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Vito Ferro 《水文研究》1998,12(12):1895-1910
An equation for evaluating the sediment transport capacity of overland flow is a necessary part of a physically based soil erosion model describing sediment detachment and transport as distributed processes. At first, for the hydraulic conditions of small-scale and large-scale roughness, the sediment transport capacity relationship used in the WEPP model is calibrated by Yalin and Govers' equation. The analysis shows that the transport coefficient Kt depends on the Shields parameter, Y, according to a semi-logarithmic (Yalin) or a linear (Govers) equation. The reliability of the semi-logarithmic equation is verified by Smart's, and Aziz and Scott's experimental data. Then the Low's formula, whose applicability is also proved by Smart's, and Aziz and Scott's data, is transformed as a stream power equation in which a stream power coefficient, KSP, depending on Shields parameter, slope, sediment and water-specific weight, appears. A relationship between transport capacity and effective stream power is also proposed. Finally, the influence of rainfall on sediment transport capacity and the prediction of critical shear stress corresponding to overland flow are examined. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Vegetative filter strips (VFSs) can effectively trap sediment in overland flow, but little information is available on its performance in controlling high‐concentration sediment and the runoff hydraulics in VFS. Flume experiments were conducted to investigate the sediment deposition, hydraulics of overland flow and their relationships in simulating VFS under a great range of sediment concentrations with four levels of vegetation cover (bare slope and 4%, 11% and 17%) and two flow rates (15 and 30 L min?1). Sediment concentrations varied from 30 to 400 kg m?3 and slope gradient was 9°. Both the deposited sediment load and deposition efficiency in VFS increased as the vegetation cover increased. Sediment concentration had a positive effect on the deposited load but no effect on deposition efficiency. A lower flow rate corresponded to greater deposition efficiency but had little effect on deposited load. Flow velocities decreased as vegetation cover increased. Sediment concentration had a negative effect on the mean velocity but no effect on surface velocity. Hydraulic resistance increased as the vegetation cover and sediment concentration increased. Sediment deposition efficiency had a much more pronounced relationship with overland flow hydraulics compared with deposited load, especially with the mean flow velocity, and there was a power relationship between them. Flow regime also affected the sediment deposition efficiency, and the efficiency was much higher under subcritical than supercritical flow. The results will be useful for the design of VFS and the control of sediment flowing into rivers in areas with serious soil erosion. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


Sediment transport capacity is a key concept in determining rates of detachment and deposition in process-based erosion models, yet limited studies have been conducted on steep slopes. We investigated the effects of sediment size on transport capacity of overland flow in a flume. Unit flow discharge ranged from 0.66 to 5.26?×?10-3 m2 s-1, and slope gradient varied from 8.7 to 42.3%. Five sediment size classes (median diameter, d 50, of 0.10, 0.22, 0.41, 0.69 and 1.16 mm) were used. Sediment size was inversely related to transport capacity. The ratios of average transport capacity of the finest class to those of the 0.22, 0.41, 0.69 and 1.16 mm classes were 1.09, 1.30, 1.55 and 1.92, respectively. Sediment transport capacity increased as a power function of flow discharge and slope gradient (R2?=?0.98), shear stress (R2?=?0.95), stream power (R2?=?0.94), or unit stream power (R2?=?0.76). Transport capacity generally decreased as a power function of sediment size (exponent?=??0.35). Shear stress and stream power predicted transport capacity better than unit stream power on steep slopes when transport capacity was <7 kg m-1 s-1. Sediment transport capacity increased linearly with mean flow velocity. Critical or threshold velocity increased as a power function of sediment size (R2?=?0.93). Further studies with fine soil particles are needed to quantify the effects of sediment size on transport capacity of overland flow on steep slopes.

Citation Zhang, G.-H., Wang, L.-L., Tang, K.-M., Luo, R.-T. & Zhang, X.C. (2011) Effects of sediment size on transport capacity of overland flow on steep slopes. Hydrol. Sci. J. 56(7), 1289–1299.  相似文献   

Modelling soil erosion requires an equation for predicting the sediment transport capacity by interrill overland flow on rough surfaces. The conventional practice of partitioning total shear stress into grain and form shear stress and predicting transport capacity using grain shear stress lacks rigour and is prone to underestimation. This study therefore explores the possibility that inasmuch as surface roughness affects flow hydraulic variables which, in turn, determine transport capacity, there may be one or more hydraulic variables which capture the effect of surface roughness on transport capacity suffciently well for good predictions of transport capacity to be achieved from data on these variables alone. To investigate this possibility, regression analyses were performed on data from 1506 flume experiments in which discharge, slope, water temperature, rainfall intensity, and roughness size, shape and concentration were varied. The analyses reveal that 89·8 per cent of the variance in transport capacity can be accounted for by excess flow power and flow depth. Including roughness size and concentration in the regression improves that explained variance by only 3·5 per cent. Evidently, flow depth, when used in combination with excess flow power, largely captures the effect of surface roughness on transport capacity. This finding promises to simplify greatly the task of developing a general sediment equation for interrill overland flow on rough surfaces. Copyright © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Field studies on sandy soils of the Cottenham Series in mid-Bedfordshire show that the mean annual rate of sediment transport by overland flow on an 11° mid-slope is 98 g cm1. The feasibility of using sediment transport equations to predict erosion by overland flow on a storm basis is examined by comparing the observed values of sediment yield with values predicted by four sediment transport equations and a regression equation which relates soil loss to runoff energy and rainfall energy. An expression combining Engelund's sediment transport capacity equation and the Manning equation for flow velocity, as modified by Savat for disturbed flow, best reflects field conditions. Although there is a significant correlation (r = 0.69; n 30) between the observed and predicted values using this expression, the coefficient of determination is too low for predictive purposes. Reasons for this are presented.  相似文献   


Soil erosion is a global environmental problem. To quantify water erosion rates at the field, hillslope or catchment scale, several spatially-distributed soil erosion models have been developed. The accuracy of those models depends largely on the sediment detachment and transport functions used, many of which were developed from empirical research. In this paper, the physical basis of the available sediment detachment and transport functions is reviewed, and their application boundaries determined. Well-known and widely-used sediment detachment and transport functions are discussed on the basis of composite force predictors, i.e. shear stress, stream power, unit stream power and effective stream power, and their suitability is elucidated based on information in the literature. It was found that only a few sediment detachment functions are available, and those have been poorly tested. Most erosion models ignore direct calculation of sediment detachment, but use the sediment transport capacity deficit approach to estimate detachment rate. Many more sediment transport functions are available that also tested better for overland flow conditions. However, our tests did not result in a single function that appeared to perform best under a range of experimental conditions. The unit stream power-based functions developed by Govers seem to be the most promising ones for water erosion modelling. It is therefore recommended to evaluate the performance of existing sediment transport functions with more detailed field and laboratory datasets.
Editor Z.W. Kundzewicz  相似文献   

Laboratory experiments to determine the maximum size of sediment transported in shallow, rain-impacted flow were conducted in a recirculating flume 4·80 m long and 0·50 m wide. Rainfall intensities were varied between 51 and 138 mm h−1, flow was introduced from a header tank into the flume at rates ranging from 0 to 0·64 l s−1, and experiments were conducted on gradients between 3·5 and 10°. The following equation was developed: ML = (REFE)1·6363 in which M is particle mass, L is distance moved in unit time (cm min−1), RE is rainfall energy (J m−2 s−1) and FE is flow energy (J m−2 s−1). This equation can be used to predict sediment-transport competence of interrill overland flow. The equation is limited in its utility insofar as it has been developed using quartz grains and takes no account of variations in absorption of rain energy by natural ground surfaces. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

After its formation, a rill may remain in the field for months, often receiving lower flow rates than the formative discharge. The objective of this work was to evaluate the rill flow transport capacity of soil aggregates at discharges unable to erode the rill, and to analyse the influence of the rill macro‐roughness on this transport process. A non‐erodible rill was built in which roughness was reproduced in detail. In order to assess only the rill macro‐roughness, a flat channel with a similar micro‐roughness to that in the rill replica was built. Rill and channel experiments were carried out at a slope of 8 and at six discharges (8·3 × 10?5 to 5·2 × 10?4 m3 s?1) in the rill, and eight discharges (1·6 × 10?5 to 5·2 × 10?4 m3 s?1) in the channel. Non‐erodible aggregates of three sizes (1–2, 3–5 and 5–10 mm) were released at the inlet of the rill/channel. The number of aggregates received at the outlet was registered. The number and position of the remaining aggregates along the rill/channel were also determined. The rill flow was a major sediment transport mechanism only during the formation of the rill, as during that period the power of the flow was great enough to overcome the influence of the macro‐roughness of the rill bed. At lower discharges the transport capacity in the previously formed rill was significantly less than that in the flat channel under similar slope and discharge. This was determined to be due to local slowing of flow velocities at the exit of rill pools. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Water erosion on hillslopes is a worldwide environmental problem, which is a rainfall‐induced process, especially extreme rainfall. The great intensity of extreme rainfall strongly enhances the power of overland flow to detach soil and transport sediment. Plant litter is one of the most important constituents of ecosystems that often covers the soil surface and can be incorporated into topsoil. However, little attention has been paid to its effect on flow hydraulics owing to the veiled nature. This study aimed to examine the effects of incorporated litter on the hydraulic properties under extreme rainfall condition. To reach this goal, six litter rates of 0, 0.05, 0.10, 0.20, 0.35, and 0.50 kg m?2 and four litter types collected from deciduous trees, coniferous trees, shrubs, and herbs were incorporated into topsoil. Then, simulated rainfall experiments were performed on five slope gradients (5°, 10°, 15°, 20°, and 25°) with an extreme rainfall intensity of 80 mm h?1. The results showed that Froude number and flow velocity of the overland flow decreased, whereas flow resistance increased exponentially with litter incorporation rate. Litter type had an influence on flow hydraulics, which can mainly be attributed to the variations in surface coverage of the exposed litter and the litter morphology. Flow velocity and Darcy–Weisbach coefficient increased markedly with slope gradient. However, the variation of slope gradient did not modify the relationships between flow hydraulics and incorporated litter rate. The random roughness, resulting from heterogeneous erosion due to the uneven protection of surface exposed litter, increased linearly with litter incorporated rate. As rainfall proceeded, flow hydraulics varied with incorporated litter rate and slope gradient complicatedly due to the increases in flow rate and coverage of the exposed litter and the modification of soil surface roughness.  相似文献   

Particle selectivity plays an important role in clarifying sediment transport processes in vegetative filter strips (VFS). 10-m long grass strips at slopes of 5° and 15° were subjected to a series of sediment-laden inflows experiments with different particle sizes to investigate the sediment transport and its response to overland flow hydraulics. The inflow sediments came from local soil, river-bed sand, and mixed, with median particle size d50 of 39.9, 207.9 and 77.4 μm, respectively. Three independent repeated experiments were carried for each treatment. The results show that when the sediment trapping lasted for a certain length of time, the re-entrainment of some small-sized particles was greater than the deposition; that is, net loss occurred, which was not erosion of the original soil. Net loss of particles is mainly determined by the particle diameter. The coarser the inflow sediment particles and/or the steeper the slope, the coarser the particles can be net lost. Deposited sediment causes the VFS bed surface to become smooth and hydraulic resistance decrease exponentially. Unit stream power P is more suitable than shear stress τ of overland flow to be used to describe the process of sediment particle transport in VFS. The relationship between P and d50 of outflow sediment is very consistent with the form of power function with a constant term. These results are helpful to understand the physical process of sediment transport on vegetation hillslopes.  相似文献   

In this article we apply the CASCADE network-scale sediment connectivity model to the Vjosa River in Albania. The Vjosa is one of the last unimpaired braided rivers in Europe and, at the same time, a data scarce environment, which limits our ability to model how this pristine river might respond to future human disturbance. To initialize the model, we use remotely sensed data and modeled hydrology from a regional model. We perform a reach-by-reach optimization of surface grain size distribution (GSD) and bedload transport capacity to ensure equilibrium conditions throughout the network. In order to account for the various sources of uncertainty in the calculation of transport capacity, we performed a global sensitivity analysis. The modeled GSD distributions generated by the sensitivity analysis generally match the six GSDs measured at different locations within the network. The modeled bedload sediment fluxes increase systematically downstream, and annual fluxes at the outlet of the Vjosa are well within an order of magnitude of fluxes derived from previous estimates of the annual suspended sediment load. We then use the modeled sediment fluxes as input to a set of theoretically derived functions that successfully discriminate between multi-thread and single-thread channel patterns. This finding provides additional validation of the model results by showing a clear connection between modeled sediment concentrations and observed river morphology. Finally, we observe that a reduction in sediment flux of about 50% (e.g., due to dams) would likely cause existing braided reaches to shift toward single thread morphology. The proposed method is widely applicable and opens a new avenue for application of network-scale sediment models that aid in the exploration of river stability to changes in water and sediment fluxes.  相似文献   

Subsurface flow can be an important process in gully erosion through its impact on decreasing soil cohesion and erosion resistance as soil water content or pressure increases and more directly by the effects of seepage forces on particle detachment and piping. The development of perched water tables fosters lateral flow that can result in seepage at the surface and/or formation of soil pipes by internal erosion of preferential flow paths. Continued internal erosion of soil pipes can lead to gullies, dam and levee failures. However, the processes involved in particle and aggregate detachment from soil pipe walls and transport processes within soil pipes have not been well studied or documented. This paper reviews the limited research on sediment detachment and transport in macropores and soil pipes and applies the knowledge learned from the much more extensive studies conducted on streams and industrial pipes to hydrogeologic conditions of soil pipes. Knowledge gaps are identified and recommendations are made for future research on sediment detachment and transport in soil pipes. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

There is considerable interest in large‐scale spatial patterns of sediment transport in catchments, and this topic is often approached using terrain‐based modelling. In such models topography influences the discharge of overland flow and its sediment transport capacity. The sediment transport capacity of overland flow is commonly expressed as a power function of slope and discharge (i.e. qs=k1qβSγ). The relationship between discharge and contributing area can also be expressed as a power function. Several reviews reveal a limited range of values for the two exponents β and γ. In this paper we examine the sensitivity of catchment‐scale patterns of sediment delivery to valley floors to a range of sediment transport capacity and hillslope hydrology parameterizations, using two catchments on the southern tablelands of New South Wales. The results indicate that, over the limited range of β and γ identified within the literature, sediment deliveries to valley floors across the two catchments are similar for all but one of five sediment transport capacity relationships. The patterns are dominated by the trend in slope through each catchment. The sensitivity to hillslope hydrology of predicted sediment delivery patterns is strong in the catchment with systematic variation in unit hillslope area, and weak in the catchment for which there are no systematic trends in unit hillslope area. We believe there is less experimental evidence to restrict choice of hillslope hydrology parameters than there is for sediment transport capacity. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Soil erosion models are essential tools for the successful implementation of effective and adapted soil conservation measures on agricultural land. Therefore, models are needed that predict sediment delivery and quality, give a good spatial representation of erosion and deposition and allow us to account for various soil conservation measures. Here, we evaluate how well a modified version of the spatially distributed multi‐class sediment transport model (MCST) simulates the effectiveness of control measures for different event sizes. We use 8 year runoff and sediment delivery data from two small agricultural watersheds (0·7 and 3·7 ha) under optimized soil conservation. The modified MCST model successfully simulates surface runoff and sediment delivery from both watersheds; one of which was dominated by sheet and the other was partly affected by rill erosion. Moreover, first results of modelling enrichment of clay in sediment delivery are promising, showing the potential of MCST to model sediment enrichment and nutrient transport. In general, our results and those of an earlier modelling exercise in the Belgian Loess Belt indicate the potential of the MCST model to evaluate soil erosion and deposition under different agricultural land uses. As the model explicitly takes into account the dominant effects of soil‐conservation agriculture, it should be successfully applicable for soil‐conservation planning/evaluation in other environments. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Field experiments at Tiramoana station 30 km north of Christchurch, New Zealand using an erosion plot 16·5 m long, 0·6 m wide, and with a slope of 14–14·5° on rendzina soil aimed to measure the variability of flow velocity and of soil aggregates transport rate in shallow overland flow. Discharge/cross‐section area ratio was used to estimate mean velocity, and high‐speed digital video camera and image analysis provided information about flow and sediment transport variability. Six flow runs with 0·5–3·0 L s?1 discharges were supercritical with Froude numbers close to or more than 1. Mean flow velocity followed Poiseuille law, float numbers were more than 1·5 and hydraulic resistance was an inverse proportional function of the Reynolds number, which is typical for laminar flows. Hence actual velocity varied through time significantly and the power spectrum was of ‘red‐noise’, which is typical for turbulent flow. Sediment transport rates had even higher variability, and soil aggregates transport was a compound Poisson process. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The mobility conditions of bedload transport in an alpine high‐gradient step–pool stream (Rio Cordon) are analysed. Since 1986, a device system at the downstream end section of the stream has been operating in order to monitor the water discharge, suspended sediment and bedload transport. Sediment distribution of bedload transported by various floods has been analysed, and equal‐mobility evidence is recognized only for the high‐magnitude flows ever recorded (RI > 50 years). The thresholds for size‐selective and equal‐mobility transport conditions are identified and quantified by using both data provided by the fractional transport rate and by length displacements of marked particles. Size‐selective bedload transport seems to dominate when the critical shear stress of the size fractions τci considered is exceeded, whereas the equal‐mobility condition is approached as levels of excess shear stress become higher (τeqi = 1·45τci). Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Although the Shields relation was developed for rivers, it has been applied to sediment transport by overland flow. According to the Shields relation, where the critical boundary Reynolds number Re*c exceeds 40, the critical Shields number F*c is independent of both Re*c and the ratio of the critical flow depth to particle diameter dc/D. Analyses of data collected from runoff plots in southern Arizona reveal that F*c is positively correlated with both Re*c and dc/D. Thus the Shields relation does not apply to overland flow on debris-covered desert hillslopes. Multiple regression analysis is employed to develop alternative threshold relations in which critical boundary shear stress τc is related to D and dc/D (R2 = 0.782) and to D and Sc (critical gradient) (R2 = 0.625). The computed R2 values derive in large part from the spurious correlations of dc/D and Sc with τc. Nevertheless, the relations may be utilized to predict τc. In this regard, the latter relation is likely to prove more useful than the former because Sc is generally known, whereas dc is not. An investigation of the functional relation between τc and D reveals that τc varies approximately with D2 for overland flow on the desert hillslopes under study, whereas the Shields relation predicts a linear relation (i.e. a D exponent of 1). This result is consistent with Cheng's data which show that F*c varies with (dc/D)?1 where 0.4 < dc/D < 2 and may be explained in terms of increased energy dissipation both in separation zones downslope of particles and in distortion of the water surface as dc/D decreases. Consequently, larger values of τc, and hence F*c, are required to initiate the transport of particles of a given size D as dc decreases.  相似文献   

Field data from the Rio Paraná, Argentina, are used to examine patterns of suspended sediment transport over a sand dune. Measurements of three‐dimensional velocity are made with an acoustic Doppler current profiler whilst suspended sediment concentration and particle size have been quantified using a laser in situ sediment scattering transmissometer. Suspended sediment concentration and streamwise and vertical sediment flux are highest close to the bed, with an upward vertical flux over the stoss side of the dune and downward flux over the lee side. Suspended sediment concentrations are higher over the crest compared with the trough and suspended sediment is coarsest near the bed. About 17% of the suspended‐load transported over the crest is deposited in the lee side before it reaches the trough. Most of this deposited sand is coarser sediment that originates close to the bed over the crest, a result consistent with simulations based on the model of Mohrig and Smith (Water Resources Research 1996; 32: 3207–3217) for the excursion lengths of sediment dispersed in the lee side of a dune. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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