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Preliminary risk assessment for prioritisation of site investigations requires efficient screening to reveal type and level of contamination. The screening methods, tree coring and soil gas sampling were applied and compared at two forested sites contaminated with tetrachloroethylene (PCE) or trichloroethylene (TCE) to evaluate their ability to locate source zones and contaminant hot spots. One test site represented a relatively homogeneous sandy soil and aquifer, and the second a more heterogeneous geology with both sandy and less permeable clay till layers overlying a chalk aquifer. Tree cores from different tree species were sampled and analysed, and compared to soil gas measurements and existing soil gas data. Both methods were found useful as screening tools to locate hot spots of PCE and TCE in the shallow subsurface. Tree coring was found to be particularly beneficial as a complement to soil gas sampling at sites with low permeable soils, and where contamination was located in the capillary rise or shallow groundwater. The shorter time required for tree coring reduced the costs compared to soil gas sampling, but the sensitivity and precision of tree coring were lower. However, this did not affect the feasibility of using tree coring to locate the hot spots. Moreover, a combination of the two methods can help to focus any subsequent investigations like soil or groundwater sampling. The use of tree coring to complement soil gas sampling for pre‐screening is expected to result in higher certainty for revealing hot spots and source zones at contaminated sites.  相似文献   

Phytoscreening has been proven to rapidly delineate subsurface contaminant plumes for semiquantitative site assessment, with minimal impact to property or ecology through the collection and analysis of tree cores. Here, three phytoscreening methods were applied concurrently to identify multiple chlorinated volatile organic compounds (cVOCs) in a phytoremediation treatment system at a contaminated industrial facility. Tree coring, in planta gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC‐MS), and in planta passive sampling showed general agreement, with the in planta GC‐MS providing the quickest but least quantitative results. The portable GC‐MS sampling and analysis method identified six cVOCs in the xylem of hybrid poplars (Populus sp.) in the phytoremediation plot. These real‐time data can permit onsite identification and delineation of the contaminants, allowing for adaptive sampling during a single mobilization to a site. The in vitro methods provided quantitative data across two sampling campaigns, as relative cVOC concentrations remained similar between the two trips, despite a decrease in absolute cVOC concentrations from August to October. Overall, this research demonstrates the advantages and limitations of three phytoscreening techniques.  相似文献   

The results of comprehensive field testing of on‐site vapor‐phase‐based groundwater monitoring methods are presented to demonstrate their utility as a robust and cost‐effective approach for rapidly obtaining volatile organic compounds (VOCs) concentration data from a monitoring well. These methods—which rely on sensitive, commercially available field equipment to analyze vapor in equilibrium with groundwater—proved easy to implement and can be tailored to site‐specific needs, including multilevel sampling. During field testing, low‐flow groundwater concentrations could be reasonably estimated using submerged passive vapor diffusion samplers or field equilibration of collected groundwater (R2 = 0.85 to 0.96). These two methods are not as reliant on in‐well mixing to overcome vertical stratification within wells as simpler headspace methods. The importance of well and aquifer‐specific factors on concentration data (and therefore method selection) is highlighted, including the effect of changing in‐well patterns due to seasonal temperature gradients. Results indicated that vertical stratification was relatively limited within the set of wells included in these studies, resulting in similar performance for short depth‐discrete passive vapor diffusion samplers (constructed from 40‐mL vials) and longer samplers (2.5 to 5 feet in length) designed to cover a larger portion of the screened interval. A year‐long, multi‐event evaluation demonstrated that vapor‐phase‐based monitoring methods are no more variable than conventional groundwater monitoring methods, with both types subject to similar spatial and temporal variability that can be difficult to reduce. Vapor sampling methods represent a promising approach for estimation of groundwater concentrations by reducing the cost liabilities associated with monitoring while providing a more sustainable approach.  相似文献   

The use of in‐field analysis of vapor‐phase samples to provide real‐time volatile organic compound (VOC) concentrations in groundwater has the potential to streamline monitoring by simplifying the sample collection and analysis process. A field validation program was completed to (1) evaluate methods for collection of vapor samples from monitoring wells and (2) evaluate the accuracy and precision of field‐portable instruments for the analysis of vapor‐phase samples. The field program evaluated three vapor‐phase sample collection methods: (1) headspace samples from two locations within the well, (2) passive vapor diffusion (PVD) samplers placed at the screened interval of the well, and (3) field vapor headspace analysis of groundwater samples. Two types of instruments were tested: a field‐portable gas chromatograph (GC) and a photoionization detector (PID). Field GC analysis of PVD samples showed no bias and good correlation to laboratory analysis of groundwater collected by low‐flow sampling (slope = 0.96, R2 = 0.85) and laboratory analysis of passive water diffusion bag samples from the well screen (slope = 1.03; R2 = 0.96). Field GC analysis of well headspace samples, either from the upper portion of the well or at the water‐vapor interface, resulted in higher variability and much poorer correlation (consistently biased low) relative to laboratory analysis of groundwater samples collected by low‐flow sample or passive diffusion bags (PDBs) (slope = 0.69 to 0.76; R2 = 0.60 to 0.64). These results indicate that field analysis of vapor‐phase samples can be used to obtain accurate measurements of VOC concentrations in groundwater. However, vapor samples collected from the well headspace were not in equilibrium with water collected from the well screen. Instead, PVD samplers placed in the screened interval represent the most promising approach for field‐based measurement of groundwater concentrations using vapor monitoring techniques and will be the focus of further field testing.  相似文献   

Starting in 2008, a 4‐year tracer study was conducted to evaluate ambient changes in groundwater concentrations of a 1,3,6‐naphthalene trisulfonate tracer that was added to drill water. Samples were collected under open borehole conditions and after installing a multilevel groundwater monitoring system completed with 11 discrete monitoring zones within dense and fractured basalt and sediment layers in the eastern Snake River aquifer. The study was done in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Energy to test whether ambient fracture flow conditions were sufficient to remove the effects of injected drill water prior to sample collection. Results from thief samples indicated that the tracer was present in minor concentrations 28 days after coring, but was not present 6 months after coring or 7 days after reaming the borehole. Results from sampling the multilevel monitoring system indicated that small concentrations of the tracer remained in 5 of 10 zones during some period after installation. All concentrations were several orders of magnitude lower than the initial concentrations in the drill water. The ports that had remnant concentrations of the tracer were either located near sediment layers or were located in dense basalt, which suggests limited groundwater flow near these ports. The ports completed in well‐fractured and vesicular basalt had no detectable concentrations.  相似文献   

Optical sensors are promising for collecting high resolution in‐well groundwater nitrate monitoring data. Traditional well purging methods are labor intensive, can disturb ambient conditions and yield an unknown blend of groundwater in the samples collected, and obtain samples at a limited temporal resolution (i.e., monthly or seasonally). This study evaluated the Submersible Ultraviolet Nitrate Analyzer (SUNA) for in‐well nitrate monitoring through new applications in shallow overburden and fractured bedrock environments. Results indicated that SUNA nitrate‐N concentration measurements during flow cell testing were strongly correlated (R 2 = 0.99) to purged sample concentrations. Vertical profiling of the water column identified distinct zones having different nitrate‐N concentrations in conventional long‐screened overburden wells and open bedrock boreholes. Real‐time remote monitoring revealed dynamic responses in nitrate‐N concentrations following recharge events. The monitoring platform significantly reduced labor requirements for the large amount of data produced. Practitioners should consider using optical sensors for real‐time monitoring if nitrate concentrations are expected to change rapidly, or if a site's physical constraints make traditional sampling programs challenging. This study demonstrates the feasibility of applying the SUNA in shallow overburden and fractured bedrock environments to obtain reliable data, identifies operational challenges encountered, and discusses the range of insights available to groundwater professionals so they will seek to gather high resolution in‐well monitoring data wherever possible.  相似文献   

Gas‐saturated groundwater forms bubbles when brought to atmospheric pressure, preventing precise determination of its in situ dissolved gas concentrations. To overcome this problem, a modeling approach called the atmospheric sampling method is suggested here to recover the in situ dissolved gas concentrations of groundwater collected ex situ under atmospheric conditions at the Horonobe Underground Research Laboratory, Japan. The results from this method were compared with results measured at the same locations using two special techniques, the sealed sampler and pre‐evacuated vial methods, that have been developed to collect groundwater under its in situ conditions. In gas‐saturated groundwater cases, dissolved methane and inorganic carbon concentrations derived using the atmospheric sampling method were mostly within ±4 and ±10%, respectively, of values from the sealed sampler and pre‐evacuated vial methods. In gas‐unsaturated groundwater, however, the atmospheric sampling method overestimated the in situ dissolved methane concentrations, because the groundwater pressure at which bubbles appear (Pcritical) was overestimated. The atmospheric sampling method is recommended for use where gas‐saturated groundwater can be collected only ex situ under atmospheric conditions.  相似文献   

Freeze‐coring and bulk sampling are routine methods used to sample subsurface spawning gravel under shallow water. Both methods have limitations. Freeze‐coring is not believed to representatively sample coarse grain sizes and the sample volumes are relatively small. Conversely, when bulk sampling, even within an enclosure, some fine sediment is suspended and washed away from the sample. This paper assesses the biases in sampling performance between the two methods and determines whether the loss of fines that occurs when bulk sampling could be predicted and thus corrected for. At six riffles the spawning substrate was sampled under approximately 50 cm of water with a bulk sample and three adjacent freeze‐cores. For each riffle, data from the two samples were combined using the method of Fripp and Diplas (1993) and the resultant composite sample was compared with the original freeze‐core and bulk samples to assess the relative precision and biases of the two techniques. On average, the D50 of the bulk samples was 4 mm larger and a one‐third loss of the <2 mm fraction occurred compared with the composite samples. In contrast, freeze‐core samples contain on average 32% more sediment >16 mm compared with composite samples. Based on six samples, taken from six riffles, the amount of sediment finer than 0·5 mm lost using our bulk sampling technique with an enclosure appears to be predictable and correctable. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Like tree rings, high‐resolution soil sampling of low‐permeability (low‐k) zones can be used to evaluate the style of source history at contaminated sites (i.e., historical pattern of concentration and composition vs. time since releases occurred at the interface with the low‐k zone). This is valuable for the development of conceptual site model (CSM) and can serve as an important line of evidence supporting monitored natural attenuation (MNA) as a long‐term remedy. Source histories were successfully reconstructed at two sites at Naval Air Station Jacksonville using a simple one‐dimensional (1D) model. The plume arrival time and historical composition were reconstructed from the time initial releases that were suspected to occur decades earlier. At the first site (Building 106), the source reconstructions showed relatively constant source concentrations, but significant attenuation over time in the downgradient plume in the transmissive zone, suggesting MNA may not be an appropriate remedy if source control is a requirement, but attenuation processes are clearly helping to maintain plume stability and reduce risk. At the second site (Building 780), source concentrations in the transmissive zone showed an approximately a one order of magnitude over time, but apparently less attenuation in the downgradient plume. The source reconstruction method appeared to reflect site remediation efforts (excavation, soil vapor extraction) implemented in the 1990s. Finally, a detailed analysis using molecular biological tools, carbon isotopes, and by‐products suggests that most degradation activity is associated with high‐k zones but not with low‐k zones at these source areas. Overall, the source reconstruction methodology provided insight into historical concentration trends not obtainable otherwise given the limited long‐term monitoring data.  相似文献   

Chlorinated‐solvent compounds are among the most common groundwater contaminants in the United States. A majority of the many sites contaminated by chlorinated‐solvent compounds are located in metropolitan areas, and most such areas have one or more chlorinated‐solvent contaminated sites. Thus, contamination of groundwater by chlorinated‐solvent compounds may pose a potential risk to the sustainability of potable water supplies for many metropolitan areas. The impact of chlorinated‐solvent sites on metropolitan water resources was assessed for Tucson, Arizona, by comparing the aggregate volume of extracted groundwater for all pump‐and‐treat systems associated with contaminated sites in the region to the total regional groundwater withdrawal. The analysis revealed that the aggregate volume of groundwater withdrawn for the pump‐and‐treat systems operating in Tucson, all of which are located at chlorinated‐solvent contaminated sites, was 20% of the total groundwater withdrawal in the city for the study period. The treated groundwater was used primarily for direct delivery to local water supply systems or for reinjection as part of the pump‐and‐treat system. The volume of the treated groundwater used for potable water represented approximately 13% of the total potable water supply sourced from groundwater, and approximately 6% of the total potable water supply. This case study illustrates the significant impact chlorinated‐solvent contaminated sites can have on groundwater resources and regional potable water supplies.  相似文献   

Chemical and isotopic signatures were determined in groundwater samples to aid in distinguishing the source of contamination in three desert arroyos and a buried channel (the swale) near Shiprock, New Mexico. The contamination in the swale and one of the arroyos, Many Devils Wash, was previously attributed to a former uranium mill site because of the similar suite of contaminants (nitrate, selenium, sulfate, and uranium) and the close (0.8 km) proximity. The other two arroyos are far removed from the mill site and could not have received contamination from it. Principal component and cluster analysis indicated similarities in groundwater chemistry among the swale and the three arroyos that contrasted with groundwater chemistry at the disposal cell. Disposal cell groundwater is characterized by high uranium and bicarbonate concentrations, whereas that in remaining study areas is characterized by high sodium and sulfate, but lower uranium concentrations. Mancos Shale forms the bedrock in the region and contains elevated concentrations of the same chemical constituents that appear in the swale and arroyo groundwater. Dissolved sulfate in arroyo groundwater was depleted in sulfur‐34, in contrast to mill‐derived sulfate with more enriched sulfur‐34. Uranium‐234 to uranium‐238 activity ratios (ARs) were near the secular equilibrium value of 1 in mill site groundwater, whereas ARs in all arroyo groundwater samples exceeded 2. Elevated tritium activities present in mill site groundwater (49 to 142 pCi/L) are attributed to the mill being operated during atomic bomb testing in the 1950s and 1960s. The combined chemical and isotopic results indicate that groundwater in Many Devils Wash and the swale was likely derived from the Mancos Shale and not from the milling operation.  相似文献   

Interactions between lakes and groundwater are of increasing concern for freshwater environmental management but are often poorly characterized. Groundwater inflow to lakes, even at low rates, has proven to be a key in both lake nutrient balances and in determining lake vulnerability to pollution. Although difficult to measure using standard hydrometric methods, significant insight into groundwater–lake interactions has been acquired by studies applying geochemical tracers. However, the use of simple steady‐state, well‐mixed models, and the lack of characterization of lake spatiotemporal variability remain important sources of uncertainty, preventing the characterization of the entire lake hydrological cycle, particularly during ice‐covered periods. In this study, a small groundwater‐connected lake was monitored to determine the annual dynamics of the natural tracers, water stable isotopes and radon‐222, through the implementation of a comprehensive sampling strategy. A multilayer mass balance model was found outperform a well‐mixed, one‐layer model in terms of quantifying groundwater fluxes and their temporal evolution, as well as characterizing vertical differences. Water stable isotopes and radon‐222 were found to provide complementary information on the lake water budget. Radon‐222 has a short response time, and highlights rapid and transient increases in groundwater inflow, but requires a thorough characterization of groundwater radon‐222 activity. Water stable isotopes follow the hydrological cycle of the lake closely and highlight periods when the lake budget is dominated by evaporation versus groundwater inflow, but continuous monitoring of local meteorological parameters is required. Careful compilation of tracer evolution throughout the water column and over the entire year is also very informative. The developed models, which are suitable for detailed, site‐specific studies, allow the quantification of groundwater inflow and internal dynamics during both ice‐free and ice‐covered periods, providing an improved tool for understanding the annual water cycle of lakes.  相似文献   

1,4‐Dioxane is a volatile organic compound that is fully miscible in water, allowing it to sequester in vadose zone pore water and serve as a long‐term source of groundwater contamination. Conventional soil vapor extraction (SVE) removes 1,4‐dioxane; however, substantial 1,4‐dioxane can remain even after other colocated chlorinated solvents have been remediated. A field demonstration of “enhanced SVE” (XSVE) with focused extraction and heated injection was conducted at former McClellan AFB, CA, achieving 94% reduction in soil concentrations. A screening‐level tool, HypeVent XSVE, was created to assist in system design and data reduction and to anticipate how operating factors affect XSVE performance (e.g., cleanup level, remediation time, etc.). It assumes well‐mixed conditions, and combines an energy balance, mass balances for water and contaminant, and a temperature‐dependent 1,4‐dioxane Henry's Law constant. User inputs include the target treatment zone size, initial 1,4‐dioxane and soil moisture concentrations, and ambient site and injection/extraction conditions (temperature, humidity). Projections based on inputs representative of demonstration site conditions adequately anticipated the observed macroscopic field results. Sensitivity analyses show that removal increases with increasing heated air injection temperature and relative humidity and decreasing initial soil moisture content.  相似文献   

The National Research Council has estimated that over 126,000 contaminated groundwater sites are unlikely to achieve low ug/L clean‐up goals in the foreseeable future. At these sites, cost‐effective, long‐term monitoring schemes are needed in order to understand the long‐term changes in contaminant concentrations. Current monitoring optimization schemes rely on site‐specific evaluations to optimize groundwater monitoring frequency. However, when using linear regression to estimate the long‐term zero‐order or first‐order contaminant attenuation rate, the effect of monitoring frequency and monitoring duration on the accuracy and confidence for the estimated attenuation rate is not site‐specific. For a fixed number of monitoring events, doubling the time between monitoring events (e.g., changing from quarterly monitoring to semi‐annual monitoring) will double the accuracy of estimated attenuation rate. For a fixed monitoring frequency (e.g., semi‐annual monitoring), increasing the number of monitoring events by 60% will double the accuracy of the estimated attenuation rate. Combining these two factors, doubling the time between monitoring events (e.g., quarterly monitoring to semi‐annual monitoring) while decreasing the total number of monitoring events by 38% will result in no change in the accuracy of the estimated attenuation rate. However, the time required to collect this dataset will increase by 25%. Understanding that the trade‐off between monitoring frequency and monitoring duration is not site‐specific should simplify the process of optimizing groundwater monitoring frequency at contaminated groundwater sites.  相似文献   

The influence of large‐scale mining operations on groundwater quality was investigated in this study. Trace element concentrations in groundwater samples from the North Mara mining area of northern Tanzania were analyzed. Statistical analyses for relationships between elemental concentrations in the samples and distance of a sampling site from the mine tailings dam were also conducted. Eleven trace elements (Al, As, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb, and Zn) were determined, and averages of Fe and Al concentrations were higher than levels accepted by the Tanzanian drinking water guideline. Levels of Pb in three samples were higher than the World Health Organization (WHO) and United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) drinking water guidelines of 10 and 15 µg/L, respectively. One sample contained a higher As level than the WHO and USEPA guideline of 10 µg/L. The correlation between element concentrations and distance from the mine tailings dam was examined using the hierarchical agglomeration cluster analysis method. A significant difference in the elemental concentration existed depending on the distance from the mine tailings dam. Mann–Whitney U‐test post hoc analysis confirmed a relationship between element concentration and distance of a sampling site from the mine tailings dam. This relationship raises concerns about the increased risks of trace elements to people and ecosystem health. A metal pollution index also suggested a relationship between elemental concentrations in the groundwater and the sampling sites’ proximity from the mine tailings dam.  相似文献   

The HydraSleeve is a sampling device for collecting groundwater from the screened interval of a monitoring well without purging that uses a check valve to take in water over the first 3 to 5 feet of an upward pulling motion. If the check valve does not perform as expected, then the HydraSleeve has the potential to collect water from an incorrect depth interval, possibly above the screened interval of the well. We have evaluated volatile organic chemical (VOC) results from groundwater samples collected with the HydraSleeve sampler compared to other methods for sampling monitoring wells at three sites. At all three sites, lower VOC concentration results were observed for samples collected using the HydraSleeve. At two of these three sites, the low concentration sample results were most strongly associated with monitoring wells with more than 10 feet of water above the monitoring well‐screened interval. At the site with the largest dataset, the median bias for samples collected with HydraSleeve was ?20% (p < 0.001). At this site, a bias of ?26% (p < 0.001) was observed for the subset of monitoring wells with greater than 10 feet of water above the screened interval compared to a bias of ?7% (p = 0.21) for wells screened across the top of the water table. In addition to lower VOC concentrations, the monitoring records obtained using the HydraSleeve were more variable compared to monitoring records obtained using purge sampling methods, a characteristic that would make it more difficult to determine the long‐term concentration trend in the well.  相似文献   

In situ bioremediation is being considered to optimize an existing pump‐and‐treat remedy for treatment of explosives‐contaminated groundwater at the Umatilla Chemical Depot. Push‐pull tests were conducted using a phased approach to measure in situ hexahydro‐1,3,5‐trinitro‐1,3,5‐triazine (RDX) and 2,4,6‐trinitrotoluene (TNT) degradation rates associated with various carbon substrates. Phase I included short‐duration transport tests conducted in each well to determine dilution rates and retardation factors for RDX and TNT. Phase II included aquifer “feedings” conducted by injecting 150 gallons of treated site groundwater amended with ethanol, corn syrup, lactose or emulsified oil (concentrations 10, 25 and 27 mM, respectively; 12% by volume for emulsified oil). Wells received up to 6 substrate “feedings” over the course of 3 months followed by monitoring dissolved oxygen, nitrate, Fe(II), and sulfate to gauge in situ redox conditions as indicators of anaerobic microbial activity. Phase III included push‐pull tests conducted by injecting 150 gallons of site groundwater amended with approximately 1000 µg/L RDX, 350 µg/L TNT, carbon substrate and a conservative tracer, followed by sampling over 8 d. Corn syrup resulted in the best RDX removal (82% on average) and the largest RDX degradation rate coefficient (1.4 ± 1.1 d?1). Emulsified oil resulted in the best TNT removal (99%) and largest TNT degradation rate coefficient (5.7 × 10?2 d?1). These results will be used to simulate full‐scale in situ bioremediation scenarios at Umatilla and will support a go/no‐go decision to initiate full‐scale bioremediation remedy optimization.  相似文献   

Field Treatment of MTBE‐Contaminated Groundwater Using Ozone/UV Oxidation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Methyl‐tertiary butyl ether (MTBE) is often found in groundwater as a result of gasoline spills and leaking underground storage tanks. An extrapolation of occurrence data in 2008 estimated at least one detection of MTBE in approximately 165 small and large public water systems serving 896,000 people nationally (United States Environmental Protection Agency [U.S. EPA] 2008). The objective of this collaborative field study was to evaluate a small groundwater treatment system to determine the effectiveness of ultraviolet (UV)/ozone treatment in removing MTBE from contaminated drinking water wells. A pilot‐scale advanced oxidation process (AOP) system was tested to evaluate the oxidation efficiency of MTBE and intermediates under field conditions. This system used ozone as an oxidizer in the presence of UV light at hydraulic retention times varying from 1 to 3 min. MTBE removal efficiencies approaching 97% were possible with this system, even with low retention times. The intermediate t‐butyl alcohol (TBA) was removed to a lesser extent (71%) under the same test conditions. The main intermediate formed in the oxidation process of the contaminated groundwater in these studies was acetone. The concentrations of the other anticipated intermediates t‐butyl formate (TBF), isopropyl alcohol (IPA), methyl acetate (MAc), and possible co‐occurring aromatics (BTEX) in the effluent were negligible.  相似文献   

Increasing availability of geo‐environmental data has promoted the use of statistical methods to assess groundwater vulnerability. Nitrate is a widespread anthropogenic contaminant in groundwater and its occurrence can be used to identify aquifer settings vulnerable to contamination. In this study, multivariate Weights of Evidence (WofE) and Logistic Regression (LR) methods, where the response variable is binary, were used to evaluate the role and importance of a number of explanatory variables associated with nitrate sources and occurrence in groundwater in the Milan District (central part of the Po Plain, Italy). The results of these models have been used to map the spatial variation of groundwater vulnerability to nitrate in the region, and we compare the similarities and differences of their spatial patterns and associated explanatory variables. We modify the standard WofE method used in previous groundwater vulnerability studies to a form analogous to that used in LR; this provides a framework to compare the results of both models and reduces the effect of sampling bias on the results of the standard WofE model. In addition, a nonlinear Generalized Additive Model has been used to extend the LR analysis. Both approaches improved discrimination of the standard WofE and LR models, as measured by the c‐statistic. Groundwater vulnerability probability outputs, based on rank‐order classification of the respective model results, were similar in spatial patterns and identified similar strong explanatory variables associated with nitrate source (population density as a proxy for sewage systems and septic sources) and nitrate occurrence (groundwater depth).  相似文献   

Sampling methods for characterization of microbial communities in aquifers should target both suspended and attached microorganisms (biofilms). We investigated the effectiveness and reproducibility of low‐frequency (200 Hz) sonication pulses on improving extraction efficiency and quality of microorganisms from a petroleum‐contaminated aquifer in Studen (Switzerland). Sonication pulses at different power levels (0.65, 0.9, and 1.1 kW) were applied to three different groundwater monitoring wells. Groundwater samples extracted after each pulse were compared with background groundwater samples for cell and adenosine tri‐phosphate concentration. Turbidity values were obtained to assess the release of sediment fines and associated microorganisms. The bacterial community in extracted groundwater samples was analyzed by terminal‐restriction‐fragment‐length polymorphism and compared with communities obtained from background groundwater samples and from sediment cores. Sonication enhanced the extraction efficiency up to 13‐fold, with most of the biomass being associated with the sediment fines extracted with groundwater. Consecutive pulses at constant power were decreasingly effective, while pulses with higher power yielded the best results both in terms of extraction efficiency and quality. Our results indicate that low‐frequency sonication may be a viable and cost‐effective tool to improve the extraction of microorganisms from aquifers, taking advantage of existing groundwater monitoring wells.  相似文献   

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