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Changes in hydrologic flowpaths have important impacts on the timing, magnitude and hydrochemistry of run‐off during snowmelt in forested catchments, but how flowpaths are affected by variation in winter climate and the irregular presence of soil frost remains poorly understood. The depth and extent of soil frost may be expected to increase as snowpack decreases or develops later because of climate change. In this study, we used end‐member mixing analysis to determine daily contributions of snow, forest floor soil water and groundwater to stream run‐off during snowmelt under different soil frost regimes resulting from interannual and elevational variation at the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest in New Hampshire, USA. We observed greater routing of run‐off through forest floor flowpaths during early snowmelt in 2011, when the snowpack was deep and soil frost was minimal, compared with the early snowmelt in 2012 under conditions of deep and extensive soil frost. The results indicate that widespread soil frost that penetrated the depth of the forest floor decreased the flow signal through the shallowest subsurface flowpaths, but did not reduce overall infiltration of melt waters, as the contribution from the snow‐precipitation end‐member was similar under both conditions. These results are consistent with development of granular soil frost which permits vertical infiltration of melt waters, but either reduces lateral flow in the forest floor or prevents the solute exchange that would produce the typical chemical signature of shallow subsurface flowpaths in streamwater. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

C. H. TAYLOR Methodological issues associated with isotopic hydrograph separations (IHSs) in built-up environments are explored using results from the 1990 spring melt in a suburban basin in Peterborough, Ontario, Canada. The hetrogeneous nature of suburban environments complicates the selection of appropriate isotopic signatures for event and pre-event waters. Near-stream groundwater δ18O sampled from wells was poorly mixed, such that the pre-event water signature was best characterized by δ18O in pre-melt baseflow or discharge from a headwater spring. The event water signature during snowmelt can be characterized using δ18O in the pre-melt snowpack, surface runoff samples or meltwater from lysimeters. However, the use of snowpack δ18O may be inappropriate in suburban basins where meltwater from thin snowcover may exhibit pronounced responses to δ18O in rainfall contributions. Intensive sampling of the spatial variability of runoff or meltwater δ18O may be required to characterize the average event water signature adequately. Rainfall δ18O provided an appropriate event water signal during a large rain on snow event, and differences between this IHS and one generated using an event water signature that included meltwater contributions from snow-covered surfaces were within the uncertainty attributable to the analytical error in δ18O values. Event water supplied 55-63% of the peak discharge and 48-58% of total runoff from the basin during the melt, which is consistent with the fraction of the basin that has been developed. These results contrast with IHSs conducted in forested basins that suggest that stormflow is dominated by pre-event water contributions.  相似文献   

This study documented the spatial and temporal variability of outflow from a forested hillslope segment during snowmelt at a small mountain catchment in south coastal British Columbia, Canada. A pit 5 m wide was established just upslope from the stream channel. Outflow from the organic horizon was intercepted and measured by a single trough, and outflow from the mineral horizons was measured separately for three adjacent sections. Throughflow exhibited non‐steady‐state behaviour involving shifting allocations of flow amongst different sections of the outflow pit, as well as threshold effects and hysteresis in the relationship between pit outflow and water table elevation. Most of the pit outflow originated from the mineral horizons, indicating that throughflow was the dominant pathway by which water was delivered to the stream channel. Direct precipitation and snowmelt onto near‐stream saturated areas can account for less than 20% of the total outflow from the hillslope segment. Throughflow from the mineral sections consistently peaked either at the same time as or earlier than stream flow from the 150‐ha catchment during diurnal snowmelt cycles, indicating that throughflow appears to respond rapidly enough to contribute to snowmelt‐induced peak stream flow. Pit outflow cannot be extrapolated reliably to the catchment scale on the basis of simple length‐ or area‐based ratios. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Study on snowmelt runoff simulation in the Kaidu River basin   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Alpine snowmelt is an important generation mode for runoff in the source region of the Tarim River basin, which covers four subbasins characterized by large area, sparse gauge stations, mixed runoff supplied by snowmelt and rainfall, and remarkably spatially heterogeneous precipitation. Taking the Kaidu River basin as a research area, this study analyzes the influence of these characteristics on the variables and parameters of the Snow Runoff Model and discusses the corresponding determination strategy to improve the accuracy of snowmelt simulation and forecast. The results show that: (i) The temperature controls the overall tendency of simulated runoff and is dominant to simulation accuracy, as the measured daily mean temperature cannot represent the average level of the same elevation in the basin and that directly inputting it to model leads to inaccurate simulations. Based on the analysis of remote sensing snow maps and simulation results, it is reasonable to approximate the mean temperature with 0.5 time daily maximum temperature. (ii) For the conflict between the limited gauge sta-tion and remarkably spatial heterogeneity of rainfall, it is not realistic to compute rainfall for each elevation zone. After the measured rainfall is multiplied by a proper coefficient and adjusted with runoff coefficient for rainfall, the measured rainfall data can satisfy the model demands. (iii) Adjusting time lag according to the variation of snowmelt and rainfall position can improve the simulation precision of the flood peak process. (iv) Along with temperature, the rainfall increases but cannot be completely monitored by limited gauge stations, which results in precision deterioration.  相似文献   

Understanding the role of forests on snowmelt processes enables better estimates of snow storages at a catchment scale and contributes to a higher accuracy of spring flood forecasting. A coniferous forest modifies the snowpack energy balance by reducing the total amount of solar shortwave radiation (SWR) and enhancing the role of longwave radiation (LWR) emitted by trees. This study focuses on changes in SWR and LWR at three sites with different canopy structure (Bohemian Forest, Czechia), including one site affected by the bark beetle (Ips typographus). Measurements of incoming and outgoing SWR and LWR were performed at all sites equipped with CNR4 Net Radiometers for three cold seasons. In addition to SWR and LWR, sensible and latent heat, and ground heat and energy supplied by liquid precipitation were calculated. The results showed that net SWR at the healthy forest site represented only 7% of the amount at the open site due to the shading effect of trees. In contrast, net LWR represented a positive component of the snowpack energy balance at the healthy forest site and thus contributed the most to snowmelt. However, the modelled snowmelt rates were significantly lower in the forest than in the open area since the higher LWR in the forest did not compensated for the lower SWR. The progressive decay of disturbed forest caused the decrease in mean net LWR from −3.1 W/m2 to −12.9 W/m2 and the increase in mean net SWR from 31.6 W/m2 to 96.2 W/m2 during the study period. These changes caused an increase in modelled snowmelt rates by 50% in the disturbed forest, compared to the healthy forest site, during the study period. Our findings have important implications for runoff from areas affected by land cover changes due to either human activity or climate change.  相似文献   

For a better management of water resources, the information on water stored in a basin in the form of snow is of immense use. Changes in the snow water storage with time influence the recession characteristics of the hydrographs. Recession is found to be slower in a basin when it contains higher snow water storage and becomes faster as the volume of stored water reduces. In other words, the recession coefficient is not constant throughout the melt season, it changes with time. In the present study, the possibility of assessing snow water storage at any time during the melt season using recession coefficients is examined. The hydrograph analyses have been made for the Glatzbach watershed in the Hohe Tauern region of the Austrian Alps. For this purpose, a relationship between snow water storage and the recession coefficients is developed. This study suggests a simple and useful approach to assess the snow water storage in a basin at any time during the snowmelt season. The information on the snow water storage of a basin can be obtained using a readily derived single parameter, the recession coefficient. The results are based on limited data, but they are sufficient to illustrate how the changes in snow water storage control the recession characteristics of the hydrographs. These investigations set the pace for further research in this area. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In many mountain basins, river discharge measurements are located far away from runoff source areas. This study tests whether a basic snowmelt runoff conceptual model can be used to estimate relative contributions of different elevation zones to basin‐scale discharge in the Cache la Poudre, a snowmelt‐dominated Rocky Mountain river. Model tests evaluate scenarios that vary model configuration, input variables, and parameter values to determine how these factors affect discharge simulation and the distribution of runoff generation with elevation. Results show that the model simulates basin discharge well (NSCE and R >0.90) when input precipitation and temperature are distributed with different lapse rates, with a rain‐snow threshold parameter between 0 and 3.3 °C, and with a melt rate parameter between 2 and 4 mm °C?1 d?1 because these variables and parameters can have compensating interactions with each other and with the runoff coefficient parameter. Only the hydrograph recession parameter can be uniquely defined with this model structure. These non‐unique model scenarios with different configurations, input variables, and parameter values all indicate that the majority of basin discharge comes from elevations above 2900 m, or less than 25% of the basin total area, with a steep increase in runoff generation above 2600 m. However, the simulations produce unrealistically low runoff ratios for elevations above 3000 m, highlighting the need for additional measurements of snow and discharge at under‐sampled elevations to evaluate the accuracy of simulated snow and runoff patterns. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Spatial patterns of N dynamics in soil were evaluated within two small forested watersheds in Japan. These two watersheds were characterized by steep slopes (>30°) and high stream NO3 drainage rates (8·4 to 25·1 kg N ha−1 yr−1) that were greater than bulk precipitation N input rates (7·5 to 13·5 kg N ha−1 yr−1). Higher rates of nitrification potential at near-stream zones were reflected in greater NO3 contents for soil at the near-stream zones compared with ridge zones. Both stream discharge rates and NO3 concentrations in deep unsaturated soil at the near-stream zones were positively correlated to NO3 concentrations in stream water. These relationships, together with high soil NO3 contents at the near-stream zones, suggest that the near-stream zone was an important source of NO3 to stream water. Nitrate flux from these near-stream zones was also related to the drainage of cations (K+, Ca2+ and Mg2+). The steep slope of the watersheds resulted in small saturated areas that contributed to the high NO3 production (high nitrification rates) in the near-stream zone. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Snowmelt water is a vital freshwater resource in the Altai Mountains of northwestern China. Yet its seasonal hydrological cycle characteristics could change under a warming climate and more rapid spring snowmelt. Here, we simulated snowmelt runoff dynamics in the Kayiertesi River catchment, from 2000 to 2016, by using an improved hydrological distribution model that relied on high-resolution meteorological data acquired from the National Centers for Environmental Prediction (Fnl-NCEP) that were downscaled using the Weather Research Forecasting model. Its predictions were compared to observed runoff data, which confirmed the simulations' reliability. Our results show the model performed well, in general, given its daily validation Nash–Sutcliffe efficiency (NSE) of 0.62 (from 2013 to 2015) and a monthly NSE score of 0.68 (from 2000 to 2010) for the studied river basin of the Altai Mountains. In this river basin catchment, snowfall accounted for 64.1% of its precipitation and snow evaporation for 49.8% of its total evaporation, while snowmelt runoff constituted 29.3% of the annual runoff volume. Snowmelt's contribution to runoff in the Altai Mountains can extend into non-snow days because of the snowmelt water retained in soils. From 2000 to 2016, the snow-to-rain ratio decreased rapidly, however, the snowmelt contribution remained relatively stable in the study region. Our findings provide a sound basis for making snowmelt runoff predictions, which could be used prevent snowmelt-induced flooding, as well as a generalizable approach applicable to other remote, high-elevation locations where high-density, long-term observational data are currently lacking. How snowmelt contributes to water dynamics and resources in cold regions is garnering greater attention. Our proposed model is thus timely perhaps, enabling more comprehensive assessments of snowmelt contributions to hydrological processes in those alpine regions characterized by seasonal snow cover.  相似文献   

近50a淮河流域汛期降水日数和强度的分布与变化特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
选用1961-2010年淮河流域145个地面气象站的观测资料,分析淮河流域汛期(5-9月)降水的时空变化规律.结果表明:淮河流域汛期降水的空间分布不仅受到地理位置和地形的影响,而且与湿度和风速的空间分布具有较好的相关性;在时间变化上,雨日出现频率有下降的趋势,但暴雨日比重和暴雨日平均降水量均有升高的趋势.淮河流域汛期暴雨日出现频率以及各类型雨日的平均降水量均有上升的趋势,强降水时空变化呈现局地性和频发性.  相似文献   

Impacts of forest harvesting on groundwater properties, water flowpaths and streamflow response were examined 4 years after the harvest using a paired‐basin approach during the 2001 snowmelt in a northern hardwood landscape in central Ontario. The ability of two metrics of basin topography (Beven and Kirkby's ln(a/tan β) topographic index (TI) and distance to stream channel) to explain intra‐basin variations in groundwater dynamics was also evaluated. Significant relationships between TI and depth to potentiometric surface for shallow groundwater emerged, although the occurrence of these relationships during the melt differed between harvested and control basins, possibly as a result of interbasin differences in upslope area contributing to piezometers used to monitor groundwater behaviour. Transmissivity feedback (rapid streamflow increases as the water table approaches the soil surface) governed streamflow generation in both basins, and the mean threshold depths at which rapid streamflow increases corresponded to small rises in water level were similar for harvested (0·41 ± 0·05 m) and forested (0·38 ± 0·04 m) basins. However, topographic properties provided inconsistent explanations of spatial variations in the relationship between streamflow and depth to water at a given piezometer for both basins. Streamflow from the harvested basin exceeded that from the forested basin during the 2001 melt, and hydrometric and geochemical tracer results indicated greater runoff from the harvested basin via surface and near‐surface pathways. These differences are not solely attributable to harvesting, since the difference in spring runoff from the harvested basin relative to the forested control was not consistently larger than under pre‐harvest conditions. Nevertheless, greater melt rates following harvesting appear to have increased the proportion of water delivery to the stream channel via surface and near‐surface pathways. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Previous studies have drawn attention to substantial hydrological changes taking place in mountainous watersheds where hydrology is dominated by cryospheric processes. Modelling is an important tool for understanding these changes but is particularly challenging in mountainous terrain owing to scarcity of ground observations and uncertainty of model parameters across space and time. This study utilizes a Markov Chain Monte Carlo data assimilation approach to examine and evaluate the performance of a conceptual, degree‐day snowmelt runoff model applied in the Tamor River basin in the eastern Nepalese Himalaya. The snowmelt runoff model is calibrated using daily streamflow from 2002 to 2006 with fairly high accuracy (average Nash–Sutcliffe metric ~0.84, annual volume bias < 3%). The Markov Chain Monte Carlo approach constrains the parameters to which the model is most sensitive (e.g. lapse rate and recession coefficient) and maximizes model fit and performance. Model simulated streamflow using an interpolated precipitation data set decreases the fractional contribution from rainfall compared with simulations using observed station precipitation. The average snowmelt contribution to total runoff in the Tamor River basin for the 2002–2006 period is estimated to be 29.7 ± 2.9% (which includes 4.2 ± 0.9% from snowfall that promptly melts), whereas 70.3 ± 2.6% is attributed to contributions from rainfall. On average, the elevation zone in the 4000–5500 m range contributes the most to basin runoff, averaging 56.9 ± 3.6% of all snowmelt input and 28.9 ± 1.1% of all rainfall input to runoff. Model simulated streamflow using an interpolated precipitation data set decreases the fractional contribution from rainfall versus snowmelt compared with simulations using observed station precipitation. Model experiments indicate that the hydrograph itself does not constrain estimates of snowmelt versus rainfall contributions to total outflow but that this derives from the degree‐day melting model. Lastly, we demonstrate that the data assimilation approach is useful for quantifying and reducing uncertainty related to model parameters and thus provides uncertainty bounds on snowmelt and rainfall contributions in such mountainous watersheds. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Snowmelt water is an important freshwater resource in the Altay Mountains in north‐west China; however, warming climate and rapid spring snowmelt can cause floods that endanger both public and personal property and safety. This study simulates snowmelt in the Kayiertesi River catchment using a temperature index model based on remote sensing coupled with high‐resolution meteorological data obtained from National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) reanalysis fields that were downscaled using the Weather Research Forecasting model and then bias corrected using a statistical downscaled model. Validation of the forcing data revealed that the high‐resolution meteorological fields derived from the downscaled NCEP reanalysis were reliable for driving the snowmelt model. Parameters of the temperature index model based on remote sensing were calibrated for spring 2014, and model performance was validated using Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer snow cover and snow observations from spring 2012. The results show that the temperature index model based on remote sensing performed well, with a simulation mean relative error of 6.7% and a Nash–Sutcliffe efficiency of 0.98 in spring 2012 in the river of Altay Mountains. Based on the reliable distributed snow water equivalent simulation, daily snowmelt run‐off was calculated for spring 2012 in the basin. In the study catchment, spring snowmelt run‐off accounts for 72% of spring run‐off and 21% of annual run‐off. Snowmelt is the main source of run‐off for the catchment and should be managed and utilized effectively. The results provide a basis for snowmelt run‐off predictions, so as to prevent snowmelt‐induced floods, and also provide a generalizable approach that can be applied to other remote locations where high‐density, long‐term observational data are lacking. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

太湖流域2012年枯水期浮游生物群落结构特征   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
在野外调查的基础上,利用物种多样性指数及典范对应分析(CCA),于2012年研究太湖流域枯水期浮游动植物群落结构特征.共鉴定出浮游植物139种,分属7门71属.太湖中蓝藻门密度占总密度的95.8%,为太湖浮游植物的优势种群.铜绿微囊藻占总密度的86.7%,为太湖的绝对优势种.太湖流域水系中蓝藻门、硅藻门和绿藻门的密度之和占总密度的92.2%,成为太湖流域水系中的优势种群.其中硅藻门中的小环藻、蓝藻门中的惠氏微囊藻为优势种(属),密度分别达到17.4%、10.3%;鉴定出浮游动物27种,主要为枝角类的象鼻溞、网纹溞和桡足类的哲水蚤、剑水蚤.太湖中浮游动物生物量为265.1 μg/L,枝角类的象鼻溞和网纹剂分别占总生物量的48.7%和5.1%;桡足类的哲水蚤和剑水蚤分别占总生物量的15.9%和22.5%.太湖流域水系中浮游动物生物量只有21.8 μg/L,主要为枝角类的象鼻溞、桡足类的哲水蚤和剑水蚤.物种多样性指数分析显示,太湖浮游植物的多样性最高,其次为宜溧水系,然后依次为运河水系、出湖水系、苕溪水系;而浮游动物的多样性则是太湖最高,其次为苕溪水系,然后依次为宜溧水系、出湖水系、运河水系.CCA分析表明,浮游植物群落与硝态氮、总氮、总磷呈显著相关,而浮游动物分布主要与硝态氮、溶解氧、温度呈显著相关.浮游动植物优势种群之间存在显著相关性.秀体溞、基合溞和温剑水蚤与硅藻呈显著正相关;蓝藻与象鼻溞、网纹溞、汤匙华哲水蚤等相关性显著.  相似文献   

This paper examines characteristics of meteorological and runoff time-series collected from the Brøggerbreen glacier basin, Svalbard, during 1991 and 1992. Proglacial discharge and electrical conductivity were monitored at two gauging stations: one immediately downstream of the terminus of Austre Brøggerbreen and another c. 2·5 km downstream, in order to assess the contribution of the intervening proglacial sandur. Meteorological time-series (incident radiation, wind speed and direction, air temperature and precipitation) were monitored on the proglacial sandur. Changes in wind direction, incident radiation receipt and air temperature were used as a basis for separating the time-series into different periods. These periods allowed the relative significance of advective and incident (short-wave) radiative forcing of air temperatures to be determined at diurnal and synoptic time-scales. The analysis shows that incident radiation dominated over advection in the forcing of diurnal variations in air temperature during all the periods. At the synoptic scale, both processes were periodically dominant in forcing air temperature variability. An examination of synoptic charts supports the use of ground level measurements to describe the effect of energy advection upon the synoptic air temperature variability and indicates the role of large-scale circulation patterns in the delivery of energy for ablation under different conditions. Interrelationships between the hydrological and meteorological time-series are then used to characterize the response of the glacierized part of the catchment to meteorological forcing throughout the two ablation seasons. The analyses show that the recession of the snowpack across the proglacial and glacial portions of the basin has an important effect on the catchment contributing area contributing to runoff and the lag between energy inputs and meltwater discharge outputs. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Hui-Ping  Zhang  Shao-Feng  Liu  Nong  Yang  Yue-Qiao  Zhang  Guo-Wei  Zhang 《Island Arc》2006,15(2):239-250
Abstract   The Minshan Mountain and adjacent region are the major continental escarpments along the eastern Tibetan Plateau. The Minjiang drainage basin is located within the plateau margin adjacent to the Sichuan Basin. Based on the analysis of the digital elevation model (DEM) acquired by the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM), we know that the Minjiang drainage basin has distinct geomorphic characteristics. The regular increasing of local topographic relief from north to south is a result of the Quaternary sediment deposition within the plateau and the holistic uplift of the eastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau versus the Sichuan Basin. Results from DEM-determined Minjiang drainage sub-basins and channel profiles show that the tributaries on the opposite sides are asymmetric. Lower perimeter and area of drainage sub-basins, total channel length and bifurcation ratio within eastern flank along the Minjiang mainstream are the result of the Quaternary differential uplift of the Minshan Mountain region. Shorter stream lengths and lower bifurcation ratio might be the indications of the undergrowth and newborn features of these eastern streams, which are also representative for the eastern uplift of the Minshan Mountain.  相似文献   

A network of 30 standalone snow monitoring stations was used to investigate the snow cover distribution, snowmelt dynamics, and runoff generation during two rain‐on‐snow (ROS) events in a 40 km2 montane catchment in the Black Forest region of southwestern Germany. A multiple linear regression analysis using elevation, aspect, and land cover as predictors for the snow water equivalent (SWE) distribution within the catchment was applied on an hourly basis for two significant ROS flood events that occurred in December 2012. The available snowmelt water, liquid precipitation, as well as the total retention storage of the snow cover were considered in order to estimate the amount of water potentially available for the runoff generation. The study provides a spatially and temporally distributed picture of how the two observed ROS floods developed in the catchment. It became evident that the retention capacity of the snow cover is a crucial mechanism during ROS. It took several hours before water was released from the snowpack during the first ROS event, while retention storage was exceeded within 1 h from the start of the second event. Elevation was the most important terrain feature. South‐facing terrain contributed more water for runoff than north‐facing slopes, and only slightly more runoff was generated at open compared to forested areas. The results highlight the importance of snowmelt together with liquid precipitation for the generation of flood runoff during ROS and the large temporal and spatial variability of the relevant processes. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

巢湖典型子流域上下游水塘对暴雨径流氮磷去除效率比较   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从流域上下游环境条件及氮磷输出强度差异出发,探讨上下游水塘对径流氮磷去除的特征及效率,选取巢湖小柘皋河源头流域上下游水塘开展水塘去除暴雨径流氮磷的对比试验,研究暴雨及暴雨间期上下游水塘氮磷去除效率差异及原因,为流域上下游设计不同类型净化塘去除氮磷提供科学依据.结果表明:暴雨期,上游径流氮磷浓度高于下游,且颗粒态所占比例上游大于下游,流域上游应作为防治暴雨径流氮磷流失的重点区域;暴雨期,上游塘对暴雨径流中的氮磷去除效果明显,氮、磷去除率分别为74%和52%,且对颗粒态去除效果好于溶解态,下游塘没有表现出明显的去除效果;暴雨间期,上游塘塘内氮磷浓度平均下降50%和20%,下游塘则分别为72%和16%,且均以溶解态去除为主;水塘去除暴雨径流氮磷有一定的浓度适用范围,浓度过低,去除效果不明显;流域部位不同引起入塘径流氮磷浓度和形态的差异是上下游水塘对暴雨径流去除效果差异的主要外部原因.流域上游出山口,可以在渗透性好的山前洪积扇上构建深水宽塘,通过增加暴雨径流拦截量和降低流速增强物理沉降作用,实现暴雨径流氮磷的高效去除;流域下游农田区,宜构建水面较大的浅滩湿地,通过延长滞留时间和促进生物活动增强去除暴雨径流氮磷的效果.  相似文献   

We analyse spatial variability and different evolution patterns of snowpack in a mixed beech–fir stand in the central Pyrenees. Snow depth and density were surveyed weekly along six transects of contrasting forest cover during a complete accumulation and melting season; we also surveyed a sector unaffected by canopy cover. Forest density was measured using the sky view factor (SVF) obtained from digital hemispherical photographs. During periods of snow accumulation and melting, noticeable differences in snow depth and density were found between the open site and those areas covered by forest canopy. Principal component analysis provided valuable information in explaining these observations. The results indicate a high variability in snow accumulation within forest areas related to differences in canopy density. Maximum snow water equivalent (SWE) was reduced by more than 50% beneath dense canopies compared with clearings, and this difference increased during the melting period. We also found significant temporal variations: when melting began in sectors with low SVF, most of the snow had already thawed in areas with high SVF. However, specific conditions occasionally produced a different response of SWE to forest cover, with lower melting rates observed beneath dense canopies. The high values of correlation coefficients for SWE and SVF (r > 0·9) indicate the reliability of predicting the spatial distribution of SWE in forests when only a moderate number of observations are available. Digital hemispherical photographs provide an appropriate tool for this type of analysis, especially for zenith angles in the range 35–55 . Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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