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The reliability of δ13C trends in Neoproterozoic carbonate-dominated successions for regional and global chemostratigraphic correlation is discussed. In the light of recent findings of a predominantly non-marine rare earth element and yttrium signature in most Neoproterozoic carbonates and a comparatively short oceanic residence time of carbon, trends towards enrichment in 13C seen in many of these carbonates are considered to reflect facies variations rather than temporal signals of ocean chemistry. Positive δ13CCarb excursions are explained by elevated bioproductivity and/or increased evaporation in shallow marine, near-coastal, temporarily restricted depositional environments. Examples are provided that illustrate that C isotope trends can be highly ambiguous temporal markers and are in the absence of other chemostratigraphic data, such as Sr isotope ratios, and radiometric age control of only limited use for stratigraphic correlation. The overall enrichment in 13C recorded by most Neoproterozoic carbonates, except for those in close stratigraphic proximity to glacial deposits, is suggested to reflect a dominance of microbially mediated carbonate formation in the Neoproterozoic. This might explain why C isotope chemostratigraphy in Neoproterozoic successions is less reliable than in Phanerozoic successions in which carbonates are, with only few exceptions, biogenic products of shelly fossils.  相似文献   

Two cap carbonates overlying glaciogenic diamictites crop out extensively in the eastern Vaza Barris Domain of the Sergipano Belt, northeastern Brazil. They are represented by carbonates of the Jacoca Formation, resting on top of diamictite of the Ribeiropolis Formation, and by the Olhos D’Agua Formation (carbonates, organic-rich towards the top), which overlies diamictite of the Palestina Formation. These two sequences were deformed and metamorphosed at sub-greenschist facies-conditions during the Brasiliano cycle (650–600 Ma).  相似文献   


This study uses carbon isotope chemostratigraphy to propose an age for the Success Creek Group and Crimson Creek Formation in the absence of any direct radiometric dates, palaeomagnetic or reliable palaeontological data. The δ13C values were determined for the least‐altered dolomite samples. Suitable samples were selected on the basis of grainsize, cathodoluminescence petrography, most enriched δ18O values (> 2%o) low Mn/Sr ratios and low Fe and Mn concentrations. The average least‐altered, most 13C‐enriched dolomicrite samples in the youngest (No. 1) dolomite horizon are + 4.6%o. This is typical of Neoproterozoic (but not Cambrian) carbonates. The δ13C values of all dolomite samples in the succession are significantly positive (up to + 7.5%o) and the excursion characteristic of the Proterozoic/Cambrian boundary has not been observed. The lack of negative δ13C values in all dolomite samples studied also suggests an absence of correlatives of Sturtian and Varanger tillites in the dolomite successions. The δ13C values in all three dolomite horizons suggest a Neoproterozoic age between about 820 to 570 Ma (Cryogenian to Neoproterozoic III) on the current global compilation carbon isotope curves. This age for the Success Creek Group and Crimson Creek Formation, inferred from carbon isotope chemostratigraphy, can be substantiated by other evidence. The age of the Renison dolomites is constrained by K‐Ar dates of 708 ± 6 Ma from detrital muscovite in the underlying Oonah Formation and 588 ± 8 and 600 ± 8 Ma from doleritic rock in a lithostratigraphic equivalent of the Crimson Creek Formation from the Smithton Basin. Furthermore, acritarchs and the stromatolite Baicalia cf. B. burra also suggest a Neoproterozoic rather than Cambrian age.  相似文献   

Pelagic deposits at Abadeh represent a complete biostratigraphic record across the Permian/Triassic boundary (PTB). The presumed water depth during deposition of these sediments was between 60 and 90 m. Similar to other Permian/Triassic boundary sections, the succession at Abadeh is characterised by a negative carbon isotope shift of approximately 4. The values start to decrease in the lower C. changxingensis - C. deflecta s.l. Zone, reach –0.12 (V-PDB) in the uppermost Permian just below the PTB, remain low to the early I. isarcica Zone (–0.32) and increase subsequently in the upper I. isarcica Zone. For the time interval of the PTB negative carbon isotope excursion, between the C. iranica and the I. isarcica Zones, no correlation exists between the 13Ccarb and the 18Ocarb. The above observations argue against the conclusion of Heydari et al. (2001) that the carbon isotope event at the P/T transition is an alteration artefact and not a global signal. The decrease in 13Ccarb is accompanied by a ~5 (and potentially up to 10) increase in 34SSSS. Together, these features are thought to reflect a complex global event, notably the development of widespread anoxic oceans with anoxic bottom layers rising onto the shelves. For the carbon isotope drop, other factors, such as the collapse of ocean primary productivity may also have played a role. The 87Sr/86Sr ratios of Dzhulfian seawater show only a minor increase from 0.70705 to 0.70710, reaching 0.70720 in the Dorashamian. The increase becomes steeper in the Early Triassic reaching 0.70754 in the N. dieneri Zone. The rise of the strontium isotope values is thought to be related to enhanced continental weathering under humid climatic conditions in the uppermost Permian (C. meishanensis - H. praeparvus Zone) and the lack of a dense land vegetation in the Early Triassic, prior to the Spathian (Upper Olenekian).  相似文献   

Increasing evidence shows that Mesoproterozoic rocks are widespread in the Río de la Plata Craton. Carbon and strontium isotope analyses were carried out for three different, carbonate-bearing successions in the southern Nico Pérez Terrane. The Parque UTE Group is erected, comprising (from base to top) the mainly volcanogenic Cañada Espinillo Formation, the dolomitic Mina Valencia Formation and the mixed carbonate-siliciclastic Cerro del Mástil Formation. A δ13C curve was obtained for carbonates of the Parque UTE Group, which is characterized by a plateau at +1 to +1.6‰ V-PDB, bracketed between two negative excursions (−1.8‰ V-PDB at the base and −3.3‰ V-PDB at the top). These values are consistent with a Mesoproterozoic depositional age for the unit, as indicated by U–Pb ages of synsedimentary volcanics and gabbros of 1429 ± 21 and 1492 ± 4 Ma, respectively.  相似文献   

The Neoproterozoic carbonate sequence on the southeastern border of the Amazon Craton is divided into three lithostratigraphic units: a basal cap dolomite, an intermediate limestone, limestone-mudstone unit, and an upper dolarenite-dolorudite unit. Sections of the cap-carbonate were measured from the inner shelf to the outer shelf. Carbon isotope ratios (relative to PDB) vary between − 10.5 and − 1.7‰ in cap dolomite, and between − 5.4 and + 0.1‰ in laminated limestone and mud-limestone. Limestones and mud-limestones exhibit 87Sr/86Sr ratios ranging from 0.70740 to 0.70780. A comparative isotope stratigraphy between the inner-shelf and the middle-shelf basin shows differences in carbon isotope ratios: The cap dolomite and limestones have lower δ13C ratios on the border of the basin (inner shelf) than in the middle shelf of the basin. These lower values can be related to shallower environmental conditions and to a stronger influence of the continental border. The 87Sr/86Sr ratios are the same in both areas, and are consistent with seawater composition at around 600 Ma.  相似文献   

地球表生环境在地质历史时期经历了剧烈的波动,为当前建设宜居地球提供了重要参照。铁组分是重建古海洋氧化还原状态演化的重要指标,但现有的研究集中于FeHR/FeT和Fepy/FeHR两个比值的应用,而对其中不同组分所携带的信息缺少深入的挖掘。本研究统计了已发表的、泥盆纪之前的、采用程序萃取方法获得的铁组分数据,对其中不同的组分所可能指示的海洋化学信息进行了研究。我们发现氧化环境中氧化铁的含量有可能用于追踪长周期上大气-海洋系统的氧含量波动、总铁含量与海洋中铁的含量密切相关、铁化环境中黄铁矿铁的含量对海洋硫酸盐库大小的演化有很好的响应。我们的工作表明,铁组分指标是指示海洋局部氧化还原状态的强大指标,其不同的组分与海洋中氧气、碳和硫酸盐等存在极强的交互过程,可以被用来重建海洋的化学演化。  相似文献   

The current use of untreated river water for drinking purposes by the population of French Guiana has important impacts on public health. Consequently, groundwater is of major importance as a possible alternative drinking water supply to reduce these impacts. Since French Guiana belongs to the Guyana Shield, sustainable water management can be expected to depend increasingly on water from fissured aquifers in hard rocks. Groundwater samples were collected from shallow drill holes in the densely populated coastal area, and deeper wells in the basement (around Cayenne and along the Maroni and Oyapock rivers). This study reports on major and trace elements for which Na+ and Ca2+ excess with regard to Cl reflect the role of water-rock interaction, as well as Sr and Nd isotopes that reflect the role of the different lithologies. δ18O and δD in waters give constraints on the water cycle (recharge and evaporation processes).  相似文献   

Carbonate δ13C values provide a useful monitor of changes in the global carbon cycle because they can record the burial ratio of organic to carbonate carbon. The most pronounced isotope excursions in the geologic record occur during the Neoproterozoic and have assumed a central role in the interpretation of biogeochemical events preceding the Ediacaran and Cambrian radiations. The most profound negative carbon isotope excursion is best recorded in the Ediacaran-aged Shuram Formation of Oman and has potential equivalents worldwide including the Wonoka Formation of South Australia and other sections in China, India, Siberia, Canada, Scandinavia and Brazil. All these excursions are less well understood than those in the Phanerozoic because of their unusual magnitude, long duration (> 1 Ma) and the difficulty in correlating Neoproterozoic basins to confirm independently that they do indeed record global change in the mixed ocean reservoir. Alternatively, these δ13C anomalies could reflect diachronous diagenetic processes. Currently none of these excursion are firmly time constrained and critical to their interpretation is a coherent reproducibility and synchroneity at the global ocean scale. Here we use available strontium isotope record as an independent chronometer to test the timing and synchroneity of the Shuram δ13C and its potential equivalents. The use of the 86Sr/87Sr ratio allows the reconstruction of a coherent, global δ13C record calibrated independently against time. The calibrated δ13C curve indicates that the Shuram negative anomaly spans several tens of millions of years and reaches values below −10‰. This carbon isotopic anomaly therefore represents a meaningful oceanographic event that fundamentally challenges our understanding of the carbon cycle as defined in the Phanerozoic.  相似文献   

广西新元古代BIF的铁同位素特征及其地质意义   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
通过分析广西三江地区新元古代条带状含铁建造的Fe同位素和主量元素组成,对海水的氧化还原状态提供了制约,为富禄期的地球处于间冰期提供了证据。相对于标准物质IRMM-014,新元古代含铁建造不同条带全岩样品的δ57Fe值变化范围1.60‰~2.20‰,平均值为1.85‰,表明BIF样品富集铁的重同位素。条带状含铁建造主要由Fe2O3和SiO2组成,但却具有较高的Al2O3含量。这表明条带状含铁建造样品不是纯净的化学沉积物,而是具有一定的碎屑物质输入。碎屑输入量的不同引起深色和浅色条带之间铁同位素组成存在着0.4‰的差别。剔除碎屑的影响,新元古代BIF从海水中沉淀的赤铁矿δ57Fe的平均值在2‰左右,略高于太古代条带状铁建造的Fe同位素组成,这表明当时海水的氧逸度可能比太古代还低。这说明在富禄期绝大部分海洋仍旧被冰盖覆盖,只在局部出现融化。因此,富禄期的地球可能出于冰期的相对温暖阶段,而不是间冰期。  相似文献   

A geological study of the hitherto poorly described Neoproterozoic Gifberg Group, with emphasis on lithogeochemistry and O, C and Sr isotopic composition of the carbonate-dominated Widouw Formation (Vredendal Outlier, westernmost South Africa) revealed that the entire group is an equivalent of the relatively well constrained Port Nolloth Group in the external, paraautochthonous part of the Pan-African Gariep Belt further north. Thus, the Vredendal Outlier can be regarded as the southern extension of the Port Nolloth Zone. Two diamictite units are recognised in the Vredendal Outlier, which can be correlated respectively with the c. 750 Ma Kaigas Formation diamictite and the 583 Ma, syn-Gaskiers Numees Formation diamictite in the Gariep Belt proper. The dominating carbonate unit in the studied area is post-glacial with respect to the older of the two diamictite units. The combined textural, structural and geochemical evidence suggests that parts of the variably dolomitised limestone succession represent former evaporite beds. Sedimentation in a restricted, very shallow and proximal basin led to a wide range in C isotope ratios (δ13CPDB from − 4.2 to + 4.8‰), very high Sr concentrations (derived from original anhydrite) and initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios that are significantly higher (0.70785) than those of coeval seawater. As C and Sr isotopes are commonly used for chemostratigraphic correlation, and high Sr concentrations in Neoproterozic carbonates are often interpreted as evidence of former aragonite, the findings of this study should be used as warning against uncritical use of geochemical and isotopic parameters for describing ancient seawater composition. Thus C and Sr isotope ratios alone in Neoproterozoic carbonates may be less powerful proxies of ancient seawater composition, and high Sr contents are not necessarily indicative of an “aragonite sea”, as previously inferred.  相似文献   

M Ohta  T Mock  Y Ogasawara  D Rumble   《Lithos》2003,70(3-4):77-90
Diamond-bearing carbonate rocks from Kumdy-Kol, Kokchetav massif, Kazakhstan, were strongly altered by fluids flowing through fractures and infiltrating along grain boundaries during exhumation. Alteration includes retrogradation of high-grade silicate assemblages by hydrous minerals, replacement of diamond by graphite and of dolomite by calcite. Diamond-bearing carbonate rocks are among the most intensely altered isotopically with δ18OVSMOW values as low as +9‰, δ13CVPDB=−9‰, and 87Sr/86Sr as high as 0.8050. Evidence of isotopic equilibration between coexisting dolomite and high-Mg calcite during ultrahigh-pressure metamorphism (UHPM) is preserved only rarely in samples isolated from infiltrating fluids by distance from fractures. Isotopic heterogeneity and isotopic disequilibrium are widespread on a hand-specimen scale. Because of this lack of homogeneity, bulk analyses cannot provide definitive measurements of 13C/12C fractionation between coexisting diamond and carbonate. Our study adequately documents alteration on a scale commensurate with observed vein structures. But, testing the hypothesis of metamorphic origin of microdiamonds has not fully succeeded because our analytical spatial resolution, limited to 0.5 mm, is not small enough to measure individual dolomite inclusions or individual diamond crystals.  相似文献   

The alkaline intrusion of Grønnedal-ka (South Greenland) is the oldest of the ten major rift-related plutonic complexes of southern Greenland that intruded during the Gardar period between 1330 and 1150 Ma into the 2.6-Ga-old gneisses and metasediments of the Ketilidian basement. The Grønnedal-ka alkaline intrusion consists of carbonatites, silicocarbonatites, transitional carbonatites and nepheline-bearing syenites. The silicocarbonatites exhibit locally ocellar textures that are typical for immiscibility processes. A 87Sr/86Sr initial ratio of about 0.703184 major and trace element compositions—including REE and C-, and O-isotope data from 15 carbonatite, 12 silicocarbonatite, 10 transitional carbonatite and 8 syenite and samples—provide evidence for minor crustal contamination of the mantle-derived magma that generated by unmixing carbonatites, silicocarbonatites and syenites. A scatter in major and trace element contents and isotope ratios is related to late- to post-magmatic alteration processes. The Grønnedal-ka silicocarbonatites are one of the rather rare cases in which unmixing of a highly alkaline mantle-derived magma into an alkalisilicate and a carbonatitic magma-fraction under plutonic conditions is well documented by textural and geochemical data.  相似文献   

Isotope ratios and elemental concentrations in otoliths are often used as natural tags to reconstruct migratory movements and connectivity patterns in marine and anadromous fishes. Although differences in otolith geochemistry have been documented among geographically separated populations, inter-annual variation within locations is less frequently examined. We compared otolith isotope (δ18O and 87Sr:86Sr) and elemental ratios (Sr:Ca and Ba:Ca) from several annual cohorts of juvenile American shad (Alosa sapidissima) in three rivers. These four geochemical signatures distinguished among river-specific populations of this species at both large and small geographic scales, with δ18O and 87Sr:86Sr generating the majority of multivariate variation. We found significant variation among years for all variables in two to three rivers. However, the magnitude of variability differed among ratios, with δ18O ratios showing substantial inter-annual shifts while 87Sr:86Sr ratios were relatively stable across years. Sr:Ca and Ba:Ca ratios also varied among years. These results imply that investigators using environmentally labile signatures must quantify geochemical signatures for each cohort of interest in order to confidently identify origins of migrants.  相似文献   

The magma–ore deposit relationship of most low-sulfidation epithermal ore deposits is still unclear, partly because many stable isotopic studies of such deposits have indicated the predominance of meteoric waters within hydrothermal fluids. However, it is certainly true that hydrothermal systems are ultimately driven by magmatic intrusions, and epithermal gold deposits might therefore be produced by magmatic activity even in deposits having has no obvious links to a magma. We re-examine the genesis of two typical low-sulfidation epithermal gold deposits, the Kushikino and Hishikari deposits, using structural simulations and isotope data.Many epithermal gold deposits including the Kushikino and Hishikari deposits have been discovered in Kyushu, southwestern Japan. The Kushikino deposit comprises fissure-filling veins within Neogene andesitic volcanics that overlie unconformably Cretaceous sedimentary basement. The veins consist of gold- and silver-bearing quartz and calcite with minor amounts of adularia, sericite and sulfides. Although carbon and oxygen isotopic data for the veins indicate a meteoric origin of the ore fluid, finite element simulations suggest that the vein system might have formed in direct response to magma intrusion. In particular, geophysical data suggest that intruding magma has uplifted the basement rocks, thereby producing fractures and veins and a positive Bouguer anomaly, and providing the heat necessary to drive an ore-forming hydrothermal system.The second component of this study has been to investigate the nature and evolution of the Kushikino and Hishikari epithermal systems. Isotope data document the geochemical evolution of the hydrothermal fluids. We conclude that the existence of sedimentary basement rocks at depth might have affected the strontium and carbon isotopic ratios of the Kushikino and Hishikari ore fluids. The 87Sr/86Sr ratios and δ13C–δ18O trend reveal that major ore veins in the Hishikari deposit can be distinguished from shallow barren veins. It was suggested isotopically that fluids responsible for the barren veins in nearby shallow and barren circulation systems were only controlled by the shallow host rocks. Such multi-isotope systematics provide a powerful tool with which to determine the center of hydrothermal activity and thereby document the evolution of hydrothermal fluids.  相似文献   

简要介绍了由美国一些科学家最近提出的,引起国际地球科学、环境科学、生命科学及宇宙科学界广泛关注的新元古代雪球假说,及其近期研究情况。根据我国扬子地层分区和江南地层分区震旦系的沉积特征,对新元古代古气候骤变,大冰期的发生与消亡及其诱发因素作了初步探讨。  相似文献   

Oxygen isotope studies were carried out across units of a Neoproterozoic nappe system, south of São Francisco Craton. A temperature decrease toward the base of the system is found, consistent with a previously recognized inverted metamorphic pattern. The tectonic contact of the basal unit and the reworked southern São Francisco craton show a steep temperature gradient, suggesting that low temperature thrusting acted as the dominant tectonic process. The contrasts between the δ18O values of the Três Pontas-Varginha and Carmo da Cachoeira nappes and the differences among the samples and minerals are consistent with the preservation of sedimentary isotopic composition during metamorphism. The small differences in the δ18O values between the undeformed and the deformed calc-silicate samples (1.6‰) suggest that the δ18O value of mylonitization fluids was close to that which equilibrated with the metamorphic assemblage. The distinct δ18O values of metapelitic and calc-silicate samples and the great temperature difference from one type to the other indicate that no large-scale fluid interaction processes occurred during metamorphism. Oxygen isotopic estimations of both Três Pontas-Varginha undeformed rocks and Carmo da Cachoeira unaltered equivalents indicate δ18O values of up to 18‰. Comparison between these values and those from the ‘basement’ orthogneisses (8.3–8.5‰) indicates the latter are not sources for the metapelites.  相似文献   

对皖南江南造山带新元古代井潭组火山岩样品进行了锆石微区U-Pb定年、全岩主微量元素分析和Sr-Nd同位素分析以及矿物氧同位素分析。结果表明,井潭组火山岩存在二期火山岩,形成时代分别为820±16 Ma和776±10 Ma。所有样品都具有较高的基性组分(ΣTiO2+ Fe2O3 T+MgO) 含量(4.7%~16.36%),LREE富集,中等Eu负异常,大离子亲石元素K,Rb,Ba,Th,U等富集,Nb,Ta,Sr,Ti等相对亏损。εNd (t )值为-2.79~-1.71,指示岩浆源区含有显著的新生地壳组分。这些岩石具有高A/CNK(1.37~1.61)和高δ18O值(锆石6.52‰~8.98‰),显示为壳源S型岩浆岩的特点。石英、斜长石和钾长石等矿物氧同位素具有很大的变化范围,表明井潭组火山岩经历了不同程度的亚固相中温热液蚀变。根据锆石U-Pb定年和元素以及同位素分析结果,776±10 Ma井潭组火山岩与石耳山花岗岩为同期岩浆岩,井潭组火山岩直接来源于早新元古代新生地壳重熔,而石耳山花岗岩源岩为约825 Ma岩浆岩,间接来源于早新元古代新生地壳的再造。这些新生地壳是江南弧–陆碰撞造山带的组成部分,在Rodinia超大陆裂解时发生拉张跨塌熔融,既不是地幔柱岩浆活动产物,也不是岛弧岩浆作用的直接产物,而是板块–裂谷岩浆活动产物。  相似文献   

Lithium concentrations and isotopic compositions of olivine and 87Sr/86Sr and 143Nd/144Nd of coexisting clinopyroxene from peridotite xenoliths from the Quaternary Labait volcano, Tanzania, document the influence of rift-related metasomatism on the ancient cratonic mantle. Olivines show negative correlations between Fo content and both δ7Li and Li concentrations. Olivines in iron-rich peridotites (Fo85–87) have high Li concentrations (3.2–4.8 ppm) and heavy δ7Li (+5.2 to +6.6). In contrast, olivines in ancient, refractory peridotites have lower Li concentrations (∼2 ppm) and relatively light δ7Li (+2.6 to +3.5). This reflects mixing between ancient, refractory cratonic lithosphere and asthenosphere-derived rift magmas. A uniquely fertile, deformed, high-temperature garnet lherzolite, interpreted to be from the base of the lithosphere, has a 87Sr/86Sr of 0.7029 and 143Nd/144Nd of 0.51286, similar to HIMU oceanic basalts. It provides the best estimate of the Sr–Nd isotope composition of the upwelling mantle (i.e., plume, sensu lato) underlying this portion of the East African Rift, and is slightly less radiogenic compared to previous estimates of the plume that were based on rift basalts. Although elevated δ7Li are not exclusive to HIMU source regions, the data collectively indicate that the plume beneath Labait has HIMU characteristics in Sr, Nd and Li isotope composition. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

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