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The Godth?bsfjord region of West Greenland contains the most extensive, best exposed and most intensely studied early Archean rocks on Earth. A geological record has been described of numerous magmatic events between ~3.9 and 3.6 Ga, and evidence of life at >3.85 Ga and ~3.8-3.7 Ga has been proposed from two widely-separated localities. Some of these claims have recently been questioned, and the nature of the best preserved remnants of the oldest known terrestrial volcanic and sedimentary rocks in the Isua greenstone belt are being reinvestigated and substantially reinterpreted. The first part of this article reviews the evolution of geological research and interpretations, outlining the techniques by which the geological history has been determined and the ensuing controversies. The second part re-examines crucial field evidence upon which the antiquity of the oldest terrestrial life is claimed from the island of Akilia.  相似文献   

Mafic volcanic rocks in the 3.8–3.7 Ga Isua greenstone belt, southern West Greenland, contain randomly distributed 1 to 10-centimeters long white spheroidal structures. In this study, these structures are called ‘ocelli’. In the western part of the belt, ocelli-bearing lavas are enclosed in basaltic to picritic flows (MgO = 9–21 wt.%) with a subduction zone geochemical signature. The ocelli are composed predominantly of polycrystalline Na-plagioclase and quartz, with minor hornblende and biotite, whereas the surrounding amphibolite matrix (basaltic host) is composed mainly of hornblende, Ca-plagioclase, and quartz. The ocelli are devoid of radial or concentric internal structure, and display all stages of coalescence. Contacts between the ocelli and surrounding amphibolite matrix are sharp to gradational. Compositionally, the ocelli are calc-alkaline dacites (SiO2 = 62.9–72.0 wt.%; MgO = 0.60–3.50 wt.%; Ni = 58–143 ppm; Cr = 250–510 ppm), whereas the surrounding matrix is tholeiitic basalt (SiO2 = 46.6–50.6 wt.%; MgO = 8.70–12.30 wt.%; Ni = 119–175 ppm; Cr = 330–600 ppm). In terms of major element composition, the Isua ocelli closely resemble plagiogranites in Phanerozoic supra-subduction zone ophiolites. Field and petrographic observations, and geochemical data (SiO2 = 54.2–60.7 wt.%; MgO = 3.95–7.72 wt.%; Ni = 127–158 ppm; Cr = 500–570 ppm) on the transitional areas between the ocelli and the matrix suggest magma mixing between dacitic and basaltic melts.On a chondrite-normalized diagram, the basaltic host is characterized by variably depleted LREE patterns (La/Smcn = 0.30–0.94; Gd/Ybcn = 1.03–1.45), whereas the dacitic ocelli display LREE-enriched patterns (La/Smcn = 1.30–2.60; Gd/Ybcn = 1.32–2.58). The strongly depleted REE patterns in the basaltic host are attributed to LREE loss during carbonate alteration. Partial melting of a forearc mantle wedge is favoured for the origin of the protolith of the basaltic host. The geochemical characteristic of the ocelli cannot be explained by post-magmatic alteration, slab melting, fractional crystallization of tholeiitic melts, or liquid immiscibility. We suggest that the dacitic ocelli might have been derived from hydrous melting of the fragments of oceanic crust (high-Mg volcanic rocks) that fell into the magma chamber, suggesting magma–crust interaction in the early Earth. Formation of dacitic volcanic rocks by partial melting of altered oceanic crust may have played an important role in the generation of felsic crust in the early Archean.  相似文献   

Zircon and titanite were investigated in impactites of the Gardnos structure, a crater formed in Sveconorwegian (ca. 1 Ga) crust, which was then overridden in the Devonian by Caledonian nappes. Observed deformation features in zircons are granular texture, planar microstructures, and likely the incorporation of organic carbon during impact causing black staining of the zircon grains. The grains were studied by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and cathode luminescence (CL) and dated by U-Pb isotope dilution - thermo-ionization mass spectrometry (ID-TIMS). Zircon grains without impact related features have U-Pb data showing moderate discordance (5-13%) and indicating formation ages mostly in the range of 1600-1000 Ma, except detrital zircon ages as old as >2481 Ma, reflecting the diversity of target rocks in the area. Titanite with concordant ages of 995-999 Ma dates metamorphism during final juxtaposition of the Telemarkia on the Idefjorden terrane to the east. Zircon grains with demonstrated or presumed shock features yield highly discordant (14-40%) U-Pb data, with a majority of them plotting along an array with a lower intercept of about 340 Ma reflecting the influence of the Caledonian orogeny and recent Pb-loss. One zircon grain was totally reset at 379 Ma during late Caledonian metamorphism, which also caused local growth of new titanite. A specific group of zircon grains yields data with relatively high discordance for moderate U contents, and five of these analyses, including that of a grain with proven granular or aggregate texture, fit a discordia line with an upper intercept of 546 ± 5 Ma. These features are interpreted as indicating zircon break-down to an amorphous state during impact, with subsequent recrystallization into microcrystalline aggregates causing extensive to complete Pb loss. We further suggest that their crystallinity prevented Pb loss during the Caledonian orogeny, while the small subgrain size and increasing metamictisation allowed more recent disturbances. We thus interpret the 546 Ma age as the approximate time of impact.  相似文献   

《China Geology》2022,5(3):439-456
This study identified two palynological assemblages, namely Bayanhuasporites-Cycadopites-Protoconiferus and Cicatricosisporites-Cedripites-Perinopollenites, in the Tongbomiao Formation in the Hongqi Sag in the Hailar Basin, Inner Mongolia, China for the first time. The former is distributed in the lower part of the Tongbomiao Formation and is characterized by abundant gymnosperm pollen and diverse fern spores. Among them, the gymnosperm pollen is dominated by Paleoconifer (4.98%–31.62%) and Cycadopite (8.55%–25.23%) pollen grains and also includes other pollen grains such as Classopollis, Parcisporites, Erlianpollis, Callialasporites, and Jiaohepollis. The fern spores in the former palynological assemblage contain Bayanhuasporite (0–8.96%), Granulatisporites (0.93%–6.97%), and some important Cretaceous genera, such as Cicatricosisporites, Concavissimisporites, Densoisporites, Hsuisporites, Foraminisporis, and Leptolepidites. The Cicatricosisporites-Cedripites-Perinopollenites palynological assemblage is distributed in the upper part of the Tongbomiao Formation. Gymnosperm (77.30%), Pinaceae (31.9%), and Paleoconiferus (19.02%) pollen predominate this palynological assemblage, and Quadraeculina, Erlianpollis, and Jiaohepollis pollen are also common in this assemblage. The fern spores in this palynological assemblage include abundant Cicatricosisporites (4.29%). Besides, Concavissimisporites, Aequitriradites, and Leptolepidites are also common in this palynological assemblage. No angiosperm pollen has been found in both palynological assemblages. The identification of both palynological assemblages provides important evidence for the biostratigraphic correlation between the Hailar Basin and its adjacent areas. It also enables the reconstructions of the Berriasian-Valanginian (Early Cretaceous) vegetation and the paleoclimate on the eastern Mongolian Plateau during 141–132 Ma. The vegetation reconstructed on the palynological data of the represented by Hailar Basin in eastern Mongolian Plateau (141.6–141.4 Ma), form conifer forest or conifer broad-leaved mixed forest to conifer forest with shrubs and grassland, the climate belongs to warm temperate and warm-subtropicalt, the highest temperature is estimated to reach 35–38°C. Form 132.3 Ma, the vegetation type is conifer forest, and its paleoclimate is sub-humid warm temperate, the highest temperature is estimated to reach 24–29°C.©2022 China Geology Editorial Office.  相似文献   

The sandstone escarpment of the Dhar Tichitt in South-Central Mauritania was inhabited by Neolithic agropastoral communities for approximately one and half millennium during the Late Holocene, from ca. 4000 to 2300 BP. The absence of prior evidence of human settlement points to the influx of mobile herders moving away from the “drying” Sahara towards more humid lower latitudes. These herders took advantage of the peculiarities of the local geology and environment and succeeded in domesticating bulrush millet – Pennisetum sp. The emerging agropastoral subsistence complex had conflicting and/or complementary requirements depending on circumstances. In the long run, the social adjustment to the new subsistence complex, shifting site location strategies, nested settlement patterns and the rise of more encompassing polities appear to have been used to cope with climatic hazards in this relatively circumscribed area. An intense arid spell in the middle of the first millennium BC triggered the collapse of the whole Neolithic agropastoral system and the abandonment of the areas. These regions, resettled by sparse oasis-dwellers populations and iron-using communities starting from the first half of the first millennium AD, became part of the famous Ghana “empire”, the earliest state in West African history.  相似文献   

The Humr Akarim and Humrat Mukbid plutons, in the central Eastern Desert of Egypt, are late Neoproterozoic post-collisional alkaline A-type granites. Humr Akarim and Humrat Mukbid plutonic rocks consist of subsolvus alkali granites and a subordinate roof facies of albite granite, which hosts greisen and Sn–Mo-mineralized quartz veins; textural and field evidence strongly suggest the presence of late magmatic F-rich fluids. The granites are Si-alkali rich, Mg–Ca–Ti poor with high Rb/Sr (20–123), and low K/Rb (27–65). They are enriched in high field strength elements (e.g., Nb, Ta, Zr, Y, U, Th) and heavy rare earth elements (La n /Yb n ?=?0.27–0.95) and exhibit significant tetrad effects in REE patterns. These geochemical attributes indicate that granite trace element distribution was controlled by crystal fractionation as well as interaction with fluorine-rich magmatic fluids. U–Pb SHRIMP zircon dating indicates an age of ~630–620?Ma but with abundant evidence that zircons were affected by late corrosive fluids (e.g., discordance, high common Pb). εNd at 620?Ma ranges from +3.4 to +6.8 (mean?=?+5.0) for Humr Akarim granitic rocks and from +4.8 to +7.5 (mean?=?+5.8) for Humrat Mukbid granitic rocks. Some slightly older zircons (~740?Ma, 703?Ma) may have been inherited from older granites in the region. Our U–Pb zircon data and Nd isotope results indicate a juvenile magma source of Neoproterozoic age like that responsible for forming most other ANS crust and refute previous conclusions that pre-Neoproterozoic continental crust was involved in the generation of the studied granites.  相似文献   

We present four SHRIMP U–Pb zircon ages for the Choiyoi igneous province from the San Rafael Block, central–western Argentina. Dated samples come from the Yacimiento Los Reyunos Formation (281.4 ± 2.5 Ma) of the Cochicó Group (Lower Choiyoi section: andesitic breccias, dacitic to rhyolitic ignimbrites and continental conglomerates), Agua de los Burros Formation (264.8 ± 2.3 Ma and 264.5 ± 3.0 Ma) and Cerro Carrizalito Formation (251.9 ± 2.7 Ma Upper Choiyoi section: rhyolitic ignimbrites and pyroclastic flows) spanning the entire Permian succession of the Choiyoi igneous province. A single zircon from the El Imperial Formation, that is overlain unconformably by the Choiyoi succession, yielded an early Permian age (297.2 ± 5.3 Ma), while the main detrital zircon population indicated an Ordovician age (453.7 ± 8.1 Ma). The new data establishes a more precise Permian age (Artinskian–Lopingian) for the section studied spanning 30 Ma of volcanic activity. Volcanological observations for the Choiyoi succession support the occurrence of explosive eruptions of plinian to ultraplinian magnitudes, capable of injecting enormous volumes of tephra in the troposphere–stratosphere. The new SHRIMP ages indicate contemporaneity between the Choyoi succession and the upper part of the Paraná Basin late Paleozoic section, from the Irati up to the Rio do Rasto formations, encompassing about 24 Ma. Geochemical data show a general congruence in compositional and tectonic settings between the volcanics and Paraná Basin Permian ash fall derived layers of bentonites. Thickness and granulometry of ash fall layers broadly fit into the depletion curve versus distance from the remote source vent of ultraplinian eruptions. Thus, we consider that the Choiyoi igneous province was the source of ash fall deposits in the upper Permian section of the Paraná Basin. Data presented here allow a more consistent correlation between tectono-volcanic Permian events along the paleo-Pacific margin of southwestern Gondwana and the geological evolution of neighboring Paleozoic foreland basins in South America and Africa.  相似文献   

Natural Hazards - This contribution highlights that the paper presented by Ma et al. (Nat Hazards 89(2):741–756, 2017) presents VIF lower than 1 which does not coincide with the natural...  相似文献   

The above abstract from Acta Geologica Sinica ‐ English Edition, published online on 31 October 2016 in Wiley Online Library ( http://wileyonlinelibrary.com ), has been retracted by agreement between the authors, the Journal Editor‐in‐Chief, Degan Shu and John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd. The retraction has been agreed as the abstract was submitted without agreement of all co‐authors.  相似文献   

Iron and Sr bearing phases were thoroughly investigated by means of spectrometric and microscopic techniques in Callovian–Oxfordian (COX) samples originating from the ANDRA Underground Research Laboratory (URL) in Bure (France). Strontium was found to be essentially associated with celestite, whereas Fe was found to be distributed over a wide range of mineral phases. Iron was mainly present as Fe(II) in the studied samples (∼93% from Mössbauer results). Most of the Fe(II) was found to be in pyrite, sideroplesite/ankerite and clay minerals. Iron(III), if present, was associated with clay minerals (probably illite, illite-smectite mixed layer minerals and chlorite). No Fe(III) oxy(hydro)xide could be detected in the samples. Strontianite was not observed either. Based on these observations, it is likely that the COX porewater is in equilibrium with the following carbonate minerals, calcite, dolomite and ankerite/sideroplesite, but not with strontianite. It is shown that this equilibrium information can be combined with clay cation exchange composition information in order to give direct estimates or constraints on the solubility products of the carbonate minerals dolomite, siderite and strontianite. As a consequence, an experimental method was developed to retrieve the cation exchanged Fe(II) in very well preserved COX samples.  相似文献   

The pressure-volume-temperature-composition (PVTX) properties of H2O-CH4 were determined from the bubble point curve to 500 °C and 3 kbar for compositions ?4 mol.% CH4 using the synthetic fluid inclusion technique. H2O-CH4 inclusions were produced by loading known amounts of Al3C4 and H2O into platinum capsules along with pre-fractured and inclusion-free quartz cores. During heating the Al3C4 and H2O react to produce CH4, and the H2O-CH4 homogeneous mixture was trapped as inclusions during fracture healing at elevated temperature and pressure. The composition of the fluid in the inclusion was confirmed using the weight loss technique after the experiment and by Raman spectroscopic analysis of the inclusions.Homogenization temperatures of the inclusions were determined and the results were used to construct iso-Th lines, defined as a line connecting the formation temperature and pressure with the homogenization temperature and pressure. The pressure in the inclusion at the homogenization temperature was calculated from the Duan equation of state (EOS). The slope (ΔPT) of each iso-Th line was calculated and the results fitted to a polynomial equation using step-wise multiple regression analysis to estimate the slope of the iso-Th line as a function of the homogenization temperature and composition according to:
PT)=a+b·m+c·m4+d·(Th)2+e·m·Th+f·m·(Th)4,  相似文献   

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