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Fjord exchange circulation and its response to abrupt changes in forcing is examined by means of an idealized modeling experiment. Puget Sound, a fjord-type estuary in western North America (State of Washington), is the main context for this study. Parameters of the idealized model are representative of the entrance sill at Admiralty Inlet and the Main Basin of Puget Sound. Sensitivity to some of the model parameters relevant to a 3D realistic model is discussed. An idealized tidal forcing with fortnightly modulation drives a qualitatively realistic cycle of exchange circulation while the other boundary conditions are kept fixed in time. The cycle is characterized by fortnightly pulses of deep water intrusions with a sharp front at the leading edge and reversed circulation cells below the sill depth developing between the intrusions. This basic state is then perturbed and response of the circulation to abrupt changes in oceanic salinity and river discharge is examined.  相似文献   

Observations are presented of currents, hydrography and turbulence in a jet-type tidally forced fjord in Svalbard. The fjord was ice covered at the time of the experiment in early spring 2004. Turbulence measurements were conducted by both moored instruments within the uppermost 5 m below the ice and a microstructure profiler covering 3–60 m at 75 m depth. Tidal choking at the mouth of the fjord induces a tidal jet advecting relatively warmer water past the measurement site and dominating the variability in hydrography. While there was no strong correlation with the observed hydrography or mixing and the phase of the semidiurnal tidal cycle, the mean structure in dissipation of turbulent kinetic energy, work done under the ice and the mixing in the water column correlated with the current when conditionally sampled for tidal jet events. Observed levels of dissipation of turbulent kinetic energy per unit mass, 1.1×10−7 W kg−1, and eddy diffusivity, 7.3×10−4 m2 s−1, were comparable to direct measurements at other coastal sites and shelves with rough topography and strong forcing. During spring tides, an average upward heat flux of 5 W m−2 in the under-ice boundary layer was observed. Instantaneous (1 h averaged) large heat flux events were correlated with periods of large inflow, hence elevated heat fluxes were associated with the tidal jet and its heat content. Vertical heat fluxes are derived from shear-probe measurements by employing a novel model for eddy diffusivity [Shih et al., 2005. Parameterization of turbulent fluxes and scales using homogeneous sheared stably stratified turbulence simulations. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 525, 193–214]. When compared to the direct heat flux measurements using the eddy correlation method at 5 m below the ice, the upper 4–6 m averaged heat flux estimates from the microstructure profiler agreed with the direct measurements to within 10%. During the experiment water column was stably, but weakly, stratified. Destabilizing buoyancy fluxes recorded close to the ice were absent at 5 m below the ice, and overall, turbulence production was dominated by shear. A scaling for dissipation employing production by both stress and buoyancy [Lombardo and Gregg, 1989. Similarity scaling of viscous and thermal dissipation in a convecting boundary layer. Journal of Geophysical Research 94, 6273–6284] was found to be appropriate for the under-ice boundary layer.  相似文献   

The geomorphology of the southern Yellow Sea(SYS) is characterized by offshore radial sand ridges(RSR).An offshore tidal channel(KSY Channel) is located perpendicular to the coast,comprised of a main and a tributary channel separated by a submarine sand ridge(KSY Sand Ridge) extending seaward.In order to investigate the interactions among water flow,sediment transport,and topography,current velocity and suspended sediment concentration(SSC) were observed at 11 anchor stations along KSY Channel in RSR during a spring tide cycle.High resolution bottom topography was also surveyed.Residual currents and tidally averaged suspended sediment fluxes were calculated and analyzed by using the decomposition method.Results suggested that the water currents became stronger landward but with asymmetrical current speed and temporal duration of flood and ebb tides.Residual currents showed landward water transport in the nearshore channel and a clockwise circulation around the KSY Sand Ridge.Tidally-averaged SSC also increased landward along the channel.The main mechanisms controlling SSC variations were resuspension and horizontal advection,with spatial and temporal variations in the channel,which also contributed to sediment redistribution between channels and sand ridges.Residual flow transport and the tidal pumping effect dominated the suspended sediment flux in the KSY Channel.The KSY Sand Ridge had a potential southward migration due to the interaction between water flow,sediment transport,and topography.  相似文献   

Analyses of shoreline and bathymetry change near Calais, northern coast of France, showed that shoreline evolution during the 20th century was strongly related with shoreface and nearshore bathymetry variations. Coastal erosion generally corresponds to areas of nearshore seabed lowering while shoreline progradation is essentially associated with areas of seafloor aggradation, notably east of Calais where an extensive sand flat experienced seaward shoreline displacement up to more than 300 m between 1949 and 2000. Mapping of bathymetry changes since 1911 revealed that significant variation in nearshore morphology was caused by the onshore and alongshore migration of a prominent tidal sand bank that eventually welded to the shore. Comparison of bathymetry data showed that the volume of the bank increased by about 10×107 m3 during the 20th century, indicating that the bank was acting as a sediment sink for some of the sand transiting alongshore in the coastal zone. Several lines of evidence show that the bank also represented a major sediment source for the prograding tidal flat, supplying significant amounts of sand to the accreting upper beach. Simulation of wave propagation using the SWAN wave model (Booij et al., 1999) suggests that the onshore movement of the sand bank resulted in a decrease of wave energy in the nearshore zone, leading to more dissipative conditions. Such conditions would have increased nearshore sediment supply, favoring aeolian dune development on the upper beach and shoreline progradation. Our results suggest that the onshore migration of nearshore sand banks may represent one of the most important, and possibly the primary mechanism responsible for supplying marine sand to beaches and coastal dunes in this macrotidal coastal environment.  相似文献   

采用1850—2012年期间USGS全球M≥5.0地震目录资料,构成全球地震能量-时间序列,进行小波变换和准周期分析. 结果表明,全球地震能量释放的时间序列存在9年、19年和45年的3个准周期,其中,45年准周期最为突出. 结合起潮力周期的物理背景,对长周期潮汐起潮力与地震能量释放准周期的关系进行了探讨,没有发现全球地震活动的能量释放与潮汐短周期相关的准周期.  相似文献   

A high-resolution three-dimensional model of the Clyde Sea and the adjacent North Channel of the Irish Sea is used to compute the major diurnal and semidiurnal tides in the region, the associated energy fluxes and thickness of the bottom boundary layer. Initially, the accuracy of the model is assessed by performing a detailed comparison of computed tidal elevations and currents in the region, against an extensive database that exists for the M2, S2, N2, K1 and O1 tides. Subsequently, the model is used to compute the tidal energy flux vectors in the region. These show that the major energy flux is confined to the North Channel region, with little energy flux into the Clyde Sea. Comparison with the observed energy flux in the North Channel shows that its across-channel distribution and its magnitude are particularly sensitive to the phase difference between elevation and current. Consequently, small changes in the computed values of these parameters due to slight changes of the order of the uncertainty in the open-boundary values to the model, can significantly influence the computed energy flux. The thickness of the bottom boundary layer in the region is computed using a number of formulations. Depending upon the definition adopted, the empirical coefficient C used to determine its thickness varies over the range 0.1 to 0.3, in good agreement with values found in the literature. In the North Channel, the boundary layer thickness occupies the whole water depth, and hence tidal turbulence produced at the sea bed keeps the region well mixed. In the Clyde Sea, the boundary layer thickness is a small fraction of the depth, and hence the region stratifies.Responsible Editor: Phil Dyke  相似文献   

Tidal circulation and energy dissipation in a shallow, sinuous estuary   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The tidal dynamics in a pristine, mesotidal (>2 m range), marsh-dominated estuary are examined using moored and moving vessel field observations. Analysis focuses on the structure of the M 2 tide that accounts for approximately 80% of the observed tidal energy, and indicates a transition in character from a near standing wave on the continental shelf to a more progressive wave within the estuary. A slight maximum in water level (WL) occurs in the estuary 10–20 km from the mouth. M 2 WL amplitude decreases at 0.015 m/km landward of this point, implying head of tide approximately 75 km from the mouth. In contrast, tidal currents in the main channel 25 km inland are twice those at the estuary mouth. Analysis suggests the tidal character is consistent with a strongly convergent estuarine geometry controlling the tidal response in the estuary. First harmonic (M 4) current amplitude follows the M 2 WL distribution, peaking at mid-estuary, whereas M 4 WL is greatest farther inland. The major axis current amplitude is strongly influenced by local bathymetry and topography. On most bends a momentum core shifts from the inside to outside of the bend moving seaward, similar to that seen in unidirectional river flow but with point bars shifted seaward of the bends. Dissipation rate estimates, based on changes in energy flux, are 0.18–1.65 W m−2 or 40–175 μW kg–1. A strong (0.1 m/s), depth-averaged residual flow is produced at the bends, which resembles flow around headlands, forming counter-rotating eddies that meet at the apex of the bends. A large sub-basin in the estuary exhibits remarkably different tidal characteristics and may be resonant at a harmonic of the M 2 tide.  相似文献   

An idealized morphodynamic model is used to gain further understanding about the formation and characteristics of shoreface-connected sand ridges and tidal sand banks on the continental shelf. The model consists of the 2D shallow water equations, supplemented with a sediment transport formulation and describes the initial feedback between currents and small amplitude bed forms. The behaviour of bed forms during both storm and fair weather conditions is analyzed. This is relevant in case of coastal seas characterized by tidal motion, where the latter causes continuous transport of sediment as bed load.The new aspects of this work are the incorporation of both steady and tidal currents (represented by an M2 and M4 component) in the external forcing, in combination with dominant suspended sediment transport during storms. The results indicate that the dynamics during storms and fair weather strongly differ, causing different types of bed forms to develop. Shoreface-connected sand ridges mainly form during storm conditions, whereas if fair weather conditions prevail the more offshore located tidal sand banks develop. Including the M4 tide changes the properties of the bed forms, such as growth rates and migration speeds, due to tidal asymmetry. Finally a probabilistic formulation of the storm and fair weather realization of the model is used to find conditions for which both types of large-scale bed forms occur simultaneously. These conditions turn out to be a low storm fraction and the presence strong tidal currents in combination with strong steady currents during storms.  相似文献   

Tidal ice drift is regarded as an element of the 3D tidal dynamics on the Siberian continental shelf. Two cases are considered: (1) when sea ice is immobile (in a horizontal plane), so that ice-induced changes of tidal characteristics may be treated as if they are limiting, and (2) when sea ice is moveable and internal stresses in the ice cover are described by a viscous-elastic rheology. It is shown that sea ice does not lead to radical changes of the tidal and energetic regimes, although their quantitative changes may be quite significant. In general, the ice-induced influence on the tidal dynamics is less than that on the tidal energetics. Therefore, the commonly accepted assumption that this influence may be viewed as being negligible is justified only partially. We present model results for tidal ice drift parameters—its magnitude, direction, the amplitude of tidal variations of ice concentration and the pressure of ice compression—as well as for ice-induced changes of tidal characteristics and the residual tidal ice drift. Partial attention is given to revealing the zones of ice compression–rarefaction, that is of importance in Arctic navigation.  相似文献   

A variable mesh finite element model of the Irish and Celtic Sea regions with/without the inclusion of the Mersey estuary is used to examine the influence of grid resolution and the Mersey upon the higher harmonics of the tide in the region. Comparisons are made with observations and published results from finite difference models of the area. Although including a high resolution representation of the Mersey had little effect upon computed tides in the western Irish Sea it had a significant effect upon tidal currents in the eastern Irish Sea. In addition the higher harmonics of the M2 tide in near-shore regions of the eastern Irish Sea particularly the Solway and Mersey estuary together with Morecambe Bay showed significant small scale variability. The Mersey was used to test the sensitivity to including estuaries because high resolution accurate topography was available. The results presented here suggest that comparable detailed topographic data sets are required in all estuaries and near-shore regions. In addition comparisons clearly show the need for an unstructured grid model of the region that can include all the estuaries. Such an unstructured grid solution was developed here within a finite element approach, although other methods in particular the finite volume, or coordinate transformations/curvilinear grids and nesting could be applied.  相似文献   

We investigate how waves are transformed across a shore platform as this is a central question in rock coast geomorphology. We present results from deployment of three pressure transducers over four days, across a sloping, wide (~200 m) cliff‐backed shore platform in a macrotidal setting, in South Wales, United Kingdom. Cross‐shore variations in wave heights were evident under the predominantly low to moderate (significant wave height < 1.4 m) energy conditions measured. At the outer transducer 50 m from the seaward edge of the platform (163 m from the cliff) high tide water depths were 8+ m meaning that waves crossed the shore platform without breaking. At the mid‐platform position water depth was 5 m. Water depth at the inner transducer (6 m from the cliff platform junction) at high tide was 1.4 m. This shallow water depth forced wave breaking, thereby limiting wave heights on the inner platform. Maximum wave height at the middle and inner transducers were 2.41 and 2.39 m, respectively, and significant wave height 1.35 m and 1.34 m, respectively. Inner platform high tide wave heights were generally larger where energy was up to 335% greater than near the seaward edge where waves were smaller. Infragravity energy was less than 13% of the total energy spectra with energy in the swell, wind and capillary frequencies accounting for 87% of the total energy. Wave transformation is thus spatially variable and is strongly modulated by platform elevation and the tidal range. While shore platforms in microtidal environments have been shown to be highly dissipative, in this macro‐tidal setting up to 90% of the offshore wave energy reached the landward cliff at high tide, so that the shore platform cliff is much more reflective. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

在扰动位能(PPE)理论的基础上,针对不同高度上局地环流能量转换问题,本文提出了分层扰动位能(LPPE)的概念.研究表明850hPa的分层扰动位能一阶矩(LPPE1)在热带地区为正,高纬度地区为负,200 hPa高度LPPE1在北美高纬度地区出现正值分布,100 hPa及以上LPPE1热带地区为负,高纬度为正.LPPE1冬季半球的分布与年平均相似,北半球夏季大陆上出现正的极大值.在局地,LPPE1在数值上远远大于分层扰动位能二阶矩(LPPE2)及更高阶矩,因此,LPPE的分布与LPPE1的分布相似.南海季风区低层动能的季节变化与LPPE呈现反向变化关系.相关分析表明,南海夏季风(SCSSM)与春季的LPPE1偶极型分布之间存在着显著的年际(正)相关关系,可以作为SCSSM强度的一个预报因子.春季赤道印度洋、西太平洋海表温度(SST)的负(正)异常对应春季、夏季LPPE1的南负北正(南正北负)偶极型分布,夏季(JJAS) LPPE1的偶极型分布与南海季风区动能的一致增大(减小)是两者耦合模态的主导模态,夏季南海季风区的西风增强(减弱), SCSSM增强(减弱),这是能量异常影响SCSSM的一个可能的机制.  相似文献   

Ocean Dynamics - During polar nights in January 2012 and 2017, significantly higher bioluminescence (BL) potential emissions in the upper 50&nbsp;m were observed in the fjord Rijpfjorden...  相似文献   

非绝热加热对大气局地扰动位能的影响和机理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
高丽  李建平 《地球物理学报》2013,56(10):3255-3269
本文运用统计相关和奇异值分解方法,系统地考察了非绝热加热对大气局地扰动位能的影响特征和机理问题.分析结果表明,热带地区海表温度异常和扰动位能的耦合相关特征与厄尔尼诺和南方涛动变率的关系密切,扰动位能在热带外地区的耦合模态空间型呈现出与北太平洋—北美大气遥相关型极为相似的分布特征.通过进一步考察大气中视热源与扰动位能的耦合特征,发现在低纬地区仍主要反映了厄尔尼诺和南方涛动的影响机制,在热带外地区,视热源异常的耦合模态则表现出与北半球环状模类似的特点,这表明热带外地区大气的局地能量有效性与热带非绝热加热的遥强迫以及局地性热源加热强迫有着极为密切的联系.  相似文献   

The Wadden Sea consists of a series of tidal lagoons which are connected to the North Sea by tidal inlets. Boundaries of each lagoon are the mainland coast, the barrier islands on both sides of the tidal inlet, and the tidal watersheds behind the two barrier islands. Behind each Wadden Island there is a tidal watershed separating two adjacent tidal lagoons. The locations of the tidal watersheds in the Wadden Sea are not fixed. Especially after a human interference in one of the tidal lagoons, a tidal watershed can move and thereby influence the distribution of area between the lagoons. This appears to be important for the morphological development in not only the basin in which the interference takes place, but also in the adjacent basins. This paper describes theoretical analyses and numerical modelling aimed at improving the insights into the location of the tidal watersheds, their movements, and the impact of the movements of tidal watersheds on the morphological development of a multi-basin system like the Wadden Sea.  相似文献   

The energy flux in internal waves generated at the Celtic Sea shelf break was estimated by (i) applying perturbation theory to a week-long dataset from a mooring at 200 m depth, and (ii) using a 2D non-hydrostatic circulation model over the shelf break. The dataset consisted of high resolution time-series of currents and vertical stratification together with two 25-h sets of vertical profiles of the dissipation of turbulent kinetic energy. The observations indicated an average energy flux of 139 W m−1, travelling along the shelf break towards the northwest. The average energy flux across the shelf break at the mooring was only 8 W m−1. However, the waves propagating onshelf transported up to 200 W m−1, but they were only present 51% of the time. A comparison between the divergence of the baroclinic energy flux and observed dissipation within the seasonal thermocline at the mooring showed that the dissipation was at least one order of magnitude larger. Results from a 2D model along a transect perpendicular to the shelf break showed a time-averaged onshelf energy flux of 153–425 W m−1, depending on the magnitude of the barotropic forcing. A divergence zone of the energy flux was found a few kilometre offshore of the location of the observations in the model results, and fluxes on the order of several kW m−1 were present in the deep waters further offshelf from the divergence zone. The modelled fluxes exhibited qualitative agreements with the phase and hourly onshelf magnitudes of the observed energy fluxes. Both the observations and the model results show an intermittent onshelf energy flux of 100–200 W m−1, but these waves could only propagate ∼20–30 km onshore before dissipating. This conclusion was supported by a 25-h dataset sampled some 180 km onto the shelf, where a weak wave energy flux was found going towards the shelf break. We therefore conclude that shelf break generated internal waves are unlikely to be the main source of energy for mixing on the inner part of the shelf.  相似文献   

This study presents the distribution of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) along the Strait of Gibraltar, its tidal-induced variability, as well as the inorganic carbon exchange between the Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Sea. During November 2003, water column samples were collected at nine stations to measure total alkalinity (TA), pH, and dissolved oxygen (DO) for the spatial characterization of the carbonate system. At the same time, anchored samplings were carried out, above the Camarinal Sill and in the Eastern Section of the Strait, in order to assess the tidal mixing effects for oxygen and DIC distribution on the water column. Three distinct water masses can be discerned in this area: the Surface Atlantic Water (SAW), the Mediterranean Water (MW), and the less abundant North Atlantic Central Water (NACW). The observations show an increase in the DIC and a decrease in oxygen concentration with depth, related to the different physico-chemical features of each water mass. The results show the high time-dependence of the vertical distribution of DIC with the interface oscillation, affected by the intense mixing processes taking place in the Strait. Intense mixing episodes over the Camarinal Sill are responsible for an increase in the DIC concentrations in the upper layer of the Eastern Section of the Strait. Higher DIC concentrations in the Mediterranean than in the Atlantic waters are responsible for a net DIC transport of 1.47×1012 mol C yr−1 to the Atlantic Ocean. Nevertheless, the net exchange is highly sensitive to the interface definition, as well as to the estimate of water volume transport used.  相似文献   

We deployed bottom-mounted quadrapod equipped with acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP), acoustic Doppler velocimeter (ADV), and optical backscatter sensor (OBS) over two semidiurnal tidal cycles along the western coast of the Yellow Sea, China. In combination with shipboard profiling of CTD and LISST-100, we resolved the temporal and spatial distributions of tidal currents, turbulent kinetic energy (TKE), suspended sediment concentration (SSC) and particle size distributions. During the observations, tidal-induced bottom shear stress was the main stirring factor. However, weak tidal flow during the ebb phase was accompanied by two large SSC and median size events. The interactions of seiche-induced oscillations with weak ebb flow induced multiple flow reversals and provided a source of turbulence production, which stripped up the benthic fluff layers (only several millimeters) around the Jiaozhou Bay mouth. Several different methods for inferring mean suspended sediment settling velocity agreed well under peak currents, including estimates using LISST-based Stokes’ settling law, and ADCP-based Rouse profiles, ADV-based inertial-dissipation balance and Reynolds flux. Suspended particles in the study site can be roughly classified into two types according to settling behavior: a smaller, denser class consistent with silt and clay and a larger, less dense class consistent with loosely aggregated flocs. In the present work, we prove that acoustic approaches are robust in simultaneously and non-intrusively estimating hydrodynamics, SSC and settling velocities, which is especially applicable for studying sediment dynamics in tidal environments with moderate concentration levels.  相似文献   

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