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孟加拉湾西南季风与南海热带季风的气候特征比较   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
本文运用NCAR/NCEP再分析数据和APHRO_MA_V1003R1降水数据,对比分析了孟加拉湾西南季风和南海热带季风的气候特征异同以及对降水分布的影响,得到如下结论:(1)孟加拉湾西南季风比南海热带季风爆发更早、强度更强、持续时间更久、向北推进更北.(2)孟加拉湾西南季风建立过程缓慢,主要是索马里越赤道西南气流的逐渐加强和热带印度洋ITCZ(赤道辐合带)的逐渐北移;而南海热带季风建立过程迅速,主要是东亚大槽的一次替换过程伴随西太平洋副热带高压的突然东撤和热带西太平洋ITCZ的突然北跳.(3)孟加拉湾西南风纬向分量较强,季风建立前后主要变化在于偏西风的强度;而南海西南风经向分量较强,季风建立后风向突然逆转,东南风由于副高东撤而迅速被西南风取代.(4)孟加拉湾西南季风撤退较快,而南海季风则撤退较慢.(5)根据季风进程将夏季风期划分为季风发展期(5月)、强盛期(6-8月)和减退期(9-10月).其间对流活跃区的发展和推进、季风槽的位置以及对应降水区域均有明显差异.(6)在夏季风期,孟加拉湾和南海经度上分别存在着由ITCZ北抬引起的、在季风槽对流活跃区上升而在南北两侧下沉的、南北对称分布的季风经向次级环流.由于孟加拉湾和青藏高原强大热源的存在,孟加拉湾上升区南北跨度比南海的更大;孟加拉湾经圈环流更加稳定,而南海经圈环流的南北摆动更明显;孟加拉湾上升中心区比南海的偏北;在季风减退期,由于南海ITCZ撤退较慢,其上升区比孟加拉湾上升区偏北.  相似文献   

An attempt to diagnose the dominant forcings which drive the large-scale vertical velocities over the monsoon region has been made by computing the forcings like diabatic heating fields,etc. and the large-scale vertical velocities driven by these forcings for the contrasting periods of active and break monsoon situations; in order to understand the rainfall variability associated with them. Computation of diabatic heating fields show us that among different components of diabatic heating it is the convective heating that dominates at mid-tropospheric levels during an active monsoon period; whereas it is the sensible heating at the surface that is important during a break period. From vertical velocity calculations we infer that the prime differences in the large-scale vertical velocities seen throughout the depth of the atmosphere are due to the differences in the orders of convective heating; the maximum rate of latent heating being more than 10 degrees Kelvin per day during an active monsoon period; whereas during a break monsoon period it is of the order of 2 degrees Kelvin per day at mid-tropospheric levels. At low levels of the atmosphere, computations show that there is large-scale ascent occurring over a large spatial region, driven only by the dynamic forcing associated with vorticity and temperature advection during an active monsoon period. However, during a break monsoon period such large-scale spatial organization in rising motion is not seen. It is speculated that these differences in the low-level large-scale ascent might be causing differences in convective heating because the weaker the low level ascent, the lesser the convective instability which produces deep cumulus clouds and hence lesser the associated latent heat release. The forcings due to other components of diabatic heating, namely, the sensible heating and long wave radiative cooling do not influence the large-scale vertical velocities significantly.  相似文献   

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