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The dependence of accuracy of determining normal heights at GPS sites on the density of distribution of the sites within the GPS/levelling frame has been investigated. If the density amounts to one GPS/levelling site per 400 km 2 , the accuracy of about ±11.5 cm in the central part of Europe. If the density is higher, e.g. one GPS/levelling site per 200 km 2 , an accuracy of about ±5 cm can be achieved.  相似文献   

A methodology for improving geopotential models has been developed. Theoretical relations have been derived converting coefficients in harmonic expansions for radial distortions due to geopotential models into geopotential Stokes coefficients. Terms of the order of 10 –10 in magnitude have been retained.  相似文献   

It is proved that the Testing Geopotential Model (TGM) results in identical model distortions when TGM is performed in the mean, zero, and tide- free systems. The Molodensky quasigeoid height is invariant in relation to different tide systems, however, the Molodensky normal height, the ellipsoidal height, as well as, the actual geopotential, expressed in the above different tide systems, differ.  相似文献   

The spectral structure of stratospheric fields (temperature and geopotential) is analyzed in terms of spherical harmonics in an effort to study the long-term behaviour of large-scale circulation patterns, as well as their connections to some extra-terrestrial effects. The daily meteorological data from the Free University Berlin (FUB) cover more or less the period 1976–1996 and are available for stratospheric levels of 50, 30 and 10 hPa. The analysis of the annual cycle of spherical harmonics is introduced, and changes of the principal wave components are compared with the changes in different sets of solar, geomagnetic and global circulation indices. This paper also deals with interannual variability with special emphasis on quasibiennial oscillations (QBO) and El Nino and Southern Oscillations (ENSO). Although this is a rather preliminary study, the decomposition of the stratospheric field into complex spherical harmonics seems to be a powerful technique in investigating and qualifying the response of the global atmospheric system to the changes in solar and geomagnetic activity, and in qualifying the relationships between large-scale circulation patterns and various oscillations such as QBO or ENSO, Using this technique, reasonable strong connections were found between wave numbers and interannual factors, and these connections were tentatively interpreted in terms of statistics. A very high degree of correlation was found for the four-trough shape of the polar vortex.  相似文献   

The methodology developed for connecting Local Vertical Datums (LVD) was applied to the Australian Height Datum (AHD) and the North American Vertical Datum (NAVD88). The geopotential values at AHD and NAVD88 were computed and the corresponding vertical offset of 974 mm with rms 51 mm was obtained between the zero reference surfaces defined by AHD and NAVD88. The solution is based on the four primary geodetic parameters, the GPS/levelling sites and the geopotential model EGM96. The Global Height System (or the Major Vertical Datum) can be defined by a geoidal geopotential value used in the solution as the reference value, or by the geopotential value of the LVD, e.g. NAVD88.  相似文献   

The quasi-geoid/geoid can be determined from the Global Positioning System (GPS) ellipsoidal height and the normal/orthometric heights derived from levelling (GPS-levelling). In this study a gravimetric quasigeoid and GPS-levelling height differences are combined to develop a new surface, suitable for “levelling” by GPS. This new surface provides better conversion of GPS ellipsoidal heights to the national normal heights. Different combining procedures, a four-parameter solution, linear and cubic splines interpolations, as well as the least-squares collocation method were investigated and compared over entire Norway. More than 1700 GPS-levelling stations were used in this study. The combined surface provides significant accuracy improvement for the normal height transformation of GPS height data, as demonstrated by the post-fitting residuals. The best solution, based on the least-squares collocation, provided a conversion surface for the transformation of GPS heights into normal height in Norway with an accuracy of about 5 cm.  相似文献   

将正态信息扩散法应用于小样本条件下河冰抗压强度概率密度函数的确定,建立了小样本条件下河冰抗压强度概率分布,并结合K-S检验法和河冰抗压强度试验数据,分析了该方法的合理性。结果表明,本文方法可以较好解决小样本情况下河冰抗压强度概率分布的确定问题,正态信息扩散分布更加接近河冰抗压强度的真实分布,并优于经典分布的拟合方法。  相似文献   

Groundwater flow-paths through shallow-perch and deep-regional basaltic aquifers at the Golan Heights, Israel, are reconstructed by using groundwater chemical and isotopic compositions. Groundwater chemical composition, which changes gradually along flow-paths due to mineral dissolution and water–rock interaction, is used to distinguish between shallow-perched and deep-regional aquifers. Groundwater replenishment areas of several springs are identified based on the regional depletion in rainwater δ18O values as a function of elevation (−0.25‰ per 100 m). Tritium concentrations assist in distinguishing between pre-bomb and post-bomb recharged rainwater.

It was found that waters emerging through the larger springs are lower in δ18O than surrounding meteoric water and poor in tritium; thus, they are inferred to originate in high-elevation regions up to 20 km away from their discharge points and at least several decades ago. These results verify the numerically simulated groundwater flow field proposed in a previous study, which considered the geological configuration, water mass balance and hydraulic head spatial distribution.  相似文献   


高精度高程基准重力位的确定往往依赖于高精度全球重力场模型,其对全球和区域高程基准的高精度统一非常关键,GRACE、GOCE卫星重力计划极大地提高了全球重力场模型中长波的精度.本文首先对GRACE/GOCE卫星重力场模型的内符合和外符合精度进行讨论分析,结果说明卫星重力模型的截断误差影响可达到分米级水平,在确定高程基准重力位时该影响不可忽略.利用EGM2008模型扩展GRACE/GOCE卫星重力场模型至2190阶,可有效减弱卫星重力模型的截断误差影响,但不同模型扩展时的最优拼接阶次不同,其中DIR-1、DIR-5模型对应的最优拼接阶次分别为180阶和220阶,以GPS水准数据检验,扩展模型在中国区域的精度均优于18 cm.最后,基于最优拼接阶次获得的扩展重力场模型对我国1985高程基准重力位进行了估计,DIR-5和TIM-5模型对应数值分别为62636853.47 m2·s-2和62636853.49 m2·s-2,精度均为1.51 m2·s-2;发现在中国区域模型大地水准面与GPS/水准数据的差值存在微弱的系统性倾斜,东西向倾斜约为9 cm,南北向倾斜约为1.4 cm,考虑倾斜改正后基于DIR-5和TIM-5模型估计我国1985高程基准重力位的精度提高了0.16 m2·s-2.


Errors in the kinematic wave and diffusion wave approximations for time-independent (or steady-state) cases of channel flow were derived for three types of boundary conditions: zero flow at the upstream end, and critical flow depth and zero depth gradient at the downstream end. The diffusion wave approximation was found to be in excellent agreement with the dynamic wave approximation, with errors in the range 1–2% for values of KF (? 7.5), where K is the kinematic wave number and F0 is the Froude number. Even for small values of KF (e.g. KF20 = 0.75), the errors were typically less than 15%. The accuracy of the diffusion wave approximation was greatly influenced by the downstream boundary condition. The error of the kinematic wave approximation was found to be less than 13% in the region 0.1 ? x ? 0.95 for KF = 7.5 and was greater than 30% for smaller values of KF (? 0.75). This error increased with strong downstream boundary control.  相似文献   

A new approach to identify the signals of the Earth’s main magnetic field (core field) based on the magnetic observatory data processing is suggested. The algorithms implemented in the approach are based on the Discrete mathematical analysis (DMA). The developed method is used to analyze the data from 49 midand low-latitude observatories of the INTERMAGNET network collected in 2011–2015. The results are compared with the classical method for determining the periods of low magnetic activity of external origin which is adopted by the International Association for Geomagnetism and Aeronomy (IAGA). The advantages of the suggested new approach are demonstrated. Based on the data records for the selected time intervals, the time series of the core field components and their secular variations are obtained for each observatory. These data are compared to the values predicted by the most accurate core field models: SIFM, CHAOS-6, and EMM-2015. The accuracy of the models is estimated using a set of statistical parameters: Pearson’s coefficient of linear correlation, Spearman’s and Kendall’s coefficients of rank correlation, the mean and median values over the data sets, and the mean difference between the data obtained by the suggested method from observatory measurements and the model predictions.  相似文献   

The satellite missions CHAllenging Minisatellite Payload (CHAMP) and Gravity Recovery And Climate Experiment (GRACE) provide accurate data that are routinely inverted into spherical harmonic coefficients of the geopotential forming a global geopotential model (GGM). Mean square errors of these coefficients, in some cases even entire covariance matrices, are included in the GGM. Due to estimation procedures with a large redundancy and insufficiently propagated observation errors, they often do not represent the actual accuracy of the harmonic coefficients, thus also gravity field parameters synthesized from the respective GGM. Since in most cases standard methods validating the GGMs reached their limits, new procedures and independent data are being currently sought. This article discusses an alternative validation procedure based on comparison of the GGMs with independent data represented by a set of GPS/leveling stations. Due to a different spectral content of the height anomalies synthesized from the GGMs and of those derived by combination of GPS-based ellipsoidal and leveled normal heights, the GGM-based low frequency height anomaly is enhanced for a high frequency component computed from local ground gravity and elevation data. The methodology is applied on a set of selected points of the European Vertical Reference Network and Czech trigonometric stations. In accordance with similar tests based on entirely independent data of cross-over altimetry, obtained results seem to indicate low-frequency deficiencies in the current GGMs, namely in those estimated from data of single-satellite missions.  相似文献   

— Starting with fundamental-mode Rayleigh-wave attenuation coefficient values (R) predicted by previously determined frequency-independent models of shear-wave Q (Q), we have obtained frequency-dependent Q models that explain measured values of R as well as of Lg coda Q and its frequency dependence at 1 Hz (Qo and , respectively) for China and some adjacent regions. The process combines trial-and-error selection of a model for the depth distribution of the frequency dependence parameter () for Q with a formal inversion for the depth distribution of Q at 1 Hz. Fifteen of the derived models have depth distributions of that are constant, or nearly constant, between the surface and a depth of 30 km. distributions that vary with depth in the upper 30 km are necessary to explain the remaining seven models. values for the depth-independent models vary between 0.4 and 0.7 everywhere except in the western portion of the Tibetan Plateau where they range between about 0.1 and 0.3 for three paths. These low values lie in a region where QLg and crustal Q are very low and suggest that they should also be low for high-frequency propagation. The models in which varies with depth all show a decrease in that value ranging between 0.55 and 0.8 in the upper 15 km of the crust and (with two exceptions where =0.0) between 0.3 and 0.55 in the depth range 15–30 km. The distribution of values between 0.6 and 0.8 (the higher part of the range) in the upper crust indicates that high-frequency waves will propagate most efficiently, relative to low-frequency waves, in a band that includes, and strikes north-northeastward from the path between event 212/97 and KMI to the path between event 180/95 and station HIA in the north.Acknowledgement. We thank Lianli Cong for providing his code for plotting crustal Q models and Robert Herrmann for writing the mode summation code for computing Lg synthetics used in this study. Our work benefited from helpful discussions with Jack Xie at Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University. This research was sponsored by the Defense Threat Reduction Agency Contract No. DTRA-01-00-C-0213.  相似文献   

Layered Velocity Models of the Western Bohemia Region   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A new robust and effective optimization algorithm – isometric algorithm – was used for the inversion of layered velocity models, with constant gradient in each layer, to find suitable 1-D models for the location of microearthquakes in the individual four subregions of the West Bohemian earthquake swarm region. Models which are considered as optimal yield the minimum sum of the absolute values of the travel-time residua in locating the whole group of earthquakes in the given subregion. The results obtained from the inversion of P and S waves and from P waves only are shown. For comparison, optimum homogeneous models derived by the grid search method, again using both P and S waves and P waves only, are given. The computations indicate that the models for the individual subregions differ from each other. For layered models the differences are more pronounced, as expected, in the upper parts, down to depths of about 5 km. In comparison with the subregions Nový Kostel and Plesná, the P and S wave velocities for subregion Lazy are relatively higher and the P and S velocities for subregion Klingenthal relatively lower. In the lower parts the differences are smaller and the velocities have practically identical gradients. The highest velocities were obtained for subregion Lazy and the lowest velocities for subregion Klingenthal, as well for the homogeneous models. The model that represents the whole swarm region was determined in a similar way. This model is compared with the previously published velocity-depth distribution, obtained from DSS profile VI/70 in the vicinity of the area under study.  相似文献   

铲形正断层特征数值模拟及其与地震机制的研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
谢阳  常祖峰 《地震研究》2001,24(4):351-357
铲形正断层是伸展构造区最普遍、最基本的断层构造。本应用近年来先进的LDDA方法对断层的运动效应进行数值模拟,着重探讨了铲形正断层的几何学和运动学特征,并且依据断层带附近剪应力集中的情况,对铲形正断层与地震机制的关系进行了讨论。这些探讨对于深入认识伸展构造区地震的形成机制和动力学环境具有重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

基于滑面正应力修正的边坡安全系数显示解法,研究滑面初始正应力分布对边坡稳定性的影响。假设滑面的初始正应力分布,用含有待定参数的修正函数对其进行修正,使滑体满足所有方向的力和力矩平衡条件,推导出满足所有平衡条件的安全系数方程,得到边坡安全系数值,对边坡稳定性进行评判分析。结果表明,对于三维对称边坡,不同初始滑面正应力分布对边坡稳定性影响较小,安全系数最大差别控制在5%以内;对于一般三维形状边坡,不同初始正应力分布对边坡稳定性影响较大,三维安全系数的差别在6.2%,与其他方法的差别最大达到28.7%,需要进一步验证滑面正应力分布的合理性才能应用于工程实践。  相似文献   

V. P. Singh 《水文研究》1995,9(7):783-796
Error equations for the kinematic wave and diffusion wave approximations with lateral inflow neglected in the momentum equation are derived under simplified conditions for space-independent flows. These equations specify error as a function of time in the flow hydrograph. The kinematic wave, diffusion wave and dynamic wave solutions are parameterized through a dimensionless parameter γ which is dependent on the initial conditions. This parameter reflects the effect of initial flow depth, channel-bed slope, lateral inflow, infiltration and channel roughness when the initial condition is non-vanishing; it reflects the effect of bed slope, channel roughness and acceleration due to gravity when the initial condition is vanishing. The error equations are found to be the Riccati equation. The structure of the error equations in the case when the momentum equation neglects lateral inflow is different from that when the lateral inflow is included.  相似文献   

The increasing resolution of ground based gravity measurements (e.g. by superconducting gravimeters) as well as satellite based gravity field studies allows to study very small signals, globally as well as local. On the other hand, this requires the correction of such signals to uncover others. To study the Earth’s deep interior and the on-going dynamic processes requires the correction of disturbing signals, and one of these signals is related to ocean tidal loading. Although new ocean tide models are being derived from current satellite missions, there are still uncertainties.In this paper we present an intercomparison ocean tide models to test their fit to world-wide observations. Therefore, three TOPEX/POSEIDON (T/P) satellite derived models (CSR3.0, FES95.2 and TPXO.2) beside the classical SCHW80 model were selected for an accuracy assessment study. The selected models have been subjected to an intercomparison test, tide gauge validation test and comparison to 59 tidal gravity stations.The intercomparison test shows a good agreement between the T/P-based models for the open ocean and remarkable disagreement between the selected models in the coastal regions indicating that such models are still problematic in these regions. The tide gauge validation shows that the T/P derived models fit tide gauges better than SCHW80, with a better fit for the semidiurnal constituents than for the diurnal constituents. Comparing the gravimetric ocean-tide loading computed from the selected models with the residuals from a set of 59 tidal gravity stations shows that there is an improvement of the T/P derived models with respect to the Schwiderski model, especially in M2. However, this improvement is not as significant as the result of the comparison with the pelagic data. The procedure developed for the comparison of T/P derived models with SCHW80 is presented. The results provide not only information and improvement with regard to SCHW80, but also information about the properties of the new models. It is intended to continue this work applying the very recent models to see how they perform compared to this study.With this study we provide boundary conditions for the improvement of new ocean-tide models in order to benefit from the gravity measurements now possible regarding the evaluation of Earth structures and dynamic processes.  相似文献   

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