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Broodstock of Verasper moseri (Jordan and Gilbert) aged 3–4 years old were selected, and reinforced cultivation was conducted to promote maturation under controlled water temperature and photoperiod conditions. Fertilized eggs were obtained by artificial fertilization, and the development of embryos, larvae and juveniles was observed continuously. The results showed that the fertilized eggs of V. moseri were spherical, with transparent yolk and homogeneous bioplasm, and had no oil globule inside. The average diameter of the eggs was 1.77±0.02 mm. The eggs of V. moseri were buoyant in water with salinity above 35. The cleavage type was typical discoidal. Young pigment cells appeared when olfactory plates began to form. Hatching occurred at 187 h after fertilization at a water temperature of 8.5°C. The newly hatched larvae, floating on the water surface, were transparent with an average total length of 4.69±0.15 mm. During the cultivation period, when the water temperature was raised from 9 to 14.5°C, 4-day old larvae showed more melanophores on the body surface, making the larvae gray in color. The pectoral fins began to develop, which enabled the larvae to swim horizontally and in a lively manner. On days 7–8, the digestive duct formed. The yolk sac was small and black. The yolk sac was absorbed on day 11. Larvae took food actively, and body length and body height clearly increased. The rudiments of dorsal and anal fin pterygiophores were discernible and caudal fin ray elements formed on day 19. On day 24, the larval notochord flexed upwards, and the rays of unpaired fins began to differentiate. Pigment cells converged on the dorsal and anal fin rays, and the mastoid teeth on the mandible appeared. On day 29, the left eyes of juveniles began to move upwards. Depigmentation began in some juveniles and they became sandy brown in color on day 37. Most juveniles began to settle on the bottom of the tank. The left eyes of juveniles migrated completely to the right side on day 50, when the average body length attained 2.5±0.18 cm, and juveniles accomplished metamorphosis to young. The embryonic and larval characters of several flounder species are compared.  相似文献   

A novel continuous ovary cell line from barfin flounder(Verasper moseri)(BFO cell line) was established with its primitive application in transgenic expression demonstrated in this study. Primarily cultured cells grew well at 22℃ in Dulbecco's modified Eagle medium/F12 medium(DMEM/F12, 1:1; p H 7.2) supplemented with 20% fetal bovine serum(FBS), carboxymethyl chitooligosaccharide, basic fibroblast growth factor(b FGF) and insulin-like growth factor-I(IGF-I). The primary BFO cells in fibroblastic morphology proliferated into a confluent monolayer about 2 weeks later, and were able to be subcultured. Impacts of medium and temperature on the growth of the cells were examined. The optimum growth was found in DMEM/F12 with 20% FBS and at 22℃. The BFO cells can be continuously subcultured to Passage 120 steadily with a population doubling time of 32.7 h at Passage 60. Chromosome analysis revealed that 72% of BFO cells at Passage 60 maintained the normal diploid chromosome number(46) with a normal karyotype of 2st+44t. The results of gene transformation indicated that green fluorescence protein(GFP) positively expressed in these cells after being transformed with pc DNA3.1-GFP. Therefore, a continuous and transformable BFO cell line was successfully established, which may serve as a useful tool for cytotechnological manipulation and transgenic modification of this fish.  相似文献   

Interleukin-1 beta(IL-1β) is a cytokine involved in the control of inflammatory responses.The functions of IL-1β have been extensively studied in many vertebrates.However,few studies focused on the functions of IL-1β in the spotted halibut(Verasper variegatus),an endangered aquatic fish that easily suffers from bacterial and viral infections.We first cloned and sequenced the IL-1β gene from V.variegatus(Vv IL-1β).Its conservative interleukin-1 propeptide and interleukin-1/18 domains corresponding regions,characteristics of the IL-1 protein family and TA-rich motifs relating to inflammatory responses were similar to those of the IL-1β genes from other teleost and mammals.The phylogenetic analysis showed that Vv IL-1β was homologous to the IL-1β gene of other vertebrates.Treatment with pathogen-associated molecular patterns(PAMPs) induced a significant and rapid up-regulation of Vv IL-1β expression in the peripheral blood leukocytes(PBLs),revealing that Vv IL-1β is actively involved in the host immune responses against bacterial and viral pathogens.The expression level of Vv IL-1β was relatively high in the PBLs,gill,and intestine,indicating the immunological function of Vv IL-1β.Vv IL-1β also had interesting expression patterns at specific developmental stages,implying that the IL-1β of flatfishes may have some novel functions during embryonic development and metamorphosis.The 3 D structure prediction also provided information about how Vv IL-1β interacts with its receptor protein.These results suggested that Vv IL-1β may have multiple functions in V.variegatus and provided us valuable information for understanding the novel functions of IL-1β.  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTION Pelteobagrus fulvidraco (Richardson, 1846) or yellow catfish is slender and scaleless with a gently sloping dorsal profile from anterior to posterior. It is generally black-brown to black-yellow on the back, light yellow on the belly, with …  相似文献   

Although amphioxus is widespread in temperate and tropical seas, its population is diminishing because of environmental pollution. To keep the population of this evolutionarily important animal from diminishing, study on its reproduction and development is necessary. The main findings in this study on the spawning and fecundity of the amphioxus reared in laboratory and its larval development are as follows. 1. Water temperature markedly affected the spawning. It spawned only when water temperature reached 21°C. 2. Spawning of the amphioxus in laboratory was markedly extended. Initially, the amphioxus spawned at about 7:00 PM, but spawning time was postponed as spawning days went on. 3. The number of eggs produced by a female ranged from 1400 to 12800, average of 5800. This also represents the fecundity of the amphioxus because it shedded all eggs within the ovary at a time. 4. During the first few months of life of the amphioxus, its growth rate changed seasonally. The growth rate in summer and fall was greater than that in winter. 5. The pelagic larva became a benthic adult after 50 days. 6. The amphioxus reared in laboratory from fertilized eggs could produce fertile eggs and sperms. These findings can be a foundation for measures to address the problem of diminishing amphioxus population. Contribution No. 2274 from the Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences This work was supported by CNNSF, and Chinese Academy of Sciences.  相似文献   

The retinal structure and visual acuity in Japanese flounderParalichthys olivaceus at different stages of development were examined by light microscopy. The resolving power of the retina, the visual axis and the best visual field were estimated based on the distribution of cone cells in the retina. The visual system of the larvae appears poorly developed at hatching. The larvae with total length (TL) of less than 10 mm, have single cones only and the eyes were well pigmented. At 10–11 mm TL, most single cones fused to form double cones, with the single and double cones forming a mosaic pattern. From larvae to early juvenile the retina stretches, the cones increase in diameter and rods increase in number. Based on the highest density of the cones in the ventro-temporal region, the visual axis was orientated upforward. The resolving power of the retina in 40–530 mm TL Japanese flounder was found to range from 25.1 to 11.5 min. The results indicated continual improvements in the visual system of the growing fish towards higher resolving power, visual acuity and sensitivity. Project 39970578 supported by the NSFC, and also supported by the Ministry of Education Foundation for University Key Teachers.  相似文献   

To reveal the key factor in self-healing from LCDV (lymphocystis disease virus)-infec Japanese flounder (Paralichthys olivaceus), serum proteins from self-healing and sick Japanese floun were separated by two-dimensional electrophoresis to screen differentially expressed proteins. Prot spots demonstrating changes greater than two-fold in the expression level were digested and furt identified in capillary liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS). Two immuni relevant proteins were thus identified as transferrin and the complement component C3 of Japan flounder. These findings suggest that the two proteins may play important roles in the self-healing lymphocystis in Japanese flounder. This is an important theoretical foundation to promote self-healing LCDV-infected Japanese flounder by improving their innate immunity.  相似文献   

Population, seasonal abundance of the mysidIndomysis annandalei Tattersal (1914) from Karachi waters (northern Arabian Sea) are studied. Occurrence of breeding females is noted and developmental stages are described.  相似文献   

To understand mercury (Hg) toxicity in marine fish, we measured Hg accumulation in juvenile Japanese flounder (Paralichthys olivaceus) and assessed the effects on growth and antioxidant responses. After Hg exposure (control, 5, 40, and 160 μg/L Hg) for 28 d, fish growth was significantly reduced. The accumulation of Hg in fish was dose-dependent and tissue-specific, with the maximum accumulation in kidney and liver, followed by gills, bone, and muscle. Different antioxidants responded differently to Hg exposure to cope with the induction of lipid peroxidation (LPO), which was also tissue-specific and dosedependent. As Hg concentration increased, superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase (CAT) activities increased significantly, whereas glutathione S-transferase (GST) activity and glutathione (GSH) levels decreased significantly in the gills. SOD and glutathione peroxidase (GPx) activities and the GSH level increased significantly in the liver. SOD activity and GSH levels increased significantly, but CAT activity decreased significantly with an increase in Hg concentration in the kidney. LPO was induced significantly by elevated Hg in the gills and kidney but was least affected in the liver. Therefore, oxidative stress biomarkers in gills were more sensitive than those in the liver and kidney to Hg exposure. Thus, the gills have potential as bioindicators for evaluating Hg toxicity in juvenile flounder.  相似文献   

To investigate the effects of salinity on early development of Chinese mitten crab(Eriocheir sinensis),and the salinity tolerance mechanism of embryos,different developmental stages of embryos(gastrula,eyespot and pre-hatching stage),and hatched stage I zoea and megalopa,were exposed to a range of salinities(1,5,10,15(control),20,25,30,35 and 40).Hatching,survival and molting were monitored.Effects of 24-hour hypersaline(35)and hyposaline(1)stress on egg diameter,water content,Na~+/K~+-ATPase(NKA)activity,and crustacean hyperglycemic hormone(CHH)gene mRNA expression in embryos and megalopa,are reported.Embryos are more tolerant of low(≤5)than high(≥25)salinities,with optimum ranges for gastrula and pre-hatching stage embryos being 5-20,and for eyespot embryo and stage I zoea,10-20.Most megalopa can molt to the first juvenile instar by day 5 at salinities between 1 and 40,whereas molting of megalopa stages was delayed at 40.Hypersaline conditions resulted in a loss of moisture,reduction of egg volume,and a significant increase in NKA activity and CHH mRNA expression at some developmental stages.Hyposaline conditions did not affect moisture content or egg volume,but resulted in decreased NKA activity and CHH mRNA expression in embryos.For megalopa stages,NKA activity was significantly upregulated following both hypo-and hypersaline stress.Our results suggest high salinity will inhibit development and hatching of E.sinensis embryos,and low salinity will affect the survival of their stage I zoea.Increased NKA activity in embryos and megalopa stages might indicate a hyporegulation response under hypersaline conditions.These findings provide useful information for spawning ground protection of indigenous E.sinensis and enrich the knowledge of embryonic tolerance mechanisms of hyperregulating crustaceans following osmotic stress.  相似文献   

盐度对管角螺胚胎发育的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
在水温25.5~29.2℃的条件下,设11个盐度梯度对管角螺[Hemifusus tuba(Gmelin)]的胚胎发育进行了观察和研究。结果显示:管角螺胚胎发育的适宜盐度范围为22~35,最适盐度范围为25~31;在适宜的盐度范围内,7~9 d发育的胚胎能完全消耗卵囊内的败育卵变为自身发育的营养物质,13~15 d形成稚螺雏形,31~34 d胚胎完成发育从卵囊内爬出;适宜盐度范围内各盐度对正常卵发育数量、孵化率无显著影响。低于其适宜盐度范围,胚胎发育在初始阶段便受抑制,盐度为16~19只有部分正常卵发育,需34~36 d才完成胚胎发育;高于适宜盐度范围的38、41两组,在6 d内对胚胎发育无影响,但6 d后影响显著。低盐度对胚胎发育影响较高盐度更为明显。  相似文献   

Yan  Taiming  Hu  Jiaxiang  Cai  Yueping  Xiong  Sen  Yang  Shiyong  Wang  Xiongyan  He  Zhi 《中国海洋湖沼学报》2017,35(5):1197-1204
Laboratory-reared Schizothorax davidi larvae and juveniles were examined to assess the formation and characteristics of David’s schizothoracin otoliths.Otolith development was observed and their formation period was verifi ed by monitoring larvae and juveniles of knownage.The results revealed that lapilli and sagittae developed before hatching,and the first otolith increment was identified at 2 days post hatching in both.The shape of lapilli was relatively stable during development compared with that of sagittae;however,growth of four sagittae and lapilli areas was consistent,but the posterior area grew faster than the anterior area and the ventral surface grew faster than the dorsal surface.Similarly,the sum length of the radius of the anterior and posterior areas on sagittae and lapilli were linearly and binomially related to total fish length,respectively.Moreover,daily deposition rates were validated by monitoring knownage larvae and juveniles.The increase in lapilli width was 1.88±0.080 0μm at the ninth increment,which reached a maximum and the decreased gradually toward the otolith edge,whereas that of sagittae increased more slowly.These results illustrate the developmental biology of S.davidi,which will aid in population conservation and fish stock management.  相似文献   

MyoD,Myf5,and myogenin are myogenic regulatory factors that play important roles during myogenesis.It is thought that MyoD and Myf5 are required for myogenic determination,while myogenin is important for terminal differentiation and lineage maintenance.To better understand the function of myogenic regulatory factors in muscle development of flounder,an important economic fish in Asia,real-time quantitative RT-PCR was used to characterize the expression patterns of MyoD,Myf5, and myogenin at early stages of embryo development,and in different tissues of the adult flounder.The results show that,Myf5 is the first gene to be expressed during the early stages of flounder development, followed by MyoD and myogenin.The expressions of Myf5,MyoD,and myogenin at the early stages have a common characteristic:expression gradually increased to a peak level,and then gradually decreased to an extremely low level.In the adult flounder,the expression of the three genes in muscle is much higher than that in other tissues,indicating that they are important for muscle growth and maintenance of grown fish.During embryonic stages,the expression level of MyoD might serve an important role in the balance between muscle cell differentiation and proliferation.When the MyoD expression is over 30%of its highest level,the muscle cells enter the differentiation stage.  相似文献   

MyoD, Myf5, and myogenin are myogenic regulatory factors that play important roles during myogenesis. It is thought that MyoD and Myf5 are required for myogenic determination, while myogenin is important for terminal differentiation and lineage maintenance. To better understand the function of myogenic regulatory factors in muscle development of flounder, an important economic fish in Asia, real-time quantitative RT-PCR was used to characterize the expression patterns of MyoD, Myf5, and myogenin at early stages of embryo development, and in different tissues of the adult flounder. The results show that, Myf5 is the first gene to be expressed during the early stages of flounder development, followed by MyoD and myogenin. The expressions of Myf5, yoD, and myogenin at the early stages have a common characteristic: expression gradually increased to a peak level, and then gradually decreased to an extremely low level. In the adult flounder, the expression of the three genes in muscle is much higher than that in other tissues, indicating that they are important for muscle growth and maintenance of grown fish. During embryonic stages, the expression level of MyoD might serve an important role in the balance between muscle cell differentiation and proliferation. When the MyoD expression is over 30% of its highest level, the muscle cells enter the differentiation stage.  相似文献   

Lymphocystis disease, caused by the lymphocystis disease virus (LCDV), is a significant worldwide problem in fish industry causing substantial economic losses. In this study, we aimed to develop the DNA vaccine against LCDV, using DNA vaccination technology. We evaluated plasmid pEGFP-N2-LCDV1.3 kb as a DNA vaccine candidate. The plasmid DNA was transiently expressed after liposome transfection into the eukaryotic COS 7 cell line. The distribution and expression of the DNA vaccine (pEGFP-N2-LCDV1.3kb) were also analyzed in tissues of the vaccinated Japanese flounder by PCR, RT-PCR and fluorescent microscopy. Results from PCR analysis indicated that the vaccine-containing plasmids were distributed in injected muscle, the muscle opposite the injection site, the hind intestine, gill, spleen, head, kidney and liver, 6 and 25 days after vaccination. The vaccine plasmids disappeared 100 d post-vaccination. Fluorescent microscopy revealed green fluorescence in the injected muscle, the muscle opposite the injection site, the hind intestine, gill, spleen, head, kidney and liver of fish 48 h post-vaccination, green fluorescence did not appear in the control treated tissue. Green fluorescence became weak at 60 days post-vaccination. RT-PCR analysis indicated that the mcp gene was expressed in all tested tissues of vaccinated fish 6–50 days post-vaccination. These results demonstrate that the antigen encoded by the DNA vaccine is distributed and expressed in all of the tissues analyzed in the vaccinated fish. The antigen would therefore potentially initiate a specific immune response. the plasmid DNA was injected into Japanese flounder (Paralichthys olivaceus) intramuscularly and antibodies against LCDV were evaluated. The results indicate that the plasmid encoded DNA vaccine could induce an immune response to LCDV and would therefore offer immune protection against LCD. Further studies are required for the development and application of this promising DNA vaccine.  相似文献   

Lymphocystis disease,caused by the lymphocystis disease virus (LCDV),is a significant worldwide problem in fish industry causing substantial economic losses.In this study,we aimed to develop the DNA vaccine against LCDV,using DNA vaccination technology.We evaluated plasmid pEGFP-N2-LCDV1.3 kb as a DNA vaccine candidate.The plasmid DNA was transiently expressed after liposome transfection into the eukaryotic COS 7 cell line.The distribution and expression of the DNA vaccine (pEGFP-N2-LCDV1.3kb) were also ana...  相似文献   

Conspecific foot mucus, excessive [K+] and gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) showed different metamorphosis-inductive effect on the veliger ofHaliotis discus hannai. The inductive effect of excessive [K+] and GABA was developmental stage-dependent and dose-dependent, while that of conspecific foot mucus was only developmental stage-dependent. At 20°C the veliger larvae became competent within 4 days after fertilization.H. discus hannai larvae showed gregarious settlement pattern on the conspecific foot mucus under the conditions of either presence or absence of KCl or GABA. The present studies showed that the effect of conspecific foot mucus on abalone larvae metamorphosis could be dose-independent.  相似文献   

The early effects of chromosomal manipulation of eggs and sperm on the yields of trip-loid and gynogenefic diploid larvae of Paralichthys olivaceus were investigated. Triploidy was achieved by cold shocking fen.ilized eggs at 0 - 2℃ for 45 minutes duration 5 minutes after fen.ilization, and the in-duced triploidy rates were 31.2% - 50% and the relative hatching rates were 53.3% - 99%. Gynnge-aetic diploids were obtained when eggs were inseminated with irradiated sperm and cold shocked at 0 -2℃ for 45 minutes duration 5 minutes after fertihzation. The induced gynogenetic diploid rates and the relative hatching rates were 94 % - 96 % and 48.5 % - 68.5 % respectively. The embryonic development of the triploid experimental group and of the gynogenetic diploid experimental group was delayed at first compared with the control group. But from the gastrula stage, it was not delayed anymore. There were no significant differences in the growth of the triploid experimental group larvae and the control group larvae, and in the growth of the gynogenetic diploid experimental group larvae and the control group larvae ac-cording to Student‘s t-test (α = 0.05). The relationship between the early growth of the triploid experi-mental group larvae and that of gynogenetic diploid experimental group larvae was also studied.  相似文献   

An 8-week feeding trial was conducted to investigate the effects of dietary soy isoflavones on feeding intake,growth performance,and digestion of juvenile Japanese flounder(Paralichthys olivaceus).Four isonitrogenous(49% crude protein) and isoenergetic(20.1 MJ kg-1) diets were formulated to contain four graded levels of soy isoflavones,namely,0,1,4 and 8 g soy isoflavones in 1 kg of diet.Each diet was randomly fed to triplicate tanks of fish(Initial average weight:2.58 g ± 0.01 g),and each tank was stocked with 35 fish.No significant difference was observed among diets with levels of 0,1 and 4 g kg-1 soy isoflavones in feed intake,weight gain,feed efficiency ratio(FER),proximate composition of fish whole body and apparent digestibility coefficients(ADC) of nutrients and energy(P>0.05).However,high dietary soy isoflavones level(8 g kg-1) significantly depressed weight gain,FER,whole-body crude lipid content of fish and ADC of nutrients(P<0.05).These results indicate that high level of dietary soy isoflavones(above 4 g kg-1) significantly depresses growth responses and FER of Japanese flounder.However,as the content of soy isoflavones in soybean meal is around 1 to 3 g kg-1,the adverse effects might be neglected when soybean products are used as a fish feed ingredient.  相似文献   

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