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短周期密集台阵观测是目前开展深浅部地球物理探测的一种低成本、高环保、高效率的地震学手段,目前处于蓬勃发展的重要阶段.为了对短周期地震仪的观测资料有一个全面认识,本文选择接近野外噪声的观测环境,对短周期和宽频带地震记录仪的观测资料进行了系统时频分析和对比.结果 表明:短周期地震仪虽存在仪器频带宽度的限制,但对于观测到的天然地震和背景噪声,在选择合适的滤波器条件下,其观测与宽频带地震仪有较好一致性.本文将两种仪器记录的远震波形进行了接收函数计算与分析对比,结果也表现出较好一致性.本文结果表明传统地震学探测地下结构的方法在合适的频带范围内也可应用于短周期密集台阵资料.该研究对于密集短周期台阵数据的应用具有一定参考价值.  相似文献   

Summary The maximum changes of magnification were determined for electrodynamic seismographs with standard characteristics and for some experimental long-period seismographs, the constants of which are given in Tab. 1, when the period of the seismometer or galvanometer has a deviation of not more than 5% from the standard value. Under the assumption of control of the other constants of the seismograph, identical amplitude and phase responses with a small change of the absolute magnification of the seismograph may be achieved with characteristicsAII ( 2 >0.2), AIV ( 2 0.4), B ( 2 >0.3) Nos28, 32 and33. This deviation can also be compensated by adjusting the optical distance. The procedure of adjusting the identical characteristics is suitable for systems with which an accurate setting of the period is difficult and for systems with an uncontrollable period, provided their values are within the limits of allowed deviations from the standard constants.  相似文献   

通过对比两种宽频带地震计FBS-3和KS-2000 的结构,认为两种地震计在检测上限附近的高频段记录数据存在差异,并以合成地震动为输入,用模型验算方法证实了这一结论.  相似文献   

The records of ground motion, measured by broadband seismometers, serve for a wide range of scientific research activities. Accordingly, the knowledge of key parameters of seismometers is important for providing reliable results. In most common quality control procedures, the tested seismometer is installed side by side with the reference seismometer. Then, a three-dimensional matrix transforming recordings from one unit to another is needed. The quality of a design of this transformation matrix depends on the mathematical background of a chosen procedure, on the quality of a recorded seismic signal, and on the used bandwidth. In this paper, we present five different mathematical techniques to calculate transformation matrices. One of these techniques is applied in the time domain while the four others use the frequency domain. The methods were verified by two different cases, where different pairs of seismometers were installed on different locations. In all cases, the procedure, reducing the “average” self-noise gives the best result, regards to the decision criteria.  相似文献   

The modernization methods and tools, which may make an ordinary seismometer the unique instrument, are analyzed.  相似文献   

抗震设计规范中的场地设计反应谱是一般工程抗震设计的依据,各国的抗震设计规范对场地设计反应谱的规定不尽相同。主要表现在反应谱的形状和谱参数的差异。本文收集了若干国家的抗震设计规范;在总结各国抗震设计规范中关于场地设计反应谱规定的基础上,对中国、美国、日本、欧洲、土耳其和智利等有代表性的国家和地区的抗震设计规范进行分析和对比研究;总结了我国抗震设计规范场地设计反应谱的演化历史和发展过程;提出了进一步开展这一领域研究工作的若干建议,本文的工作对从事场地设计反应谱研究的科技人员有重要的参考价值。  相似文献   

以福建省测震台网现有地震计种类的相关参数为基础,介绍各种地震计使用“十五”标定系统时需设置的脉冲标定参数的计算过程.通过分析“十五”标定系统应用以来的相关处理结果,总结各种类型地震计周期、阻尼、灵敏度的影响因素,从一定程度上反映相关类型地震计的稳定性能.  相似文献   

利用2020年5月1—7日乌加河地震台、乌力吉地震台波形数据,应用噪声功率谱概率密度(PDF)方法,计算2个台站的台基噪声,分析了2种观察环境下的台基噪声特征及影响因素。结果显示,在小于0.1 Hz频段乌力吉地震台台基噪声值明显大于乌加河地震台,说明地震计在小于0.1 Hz 频段受环境温度影响的特征较显著;在大于1 Hz频段2个台站台基噪声值均有台阶性升高频段,这是由在该频段台基噪声受人为活动影响所致。  相似文献   

利用剪切位错点源作为震源模型,采用横向均匀的水平层状介质模型作为地壳近似模型,使用F-K波数积分法计算格林函数并拟合理论地震图.在已有理论方法的基础上,利用国家数字地震台网所记录的宽频带数字资料,选取了2002~2003年间发生在国内Ms≥5.4的5个地震事件进行震源机制解测定.并且,将测定结果与HRV的矩心矩张量解、USGS的地震矩张量解、中国地震信息网的速报震源机制解分别进行了对比,通过实际计算表明测定结果是可靠的.从而初步验证了在中国国家数字地震台网中使用F-K波数积分法测定震源机制解的可行性和准确性.  相似文献   

通过对地震计数学模型的详细分析,阐明了不同形式的反馈网络在地震计中的不同作用,结果表明:①机械部分对反馈式地震计频率特性的影响在一定条件下可以忽略。②地震计的类型和通频带由反馈网络决定。③反馈扩大地震计的动态范围,降低了地震计的分辨率。④反馈系统对地震计的信噪比没有影响。  相似文献   

对东北深震震相特征和地震参数的对比分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
对兰州地震台数字化和模拟记录并行期间,发生在中国东北的2个具有典型深震特征的中强地震,进行了数字与模拟(DK1)记录对比分析,以便快速、准确的速报其地震参数,提高兰州地震台对深震的快速反应能力.  相似文献   

分析了相邻井下、地表地震计记录的背景噪声及近震、远震波形特征,以及相关的振幅谱及近震、远震接收函数波形特征.结果表明,井下地震计记录的背景噪声比地表地震计小1个数量级,其近震、远震波形记录较清晰、简洁;井下、地表地震计记录的远震振幅谱和径向接收函数具有较好的一致性,但背景噪声、近震振幅谱、近震接收函数、远震切向接收函数...  相似文献   

Baseflow in the Andes is commonly considered to be related with the release of water stored in páramos. Páramo is the predominant ecosystem above 3500 m a.s.l. and is characterized by a rainy and cold climate with low evapotranspiration. However, this baseflow concept is based on hydrological process studies in small Andean catchments of a few square kilometre with a homogeneous land cover. Middle‐sized Andean catchments, like the subcatchments of Tarqui and Yanuncay, Ecuador, are rarely homogeneous or uniformly covered by páramo. The objectives of this study are therefore to investigate baseflow characteristics in heterogeneous Andean catchments and to identify relationships between baseflow processes and physical characteristics such as storage and recharge. Hereby, the contribution to baseflow of páramo and other sources such as alluvial aquifers is quantified. This study uses nonlinear recession analysis, physically based filters and digital filters for comparison of baseflow of neighbouring but distinct subcatchments. The Yanuncay subcatchment shows a clearly different storage capacity and recession. The storage capacity of Yanuncay is 50% higher than for Tarqui because of its higher coverage of páramo. On the other hand, considerable storage capacity has also been found in the Tarqui subcatchment, which has a limited páramo area but a significant alluvial aquifer. It is shown that improved understanding of the specific baseflow characteristics such as storage and recharge and its relationships to the heterogeneity of the land cover in Andean catchments will lead to a better assessment of the water resources and give new insights for effective management actions. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A method of correcting the seismometers’ responses discrepancy for differential measurements of strains and rotations in the seismic far field is proposed. The method concerns differential calibration of the whole seismometers’ array by electric current. A model of corrective filtering of the obtained differential signals in the Z domain is given. Two methods of the filter parameters’ estimation are introduced; they are based on the seismometers response to the calibration. A practical test of the methods — an analysis of a recorded seismic event — is added. Significant reduction of differences between simultaneous seismic recordings was obtained, which is interpreted as cleaning of differential signal from spurious elements.  相似文献   

根据波形形态和特性,分析爆破、压路机、夯锤造成的振动特征.结果显示,爆破波形显示瞬间脉冲形,具有较大幅值;压路机波形平稳,三分向主频范围区域较小;夯锤波形显示瞬间脉冲,但三分向主频基本相似.  相似文献   

对山西省代县地震台、灵丘地震台2套VP宽频带垂直摆倾斜仪观测资料进行分析,总结日常观测中存在的自然环境及人为干扰特征,并进行干扰识别及排除,为提高观测资料的可信度、准确捕捉震前异常提供参考。  相似文献   

强烈地震激发的地震波信息非常丰富,高频信息能量部分会在小范围短时间内迅速衰减,而低频信息特别是较低频信息能量部分则衰减较慢,会绕地球很多圈后才会消耗殆尽,从而激发地球的自由振荡.虽然地球自由振荡的固有频率不变,但不同震源机制的地震激发的地球自由振荡频率成分会随着震级、震源机制、方位等的不同而有显著差别.本文利用2008年5月12日汶川(Mw7.9)地震与2001年11月14日昆仑山(Mw7.8)地震这两个能量震级相当但震源机制不同的地震,基于地震波传播理论,考虑横向各向同性PREM地球模型并融合Crust2.0地壳模型、S20RTS地幔模型及PREM径向衰减模型,利用谱元法结合高性能并行计算,对这两次强烈地震激发的全球地震波传播进行了数值模拟,计算它们激发的地球自由振荡频谱特征差异.计算结果显示了汶川地震的逆冲-走滑特性及昆仑山地震的水平左旋走滑特征.利用理论计算得到的地震波动记录进行功率谱密度估计对比分析,研究结果显示这两次强烈地震释放的低频信息能量大小相当,但总体上看昆仑山地震释放的能量略小于汶川地震的.对比分析表明,不同地震激发的地球自由振荡模式在同一台站处的发育程度不同;同一地震激发的地球自由振荡在不同台站处记录到的振型频率成分也有很大差异.对于不同地震激发的地球自由振荡,有一些频率成分共同出现,表现为地球自由振荡功率谱能量均较大;也有一些振型由于相长干涉,仅在某些地震中被激发而得以良好发育,表现为功率谱能量明显较大;而一些振型由于相消干涉,在一些地震激发方式下被压制,表现为功率谱能量明显很小,甚至接近于0.计算结果清楚地显示了不同地震激发方式下地球振荡模式丰富而复杂的特性,需要对不同地震激发的地球振荡信息进行综合深入的分析,才能对地球内部结构尤其横向不均匀特性给予全面的科学解释.  相似文献   

1 研究背景 利用传统平板式电容传感器对曲面结构进行检测时,难以设置合适的位置,而且传感器探头与被测物体的平行度对精度有较大影响.相比之下,球形电容传感器以其非平面检测方式,在各个方向具有相同的传感特性,对特殊曲面结构进行检测时具有较大优势.球形电容传感器发展至今大致为3种:球探头形、差动型以及柔性球形电容传感器.根据...  相似文献   

国产磁通门磁力仪稳定性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
国产磁通门磁力仪(GM-3磁通门磁力仪)在全国各地磁台站推广应用,两年来,该仪器在武汉地震台工作比较稳定。本文对该仪器的基线值进行了多层线性回归分析。结果表明仪器性能比较稳定。  相似文献   

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