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相对海平面上升对中国沿海地区的可能影响 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
本文论述了相对海平面变化研究的重要性,并在IPCC提供的全球海平面变化背景值之上,给出中国未来几十年相对海平面变化的预测值。中国大河三角洲地区未来几十年相对海平面皆呈上升趋势,但幅度不同。因此,充分认识相对海平面上升将导致的危害就显得极为重要和迫切。相对海平面上升将对中国沿海地区产生以下影响:(1)导致海岸侵蚀,扩大侵蚀范围;(2)风暴潮强度与频率增加:(3)沿海低地与湿地被淹没;(4)海水入侵加剧,范围扩大,水资源和水环境遭到破坏;(5)防汛工程功能降低,洪涝灾害加剧。因此,沿海地区政府决策应考虑未来相对海平面变化的影响。 相似文献
中国沿海海平面的上升预测模型 总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8
温室效应引起的全球海平面上升,已为世界各海洋国家所关注,研究表明,近20年多年以来,我国沿海的海平面以1.5mm/a的速率上升,这与全球海平面上升的趋势是一致的,为了预测海平面的这种上升趋势,本文试图从温室效应引起的全球海平面上升和结合我国海海平面变化特点提出了我国的海平面变化预测模型,即中国沿海海平面上升趋势既取决于全球温室效应的增强,又受到沿海地壳升降和地面下沉的影响,文中给出了我国海平面变化 相似文献
全世界由于工业化进程的发展,人类向大气层排放过量的CO_2和其他废气,从而引起全球性增温,致使两极冰川融化而产生海平面上升。现今气候变暖已为人们直接感觉;而海平面上升虽不易察觉,亦为仪器观测记录到。80年代以来,各国科学家们对这种全球性气候变暖和海平面上升的趋势,开展了大面积的区域性观测研究。有关变暖和上升的报道接连见诸于报刊,其资料数据各国各地不一,特别是对未来 相似文献
基于中国沿海10个验潮站资料,利用皮尔森Ⅲ型(P-Ⅲ)模型探讨了典型浓度路径(Representative Concentration Pathway,RCP)情景下21世纪海平面上升对中国沿海地区极值水位重现期的影响。结果表明:海平面上升将显著缩短极值水位的重现期。在RCP8.5情景下极值水位的重现期缩短最为显著。预估到2050年,在RCP8.5情景下,所研究的中国沿海地区潮位站的百年一遇极值水位将变为9~43 a一遇。到2100年,在RCP8.5情景下,百年一遇极值水位变为1~18 a一遇。当前极值水位的低概率事件将在2100年变得普遍,在RCP8.5情景下,到2100年千年一遇的几乎每两百年发生一次。由于极值水位的重现期会随着气候变化而缩短,未来沿海地区将会面临更严峻的风险与挑战。 相似文献
海平面上升对珠江三角洲地区影响及对策初探 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
珠江三角洲是我国沿海经济高速发展的地区,但因其地势低平、河网纵横、人口密集、城镇集中,成为我国未来海平面上升影响的主要脆弱区之一。本文利用GLS技术和沿海数字高程模型,计算和编绘了在不同海平面上升情景和不同防潮设施情况下,海水可能淹没范围的专题数字图件,并给出了珠江三角洲主要市县的可能淹没面积及脆弱性分析。同时对未来海平面上升对珠江三角洲的影响和主要对策进行了初步探讨。 相似文献
海平面上升与天津沿海风暴潮特征 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
一、海平面变动情势 由于人类活动的影响,大气中二氧化碳和其它微量气体含量不断增加,引起温室效应,导致全球性气温增高。根据专家们测算,在最近100年来,全球平均气温升高0.4℃~0.5℃。 全球气温升高,气候变暖的一个重要结果,就是导致世界性的海平面升高。专家们测算结 相似文献
英国制定了一系列的法律、政策和行动方案积极应对气候变化引发的海平面上升。我国本着对国际社会负责的态度制定了相应的法律、政策以应对气候变化,并已取得可喜的成果,但在应对气候变化的道路上仍面临挑战。英国应对海平面上升的一系列举措对我国具有一定的借鉴意义。 相似文献
海平面上升趋势数据的诊断及中国沿海海平面的上升趋势 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
列出不同作者发作的海平面升降趋势的统计结果,指出不同作者所得结果之间的分散性以及造成这种分散性的原因,提出了我国海平面绝对上升率的推荐值。 相似文献
海平面上升对沿海城市的影响 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
全球气候变暖引起的海平面上升是沿海城市发展的共同环境背影,政府间气候变化委员会新近对海平面上升的最佳估计是,到2100年全球海平面将上升50cm,而大河三角洲区和沿海低平原区,由于沉积物压实,构造沉降过量开采地下水引起地面沉降,相对海平上升远远高于比值。 相似文献
本文通过对中国沿海25个观测站水位资料的分析,初步探讨了中国沿海1980-2012年增减水的变化特征及与海平面变化的关系。结果表明:(1)中国沿海增减水的季节变化特征明显,相邻站由于受到的气象状况相同,其沿海增减水变化的过程相近,但是变化幅度存在较大差异。从空间分布看,沿海增减水的变化幅度呈现中间大南北小的区域特征,自长江口至广东沿海,增减水的年变化幅度最大,年变幅平均为5.0~7.5 cm;南海周边及北部湾沿海,增减水的年变化幅度次之,年变幅平均为4.0~5.5 cm;自渤海至黄海沿海,增减水的年变化幅度较小,年变幅平均为3.3~3.5 cm。(2)从时间变化看,1980-2012年中国沿海年平均增减水长期基本没有趋势性变化,但明显存在2至5年的周期性变化信号,该信号的震荡幅度为0.1 cm。经过高频滤波后,对沿海月平均增减水序列与Niño3.4指数进行相关性分析,相关系数为-0.5,该相关系数通过了显著性检验,说明中国沿海的增减水变化与ENSO事件呈现负相关关系。(3)中国沿海增减水的长期变化及空间分布特征均与海平面变化不同。1980-2012年,中国沿海海平面的上升速率为2.9 mm/a,而增减水长期基本无趋势性变化;另外,其季节变化与海平面的季节变化从时间和区域上均不存在一致性。(4)但是,短期海平面的变化与增减水有关,并且增减水对短期海平面的贡献根据其具体情况而定,增水幅度大且持续时间长的过程对短期海平面有抬升作用,其贡献率最大可达65%;反之,减水幅度大且持续时间长的过程则对短期海平面有降低的作用。 相似文献
I~IOXThe sea level rise threatens China's coastal plains and river deltas and makes them the vulnerable areas due to their loW elevation.Since the 1980s, the Chinese scientists have paid great attention to the problem of the sealevel rise caused by the global warming. They have analyZed and calculated the trend of the relative sea level change along the China's coast in the past 50 a. The result of study shows that therising rate of the sea level along China's coast is (1. 7 i 0. 3) rum/a.… 相似文献
中国沿岸近期多年月平均海面随机动态分析 总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2
本文以最大熵谱分析了中国沿岸15个站1971~1995年月平均海面序列,得出中国沿岸月平均海面的主要振动为年振动和半年振动,而主要低频周期在中国北方各站为18.6a,从长途至厦门各站为9a左右.然后以随机动态拟合分析方法计算出中国沿岸月平均海面相对上升速率范围为(1.07±0.83)mm/a,并同时指出该方法计算出的上升速率受时段长度及低频周期的影响.最后,给出了中国沿岸月平均海面变异的时空分布,并说明了厄尔尼诺现象主要影响中国南部沿海的月均海面. 相似文献
Jianfen Li Zhiwen Shang Fu Wang Yongsheng Chen Lizhu Tian Xingyu Jiang Qian Yu Hong Wang 《海洋学报(英文版)》2021,40(7):198-248
Using 110 newly revised Holocene sea level indicators categorized into three types, sediments (67), shelly cheniers (27) and oyster reefs (16), this paper firstly provides a Holocene relative sea level curve, based on multiple approaches of litho- and biostratigraphies and sedimentary faces analysis, for the west coast of Bohai Bay, China. Following considerations, including indicative meaning, the paleo tidal pattern and range and conversion from mean tidal level to mean sea level, an apparent relative mean sea level (RMSL) curve was further reconstructed. After systematical calibration using CALIB, those of the 48 reworked samples were further corrected for the residence-time effect. Similarly, the younger ages for another 35 samples were chosen at the subsample level. These result in a younger-oriented shift for about 0.5 ka. Three local spatial factors, including neotectonic subsidence (average rate about 0.1 mm/a), self-compaction of unconsolidated sediments (between a few decimeters to about 6 m) and subsidence due to groundwater withdrawal (between a few centimeters to about 2.5 m), were quantitatively corrected. Finally, the amended RMSL curve after eliminating all these local temporo-spatial factors is very likely to show non-existence of mid-Holocene highstand and imply potential influences of both ice-volume equivalent sea level and regional glacial isostatic adjustment. Although it is still unable to divide both global and regional factors, the slowdown of sea level rise, in 7.5–6.8 ka with a maximum height less than +1 m, may constrain the model effort in the near future. 相似文献
海面倾斜与高程基准密切相关,它已经受到大地测量学界和海洋学界的重视.进一步讨论了大地水准的测量精度,指出了大地(几何)水准与沿海验潮资料的不符是由于海面的倾斜;分析了海面倾斜的机理,其中包括海流、海水密度分布、气压、台风引起的破碎波等的作用;提出了用海水异常密度的三维分布计算大地水准面的扰动,实质上它反映了海面的倾斜,该量占大地水准测量结果的73%,这进一步说明密度的异常乃是我国沿海海面倾斜的主要原因. 相似文献
Based on sea level, air temperature, sea surface temperature(SST), air pressure and wind data during 1980–2014,this paper uses Morlet wavelet transform, Estuarine Coastal Ocean Model(ECOM) and so on to investigate the characteristics and possible causes of seasonal sea level anomalies along the South China Sea(SCS) coast. The research results show that:(1) Seasonal sea level anomalies often occur from January to February and from June to October. The frequency of sea level anomalies is the most in August, showing a growing trend in recent years. In addition, the occurring frequency of negative sea level anomaly accounts for 50% of the total abnormal number.(2) The seasonal sea level anomalies are closely related to ENSO events. The negative anomalies always occurred during the El Ni?o events, while the positive anomalies occurred during the La Ni?a(late El Ni?o) events. In addition, the seasonal sea level oscillation periods of 4–7 a associated with ENSO are the strongest in winter, with the amplitude over 2 cm.(3) Abnormal wind is an important factor to affect the seasonal sea level anomalies in the coastal region of the SCS. Wind-driven sea level height(SSH) is basically consistent with the seasonal sea level anomalies. Moreover, the influence of the tropical cyclone in the coastal region of the SCS is concentrated in summer and autumn, contributing to the seasonal sea level anomalies.(4) Seasonal variations of sea level, SST and air temperature are basically consistent along the coast of the SCS, but the seasonal sea level anomalies have no much correlation with the SST and air temperature. 相似文献
We analyze oscillations of the Black Sea level at 43 points in the north part of the coast. At some points, the data of every-day
measurements are accumulated for more than 100 years. Actually, at all points with minor exceptions, we observe a general
trend toward an increase in the sea level. The amplitude of oscillations of the sea level about the average trend obeys a
normal distribution. We determine numerical characteristics of this distribution.
Translated by Peter V. Malyshev and Dmitry V. Malyshev 相似文献
《African Journal of Marine Science》2013,35(1):195-203
Principal components analysis was used to examine monthly data on sea level obtained from tide-gauge records from the west coast of southern Africa over the period 1957—1975. After a simple correction had removed the effect of local atmospheric pressure, this statistical analysis revealed the structure of nearshore ocean variability over time periods of months to years. The first principal component, accounting for over 55 per cent of the variability in monthly mean sea level, was a near uniform rise and fall everywhere along the west coast of southern Africa. The spectrum of this large-scale structure showed a strong interannual trend, which correlated well with long-term trends of temperature anomaly over the entire South-East Atlantic, and a high-frequency term, which could not be resolved at a time period of one month. The second principal component showed the contrasting response of the northern and southern sites on a seasonal scale, and it could be correlated with seasonal wind data. These results compared well with similar analysis carried out in the North Pacific Ocean. 相似文献
The rise or fall trend of the sea level along the coast of East Asia is estimated with different computational methods based on sea‐level data of longer time series collected from 45 tide gauge stations there. The results show that the relative sea level, on average, has been rising along the coast of the whole of East Asia from the early 1950s to the early 1990s. The regional change of sea‐level rise or fall is greater. The sea level along the coast of China, except along the Shandong Peninsula, is rising; the sea level along the coast of the southern islands of Japan and the southern Korean peninsula, as estimated by several methods, is mostly rising, but the rate of rise is very small. The difference between the results estimated in this study and the corresponding results of Barnett along the coast of East Asia is significant. This is mainly because the number of the stations selected by Barnett is relatively small, and the selected stations are concentrated at the southern and northern ends of the region, without data in the middle of the region. The effect of the estimating methods is smaller. 相似文献