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With the economic and social development, desertification exerted increasingly pro-found influences on natural environment and social development and attracted widespread atten-tion of international communities, China, as one of the countries facing severe desertificationproblems, has witnessed some progress in understanding and combating the process of desertifi-cation through many years of hard work. Based on the experiences and research achievements,this paper briefly discusses the causes, developmental processes, damage assessment and con-trol mechanism of desertification in the north of China so as to provide some basic experiences forthe further study of desertification.  相似文献   

华北克拉通中部地区背景噪声成像   总被引:9,自引:10,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
利用华北地区的流动与固定地震观测台阵在2007年1月~12月期间的垂直分量记录,采用背景噪声层析成像方法获得了华北克拉通中部地区6~40 s的相速度和群速度分布图像.成像结果显示研究区地壳以及上地幔的速度结构存在很大的横向不均匀性.8~16 s的相速度以及8~20 s的群速度分布图像清晰地勾绘出华北地区盆地和隆起之间的边界.华北盆地以及山西断陷带呈明显的低速异常,表明相应区域存在较厚的沉积层并且在中、上地壳内存在低速带;而太行山隆起以及鄂尔多斯高原则呈现高速异常.相速度16~25 s以及群速度20~30 s的图像显示华北盆地由低速异常变为高速异常,表明华北盆地的地壳较薄.长周期(30~35 s)相速度图像表明华北盆地的上地幔顶部存在低速异常.华北盆地较薄的地壳和低速异常(明显低于全球平均水平),可能与该地区岩石圈减薄,软流圈物质上涌有关.8~35 s的群速度和相速度图像都显示,大同火山区是一个低速异常区,可能是由目前仍在活动的岩浆的加热而引起地壳升温造成的.  相似文献   

华北地区天然地震震相特征研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文主要分析了华北地区区域地震中6种常规震相(Pg、PmP、Pn、Sg、SmS、Sn)的基本特征,分析了华北地区东、西部分区清晰的震相特征。利用地壳分层构造特征以及理论走时计算等方法对人工震相读数结果进行了分析比较。另外还重点讨论了在华北地区区域测震台网常规震相分析工作中应该引起高度重视的深度震相sPn及其在震源深度准确测定中推广使用的可能性。  相似文献   


Sandy desertification is a land degradation characterized by wind erosion, mainly resulted from the excessive human activities in arid, semiarid and part of sub-humid regions in North China. It is one of main kinds of desertification/land degradation as well as water-soil erosion and salinization in China. Rapid and continuous spread of sandy desertification during last 50 years has created a major environmental and socio-economic problem in North China. Remote sensing monitored results in 2000 showed that the sandy desertified land area has been 38.57 × 104 km2. The area of potential to slightly sandy desertified land is 13.93 × 104 km2, moderately land 9.977 ×104 km2, severely land 7.909 × 104 k2 and very severely land 6.756 × 104 km2. Sandy desertification mainly occurs in the semi-arid mixed farming-grazing zone and its northern rangeland zone, semi-arid dryland rainfed cropping zone and arid oasis-desert margin zone. The average annually developmental rate of sandy desertified land increased from 2,100 km2 · a-1 in 1976–1988 to 3,600 km2 · a-1 in 1988–2000. The basic status of sandy desertification in North China is “overall deterioration, while local rehabilitation”. Already achieved rehabilitation results and monitoring assessment show that about 60% of desertified land in North China can be restored under the conditions of rational land-use ways and intensity.


Sandy desertification is a land degradation characterized by wind erosion, mainly resulted from the excessive human activities in arid, semiarid and part of sub-humid regions in North China. It is one of main kinds of desertification/land degradation as well as water-soil erosion and salinization in China. Rapid and continuous spread of sandy desertification during last 50 years has created a major environmental and socio-economic problem in North China. Remote sensing monitored results in 2000 showed that the sandy desertified land area has been 38.57×104 km2. The area of potential to slightly sandy desertified land is 13.93×104 km2, moderately land 9.977×104 km2, severely land 7.909×104 km2 and very severely land 6.756×104km2. Sandy desertification mainly occurs in the semi-arid mixed farming-grazing zone and its northern rangeland zone, semi-arid dryland rainfed cropping zone and arid oasis-desert margin zone. The average annually developmental rate of sandy desertified land increased from 2,100tion in North China is "overall deterioration, while local rehabilitation". Already achieved rehabilitation results and monitoring assessment show that about 60% of desertified land in North China can be restored under the conditions of rational land-use ways and intensity.  相似文献   

将华北地区 (北纬 3 7°~ 41 .5°,东经 1 1 2°~ 1 2 0°)以 5 0 km× 5 0 km为单位划分成 1 3 0个小区域 ,统计每区内近 1 0年 (1 990年~ 2 0 0 0年 8月 )来所发生的地震。从时间角度分析近十年内每年各区地震宏观走向情况 ;从空间角度分析每区十年内地震活动情况。将具有类似特征的区域归为一类 ,通过分析它们的形变背景推测这些区域的地震活动情况。  相似文献   

联合反演研究华北地区三维速度结构   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
本文利用华北地区测震台网1993~2001年所记录到的地震到时资料,对华北地区进行联合走时反演,获得了该区分辨率为0.5°×0.6°的三维速度结构图像.其结果表明:不同深度上的速度分布反映出华北地区深部构造的一些重要信息,为进一步研究该区的活动构造及地震参数计算提供了科学依据.在地壳速度结构与强地震活动的关系上,再次显示出强震多发生在速度结构高速单元与低速单元的过渡带附近,说明强震的孕育与震源区周围介质的不均匀性有关.  相似文献   

本文通过对前人在南华北块体及邻区所做的地质及地球物理勘探研究成果进行了综合分析,发现一些构造单元的划分、岩石圈变形机制及应力变化过程等问题存在争议,甚至同一地区不同研究者研究结果相互存在着矛盾和差异性.为此,本文对上述有差异和争议的研究进行了系统详细的调研,认为在南华北及邻区地块范围内地表地貌整体呈现隆坳相间的形态,深...  相似文献   

Chen  Chaojun  Yuan  Daoxian  Cheng  Hai  Yu  Tsailuen  Shen  Chuanchou  Edwards  R. Lawrence  Wu  Yao  Xiao  Siya  Zhang  Jian  Wang  Tao  Huang  Ran  Liu  Ziqi  Li  Tingyong  Li  Junyun 《中国科学:地球科学(英文版)》2021,64(10):1761-1773
It is conducive to the sustainable development of human beings in karst regions to research the mechanism of karst rocky desertification(KRD) expansion. Whether the large-scale KRD in southwestern China is caused by climate change or human activities is still controversial. In this study, the evolution of the KRD in southwestern China over the past 2000 years was reconstructed through the high-precision δ~(13) C record of stalagmites from Shijiangjun(SJJ) Cave, Guizhou Province, China. Theδ~(13) C of the stalagmites from SJJ Cave exhibited heavy values from the Medieval Warm Period(MWP) to the Little Ice Age(LIA). Furthermore, the δ~(13) C records of other stalagmites and tufa from southwestern China also showed the same significant heavy trend. Because the stalagmite δ~(13) C could record the change of ecological environment, it indicated that the consistent change of the stalagmites δ~(13) C may record the process of KRD expansion in the karst regions of southwestern China. During the MWP, the stronger Asian summer monsoon and the northward movement of the rain belt led to a dry period in southwestern China and a wet period in northern China. In contrast, it was wet in southwestern China and dry in northern China during the LIA.In addition, after the Jing-Kang event(JK event, AD1127) occurred at the end of the Northern Song dynasty, the political and economic center of China migrated to southern China for the first time, which changed the population distribution pattern of larger population in the north and smaller population in the south. Therefore, the expansion of KRD in southwestern China was exacerbated in the MWP due to the change of climate in southwestern China, the migration of a large number of people, wars, the large-scale reclamation of arable land, and the cultivation of large areas of crops.  相似文献   

1 1999年河北省及京津地区地震活动实况 1.1 据河北省地震台网测定,1999年1月1日至12月31日河北省及京津地区共发生地震677次,ML1.0~1.9级地震445次,ML2.0~2.9级地震197次,ML3.0~3.9级地震31次,ML4.0~4.9级地震4次,ML≥5.0级地震1次,最大地震为1999年3月11日ML5.6级地震,见图1.  相似文献   

通过对1900-2001年8月100多年来华北地区中强地震(M≥5.0)活动的研究,得出了一系列关于本地区中强地震活动的特征:地震活动主要发生在地表构造带的交汇部位、地震活动存在四个活动时段、地震活动存在明显迁移性;并对本地区未来的地震活动趋势进行了探讨,认为华北地区未来一段时间仍有发生M≥5.0级地震的可能。  相似文献   

Drought is one of the most devastating climate disasters. Hence, drought forecasting plays an important role in mitigating some of the adverse effects of drought. Data-driven models are widely used for drought forecasting such as ARIMA model, artificial neural network (ANN) model, wavelet neural network (WANN) model, support vector regression model, grey model and so on. Three data-driven models (ARIMA model; ANN model; WANN model) are used in this study for drought forecasting based on standard precipitation index of two time scales (SPI; SPI-6 and SPI-12). The optimal data-driven model and time scale of SPI are then selected for effective drought forecasting in the North of Haihe River Basin. The effectiveness of the three data-models is compared by Kolmogorov–Smirnov (K–S) test, Kendall rank correlation, and the correlation coefficients (R2). The forecast results shows that the WANN model is more suitable and effective for forecasting SPI-6 and SPI-12 values in the north of Haihe River Basin.  相似文献   

Climate change and human activities are driving forces of sandy desertification and the relative role of them in sandy desertification is the hot point in related researches. A study was carried to assess the relative role of climate change and human activities in sandy desertification of Ordos region in China. Potential NPP and the difference between potential and actual NPP were selected as indicators to assess the relative role of climate change and human activities in sandy desertification, respectively. Assessing methods were built based on some scenarios for the reversion and expansion of sandy desertification and the relative role of climate change and human activities in sandy desertification of Ordos region were assessed from 1981 to 2000. The results showed that although some local places experienced an expansion of sandy desertification, the change of sandy desertification of Ordos region from 1981 to 2000 showed a stably reversing trend. The relative role of climate change and human activities in sandy desertification of Ordos region varied at different temporal and spatial scales in the reversion and expansion processes. In the reversion of sandy desertification, climate change was the dominant factor in the period of 1981 to 1990 and the reversed areas mainly induced by climate change including Mu Us sandy land and the transition zone between temperate steppe and temperate deciduous scrubs in north east of Ordos region; however, human activities controlled the reversed process during the period from 1991 to 2000 and the areas mainly induced by human activities distributed in all banners of Ordos region. In the expansion of sandy desertification, human activities were the dominant factor in the period of 1981 to 1990 and the expanded areas mainly included the regions around common boundary of Hanggin, Dalad Banners and Dongsheng City; however, climate change dominated the expansion of sandy desertification from 1991 to 2000, the expanded areas equably distributed in the whole of Ordos region except the south east of Otog Qian, Uxin and Jungar Banners. Supported by Chinese National Academic Institutional Commonweal Research Programs (Grant No. 2005DIA3J006)  相似文献   

对1970年以来华北北部及东北地区(37°-55°N,103°-135°E,除甘肃、宁夏和境外朝鲜)的36次Ms 5以上中强地震前空区和条带图像扫描分析,着重讨论研究区不同类型地震(大主震、中强主震和晚期强余震)与空区、条带关系,主震与空区、条带持续时间关系,主震与空区、条带空间尺度及围空、条带起算震级等统计关系,一定...  相似文献   

1  2 0 0 1年河北省及京津地区地震活动概况据河北省地震台网测定 ,2 0 0 1年 1月 1日至 12月 31日河北省及京津地区共发生地震 6 73次 ,ML2 .0级以下地震 5 0 3次 ,ML2 .0~ 2 .9级地震 146次 ,ML3.0~ 3.9级地震 2 0次 ,ML4.0~ 4.9级地震 4次 ,最大地震为 2 0 0 1年 3月 2日宣化 ML4.4级。见图 1。图 1  2 0 0 1年河北省及京津地区地震活动分布图2  2 0 0 1年河北省及京津地区地震活动特征从河北省及京津地区 1990年以来地震活动统计表 (表 1)可以看出1小震频度低 :从 1990年以来至 2 0 0 1年 12月小震频度达到最低值仅有 6 73次 …  相似文献   

As the largest fixed and semi-fixed desert in China, the Gurbantünggüt Desert undergoes a long period of snow cover in the winter and the rapid growth of ephemeral plants in the spring, presenting obvious seasonal changes in the underlying desert surface type, which can lead to variation in the turbulence of the near-surface boundary layer turbulence over the desert. In this study, gradient tower data and eddy covariance data from 2017 were analysed to investigate the turbulence characteristics of the different surface boundary layers in the hinterland of the Gurbantünggüt Desert. The results indicate that stable atmospheric conditions in the desert occur exclusively during the early morning and at night in the desert, and the onset and duration of this stable state varies seasonally. Two regimes of intermittent turbulence occur during the night, a weak turbulent regime that occurs when the wind speed is less than the threshold and a strong turbulent regime when the wind speed exceeds the threshold, and different wind speed thresholds were observed at each level. These parameters follow a seasonal pattern of summer (July) > spring (April) > autumn (October) > winter (January) in terms of magnitude. The mean turbulence intensities of the along-wind, cross-wind and vertical wind are 0.5, 0.47 and 0.14, respectively, with Iu > Iv > Iw. The normalized standard deviation of the wind velocity components (σu, σv and σw) generally satisfies a 1/3 power-law relation. Our results show that the night-time turbulence regime classification for the Gurbantünggüt Desert strongly depends on meteorological and orographic features, and the intermittent turbulent events have the non-stationarity of the flow in common. The results can contribute to the study of land surface processes, climate change and desertification in inland arid desert areas.  相似文献   

The north and south China faunas are subdivided along the line of Huaihe River-Qinling Mountains- Hengduan Mountains-Himalayas, to the north is the Palearctic Region, and to the south is the Oriental Region, which is the result of long-time evolution. Hundreds of Quaternary fossil localities have been known up to now, more than 60 of which contain warm-adapted elements which can be referred to 20 species. Among the warm-adapted elements appearing in north China, Hystrix, Macaca, Palaeoloxodon, Dicerorhinus and Bubalus are the most frequently recorded genera. There are three kinds of causal explanation about the frequent appearance of warm-adapted elements in north China: The first hy- pothesis attributed them to the dispersal events of warm-adapted mammals from the south during warm stages or warm seasons; the second scenario thinks that these warm-adapted mammals in north China were once derived there in situ and subsequently emigrated to the south with the cooling down of the global climate; the last hypothesis believes that these warm-adapted elements were not real warm-climate animals at that time. This study shows that almost none of the warm-adapted mammals in north China was recovered in the loess, and also almost all of the fossil localities which bear warm-adapted mammals fall within the warm temperate zone of nowadays. In fossil assemblage, those warm-adapted elements rarely co-exist with the cold-adapted mammals. All these evidences mentioned above indicate that the warm-adapted mammals in north China represent warm climate, but not hot one. Because all these warm-adapted mammals are widely distributed oriental elements, some of them even still exist north of the Huaihe River today. Up to now, no typical oriental elements have ever been re- covered in north China, such as pangolin, primitive primates (e.g. loris and tarsier), big apes (e.g. Gi- gantopithecus, Pongo and Hylobates), etc. The Late Pleistocene lasted a relatively shorter time, but the appearance of warm-adapted mammals during that span were the most frequent and most widespread. It means that the climate of the Late Pleistocene experienced the most frequent fluctuation over the whole period of Quaternary.  相似文献   

强正阳  吴庆举 《地球物理学报》2015,58(10):3540-3552
中国东北地区广泛发育新生代板内火山,晚中生代以来岩石圈遭受过多期拉张作用.作为中国唯一的深震孕育区,中国东北地区受到太平洋板块的西向俯冲,使得其成为研究岩石圈变形、板块俯冲和板内火山成因及其相互作用关系的天然实验室.通过分析架设在中国东北地区北部的147个流动和固定台站的SKS波形数据,共计得到了377对各向异性参数和251个无效分裂结果.结果表明,中国东北地区东西两侧具有不同的各向异性分布:西部地区各向异性方向变化范围为N143-199°E,平均N169°E,与晚中生代岩石圈伸展方向一致;其各向异性延迟时间平均值约为0.8s,说明来自地幔的各向异性比较微弱,主要由残留在岩石圈中的古老变形所引起.同时,在松辽盆地和佳木斯地块部分区域,观测到延迟时间较小的各向异性(~0.4s),可能是由于岩石圈的拆沉和热地幔物质的上涌侵蚀了保留在岩石圈的古老形变所致.在研究区东部,NNW-SSE朝向的各向异性被观测到,并伴随较大的延迟时间(大于1.0s),可能与太平洋板块撕裂回撤而产生的地幔流动有关.此外,近W-E方向的各向异性只在佳木斯地块被观测到,而太平洋板块在地幔过渡带中的俯冲可能是其产生的主要成因.  相似文献   

Perfluorinated compounds (PFCs) in water, sediment, soil, and biota collected from estuarine and coastal areas of the north Bohai Sea, China, were determined by use of HPLC-MS/MS. Significant concentrations of PFCs were found in water (mean: 18.4 ng/l) and biologic samples (fish: 265 ng/g dw), while concentrations of PFCs in soils and sediments were less. The predominately detected compound was perfluorooctanesulfonate (PFOS), with a maximum concentration of 30.9 ng/l in water and 791 ng/g dw in fish. Concentrations of PFCs were significantly greater in the Liaohe River system than other locations, which suggests point sources in this urbanized and industrialized region. PFOS concentrations in water and biota were both less than the reported threshold concentrations. Detection of PFCs at relatively great concentrations in various environmental matrices from this region suggested that further studies characterizing concentrations of PFCs, their sources and potential risk to both humans and wildlife are needed.  相似文献   

华北太行山区地壳各向异性的接收函数证据   总被引:7,自引:6,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
采用具有任意方向对称轴的横向各向同性介质系统,探讨了各向异性介质中接收函数表现出的横波分裂、能量偏离等特征,并系统剖析了各向异性介质对称轴方位角、倾角以及各向异性层位分布对接收函数方位变化花样的影响.太行山隆起地区是研究华北克拉通构造运动以及动力学过程的重要场所.我们以该地区JJJX台为例,介绍了利用远场接收函数研究台站下方地壳各向异性特征的方法.反演结果表明,该台站下方存在明显的来源于中、上地壳的各向异性,浅层2.4 km以内表现出强度约为10%的裂隙成因的慢轴型各向异性,裂隙面沿NNE方向展布,与该地区断层走向一致;中地壳表现出强度约为8%的晶体成因的快轴型各向异性,太行山新生代的隆起是形成晶体优势排列方向的一种可能的动力机制.  相似文献   

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