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An extreme ultraviolet (EUV) imaging spectrograph for the wavelength range from 235 to 450 Å has been developed and used for high resolution observations of the Sun. The instrument incorporates a glancing incidence Wolter Type II Telescope and a near-normal incidence toroidal grating spectrograph to achieve near-stigmatic performance over this spectral range. The design of the spectrograph entrance aperture enables both stigmatic spectra with spectral resolution adequate to observe emission line profiles and spectroheliograms of restricted portions of the Sun to be obtained concurrently. In this paper we describe the design and performance of the instrument and provide an overview of results obtained during a sounding rocket flight on May 5, 1989.  相似文献   

We have observed an H dark filament at 8, 15, and 22 GHz and derived the radio spectrum of the filament. We suggest that the filament has to be optically thick at radio frequencies and that the observed spectrum is due to the presence of a transition sheath surrounding the filament. We examine a model for the transition sheath in which the energy radiated away is balanced by the conduction of heat from the corona, and show that the radio observations indicate that little or no thermal energy is conducted into the main body of the filament. We compare the model with ultraviolet observations of filaments and discuss how the discrepancies can be removed.On leave of absence from Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Bombay, India.  相似文献   

Contarino  L.  Romano  P.  Yurchyshyn  V.B.  Zuccarello  F. 《Solar physics》2003,216(1-2):173-188
We describe a filament destabilization which occurred on 5 May 2001 in NOAA AR 9445, before a flare event. The analysis is based on Hα data acquired by THEMIS operating in IPM mode, Hα data and magnetograms obtained at the Big Bear Solar Observatory, MDI magnetograms and 171 Å images taken by TRACE. Observations at 171 Å show that ~ 2.5 hours before the flare peak, the western part of the EUV filament channel seems to split into two parts. The bifurcation of the filament in the Hα line is observed to take place ~ 1.5 hours before the flare peak, while one thread of the filament erupts ~10 min before the peak of the flare. Our analysis of longitudinal magnetograms shows the presence of a knot of positive flux inside a region of negative polarity, which coincides with the site of filament bifurcation. We interpret this event as occurring in two steps: the first step, characterized by the appearance of a new magnetic feature and the successive reconnection in the lower atmosphere between its field lines and the field lines of the old arcade sustaining the filament, leads to a new filament channel and to the observed filament bifurcation; the second step, characterized by the eruption of part of the filament lying on the old PIL, leads to a second reconnection, occurring higher in the corona.  相似文献   

X-ray and H observations of an erupting filament, discussed herein, and other observations of the associated flare on 1980 May 21, suggest that an erupting filament played a major role in the X-ray flare. While Antonucci et al. (1985) analyzed the May 21 flare as one of the best cases of chromospheric evaporation, the possible contribution from X-ray emitting erupting plasma has been ignored. We show that pre-heated plasma existed and may have contributed part of the blue-shifted X-ray emission observed in the Caxix line, which was formerly attributed solely to chromospheric evaporation. Thus it remains an open question - in two-ribbon flares in particular - just how important chromospheric evaporation is in flare dynamics.  相似文献   

We present a new scheme of a moderate-resolution spectrograph based on a cascade of serial holographic gratings each of which produces an individual spectrum with a resolution of about 6000 and a bandwidth of 80 nm. The gratings ensure centering of each part of the spectrum they produce so as to provide uniform coverage of the broadest possible wavelength interval. In this study we manage to simultaneously cover the 430–680 nm interval without gaps using three gratings. Efficiency of the spectrograph optical system itself from the entrance slit to the CCD detector is typically of about 60% with a maximum of 75%. We discuss the advantages and drawbacks of the new spectrograph scheme as well as the astrophysical tasks for which the instrument can be used.  相似文献   

A sensitive spectrograph for rocket observations of celestial objects in the 910–1250Å band is described. The instrument incorporates a variety of new technologies that allow unprecedented sensitivity in this difficult, but scientifically rewarding, band. It includes a diamond-turned Wolter-Schwarzschild Type II telescope, a conventional Rowland Circle spectrograph, and resistive anode/micro-channel plate detectors. It has been launched twice from Woomera, Australia where it performed the only observations of SN1987a in its bandpass and discovered a new feature in the diffuse ultraviolet background.  相似文献   

We describe the multislit spectrograph SFM. It is designed to obtain simultaneously spectrograms of faint objects over a field of 10 arcminutes for an entrance aperture ratio f/10, or of 15 arcmin for f/8. The SFM makes the dispersed image of the entrance slits directly, without any fiber optics. The number of entrance slits can be as large as a few hundreds, depending on the distribution of the sources on the sky and on the wavelength range. The present reciprocal dispersion is 79Åmm–1 in the wavelength range 3600 – 6400Å. The SFM is expected to reachm v22 with a signal to noise ratio of 10 for a spectral resolution of 3.3Å and an integration time of 5 hours, when used with the photon counting detector CP40.Radial velocities can be measured either by using calibration spectrograms or by the objective prism technique.The mask of entrance slits is made photochemically from a plate previously recorded of the field to be observed, taken during the same observing run. The auxiliary equipment Mascograph, specially designed for this purpose, is described.First spectrograms in the field of M15 obtained with the SFM using the Calar-Alto 3.50m telescope are presented.Based on observations collected at the Calar-Alto 3.5m telescope, operated by the German MPIfA (Heidelberg), and at the 3.60m CFHT, operated jointly by the Canadian SRC, the French CNRS and the University of Hawaii  相似文献   

Analysis of three spectra of the exosphere of Mercury in the Na-D lines are presented. Spectra were secured with the high-resolution spectrograph (SARG) of the 3.5 M Telescopio Nazionale Galileo (TNG, located on the Roque de los Muchachos, Canaries) on the evenings of August 23 and 24, 2002. Spectra have resolution ; the slit length was 26.7”. The Na column abundances range from 4.3 to with the highest abundances being close to the illuminated limb. Our observations at true anomaly angles (TAA) from 171°to 174°show the traces of the emission lines to be strongly peaked at the illuminated limb, supportive of recent modeling that shows thermal desorption to be a strong factor in determining the distribution of Na about the planet.  相似文献   

The Mees CCD (MCCD) instrument is an imaging spectroscopy device which uses the 25 cm coronagraph telescope and the 3.0 m Coudé spectrograph at Mees Solar Observatory (MSO) on Haleakala, Maui. The instrument works with resolving power up to R 200 000 with significant throughput from 3934 Å (Caii K) to 10 000 Å. A fast guiding active mirror stabilizes the image during observations. A rapidly writing magnetic tape storage system allows observations to be recorded at 256 kbytes s–1. Currently, the MCCD is used for imaging spectroscopy of solar flares at 6563 Å (H), and velocity measurements of umbral oscillations; future plans include emission line studies of active region coronae, and photospheric studies of solar oscillations.  相似文献   

CUBES is a high-efficiency, medium-resolution (R~20,000) ground based UV (300–400 nm) spectrograph, to be installed in the cassegrain focus of one of ESO’s VLT unit telescopes in 2017/18. The CUBES project is a joint venture between ESO and IAG/USP, and LNA/MCTI. CUBES will provide access to a wealth of new and relevant information for stellar as well as extragalactic sources. Main science cases include the study of beryllium and heavy elements in metal-poor stars, the direct determination of carbon, nitrogen and oxygen abundances by study of molecular bands in the UV range, as well as the study of active galactic nuclei and the quasar absorption lines. With a streamlined modern instrument design, high efficiency dispersing elements and UV-sensitive detectors, it will give a significant gain in sensitivity over existing ground based medium-high resolution spectrographs, enabling vastly increased sample sizes accessible to the astronomical community. We present here a brief overview of the project including the status, science cases and a discussion of the design options.  相似文献   

Irshell, a mid-infrared echelle spectrograph developed through a collaboration between the University of Texas, the University of California Space Sciences Laboratory, and Hughes Aircraft, has been in regular use for astronomical observations for about five years. It is optimized for high spectral resolution (R10,000) observations of narrow spectral regions (/1/300) and compact sources (a few arcsec), and is sensitive in the 5–25 m region. A wide variety of astronomical objects have been studied. Observing techniques have been developed to achieve maximum sensitivity in those observations for which Irshell is best suited and to allow observations of wide spectral regions and extended objects. We discuss the observing techniques and show some of the data obtained.  相似文献   

Radial velocity surveys for extrasolar planets generally require substantial amounts of large telescope time in order to monitor a sufficient number of stars. Two of the aspects which can limit such surveys are the single-object capabilities of the spectrograph, and an inefficient observing strategy for a given observing window. In addition, the detection rate of extrasolar planets using the radial velocity method has thus far been relatively linear with time. With the development of various multi-object Doppler survey instruments, there is growing potential to dramatically increase the detection rate using the Doppler method. Several of these instruments have already begun usage in large-scale surveys for extrasolar planets, such as Fibre Large Array Multi Element Spectrograph (FLAMES) on the Very Large Telescope (VLT) and Keck Exoplanet Tracker (ET) on the Sloan 2.5-m wide-field telescope.
In order to plan an effective observing strategy for such a program, one must examine the expected results based on a given observing window and target selection. We present simulations of the expected results from a generic multi-object survey based on calculated noise models and sensitivity for the instrument and the known distribution of exoplanetary system parameters. We have developed code for automatically sifting and fitting the planet candidates produced by the survey to allow for fast follow-up observations to be conducted. The techniques presented here may be applied to a wide range of multi-object planet surveys.  相似文献   

A real-time colour display of the Culgoora acousto-optical radio spectrograph is described and illustrated.  相似文献   

An automatic mirror guide has been designed and made for the Raduga fiber-optic echelle spectrograph. The new device was built into one of the parts of the spectrograph and allows the work of observers to be facilitated significantly. The automatic guide efficiently removes stellar image oscillations at frequencies of 0–2 Hz, which compensates almost completely for errors in setting the polar axis of a telescope and in its clockwork drive. The guide can be used on any telescope with a focal length of more than 5 m and has operated on two different telescopes. Over two observing seasons, several hundred stellar spectra were taken with the Raduga spectrograph using the automatic guide.  相似文献   

The Cosmic Origins Spectrograph (COS) is an ultraviolet spectrograph scheduled for installation in the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) during HST Servicing Mission 4, currently planned to occur in August 2008. COS was designed to maximize sensitivity to faint point sources, and will provide limiting sensitivities at moderate spectral resolutions (R~20,000) that are a factor of 2 to >10 times better than those provided by previous ultraviolet spectrographs on HST. Here, we present an overview of the some of the science areas that will be addressed by COS observations and provide a summary of the capabilities of COS and the expected on-orbit performance.  相似文献   

A new high-speed digital solar radio spectrograph has been designed and is being operated at the Clark Lake Radio Observatory in California. The spectrograph design attempts to optimize sensitivity, dynamic range, and frequency-time resolution while utilizing modern high-speed computer data-handling techniques. The system is described and initial data observations are presented.  相似文献   

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