘entire community’. Being myopticon as opposed to Foucault's panopticon, surveillance in sari‐sari stores is partial, non‐hierarchicalized and could be resisted by people in the community. Nonetheless, regardless of the ‘myoptic’ features of sari‐sari stores, their presence in the community ‘interpellates’ everyone's daily existence and instantiates a discursive space from which a structure of informal social control is enacted among community members. Sari‐sari stores then are an important reminder of how our built environment is also about contestation and negotiation of everyday life as we make use of space and as the architectonics of space both constrain and empower our manoeuvring in places.  相似文献   

In January 2012 the residents of an inner‐city tenement building in Doornfontein, Johannesburg, were evicted on a court order. The building was situated in a post‐industrial neighbourhood in which thousands of South Africans and foreign nationals, many blind or disabled, live in unlawfully occupied buildings without access to water, basic sanitation, electricity and waste management services. Such buildings are known in policy discourse as ‘bad buildings’, and informally as ‘dark buildings’, invoking both a sense of developmental failure and spiritual insecurity. In this paper I analyse how urban renewal policies created social divisions and alliances not only among the residents of Chambers, which were channelled along nationalist lines, but also between the able‐bodied and disabled, and produced new social alliances. In particular, I document how a group of blind Zimbabweans experienced threats of violence and accusations of betrayal, as they were offered alternate accommodation by the evicting company because of their disability. I argue here that the pressures of private‐sector housing developments intersected with the insecurities and divisions of inner‐city social spaces and also fostered new alliances. Following the work of Deleuze and Guattari, I invoke the concept of ‘decoding dispossession’, proposing that ongoing evictions and dispossessions are characterized by simultaneous movements of ‘decoding and deterritorialization’ and ‘overcoding‐reterritorialization’.  相似文献   

边界是人文地理学研究中的一个关键概念。边界代表着一种空间秩序和空间关系,是解读边境地区社会与文化关系形成过程的一个关键维度。由于边界所界定的空间秩序与国家认同的建构、边境地区的经济社会发展、边民的身份认同等问题息息相关,因此学界对边界的社会功能与文化意义给予了持续关注。近年来,学者们逐渐从社会建构的视角重新诠释边界。边界不是地图上僵化的线,它所界定的空间关系与空间秩序,以及所承载的社会文化意义亦非固定不变的,而是国家与草根群体通过一定的社会与空间实践不断再生产与再建构。国家通过边界的营造刻写意识形态与国家认同,而普通社会群体对边界亦有着复杂的响应、调适与抵抗。在国际形势日趋复杂和变化的大环境中,边界凸显了新的意义和功能,重新认识边界如何打破旧的空间秩序并划定新的秩序,是人文地理学研究中值得关注的问题。本文从边界的内涵、边界的社会文化意义和跨边界实践3个方面出发,阐释建构主义下的边界在理论和实践层面的意义,并挖掘边界研究对国内研究的借鉴与启示。  相似文献   

At the geological time scale, the way in which the erosion of drainage catchments responds to tectonic uplift and climate changes depends on boundary conditions. In particular, sediment accumulation and erosion occurring at the edge of mountain ranges should influence the base level of mountain catchments, as well as sediment and water discharges. In this paper, we use a landform evolution model (LEM) to investigate how the presence of alluvial sedimentation at range fronts affects catchment responses to climatic or tectonic changes. This approach is applied to a 25 km × 50 km domain, in which the central part is uplifted progressively to simulate the growth of a small mountain range. The LEM includes different slope and river processes that can compete with each other. This competition leads to ‘transport‐limited’, ‘detachment‐limited’ or ‘mixed’ transport conditions in mountains at dynamic equilibrium. In addition, two end‐member algorithms (the channellized‐flow and the sheet‐flow regimes) have been included for the alluvial fan‐flow regime. The three transport conditions and the two flow algorithms represent six different models for which the responses to increase of rock uplift rate and/or cyclic variation of the precipitation rate are investigated. Our results indicate that addition of an alluvial apron increases the long‐term mountain denudation. In response to uplift, mountain rivers adapt their profile in two successive stages; first by propagation of an erosion wave and then by slowly increasing their channel gradients. During the second stage, the erosion rate is almost uniform across the catchment area at any one time, which suggests that dynamic equilibrium has been reached, although the balance between erosion and rock uplift rates has not yet been achieved. This second stage is initiated by the uplift of the mountain river outlets because of sedimentation aggradation at the mountain front. The response time depends on the type of water flow imposed on the alluvial fans domains (× by 1.5 for channelized flow regime and by 10 for the sheet flow one). Cyclic variations of precipitation rate generate cyclic incisions in the alluvial apron. These incision pulses create knick‐points in the river profile in the case of ‘detachment‐limited’ and ‘mixed’ river conditions, which could be mistaken for tectonically induced knick‐points. ‘Transport‐limited’ conditions do not create such knick‐points, but nevertheless trigger erosion in catchments. The feedbacks linked to sedimentation and erosion at range front can therefore control catchment incision or aggradation. In addition, random river captures in the range front trigger auto‐cyclic erosion pulses in the catchment, capable of generating incision–aggradation cycles.  相似文献   

随着社会的变化,相关研究的范式往往也会发生改变。本文对边界研究中概念的变化作出了解释。在边界仍然具有重要作用的今天,我们需要重新审视这些概念在不断变化的历史、政治和社会背景下体现出来的时空变化性和不确定性。本文强调了边界不仅是国家主权的分界线,还具有从地缘政治,到边界和跨边界的社会实践和文化生产的多层次复杂性。本文力求对边界研究中的相关争论作出建设性贡献,以促进对边界的过程化、去领域、分散性的本质,及其在全球化和跨国流动时期保证政权的作用的充分理解,展现边界研究作为一个跨学科的领域,仍具有自身内涵的学术地位。本文以边界景观的概念为核心组织元素,提倡在边界研究中采取相关的研究方法,从互补的视角考虑政治愿景与日常社会文化实践之间、社会表现和艺术想象之间的相互作用。  相似文献   

周雯婷  刘云刚  吴寅姗 《地理研究》2018,37(11):2288-2304
以深港边境中英街地区为例,运用实地调查和访谈方法,探讨一国两制下的深港边境生活空间形成、居民自下而上的再边界化、以及居民通过日常生活实践对边界的再定义过程。研究指出,中英街地区的生活空间形成是在边界效应下,边境居民对边境两侧管理差异的不断适应、调试、乃至主动运用的空间构建过程。边境管理者、居民、游客和水客等多方力量在此过程中互动角力,而中英街地区发展的不同阶段正是这一互动过程的结果;在此过程中,边境居民从被动的边界适应到主动的边界效应利用,体现了一国两制下居民的生活空间战略和自下而上的社会力量对边界及边境地区生活空间形成的作用。本研究有助于深化对于亚洲的边界和边境地区空间形成的理解,也对当下的边境治理具有积极的政策意义。  相似文献   

边界研究是政治地理学的一个经典议题。受“冷战”结束和全球化的影响,边界研究在20世纪90年代初期以来步入一个复兴时期,产生了新的理论视角和概念转变。本文通过梳理国外文献,归纳总结了边界理论的内涵、研究内容和方法的演变。边界研究进入复兴时期后呈现出明显的多学科交叉和综合性特征,对边界的理解超越了传统意义上把边界单纯看作是国家空间分隔的理解,强调边界内涵的动态性、多尺度性、空间性和多样性,更多地关注不断创造和重新创造出来的符号性边界,以及不同空间尺度的社会实践。研究呼吁加强边界理论向城市内部空间尺度的边界延伸与拓展,以及加强边界理论与地缘政治学说的融合。  相似文献   

In this paper we report on a collaborative inquiry involving a human geographer and a mathematician‐cum‐data modeller. Our example is the existence and nature of a possible ‘skipper effect’ in the Tasmanian commercial rock lobster fishery. The term ‘skipper effect’ is used to describe the supposedly variable contribution of boats' skippers to catch. Following an introduction of the fishery and an outline of our research, we briefly introduce the skipper effect. We also discuss an approach to conceptualising knowledge before moving to our case study which we treat both qualitatively and quantitatively. Possible implications of the combination of qualitative and quantitative research for fishery management are also presented. In so doing, we relate a piece of work that is both multi‐method and multi‐disciplinary.  相似文献   

‘Alternative’ food initiatives (AFIs) are often interpreted as political movements, constructed as defiant alternatives to industrial agri‐food relations, and represented by a performance of singular alterity. This understanding of alternative collapses into a mere politics of identity, criticised in the literature for its oversimplification. In this paper, we utilise an established methodological framework that retains AFI diversity, to create a novel typology of AFIs by diverse and embodied practice rather than animating political project. In doing so, we point to the political potential for AFIs to ‘do’ food otherwise and make different worlds.  相似文献   

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