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Discontinuous outcrops of diamictites and siltstones are found above post-Marinoan carbonates from the Araras Formation and represent the record of a second glaciation in the northern Paraguay belt, Brazil. This new stratigraphic unit, named the Serra Azul Formation, varies in thickness between 250 and 300 m; it lies on top of dolomites of the Araras Group and is overlain by sandstones of the Raizama Formation. Massive diamictite, approximately 70 m thick, composes the basal unit (Unit A), followed by 200 m thick laminated siltstones (Unit B), which contain sparse intercalations of very fine-grained sandstone lenses. This new diamictite level is probably related to the Gaskiers Glaciation, with an age of approximately 580 Ma, and represents the youngest Neoproterozoic glacial event recorded in South America.  相似文献   

皖南新元古代两次冰期事件   总被引:13,自引:4,他引:13  
新元古代的冰期事件一直是地质界研究的热点之一。包括中国在内 ,世界许多地区新元古代地层中普遍发育有一至两层冰碛岩 ,有的地区甚至可以见到三层冰碛岩 ,在冰碛岩之上往往有碳酸盐岩盖层 ( Cap Carbonate)。通过对皖南休宁新元古代冰碛岩的岩石地层学 ,以及碳、氧稳定同位素化学地层学的研究 ,证实了休宁新元古代地层存在两期冰川的记录 ,并通过与国内外同时代典型地层剖面的对比 ,认为休宁蓝田剖面的两层冰碛岩可能分别相当于 Sturtian冰期和 Marinoan冰期的沉积 ,其时代分别约为 710— 73 0 Ma,5 90— 60 0 Ma  相似文献   

A geological study of the hitherto poorly described Neoproterozoic Gifberg Group, with emphasis on lithogeochemistry and O, C and Sr isotopic composition of the carbonate-dominated Widouw Formation (Vredendal Outlier, westernmost South Africa) revealed that the entire group is an equivalent of the relatively well constrained Port Nolloth Group in the external, paraautochthonous part of the Pan-African Gariep Belt further north. Thus, the Vredendal Outlier can be regarded as the southern extension of the Port Nolloth Zone. Two diamictite units are recognised in the Vredendal Outlier, which can be correlated respectively with the c. 750 Ma Kaigas Formation diamictite and the 583 Ma, syn-Gaskiers Numees Formation diamictite in the Gariep Belt proper. The dominating carbonate unit in the studied area is post-glacial with respect to the older of the two diamictite units. The combined textural, structural and geochemical evidence suggests that parts of the variably dolomitised limestone succession represent former evaporite beds. Sedimentation in a restricted, very shallow and proximal basin led to a wide range in C isotope ratios (δ13CPDB from − 4.2 to + 4.8‰), very high Sr concentrations (derived from original anhydrite) and initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios that are significantly higher (0.70785) than those of coeval seawater. As C and Sr isotopes are commonly used for chemostratigraphic correlation, and high Sr concentrations in Neoproterozic carbonates are often interpreted as evidence of former aragonite, the findings of this study should be used as warning against uncritical use of geochemical and isotopic parameters for describing ancient seawater composition. Thus C and Sr isotope ratios alone in Neoproterozoic carbonates may be less powerful proxies of ancient seawater composition, and high Sr contents are not necessarily indicative of an “aragonite sea”, as previously inferred.  相似文献   

The Late Proterozoic Conception Group, exposed on the Avalon Peninsula in Newfoundland, Canada, is a 4 km thick turbidite succession containing a conformable 300 m thick sequence of diamictites (the Gaskiers Formation) near the base. Massive and crudely-stratified diamictites form beds up to 25 m thick which have a tabular geometry with slightly erosive basal contacts and are interbedded with mudstones and fine-grained, thin-bedded turbidites. These diamictites are interpreted as submarine debris flow deposits. Disrupted diamictites form strongly deformed units that contain large, complexly folded rafts of mudstone and turbidite facies. These diamictite units are interpreted as submarine slumps. Diamictites contain glacially-striated and faceted clasts; clasts and matrix are predominantly of volcanic provenance. One outcrop shows interbedded volcanic agglomerate and diamictite, and volcanic bombs can also be identified. The interbedding of diamictites with turbidites and the stratigraphic context provided by the thick sequences of turbidites below (Mall Bay Formation) and above (Drook Formation) indicate a deep marine slope setting of diamictite deposition. Diamictite facies record remobilization and downslope transfer of large volumes of unstable volcanic and glacial debris initially deposited in a shallower water marginal marine zone. The regional tectonic framework suggests the Conception Group accumulated in a deep, southward-opening ensialic rift basin with active but waning volcanic centres to the north. The Gaskiers Formation may be representative of other Late Precambrian glacially-influenced diamictite sequences that were deposited around the North Atlantic region and in Europe. These deep marine diamictite sequences characterized by debris flows, turbidites, and slump deposits, can be contrasted with more extensive shallow marine shelf diamictite sequences found in association with dolomites and tidally influenced shallow water facies in other basinal settings.  相似文献   


The Savory Basin in central Western Australia was recognized in the mid‐1980s during regional mapping of very poorly exposed Proterozoic rocks previously assigned to the Bangemall Basin. All of the sedimentary rock units in the Savory Basin have been included in the Savory Group, which unconformably overlies the Mesoproterozoic Yeneena and Bangemall Groups. Correlation with adjacent basins is impeded by poor outcrop and the lack of subsurface information. Possible correlations have been investigated with the much better known Amadeus Basin to the east, and with the Officer Basin. Two correlations now clarify the age and relationships of the Savory Group. First, the Skates Hills Formation contains distinctive stromatolites previously recorded from the Bitter Springs Formation of the Amadeus Basin. In addition, the Skates Hills and Bitter Springs Formations have many lithological features in common. This correlation is strengthened by comparison with surface and subsurface units in the northern Officer Basin. Second, the intergrading sandstone‐diamictite of the Boondawari Formation is very similar to the intergrading Pioneer Sandstone‐Olympic Formation of the Amadeus Basin, and the overlying siltstone closely resembles the Pertatataka Formation and its correlative the Winnall beds. The stromatolitic and oolitic carbonates at the top of the Boondawari Formation are broadly comparable with those of the Julie Formation (which grades down into the Pertatataka Formation). Support for this set of correlations comes from carbon isotope chemostratigraphy. The stromatolites include two new forms described herein, Eleonora boondawarica and Acaciella savoryensis, together with a third form too poorly preserved to be formally defined. The age of the upper sandstones is unknown. The McFadden Formation seems to have its provenance in the Paterson Orogen. The southeastern extension of this orogen is the Musgrave Block, where compression followed by uplift at about 560–530 Ma (Peterman Ranges Orogeny) led to the formation of large amounts of conglomerate (Mt Currie Conglomerate) and sandstone (Arumbera Sandstone). If tectonic events in the Paterson Orogen were contemporaneous with those in the Musgrave Block, the McFadden Formation would correlate with the Arumbera Sandstone.  相似文献   

Large numbers of post-depositional deformation structures in the form of downward penetrating sandstone bodies are identified on well-exposed diamictite surfaces of the glaciogenic Upper Proterozoic Port Askaig Formation, Scotland. On the Garvellach Islands, downfolds, irregular dykes and a polygonal network of wedges are composed predominantly of massive, fine- to medium-grained sandstone. These structures occur towards the top of crude coarsening-upward glaciomarine sequences of massive diamictite, stratified diamictite, variably cross-stratified sandstone and conglomeratic lags. Massive diamictites record the dominance of pelagic sedimentation and ice-rafting; succeeding lithofacies indicate the increasing importance of marine traction currents. These sequences are repeated in the Port Askaig Formation and by comparison with Late Cenozoic glaciomarine sequences may have formed in response to changing water depths during basin subsidence. Downfolds, dykes and a polygonal wedge network appear to be genetically related expressions of subaqueous gravitational loading and intrusion of sand into low-strength diamict acting in response to reverse density gradients created by coarsening-upward glaciomarine sedimentation. Analogues are provided by published laboratory investigations. Analysis of the regional tectonic setting of the formation suggests the importance of seismic shock as a triggering agent. The subaqueous deformation model presented in this paper is of considerable significance for reconstruction of Late Proterozoic palaeoenvironments because the downward penetrating sandstone structures of the Port Askaig Formation are widely reported to be indicative of the former presence of subaerial permafrost. This paper stresses the importance of identifying the lithofacies sequence in which structures occur as a guide to ‘deformational environment’.  相似文献   

The Archean Wyoming Craton is flanked on the south and east by belts of Paleoproterozoic supracrustal successions whose correlation is complicated by lack of geochronologic constraints and continuous outcrop. However, carbonate units in these successions may be correlated by integrating carbon isotope stratigraphy with lithostratigraphy. The 10 km thick Paleoproterozoic Snowy Pass Supergroup in the Medicine Bow Mountains was deposited on the present-day southern flank of the Wyoming Craton; it contains three discrete levels of glacial diamictite correlative with those in the Huronian Supergroup, on the southern margin of the Superior Craton. The Nash Fork Formation of the upper Snowy Pass Supergroup is significantly younger than the uppermost diamictite and was deposited after the end of the Paleoproterozoic glacial epoch. Carbonates at the base of the Nash Fork Formation record remarkable 13C-enrichment, up to +28‰ (V-PDB), whereas those from overlying members of the lower Nash Fork Formation have δ13C values between +6 and +8‰. Carbonates from the upper Nash Fork Formation above the carbonaceous shale have carbon isotope values ranging between 0 and +2.5‰. The transition from high carbon isotope values to those near 0‰ in the Nash Fork Formation is similar to that at the end of the ca. 2.2–2.1 Ga carbon isotope excursion in Fennoscandia. This chemostratigraphic trend and deposition of BIFs, Mn-rich lithologies, carbonaceous shales and phosphorites at the end of the global ca. 2.2–2.1 Ga carbon isotope excursion are likely related to ocean overturn associated with the final breakup of the Kenorland supercontinent. Correlative carbonates from the Slaughterhouse Formation in the Sierra Madre, WY, and from the Whalen Group in the Rawhide Creek area in the Hartville Uplift, WY, have highly positive carbon isotope values. In contrast, carbonates from other exposures of the Whalen Group in the Hartville Uplift and all carbonate units in the Black Hills, SD, have carbon isotope values close to 0‰. Combined with existing geochronologic and stratigraphic constraints, these data suggest that the Slaughterhouse Formation and the succession exposed in the Rawhide Creek area of the Hartville Uplift are correlative with the lower and middle Nash Fork Formation and were deposited during the ca. 2.2–2.1 Ga carbon isotope excursion. The Estes and Roberts Draw formations in the Black Hills and carbonates from other exposures in the Hartville Uplift postdate the ca. 2.2–2.1 Ga positive carbon isotope excursion and are most likely correlative with the upper Nash Fork Formation. The passive margin, on which the carbonates with highly positive carbon isotope values were deposited, extended around the southern flank of the Wyoming Craton through the Sierra Madre, Medicine Bow Mountains and Hartville Uplift. The presence of carbonates with carbon isotope values close to 0‰ in the upper Nash Fork Formation and the Whalen Group indicates that the passive margin persisted on the southern flank of the Wyoming Craton after the carbon isotope excursion. Rifting in the Black Hills, likely related to the final breakup of the Kenorland, succeeded the carbon isotope excursion, since the Estes and Roberts Draw formations, deposited during rifting and ocean opening on the eastern flank of the Wyoming Craton, postdate the carbon isotope excursion.  相似文献   

Uplifted during the 1964 Alaskan earthquake, extensive intertidal flats around Middleton Island expose 1300 m of late Cenozoic (Early Pleistocene) Yakataga Formation glaciomarine sediments. These outcrops provide a unique window into outer shelf and upper slope strata that are otherwise buried within the south‐east Alaska continental shelf prism. The rocks consist of five principal facies in descending order of thickness: (i) extensive pebbly mudstone diamictite containing sparse marine fossils; (ii) proglacial submarine channel conglomerates; (iii) burrowed mudstones with discrete dropstone layers; (iv) boulder pavements whose upper surfaces are truncated, faceted and striated by ice; and (v) carbonates rich in molluscs, bryozoans and brachiopods. The carbonates are decimetre scale in thickness, typically channellized conglomeratic event beds interpreted as resedimented deposits on the palaeoshelf edge and upper slope. Biogenic components originated in a moderately shallow (ca 80 m), relatively sediment‐free, mesotrophic, sub‐photic setting. These components are a mixture of parautochthonous large pectenids or smaller brachiopods with locally important serpulid worm tubes and robust gastropods augmented by sand‐size bryozoan and echinoderm fragments. Ice‐rafted debris is present throughout these cold‐water carbonates that are thought to have formed during glacial periods of lowered sea‐level that allowed coastal ice margins to advance near to the shelf edge. Such carbonates were then stranded during subsequent sea‐level rise. Productivity was enabled by attenuation of terrigenous mud deposition during these cold periods via reduced sedimentation together with active wave and tidal‐current winnowing near the ice front. Redeposition was the result of intense storms and possibly tsunamis. These sub‐arctic mixed siliciclastic‐carbonate sediments are an end‐member of the Phanerozoic global carbonate depositional realm whose skeletal attributes first appeared during late Palaeozoic southern hemisphere deglaciation.  相似文献   

A persistent sedimentary unit, interbedded in massive diamictite over a distance of almost 400 km near the top of the Permo-Carboniferous Dwyka Formation in the southwestern Karoo, consists of stratified diamictite, rhythmite, lonestone argillite and black shale. The stratified diamictite facies association is interpreted as ice-marginal debris-flow, the diamictite-lonestone argillite facies association as proximal to intermediate debris-flow, debris rain and suspension settling, and the shale-diamictite facies association as distal debris-flow and suspension settling deposits. An analysis of the mudrock and diamictite facies relationships suggests deposition from a rapidly calving oscillating ice margin in the east and at a consistently retreating grounded ice margin with few icebergs in the west. Sediment sources, volume of ice rafting, resedimentation processes, ice marginal recession and advance, and configuration of the ice margin influenced the distribution of debris-flow deposits and bergstone mud in the east and resulted in a near-random facies arrangement. Due to a lack of icebergs in the west, debris-flow deposits and bergstone mud were poorly developed which reduced the number of facies transitions and variation, resulting in a more systematic upward-fining sequence.  相似文献   

The Neoproterozoic Era includes some of the most largest ice ages in the geological history. The exact number of glaciations is unknown, though there were at least two events of global glaciation. Neoproterozoic glacial deposits in the Kuruktag Mountain, Xinjiang, western China have proven that there had occurred three discrete Neoproterozoic glaciations. Diamictite units occurred in the Bayisi, Tereeken, and Hankalchough formations, carbonate units were recognized among the diamictites and immediately overlied the Bayisi, Tereeken and Hankalchough diamictites. Carbonates at the top of the Bayisi Formation are characterized by the dolo-sility stones with negative δ13C values ranging from -4.10‰ to -8.17‰ (PDB), comparable to the Sturtian cap carbonates that overlie the Sturtian glacial deposits from other Neoproterozoic sequences. Carbonates overlying the Tereeken Formation are characterized by the pinkish cap dolostones (ca. 10 m thick) with negative δ13C values ranging from -2.58‰ to -4.77‰ (PDB), comparable to the Marinoan cap carbonates. The cap is also characterized by tepee-like structures, barite precipitates and pseudomorphous aragonite crystal fan limestones. Carbonates at the top of the Hankalchough Formation are characterized by subaerial exposure crust (vadose pisolite structure, calcareous crust structure) dolostones with negative δ13C values ranging from -4.56‰ to -11.45‰ (PDB) and the calcareous crust dolostones, implying that the Hankalchough cap carbonates differ from either the Sturtian or Marinoan cap carbonates in sedimentary environment and carbon isotopic composition. In addition, it is suggested the Hankalchough glaciation belongs to a terrestrial glaciation and it is the third largest glaciation during the Neoproterozoic period on the Tarim platform.  相似文献   

Episodes of glacial advance and retreat can be recognized through analysis of vertical facies sequences in the Permo-Carboniferous Pagoda Formation of the Beardmore Glacier area, Antarctica. The formation includes a remarkably complete record of continental sedimentation near the terminus of a temperate glacier. Facies sequence is pre-eminent for inferring glacial advance and retreat. Other important criteria are abundance and geometry of sandstone interbedded with diamictite, diamictite character and nature of bed contacts. Using these characteristics advance and retreat sequences 5–60 m thick are recognized. A sharp contact, with a striated surface and erosional relief, overlain by structureless diamictite (lodgement till) is typical of grounded ice advance. Grounded ice retreat is characterized by structureless diamictite (lodgement till), overlain by crudely stratified diamictite (melt-out till) and then by diamictite interbedded with sandstone and conglomerate (flow till and glacio-fluvial or glacio-lacustrine deposits). Gradational contacts between shale overlain by diamictite and diamictite overlain by shale characterize advance and retreat, respectively, in subaqueous settings. Pauses in sediment accumulation, minor(?) fluctuations of the ice margin, and/or changes in subglacial dynamics are indicated by specific features within diamictite units such as probable frost-wedge casts, single layer boulder beds, sharp sedimentary contacts and changes in diamictite character. These minor(?) events are superimposed upon the main advance-retreat cycles. Study of both the overall facies sequence and of individual diagnostic structures, albeit in an incomplete stratigraphic record, permits a distinction between major and minor advance-retreat events. As many as six major advance-retreat cycles exist in some Pagoda sections, but the number of cycles present varies in different sections.  相似文献   

黄河口凹陷H-1构造位于渤南低凸起南侧,其主力储层为一套典型的混积岩。通过对H-1构造混积岩储层特征及白云岩成因的分析,认为H-1构造沙河街组混积 岩储层储集空间受控于沉积时期的古地理背景、古水质条件与后期的白云岩化程度。古地理背景与古水质条件是混积岩发育的基础,研究区位于扇三角洲前缘侧翼,受到陆源淡水供给与半封闭的微咸水 -半咸水湖水的双重影响,发育了由陆源碎屑与生物碎屑滩构成的混积岩。后期白云岩化作用是改善储层的关键因素,等摩尔交代对渗透率的提高以及白云岩化作用引发的选择性溶蚀,对储层物性的改 善有很大的影响。混积岩储集性能差异较大,当物源供给的淡水影响较大时,混积岩中碳酸盐以方解石为主,储层较致密;当咸化湖水影响较大时,混积岩中碳酸盐主要为白云石,储层的溶蚀孔隙较发 育。化石碎片的背散射图片清晰地证实了混积岩中的白云石是由方解石转化而成。通过对古生物、粘土矿物、古地理背景等资料的分析,认为在伊蒙混层向伊利石的转化过程中产生的Mg离子是研究区沙 河街组白云岩化作用所需离子的来源之一,亚热带气候条件下半封闭的微咸水-半咸水环境有利于钙质的沉积和Mg离子的富集,可为混积岩的白云岩化提供物质基础。研究黄河口凹陷古近系混积岩储层控 制因素及优质储层发育规律,对该区中深层油气勘探具有积极意义和参考价值。  相似文献   

《Sedimentary Geology》2006,183(1-2):99-124
The snowball Earth hypothesis suggests that the Neoproterozoic was characterized by several prolonged and severe global glaciations followed by very rapid climate change to ‘hot house’ conditions. The Neoproterozoic Port Askaig Formation of Scotland consists of a thick succession of diamictite, sandstone, conglomerate and mudstone. Sedimentological and stratigraphic analysis of Port Askaig deposits exposed on the Garvellach Islands was carried out to establish the nature of Neoproterozoic palaeoenvironmental change preserved in this thick succession. Particular emphasis was placed on identifying and distinguishing between climatic and tectonic controls on sedimentation.Port Askaig Formation diamictite units are attributed to deposition by sediment gravity flow processes or ‘rainout’ of fine-grained sediment and ice-rafted debris in a glacially influenced marine setting. Associated facies record various depositional processes ranging from sediment gravity flows (conglomerate, massive sandstone and laminated mudstone) to deposition under other unidirectional currents (cross-bedded and horizontally laminated sandstone). The Port Askaig Formation is also characterized by abundant soft sediment deformation features that occur at discrete intervals and are interpreted to record episodic seismic activity.Stratigraphic analysis of the Port Askaig Formation on the Garvellach Islands reveals three phases of deposition. Phase I was dominated by sediment gravity flow processes and sedimentation was primarily tectonically controlled. Phase II was a transitional phase characterized by continued tectonic-instability, an increased supply of sand to the basin and the preservation of current-generated facies. In the third and final phase of deposition, the interbedded units of sandstone and diamictite are interpreted to reflect development of large sandy bedforms and ice margin fluctuations in a tectonically stable marine setting.Sedimentological and stratigraphic analysis of the Port Askaig Formation demonstrates that tectonic activity had a significant influence on development of the lowermost parts of the succession. Climatic influences on sedimentation are difficult to identify during such phases of tectonic activity but are more easily discerned during episodes of tectonic quiescence (e.g.,, Phase III of the Port Askaig Formation). The thick succession of diamictite interbedded with current-deposited sandstone preserved within the Port Askaig Formation is not consistent with deep freeze conditions proposed by the snowball Earth hypothesis.  相似文献   

The Neoproterozoic Zerrissene Turbidite Complex of central-western Namibia comprises five turbiditic units. From the base to the top they are the Zebrapüts Formation (greywacke and pelite), Brandberg West Formation (marble and pelite), Brak River Formation (greywacke and pelite with dropstones), Gemsbok River Formation (marble and pelite) and Amis River Formation (greywacke and pelites with rare carbonates and quartz-wacke).In the Lower Ugab River valley, five siliciclastic facies were recognised in the Brak River Formation. These are massive and laminated sandstones, classical turbidites (thick- and thin-bedded), mudrock, rare conglomerate and breccia. For the carbonate Gemsbok River Formation four facies were identified including massive non-graded and graded calcarenite, fine grained evenly bedded blue marble and calcareous mudrock. Most of these facies are also present in the other siliciclastic units of the Zerrissene Turbidite Complex as observed in other areas.The vertical facies association of the siliciclastic Brak River Formation is interpreted as representing sheet sand lobe to lobe-fringe palaeoenvironment with the abandonment of siliciclastic deposition at the top of the succession. The vertical facies association of the carbonate Gemsbok Formation is interpreted as the slope apron succession overlain by periplatform facies, suggesting a carbonate slope sedimentation of a prograding depositional shelf margin.If the siliciclastic–carbonate paired succession would represent a lowstand relative sea-level and highstand relative sea-level, respectively, the entire turbidite succession of the Zerrissene Turbidite Complex can be interpreted as three depositional sequences including two paired siliciclastic–carbonate units (Zebrapüts-Brandberg West formations; Brak River–Gemsbok formations) and an incomplete succession without carbonate at the top (Amis River Formation).  相似文献   

The Upper Carboniferous Zhanjin Formation has attracted much attention from geoscientists for containing glacial–marine diamictite and cold-water fauna typified by the bivalve Eurydesma.The presence of this Formation has provided important evidence for determining the northern border of Gondwana.Previous researchers have classified those strata north of Niangrong Co in the Gêrzê region as part of the Zhanjin Formation based on the presence of glacial–marine diamictite, although the absence of biological fossil evidence has defied clear age determination.Our field investigations first discovered large quantities of corals, sponges and bryozoans.All coral fossils were identified as belonging to the Hexacorallia subclass including 13 genera and 25 species, primarily including Conophyllia guiyangensis Deng et Kong, Coryphyllia regularis Cuif, Cuifia columnaris Roniewicz, Distichophyllia norica Frech, Distichophyllia gigas Vinassa de Regny, Pamiroseris rectilamellosa Winkler, Retiophyllia clathrata Emmrich, and Retiophyllia paraclathrata Roniewicz.Extensive biostratigraphic correlations show that the hexacorallia should belong to the Late Triassic, thereby negating the presence of the Zhanjin Formation in the study area.Based on analyses of sedimentary facies and detailed study of the glacial–marine diamictite as supposed by earlier researchers, the limestone blocks and gravels within the facies are slope facies olistostromes and waterway sediments from lime slurry debris flows in the submarine fan rather than primary sedimentary products.Among them, lenticular sandstone should be sequentially distributed waterway sand bodies, indicating that the strata have no glacial–marine diamictite.In addition, the rocks containing the mentioned fossils are just limestone blocks from olistostromes, and limestone gravels from waterways of submarine fans.Such a result further negates the presence of the Zhanjin Formation in the study area, and indicates that the age of the studied strata should be youner than the Late Triassic.Through regional stratigraphic comparisons and the study of tectonic settings of the strata, the sedimentary characteristics of the subject strata, including lithology, lithofacies and fossils, are confirmed to be similar to the widely distributed Sêwa Formation in this region.We thus infer that the strata belong to the Middle–Lower Jurassic Sêwa Formation.This finding is important for both studying paleogeography of Tibet and determining the northern boundary of Gondwana.  相似文献   

Postulated extreme sea-level rise of up to 1-1.5 km with the late Cryogenian Ghaub deglaciation in Namibia is contentious,as is the great rapidity(<104 yr)of the sea-level rise.Such extreme glacioeustatic events,if real,would have been global and affected all continents.In South Australia,up to six glacial advances and retreats during the late Cryogenian Elatina glaciation indicate a fluctuating ice margin.The latter stage of the Elatina glaciation and the immediate post-glacial environment are examined here for evidence of extreme and rapid sea-level rise.In the central Adelaide Rift Complex,diamictite with faceted and striated clasts occurs at the top of the Elatina Formation<1-2 m beneath the early Ediacaran Nuccaleena Formation’cap carbonate’.One hundred kilometres to the south,~30 m of siltstone and sandstone followed by^6 m of clast-poor diamictite with clasts 10+cm long occur between tidal rhythmites and the cap carbonate.Three hundred kilo metres further south,~70 m of siltsto ne,dolo mitic siltstone and minor dolomite separate tidal rhythmites and early Ediacaran strata.Hence the rhythmites were deposited during a high stand(interstadial or interglacial),not during post-glacial sea-level rise.Storm-generated erosional surfaces within tidal rhythmites at Warren Gorge indicate intermittent rhythmite deposition,and water depth and other palaeoenvironmental factors are uncertain,casting doubt on a published estimate of rapid sea-level rise during rhythmite deposition.The lack of late Cryogenian deeply incised valleys and thick valley-fill deposits in South Australia and central Australia argues against extreme sea-level variations.A hiatus occurred between Elatina deglaciation and deposition of the Nuccaleena cap carbonate,and three palaeomagnetic polarity chrons identified in the cap carbonate imply slow deposition spanning 10^5-10^6 yr.This is supported by independent evidence from magnetic chronostratigraphy for Ediacaran strata in South Australia and California,and by stratigraphic and sedimentological arguments for condensed deposition of cap carbonates.It is concluded that neither extreme nor rapid sea-level rise was associated with late Cryogenian deglaciation in South Australia.  相似文献   

Positive carbon isotope excursion is reported from Paleoproterozoic carbonates of the Aravalli Supergroup (northwestern India), the Minas Supergroup (Brazil), and new sections of the Paso Severino Formation (Uruguay). The 2.42 Ga Gandarela Formation, Minas Gerais, Brazil, contains red carbonate-facies BIF grading into dolostones and limestones and yielding δ13C values ranging from −1.6 to +0.4‰ V-PDB. The positive C-isotope excursion (up to + 11‰ V-PDB) in marine shallow-water carbonates in India and Brazil (Jhamarkotra Formation in northwestern India, and Cercadinho and Fecho do Funil formations in Minas Gerais State, Brazil) is comparable to that observed in 2.22–2.1 Ga carbonate successions worldwide that were deposited during the Lomagundi excursion. In Uruguay, δ13C values up to +11.6‰ V-PDB in the deep-water Paso Severino Formation of the Piedra Alta Terrane are compatible with deposition at ca. 2.15 Ga, as indicated by the 2146 ± 7 Ma U–Pb age of dacites occurring at the top of the unit. Negative δ13C values are also present in carbonates of the Paso Severino Formation, but an origin related to organic-matter remineralization cannot be ruled out. Thin carbonate beds in the Rio Itapicuru greenstone belt, Bahia State, Brazil, are associated, as in the Paso Severino Formation, with deep-water black shales and have carbon isotope values up to +9‰ V-PDB. High metamorphic grade carbonates of the Jacurici terrane in the Medrado-Ipueira area, Bahia, Brazil, have carbon isotope values up to +6.9‰ V-PDB, consistent with their minimum age of 2085 ± 5 Ma inferred from the intrusive contact with and the age of the Medrado norite. No evidence was found in India, Brazil, or Uruguay for Paleoproterozoic glacial events recognized in the 2.45–2.22 Ga sedimentary successions worldwide. Unconformities between the Gandarela and Cercadinho formations in Brazil and the banded gneissic Complex and the Lower Aravalli Supergroup in India might explain the absence of glacial record. Compositional and isotopic data presented here for studied Paleoproterozoic carbonate successions allow their integration into the global record of the Paleoproterozoic evolution as well as correlation with other successions of similar age. The study highlights the global nature of the Lomagundi excursion. Furthermore, it indicates that the Lomagundi excursion is recorded in both shallow-water (Aravalli and Minas supergroups) and deep-water carbonates (Paso Severino Formation and Rio Itapicuru greenstone belt) negating a significant impact of stromatolite productivity and hypersaline conditions on carbon isotope values of carbonates deposited in shallow-water, open-marine and isolated basins.  相似文献   

色日绒地区冰海杂砾岩产于砂泥质为主的陆缘碎屑岩段中,累计出露厚度约325 m。岩石学及沉积学特征指示其沉积于滨海—上部浅海环境;顶部的化石生物组合指示此段岩层沉积于晚石炭世—早二叠世的冷水型海洋环境。岩层中的坠石结构、压裂面以及与其同层位产出的冷水型生物群为冰海杂砾岩的成因提供了有力的证据,指示其形成于冰川作用下,是由冰筏搬运的海相沉积。通过资料综合收集、对比,确定了冰海杂砾岩形成的古构造及古地理、古气候控制条件。根据古构造位置及古地理特征,大致总结出了以该地区为代表的冈瓦纳相冰海杂砾岩的沉积及成因模式。  相似文献   

The Qingbaikouan System is the lowest unit of the Neoproterozoic Erathem in Chinese stratigraphic succession,and it now provides a precise geochronological framework and geological time scale for mapping and stratal correlation in China.However,a sensitive high-resolution ion microprobe (SHRIMP) U-Pb zircon age date (1368±12 Ma) obtained from a bentonite in the Qingbaikouan Xiamaling Formation indicates that it belongs to the Mesoproterozoic Erathem instead.This change is a milestone in understanding the Precambrian Stratigraphic Time Scale in China,and it has had great influence on Precambrian correlations in Asia.Otherwise,a large amount of geochronological work has been done in the "Jiangnan Orogen Belt" of South China,and new isotopic data have redefined the traditional recognition of metamorphosed Mesoproterozoic strata from the Sibao orogeny to the Neoproterozoic Erathem.Based on SHRIMP zircon U-Pb age data,the authors regard the Sibao orogeny (equal to the Wuling orogeny) as a movement at ca 820 Ma,meaning that the Sibao orogeny was not equivalent to the Grenvillian orogeny.Finally,we report here the first SHRIMP U-Pb age of the boundary between the top of the Qingbaikouan Gongdong Formation (786.8±5.6 Ma) and the bottom of the Chang'an (diamictite) Formation (778.4±5.2 Ma),which is the age of the lowest diamictite of the Nanhuan System in China.  相似文献   

Gondwana coals of the Rio Bonito Formation (Paraná Basin) in Southern Brazil have generally large ash yields, so they could be better called coaly siltstones than coal. In addition, hummocky cross stratification (HCS) was found in several coal beds of the Rio Bonito Formation throughout the basin. In this formation, the frequent and close relationship between facies involving rocks generated by subaqueous gravity flows (diamictites) and coal itself provides an excellent depositional model based on resedimentary processes acting during deposition, as well as a stratigraphic rearrangement of the present units.In the State of Rio Grande do Sul (southern part of Paraná Basin), coals are actually prodelta deposits related to delta-front diamictite and conglomeratic sandstone with sigmoidal bedding. Coal-forming organic sediments would come from trees plucked by the floods, as indicated by the wood logs floating in the diamictite, and reworking of previous peat accumulations. Every coal layer is covered generally by paleosoil siltstones, which represent colonization at the top of the catastrophic flood deposit, ending a sedimentary cycle.In case of Brazilian coal settings, several authors recognized deltas (fan deltas or braid deltas). Here is particularly considered the general environment as a salted interior sea (lago mare, Hsü et al. sense).The present study will refer to three important lithostratigraphic units in the Carboniferous–Early Triassic cycle: the Itararé Group, the Rio Bonito Formation, and the Palermo Formation.Although the preferential mode of occurrence of HCS in shallow marine environments indicates a genesis attributed to storm action, other causes, such as catastrophic flooding, have been advanced. Mutti et al. [Mem. Sci. Geol. 48 (1996) 233] described flood-dominated deltaic systems with thick conglomerate, sandstone, and pelitic deposits, derived from small- to medium-scale fluvial systems and mountain-bordered drainage basins adjacent to the sea. In such settings, seaward sediment flow can increase dramatically when weather conditions can supply water in such amounts to produce catastrophic floods. Thick and laterally extensive sandstone lobes with HCS are the fundamental depositional elements of fan deltas and other river-dominated delta systems.Diamictites and coal together could be a result from Jökullhlaups—an Icelandic term for glacial outburst flood—in case of catastrophic floods coming from a melting mountain glacier, similar to the Columbia River Valley Scablands (15,000 BP) and in modern Iceland examples.  相似文献   

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