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Cutover bogs do not return to functional peatland ecosystems after abandonment because re‐establishment of peat‐forming mosses is poor. This paper presents a conceptual model of bog disturbance caused by peat harvesting (1942–1972), and the hydrological evolution that occurred after abandonment (1973–1998). Two adjacent bogs of similar size and origin, one harvested and the other essentially undisturbed, provide the basis for understanding what changes occurred. The model is based on historical trends evident from previous surveys of land‐use, bog ecology and resource mapping; and from recent hydrological and ecological data that characterize the current condition. Water balance data and historical information suggest that runoff increased and evapotranspiration decreased following drainage, but tended towards pre‐disturbance levels following abandonment, as vegetation recolonized the surface and drainage became less efficient over time. Dewatering of soil pores after drainage caused shrinkage and oxidation of the peat and surface subsidence of approximately 80 cm over 57 years. Comparisons with a nearby natural bog suggest that bulk density in the upper 50 cm of cutover peat increased from 0·07 to 0·13 g cm?3, specific yield declined from 0·14 to 0·07, water table fluctuations were 67% greater, and mean saturated hydraulic conductivity declined from 4·1 × 10?5 to 1·3 × 10?5 cm s?1. More than 25 years after abandonment, Sphagnum mosses were distributed over broad areas but covered less than 15% of the surface. Areas with ‘good’ Sphagnum regeneration (>10% cover) were strongly correlated with high water tables (mean ?22 cm), especially in zones of seasonal groundwater discharge, artefacts of the extraction history. Forest cover expanded from 5 to 20% of the study area following abandonment. The effect of forest growth (transpiration and interception) and drainage on lowering water levels eventually will be countered by slower water movement through the increasingly dense soil, and by natural ditch deterioration. However, without management intervention, full re‐establishment of natural hydrological functions will take a very long time. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Oscillation of the peat surface is an important mechanism for hydrological self‐regulation in bogs. As the water table rises in the wet season, the peat body expands, raising the bog surface and increasing water storage. With seasonal drying, the water table declines, the peat loses volume, and the bog surface drops, thereby keeping Sphagnum mosses in close contact with the water table. The oscillation of surface elevation in a Pacific coastal temperate raised bog was monitored at multiple sites for 4–12 years in 8 different plant communities of both peat‐harvested and unharvested sites to determine how bog surface oscillation relates to site conditions. The multiyear averages of bog surface oscillation for the different sites ranged from 2 to 34 cm (mean: 10.8 cm). In harvested sites, surface oscillation was linked to a larger water level amplitude and a shallower water table. In unharvested sites, a shallow water table was also a strong predictor of surface oscillation, but water level amplitude was negatively correlated to surface oscillation. This discrepancy was attributed to rewetting and regeneration of harvested sites, as well as historic drainage in many of the unharvested sites that reduced the elasticity of the peat. Surface oscillation differed significantly between some of the plant communities, generally between drier and wetter sites. In disturbed bogs, regeneration of a more elastic surface peat can increase the magnitude of peat volume change and bring about the return of self‐regulating mechanisms. Bog surface oscillation may be an important metric for assessing the restoration success or storage capacity of raised bogs in similar climatic settings.  相似文献   

Increases in pool water and peat temperature in summer accelerate peat decomposition and production of biogenic gases, which can be trapped in peat pores and cause oscillation of peatland surfaces and the rise of peat from the bottom of bog pools. Associated changes in peat water conductivity, holding capacity and transpiration also affect bog hydrology. Our multi‐year study is the first to show in detail the extent and dynamics of changes in bog pool depth and bottom topography associated with changes in temperature, peat type and other factors. The true seasonal rise of peat from the pool bottom begins once the water temperature at the pool bottom exceeds 13–14 °C, although the speed and extent of the rise depends on peat properties, making the rise more erratic than its subsequent descent. The more rapid descent occurs after the first large drop in the temperature of the pool's surface water at the end of summer, resulting from the combination of reduced methane production and increased gas solubility with less influence by peat properties. Much higher dissolved organic carbon concentrations (216 ± 26 mg l?1) in the pore water of peat risen from the bottom to the pool surface compared with that in the same type of peat at the pool bottom (62 ± 20 mg l?1) indicate an acceleration of peat decomposition at the warmer pool surface. We show the extent and character of changes in pool depth and bottom topography and how annual differences relate to temperature. Only a few degrees' increase in pool water temperature could induce the pool bottom to rise faster and more extensively for a longer period and enhance decomposition in the peat at the pool surface. This should be evaluated in greater detail to assess the effects of temperature increase on the carbon budget and hydrology of peatlands. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In hydrological terms, raised bogs are often approximated by simple models as in the acrotelm–catotelm concept. However, raised bogs are often characterized by a pronounced surface topography, causing large changes in connectivity of contributing areas on the bog. In this study, daily regression of measured discharges versus catchment areas is used to quantify the impact of surface topography on catchment connectivity within a raised bog. The resulting coefficient of determination shows the strength of the relationship between the discharge and catchment area over time under different hydrological conditions. Monitoring of discharge, water table, transmissivity, and basic weather data on a raised bog (1.9 km2) in eastern central Estonia took place from May 2008 to June 2010. Contributing areas, calculated based on the outlet's discharge volume (V Q ) divided by the net precipitation volume ( ), of the outlet containing the central pool‐ridge system varied between 1×10?3 and 0.7 km2, suggesting significant differences in connectivity between hydrological events. Correlation between discharge and theoretical catchment size was high (R 2>0.75) when the water table was close to the surface (less than 5 cm below peat surface), and consequently, transmissivities were also high (up to 1,030m2d?1), which led to connectivity of local storage elements, such as pools and hollows. However, a water table below this threshold resulted in large parts of the catchment being disconnected. The importance of water table depths on catchment connectivity suggests the need to reconsider the hydrological concept of raised bogs; to incorporate these shallow flow components and better understand residence time and consequently transport of solutes, such as DOC, from patterned peatlands.  相似文献   

Harvested sites rarely return to functional ecosystems after abandonment because drainage and peat extraction lower the water table and expose relatively decomposed peat, which is hydrologically unsuitable for Sphagnum moss re‐establishment. Some natural regeneration of Sphagnum has occurred in isolated pockets on traditionally harvested (block‐cut) sites, for reasons that are poorly understood, but are related to natural functions that regulate runoff and evaporation. This study evaluates the water balance of a naturally regenerated cutover bog and compares it with a nearby natural bog of similar size and origin, near Riviere du Loup, Quebec. Water balance results indicated that evapotranspiration was the major water loss from the harvested bog, comprising 92 and 84% of total outputs (2·9 mm day?1) during the 1997 and 1998 seasons, respectively. Despite denser tree cover at the harvested site, evapotranspiration from the natural bog was similar, although less spatially variable. At the harvested site, evaporative losses ranged from 1·9 mm day?1 on raised baulks and roads to 3·6 mm day?1 from moist surfaces with Sphagnum. Although about half of the ditches were inactive or operating at only a fraction of their original efficiency, runoff was still significant at 12 and 24% of precipitation during the 1997 and 1998 study seasons, respectively. This compares with negligible rates of runoff at the natural bog. Thus the cutover bog, although abandoned over 25 years ago, has not regained its hydrological function. This is both a cause and effect of its inability to support renewed Sphagnum regeneration. Without suitable management (e.g. blocking ditches), this site is not likely to improve for a very long time. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The natural carbon storage function of peatland ecosystems can be severely affected by the abandonment of peat extraction, influencing peatland drainage, leading to large and persistent sources of atmospheric CO2. Moreover, these cutover peatlands have a low and variable water table position and high tension at the surface, creating harsh ecohydrological conditions for vegetation re‐establishment, particularly peat forming Sphagnum moss. Standard restoration techniques aim to restore the peatland to a carbon accumulating system through various water management techniques to improve hydrological conditions and by reintroducing Sphagnum at the surface. However, restoring the hydrology of peatlands can be expensive due to the cost of implementing the various restoration techniques. This study examines a peat extraction‐restoration technique where the acrotelm is preserved and replaced directly on the cutover peat surface. An experimental peatland adopting this acrotelm transplant technique had both a high water table and peat moisture conditions providing sufficient water at the surface for Sphagnum moss. Average water table conditions were higher at the experimental site (?8·4 ± 4·2 cm) compared to an adjacent natural site (?12·7 ± 6·0 cm) suggesting adequate moisture conditions at the restored surface. However, the experimental site experienced high variability in volumetric moisture content (VMC) in the capitula zone (upper 2 cm) where large diurnal changes in VMC (~30%) were observed, suggesting possible disturbance to the peat matrix structure during the extraction‐restoration process. However, soil–water retention analysis and physical peat properties (porosity and bulk density) suggest that no significant differences existed between the natural and experimental sites. Any structural changes within the peat matrix were therefore minimal. Moreover, low soil‐water tensions were maintained well above the laboratory measured critical Sphagnum threshold of 33% (?100 mb) VMC, further indicating favourable conditions for Sphagnum moss survival and growth. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Dissolved organic carbon export from a cutover and restored peatland   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
High demand for horticultural peat has increased peatland drainage and peat extraction in Canada. The hydrology and carbon cycling of these cutover peatlands is greatly altered, necessitating active restoration efforts to permit the regeneration of Sphagnum mosses and the re‐establishment of natural peatland function. The effect of peatland extraction and restoration on the export of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) was examined for three successive seasons (May to October, 1999 to 2001) at two different sites (cutover and restored) in eastern Québec. A shift towards higher DOC concentrations was observed following peatland extraction (maximum: 182·6 mg L?1) and concentrations remained high post‐restoration (maximum: 191·0 mg L?1). The cutover site exported more DOC than the restored site in all three study seasons. The highest exports occurred during the wettest year (1999), with cutover and restored site export of 10·3 and 4·8 g m?2, respectively. In 2000, 8·5 g C m?2 was released from the cutover site, while the restored site released less than half that amount (3·4 g C m?2). In 2001, the restored site released about the same amount of DOC as in the previous year (3·5 g C m?2), while the cutover site load dropped to 6·2 g C m?2. Both sites were net exporters of DOC in all years. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

On patterned peatlands, open water pools develop within a matrix of terrestrial vegetation (‘ridges’). Regional patterns in the distribution of ridge–pool complexes suggest that the relative cover of these two surface types is controlled in part by climate wetness, but landscape topography must also be an important controlling factor. In this paper, a functional model that relates relative cover of ridges and pools to climate and surface gradient was developed and tested. The model was formulated in terms of a water budget, based on the differential effects of ridges and pools on losses by evapotranspiration and subsurface flow. It predicts a positive relationship between surface gradient and ridge proportion, with a linear effect related to water supply and ridge hydraulic conductivity, modified at high ridge proportion by differences in evapotranspiration between ridges and pools. The limit to patterned peatland distribution occurs where the surface is completely covered by ridges. The model may be sensitive or insensitive to climate differences between localities, depending on whether hydraulic characteristics of ridge peat co‐vary with water supply. To distinguish between these alternative hypotheses, surface gradient and ridge proportion were surveyed along 20 transects in each of three localities in Scotland that differ threefold in net precipitation to pools. The results of the field survey served to reject the climate‐sensitive hypothesis, but were consistent with the climate‐insensitive hypothesis. Analysis of the residuals suggested that variation within localities was related more to topographic control of water supply than to ridge hydraulic conductivity or developmental stage. Hence, within this maritime climate region, the distribution of ridge–pool complexes and the relative abundance of pools are controlled mainly by topographic variables. Field surveys across both maritime and continental regions are required to confirm a subtle climatic effect that allows pools to occur on higher gradients in drier climates than in wetter climates. Further development and testing of the functional model will provide a stronger basis for assessing potential feedback between climate change, peatland surface structure and methane emission from pools. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Small-scale spatial variation of benthic algal assemblages in a peat bog   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Spatial patterns on a very small scale (10 cm), and the effect of artificial barriers on the composition of phytobenthic algal assemblages along two transects within different microhabitat types were investigated. Samples were taken in a peat bog along linear transects on a scale of 10 cm, and water chemistry was examined. The distribution of algae along both transects was influenced by both spatial distance and environmental conditions in similar proportions. Differences in species composition in various parts of the transects were observed, but this pattern was primarily related to the abundance of species, rather than to their presence/absence in samples. Similarity in species composition correlated with spatial distance and environmental parameters in both microhabitat types. I concluded that, given a homogenous environment on a small scale, spatial distribution of algae is affected by both the environmental conditions of the microhabitats and their dispersal limitations. Moreover, an artificial barrier constituted an obstruction for water and nutrient flow, as well as algal migration, and had an impact on species composition.  相似文献   

Over an oceanic peatland, the concentration of Na in fog averaged 38.1 mgl?1 compared with 1.8 mgl?1 in rain, resulting in a significant flux of mineral elements to the surface. Between 16 May and 20 June 1990 the average mass flux of Na to the bog surface by fog, rain, and dry deposition was 21.9, 10.4 and 7.0 mg m?2 d?1. There was little long-term storage of Na within the peatland system, where Na losses measured in stream runoff averaged 34.8 mg m2 d?1, and deep groundwater losses 4 mg m?2 d?1. Calcium and Mg were preferentially retained in the organic soil, whereas K was relatively mobile. Potassium tended to become concentrated in the unsaturated zone. Stream runoff had a consistently higher pH than groundwater, corresponding to higher Ca and Mg concentrations, which may have been from mineral sources in the headwater ponds. Otherwise, the stream water chemistry was closely related to groundwater in the upper layers of the peat deposit.  相似文献   

We investigated the effects of ditch blocking on fluvial carbon concentrations and fluxes at a 5‐year, replicated, control‐intervention field experiment on a blanket peatland in North Wales, UK. The site was hydrologically instrumented, and run‐off via open and blocked ditches was analysed for dissolved organic carbon (DOC), particulate organic carbon, dissolved carbon dioxide, and dissolved methane. DOC was also analysed in peat porewater and overland flow. The hillslope experiment was embedded within a paired control‐intervention catchment study, with 3 years of preblocking and 6 years of postblocking data. Results from the hillslope showed large reductions in discharge via blocked ditches, with water partly redirected into hillslope surface and subsurface flows, and partly into remaining open ditches. We observed no impacts of ditch blocking on DOC, particulate organic carbon, dissolved carbon dioxide or methane in ditch waters, DOC in porewaters or overland flow, or stream water DOC at the paired catchment scale. Similar DOC concentrations in ditch water, overland flow, and porewater suggest that diverting flow from the ditch network to surface or subsurface flow had a limited impact on concentrations or fluxes of DOC entering the stream network. The subdued response of fluvial carbon to ditch blocking in our study may be attributable to the relatively low susceptibility of blanket peatlands to drainage, or to physical alterations of the peat since drainage. We conclude that ditch blocking cannot be always be expected to deliver reductions in fluvial carbon loss, or improvements in the quality of drinking water supplies.  相似文献   

Anisotropy and heterogeneity of hydraulic conductivity (K) are suspected of greatly affecting rates and patterns of ground‐water seepage in peats. A new laboratory method, termed here the modified cube method, was used to measure horizontal and vertical hydraulic conductivity (Kh and Kv) of 400 samples of bog peat. The new method avoids many of the problems associated with existing field and laboratory methods, and is shown to give relatively precise measurements of K. In the majority of samples tested, Kh was much greater than Kv, indicating that the bog peat was strongly anisotropic. Log10Kh, log10Kv, and log10 (Kh/Kv) were found to vary significantly with depth, although none of the relationships was simple. We comment on the scale dependency of our measurements. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The annual discharge of the Lower Jordan River has decreased from about 1250 × 106 m3 y?1 to about 300 × 106 m3 y?1 due to water exploitation. The decrease in water discharge was not followed by a similar decrease in the suspended sediment. Evidence from air photographs and maps from 1920s to early 1970s show that the river is adjusting itself by shortening its course. The shortening is not distributed uniformly along the valley length. Local effects obscure the effect of decreasing discharge. Since the early 1970s the channel is becoming longer again due to a change in the dominant flow.  相似文献   

A water budget was established for the open, undisturbed bog Stormossen, central Sweden, for the growing seasons of 1996 and 1997 as a part of the NOPEX project. The water budget was complemented with data on the spatial variation of groundwater levels and water contents in different microrelief elements (ridge, hollow and ridge margin). The seasonal (24 May to 4 October) rainfall, evaporation and runoff were 200, 256, and 43 mm in 1996, respectively, and 310, 286 and 74 mm in 1997, giving negative budgets of ?99 mm in 1996 and ?50 mm in 1997. Approximately 60% of the total budget was caused by storage changes in the upper 40 cm of the bog and 40% by swelling/shrinking in the layers below. This ‘mire breathing’ must be incorporated in future models of mire‐water dynamics. The water content varied diversely among the different microrelief elements, much depending on the properties of moss and peat together with distance to water table. There also was a strong hysteresis in the relationships between groundwater level and measured volumetric water content, depending partly on pore‐throat effects and partly on swelling/shrinking of the peat matrix. A seasonal variation of volumetric water content in a layer beneath water table was found to be larger than what could be justified by compression alone. We think that probable causes could be methane gas expansion together with temperature effects. The main conclusions of this study were: (i) water‐transport and storage characteristics are distinctly different among hummocks, ridges and hollows, (ii) mire wetness cannot be deduced from groundwater levels only, and (iii) an important part of the total water storage was caused by swelling/shrinking of the peat, not by changes in unsaturated water content. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Anisotropy and heterogeneity of hydraulic conductivity (K) are seldom considered in models of mire hydrology. We investigated the effect of anisotropy and heterogeneity on groundwater flow in bog peat using a steady‐state groundwater model. In five model simulations, four sets of K data were used. The first set comprised measured K values from an anisotropic and heterogeneous bog peat. These data were aggregated to produce the following simplified data sets: an isotropic and heterogeneous distribution of K; an isotropic and homogeneous distribution; and an anisotropic and homogeneous distribution. We demonstrate that, where anisotropy and heterogeneity exist, groundwater flow in bog peat is complex. Fine‐scale variations in K have the potential to influence patterns and rates of groundwater flow. However, for our data at least, it is heterogeneity and not anisotropy that has the greater influence on producing complex patterns of groundwater flow. We also demonstrate that patterns and rates of groundwater flow are simplified and reduced when measured K values are aggregated to create a more uniform distribution of K. For example, when measured K values are aggregated to produce isotropy and homogeneity, the rate of modelled seepage is reduced by 28%. We also show that when measured K values are used, the presence of a drainage ditch can increase seepage through a modelled cross‐section. Our work has implications for the accurate interpretation of hydraulic head data obtained from peat soils, and also the understanding of the effect of drainage ditches on patterns and rates of groundwater flow. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Resource extraction and transportation activities in subarctic Canada can result in the unintentional release of contaminants into the surrounding peatlands. In the event of a release, a thorough understanding of solute transport within the saturated zone is necessary to predict plume fate and the potential impacts on peatland ecosystems. To better characterize contaminant transport in these systems, approximately 13,000 L/day of sodium chloride tracer (200 mg/L) was released into a bog in the James Bay Lowland. The tracer was pumped into a fully penetrating well (1.5 m) between July 5 and August 18, 2015. Horizontal and vertical plume development was measured via in situ specific conductance and water table depth from an adaptive monitoring network. Over the spill period, the bulk of the plume travelled a lateral distance of 100 m in the direction of the slight regional groundwater and topographical slope. The plume shape was irregular and followed the hollows, indicating preferential flow paths due to the site microtopography. Saturated transport of the tracer occurred primarily at ~25 cm below ground surface (bgs), and at a discontinuous high hydraulic conductivity layer ~125 cm bgs due to a complex and heterogeneous vertical hydraulic conductivity profile. Plume measurement was confounded by a large amount of precipitation (233 mm over the study period) that temporarily diluted the tracer in the highly conductive upper peat layer. Longitudinal solute advection can be approximated using local water table information (i.e., depth and gradient); microtopography; and meteorological conditions. Vertical distribution of solute within the peat profile is far more complex due to the heterogeneous subsurface; characterization would be aided by a detailed understanding of the site‐specific peat profile; the degree of decomposition; and the type of contaminant (e.g., reactive/nonreactive). The results of this research highlight the difficulty of tracking a contaminant spill in bogs and provide a benchmark for the characterization of the short‐term fate of a plume in these complex systems.  相似文献   

Recent studies have suggested that the hydrologic connectivity of northern headwater catchments is likely controlled by antecedent moisture conditions and land cover patterns. A water storage model (EWS), based on water levels (WLs), specific yield (Sy) and surface elevation (SE) changes, was compared with a basic water budget of a small, boreal, patterned fen (13 ha) during the ice‐free period. Results showed that the EWS model reproduced well storage variations derived from the water budget. These results suggest that storage variations can be properly represented by the fluctuations of WLs when we consider the heterogeneous soil properties. However, storage deviations occurred at the daily scale and could be explained by a lack of information on water retention in unsaturated layers, canopy interceptions and preferential flows. Despite the significant impact of SE changes on the different peatland cover storage budgets (strings and lawns), using Sy mean values had a low impact on storage estimations. This can be explained by the large proportion of pools and high WLs throughout the fen. At the fen scale, high storage in the pools seemed to reduce the Sy difference between strings and lawns. The results of this study provide new insights about the complex hydrological behaviour of northern catchments and allow for conceiving new hydrological modelling perspectives. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We report the results of numerical and analytical simulations to test the hypothesis that downward vertical flow of porewater from the crests of domed alpine and kettle bogs controls vertical porewater distributions of major solutes such as Ca and Mg. The domed Etang de la Gruère bog (EGr), Switzerland, characterized by a vertical downward gradient of 0·04 and stratified layers of peat, is chosen as a field site for the model calibration and evaluation. The middle 4‐m section of the 6·5 m thick bog peat is heavily humified and has a hydraulic conductivity of ~10?5·6 cm s?1. Above and below, peat is less humified with a hydraulic conductivity of ~10?3 cm s?1. Heuristic finite difference simulations, using Visual MODFLOW, of the bog hydraulics show that the higher conductivity peat at the bog base is critical to create the observed deep, local flow cells that substantively recharge porewater. Model results and Peclet number calculations show that before ~7000 14C yr BP diffusion of solutes from underlying mineral soils controlled the vertical distribution of porewater chemistry. From 7000 to ~1250 14C BP the porewater chemistry was probably controlled by both upward diffusion and downward advection, and after ~1250 14C yr BP porewater chemistry was probably controlled by downward advection. Concentrations of conservative major solutes in the porewaters of alpine, ombrotrophic bogs are the net effect of both downward vertical porewater movement and upward vertical diffusion, the magnitudes of which are delicately poised to the configuration of the bog water table over time and subsurface peat stratigraphy. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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