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The Jæren area in southwestern Norway has experienced great changes in sea‐levels and sedimentary environments during the Weichselian, and some of these changes are recorded at Foss‐Eikeland. Four diamictons interbedded with glaciomarine and glaciofluvial sediments are exposed in a large gravel pit situated above the post‐glacial marine limit. The interpretation of these sediments has implications for the history of both the inland ice and the Norwegian Channel Ice Stream. During a Middle Weichselian interstadial, a large glaciofluvial delta prograded into a shallow marine environment along the coast of Jæren. A minor glacial advance deposited a gravelly diamicton, and a glaciomarine diamicton was deposited during a following marine transgression. This subsequently was reworked by grounded ice, forming a well‐defined boulder pavement. The boulder pavement is followed by glaciomarine clay with a lower, laminated part and an upper part of sandy clay. The laminated clay probably was deposited under sea‐ice, whereas more open glaciomarine conditions prevailed during deposition of the upper part. The clay is intersected by clastic dykes protruding from the overlying, late Weichselian till. Preconsolidation values from the marine clay suggest an ice thickness of at least 500 m during the last glacial phase. The large variations in sea‐level probably are a combined effect of eustasy and glacio‐isostatic changes caused by an inland ice sheet and an ice stream in the Norwegian Channel. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The occurrence of till beds alternating with glaciomarine sediment spanning oxygen isotope stages 6 to 2, combined with morphological evidence, shows that the southwestern fringe of Norway was inundated by an ice stream flowing through the Norwegian Channel on at least four occasions, the last time being during the Late Weichselian maximum. All marine units are deglacial successions composed of muds with dropstones and diamictic intrabeds and a foraminiferal fauna characteristic of extreme glaciomarine environments. Land‐based ice, flowing at right angles to the flow direction of the ice stream, fed into the ice stream along an escarpment formed by erosion of the ice stream. Each time the ice stream wasted back, land‐based ice advanced into the area formerly occupied by the ice stream. During the last deglaciation of the ice stream (c. 15 ka BP), the advance of the land‐based ice occurred immediately upon ice stream retreat. As a result, the sea was prevented from inundating the upland areas, allowing most of the glacioisostatic readjustment to occur before the land‐based ice melted back at about 13 ka BP. This explains the low Late Weichselian sea levels in the area (10–20 m) compared with those of the Middle Weichselian and older sea‐level high stands (~200 m). Regional tectonic movements cannot explain the location of the observed marine successions. The highest sea level recorded (>200 m) is represented by glaciomarine sediments from the Sandnes interstadial (30–34 ka BP). Older interstadial marine sediments are found at somewhat lower levels, possibly as a result of subsequent glacial erosion in these deposits. Ice streams developed in the Norwegian Channel during three Weichselian time intervals. This seems to correspond to glacial episodes both to the south in Denmark and to the north on the coast of Norway, although correlations are somewhat hampered by insufficient dating control.  相似文献   

The lithostratigraphy of pre‐Late Weichselian sediments and OSL‐dating results from four localities in the Suupohja area of western Finland, adjacent to the centre of the former Scandinavian glaciations, are presented. The studied sections expose glacifluvial, quiet‐water, littoral and aeolian deposits overlain by Middle and/or Late Weichselian tills. Litho‐ and biostratigraphical results together with seven OSL age determinations on buried glacifluvial sediment at Rävåsen (94±15 ka) and on till‐covered littoral and aeolian sediments at Risåsen, Rävåsen, Jätinmäki and Kiviharju (79±10 to 54±8 ka), accompanied by previous datings and interpretations, suggest that the glacifluvial sediments at Risåsen were deposited at the end of the Saalian Stage (MIS 6) and those at Risåsen were deposited possibly in the Early Weichselian Substage (MIS 5d?). Palaeosol horizons and ice‐wedge casts together with the dated littoral and aeolian sediments between the Harrinkangas Formation (Saalian) and the overlying till(s) indicate that western Finland was ice‐free during most of the Weichselian time. Littoral deposits, dated to the Middle Weichselian (MIS 4–3), occur at altitudes of 50–90 m a.s.l., which indicates significant glacio‐isostatic depression. The depression resulted from expansion of the ice sheet in the west of Finland at that time.  相似文献   

《Geodinamica Acta》2013,26(1):81-100
The North Volcanic Zone of Iceland was unglaciated during most interglacials. Subsequently, the region was covered by the Weichselian ice cap. A widespread interglacial complex, the Sy?ra Formation, has been mapped in this zone. It covers probably O.I.S.5e, 5d and 5c. Its formation and preservation are discussed in terms of rift and volcanism activity, in interrelations with the former deglaciation. A topographic bulge, presumed of glacio-isostatic origin, limited the downstream drainage of the Jökulsa a Fjolum river enabling the interglacial sedimentation and the excavation of one of the canyons of Dettifoss. Effusive volcanic activity in the rift is important prior to the Sy?ra 4 unit in association with an early abrupt event (SY2: Sy?ra ash), related to a phreato-magmatic eruption at the eastern hyaloclastite ridge or from the Askja volcano and to jökulhlaup events. It corresponds probably to ash Zone B as defined by Sejrup et al., (1989) on the Northern Iceland shelf. The previous activity of hyaloclastite ridge is recorded during the Marine Isotope Stage 6 (MIS 6 = Saalian) and its deglaciation, a younger effusive event is dated at 80 ka. The Interglacial paleo-seismic region is similar to the present one; during deglaciation, the seismic zone is widened, up to 60 km to the East. Continuous micro-seismicity related to dyke intrusion and effusive or phreato-magmatic eruptions develop at the onset of deglaciation. It is discrete during the full interglacials, and most intense during pyroclastic eruptions. A comparison with the Late Glacial/Holocene deglaciation is provided in the same region.  相似文献   

On the basis of studies of many stratigraphical profiles, together with radiocarbon dates, Thorium-Uranium dates and amino-acid dates, the following preliminary stratigraphy is proposed: (1)Late Weichselian. Stavanger Stadial. The glacier covered the coast and deposited the upper drift sheet. - (2) Middle Weichselian.(a)Sandnes Interstadial (30,000?-39,000 years B.P.). Thick units of marine deposits underlie the Stavanger Stadial drift. The lithology, the foraminiferal fauna, the molluscan fauna and the pollen flora all record cold, partly near-ice environment during their deposition. Elements of a boreal type foraminiferal fauna suggest that certain phases of the Sandnes Interstadial could have been slightly warmer. The shore level was very high. (b) Jæren Stadial (40,000? 1000 years B.P.). Tills and glaciomarine deposits at several locailites are correlated with a Jæren Stadial. (c) Nygaard Interstadial (41,000–50,000? years B.P.). Marine deposits representing a low shore-level phase, record cool to cold conditions. - (3)Early Weichselian. (a) Karmøy Stadial (older than 47,000 years B.P.). Gravelly and very bouldery tills at low stratigraphical levels in several prifles are correlated with a Karmøy Staidial.(b) Older deposits. Marine deposits which lie below the Karmøy Stadial till and on top of Eemian deposits at Bø II on Karmøy are being studies.  相似文献   

High‐resolution swath bathymetry and TOPAS sub‐bottom profiler acoustic data from the inner and middle continental shelf of north‐east Greenland record the presence of streamlined mega‐scale glacial lineations and other subglacial landforms that are formed in the surface of a continuous soft sediment layer. The best‐developed lineations are found in Westwind Trough, a bathymetric trough connecting Nioghalvfjerdsfjorden Gletscher and Zachariae Isstrøm to the continental shelf edge. The geomorphological and stratigraphical data indicate that the Greenland Ice Sheet covered the inner‐middle shelf in north‐east Greenland during the most recent ice advance of the Late Weichselian glaciation. Earlier sedimentological and chronological studies indicated that the last major delivery of glacigenic sediment to the shelf and Fram Strait was prior to the Holocene during Marine Isotope Stage 2, supporting our assertion that the subglacial landforms and ice sheet expansion in north‐east Greenland occurred during the Late Weichselian. Glacimarine sediment gravity flow deposits found on the north‐east Greenland continental slope imply that the ice sheet extended beyond the middle continental shelf, and supplied subglacial sediment direct to the shelf edge with subsequent remobilisation downslope. These marine geophysical data indicate that the flow of the Late Weichselian Greenland Ice Sheet through Westwind Trough was in the form of a fast‐flowing palaeo‐ice stream, and that it provides the first direct geomorphological evidence for the former presence of ice streams on the Greenland continental shelf. The presence of streamlined subglacially derived landforms and till layers on the shallow AWI Bank and Northwind Shoal indicates that ice sheet flow was not only channelled through the cross‐shelf bathymetric troughs but also occurred across the shallow intra‐trough regions of north‐east Greenland. Collectively these data record for the first time that ice streams were an important glacio‐dynamic feature that drained interior basins of the Late Weichselian Greenland Ice Sheet across the adjacent continental margin, and that the ice sheet was far more extensive in north‐east Greenland during the Last Glacial Maximum than the previous terrestrial–glacial reconstructions showed. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Late Weichselian glacial sediments were studied in three sections west of Lund, southwest Sweden. The lowermost sedimentary unit is a lodgement till containing rock fragments derived from the northeast-east. Fabric analyses indicate successive ice flow directions: from the northeast, east-northeast, south-southeast and then east. The last active ice movement in the area was from the east. Above the lodgement till are deglaciation sediments consisting of meltout till, flow till and glaciofluvial sand and gravel deposited in a subaerial stagnant-ice environment. The uppermost unit consists of glaciolacustrine clay and silt, containing abundant ice-rafted debris, deposited during a short-lived transgression phase when stagnant ice was still present in the area. At the westernmost site investigated, the petrographical composition of the deglaciation deposits displays a gradual change, with upwards increasing components of Cretaceous chalky limestone. The presence of this rock type requires a period of glacial transport from the south. This stratigraphy cannot be explained with traditional glaciodynamic models. A possible scenario can, however, be constructed using a previously published model (Lagerlund, 1987) where marginal ice domes in the southwestern Baltic area interact with the main Scandinavian Ice Sheet.  相似文献   

Pebbly clays and diamictons containing marine shell fragments and peat lenses exposed beneath subglacially deposited Late Devensian till at the Burn of Benholm provide new insights into the glacial history of Quaternary sequences in eastern Scotland. The peat yielded pollen of interstadial affinity (including Bruckenthalia spiculifolia) and non‐finite radiocarbon dates. Comparisons with other pre‐Late Devensian pollen records in northern Scotland suggest that the peat lenses are remnants of an Early Devensian interstadial deposit, of Oxygen Isotope Substage 5c or 5a age. Reworked faunal assemblages in the shelly sediments include Quaternary marine molluscs of low boreal aspect, as well as Mesozoic and Palaeozoic microfossils. Amino acid ratios from fragments of Arctica islandica suggest that the shells are of Oxygen Isotope Stage 9 age or older. The fabric and composition of the shelly sediments are consistent with their emplacement as deformation till during the onshore movement of glacially transported rafts of marine sediment. Folded and sheared contacts between the shelly deposits, peat lenses and the overlying Late Devensian till indicate that the fossiliferous sediments were glacitectonised during the main Late Devensian glaciation, when ice moved from Strathmore and overrode the site from the southwest. British Geological Survey. © NERC 2000.  相似文献   

Houmark‐Nielsen, M. 2010: Extent, age and dynamics of Marine Isotope Stage 3 glaciations in the southwestern Baltic Basin. Boreas, 10.1111/j.1502‐3885.2009.00136.x. ISSN 0300‐9483 The southwestern Baltic region is known as a major crossroad for the expansion of Pleistocene glaciers from the Scandinavian Ice Sheet (SIS). At the peak of the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM, 25–20 kyr BP), steady‐flowing inter‐stream glaciers expanded radially from the major ice divide over central Scandinavia. During the subsequent deglaciation phase (20–15 kyr BP), streaming ice was flowing through the Baltic gateway onto the North European lowland. The lithology and directional ice‐flow properties of pre‐LGM till formations of Baltic provenance in Denmark (the Ristinge till and Klintholm till) suggest that the ice‐sheet dynamics during the Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 3 glacier expansion were similar to those for the post‐LGM advances. Increasing geological evidence indicates that glaciers extended onto the Circum‐Baltic lowlands during MIS 3. Reconstructions of flow paths and estimates of the basal ice‐sheet coupling in Denmark suggest that southward flow of the SIS through the Baltic was probably the result of ice streaming. Despite methodological uncertainties, available OSL and 14C dates indicate that glaciers advanced at least twice during the mild second half of the Middle Weichselian (c. 75–25 kyr BP), most probably in connection with Dansgaard‐Oeschger (D‐O) events 14–13 (54–46 kyr BP) and 8–5 (35–30 kyr BP). The chronology and dynamics of glacier expansion in the southwestern Baltic in response to long‐term cooling trends, the contemporary presence of a low Arctic biota in large parts of Scandinavia and of possible leads or lags in relation to North Atlantic climate changes during MIS 3 are discussed.  相似文献   

The Rautuvaara section in northern Finnish Lapland has been widely considered as the stratotype for the northern Fennoscandian late Middle and Late Pleistocene. It exposes four till units interbedded with sorted sediments resting on Precambrian bedrock. In order to shed light on the Scandinavian Ice Sheet (SIS) history and palaeoenvironmental evolution in northern Fennoscandia through time, a chronostratigraphical study was carried out at the Rautuvaara site. The succession was studied using sedimentological methods and different sand‐rich units between till units were dated using the Optical Stimulated Luminescence (OSL) method. The results obtained indicate that the whole sediment succession at Rautuvaara was deposited during the Weichselian Stage and there is no indication of older deposits. The SIS advanced across Finnish Lapland to adjacent areas to the east at least once during the Early Weichselian, twice during the Middle Weichselian (~MIS 4 and MIS 3) and once during the Late Weichselian substages. Glaciolacustrine sediments interbedded between the till units indicate that a glacial lake repeatedly existed after each deglacial phase. The results also suggest that there were two ice‐free intervals in northern Fennoscandia during the Middle Weichselian close to the SIS glaciation centre.  相似文献   

Glacial deposits and landforms, interpreted from the continuous seismic reflection data, have been used to reconstruct the Late Weichselian ice-sheet dynamics and the sedimentary environments in the northeastern Baltic Sea. The bedrock geology and topography played an important role in the glacial dynamics and subglacial meltwater drainage in the area. Drumlins suggest a south-southeasterly flow direction of the last ice sheet on the Ordovician Plateau. Eskers demonstrate that subglacial meltwater flow was focused mostly within bedrock valleys. The eskers have locally been overlain by a thin layer of till. Thick proximal outwash deposits occupy elongated depressions in the substratum, which often occur along the sides of esker ridges. Ice-marginal grounding-line deposit in the southern part of the area has a continuation on the adjacent Island of Saaremaa. Therefore, we assume that its formation took place during Palivere Stadial of the last deglaciation, whereas the moraine bank extending southwestward from the Serve Peninsula is tentatively correlated with the Pandivere Stadial. The wedge-shaped ice-marginal grounding-line deposit was locally fed by subglacial meltwater streams during a standstill or slight readvance of the ice margin. The thickness of the glacier at the grounding-line was estimated to reach approximately 180 m. In the western part of the area, terrace-like morphology of the ice-marginal deposit and series of small retreat moraines 10–20 km north of it suggest stepwise retreat of the ice margin. Therefore, a rather thin and mobile ice stream was probably covering the northeastern Baltic Sea during the last deglaciation.  相似文献   

The Jæren lowland is located on the southwestern coast of Norway between a mountainous region in the east and the offshore Norwegian Channel in the west. During the Last Glacial Maximum, Jæren was in an intermediate position between an ice stream following the Norwegian Channel northwards, and westward flowing inland ice. The dynamic behaviour of the inland ice and the interaction with the ice stream are examined by means of geomorphological analysis of digital terrain models and sedimentological investigations. SW-trending drumlins were formed at Jæren below tributary ice from the inland, feeding into the Norwegian Channel Ice Stream. The presence of Rogen moraine in the central part of Jæren indicates a frozen substratum prior to their formation, and this suggests a transition to cold-based ice between the tributaries. The deglaciation of the Norwegian Channel at about 15 ka BP resulted in an unstable ice front for the inland ice sheet. The formation of Rogen moraine may be explained by a dynamic advance resulting in extensional flow and fracturing of the frozen substratum between the tributaries. The dynamic advance was followed by an early deglaciation of the coastal areas as evidenced by shallow marine sediments. Deformation of the shallow marine sand indicates a glacial readvance through the valleys formerly acting as tributaries to the ice stream.  相似文献   

The retreat of the Barents Sea Ice Sheet on the western Svalbard margin   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The deglaciation of the continental shelf to the west of Spitsbergen and the main fjord, Isfjorden. is discussed based on sub-bottom seismic records and scdirncnt cores. The sea lloor on the shelf to the west of Isfjorden is underlain by less than 2 m of glaciomarine sediments over a firm diamicton interpreted as till. In central Isfjordcn up to 10 m of deglaciation sediments were recorded, whereas in cores from the innermost tributary, Billefjorden, less than a meter of ice proximal sediments was recognized between the till and the 'normal' Holocene marine sediments. We conclude that the Barents Sea Ice Sheet terminated along the shelf break during the Late Weichselian glacial maximum. Radiocarbon dates from thc glaciomarine sediments above the till indicate a stepwise deglaciation. Apparently the ice front rctrcatcd from the outermost shelf around 14. 8 ka A dramatic increase in the flux of line-grained glaciomarine sediments around 13 ka is assumed to reflect increased melting and/or current activity due to a climatic warming. This second stage of deglaciation was intcrruptcd by a glacial readvance culminating on the mid-shelf area shortly after 12.4 ka. The glacial readvance, which is correlated with a simultaneous readvance of the Fennoscundian ice sheet along the western coast of Norway, is attributed to the so-called 'Older Dryas' cooling event in the North Atlantic region. Following this glacial readvance the outer part of Isljorden became rapidly deglaciated around 12.3 ka. During the Younger Dryas the inner fjord branches were occupied by large outlet glaciers and possibly the ice liont terminated far out in the main fjord. The remnants of the Harcnts Sea Ice Shcet melted quickly away as a response to the Holocene warming around 10 ka.  相似文献   

The Late Weichselian Tinglev outwash plain in southwestern Denmark slopes gently from east to west, but certain areas of the topography show unusual irregularities. Analysis of LiDAR data reveals a mosaic of smaller areas with pronounced changes in slope magnitude and orientation between neighbouring areas. The outwash plain also features notable changes in elevation across kilometre‐long lineaments and areas lying lower and higher than the expected level. The depressions in the area have previously been interpreted as the result of melting dead‐ice blocks left by the Late Weichselian ice sheet. However, borehole samples from Lake Tinglev on the outwash plain show that lake sedimentation did not start until the early Holocene (9000 years ago), which is more than 9000 years after the ice sheet had retreated. The topographical irregularities are located above the Tønder Graben structure, and we interpret these as the result of Holocene strike‐slip movements along the graben faults resulting in areas of both subsidence and uplift. The deformations of the outwash plain are interpreted as the effect of deglaciation tectonics acting within a limited time frame at the beginning of the Holocene. As the event can be related to stress release from the weight of the Scandinavian Ice Sheet, we expect that other fault zones in northern Europe would be equally prone to reactivation. Tectonic events related to deglaciation would most likely be recurrent, and the stress changes appear to have been able to induce short‐lived tectonic instability to areas normally considered tectonically stable. We conclude that this type of tectonics has had a significant impact on topography and sedimentation throughout the Quaternary.  相似文献   

Ice streams are major dynamic elements of modern ice sheets, and are believed to have significantly influenced the behaviour of past ice sheets. Funen Island exhibits a number of geomorphological and geological features indicative of a Late Weichselian ice stream, a land-based, terminal branch of the major Baltic Ice Stream that drained the Scandinavian Ice Sheet along the Baltic Sea depression. The ice stream in the study area operated during the Young Baltic Advance. Its track on Funen is characterized by a prominent drumlin field with long, attenuated drumlins consisting of till. The field has an arcuate shape indicating ice-flow deflection around the island's interior. Beneath the drumlin-forming till is a major erosional surface with a boulder pavement, the stones of which have heavily faceted and striated upper surfaces. Ploughing marks are found around the boulders. Exact correspondence of striations, till fabric and drumlin orientation indicates a remarkably consistent flow direction during ice streaming. We infer that fast ice flow was facilitated by basal water pressure elevated to the vicinity of the flotation point. The ice movement was by basal sliding and bed deformation under water pressure at the flotation level or slightly below it, respectively. Subglacial channels and eskers post-dating the drumlins mark a drainage phase that terminated the ice-stream activity close to the deglaciation. Identification of other ice streams in the Peribaltic area is essential for better understanding the dynamics of the land-based part of the Scandinavian Ice Sheet during the last glaciation.  相似文献   

Glacial lineations on a bank area and a coastal lowland, both bordering the Norwegian Channel, are studied with regard to morphology and distribution by means of side-scan sonar data, detailed digital maps and fieldwork. Their genesis and age are further elucidated through stratigraphic and sedimentologic information from excavations in one typical coast-parallel drumlin. Four excavated sections revealed four lithologic units: Prodeltaic glaciomarine sand, glaciofluvial gravel, glaciomarine diamicton and deformation till. After Middle Weichselian delta progradation, glaciomarine diamicton was deposited and later subglacially reworked by a northwards flowing glacier. The two upper diamictons form the main volume of the ridge, which is interpreted as a drumlin, and imply a reinterpretation of the Jæren part of the so-called Lista moraine. Preconsolidation of glaciomarine diamicton suggests a maximum ice thickness of 500 m during drumlin formation, indicating an ice surface slope of 1 m/km. The occurrence of sediments that provided low basal shear stresses, and the orientation of drumlins and megaflutes indicating ice confluence both point to high glacier flow velocities and suggest that an ice stream, rather than a slower moving part of the ice sheet, occupied the Norwegian Channel during the Late Weichselian maximum. Deformation till overlying, more or less, undeformed glaciomarine diamicton suggests that high glacier velocities during periods of low driving stresses were possible due to a subglacial deformable layer.  相似文献   

Foraminiferal biostratigraphy, stable isotopes and amino-acid diagenesis have been investigated in a 125 m (+ 1 to — 124 m a.s.l.) long core from Jæren, southwestern Norway. Two marine units, the 42 m thick Grødeland Sand and the 8 m thick Sunde Sand, were found between till beds. Based on the biostratigraphic data, nine foraminiferal assemblage zones are defined. The Grødeland Sand shows a development from an ice-proximal glacial environment in the lower part, through an arctic, possibly shallow-water, environment, into a full interglacial open-shelf regime (the Grødeland Interglacial). The Grødeland Interglacial sediments (zone 6 Cassidulina laevigata-Cibicides zone) were deposited at a water depth of 20 m, in an open, high-energy shelf environment with temperature conditions similar to those prevailing in the northern North Sea today. The interglacial sediments are followed by deposits characteristic of an arctic environment which become more ice proximal upwards. Superimposed on the Grødeland Sand is a diamicton interpreted as till. Above the till is the upper marine unit (the Sunde Sand), which in the lower part yielded a shallow-water arctic fauna replaced upwards by an ice-proximal facies. The upper part of the Sunde Sand is barren of foraminifera and is superimposed by an upper till. The Sunde Interstadial is defined as a climatostratigraphic event resulting in deglaciation of western Norway and deposition of the Sunde Sand. Based on amino acid geochronology and inferences from the biostratigraphy, the Grødeland Interglacial is assigned to oxygen-isotope stage 7, whereas the Sunde Interstadial is assigned to the Early Weichselian. Combined with existing data from the North Sea region and the Norwegian Sea, it is concluded that for stage 7, in addition to stages 1 and 5e, there must have been a strong influx of Atlantic water into the Norwegian Sea north of the British Isles. This circulation created a similar north-south gradient in water masses in the North Sea to that which occurred during the Eemian and the Holocene. In the Nordic Seas, however, the stage 7 warm influx was probably restricted to the eastern part of the basin, unlike the later warm periods. This led to the development of fully interglacial conditions in the North Sea region, even though the palaeoceanographic data from the central part of the Nordic Seas suggest relatively cooler conditions for oxygen-isotope stage 7.  相似文献   

This study presents the Weichselian stratigraphy on Kriegers Flak in the southwestern Baltic Sea, and correlates it to new sections in southernmost Sweden and to previously published stratigraphic sequences from SW Skåne. A total of four Weichselian advances are identified based on our correlations. The oldest till, observed only on Kriegers Flak, is dated to the Early or Middle Weichselian and tentatively correlated to the Ristinge advance, previously identified in Denmark. It is overlain by three interstadial sediment units, starting with brackish clay and followed by terrestrial and lacustrine deposits, which have been dated to 42–36 ka, and finally by glaciolacustrine clay dated to 28.5–26 ka. After 30 ka, the Fennoscandian ice sheet advanced through the Baltic Basin and into the coastal areas of southernmost Sweden where the Allarp Till was deposited, followed by a deglaciation sequence. The uppermost tills, the Dalby Till and the Lund till, were deposited during the LGM advance and the subsequent re‐advances through the Baltic Basin. Based on the new evidence it has been possible to identify and date a Middle and Late Weichselian till succession in southern Sweden and provide a strong correlation to the established glacial stratigraphies in Sweden and Denmark.  相似文献   

Advance of the Late Weichselian (Valdaian) Scandinavian Ice Sheet (SIS) in northwestern Russia took place after a period of periglacial conditions. Till of the last SIS, Bobrovo till, overlies glacial deposits from the previous Barents and Kara Sea ice sheets and marine deposits of the Last Interglacial. The till is identified by its contents of Scandinavian erratics and it has directional properties of westerly provenance. Above the deglaciation sediments, and extra marginally, it is replaced by glaciofluvial and glaciolacustrine deposits. At its maximum extent, the last SIS was more restricted in Russia than previously outlined and the time of termination at 18-16 cal. kyr BP was almost 10 kyr delayed compared to the southwestern part of the ice sheet. We argue that the lithology of the ice sheets' substrate, and especially the location of former proglacial lake basins, influenced the dynamics of the ice sheet and guided the direction of flow. We advocate that, while reaching the maximum extent, lobe-shaped glaciers protruded eastward from SIS and moved along the path of water-filled lowland basins. Ice-sheet collapse and deglaciation in the region commenced when ice lobes were detached from the main ice sheet. During the Lateglacial warming, disintegration and melting took place in a 200-600 km wide zone along the northeastern rim of SIS associated with thick Quaternary accumulations. Deglaciation occurred through aerial downwasting within large fields of dead ice developed during successively detached ice lobes. Deglaciation led to the development of hummocky moraine landscapes with scattered periglacial and ice-dammed lakes, while a sub-arctic flora invaded the region.  相似文献   

《Sedimentary Geology》2007,193(1-4):211-220
Central Poland is situated in the centre of the Late Pleistocene and Holocene “European aeolian sand belt”. This area has the highest frequency of round, mat grains of all Europe, due to intense aeolian abrasion. Aeolian processes were very active during several glaciations, but the changes in aeolian activity in the course of an entire glaciation can be studied only for the Vistulian (Weichselian, Wisconsinan). The reason is that a continuous blanket of glacial sediments either covered, or partly eroded older aeolian sediments in central Poland during the Wartanian (Saalian II). Aeolian processes began just after deglaciation and became intense under the periglacial conditions of the Late Wartanian and the whole Vistulian. The evolution of these processes is reconstructed, especially for the interval of the highest and most effective aeolian activity, i.e. the Late Plenivistulian (Oxygen Isotope Stage 2: the coldest stage of the last glaciation). A model of the sequence of periglacial aeolian events during an entire glaciation is presented. This model may be used for the reconstruction of older Pleistocene cycles of high periglacial aeolian activity.  相似文献   

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