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The physical background to a suite of biological studies carried out in the Canary Islands upwelling region is presented. The area is unique in that the coastal transition zone is spanned by an archipelago of islands that shed mesoscale eddies of diameter 50–100 km into the alongshore flow. A recurrent filament and eddy system was sampled intensively to study the changing properties of waters as they are advected towards the open ocean in the filament and to investigate the exchanges between filament and eddies. The system was more complex than previously revealed. In early August, a single filament extended offshore from near Cape Juby. Two weeks later, a second filament had developed slightly farther north and extended offshore to merge with the first at 100 km offshore. The merged filament was entrained around a recurrent, topographically trapped cyclonic eddy and interacted with transient cyclonic and anticyclonic eddies shed from the island of Gran Canaria. Between the two filaments and the coast, a pair of counter-rotating eddies re-circulated water parcels for several weeks. Surface layer drifters cycled around this near-shore re-circulation several times before following convoluted paths that demonstrate significant exchange between continental shelf and open ocean waters.  相似文献   

A number of samples have been dredged from the upper parts of Amanay and El Banquete Seamounts, yet volcanic materials have been collected only on Amanay Seamount. Based on textural features and the presence or absence of kaersutite, two main types of olivine pyroxene basaltic rocks have been identified. The rocks are basanites with high enrichment in the most incompatible elements, similar to that displayed by Ocean Island Basalts. Samples from Amanay Seamount formed due to a low degree of melting of an enriched mantle, very similar to that which probably caused the Miocene volcanic activity of Fuerteventura. The age of Amanay volcanic rocks, 15.3 ± 0.4 and 13.1 ± 0.3 Ma, is similar to those of the older volcanic units exposed in the nearby islands (Gran Canaria, Fuerteventura and Lanzarote). This proves the formation of a separate submarine volcanic edifice coeval with the other edifices of the Eastern Canarian Volcanic Ridge. Volcanic activity on the submarine edifice is thought to have ceased at about 13 Ma, simultaneous with the adjacent main volcanic construction.  相似文献   

采用1977年1月至2006年12月高分辨率全球大洋环流模型OFES输出结果对琉球群岛附近海域的中尺度涡进行了研究分析。结果表明:(1)尺度较大的涡旋的分布密集区主要有台湾以东海域、琉球海沟上层海域和四国以南海域。(2)琉球海流流经海域的反气旋涡旋占优势,有利于琉球海流的发展。(3)琉球海流受中尺度涡的影响十分显著,纬度越低,其受中尺度涡的影响越明显,而黑潮相对比较稳定,受中尺度涡的影响并不显著。(4)四国以南海域暖涡从黑潮脱落之后向西南移动,该涡旋的移动对琉球海流和黑潮产生特别显著的影响。文章的最后还讨论了中尺度涡与黑潮弯曲以及琉球海流可能存在的联系。  相似文献   

The meso-scale (km) morphology of the well-studied volcanic rift zones on the Island of Hawaii is compared to the morphology of the lesser known rift zones of La Palma and El Hierro, Canary Islands. We find that there are both differences and similarities in their morphologic characteristics. In general, the rift zones on La Palma and El Hierro are shorter (a few tens of km in length) than those on Hawaii (ranging up to >100 km in length), perhaps reflecting both magma supply and composition. Many of the rift zones on Hawaii have well defined axial zones, both on-and offshore. In contrast, the rift zones on La Palma and El Hierro display various geometries ranging from linear ridges having smooth to irregular crests to structures with a broad fan-like morphology in plan view. The pronounced fanning may be a reflection of: 1) the stress field within the rift being insufficient to trap dikes within a narrow region, 2) dike injection and volcanism shifting laterally through time, 3) volcanoes building nearly one atop of another in the Canary Islands, superimposing the stress field of one structure on the other and thus yielding a more complex distribution of gravitational stresses, and 4) low rate of magma supply producing low magma pressures and thus randomly oriented dike injections. Irregularities and curvature along the axes of the rifts on La Palma and El Hierro may be a reflection of differences in the rate of magma production. Unlike the volcanoes on the Island of Hawaii there may be insufficient volumes of lavas erupted on La Palma and El Hierro to smooth out irregularities. The superposition of rifts from different volcanoes may also add to topographic irregularities in the Canary Islands, especially if eruption rates are low.  相似文献   

A shallow subtidal (3 m deep) meiofaunal assemblage in Los Abrigos Bay, Tenerife, Canary Islands was sampled during May 2000-April 2001. Themain aims were to (1) find temporal variations inmeiofaunal assemblage structure and overall abundance, as well as in the most abundant meiofaunal species throughout the study period, and (2) identify environmental variables (sedimentary composition, organic matter content, and total nitrogen) that better explain meiofaunal assemblage structure during the study year. The most abundant species were the nematodes Siphonolaimus sp. 2 and Catanema sp., which represented 46.2% of the overall meiofaunal abundances and varied significantly throughout the study duration. Overall meiofaunal abundance and the most abundant taxonomic groups (nematodes, copepods, and oligochaetes) showed significant temporal variations during the study period. Nematodes overwhelmingly dominated during the study period, ranging from 78% in May to 97.34% in February. Multivariate analyses showed seasonality inmeiofaunal community structure during the study year, with the lowest abundances in May.  相似文献   

This study contributes with the first data on physical and taxonomical structure of macrofaunal assemblages of ma¨erl beds from the Canary Islands. Ma¨erl beds and Cymodocea nodosa meadows of the Canary Islands are considered biodiversity hot-spots in terms of taxonomic and functional biodiversity with a broad geographical and depth ranges. The authors have studied the structure of the macrofaunal assemblages on different habitat types (Cymodocea, Caulerpa, sabellid field, garden eel and ma¨erl beds). Samples were taken at a range of depths between 14 and 46 m. Correlations were performed among abiotic variables (granulometry, organic matter, nitrogen and phosphates) and the most abundant taxa. Similarity analysis was performed to explore the patchiness of seabeds at a local scale. Significant differences were found in macrofaunal assemblages among seabed types, with highest abundances and lowest biodiversity in sabellid fields, where the sabellid Bispira viola dominated. The polychaetes Aponuphis bilineata and Chone filicauda and the mollusc Turritella brochii were the most abundant taxa on ma¨erl beds. The mosaic of granulometric conditions would explain the associated macroinfaunal community structure and contribute to the creation of diversity on these relatively well preserved seabeds at a local scale.  相似文献   

This work investigated the biology of Paromola cuvieri in the Atlantic Ocean, including reproductive patterns, sex structure, depth distribution and egg development. Females were more abundant than males, mainly at depths greater than 600 m. Males were dominant in size classes larger than 110 mm carapace width (CW), especially over 120 mm, for which only males were observed. The mean length of both sexes decreased with depth. P. cuvieri appears to have continuous reproduction throughout the year. Large females tend to spawn mainly between summer and winter, but smaller females spawn during the summer. Four maturity categories were identified based on the ovary colour, and these categories were histologically validated. Three categories of testes were identified according to their colour and morphology. Sexual maturity was estimated at sizes between 71.6 and 74.0 mm CW for females and at 91.0 mm CW for males. The relative growth showed changes along the ontogeny, at 73.6 mm CW (females) and 91.3–92.2 mm CW (males). Egg development appears to not be completely synchronous, and two colour patterns can be observed simultaneously. Four stages of egg development were found: eggs undivided and fully filled with yolk in orange egg masses; eggs with a free region of yolk visible in orange or red egg masses; embryos with slightly pigmented, crescent-shaped eyes in brown egg masses; and embryos with visible pigmented structures, enlarged eyes, segmented appendages and abdomen in brown egg masses. The mean number of external eggs carried by females in stage I was estimated to be 315,753±19,267. Three species of barnacle were observed on the exoskeleton: Poecilasma aurantia, Poecilasma crassa and Heteralepas microstoma (Cirripedia, Thoracica).  相似文献   

The continental slope in the northern South China Sea(SCS) is rich in mesoscale eddies which play an important role in transport and retention of nutrients and biota. In this study, we investigate the statistical properties of eddy distributions and propagation in a period of 24 years between 1993 and 2016 by using the altimeter data. A total of 147 eddies are found in the continental slope region(CSR), including 70 cyclonic eddies(CEs) and 77 anticyclonic eddies(ACEs). For those eddies that appear in the CSR, the surrounding areas of Dongsha Islands(DS) and southwest of Taiwan(SWT) are considered as the primary sources, where eddies generated contribute more than 60% of the total. According to the spatial distribution of eddy relative vorticity, eddies are weakening as propagating westward. Although both CEs and ACEs roughly propagate along the slope isobaths, there are discrepancies between CEs and ACEs. The ACEs move slightly faster in the zonal direction, while the CEs tend to cross the isobaths with large bottom depth change. The ACEs generally move further into the basin areas after leaving the CSR while CEs remain around the CSR. The eddy propagation on the continental slope is likely to be associated with mean flow at a certain degree because the eddy trajectories have notable seasonal signals that are consistent with the seasonal cycle of geostrophic current. The results indicate that the eddy translation speed is statistically consistent with geostrophic velocity in both magnitude and direction.  相似文献   

Rhines效应是指Rossby波和大湍流(中尺度涡)相互作用,将涡动能量以波的形式传播出去,从而使中尺度涡发生形变,最终消亡的一种动力学机制。本文通过比较海洋里涡特征速度和Rossby长波波速的方法,研究了一种广义的Rhines效应对高度计观测的海洋中尺度涡空间分布特征的影响。结果显示,广义Rhines效应比只考虑行星涡度梯度的传统形式对中尺度涡的分布具有更显著的影响。大部分中尺度涡分布在涡特征速度(Ue)大于由广义Beta值计算的Rossby长波波速(Ucg)的区域。这些涡可以由动能反向串级过程获取能量,成长为振幅和空间尺度较大的涡。热带海域以外的“涡旋沙漠”区域,中尺度涡的数量稀少,强度很弱,大都分布于Uecg的海域。广义Rhines效应可能是这些海域中尺度涡难以成长的动力学机制。  相似文献   

An investigation of the circulation patterns and thermohaline structures in the Delagoa Bight, Mozambique, was undertaken during May 2004, August 2004, April 2005, and April 2006, using hydrographic surveys, surface drifters and satellite imagery. Hydrographic and satellite data during May 2004 illustrated a cyclonic eddy centred at 26° S, 34.25° E in the Bight. A surface drifter remained trapped in this eddy for six weeks between 8 May and 20 June 2004 before moving southward in the Agulhas Current. During August 2004, the core of a cyclonic eddy was located south of the Bight, while no cyclonic eddy was observed during April 2005 or in April 2006. The Delagoa Bight eddy appeared to be more transient than previously thought. Important observations were the recurrent northward current (25–30 cm s?1) occurring subsurface on the shelf, and the prominence of cooler upwelled water at various locations due to the interaction of passing eddies with the bottom topography of the Bight.  相似文献   

The dynamics of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) and processes controlling net community production (NCP) were investigated within a mature cyclonic eddy, Cyclone Opal, which formed in the lee of the main Hawaiian Islands in the subtropical North Pacific Gyre. Within the eddy core, physical and biogeochemical properties suggested that nutrient- and DIC-rich deep waters were uplifted by 80 m relative to surrounding waters, enhancing biological production. A salt budget indicates that the eddy core was a mixture of deep water (68%) and surface water (32%). NCP was estimated from mass balances of DIC, nitrate+nitrite, total organic carbon, and dissolved organic nitrogen, making rational inferences about the unobserved initial conditions at the time of eddy formation. Results consistently suggest that NCP in the center of the eddy was substantially enhanced relative to the surrounding waters, ranging from 14.1±10.6 (0–110 m: within the euphotic zone) to 14.2±9.2 (0–50 m: within the mixed layer) to 18.5±10.7 (0–75 m: within the deep chlorophyll-maximum layer) mmol C m−2 d−1 depending on the depth of integration. NCP in the ambient waters outside the eddy averaged about 2.37±4.24 mmol C m−2 d−1 in the mixed layer (0–95 m). Most of the enhanced NCP inside the eddy appears to have accumulated as dissolved organic carbon (DOC) rather than exported as particulate organic carbon (POC) to the mesopelagic. Our results also suggest that the upper euphotic zone (0–75 m) above the deep chlorophyll maximum is characterized by positive NCP, while NCP in the lower layer (>75 m) is close to zero or negative.  相似文献   

The southeastern extension of the Austral Islands volcanic chain terminates near 29°S, 140°W at the active Macdonald Seamount. The hotspot region near Macdonald consists of at least five other volcanic edifices each more than 500 m high, included in an area about 50–100 km in diameter. On the basis of the sea-floor topography, the southeastern limit of the hotspot area is located about 20 km east of the base of Macdonald, where it is defined by the 3950 m isobath. At the edge of the hotspot area, there is a marked deepening of the seafloor from c.3900 m down to 4000–4300 m. The deeper sea-floor is faulted and heavily sedimented. The Macdonald volcano itself stands 3760 m above the surrounding seafloor, and has a basal diameter of 45 km. Its summit in January 1987 was 39 m below sea level, and it seems likely that Macdonald will emerge at the surface in the near future.Recent (March and November 1986) phreatic explosions on Macdonald Seamount erupted fragments of ultramafic and mafic plutonic blocks together with basic lapilli (volcaniclastic sand). The plutonic blocks have been variably altered and metamorphosed, and in some cases show signs of mineralisation (disseminated sulphides). The blocks presumably come from deeper levels in the volcanic system. The volcanics so far dredged from Macdonald consist of olivine and clinopyroxene cumulus-enriched basalts, evolved basalts, and mugearite. On the basis of incompatible element variations, simple crystal fractionation seems to be controlling the chemical evolution of Macdonald magmas.  相似文献   

The effects of marine photosynthesis and calcification on the partial pressure of carbon dioxide in seawater (P CO 2) are examined in the light of recent studies and using original model calculations. The ratio of organic carbon to inorganic carbon production (R OI) determines whether an ecosystem is a net sink or source for atmospheric CO2. TheP CO 2 maintains its initial value when the photosynthetic rate is approximately 0.6 times the calcification rate under normal sea surface condition. In case of higherR OI, theP CO 2 decreases and seawater can absorb atmospheric CO2. The ratio of organic carbon to inorganic carbon production can be used as a potential indicator of sink-source behavior in aquatic photo-calcifying systems.  相似文献   

地震作用对南海南沙群岛渚碧礁的影响研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
评估珊瑚礁的稳定性具有十分重要的意义。近年来,在中国南海海域开展了越来越多的工程建设项目。珊瑚礁是造礁石珊瑚群体死亡后其残骸经过漫长的地质作用而形成的岩土体,是一种特殊的海洋岩土介质。晚渐新世后,生长在碳酸盐台地上的珊瑚礁进入繁盛期,礁体内部可划分为5至6个主要的沉积相。同时,珊瑚礁已被认为是近代地震发生时间的记录器。文章结合南沙群岛的珊瑚礁体工程地质分带和岩体结构特征,设计了岛礁模型,研究地震对珊瑚礁的影响。在研究中,通过利用岩土工程的模拟仿真软件GeoStudio,使用Newmark滑块分析法,模拟了6种不同强度的地震作用下珊瑚礁体的受力状态和变形情况,采用极限平衡条分法计算了安全系数,并测算出可能的危险滑移面位置及滑移规模。通过模拟计算结果,得到地震作用对珊瑚礁的影响有:(1)珊瑚礁在自重状态下具有良好的稳定性;(2)地震发生后,安全系数小于1(FS<1)可能导致斜坡失稳并发生滑塌;(3)随着地震强度的增加,安全系数是降低的,且经一段时间后,安全系数围绕某特定值波动;(4)在地震作用下,作为珊瑚礁体浅层新发育的部分,更小的滑坡部位会更易发生坍塌。综上,利用岩土工程的方法对海洋中珊瑚礁体的稳定性进行评价是可行的,能够为今后岛礁工程设计的提供参考。  相似文献   

Data on the carbonate system of the Northwestern Indian Ocean obtained on a cruise of F.S. Meteor during SW monsoon in July/August 1995 were compared with those of George et al. [George, M.D., Kumar, M.D., Naqvi, S.W.A., Banerjee, S., Narvekar, P.V., de Sousa, S.N., Jayakumar, D.A., 1994. A study of the carbon dioxide system in the northern Indian Ocean during premonsoon. Mar. Chem. 47, 243–254] collected during intermonsoon. In general, deep water values agreed well between the two expeditions. Surface waters, however, showed a substantial increase in dissolved inorganic carbon (CT) in the coastal regions due to strong upwelling in the SW monsoon. This was also accompanied by very high CO2 partial pressures in surface waters. The north–south gradients in vertical profiles of the measured parameters in the Arabian Sea are discussed by comparing profiles from the oligotrophic equatorial region with those from the highly productive central Arabian Sea. The effect of denitrification on regenerated CT and AT is minor, with contributions of <9 and <8 μmol kg−1, respectively, to the total amount regenerated also utilizing oxygen. The dissolution of biogenic carbonates is discussed; different approaches to define the depth, where the dissolution starts (lysocline(s), carbonate critical depth (CCrD)), are compared together with the calculation of saturation depth from carbonate concentrations. It is shown, that small differences in measured CT and AT (found between our data and those measured during GEOSECS) and different calculation approaches to the CO2 system (different dissociation constants for species involved and taking into account phosphate and silicate concentrations) can produce pronounced differences in the calculated saturation depths. However, CT and AT data suggest substantial dissolution of biogenic carbonate in the water column even above the calcite lysocline, irrespective of the procedures followed to calculate this horizon.  相似文献   

本文报道了1986年7月至1988年10月在浙江北部中街山列岛潮间带进行的海藻定点定量调查结果,已鉴定底栖海藻94种。海藻组成以亚热带性与暖温带性种类占优势。区系性质与台湾暖流对本区的影响有关。底栖海藻的种类组成、垂直分布及生物量均存在明显的季节变化。本文对海藻生长的时空变化与某些环境因子间的关系作了分析探讨。  相似文献   

2008年在南日群岛东部海域用钻机采集长度为1 004 cm的岩芯样品,测试沉积物中总有机碳(TOC)含量、稳定碳同位素比值(δ13CTOC)、碳氮比值(C/N)、碳酸盐含量以及14C数据,分析其垂直剖面上的变化特征,阐明其沉积环境和古气候的指示意义.沉积物TOC含量变化范围为0.44%~0.74%,垂直剖面上总体显示出末次冰期和全新世中期TOC含量较高,全新世早期相对稳定,而全新世中后期TOC波动范围明显增大.C/N值在5.3~14.9之间变化,平均值为8.1;δ13CTOC值范围为-23.07‰~-21.04‰,表明沉积物中的有机质以海洋自生为主,同时混有部分陆源有机质.碳酸盐含量在3.3%~10.9%之间.TOC含量、C/N比值、δ13CTOC值在岩芯垂直剖面上具有很好的相关性.14C测年数据以及各要素测值在垂直剖面上的变化特征表明:自11 250 aBP以来该海域附近古气候有可能经历了以下4个演化阶段:①11 500~9 000 aBP期间气候寒冷、海平面下降,采样点可能为浅水区或潮间带;②9 000~8 000 aBP期间为升温期,气候由寒冷转向温暖;③8 000~4 300 aBP期间,为相对稳定的暖湿期,在后期气候出现小幅的波动;④4 300 aBP至今,气候进入明显的周期性波动期,暖湿和干冷气候多次交替变化;4 300~3 000 aBP期间为相对寒冷的时期;3 000~1 800 aBP期间为较稳定温暖期,1 800~1 000 aBP期间气温快速降低,标志着研究区进入一个新的寒冷阶段,但是自1 000 aBP以来,气候又再次出现转暖的趋势.  相似文献   

We examined the carbonate system, mainly the partial pressure of CO2 (pCO2), dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) and total alkalinity (TAlk) in the Changjiang (Yangtze) River Estuary based on four field surveys conducted in Sep.–Oct. 2005, Dec. 2005, Jan. 2006 and Apr. 2006. Together with our reported pCO2 data collected in Aug.–Sep. 2003, this study provides, for the first time, a full seasonal coverage with regards to CO2 outgassing fluxes in this world major river–estuarine system. Surface pCO2 ranged 650–1440 μatm in the upper reach of the Changjiang River Estuary, 1000–4600 μatm in the Huangpujiang River, an urbanized and major tributary of the Changjiang downstream which was characterized by a very high respiration rate, and 200–1000 μatm in the estuarine mixing zone. Both DIC and TAlk overall behaved conservatively during the estuarine mixing, and the seasonal coverage of these carbonate parameters allowed us to estimate the annual DIC export flux from the Changjiang River as ∼ 1.54 × 1012 mol. The highly polluted Huangpujiang River appeared to have a significant impact on DIC, TAlk and pCO2 in the lower reaches of the inner estuary. CO2 emission flux from the main stream of the Changjiang Estuary was at a low level of 15.5–34.2 mol m− 2 yr− 1. Including the Huangpujiang River and the adjacent Shanghai inland waters, CO2 degassing flux from the Changjiang Estuary may have represented only 2.0%–4.6% of the DIC exported from the Changjiang River into the East China Sea.  相似文献   

为了解中街山列岛的食物网结构特征,本研究于2020年7月在中街山列岛海域采集鱼类、虾蟹类、头足类、贝螺类和浮游动物等消费者样本,利用碳、氮稳定同位素技术,分析大型海藻、浮游植物、悬浮颗粒有机物(POM)和沉积物有机物(SOM)4种潜在碳源对消费者的贡献率以及中街山列岛海域的食物网结构和营养关系。结果表明:(1)碳源的δ13C值范围在−22.93‰~−9.73‰之间,δ15N值范围在1.72‰~7.68‰之间,消费者的δ13C值范围在−21.95‰~−12.55‰之间,δ15N值范围在4.13‰~12.92‰之间,不同碳源及不同消费者类群之间的碳、氮稳定同位素均有显著性差异(p<0.01);(2)应用SIBER模型计算中街山列岛海域的营养结构指标,与其他海域的研究结果对比发现,该海域生态系统的食源多样性更加丰富,营养级长度和生态位总空间较高;(3)应用SIAR模型计算碳源贡献率,结果表明浮游植物和POM是该海域的重要碳源,平均贡献率为29.63%和28.72%;浮游植物对浮游动物的贡献率最大为80.58%,POM对鱼类的贡献率最大为79.74%;SOM对虾蟹类的贡献率最大为49.94%;大型海藻对消费者的碳源贡献率最低,平均为18.37%;(4)以浮游动物为基线生物计算得知主要消费者的平均营养级在1.58~3.63之间,营养层次为3级,各种类平均营养级由大到小依次为头足类(3.09)、鱼类(3.00)、虾蟹类(2.70)、贝螺类(1.82),中街山列岛海域消费者以低、中级肉食性动物为主,杂食性和高级肉食性动物较少。本研究初步探明了中街山列岛生态系统食物网,为了解该生态系统营养结构奠定了基础,也为今后进一步研究该海域的生态营养动力学提供理论参考。  相似文献   

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