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The formation and development of a salt plume (salinity up to 800 mg Cl 1−1) in the inner part of the Coastal Plain aquifer of Israel is analyzed. Massive groundwater exploitation during the 1950s caused a large drop in the water level and formation of a hydrologic depression in the Be'er Toviyya-Kefar Warburg area. The depression reached a maximal depth during the late 1960s; thereafter a reduction in the rate of pumpage led to restoration of water levels and shallowing of the depression, until its complete disappearance towards the end of the 1980s. A spot of high salinity first appeared in 1956, following a deep drawdown in the water levels. This saline plume has been continuously expanding with increasing salinity concentrations (200–800 mg Cl 1−1) in its center. The average rate of radial expansion was about 50 m year−1. The expansion and salinization did not cease as the depression disappeared. Rather, equalization of water levels in wells situated within the plume area with those of situated along its margins resulted in the salinization of the latter within a period of 1 year.

Mass balances for water and chloride contents were made for the period 1967–1990. Taking into consideration the storage change, pumpage, natural replenishment and artificial recharge, the lateral inflow to the depression is estimated as 60 × 106 m3. Upon addition of the chloride balance, and taking into consideration the chloride concentrations of the surrounding fresh water and the apparent possible end-member of the saline source (based on geochemical considerations), the saline inflow is estimated as (40–60) × 106 m3. These estimates indicate that a large amount of saline water penetrated into the aquifer, of about half of the natural replenishment of the study area, with an estimated salinity of 1900–2700 mg Cl 1−1.

It is suggested that the salt plume was formed as a result of a drop in water level combined with a flow of underlying saline water bodies from deeper strata. The chemical composition of the groundwater points to the existence of two saline water bodies of Ca-chloride composition and a marine Br/Cl ratio: (1) saline water with low Na/Cl (0.6), So4/Cl, and B/Cl ratio; (2) saline water with higher Na/Cl (> 0.6), So4/Cl, and B/Cl ratios. These chemical compositions resemble Ca-chloride saline waters found in other locations in the Coastal Plain aquifer and in underlying formations. The saline water bodies may occur in either pockets at the bottom of the aquifer or lumachelle and sandstone layers of high hydraulic conductivity in underlying sediments.  相似文献   

At sites where a dense nonaqueous phase liquid (DNAPL) was spilled or released into the subsurface, estimates of the mass of DNAPL contained in the subsurface from core or monitoring well data, either in the nonaqueous or aqueous phase, can be highly uncertain because of the erratic distribution of the DNAPL due to geologic heterogeneity. In this paper, a multiphase compositional model is applied to simulate, in detail, the DNAPL saturations and aqueous-phase plume migration in a highly characterized, heterogeneous glaciofluvial aquifer, the permeability and porosity data of which were collected by researchers at the University of Tübingen, Germany. The DNAPL saturation distribution and the aqueous-phase contaminant mole fractions are then reconstructed by sampling the data from the forward simulation results using two alternate approaches, each with different degrees of sampling conditioning. To reconstruct the DNAPL source zone architecture, the aqueous-phase plume configuration, and the contaminant mass in each phase, one method employs the novel transition probability/Markov chain approach (TP/MC), while the other involves a traditional variogram analysis of the sampled data followed by ordinary kriging. The TP/MC method is typically used for facies and/or hydraulic conductivity reconstruction, but here we explore the applicability of the TP/MC method for the reconstruction of DNAPL source zones and aqueous-phase plumes. The reconstructed geometry of the DNAPL source zone, the dissolved contaminant plume, and the estimated mass in each phase are compared using the two different geostatistical modeling approaches and for various degrees of data sampling from the results of the forward simulation. It is demonstrated that the TP/MC modeling technique is robust and accurate and is a preferable alternative compared to ordinary kriging for the reconstruction of DNAPL saturation patterns and dissolved-phase contaminant plumes.  相似文献   

The Grímsv?tn eruption in November 2004 belongs to a class of small- to medium-sized phreatomagmatic eruptions which are common in Iceland. The eruption lasted 6?days, but the main phase, producing most of the 0.02?km3 of magma erupted, was visible for 33?h on the C-band weather radar of the Icelandic Meteorological Office located in Keflavík, 260?km to the west of the volcano. The plume rose to 8–12?km high over sea level during 33?h. The long distance between radar and source severely reduces the accuracy of the plume height determinations, causing 3.5-km steps in recorded heights. Moreover, an apparent height overestimate of ~1.5?km in the uncorrected radar records occurs, possibly caused by wave ducting or super-refraction in the atmosphere. The stepping and the height overestimate can be partly overcome by averaging the plume heights and by applying a height adjustment based on direct aircraft measurements. Adjusted weather radar data on plume height are used to estimate the total mass erupted using empirical plume models mostly based on magmatic eruptions and to compare it with detailed in situ measurements of the mass of erupted tephra. The errors arising because of the large radar plume distance limit the applicability of the data for detailed comparisons. However, the results indicate that the models overestimate the mass erupted by a factor of three to four. This supports theoretical models indicating that high steam content of phreatomagmatic (wet) plumes enhances their height compared to dry plumes.  相似文献   

热和组分密度异常共同驱动的动态金幔柱解析模式给出金幔柱在金幔中上升的历史.当金幔柱到达岩石层底时其头部的特征量是5个独立变量的函数:(1)金幔柱起源的深度;(2)金幔粘性系数;(3)源温度异常值;(4)源组分与热密度异常之比;(5)金幔柱的浮力通量.基于新的Mapellan数据,金星表面上有360多个冠状和类冠状构造已被发现,其中65%直径小于300km.这类小型冠状构造被认为是由具有下述特征的较小的金幔柱所形成:(1)最大直径小于300km;(2)当其头部到达岩石层底时,过剩温度足以产生部分熔融层,应高于150K;(3)被冠状构造下面的金幔柱带上来的总浮力有能力支撑冠状构造隆起的总质量.用这3个条件分析数值结果并约束金幔柱的源参数,根据本文的数值实验结果,金星上的小型冠状构造可能是起源于上金幔小于1000km深度的动态金幔柱形成的.  相似文献   

Consumption of aquifer Fe(III) during biodegradation of ground water contaminants may result in expansion of a contaminant plume, changing the outlook for monitored natural attenuation. Data from two research sites contaminated with petroleum hydrocarbons show that toluene and xylenes degrade under methanogenic conditions, but the benzene and ethylbenzene plumes grow as aquifer Fe(III) supplies are depleted. By considering a one-dimensional reaction front in a constant unidirectional flow field, it is possible to derive a simple expression for the growth rate of a benzene plume. The method balances the mass flux of benzene with the Fe(III) content of the aquifer, assuming that the biodegradation reaction is instantaneous. The resulting expression shows that the benzene front migration is retarded relative to the ground water velocity by a factor that depends on the concentrations of hydrocarbon and bioavailable Fe(III). The method provides good agreement with benzene plumes at a crude oil study site in Minnesota and a gasoline site in South Carolina. Compared to the South Carolina site, the Minnesota site has 25% higher benzene flux but eight times the Fe(III), leading to about one-sixth the expansion rate. Although it was developed for benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylenes, the growth-rate estimation method may have applications to contaminant plumes from other persistent contaminant sources.  相似文献   

Modeling was performed to simulate ground water flow through reactive barriers of lower hydraulic conductivity than the surrounding aquifer to determine the plume capture widths. As a plume approaches such a barrier, it spreads laterally. Therefore, to intercept an entire plume, the barrier must be wider than the upgradient width of the undisturbed plume. The results indicate that, for practical values of barrier thickness and plume width, hydraulic conductivities ten-fold less than that of the aquifer can be accommodated by making the width of the barrier approximately 20% greater than the upgradient width of the plume. Barrier hydraulic conductivities one-hundred-fold less than that of the aquifer may require barrier widths up to twice the width of the upgradient plume for plumes 100 feet wide (33 m) and as little as 1.1 times for plumes 1000 feet wide (325 m). The results presented here lend support to the view that novel emplacement methods that create zones of slightly lower hydraulic conductivity than the native aquifer may be viable alternatives to the excavation-and-backfill approaches which have thus far been used for installing permeable reactive barriers.  相似文献   

Bent-over buoyant jets distorted by a crosscurrent develop a vortex pair structure and can bifurcate to produce two distinct lobes which diverge from one another downwind. The region downwind of the source between the lobes has relatively low proportions of discharged fluid. Factors invoked by previous workers to cause or enhance bifurcation include buoyancy, release of latent heat at the plume edge by evaporating water droplets, geometry and orientation of the source, and the encounter with a density interface on the rising path of the plume. We suggest that the pressure distribution around the vortex pair of a rising plume may initially trigger bifurcation. We also report new experimental observations confirming that bifurcation becomes stronger for stronger bent-over plumes, identifying that bifurcation can also occur for straight-edged plumes but gradually disappears for stronger plumes which form a gravity current at their final level and spread for a significant distance against the current. Observations from satellites and the ground are reviewed and confirm that volcanic plumes can show bifurcation and a large range of bifurcation angles. Many of the bifurcating plumes spread out at the tropopause level and suggest the tropopause may act on the plumes as a density interface enhancing bifurcation. Even for quite moderate bifurcation angles, the two plume lobes become rapidly separated downwind by distances of tens of kilometers. Such bifurcating plumes drifting apart can only result in bilobate tephra fall deposits. The tephra fall deposit from the 16 km elevation, SE spreading, bifurcating volcanic plume erupted on 15 May 1981 from Mt Pagan was sampled by previous workers and clearly displayed bilobate characteristics. Examples of bilobate tephra fall deposits are reviewed and their origin briefly discussed. Bilobate deposits are common and may result from many causes. Plume bifurcation should be considered one of the possible mechanisms which can account for come examples of bilobate tephra fall deposits.  相似文献   

Stormwater river plumes are important vectors of marine contaminants and pathogens in the Southern California Bight. Here we report the results of a multi-institution investigation of the river plumes across eight major river systems of southern California. We use in situ water samples from multi-day cruises in combination with MODIS satellite remote sensing, buoy meteorological observations, drifters, and HF radar current measurements to evaluate the dispersal patterns and dynamics of the freshwater plumes. River discharge was exceptionally episodic, and the majority of storm discharge occurred in a few hours. The combined plume observing techniques revealed that plumes commonly detach from the coast and turn to the left, which is the opposite direction of Coriolis influence. Although initial offshore velocity of the buoyant plumes was ∼50 cm/s and was influenced by river discharge inertia (i.e., the direct momentum of the river flux) and buoyancy, subsequent advection of the plumes was largely observed in an alongshore direction and dominated by local winds. Due to the multiple day upwelling wind conditions that commonly follow discharge events, plumes were observed to flow from their respective river mouths to down-coast waters at rates of 20–40 km/d. Lastly, we note that suspended-sediment concentration and beam-attenuation were poorly correlated with plume salinity across and within the sampled plumes (mean r2=0.12 and 0.25, respectively), while colored dissolved organic matter (CDOM) fluorescence was well correlated (mean r2=0.56), suggesting that CDOM may serve as a good tracer of the discharged freshwater in subsequent remote sensing and monitoring efforts of plumes.  相似文献   

There is widespread use of passive remote sensing techniques to quantify trace gas column densities in volcanic plumes utilizing scattered sunlight as a light source. Examples include passive DOAS, COSPEC, and the SO2 camera. In order to calculate trace gas concentrations or volcanic emission fluxes, knowledge about the optical path through the plume is necessary. In the past, a straight photon path through the plume has always been assumed although it was known that this is not always true. Here we present the results of model studies conducted specifically to quantify the effects of realistic radiative transfer in and around volcanic plumes on ground-based remote sensing measurements of SO2. The results show that measurements conducted without additional information on average photon paths can be inaccurate under certain conditions, with possible errors spanning more than an order of magnitude. Both over and underestimation of the true column density can occur. Actual errors depend on parameters such as distance between instrument and plume, plume SO2 concentration, plume aerosol load, as well as aerosol conditions in the ambient atmosphere. As an example, a measurement conducted with an SO2 camera is discussed, the results of which can only be correctly interpreted if realistic radiative transfer is considered. Finally, a method is presented which for the first time allows the retrieval of actual average photon paths in spectroscopic (i.e. DOAS) measurements of adequate resolution. By allowing for a wavelength dependent column density during the evaluation of DOAS measurements, we show how radiative transfer effects can be corrected using information inherently available in the measured spectra, thus greatly enhancing the accuracy of DOAS measurements of volcanic emissions.  相似文献   

Groundwater contamination by tetrachloroethene and its dechlorination products is present in two partially intermingled plumes in the surficial aquifer near a former dry‐cleaning facility at Site 45, Marine Corps Recruit Depot, Parris Island, South Carolina. The northern plume originates from the vicinity of former above‐ground storage tanks. Free‐phase tetrachloroethene from activities in this area entered the groundwater. The southern plume originates at a nearby, new dry‐cleaning facility, but probably was the result of contamination released to the aquifer from a leaking sanitary sewer line from the former dry‐cleaning facility. Discharge of dissolved groundwater contamination is primarily to leaking storm sewers below the water table. The strong influence of sanitary sewers on source distribution and of storm sewers on plume orientation and discharge at this site indicates that groundwater‐contamination investigators should consider the potential influence of sewer systems at their sites.  相似文献   

Two groundwater plumes in north central Minnesota with residual crude oil sources have 20 to 50 mg/L of nonvolatile dissolved organic carbon (NVDOC). These values are over 10 times higher than benzene and two to three times higher than Diesel Range Organics in the same wells. On the basis of previous work, most of the NVDOC consists of partial transformation products from the crude oil. Monitoring data from 1988 to 2015 at one of the sites located near Bemidji, MN show that the plume of metabolites is expanding toward a lakeshore located 335 m from the source zone. Other mass balance studies of the site have demonstrated that the plume expansion is driven by the combined effect of continued presence of the residual crude oil source and depletion of the electron accepting capacity of solid phase iron oxide and hydroxides on the aquifer sediments. These plumes of metabolites are not covered by regulatory monitoring and reporting requirements in Minnesota and other states. Yet, a review of toxicology studies indicates that polar metabolites of crude oil may pose a risk to aquatic and mammalian species. Together the results suggest that at sites where residual sources are present, monitoring of NVDOC may be warranted to evaluate the fates of plumes of hydrocarbon transformation products.  相似文献   

A longitudinal seismic reflection profile of the Reykjanes Ridge, together with earthquake seismicity patterns, is interpreted in terms of the mantle plume hypothesis. Between 52°N and 57°N Reykjanes Ridge is cut by about 12 fractures whose trend, inferred from other data, is approximately east-west. North of 57° there is little or no indication of east-west fracturing.The 57°N transition from fractured to unfractured basement occurs about 900 km southwest of the postulated Iceland mantle plume. The fractured province exhibits higher seismicity and rougher basement, on transverse profiles, than does the unfractured province. A similar transition to rougher, more seismic ridge crest also occurs 900 km northeast of Iceland. We propose that flowage of hot, basalt-rich asthenosphere away from the Iceland hot spot keeps the axial lithosphere hot, thin, sparsely fractured, and relatively aseismic out to 900 km from the plume. Similar effects are evident in the vicinity of some other plumes located near spreading axes. Some plumes also exhibit a greater number of earthquakes at some distance from the spreading axis — possibly a reflection of non-axial igneous activity or fracturing due to local, plume-generated stresses.The regional basement slope along the longitudinal profile is about 8 × 10?4. If this slope represents a balance between viscous and gravity forces in the flow, a viscosity of the order 1019 poises can be estimated from the Poiseuille equation.A peculiarly flat, opaque reflector was discovered near the Reykjanes axis, about 300 km southwest of Iceland. Several hypotheses are advanced to account for such reflectors by the exceptional volcanic activity associated with high plume discharge.  相似文献   

The 2006 eruption of Augustine Volcano, Alaska, began with an explosive phase comprising 13 discrete Vulcanian blasts. These events generated ash plumes reaching heights of 3–14 km. The eruption was recorded by a dense geophysical network including a pressure sensor located 3.2 km from the vent. Infrasonic signals recorded in association with the eruptions have maximum pressures ranging from 13–111 Pa. Eruption durations are estimated to range from 55–350 s. Neither of these parameters, however, correlates with eruption plume height. The pressure record, however, can be used to estimate the velocity and flux of material erupting from the vent, assuming that the sound is generated as a dipole source. Eruptive flux, in turn, is used to estimate plume height, assuming that the plume rises as a buoyant thermal. Plume heights estimated in this way correlate well with observations. Events that exhibit strongly impulsive waveforms are underestimated by the model, suggesting that flow may have been supersonic.  相似文献   

Deep CTD/transmissometer tows and water bottle sampling were used during 1985 to map the regional distribution of the neutrally-buoyant plumes emanating from each of two major vent fields on the Southern Symmetrical Segment (SSS) and Endeavour Segment (ES) of the Juan de Fuca Ridge. At both vent fields, emissions from point and diffuse hydrothermal sources coalesced into a single 200-m-thick plume elongated in the direction of current flow and with characteristic temperature anomalies of 0.02–0.05°C and light-attenuation anomalies of 0.01–0.08 m−1 (10–80 μg/l above background). Temperature anomalies in the core of each plume were uniform as far downcurrent as the plumes were mapped (10–15 km). Downcurrent light-attenuation trends were non-uniform and differed between plumes, apparently because different vent fluid chemistries at each field cause significant differences in the settling characteristics of the hydrothermal precipitates. Vent fluids from the SSS are metal-dominated and mostly precipitate very fine-grained hydrous Fe-oxides that remain suspended in the plume. Vent fluids from the ES are sulfur-dominated and precipitate a high proportion of coarser-grained Fe-sulfides that rapidly settle from the plume. The integrated flux of each vent field was estimated from measurements of the advective transport of each plume. Heat flux was 1700 ± 1100 MW from the ES and 580 ± 351 MW from the SSS. Particle flux varied from 546 ± 312 g/s to 204 ± 116 g/s at the ES depending on distance from the vent field, and was 92 ± 48 g/s from the SSS.  相似文献   

Differences in the impact of irrigation with freshwater versus wastewater on the underlying shallow groundwater quality were investigated in the Coastal Aquifer of Israel. Seven research boreholes were drilled to the top-most 3–5 m of the saturated zone (the water table region-WTR) in the agricultural fields. The unsaturated zone and the WTR below the irrigated fields consist mainly of clayey sands, while the main aquifer comprises mainly of calcareous sandstones and sands. We show that the salinity and composition of the groundwater at the WTR are highly variable over a distance of less than 1 km and are controlled by the irrigating water and the processes in the overlying unsaturated zone. Tritium data in this groundwater (4.6 tritium units (TU)) support that these water are modern recharge. The water at the WTR is more saline and has a different chemical composition relative to the overlying irrigation water. High SAR values (sodium adsorption ratio) in wastewater irrigation lead to absorption of Na+ onto the clay and release of Ca2+ into the recharging water, resulting in low Na/Cl (0.4 compared to 1.2 in the wastewater) and high Ca/Cl ratios. In contrast, in the freshwater-irrigated field the irrigation water pumped from the aquifer (Na/Cl=0.9; SAR=0.6) is modified into Na-rich groundwater (Na/Cl=2.0) due to reverse base-exchange reactions. The high NO3 concentration (>100 mg/l) in the WTR below both fields is derived from the agricultural activities. In the freshwater field, the source of NO3 is fertilizer leachates, whereas in the wastewater field, where less fertilizers are applied, nitrate is probably derived from nitrification of the NH4 in the wastewater. Some of the original inorganic nitrogen in the wastewater is consumed by the agricultural plants, resulting in a lower inorganic-N/Cl ratio in the WTR as compared to that in the wastewater. This study demonstrates the important role of the composition of irrigation water, combined with lithology and land use, in determining the quality of the water that recharge the aquifer below agricultural fields.  相似文献   

The influence of source zone concentration reduction on solute plume detachment and recession times in fractured rock was investigated using new semianalytical solutions to transient solute transport in the presence of advection, dispersion, sorption, matrix diffusion, and first-order decay. Novel aspects of these solutions are: (1) the source zone concentration behavior is simulated using a constant concentration with the option for either an instantaneous reduction to zero concentration or an exponentially decaying source zone concentration initiated at some time (t*) after the source is introduced, and (2) different biodegradation rates in the fracture and rock matrix. These solutions were applied for sandstone bedrock and revealed that biodegradation in the matrix, not the fracture, may be the most significant attenuation mechanism and therefore may dictate remediation time scales. Also, instantaneous and complete source concentration reduction in aged plumes may not be beneficial with respect to plume response because back-diffusion can sustain plume migration for long periods of time. Moderate source zone concentration reduction has a similar impact on the rate of advance of the leading edge of the plume as aggressive concentration reduction. If the source zone concentration reduction half-life is less than the plume decay half-life, then volatile organic compound (VOC) mass sequestered in the rock matrix will ultimately dictate plume persistence and not the presence of the source zone.  相似文献   

Volcanic plumes interact with the wind at all scales. On smaller scales, wind affects local eddy structure; on larger scales, wind shapes the entire plume trajectory. The polar jets or jetstreams are regions of high [generally eastbound] winds that span the globe from 30 to 60° in latitude, centered at an altitude of about 10 km. They can be hundreds of kilometers wide, but as little as 1 km in thickness. Core windspeeds are up to 130 m/s. Modern transcontinental and transoceanic air routes are configured to take advantage of the jetstream. Eastbound commercial jets can save both time and fuel by flying within it; westbound aircraft generally seek to avoid it.Using both an integral model of plume motion that is formulated within a plume-centered coordinate system (BENT) as well as the Active Tracer High-resolution Atmospheric Model (ATHAM), we have calculated plume trajectories and rise heights under different wind conditions. Model plume trajectories compare well with the observed plume trajectory of the Sept 30/Oct 1, 1994, eruption of Kliuchevskoi Volcano, Kamchatka, Russia, for which measured maximum windspeed was 30–40 m/s at about 12 km. Tephra fall patterns for some prehistoric eruptions of Avachinsky Volcano, Kamchatka, and Inyo Craters, CA, USA, are anomalously elongated and inconsistent with simple models of tephra dispersal in a constant windfield. The Avachinsky deposit is modeled well by BENT using a windspeed that varies with height.Two potentially useful conclusions can be made about air routes and volcanic eruption plumes under jetstream conditions. The first is that by taking advantage of the jetstream, aircraft are flying within an airspace that is also preferentially occupied by volcanic eruption clouds and particles. The second is that, because eruptions with highly variable mass eruption rate pump volcanic particles into the jetstream under these conditions, it is difficult to constrain the tephra grain size distribution and mass loading present within a downwind volcanic plume or cloud that has interacted with the jetstream. Furthermore, anomalously large particles and high mass loadings could be present within the cloud, if it was in fact formed by an eruption with a high mass eruption rate. In terms of interpretation of tephra dispersal patterns, the results suggest that extremely elongated isopach or isopleth patterns may often be the result of eruption into the jetstream, and that estimation of the mass eruption rate from these elongated patterns should be considered cautiously.  相似文献   

Biogeochemical evolution of a landfill leachate plume, Norman, Oklahoma   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Leachate from municipal landfills can create groundwater contaminant plumes that may last for decades to centuries. The fate of reactive contaminants in leachate-affected aquifers depends on the sustainability of biogeochemical processes affecting contaminant transport. Temporal variations in the configuration of redox zones downgradient from the Norman Landfill were studied for more than a decade. The leachate plume contained elevated concentrations of nonvolatile dissolved organic carbon (NVDOC) (up to 300 mg/L), methane (16 mg/L), ammonium (650 mg/L as N), iron (23 mg/L), chloride (1030 mg/L), and bicarbonate (4270 mg/L). Chemical and isotopic investigations along a 2D plume transect revealed consumption of solid and aqueous electron acceptors in the aquifer, depleting the natural attenuation capacity. Despite the relative recalcitrance of NVDOC to biodegradation, the center of the plume was depleted in sulfate, which reduces the long-term oxidation capacity of the leachate-affected aquifer. Ammonium and methane were attenuated in the aquifer relative to chloride by different processes: ammonium transport was retarded mainly by physical interaction with aquifer solids, whereas the methane plume was truncated largely by oxidation. Studies near plume boundaries revealed temporal variability in constituent concentrations related in part to hydrologic changes at various time scales. The upper boundary of the plume was a particularly active location where redox reactions responded to recharge events and seasonal water-table fluctuations. Accurately describing the biogeochemical processes that affect the transport of contaminants in this landfill-leachate-affected aquifer required understanding the aquifer's geologic and hydrodynamic framework.  相似文献   

In this study, the fate and transport of aqueous benzene was investigated in a laboratory‐scale homogeneous aquifer by conducting a two‐dimensional plume test. Benzene solution was introduced as a pulse type along the width of the aquifer model through a recharge zone situated at the upper‐left part of the model and followed by a steady state flow. Solution samples were collected at various locations on the front side of the model to capture two‐dimensional plumes at discrete time intervals. The benzene plumes showed a moderate retardation relative to chloride plumes observed from the previous study conducted for the same aquifer model. The retardation factor was obtained from the ratio of travel distances of benzene peaks to chloride peaks from the injection point, computed using a line integral method. Mass recovery of aqueous benzene revealed that there was a significant reduction of benzene mass, indicating the occurrence of volatilization and/or irreversible sorption during transport. Thus, retardation along with volatilization and/or irreversible sorption may be important processes affecting the fate and transport of aqueous benzene in the aquifer model. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The ∼0.2 mm/yr uplift of Hawaiian islands Lanai and Molokai and Hawaiian swell topography pose important constraints on the structure and dynamics of mantle plumes. We have formulated 3-D models of mantle convection to investigate the effects of plume-plate interactions on surface vertical motions and swell topography. In our models, the controlling parameters are plume radius, excess plume temperature, and upper mantle viscosity. We have found that swell height and swell width constraints limit the radius of the Hawaiian plume to be smaller than 70 km. The additional constraint from the uplift at Lanai requires excess plume temperature to be greater than 400 K. If excess plume temperature is 400 K, models with plume radius between 50 and 70 km and upper mantle viscosity between 1020 and 3×1020 Pa s satisfy all the constraints. Our results indicate that mantle plume in the upper mantle may be significantly hotter than previously suggested. This has important implications for mantle convection and mantle melting. In addition to constraining plume dynamics, our models also provide a mechanism to produce the observed uplift at Lanai and Molokai that has never been satisfactorily explained before.  相似文献   

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