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Aerosol (soluble and total) iron and water-column dissolved (DFe, < 0.2 μm) and total dissolvable (TDFe, unfiltered) iron concentrations were determined in the Canary Basin and along a transect towards the Strait of Gibraltar, in order to sample across the Saharan dust plume. Cumulative dust deposition fluxes estimated from direct aerosol sampling during our one-month cruise are representative of the estimated deposition fluxes based on near surface water dissolved aluminium concentrations measured on board. Iron inventories in near surface waters combined with flux estimates confirmed the relatively short residence time of DFe in waters influenced by the Saharan dust plume (6–14 months). Enhanced near surface water concentrations of DFe (5.90–6.99 nM) were observed at the Strait of Gibraltar mainly due to inputs from metal-rich rivers. In the Canary Basin and the transect towards Gibraltar, DFe concentrations (0.07–0.76 nM) were typical of concentrations observed in the surface North Atlantic Waters, with the highest concentrations associated with higher atmospheric inputs in the Canary Basin. Depth profiles showed that DFe and TDFe were influenced by atmospheric inputs in this area with an accumulation of aeolian Fe in the surface waters. The sub-surface minimum of both DFe and TDFe suggests that a simple partitioning between dissolved and particulate Fe is not obvious there and that export may occur for both phases. At depths of around 1000–1300 m, both regeneration and Meddies may explain the observed maximum. Our data suggest that, in deep waters, higher particle concentrations likely due to dust storms may increase the scavenging flux and thus decrease DFe concentrations in deep waters.  相似文献   

Sabine Schmidt   《Marine Chemistry》2006,100(3-4):289
Over the last decade 234Th has become increasingly used to study particle transport in the ocean on a timescale of weeks. The application of 234Th is mainly focused on the determination of particle and associated carbon fluxes from oceanic surface water. However, 234Th is also suitable for investigating particle dynamic from the upper ocean down to interface sediments, as illustrated by the present work which reports unexpected behavior of 234Th in intermediate waters associated with the Mediterranean Outflow Water (MOW). Concentration profiles of dissolved 238U and 228Ra, and dissolved and particulate 234Th and 228Th were measured in the Mediterranean Outflow Water (MOW) near the Gibraltar Straits and at two sites (36°30′N–15°35′W, Nicole; 36°27′N–10°35′W, Yseult) which had hydrographic characteristics of Meddies, i.e. MOW that propagates as eddies in the Northeastern Atlantic at intermediate depths.There are marked differences in the distribution of thorium between MOW and the surrounding Atlantic waters. At the youngest Meddy Nicole salinity maximum at 1000 m depth, 234Th(total) : 238U and 228Th(total) : 228Ra activity ratios are significantly lower than radioactive equilibrium, indicating an unusual deficit of short half-life thorium nuclides. This implies an export of thorium, presumably on particles, from intermediate Meddy Nicole waters. This process is supported by an increase of particulate thorium fluxes measured in sediment traps deployed for two weeks above and within Meddy Nicole. In contrast, offshore Meddy Yseult has more typical profiles of both thorium nuclides that are nearly in equilibrium with their parents. These results indicate that at intermediate depths, the presence of MOW affects the exchange of reactive elements between particles and dissolved forms and enhances the downward flux of particles from intermediate waters in the Northeast Atlantic.  相似文献   

Large-scale CTD survey data are used to calculate the acoustic velocity in the North Tropical Atlantic. It has been stated that a characteristic feature of the vertical hydroacoustic structure in this region is associated with the presence of numerous local sound channels in the subsurface and intermediate layers. Characteristics of these channels are given and possible causes of their origin are discussed. It is shown how local acoustic waveguides affect the sound beam trajectory.Translated by V. Puchkin.  相似文献   

Chemical extraction techniques show that the majority of the arsenic in North Atlantic deep-sea sediments is associated with an iron phase compositionally similar to that found in deep-sea ferromanganese nodules (As/Fe ~ 11 · 10?4) and is probably of seawater origin. Some sediments also contain As associated with Fe oxides produced by continental weathering. A minority (~8%) of the arsenic is of detrital origin but is not associated with Fe or Mn oxides; it has a content (1.7 ppm) similar to the average crustal abundance. In the Eastern Mediterranean Sea, near-shore sediments contain As associated with land-derived Fe oxides (As/Fe ~ 2 · 10?4), but As/Fe ratios increase to ~ 13 · 10?4 in deep-sea sediments as the contribution of seawater derived arsenic becomes dominant. Arsenic is enriched in metalliferous sediments (As/Fe ~ 20?50 · 10?4) but As/P ratios of metalliferous sediments, deep-sea ferromanganese nodules and deep-ocean water are all similar. Although a hydrothermal contribution cannot be discounted, it is likely that the arsenic is also of seawater origin, suggesting that hydrothermal iron oxyhydroxides remove As more efficiently from seawater than do iron phases (goethite) in deep-sea sediments and nodules. Arsenic accumulates in deep-sea sediments (~ 6 μg cm?2 10?3 yr?1) at sediments (~ 120 μg cm?2 10?3 yr?1) at rate sufficient to balance river input input (~3 · 1010 g yr?1). These estimates give an oceanic residence time for arsenic of 1–2 · 105 yr.  相似文献   

《Progress in Oceanography》2007,72(2-3):151-163
Information on the metabolism rates of Centropages typicus and congeneric species (C. hamatus, C. furcatus, C. brachiatus and C. abdominalis) in neritic areas of the Mediterranean Sea, the North Atlantic Ocean and the Pacific Ocean are reported here. Respiration rates and excretion rates are strongly influenced by abiotic (i.e. temperature, salinity) and biotic factors (i.e. food availability and composition). Differences in the response of respiratory rates to temperature of acclimated, acclimatized and adapted individuals are clearly observed among regions of the Mediterranean Sea and the West and East shores of the Atlantic Ocean. Food supply also strongly affects respiration and excretion rates, as well as the size, sex and stage development of the individuals. The co-measurement of these two rates allows confirmation of the omnivory or carnivory oriented feeding habits of these species. The role of this neritic genus in coastal environment is also discussed.  相似文献   

Peculiarities of the spatial distribution of intermediate Mediterranean waters (MW), which are the main source to maintain the heat and salt budgets at depths of 600–1500 m in the Atlantic Ocean, have been studied using the ARGO floats measurements database. About 75000 temperature and salinity profiles recorded by 900 ARGO floats in 2005–2014 in the Atlantic Ocean for latitudes from 20° to 50° N were used. To process these data, we used the ARGO-Based Model for Investigation of the Global Ocean (AMIGO). This technique allowed us for the first time to obtain a complete set of oceanographic characteristics up to a depth of 2000 m for different time averaging intervals (month, season, years). Joint analysis of the temperature, salinity, and velocity distributions at 700–1000 m depths made it possible to revise the distribution of MW and their penetration into the western part of the ocean across the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (MAR). It is shown that at depths of 700 and 1000 m, the Mid-Atlantic Ridge is a barrier to advective propagation of salty waters (>35.5 PSU) to the west and is transparent to fragments of destroyed intrathermocline lenses (ITL) with lower salinity (<35.4 PSU). In the Atlantic region, from 20° to 35° N and from 30° to 70° W, individual lens profiles with an anomalous salinity distribution were sought using ARGO measurements to detect ITL and its separate fragments. About 24 000 measurements from 370 ARGO floats were analyzed, and only about 3% of them showed weak salinity anomalies at 800–1200 m depths. No ITL were found from these observations. Analysis of long-term drifting of individual floats recording temperature and salinity profiles with anomalous layers made it possible to study the nature of MW transport through the MAR.  相似文献   

Within the Central waters of the North Atlantic Ocean there is a significant east–west difference in salinity, similar to that caused by Mediterranean Water at deeper levels. In this paper we hypothesize that the salinity of the Central Water is influenced by the saline Mediterranean Outflow Water, despite physical separation of the two water masses by a salinity minimum over most of the ocean basin. It is suggested that there occurs a cross-isopycnal flux of salinity from the Mediterranean Outflow Water towards the low-density Central Water (detrainment) in the eastern Gulf of Cadiz, not far from the Strait of Gibraltar, where the two water masses are in physical contact. Laboratory experiments, inverse modeling and direct current observations are applied to support the hypothesis.  相似文献   

Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) distributions along two Atlantic Meridional Transects conducted in 2005 in the region between 47°N and 34°S showed clear latitudinal patterns. The DOC concentrations in the epipelagic zone (0–100 m) were the highest (70–90 µM) in tropical and subtropical waters with stable mixed layers, and lowest (50–55 µM) at the poleward extremities of the transects due to deep convective mixing supplying low DOC waters to the surface. A decrease in DOC occurred with depth, and lowest DOC concentrations (41–45 µM) in the 100–300 m depth range were observed in the equatorial region due to upwelling of low DOC waters. A strong relationship between DOC and AOU was observed in the σt 26–26.5 isopycnal layer which underlies the euphotic zone and outcrops at the poleward extremities of the North and South Atlantic Subtropical Gyres (NASG and SASG) in the region ventilating the thermocline waters. Our observations reveal significant north–south variability in the DOC–AOU relationship. The gradient of the relationship suggests that 52% of the AOU in the σt 26–26.5 density range was driven by DOC degradation in the NASG and 36% in the SASG, with the remainder due to the remineralisation of sinking particulate material. We assess possible causes for the greater contribution of DOC remineralisation in the NASG compared to the SASG.  相似文献   

We present and assess the distribution of neon in South Atlantic and South Pacific waters, on the basis of more than 3000 mostly new neon data which were obtained primarily under the hydrographic program of the World Ocean Circulation Experiment (predominantly southern summer to fall cruises). Data precision is better than±0.5%, and the set is internally consistent within±0.3% and partly better, and compatible with reported high-quality neon values. Using suitably averaged data (precision 0.1–0.3%), we find that the total range of neon anomalies relative to a solubility equilibrium with atmospheric neon at the observed potential temperature and salinity (using the solubilities of Weiss, J. Chem. Eng. Data 16 (1971) 235) is approximately 0–4%, and below 2000 m depth, 3–4% only. We consistently observe two types of neon depth profiles, one for the temperate-latitudes ocean, which is characterized by a near-surface maximum and a minimum in Antarctic Intermediate Water, and one for the Southern Ocean that essentially displays a steady increase with depth. The neon distribution reflects the influence of air injected by submerged air bubbles, the areal distribution of atmospheric pressure, seasonal temperature changes in the mixed layer and solar heating below it, and interaction with sea ice and glacial ice, largely in keeping with previous work. However, it appears that interaction with sea ice reduces neon anomalies distinctly less than the literature suggests. The temperate-ocean shallow maxima point to widespread subsurface heating in the course of the summer season by roughly 1 K. Among the major source water masses of the deep waters, the neon anomalies are lowest in Antarctic Intermediate Water (∼1.5%), intermediate in North Atlantic Deep Water (∼3%, confirming previous work) and similarly in Circumpolar Deep Water, and highest in Antarctic Bottom Water (∼3.8%). The anomalies in Southeast Pacific deep waters (>2500 m) are comparatively less (only∼3.3%), as a result of the contribution of Antarctic Intermediate Water. The present study is the first attempt to deal with the oceanic distribution of neon in a systematic fashion. The results can serve to assist assessments of the oceanic distributions of other dissolved gases.  相似文献   

During the August 1993 Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission's Contaminant Baseline Survey cruise to the high latitude North Atlantic, determinations of total dissolved sulfide (TDS=free sulfide, H2S(g)+HS+S2−, plus dissolved metal–sulfide complexes), free sulfide, and carbonyl sulfide (OCS) were made along a horizontal transect and at six vertical profile stations. Unlike data from lower latitudes, the distributions of OCS and TDS were remarkably uniform, with surface water OCS averaging 108 pmol/l and TDS averaging 58 pmol/l; free sulfide was below the detection limits of 5 pmol/l at all stations. The vertical profiles of both OCS and TDS show surface maxima and rapid decreases into the major thermocline. For OCS this is indicative of production via photolysis of dissolved organic sulfur compounds, while TDS may be produced from the hydrolysis of OCS. The concentrations of OCS are similar to those found in coastal waters, and suggests that these sub-polar regions may be large OCS sources to the troposphere during summer. However, it is unclear whether higher concentrations of OCS precursors, a long photo period during summer, or slow rates of removal by hydrolysis due to low temperatures are responsible for the elevated OCS levels. TDS concentrations are primarily controlled by the rate of OCS hydrolysis, production by phytoplankton, and oxidative loss by oxygen and iodate. Both of the losses are affected by trace metal complexation, and to examine this, freshly collected seawater was amended by hydrogen sulfide gas and trace metal additions, and the concentration of free sulfide monitored as a function of metal concentration. This allowed the determinations of conditional stability constants for metal sulfides, with the log Kcond of Cd(HS)+ being 8.0±0.5, 7.0±0.6 for Ni(HS)+, and 7.4±0.7 for Zn(HS)+; attempts at measuring the Kcond of Cu(HS)+ were thwarted by the apparent reduction of Cu(II) to Cu(I) by sulfide. Using these constants in an equilibrium speciation model indicates that on average about 75% of the measured TDS was free, with the remaining fraction complexed with Ni, Cd, and Zn (in order of decreasing percentages). While closer to the field observations than would be found with stability constants reported by other workers, these values are still at variance with the actual speciation (i.e., <30% free). This suggests that the stability constants for Cd, Ni, and Zn are somewhat higher than found, thus reducing the concentration of free sulfide. Nevertheless, these speciation data are important for balancing the TDS budget since the loss by iodate oxidation of free sulfide exceeds all production estimates.  相似文献   

西南大西洋阿根廷滑柔鱼资源时空分布研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过了解西南大西洋阿根廷滑柔鱼(Illexargentinus)资源丰度年间变化规律,从而对阿根廷滑柔鱼的资源可持续开发与管理打下基础。作者根据2012~2017年西南大西洋阿根廷滑柔鱼生产统计数据,利用灰色关联评价等数理方法对西南大西洋资源渔场的时空分布特征进行了分析。结果表明,2012~2017年间西南大西洋阿根廷滑柔鱼渔场重心主要在经度上分布于58°W~63°W海域,纬度主要集中在41°~44°S、47°~48°S两个区域,高平均网次产量(10 t/网)的海域主要在57°W~67°W、41°S~42°S和57°W~67°W、44°S~50°S海域。灰色关联度表明:6年间,以2015年滑柔鱼资源状况最好,其次是2014年,2012年最差,2013年、2016年和2017年处于中间水平。利用灰色关联分析的阿根廷滑柔鱼资源丰度变化趋势可用于其资源的可持续开发与管理。  相似文献   

Despite the fact that marine viruses have been increasingly investigated in the last decade, knowledge on virus abundance, biomass and distribution in mesopelagic and bathypelagic waters is limited. We report here the results of a large-spatial-scale study (covering more than 3000 km) on the virioplankton distribution in epi-, meso- and bathypelagic waters in 19 areas of the Mediterranean Sea, from the Alboran Sea and Western Mediterranean, to the Tyrrhenian Sea, Sicily Channel and Ionian Sea. Integrated viral abundance in epipelagic waters was significantly higher than in deep-sea waters (on average, 2.4 vs. 0.5×1012 viruses m−3). However, abundance of viruses in the deep-Mediterranean waters was the highest reported so far for deep seas worldwide (7.0 and 3.1×1011 viruses m−3 in mesopelagic and bathypelagic waters, respectively) and their biomass accounted for 13–18% of total prokaryotic C biomass. The significant relationship between viral abundance and prokaryotic abundance and production in deep waters suggests that also deep-sea viruses are closely dependent on the abundance and metabolism of their hosts. Moreover, virus to prokaryote (and nucleoid-containing cell (NuCC)) abundance ratio increased with increasing depths suggesting that deep waters may represent optimal environments for viral survival or proliferation. Overall, our results indicate that deep waters may represent a significant reservoir of viruses and open new perspectives for future investigations of viral impact on the functioning of meso-bathypelagic ecosystems.  相似文献   

The information on the composition and distribution of present-day pycnogonids in different regions of the World Ocean and, especially, in the northern part of the Atlantic Ocean acquired during the past decades allowed us to perform a biogeographical analysis of these animals, which represent a permanent component of bottom communities. For 34 species of sea spiders (Pycnogonida) found in the North Atlantic deeper than 2 km, ten types of geographical distribution were recognized. Half of the species identified represent Atlantic forms, and 41% of them are endemic forms with West-Atlantic, East-Atlantic, amphi-Atlantic, and central-Atlantic distributions. The other half of the deep-sea Atlantic species have broad geographical ranges. Among them, 11.7% are Atlantic-Pacific species, 14.7% dwell in the Atlantic and West Pacific, 8.9% are low-latitudinal panocaanic species, and 14.7% are panoceanic species able to penetrate to higher latitudes. The zoogeographical species composition shows a significant independence of this fauna in the northern Atlantic Ocean and its relation to the Pacific and Indian oceans. At present, these relations are probably maintained via the temperate latitudes of the Southern Hemisphere and via the Drake Passage; meanwhile, it seems that, previously, they were realized possibly via the ancient Tethys Ocean.  相似文献   

The intermediate water masses in the eastern Atlantic Ocean between 31°N and 53°N were studied by analysis of the distributions of potential temperature, salinity, dissolved nutrients and oxygen. Sub-surface salinity minima are encountered everywhere in the area. At the northern and southern boundary they are connected with the presence of Sub-Arctic Intermediate Water and Antarctic Intermediate Water, respectively, but towards the European ocean margin the sub-surface salinity minima shift to shallower density levels. The sub-surface salinity minima observed west of the Iberian Peninsula represent a water mass formed by winter convection in the Porcupine Sea Bight and the northern Bay of Biscay. These minima gain salt by diapycnal mixing with the underlying Mediterranean Sea Outflow water and with the overlying permanent thermocline. The core of Antarctic Intermediate Water appears to contribute to the formation of Mediterranean Sea Outflow Water since it becomes entrained into the overflow near Gibraltar. This entrainment gives rise to an enhanced concentration of the nutrients in the Mediterranean water in the North Atlantic. The deep salinity minimum, due to the presence of Labrador Sea Water, is restricted mainly to the Porcupine Abyssal Plain. In the Bay of Biscay this water type is strongly modified by enhanced diapycnal mixing near the continental slope. At all intermediate levels the continental slope in the Bay of Biscay seems to be a focal point for water mass modification by diapycnal mixing. Below the core of the Mediterranean Sea Outflow Water the Labrador Sea Water is also strongly modified. Its salinity is strongly enhanced by diapycnal mixing with the overlying core of Mediterranean Sea Outflow Water. An analysis of the oxygen and nutrient data indicates that the large spatial concentration differences at the level of the Labrador Sea Water are caused mainly by ageing of the water. The youngest water is observed at 52°N, and, especially in the Bay of Biscay and off south-west Portugal, the water at levels of about 1700 dbar are strongly enriched in nutrients and depleted in oxygen.  相似文献   

《Marine Geology》1999,153(1-4):41-55
The oxygen and carbon stable isotope compositions of the present-day Mediterranean waters have been measured in order to evaluate their variability, which is related to the specific climatic and hydrological conditions within the basin. The experimental equation between the δ18O value and the salinity of water, based on 300 measurements on surface, intermediate, and deep waters sampled during the VICOMED 2 and 3 cruises in the western, central and eastern Mediterranean, has a slope of 0.27, a value which is significantly lower than the slope of 0.45, as defined in the northeast Atlantic Ocean. This difference in the δ18O–salinity relationship, which occurs immediately in the Alboran basin, is basically a characteristic of the climatic regime of the Mediterranean, i.e., of an excess evaporation over fresh water input. The largest variations of these two parameters, δ18O of water and δ13C of ∑CO2, are observed in the surface waters, mostly in the western Mediterranean. This evolution mirrors the progressive eastward restriction, which separates the less-evaporated and more-productive western basins from the more-evaporated and less-productive eastern basins. The intermediate waters constitute a homogeneous layer. However, their δ18O values decrease eastward by 0.35‰ at maximum, due to progressive dilution by mixing with overlying and underlying water masses; their δ13C values decrease also eastward by 0.35‰ at maximum, due to an increasing input of nutrients issued from the regeneration of sinking organic particles. The deep waters have similar δ18O values but slightly higher δ13C values (often by less than 0.1‰) than the overlying intermediate waters, indicating generally well ventilated conditions due to active winter convection.  相似文献   

Numerical experiments with the circulation model of the North Atlantic based on the splitting algorithms in the σ-coordinate system with a spatial resolution allowing for reproducing synoptic eddies were performed in two versions: with the Arctic Ocean and without it (boundary along 78°N). They showed that the account for the water exchange with the Arctic is fundamentally important for reproducing jet dynamics at the western boundary of the Atlantic down to the subtropical zone. The influence of the conditions at the liquid boundary that separates the Atlantic and the Arctic extends not only over the subarctic area [29] but is also “transferred” by the Labrador Current and the Slope Water Current (SWC) to the area of the Gulf Stream proper. One cannot properly describe the detachment of the Gulf Stream from the coast without adequate reproducing of the Labrador Current and SWC. An hypothesis is posed that the location of the detachment region at 35°N is caused by strong vertical motions at the interface between the SWC and the Gulf Stream jet with horizontal velocities that are almost equal to those at the exit from the Florida Strait. A comparison of the model circulation with that retrieved from the hydrological data and the drift of neutral buoyancy floats [14, 22] showed both qualitative and quantitative coincidences of the features of the northward warm water transfer such as the streamline around the so-called northwestern “corner” (motion “along the topography”) and the jet-wise transport of these waters from Labrador to the northeast inside a kind of “pipeline,” which is limited in the upper baroclinic layer 1 km thick by mean velocity contour lines of about 10 cm/s. A comparison between the experimental [19] and model fields of the ocean level showed that, at the absence of direct representation of the water (mass) exchange between the Atlantic and the Arctic Ocean, the decrease of the gradient velocities in the Gulf Stream may reach 30%.  相似文献   

With a limited number of properties (salinity, temperature, total dissolved inorganic carbon, total alkalinity, and oxygen) from a recent cruise in the tropical Atlantic Ocean, we use the simple and recent approach TrOCA (Tracer combining Oxygen, inorganic Carbon, and total Alkalinity) to estimate the distribution of anthropogenic CO2 along three latitudinal sections. In order to assess the quality of the anthropogenic CO2 distribution, results from the method are compared to the CFC-11 measurements. We discuss the large-scale distribution of the main water masses of the tropical Atlantic Ocean in the light of the anthropogenic CO2 and the CFC-11 distributions. Keeping in mind that the anthropogenic CO2 emission began 60 years earlier than that of CFC-11, the former provides new insight on the local circulation and efficiency of the tropical waters to store the atmospheric carbon.  相似文献   

A workshop held in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, brought together marine policy makers, resource users and experts to discuss spatial planning in the marine environment. Participants explored concepts of ocean zoning and learned from other jurisdictions and related integrated management initiatives. An ocean user perspectives panel featured plenary addresses on the significance of ocean zoning to various sectors. Discussions at the workshop emphasized the need for involving all key players and clearly defining terms used in the spatial planning process.  相似文献   

The activities of two hydrolytic enzymes (leucine aminopeptidase and β glucosidase), belonging to the particle-bound enzymatic fraction, were measured in open-sea surface waters. Samples were collected along a transect crossing the Indian Ocean during the early NW monsoon period (November and December 2001). The latitudinal pattern of the ectoenzymatic activities highlighted a generally increasing trend of glycolysis approaching the equator, with significantly higher β glucosidase activity (0.79–3.00 nmol l−1 h−1) within the latitudinal range from 12°N to 16°S. In this area, the surface waters coming from the Indonesian Throughflow and the Bay of Bengal carry a considerable quantity of carbohydrates (38.9–41.9 μg l−1), which stimulated glycolytic activity and its cell-specific rates scaled to bacterial abundance. On the other hand, in the Central Indian Ocean, the proteolytic activity was considerable (0.91–2.03 nmol l−1 h−1), although the particulate proteins did not show significant increases and the dissolved proteinlike signal was one of the lowest of the entire transect (0.7 mg l−1 on average compared to the 1.4–1.6 mg l−1 of the adjacent areas). Therefore, in this area, the two ectoenzymes studied did not respond to the same stimulatory effect (namely the specific substrate concentrations). The time needed for the hydrolysis of macromolecules within the particulate and dissolved organic substrate fractions, although these measures are affected by a number of assumptions starting with the potential nature of the ectoenzymatic determinations, confirms these observations. The Central Indian Ocean displayed the lowest values, from 8 to 26 days for particulate and dissolved organic carbon, respectively. As observed in the equatorial areas of the Atlantic Ocean, the relevant degradation activity of the central area of the Indian Ocean Basin suggests a notable heterotrophy based on a faster turnover of organic substrates.  相似文献   

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