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We present a summary of late Paleoproterozoic to Neoproterozoic mafic magmatism in the Siberian craton, including recently published U–Pb and 40Ar–39Ar dates. These new precise ages suggest that at least some of the previously published K–Ar ages of Siberian mafic bodies should be ignored. The time–space geochronological chart, or the ‘barcode’ of mafic magmatic events shows significant differences between northern and southern Siberia. Both are characterized by ∼1900–1700 Ma magmatic events, but then there was an almost 1 Ga mafic magmatic ‘pause’ in south Siberia until ∼800 Ma. Meanwhile there are indications of multiple mafic magmatic events in North Siberia (Anabar shield and Olenek uplift) between ∼1600 and 1000 Ma. A series of magmatic events probably related to the breakup of Rodinia occurred in southern Siberia after ∼800 Ma. So far, there are no indications of late Neoproterozoic mafic magmatism in North Siberia. Ca. 1000–950 Ma mafic sills were reported from Meso- to Neo-Proterozoic sedimentary successions in the Sette-Daban area on the east side of the Siberian craton, but their tectonic setting is debated. Recent Ar–Ar dates of ∼1750 Ma for NW-trending dykes in the Aldan and Anabar shields, together with similar-age NNE-trending Baikal uplift dykes in south-eastern Siberia suggest the existence of a giant radial dyke swarm possibly related to a mantle plume centred in the Vilyui River area.  相似文献   

A change in the polarity of magnetization with depth in the 2.45 Ga Matachewan dyke swarm is used to document vertical crustal movements that occurred at 1.9–2.3 Ga along the Kapuskasing Structural Zone, a 500-km-long fault zone that transects the Archean Superior Province of Canada. At shallow crustal levels dykes have a primary magnetization dominantly of one polarity, but at greater depths (20 km down) a polarity change occurs associated with the growth of exsolved magnetite in feldspar due to slow crustal cooling after cessation of Matachewan igneous activity. Regions of the dyke swarm with one dominant polarity are separated from those with opposite polarity by major faults. Using this polarity distribution and associated variations in the intensity of feldspar clouding and hydrous alteration, maps of the southern Superior Province are produced that display regional crustal tilting on which are superimposed more local fault-bounded blocks associated with the Kapuskasing zone. Some of these blocks have been recognized for the first time as a result of this study.The paleomagnetic work has also shown that the Matachewan swarm is regionally distorted both within and north of the Kapuskasing zone, and originally had a more radial disposition. This widespread distortion suggests that the lower crust was still relatively ductile at the time of deformation, perhaps due to high heat flow associated with the waning stages of the Matachewan mantle plume beneath.  相似文献   

A New Progress of the Proterozoic Chronostratigraphical Division   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Precambrian, an informal chronostratigraphical unit, represents the period of Earth history from the start of the Cambrian at ca. 541 Ma back to the formation of the planet at 4567 Ma. It was originally conceptualized as a "Cryptozoic Eon" that was contrasted with the Phanerozoic Eon from the Cambrian to the Quaternary, which is now known as the Precambrian and can be subdivided into three eons, i.e., the Hadean, the Archean and the Proterozoic. The Precambrian is currently divided chronometrically into convenient boundaries, including for the establishment of the Proterozoic periods that were chosen to reflect large-scale tectonic or sedimentary features(except for the Ediacaran Period). This chronometric arrangement might represent the second progress on the study of chronostratigraphy of the Precambrian after its separation from the Phanerozoic. Upon further study of the evolutionary history of the Precambrian Earth, applying new geodynamic and geobiological knowledge and information, a revised division of Precambrian time has led to the third conceptual progress on the study of Precambrian chronostratigraphy. In the current scheme, the Proterozoic Eon began at 2500 Ma, which is the approximate time by which most granite-greenstone crust had formed, and can be subdivided into ten periods of typically 200 Ma duration grouped into three eras(except for the Ediacaran Period). Within this current scheme, the Ediacaran Period was ratified in 2004, the first period-level addition to the geologic time scale in more than a century, an important advancement in stratigraphy. There are two main problems in the current scheme of Proterozoic chronostratigraphical division:(1) the definition of the Archean–Proterozoic boundary at 2500 Ma, which does not reflect a unique time of synchronous global change in tectonic style and does not correspond with a major change in lithology;(2) the round number subdivision of the Proterozoic into several periods based on broad orogenic characteristics, which has not met with requests on the concept of modern stratigraphy, except for the Ediacaran Period. In the revised chronostratigraphic scheme for the Proterozoic, the Archean–Proterozoic boundary is placed at the major change from a reducing early Earth to a cooler, more modern Earth characterized by the supercontinent cycle, a major change that occurred at ca. 2420 Ma. Thus, a revised Proterozoic Eon(2420–542 Ma) is envisaged to extend from the Archean–Proterozoic boundary at ca. 2420 Ma to the end of the Ediacaran Period, i.e., a period marked by the progressive rise in atmospheric oxygen, supercontinent cyclicity, and the evolution of more complex(eukaryotic) life. As with the current Proterozoic Eon, a revised Proterozoic Eon based on chronostratigraphy is envisaged to consist of three eras(Paleoproterozoic, Mesoproterozoic, and Neoproterozoic), but the boundary ages for these divisions differ from their current ages and their subdivisions into periods would also differ from current practice. A scheme is proposed for the chronostratigraphic division of the Proterozoic, based principally on geodynamic and geobiological events and their expressions in the stratigraphic record. Importantly, this revision of the Proterozoic time scale will be of significant benefit to the community as a whole and will help to drive new research that will unveil new information about the history of our planet, since the Proterozoic is a significant connecting link between the preceding Precambrian and the following Phanerozoic.  相似文献   

Paleomagnetic data from lavas and dikes of the Unkar igneous suite (16 sites) and sedimentary rocks of the Nankoweap Formation (7 sites), Grand Canyon Supergroup (GCSG), Arizona, provide two primary paleomagnetic poles for Laurentia for the latest Middle Proterozoic (ca. 1090 Ma) at 32°N, 185°E (dp=6.8°, DM=9.3°) and early Late Proterozoic (ca. 850–900 Ma) at 10°S, 163°E (dp=3.5°, DM=7.0°). A new 40Ar/39Ar age determination from an Unkar dike gives an interpreted intrusion age of about 1090 Ma, similar to previously reported geochronologic data for the Cardenas Basalts and associated intrusions. The paleomagnetic data show no evidence of any younger, middle Late Proterozoic tectonothermal event such as has been revealed in previous geochronologic studies of the Unkar igneous suite. The pole position for the Unkar Group Cardenas Basalts and related intrusions is in good agreement with other ca. 1100 Ma paleomagnetic poles from the Keweenawan midcontinent rift deposits and other SW Laurentia diabase intrusions. The close agreement in age and position of the Unkar intrusion (UI) pole with poles derived from rift related rocks from elsewhere in Laurentia indicates that mafic magmatism was essentially synchronous and widespread throughout Laurentia at ca. 1100 Ma, suggesting a large-scale continental magmatic event. The pole position for the Nankoweap Formation, which plots south of the Unkar mafic rocks, is consistent with a younger age of deposition, at about 900 to 850 Ma, than had previously been proposed. Consequently, the inferred 200 Ma difference in age between the Cardenas Basalts and overlying Nankoweap Formation provides evidence for a third major unconformity within the Grand Canyon sequence.  相似文献   

The Bastar craton has experienced many episodes of mafic magmatism during the Precambrian. This is evidenced from a variety of Precambrian mafic rocks exposed in all parts of the Bastar craton in the form of volcanics and dykes. They include (i) three distinct mafic dyke swarms and a variety of mafic volcanic rocks of Precambrian age in the southern Bastar region; two sets of mafic dyke swarms are sub-alkaline tholeiitic in nature, whereas the third dyke swarm is high-Si, low-Ti and high-Mg in nature and documented as boninite-norite mafic rocks, (ii) mafic dykes of varying composition exposed in Bhanupratappur-Keskal area having dominantly high-Mg and high-Fe quartz tholeiitic compositions and rarely olivine and nepheline normative nature, (iii) four suites of Paleoproterozoic mafic dykes are recognized in and around the Chattisgarh basin comprising metadolerite, metagabbro, and metapyroxenite, Neoarchaean amphibolite dykes, Neoproterozoic younger fine-grained dolerite dykes, and Early Precambrian boninite dykes, and (iv) Dongargarh mafic volcanics, which are classified into three groups, viz. early Pitepani mafic volcanic rocks, later Sitagota and Mangikhuta mafic volcanics, and Pitepani siliceous high-magnesium basalts (SHMB). Available petrological and geochemical data on these distinct mafic rocks of the Bastar craton are summarized in this paper. Recently high precision U-Pb dates of 1891.1±0.9 Ma and 1883.0±1.4 Ma for two SE-trending mafic dykes from the BD2 (subalkaline) dyke swarm, from the southern Bastar craton have been reported. But more precise radiometric age determinations for a number of litho-units are required to establish discrete mafic magmatic episodes experienced by the craton. It is also important to note that very close geochemical similarity exist between boninite-norite suite exposed in the Bastar craton and many parts of the world. Spatial and temporal correlation suggests that such magmatism occurred globally during the Neoarchaean-Paleoproterozoic boundary. Many Archaean terrains were united as a supercontinent as Expanded Ur and Arctica at that time, and its rifting gave rise to numerous mafic dyke swarms, including boninitenorite, world-wide.  相似文献   

New structural, geochronological and paleomagnetic data were obtained on dolerite dikes of the Nola region (Central African Republic) at the northern border of the Congo craton. In this region, metavolcanic successions were thrust southward onto the craton during the Panafrican orogenic events. Our structural data reveal at least two structural klippes south of the present-day limits of the Panafrican nappe suggesting that it has once covered the whole Nola region, promoting the pervasive hydrothermal greenschist metamorphism observed in the underlying cratonic basement and also in the intrusive dolerite dikes. Paleomagnetic measurements revealed a stable dual-polarity low-inclination magnetization component in nine dikes (47 samples), carried by pyrrhotite and magnetite. This component corresponds to a paleopole at 304.8°E and 61.8°S (dp = 5.4, dm = 10.7) graded at Q = 6. Both metamorphism and magnetic resetting were dated by the 40Ar/39Ar method on amphibole grains separated from the dikes at 571 ± 6 Ma. The Nola pole is the first well-dated paleomagnetic pole for the Congo craton between 580 and 550 Ma. It marks a sudden change in direction of the Congo craton apparent polar wander path at the waning stages of the Panafrican orogenic events.  相似文献   

During Late Proterozoic times, the Archaean Central African craton was affected by trough faulting which led to the formation of grabens, the Sangha aulacogen being the main structure of this type in the studied area. This transverse basin connects with other basins on the northern and south-western borders of the craton. During the Cryogenian, this network of basins was filled with fluvio-deltaic and lacustrine periglacial deposits. The glacio-eustatic transgression in Neoproterozoic III (end-Proterozoic) times flooded extensive areas of shelf on the northern edge of the craton, leading to the development of carbonate sedimentation in a broad outer shelf environment associated with nearshore barriers and evaporitic lagoons. These facies are similar to those developed in the West Congolian Schisto-calcaire (shale-limestone) ramp succession. The North-Central African ramp succession (sediment slope) contains an example of tidal rhythmites in vertical accretion, which occurs beneath the barrier deposits on the subtidal outer shelf. Mathematical analysis of the bedding pattern yields a period of 29–30 days for the lunar month, a result which is in agreement with astrophysical evidence for this epoch (i.e. 650 Ma ago). Major subsidence and seismic activity on this gently sloping platform, associated with the proximity of the Sangha aulacogen, caused the triggering of carbonate turbidites and mass flow deposits. The proliferation of microbial mats under euphotic conditions on an extensive shelf led to the build-up of a carbonate platform. During early Neoproterozoic III times, the West Congolian and North-Central African ramps prograded northwards and southwards, respectively, into the Sangha aulacogen. The sea at that time was restricted to a long graben-like basin, while a remaining area of marine sedimentation persisted into the Palaeozoic. Thus the pattern of end-Proterozoic carbonate sedimentation on the borders of the Central African craton can be interpreted in terms of an overall gently sloping ramp model with progradation converging towards the Sangha aulacogen.  相似文献   

The crustal evolution of northwestern India is marked by several episodes of acid magmatism during Late Proterozoic period (900-700 Ma). These events occurred during the culmination of Delhi orogenic cycle and continued till the emergence of a stable Aravalli craton. Some of these granites emplaced within the Delhi Supergroup of rocks in central and southern parts of Rajasthan are associated with tungsten mineralisation. This includes three important tungsten deposits, namely those of Degana, Sirohi and Sewariya areas. The geological setting, petrography and geochemical characteristics of the mineralised granites in these deposits are comparable while these features are quite different in non-mineralised granites of this region.Comparison of mineralised granites in the three areas indicates that: (1) these are relatively small plutons, (2) they are emplaced at high crustal level, (3) the roof of the pluton is either just exposed or lies closely beneath ground surface, and (4) the granites are geochemically specialised with enrichment of alumina, W, B, F, Rb and Li, and depletion of Sr.  相似文献   

A biostratigraphic model of the temporal distribution of distinctive Proterozoic microfossil assemblages is suggested, based on studies of upper Precambrian chert-embedded and compression-preserved organic-walled microfossils from the reference sections of Eurasia, North America and Australia. Microfossils from 2.0 to 0.542 Ga can be divided into seven successive informal global units which can be compared to standard units of the International and Russian time scales. Each unit is characterized by a particular association of taxa, typified by the fossil assemblage that gives it its name. These form broad biostratigraphic units comparable to assemblage zones of Phanerozoic successions; in general (but with minor differences) they correspond to chronostratigraphic units accepted by the Internal Commission on Stratigraphy. The units are: (1) Labradorian, the upper part of the Paleoproterozoic (Orosirian and Statherian), 2.0–1.65 Ga; (2) Anabarian, lower Mesoproterozoic (Calymmian–Ectasian)/Lower Riphean–lower Middle Riphean, 1.65–1.2 Ga; (3) Turukhanian, upper Mesoproterozoic (Stenian)/upper Middle Riphean, 1.2–1.03 Ga; (4) Uchuromayan, lower Neoproterozoic (late Stenian–Tonian)/lower Upper Riphean, 1.03–0.85 Ga; (5) Yuzhnouralian, upper Neoproterozoic (Cryogenian)/upper Upper Riphean, 0.85–0.63 Ga; (6) Amadeusian, lower Ediacaran/lower Vendian, 0.63–0.55 Ga; (7) Belomorian, upper Ediacaran/upper Vendian, 0.55–0.542 Ga.  相似文献   

桑干地区大同-集宁一带孔兹岩系分布区有大量早元古代花岗岩发育。依据矿物组成和地质特征,这些花岗岩可分为两种类型:大规模的石榴石花岗岩和小规模的淡色花岗岩。花岗岩中长石Pb同位素组成显示,石榴石花岗岩是孔兹岩系部分熔融的直接产物,而淡色花岗岩不是孔兹岩系简单的部分熔融产物。石榴石花岗岩中锆石U-Pb一致年龄为1836±18Ma,代表石榴石花岗岩的形成年代。淡色花岗岩的锆石U-Pb一致线上交点年龄为1912±98Ma,形成略早。孔兹岩系207Pb/204Pb值整体上高于华北麻粒岩下地壳,具有上地壳的Pb同位素组成特征,其沉积原岩应该来自华北晚太古代形成的大陆地壳。根据深成岩浆作用和变质作用的年代学资料,可以确定桑干地区早元古代如下构造-热事件序列:小基性岩体侵入(2.2~2.3Ga)、早期淡色花岗岩生成(2.1~1.9Ga)、麻粒岩相变质作用、剪切作用和大规模石榴石花岗岩发育(1.84Ga)、伟晶岩的形成(1.80Ga)和基性岩墙群的出现(1.77Ga)。大规模石榴石花岗岩形成于构造-热事件峰期  相似文献   

加拿大岩石圈探测计划LITHOPROBE通过地质、地球物理、地球化学多种探测方法, 综合研究了加拿大地表至岩石圈地幔的地质结构和演化过程, 对北美最大太古代Superior Province克拉通的形成及增生研究堪称经典。2 720—2 680 Ma, Superior Province西部、中部和南部各原始地体及介于其间的晚太古代洋壳通过连续增生和碰撞拼贴为一体, 使得各地体原始排列方向及边界平移断层原始走向皆为近东西向。以3.0 Ga North Caribou地体为核心, 北侧Hudson Bay地体于2 720 Ma与其发生碰撞, 南部Winnipeg River地体于2 720—2 700 Ma与其碰撞并在English River盆地形成同造山期浊积岩; 往南, 相对年轻的Wabigoon 地体于2 710—2 700 Ma与Winnipeg River地体拼接, 更南侧的Wawa-Abitibi地体又拼贴于Wabigoon地体之上, 并在Quetico盆地形成同造山浊积岩和杂砂岩; 最南侧的Minnesota River Valley地体于2 680 Ma与其北侧地体拼接为一体, 先前洋壳俯冲于碰撞边界之下; 2 730—2 680 Ma, 在Superior Province东北部部发生了多期变形变质和增生活动, 形成该区北西走向造山带, 在Quebec中部地区形成巨大的马蹄形山系。Superior Province西部CWS和中部AG岩石圈地震剖面显示, 主要的地壳和地幔岩石圈俯冲带都向北缓倾; 以Timiskaming型砾岩沉积, 碱性岩浆岩发育, 壳源花岗岩侵位, 区域变质作用, 热液循环, 金矿脉定位以及造山后冷却诸多地质活动为特征, 2 680—2 600 Ma Superior Province发生克拉通化, 表明该时期Superior Province存在一个稳定的热扩散地幔隆起带。2 000 km规模原始地块和洋壳的增生及与之相伴的地块推覆和叠置, 揭示Superior Province各地体新太古代的拼合是一个似板块活动过程。  相似文献   

The paper deals with geological and geochemical studies of granitoids of the Olenek complex in the Olenek uplift of the basement of the northern Siberian craton. The age of these granitoids was earlier estimated at 2036 ± 11 Ma. The granitoids of the Olenek complex correspond in composition to high-alumina quartz diorites, granites, and leucogranites of the normal petrochemical series. According to geochemical and mineralogical characteristics, the quartz diorites can be assigned to granites of the transitional I-S type, and the granites and leucogranites, to S-type granites. The 8Nd(T values in the granites of the Olenek complex vary from -0.2 to + 1.4, and the Nd model age is 2.4-2.5 Ga. The quartz diorite is characterized by 8Nd(T) = + 3.0 and a Nd model age T(DM) = 2.2 Ga. The geochemical characteristics of the granites and leucogranites indicate their formation through the melting of a source of graywacke composition, whereas the quartz diorites resulted, most likely, from the mixing of granitic and basaltic melts. The fact that the granitoids of the Olenek complex intruded the folded rocks of the Eekit Formation but stay virtually undeformed massive bodies suggests that they formed at the postdeformation stage of the regional evolution after the completion of the Paleoproterozoic orogenic events. The intrusion of granitoids marks the completion of the formation of the Early Proterozoic Eekit fold belt on the western (in the recent coordinates) margin of the Birekta terrane of the Olenek superterraine and the final formation of the superterrane structure. At the next stage of magmatism (1.98-1.96 Ga), best pronounced in the uplifts of the basement of the northern Siberian craton, all terranes forming the Anabar and Olenek superterranes assembled into a single structure.  相似文献   

The Mangalwar Complex of the Aravalli craton is marked by the presence of late Paleoproterozoic granites referred to as Anjana Granite and Amet Granite. These granites occur as 1.64 Ga old plutons intruding greenstone sequences and migmatitic gneisses of Mangalwar Complex which comprises parts of BGC of the Aravalli craton. In the present contribution major, trace and REE data of these granites along with associated microgranular mafic enclaves (MMEs) are presented and discussed. Geochemically these granites are quartz monzonite, metaluminous, sub-alkaline and high-K calc-alkaline rocks. The most important characteristics of Anjana and Amet granites are low SiO2, high MgO, Mg#, K2O, Ba, and low Na2O/K2O ratios. In addition, the REEs show moderate to high fractionation, with (La/Yb) ratios up to 22 and 23 of the Anjana and Amet granites respectively, with no or positive europium anomalies. In the primitive mantle-normalized trace element diagrams both granites show depletion in high-field strength elements (HFSE) such as Nb, Ta, P, Ti and enrichment in LILEs. Most of these features are comparable to those of sanukitoid series rocks. Geochemically both granites are distinguished as high-Ti sanukitoids. Geochemical characteristics of MMEs suggest that they are similar to Anjana and Amet granites and in turn to sanukitoids with lower SiO2 content. They display LREE enriched patterns with low values (avg. 13) of (La/Yb)N, negative Eu anomalies and high HREE contents (58 ppm). It is suggested that the parental magma of Anjana and Amet granitic plutons originated through a four stage process (1) Generation of magmatic melts produced by partial melting of terrigeneous sediments of subducting slab in an arc setting; (2) interaction of those melts with the overlying mantle wedge, and total consumption of slab-derived melts during the reaction resulting in production of a metasomatized mantle; (3) tectonothermal event, possibly related to the slab break-off, causing asthenospheric mantle upwelling. This may have induced the melting of the metasomatized mantle and the generation of sanukitoid magmas. The parental magmas of Anjana and Amet granites and their mafic enclaves were generated at lower and higher lithospheric levels respectively (4) Granitic magma ascended due to viscosity and gravity instabilities and interacted with enclave magma at higher mantle level. Both magmas ascended towards upper crust and evolved through fractional crystallisation. Existing data suggest that in the Mangalwar Complex, the formation of sanukitoid magma started even during Mesoarchaean times and continued till late Paleoproterozoic. Formation of sanukitoid magma during this time indicates that in northern Indian shield the multi-stage subduction- accretionary orogenic processes continued for a protracted geological period and played a major role in the origin and evolution of early continental crust.  相似文献   

The nature and extent of deformation associated with 1.4 Ga tectonism in the south-western USA are poorly understood. Two models have been proposed. Both agree that Proterozoic crustal accretion occurred at 1.65 Ga and that the rocks remained at mid-crustal conditions ( c . 12 km depth) until 1.4 Ga. However, one model suggests that 1.4 Ga deformation was regionally extensive, the other that it was localized around 1.4 Ga plutons. Following 1.4 Ga tectonism, the crust cooled below 300 °C. Detailed studies of quartz mylonite microfabrics in samples both adjacent to and removed from 1.4 Ga plutons in the Manzano Mountains, central New Mexico, are used to discriminate between these models of mid-Proterozoic thermotectonic history. In this area, as in much of northern New Mexico, the metamorphic conditions prior to emplacement of 1.4 Ga plutons were 500 °C and 4 kbar. The quartz mylonite microfabrics include ribbon grains, recrystallized grains with serrated boundaries, and strong c-axis crystallographic preferred orientations, which indicate no post-deformational modification. All of these microfabrics are consistent with deformation at upper greenschist/lower amphibolite facies conditions, and could have formed during either 1.65 or 1.4 Ga tectonism. Microfabrics formed during 1.65 Ga tectonism, however, should have been substantially modified by annealing recrystallization during residency in the middle crust and/or thermal/mechanical effects associated with 1.4 Ga tectonism. The observed microstructures are consistent with regional deformation associated with metamorphism at 1.4 Ga. The effects of deformation at 1.4 Ga in New Mexico are therefore more widespread than previously thought.  相似文献   

在晚侏罗世华北克拉通东部破坏之初出现了区域性隆起,全区缺失上侏罗统沉积。在早白垩世早期,出现了区域性的伸展活动,断陷盆地形成,克拉通南、北缘伸展活动最强,北部燕山构造带以出现变质核杂岩为特征,南部出现宽裂谷型盆地。早白垩世中期华北克拉通东部普遍出现了火山活动与岩浆侵入。早白垩世晚期克拉通上以出现窄裂谷型盆地为特征,沿北北东走向的郯庐断裂带断陷活动最强。这些断陷盆地的演化过程揭示,经历地表抬升后,克拉通破坏之初的岩石圈热而弱,从而形成变质核杂岩或宽裂谷型盆地。这期间的破坏强度在空间上具有不均匀分布的特征,受控于早期岩石圈地幔的结构。经过早白垩世中期的大量岩浆活动之后,早白垩世晚期克拉通岩石圈温度降低、强度变大,从而利用早期大型断裂构造形成窄裂谷型盆地。这现象支持华北克拉通东部晚中生代的岩石圈减薄是以逐渐拆沉机制为主。  相似文献   

The Kuruktag uplift is located directly northeast of the Tarim craton in northwestern China. Neoarchaean-to-Neoproterozoic metamorphic rocks and intrusive rocks crop out widely in the uplift; thus, it is especially suited for a more complete understanding of the thermal evolution of the Tarim craton. Apatite fission-track (AFT) methods were used to study the exhumation history and cooling of these Precambrian crystalline rocks. Nine apatite-bearing samples were collected from both sides of the Xingdi fault transecting the Kuruktag uplift. Pooled ages range from 146.0 ± 13.4 to 67.6 ± 6.7 Ma, with mean track lengths between 11.79 ± 0.14 and 12.48 ± 0.10 μm. These samples can be divided into three groups based on age and structural position. Group A consists of five samples with AFT apparent ages of about 100–110 Ma and is generally associated with undeformed areas. Group B comprises three specimens with AFT apparent ages lower than 80 Ma and is mostly associated with hanging wall environments close to faults. Group C is a single apatite sample with the oldest relative apparent age, 146.0 ± 13.4 Ma. The modelled thermal history indicates four periods of exhumation in the Kuruktag uplift: late-Early Jurassic (180 Ma); Late Jurassic–Early Cretaceous (144–118 Ma); early-Late Cretaceous (94–82 Ma); and late Cenozoic (about 10 Ma). These cooling events, identified by AFT data, are assumed to reflect far-field effects from multi-stage collisions and accretions of terranes along the south Asian continental margin.  相似文献   

Geochronological database considered in the work and characterizing the Anabar collision system in the Northeast Siberian craton includes coordinated results of Sm-Nd and Rb-Sr dating of samples from crustal xenoliths in kimberlites, deep drill holes, and bedrock outcrops. As is inferred, collision developed in three stages dated at 2200–2100, 1940–1760, and 1710–1630 Ma. The age of 2000–1960 Ma is established for substratum of mafic rocks, which probably originated during the lower crust interaction with asthenosphere due to the local collapse of the collision prism. Comparison of Sm-Nd and Rb-Sr isochron dates shows that the system cooling from ≈700 to ≈300°C lasted approximately 300 m.y. with a substantial lag relative to collision metamorphism and granite formation. It is assumed that accretion of the Siberian craton resulted in formation of a giant collision mountainous structure of the Himalayan type that was eroded by 1.65 Ga ago, when accumulation of gently dipping Meso-to Neoproterozoic (Riphean) platform cover commenced.  相似文献   

小秦岭地区是华北克拉通中央带南部一个重要组成部分。关于其地壳组成、变质作用,尤其是岩浆作用年龄的研究,对确认小秦岭地区在1.85~1.70 Ga期间大地构造是非常重要的。报道了小秦岭地区北部古元古代正长岩LA-ICP-MS锆石 U-Pb平均年龄为(1 831.0±6.8)Ma(95%可信度,MSWD=0.37);结合年龄数据和地质证据,认为小秦岭地区(1 831.0±6.8)Ma正长岩形成于华北克拉通南缘地壳减薄作用环境之中,可能也是大火成岩省的一个组成部分,并探讨了华北克拉通在1.90~1.85 Ga和1.85~1.70 Ga 期间的演化历史。  相似文献   

Calculation of sedimentation rates of Neoarchaean and Palaeoproterozoic siliciclastic and chemical sediments covering the Kaapvaal craton imply sedimentation rates comparable to their modern facies equivalents. Zircons from tuff beds in carbonate facies of the Campbellrand Subgroup in the Ghaap Plateau region of the Griqualand West basin, Transvaal Supergroup, South Africa were dated using the Perth Consortium Sensitive High Resolution Ion Microprobe II (SHRIMP II). Dates of Ma and Ma for the middle and the upper part of the Nauga Formation indicate that the decompacted sedimentation rate for the peritidal flat to subtidal below-wave-base Stratifera and clastic carbonate facies, southwest of the Ghaap Plateau at Prieska, was of up to 10 m/Ma, when not corrected for times of erosion and non-deposition. Dates of Ma for the upper Gamohaan Formation and for the upper Monteville Formation, indicate that some 2000 m of carbonate and subordinate shale sedimentation occurred during 16 Ma to 62 Ma on the Ghaap Plateau. For these predominantly peritidal stromatolitic carbonates, decompacted sedimentation rates were of 40 m/Ma to over 150 m/Ma (Bubnoff units). The mixed siliciclastic and carbonate shelf facies of the Schmidtsdrif Subgroup and Monteville Formation accumulated with decompacted sedimentation rates of around 20 B. For the Kuruman Banded Iron Formation a decompacted sedimentation rate of up to 60 B can be calculated. Thus, for the entire examined deep shelf to tidal facies range, Archaean and Phanerozoic chemical and clastic sedimentation rates are comparable. Four major transgressive phases over the Kaapvaal craton, followed by shallowing-upward sedimentation, can be recognized in the Prieska and Ghaap Plateau sub-basins, in Griqualand West, and partly also in the Transvaal basin, and are attributed to second-order cycles of crustal evolution. First-order cycles of duration longer than 50 Ma can also be identified. The calculated sedimentation rates reflect the rate of subsidence of a rift-related basin and can be ascribed to tectonic and thermal subsidence. Comparison of the calculated sedimentation rates to published data from other Archaean and Proterozoic basins allows discussion of general Precambrian basin development. Siliciclastic and carbonate sedimentation rates of Archaean and Palaeoproterozoic basins equivalent to those of younger systems suggest that similar mechanical, chemical and biological processes were active in the Precambrian as found for the Phanerozoic. Particularly for stromatolitic carbonates, matching modern and Neoarchaean sedimentation rates are interpreted as a strong hint of a similar evolutionary stage of stromatolite-building microbiota. The new data also allow for improved regional correlations across the Griqualand West basin and with the Malmani Subgroup carbonates in the Transvaal basin. The Nauga Formation carbonates in the southwest of the Griqualand West basin are significantly older than the Gamohaan Formation in the Ghaap Plateau region of this basin, but are in part, correlatives of the Oaktree Formation in the Transvaal and of parts of the Monteville Formation on the Ghaap Plateau.  相似文献   

Neoarchean and Mesoproterozoic sequences in the Oakover Basin provide a record of deformation and sedimentation along the eastern edge of the Archean Pilbara Craton. The early extensional history of the Oakover Basin is overprinted by subsequent compressional events. Five distinct deformation events are recognised in the Woodie Woodie region; the Archean D1 event, comprising west-northwest–east-southeast extension associated with formation of the Neoarchean Hamersley Basin; the Mesoproterozoic D2a event, with northwest–southeast extension and basin formation associated with manganese mineralisation; the D2b event, with renewed extension associated with intrusion of Davis Dolerite during the ca 1090–1050 Ma Warakurna event; the D3 event, comprising northeast–southwest-directed compression attributed to the ca 900 Ma Edmundian Orogeny; the Neoproterozoic D4 event, with east-northeast–west-southwest extension producing large D4 grabens associated with the opening of the Officer Basin; and, the Neoproterozoic D5 event comprising north–south-directed compression attributed to the ca 550 Ma Paterson Orogeny. Abundant manganese deposits are hosted by the Neoarchean and Mesoproterozoic sequences in the Oakover Basin, including the large high-grade manganese deposits at Woodie Woodie. The orebodies are predominantly hydrothermal in origin, with a late supergene overprint, and deposition of primary manganese mineralisation was synchronous with northwest–southeast Mesoproterozoic D2a extension and basin formation. The manganese is associated with normal faults, and many of these represent growth faults related to basin formation. Stratabound manganese is found above or adjacent to fault-hosted manganese. An initial structural framework established during Archean rifting was reactivated in the D2a event and provided a major structural control on manganese distribution. High-grade manganese deposits at Woodie Woodie mine appear to be located in a zone of oblique dextral extension on major north-northwest- to north-trending faults that mark the eastern ‘active’ or faulted margin of an early rift basin. These large north-northwest-trending normal faults are linked to a major northwest-trending transform fault zone (Jewel-Southwest Fault Zone) that separates the Oakover Basin into a northern and southern basin. The transform fault represents a major deep fluid conduit for hydrothermal fluids and most likely accounts for the concentration of significant manganese occurrences immediately to the north and south of this structure.  相似文献   

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